Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

The Unspoken Soul of Men: Spiritual Growth and Energy Healing with Kip Trout!

May 01, 2024 Kelly
The Unspoken Soul of Men: Spiritual Growth and Energy Healing with Kip Trout!
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
The Unspoken Soul of Men: Spiritual Growth and Energy Healing with Kip Trout!
May 01, 2024

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Hello beautiful souls! When Kip Trout, a psychic and spiritual coach, joins us, he brings with him an air of transformation that's palpable. Our latest episode is a deep dive into his journey of spiritual awakening, from the turning point of his yoga-inspired visions to the embrace of his intuitive gifts. We peel back the layers of societal conditioning and gender norms that often limit men's emotional expression, and together, we view spirituality through the lens of masculinity, challenging the status quo and urging men to honor their full emotional spectrum.

This conversation isn't just about self-discovery; it's a treasure trove of metaphysical exploration and personal anecdotes that challenge our understanding of the world around us. Have you ever considered the role of energy in our lives or the importance of maintaining a vibrational state that's conducive to positivity and growth? Kip and I share transformative moments and literature that have shaped our paths, all while debunking fears about the unknown and embracing the healing powers of practices like quantum hypnosis and Reiki.

As we wrap up this enlightening journey, don't forget that the magic doesn't end when the episode does. You're invited to continue the conversation by reaching out for Reiki sessions or to share your own stories as potential guests. The episode closes with a sense of gratitude and an outpouring of positive wishes, affirming our commitment to spreading love, light, and a touch of the extraordinary to every listener.

To get in touch with Kip:

Kip Trout on Messenger & Facebook


To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


Please rate and review my podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for a chance to win a Distance Reiki Session and Card Pull with me! Winner drawn 5/31/24. Your kind words and support are so appreciated.

To enter screen shot your rate/review to me on Messenger on FB, or Instagram, or email to enlightenandelevatewithkelly@gmail.com .

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Hello beautiful souls! When Kip Trout, a psychic and spiritual coach, joins us, he brings with him an air of transformation that's palpable. Our latest episode is a deep dive into his journey of spiritual awakening, from the turning point of his yoga-inspired visions to the embrace of his intuitive gifts. We peel back the layers of societal conditioning and gender norms that often limit men's emotional expression, and together, we view spirituality through the lens of masculinity, challenging the status quo and urging men to honor their full emotional spectrum.

This conversation isn't just about self-discovery; it's a treasure trove of metaphysical exploration and personal anecdotes that challenge our understanding of the world around us. Have you ever considered the role of energy in our lives or the importance of maintaining a vibrational state that's conducive to positivity and growth? Kip and I share transformative moments and literature that have shaped our paths, all while debunking fears about the unknown and embracing the healing powers of practices like quantum hypnosis and Reiki.

As we wrap up this enlightening journey, don't forget that the magic doesn't end when the episode does. You're invited to continue the conversation by reaching out for Reiki sessions or to share your own stories as potential guests. The episode closes with a sense of gratitude and an outpouring of positive wishes, affirming our commitment to spreading love, light, and a touch of the extraordinary to every listener.

To get in touch with Kip:

Kip Trout on Messenger & Facebook


To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


Please rate and review my podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for a chance to win a Distance Reiki Session and Card Pull with me! Winner drawn 5/31/24. Your kind words and support are so appreciated.

To enter screen shot your rate/review to me on Messenger on FB, or Instagram, or email to enlightenandelevatewithkelly@gmail.com .

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful souls, thank you so much for being here. This episode, my guest discusses spiritual awakening from the male perspective. We dive into his journey and discovery of his gifts. We also discuss how he uses these gifts to help and support others. He supports both men and women, but men can often struggle to find spiritual support, so he offers a much needed service. I want to also announce a new rate and review contest. I'm asking my listeners to rate, follow and review me on Apple or rate and follow me on Spotify. You can send a screenshot to me through Messenger on Facebook, through Instagram or email to enlightenandelevatewithkelly at gmailcom. The winner will get a distance Reiki session and card poll with me and will be drawn on May 31st. Thank you and good luck to all. I really appreciate the support.

Speaker 2:

Hello Soul Family. I'm so pleased to introduce to you guys today Kip Trout. He is a psychic, intuitive medium. He does a lot of spiritual coaching and he does sessions with clients and he's just got a lot of interesting things to talk about. So welcome, kip. How are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

Oh, thank you, I'm doing fantastic. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm so excited to introduce you to my listeners.

Speaker 3:

I just got to continue with this, so this is cool.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk a little bit about who you are and your story and how you came to this space and came to realize the abilities that you had and how you now help others.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the interesting thing is I'm realizing them all the time. I started out life very materialistic and I'm a sales guy in my 3D world and I was totally asshole, driven by money and greed and power, and all of that Got really successful and then I realized that everything I had was built on fear the fear of financial failure. Anything that's built on fear will not last. I started doing yoga and I was doing this really intensive yoga called the Shtanga. Shtanga is so intense. All you can hold on to during the yoga time is your breath. That's really all you've got.

Speaker 3:

And I would have this vision of a version of me and it was totally free. And it freaked me out because at the time I was married and I was in this really weird relationship and all this stuff. I stopped doing yoga because the vision freaked me out. So then I went back to yoga. I got right back into the same vision and what I realized was all I didn't have to change my whole entire world. All I had to do was accept that was what I wanted. That was who I am at my core, and the minute I did that, the whole world just came into.

Speaker 3:

A lot of crazy catastrophic events came into place, I basically lost every single thing that was built on fear. I basically lost every single thing that was built on fear. I had several weeks at a time where I was living on $13 to my name, and yet the whole time sources telling me everything is fine. Everything is fine, and it truly was. I never went without a single meal. I never went without anything. I lost a lot of material possessions, but they were things I was clinging to on the basis of fear. I had made a vow that I didn't want any more fear in my life, and so that's what put me on this path.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they say there's only two things in life right, love and fear. But fear is a very powerful tool and I think a lot of people listening can resonate with.

Speaker 2:

we all go through life and a lot of us are conditioned right To do the things you go to school, you get your degrees, you get married, you have a family or whatever you get the job you do, but you try to rise up the ladder and get promotions and what have you? And there's this whole other aspect of living that you, you know what it is. It's like all these catastrophic events, something that, whatever happens, that's what usually makes people really rethink their whole existence and seek out some understanding or just a different way of being.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Well, once you can pop your head out of the matrix and realize I guess they say the matrix, but once you realize that there are several layers of things that are basically keeping you from realizing who and what you truly are, and a lot of that is the internal conditioning that you are injected into as a family member, so you inherit all that stuff from your mom and your dad and your elders, your elder brothers and sisters. Then you also have the whole realm of the common collective fear that is designed to keep you down basically not knowing who and what you truly are and to keep you somewhat confused. Then you have all of the distraction from all of the things in America the horrible food, the social media addictions, all that kind of stuff that keep you completely distracted. So you never have quite time in your mind to figure out what it's all about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, very true, all true things. What led you to start to understand and I believe that everybody has intuitive or psychic abilities. We're just not taught how we receive information or how to develop them. So it's not until we get on these spiritual paths, or maybe work with a teacher or find a modality that sort of cracks us open to learning and understanding the energy body and how that works for you and how you relate to others.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I spent a lot of time in the retail world. I was a retail salesperson. I sold to major big department stores and I first realized that I could manifest. This is just a strange, bizarre story, but I would see in my mind a sweater or an article of clothing that I wanted and I would know that it was at this particular Marshalls or TJ Maxx and I would go there and sure as shit, I would find it. It was crazy, it was just crazy and it just kept happening over and over again to the point where it really got my attention and I thought this is wild. So this is.

Speaker 3:

I talk to my kids a lot about manifesting and I'm like so this is just like when you have an assignment at school and you don't know what you're going to do for the assignment and then all of a sudden you have an idea of what you want to do right, and that's up in your mind. And then you think on that and you shape that out, and then you start to actually bring it out of your mind into this 3D existence and you create the project that you eventually turn in for your grade. We manifest constantly and most of us have no clue that we're even manifest.

Speaker 2:

I love how you just described that too, because it's how I've come to understand it. When you want to manifest, you actually start with the end result, which is what you just described. So when you're talking about your child and their assignment, they're visualizing, they're creating it all at a time in their mind. So it is the same practice for us as humans and any other aspect you actually do. The visualizing, like that's how you pray quantum, if you will. That's how I understand it now is that you know when you pray or ask for something, you're reinforcing lack. When you pray or ask for something, you're reinforcing lack, but when you pray quantum and you're visualizing yourself in a running out, your own business or running the marathon or whatever it is that you want to manifest or visualize at the home of your dreams that you actually start with the end results and then work.

Speaker 2:

I think that's so cool that you just exactly described it that way.

Speaker 3:

And the key to that too, the part that you have to add to it, is the emotion. You have to create the vibration of what it feels like to be in that situation where you're running your own business or you found the sweater that you want at TG Maxx or whatever the hell it is. You have to find that emotion, that frequency, and you have to spend time in it. That's what I found that so many people are lacking. If people could just turn off their phone, turn off everything and sit down and be quiet for even 10 minutes, it would dramatically change things for them. But so many people just don't want to be. They're afraid to be alone with their own mind and their own thoughts.

Speaker 2:

Or they think they can't do it. They think there's so many people who think I can't meditate, I can't do this, but the truth of it is every person can and it's getting just sitting down and it's okay. You're going to have what they call monkey mind, where your mind's going to go different places or what have you. But it's like anything. It's just like working out at the gym or the more you do it, the easier it gets. The stronger you get, the deeper your practice gets. Same thing with yoga or running or any of those things. It's just a practice and that's how everybody should look at it. It's a practice. You just have to keep going yeah, it's just foreign to them.

Speaker 3:

Over this past weekend I had a very odd occurrence. I woke up and I felt strange, and in the morning I felt very odd and I couldn't place my finger on what it was, until I realized that I was having absolutely no thoughts and the silence in the space inside with no thoughts was so enormous and so loud that it was disturbing. I was not used to it. And it was Source saying it's massive, it's like the background that you have there. It's just absolutely massive. It's just that you have there. It's just absolutely massive. And the full day with no thoughts was basically them showing me this is infinity and you have it all. You have everything. It was wild, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

That is so cool. That is so cool though. Yeah, that is so cool. That is so cool though. So we were talking a little bit before we jumped on that about how men don't really have a lot of support in the spiritual space. Do you want to talk about?

Speaker 2:

a little bit about that and as part of your journey and because it is hard to. There's a lot of support for females, which is wonderful, it's really great. But as a male it can be pretty challenging and then a lot of times that people think you're not masculine if embrace some of these concepts, which is just ridiculous. It's just silly yeah yeah, exactly yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I work with both women and men in my practice, and I do find that a lot of the men that I work with are they're buying into the common collective bullshit beliefs that they keep them pinned down. But there's two things that I always focus on. The first one is to they say let your weird out. Be who you are. You're absolutely unique. And if you're a heterosexual man who likes to wear flamboyant clothes, go for it. Do it, man. Express exactly who you are. Be whoever. Whoever you are, and be that person without the judgment a from yourself, which is probably more harsh than any of the other judgment that others are putting on you. Sometimes the way we speak to our own selves is we would never speak to another human being the way we speak to our own selves.

Speaker 3:

I talk about be yourself. And then the other thing is if we go to our natural state of what and who we are, when we're not in this skin suit on earth, right, the vast majority of who and what we are is not even in this incarnation, right? So we are both masculine and feminine. There is no gender when you go back to what we are, which is basically the starlights behind you, and so I talk about integrating the masculine and feminine a lot, and it's very difficult for men in our American society to embrace their feminine aspects because they think they're going to get tagged as a homo or whatever. And it's just not the case.

Speaker 3:

You can be sensitive, you can cry, you can feel your emotions. Most men that I know at my age, all of their emotions, all the whole wide range, all comes out as anger. Why? That's because we've been conditioned to express our we don't know how. We've never been taught how to express our emotions and not to sound too touchy-feely. I do a lot of work with men on just basically feel what you feel and try to explain it and try to put it into words and communicate it, and that gets into relationship issues and all that kind of stuff. But most men just get angry and quit, and that's a generalization, but I know a lot of dudes. That's what they do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's hard, it's funny, Men, they're every bit as human as a female. So the emotion that we all feel is real and they are going to be hurt or feel grief, sadness, anger, whatever it is the array of emotions. They're going to feel it every bit as much as a female would.

Speaker 3:

I don't know how whacked out your audience is I don't want to freak anybody out, but we've done this thousands of times and we've been women and we've been every single gender there is. So to express yourself. Yes, in this incarnation I happen to be a man, but I can be a man that's in touch with femininity. If I turn this camera around, there's really beautiful flowers on my kitchen table and it was funny there's a contractor that works in my house. I'm redoing my house right now and he's just a baby, right, he's just starting.

Speaker 3:

But he made the comment. He goes oh, beautiful, you got some pretty flowers. Did your girlfriend come over? I go no, my girlfriend didn't come over, I bought the flowers for myself. And he looked at me like I had three heads. I freaking love flowers. I have flowers in every single room and, yes, I'm a guy. And no, I love flowers. So why not have flowers everywhere? And so that's the type of thing that I encourage my clients to do is embrace who you are, embrace your weirdness and jump in. You came here to experience it, so why are you holding back? Why do you have the reins on?

Speaker 2:

basically, so yeah, and I think once people realize that we have been here before a bunch of different times and we have worn different avatars, we've played different roles- in each other's lives and I think for me, like it was understanding that you don't meet anybody by chance.

Speaker 2:

That's something that I have really come to understand, and the people in your life. It's really had me reflect and give me pause as far as how I feel about things, and my whole viewpoint of everything in life totally changed about five years ago. I don't think of anything the same way anymore. Even if I'm struggling in a situation I'm like, okay, nothing in my life is by chance. What is the lesson here? What am I supposed to be learning or make exact? I don't know. I just always think there's always something going on, and it doesn't always have to be a negative situation either. There's good things that we learn from as well, and things that bring us joy, and I think that's something, too. That's something we all need to embrace too. Something we forget as adults is to have fun and live in joy. As kids, we don't even think about it. It's just something we do. We, as kids. We don't even think about it. It's just something we do.

Speaker 2:

We just do the things that make us happy and never think twice about it. Right, but as we grow older, I know that as we grow into adulthood.

Speaker 2:

There are some times when you have to be serious, but I think that people really need to. We need to like, embrace that silliness and find that's why I love comedy, because it's just a way. I think laughter is medicine. It's another form of medicine. I think tears are medicine. I think there's so many things that for the human body that are so good and I go to like to stand up comedy. I will start my day sometimes Just doing like putting the coffee on, getting things right before the kids get up, and I'll be listening to stand up comedy and I'll have my earbuds in, but I'll be listening to stand-up comedy and I'll have my earbuds in, but I'll just be laughing and laughing. Sometimes I'll be like mom, be quiet, I'm trying to sleep, but it's a great way to start your day.

Speaker 3:

It raises your vibration.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and whatever raises your vibrations.

Speaker 3:

that's a great place to dwell. Yeah, I will plug two books. I don't get compensated or anything for this, but I found them incredible when you want to think about your soul purpose and why you're here. There's a guy named Michael Newton who was a hypnotherapist. Oh, he's amazing. He started doing work with his subjects and he hypnotized them and he would talk to their soul. And when you get on that level, you find that there's a purpose in this lifetime which seems like the end-all, be-all of all existence is just a flash in the pan. It's really minuscule.

Speaker 2:

It takes the fear out of death a little bit, I think a lot, because everybody's so afraid to die. That's another thing in American society too, is that everybody is so afraid of it, and that's another thing we've done a bunch of times. We just don't remember. We don't remember it, so there's so much fear surrounding it. But, like anything or it's just a transformation of energy, so your energy just leaves your vessel in this plane and it goes on to a different dimension, and so it's a beautiful thing but.

Speaker 2:

I love michael newton and I love that you mentioned him.

Speaker 2:

There's a theory that you can listen to, and then it talks about even people who because a lot of times I think people struggle I myself have struggled understanding the other, the more difficult things murder, rape, incest, all those things it's even touched on a little bit. It gives you a little bit of an understanding. Yeah, it helps give context a little bit to some of the different things for people who may not understand. I definitely don't claim to understand at all, but I do have a little bit more of some understanding, as far as there's only so much, I think, in this vessel we can comprehend.

Speaker 3:

But it was truly expanding. It basically put me in a place that I wasn't before when I listened to those books. It's pretty fascinating and that whole fact about the energy, that we are energy and you can't destroy energy at all. And that's when I got in. I didn't realize I was a medium until I was in meditation and an acquaintance of mine who had died in COVID but I didn't know he died in COVID came to me in my meditation in a very strong physical presence, confused. He didn't know what was going on and I had been reading earlier that day that he had gone into a coma and then died of COVID. And not an hour after I had read that, here he was in my presence, right Asking me for direction in terms of where was he, what was going on, and he was just completely confused. And so I led him to where you. I was like here's what's going on and that you can cling to your past life and your energy will stay around it, or you can accept the fact that you've passed on and start to move in that direction. It was fascinating.

Speaker 3:

I've had an apartment where there was a presence that the man had died in the 40s in the apartment and his presence was still there and he liked to hang out and talk and I was like dude and then he started moving things around my house. So, like I'm a meticulous cook and I'm very particular about my pots and pans, and they were never more than three and a half feet from my dishwasher but I would wake up some mornings and a pot lid would be in a back bedroom and I'm like all right, this is ridiculous, you're being mischievous, now it's time for you to go home. And so I had this ceremony and shoot him out. And this is interesting there's a lot of weird shit that we can't really see and people think you're crazy, but it's there. I've had portals, oh yeah, yeah, yeah it's there I've had portals.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, it's fascinating.

Speaker 2:

Just because you can't see spirit doesn't mean it's not around you.

Speaker 3:

I know, I know, but I'm not afraid of any of it. That's the cool thing. The world would want you to be afraid, right, they want to keep you in a place of fear. They want you to be afraid of aliens. They want you to be afraid of the boogeyman and all the horror movies and all that crazy shit. It's all just energy and there's nothing to be afraid of.

Speaker 2:

And where your focus goes. Energy flows and we all have choices, so you can choose.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to deal with anything you don't want to. We are such strong people and the higher your vibration is, the less likelihood you're going to be encountering low vibrational energy, because they can't be within that field right vibrating at a certain level. It's really interesting. I'm sure a lot of people listening probably had very similar experiences where they've had things exactly like that happen. Yeah, what's the second book? I'm dying to know what's the second book you're going to talk about.

Speaker 3:

He has two. They're both of his. One is called Destiny of Souls and the other is called Journey of Souls.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so it's one, and two. Yeah, he was a big part of my wake up too. Yeah, oh great.

Speaker 3:

The other person I would recommend is anything by Paul Selig and his first book is I Am the Word and his first book is I Am the Word.

Speaker 2:

That book put me on the path to no fear. And then Michael Singer, you're the second person to recommend. I Am the Word, oh yeah, it's very powerful.

Speaker 3:

So that book sorry, I'm looking in my Instagram. So Michael Singer's book is Untethered Soul. What Untethered Soul did for me? I was a mess, right, I was a super successful software sales jerk, basically, and my head was just going 9,000 miles a minute and I would have all this random chatter in my mind. If a blue car drove past me, I'd be like, oh, that's a, why would you buy that blue? I don't like that blue, I'd probably get a different kind of blue. Drove past me I'd be like, oh, why would you buy that blue? I don't like that blue, I'd probably get a different kind of blue. And it was just nonstop random stupid chatter. And finally I know I was driving to Nashville and it got so bad I rolled my windows down and I just yelled shut the F up, I'm so tired of you.

Speaker 3:

And that day I bumped into a friend of mine who was reading the Untethered Soul. Then I had to go from Nashville to California for a sales meeting, walked into a bookstore. Before I went to the restaurant, there's that book Biggest Life, like 300 copies of it sitting on the table. Then I get back home and I see that book again. So that book. Basically what it does is it gives you control over that chattery, nonsensical voice in your mind. Book basically what it does is it gives you control over that chattery, nonsensical voice in your mind.

Speaker 3:

What Paul Selig's book does. Paul Selig's book Paul is a channel who channels Melchizedek, and there's two components to that book. There's the physical book with written words, but there's also an energetic resonance to that book and when I started reading that book or watching any of Paul Selleck's stuff on YouTube, I would instantly just fall asleep and I'm like what in the world? This is crazy. What was happening was it was raising my vibration and my body wasn't attuned to it yet it's fascinating. So if you keep coming across that, check it out It'll change your world. Man, it totally changed mine. But when I lost all my fear, I became a horrible sales rep because fear is what motivated me. You got your boss saying, dude, you better deliver or you're going to get fired. And I'm like fire me, I don't really care. So I had to come to terms with if I'm going to continue to work in the 3D world, how am I going to get motivated? But yeah, it's pretty phenomenal to have the vast majority of fear gone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I imagine there's a lot of things that you can just step into that really light you up, and then all the new experiences that you're going to have when you remove that fear piece, when you're able to live in your truth, speak your truth. That's really what we're here for. We're here to do that, and it's a process of learning and evolving and expanding. We're all different people than we were a few years ago.

Speaker 2:

Like you said, you've had a past where you were focused on certain things, but we all have to have love for our former selves and the person we were in those moments, because now we know different and we're going to live differently and so it's okay, like for anybody listening, it's totally okay to have. I'll tell you, when I first was listening to near-death experiences and I found out about the life review, all I did was cry and cry and think about oh my God, I'm going to have to relive all these times. I was like, oh my God, in sixth grade when I did this, or like I started. That's where my mind went and I know it's just a random one, but I started like thinking about all these things and I just started crying and crying and I'm just. I thought to myself, oh my gosh, it's just one of those things like but we're here and we're meant to do things, live things.

Speaker 2:

So you learn from it. We're perfectly imperfect. We were not put on this earth plane to be perfect people. That wasn't part of it. We're all given free will and these different avatars that we have in this life and we're meant to use that to learn, and sometimes part of that learning process is being somebody that maybe we don't resonate with anymore, wouldn't choose to be in this moment or as we move forward. But that's just part of it. It's part of the journey, and if you erase all of the things you did before, then you wouldn't be who you are now.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't be who I am now. You need all that, yeah, but the thing that I've worked on is the judgment. There's no judgment anymore. There's acceptance, yeah, and that acceptance is beautiful and it's huge and it's contagious.

Speaker 2:

And it's okay to struggle or to have those days where you're like FML right, it's okay to walk away.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So last story I have this house and there's a creek that runs through it, right, and it's only full of water when it's raining. And I was out in a pouring down rainstorm, moving rocks to make the sound of the water more pleasing. So the higher the rocks, the more the water falls. But you know what the funny thing is, if I took every rock out of this creek, the water would make no noise, and so we find that pleasing, soothing sound of water falling over rocks, which is a tribulation and a trial for the water. But it would be gone if you took it away. So it compares to life.

Speaker 2:

If I didn't have the ups and downs, it'd be really boring and you'd have no appreciation for some of the things that you have too, like if it was always all good, then you don't have an appreciation for the time. But having those ups and downs gives you that deeper appreciation and gratitude for things in our lives. And you know, what I've also come to now, as I've been moving through this whole spiritual journey, is that having gratitude not just for the good thing but for all the things, because all of it is part of it and all of it serves something that brings you to another thing, even if it's painful, even if it's uncomfortable, even like it's like having gratitude for that because, or like feeling a rejection or whatever I always think, like I heard this saying it was rejection is God's protection from what is not meant for you.

Speaker 2:

So it's all about reframing, rethinking about all these different things. It's all about perception, like things that we perceive as bad or negative but maybe they are in a sense. But it maybe causes you to leave a relationship that wasn't serving you. And then you meet a person who is just magnificent but you would have until you realize what wasn't serving you. You would have never come and had that bond with that other person because it was blocking you from that kind of connection. It's just a different way and I think that's what all those books that you're talking about. It helps to start to just plant seeds and open things up for people in a way that maybe to break free of conditioning.

Speaker 2:

And I do love that. You mentioned the matrix earlier because I've always loved the matrix. I still remember going to the next theater to see it. But there's so much in that movie that really breaking free of what is in just being who you are. You don't have to be what the world wants you to be or what anybody wants you to be, it's just embracing that and becoming.

Speaker 2:

I teach my kids I have three kids I was telling you a little bit about. They're 14, 11, and six and I always tell them don't change yourself for anybody else, be who you are and stand up for what you like. And there's so much when they're young and they're growing. It's a really vicious environment. Navigating those waters and then giving them perspective, in a way, to that there is a reason. I hate to use that as a reason. There's a reason for everything, because that can not sit right with people and I don't know that's the right way to term it. But there's always something we're learning, as we've discussed a little bit before, from all the things that we do experience in life. So do you want to talk a little bit about your coaching and working with your clients and how that kind of works? I know it's very tailored to the individual, because everybody's needs are totally unique, because we're all different.

Speaker 3:

I find that people and I know this was true of myself, and so this is basically what I ended up becoming was that people need a sounding board and there's not a lot of sounding boards for spiritual things. There's a lot of sounding boards for worldly things, and so basically, I offer these sessions with people, that they bring one or two things that they want to talk about. I'm a psychic and an intuitive and so in the midst of that conversation, things just come up. So, for example, I had a call with a client and I kept seeing a snake and I'm like what, why am I seeing a snake? And this person went into this big, long, elaborate thing about what this meant and it was very, it seemed to me. It was like, okay, why am I seeing this? But to him it was very specific and it was spot on and it was exactly addressing something that, on a soul level, he needed to talk about. And that's the beauty of the intuitive conversation. So there's guidance there.

Speaker 3:

I set up. Basically we set up, we do some breath work before and set a common space. You can it's palpable, you can feel the energy exchange on the. I can always feel it after the second breath. We do three breaths and so far it's just just a sounding board of sanity and not saying that I'm the marker of sanity, but reassurance and encouragement and some very specific stuff that I don't know anything about. But this comes to me and shows up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you're creating a space for you and your client to work and in that space there's room for breakthrough, right, which is so cool. I'm a Reiki master and I've talked about this on my podcast before, but when I work with a client, it's all I'm doing is I'm creating a space for things for the energy to move, for things to balance, for things to heal or somebody to have a release. But it's not me doing it. I'm helping build that space or create that environment, but it's that person they're coming into it, helping hold that space or create that environment. But it's that person. They're coming into it. They're doing the work. They're doing the work with their higher self and their spirit team and that kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

It's really beautiful how you just described the exact same thing. It's just a different mode of doing it. That's why I love talking about holistic healing modalities and work, different intuitive coaches and people, because there's somebody out there for everybody and you just have to find somebody that you're comfortable talking to and that's just creating that safe, that place where somebody feels comfortable to open up and talk about all the things, and I often find that you're both better for it, right, even though you're facilitating your. I find that even as a facilitator, I still learn, learn. I learn every day. I learn from my kids. I learn from all sorts of different things, but it's so cool and the things that come through, and then it's nice to have the validation, like when you had that whole thing. Why do I keep seeing this snake? And then, all of a sudden, he or she, whoever it was, comes through with the whole explanation for it.

Speaker 3:

But there's that whole validation piece, which is really cool as well. Yeah, the other thing I teach people to do is we all carry around a bunch of junk and we have a CD on auto repeat and we keep playing in our minds these stories and they're not necessarily true, but we've come to continue to play them and a lot of them are not healthy and they're not true and a lot of people don't know how to turn them off or get rid of them. So I teach people how to do that. That's basically a samskara, but basically what it boils down to is you have stuffed an emotion down inside you. You have not let the emotion play through to its end and so you've repressed it. So anytime you're in a circumstance that triggers that, you're going to go right back to that point, and so there's a specific there's several, probably ways to, but I know a couple of specific ways to get rid of those, and so I teach my clients how to do that too, and that's very freeing because that that also turns the noise off right and changes.

Speaker 3:

And you think about it. We manifest our own reality. So if your mind is playing this tape with all this negative garbage, guess what you're going to manifest. Yeah, it's just, and no, people don't stop to think about that. But that's true. That's exactly what's going to happen. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I always say don't bad, manifest, this is what's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

I'm like no don't say that Exactly. That's really. I love that, teaching people to again reframe their mind, break the nugget of habits. I know Louise Hay was really big with affirmations and ways with you can heal your life, ways to change how you that inner dialogue, talking to yourself, because you're right, I always I tell people too, if you wouldn't say it to your best friend, if you wouldn't, why would you ever say it to yourself? I might felt them guilty of. Sometimes I'm like I need to take my own advice right, because we are all, I feel, like our own worst critic. If we just turned it like that, if you would never, if you would not say that to your friend, you should absolutely not say it to yourself and give yourself some grace. We're human, we're going to make mistakes and it's not about the mistake, it's about how you choose to move forward.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sometimes we're downright mean to ourselves, it mean to ourselves, it's just, and until you, you can stop and listen to that dialogue you're oblivious to the fact that you're doing it constantly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then it's just like reframing how you think about something like if, if you know what you thought was a mistake, right, but if, if it brings you to where you are, in a way better place, was it really a a mistake?

Speaker 4:

No, it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

It's just the universe's way of helping you to see something different, and it's all a different way of framing I think and thinking about all the things that we experience and encounter. Kip, this has been so fun talking about all this stuff.

Speaker 3:

I love it. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, this has been great. How can people get in touch with you if they would like to work with?

Speaker 3:

you? Yeah, I just ask them to find me on Facebook, kip Trout, and then send me a direct message. Or you can find me on LinkedIn. I'm on LinkedIn, but the profile on LinkedIn is my 3D job. Facebook is a little more who and what I am.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's amazing. What is a closing thought you'd like to leave with the listeners today?

Speaker 3:

The thing that I heard when you were speaking just a moment ago was the universe wants you to be specific, not in terms of how, but in terms of what and why. So I just got that while you were talking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's really something good to think about, right when you're thinking about where you want to go and who you want to be, and I think those are two really big things to have in mind. Kip, I honor the light that you are in this world. It's people like you that are helping others to understand themselves and have gained the courage to live who they are and be who they are and be able to better navigate this beautiful crazy world that we live in. Yeah, thank you so much I really appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

This was so fun.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, see you later.

Speaker 4:

Hey, it's Jen Mitchell, host of the Soul Traveler podcast and your partner in leveling up your life through quantum hypnosis. I'm sure that you've heard before that all answers lie within, right? Well, it's true. Do you ever wonder how some people are so wildly successful and seem to achieve all of their life goals? It's because they've figured out life's secret the power of the subconscious mind. Highly successful CEOs and entrepreneurs have used hypnosis to make their dreams a reality, and it's no longer a secret. Now you can transform your life with the power of the subconscious by using these same techniques with quantum hypnosis. Let's level up your life. Visit me online at thesoulexperiencescom and click on Subconscious Coaching.

Speaker 5:

Hello, beautiful soul. Thank you again for listening. I'd like to ask you to please rate, review and follow the show. It really helps to have it become more visible and the beautiful messages be spread to more people. I also wanted to mention that I am now offering Reiki distance sessions. The link will be in the podcast notes. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about that. Also, I wanted to put out there. If there is something that you have to share, you have to be a guest on the show. Please reach out to me and we'll see if it's a good fit. Thank you again for being here and sending love, light, joy, peace and magic your way you.

Spiritual Awakening and Manifestation Journey
Embracing Masculinity and Spirituality
Exploring Spiritual Awakening and Growth
Healing and Empowerment Through Quantum Hypnosis
Subconscious Coaching and Reiki Sessions

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