Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Illuminating the Path to 10,000 Reiki Businesses: Embracing Entrepreneurship and Spiritual Alignment with Christian Stone

May 15, 2024 Kelly
Illuminating the Path to 10,000 Reiki Businesses: Embracing Entrepreneurship and Spiritual Alignment with Christian Stone
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Illuminating the Path to 10,000 Reiki Businesses: Embracing Entrepreneurship and Spiritual Alignment with Christian Stone
May 15, 2024

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Hello beautiful souls! Thank you so much for listening!  Celebrating a year of heartfelt connections and soulful conversations, our latest podcast episode takes a momentous turn as we welcome Christian Stone, a beacon of spiritual wisdom, to our auditory gathering. His story of transformation through Reiki is more than just a narrative; it's a testament to the power of compassion and a world with less judgment. Get ready to be inspired as Christian unfolds his vision of a global network of 10,000 Reiki businesses, proving that the quest for healing is both a personal journey and a communal mission.

Embark with us on a quest to discover if you're primed to launch a Reiki business, as we investigate the six tell-tale signs of entrepreneurial readiness. With a potential book "Reiki Business Ready" sparking our exploration, we take apart the myths and lay bare the essence of when to take the plunge into the professional world of Reiki. From gratitude practices to the seven-way path to spiritual alignment, this episode is a treasure trove for anyone on the path to personal growth and professional fulfillment.

This auditory celebration wouldn't be complete without considering the profound implications of a Reiki business mindset. Integrating ancient wisdom with quantum physics, we illuminate the journey ahead for those ready to embrace their spiritual calling. With a nod to the skeptics, we tackle how to articulate the essence of Reiki's healing powers, urging our listeners to trust their inner knowing. After all, it's about more than just Reiki; it's about the intuitive pull towards creating a space for healing in the world—and we're here to share that light, joy, peace, and a little bit of magic with you all.

To get in touch with Christian:

Links to his podcast:




To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


Please rate and review my podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for a chance to win a Distance Reiki Session and Card Pull with me! Winner drawn 5/31/24. Your kind words and support are so appreciated.

To enter screen shot your rate/review to me on Messenger on FB, or Instagram, or email to enlightenandelevatewithkelly@gmail.com .

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Hello beautiful souls! Thank you so much for listening!  Celebrating a year of heartfelt connections and soulful conversations, our latest podcast episode takes a momentous turn as we welcome Christian Stone, a beacon of spiritual wisdom, to our auditory gathering. His story of transformation through Reiki is more than just a narrative; it's a testament to the power of compassion and a world with less judgment. Get ready to be inspired as Christian unfolds his vision of a global network of 10,000 Reiki businesses, proving that the quest for healing is both a personal journey and a communal mission.

Embark with us on a quest to discover if you're primed to launch a Reiki business, as we investigate the six tell-tale signs of entrepreneurial readiness. With a potential book "Reiki Business Ready" sparking our exploration, we take apart the myths and lay bare the essence of when to take the plunge into the professional world of Reiki. From gratitude practices to the seven-way path to spiritual alignment, this episode is a treasure trove for anyone on the path to personal growth and professional fulfillment.

This auditory celebration wouldn't be complete without considering the profound implications of a Reiki business mindset. Integrating ancient wisdom with quantum physics, we illuminate the journey ahead for those ready to embrace their spiritual calling. With a nod to the skeptics, we tackle how to articulate the essence of Reiki's healing powers, urging our listeners to trust their inner knowing. After all, it's about more than just Reiki; it's about the intuitive pull towards creating a space for healing in the world—and we're here to share that light, joy, peace, and a little bit of magic with you all.

To get in touch with Christian:

Links to his podcast:




To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


Please rate and review my podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for a chance to win a Distance Reiki Session and Card Pull with me! Winner drawn 5/31/24. Your kind words and support are so appreciated.

To enter screen shot your rate/review to me on Messenger on FB, or Instagram, or email to enlightenandelevatewithkelly@gmail.com .

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful souls, Welcome back to another episode of Enlighten and Elevate. I have now been podcasting for a year and what a journey it's been. I have a mission going into this new season of my podcast. I am asking people to send personal stories of love, joy and enlightenment, Because where our focus goes, energy flows. Let's focus on love and lifting up others with things that have warmed our hearts. And love comes in many forms. It doesn't have to be just between you and a partner.

Speaker 2:

It could be a cousin animal friend child and a partner could be a cousin, animal friend child.

Speaker 1:

Let's share those stories to lift each other up and send beautiful loving energy to the collective.

Speaker 2:

You can send your stories to me via Facebook Messenger, a voice memo or email to enlightenandelevatewithkelly at gmailcom.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, my guest. This episode is going to talk about Reiki business Reiki and how to know if you're ready for it.

Speaker 2:

He's a card reader and he has the most beautiful mission to help build 10,000 Reiki businesses for a better world. Thank you so much for being here and enjoy this episode episode. Hello Soul Family, I'm really excited. Today I have Christian Stone of Standing Stones Healing, host of the Build your Reiki Business podcast, founder of the Reiki Business Collective and the creator of the Build your Reiki Business program, with the mission to build 10,000 Reiki businesses for a better world. Welcome, christian.

Speaker 3:

Oh, thank you, Kelly, so much. I am honored to be here.

Speaker 2:

Christian. Christian, what a beautiful thing 10,000 Reiki businesses for a better world. I mean I think that is awesome. I found Christian through his amazing podcast and I just reached out to him and he very wonderfully agreed to be on. Christian, tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you find Reiki? What had you start your community?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, kelly, great. Thank you so much and I'm so glad that you found me through the podcast. It really is a great honor to show up each week with that podcast to encourage the Reiki business journey. I really do believe that Reiki does have the power to create a better world. Reiki Added Score is really all about mindfulness, all about coming back to ourselves and healing and growing. I firmly believe that Reiki does have the power to help us create a better world. What better way to help create a better world than to help create and grow Reiki businesses? And so, indeed, it is my mission to help build 10,000 Reiki businesses, because I'm sure that with 10,000 more Reiki businesses in the world, that indeed is going to make quite an impact on our collective humanity. So I'm excited to be able to help with that.

Speaker 3:

But Reiki came to me back in 2014. Now I've always been a very spiritual person. I've always been very invested in spirituality. Before Kelly hit record everyone, we talked a little bit and Kelly mentioned to me that she was raised Catholic and I was too. While I no longer identify with the faith, it really was a solid spiritual foundation for me. I've always identified as a spiritual person and I'm also someone who's interested in personal growth and development, along with spiritual. And so when I heard about Reiki, I thought, oh, this is something that aligns with my desire for spiritual growth and personal development and I'm going to do it what the heck.

Speaker 3:

And so when I undertook Reiki training, I never had the goal of having a Reiki business. I actually never even had the goal of sharing Reiki with others. It was simply something for my own personal use and my own personal spiritual growth and development. I never would have guessed. You know, when my teachers were talking in my master level about starting a Reiki business, and here are things you want to do. Here's the intake form, here's the process for starting a session, and you know, talking to us all about the process, I listened because I'm a good student. I listened, but I was like this is never going to apply to me and who knows where Reiki might take us. Reiki definitely has had an impact on my life, obviously because here we are now, and we for sure wouldn't be here without Reiki.

Speaker 2:

Right, oh my gosh. When you started with Reiki, how did you see the impact in your life?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, great, kelly, thanks. One of the ways that Reiki has really had an impact on my life is the releasing of judgment. Now, we're human beings and as human beings we are judgmental creatures. That's actually not a bad thing, you know. The ability to judge, oh, is this milk spoiled or not, is a pretty good thing. To be able to do right. Right, and even with human beings as well, the ability to discern and to say there's something about this person that just doesn't feel right to me, and to judge in that kind of way, it's a natural, normal, human thing. But of course, as human beings we can kind of take judgment a little too far sometimes.

Speaker 3:

For me, reiki, I believe, has been really helpful in releasing judgment and in seeing people in a more loving and compassionate way, and releasing judgment primarily, first and foremost, of myself, which I believe of course extends outward to others as well and to their experiences and how they may show up and how I might feel about how they may or may not show up in their lives.

Speaker 3:

And so Reiki has just been so instrumental for me in helping me to release judgment. Now, when I say release judgment, it doesn't mean that I'm not still judgmental. Of course we're human beings, but I believe it's a multi-layered process, and Reiki has really allowed me to peel away the layers of judgment and to release judgment more and more, little by little, and that is no small thing. If that's the only thing that Reiki ever did in my life, that's enough right. And I think that one of the things that Reiki is really helpful for is things like reducing anxiety, and if Reiki only ever did that for anyone, that's enough right. If Reiki only ever allowed us to be more present and more mindful, then we really, truly don't even need anything else, because that's a whole heck of a lot in and of itself.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's such a beautiful healing energy and I love that you talk about judgment and discernment, because you're right, we are humans, are those types of creatures. I think that Reiki Sun for me has given me a different perspective, a different lens to view everything in the world. And we don't know what everyone's paths are. We don't know, so it's easy to make a snap judgment. But maybe stepping back and understanding that we all come here with agreements, we all agree to play certain roles in our lives and we don't have full understandings of everybody's path and purpose, and I think focusing on yourself and riding your own ship should really be what the focus is. Don't worry about anybody else. It's not going to help you on your journey. So going inward, focusing on yourself, what you can do there, I think is super important. And then that just ripples out when you work on your stuff. Do your inner work, and it's a continuous thing. We're always going to be doing the inner work. That's never going to stop. I think that it is reflected in the world around you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, kelly, such great points. Thanks for bringing all of that up. I think it was Marcus Aurelius who said be kind, because everyone you know is fighting a hard battle. Really, we're only seeing part of the picture of someone's life and someone's experience, so thanks for bringing that up. You know, there's a picture of me where I'm posing with my drum and my flute it's currently my profile photo, currently all over the place for me on social media website, wherever but you're only seeing part of that picture. The rest of the picture is me sitting on a bucket, and so we are only seeing part of the picture in someone's life and we're not seeing the rest of the picture. Like, oh, what a nice posed photo of this guy with his flute and his drum and oh, by the way, he's sitting on a bucket.

Speaker 2:

That's so funny, but I love that you shared that. So, christian, you're writing a book. Let's talk about it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, great Kelly, Thank you. Yeah, I will actually share that. I'm writing multiple books. Now the thing is that you should really only write one book at a time, so write one book at a time. So right now I'm writing one book, but I do absolutely have more books on the way, and the one that I'm working on right now and the one that will be released first is all about helping us to determine if we are ready to start a Reiki business and how to help us get ready for that Reiki business journey. It's tentatively titled, so the working title is Reiki Business Ready Kelly. What do you think Does that work as a title? Reiki Business Ready.

Speaker 2:

I think it works.

Speaker 3:

All right, all right. Thanks, not to put you on the spot, kelly, but probably you're judging and saying hmm, if I think this is a crappy title, maybe I should just say it's nice and be nice.

Speaker 2:

I like Ricky Business Ready, because it's the question are you, are you not? You know, how do you know? And I think a lot of people sometimes have fear about jumping off and stepping into that space. I did, but I think you know it really is all about, in my opinion, your intention. And when you have a heart centered intention to help others and be of service and you know, share that love and compassion, I think that everything else kind of just flows.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So in the book I'm offering six ways to know whether or not you are ready to start your Reiki business and again, if you're not ready yet, to maybe use these six things as a way to help you get ready to start your Reiki business. And so with these six things, you know. Really, for any of us and all of us, no one can tell us when it's the right time to do anything. What that means is that you know Christian is not here to say, well, if you don't tick all of these boxes, then you're not ready to start your Reiki business. Absolutely not. It's just a way for people to get an idea of whether or not they might be ready, Because anytime we start something new in our lives, anytime we want to make change, we have this period of contemplation where we go back and forth Should I do it, Should I not do it?

Speaker 3:

I don't know. Am I ready? Is it a good idea? I don't know. Can I really do this? And my goal is to offer some set ways that people, some tangible ways that Reiki practitioners can take a look at the list and see whether or not they are ready to start their Reiki business and to help get some encouragement to determine if it is the right time.

Speaker 2:

That sounds amazing. I'm sure there's a lot of people listening because it could apply to any sort of spiritual business. It's not just Reiki. You insert your tarot, insert your heading, and I think there's many ways to go about starting a spiritual business for anybody listening who's considering it but they're not ready to leave their full-time work. Well, that's okay. So do it on the side and then, as you build your clientele and you be able to transition over, or some people listening are going to jump right in. You know, everybody's going to have a different approach and I think that your checklist will be extremely helpful for people to gauge where they're at.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thanks, kelly.

Speaker 3:

So on the list number one, and it is geared specifically towards Reiki, of course, but, yes, many of the things on the list can apply to other spiritual modalities as well, like card reading, and so number one on the list is if you are a level two or higher practitioner, and there's actually a myth in the Reiki community that you need to be at level two before you can start a Reiki business.

Speaker 3:

This is actually not true, particularly in the United States, where Reiki is largely unregulated, and so, of course, always, always, check your state and local regulations, because they do vary, but by and large, because Reiki is unregulated, you can start a Reiki business at any level. But I really do advocate waiting until you are at least level two to start a Reiki business, because at that point you have more knowledge, more training, more self-practice experience, more confidence in your own Reiki practice and more practice to be able to offer a higher level service to clients you know, to be confident with answering their questions and to have more practice with different experiences that might come up in a session. And so, while there's no, generally no requirement to achieve level two before starting a Reiki business, I do encourage it because we're just typically more grounded in our practice by that point.

Speaker 2:

I agree. And Reiki, it's almost like a muscle the more you use it, the more you develop it, you become stronger, and it's just like going to the gym and building your intoning or your endurance or whatever that is.

Speaker 3:

Yes, absolutely Absolutely. And our Reiki journey unfolds and it evolves, and so, as we grow in our Reiki practice, our experience of Reiki deepens and our Reiki journey unfolds, and it might unfold in ways that surprise us as well. Like I mentioned, I never expected that I would have a Reiki business, and you know, here we are. Yes, yes. The number two way is if you are already offering Reiki to others, and even better, already offering Reiki to others, and even better if people are asking you for Reiki. If you are offering Reiki to others, you know, many of us start our Reiki business.

Speaker 3:

I know I started this way with offering Reiki to family and friends. This is so very common for us on our Reiki business journey, where we start off offering sessions to family and friends, and we may very well have the experience of family and friends asking us for Reiki. Oh, will you do that Reiki thing for me? Oh, you know, I had that Reiki session with you before and that was really awesome. Will you do it again? At this point, where you have people asking you for Reiki, it might be time to start a Reiki business Now. Do you have to? No, of course not. But if you're already offering Reiki to people and they are, even better, asking you for it, then it might be time to start your Reiki business.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, that's the way it happened for me in my Reiki business. I started offering Reiki to friends particularly, and then friends were asking for it and friends of friends were asking for it, and I just said I need to start charging for this and I talk about it in the book. But it's just really a natural evolution sometimes where we're offering Reiki and people are then asking us for it. They're impacted by it, they're enjoying it and they're referring their friends to us. At that point it might be time to start a Reiki business.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, I also think that if we have a solid self-Reiki practice, then it might also be time for us to start a Reiki business. Now, of course, not necessarily we don't have to, and for many of us, reiki is all about us and it's only about our self-Reiki practice. And so of course, there's no pressure ever to start a Reiki business and we can have a very grounded and profound experience with Reiki and only ever experience it for ourselves and offer it to ourselves. But I believe that in our Reiki business, when we have a solid self-practice, then we're really, in effect, number one, offering ourselves a lot of that awesomeness of Reiki. But number two, we're really practicing what we preach.

Speaker 3:

And I think that if we're going to try to encourage others to book a session with us, then isn't it important that we ourselves are practicing self-reiki? And so I do know plenty of reiki business owners who don't have a regular self-reiki practice. And, of course, no judgment I have no judgment of those practitioners and I also think it's really helpful for us to have our own self Reiki practice. And for me I'm just kind of like well, why the heck wouldn't I, why wouldn't I Reiki myself first? Well, and what about you, kelly, do you have-practice? What are your thoughts on self-reiki?

Speaker 2:

I think a spiritual practice of some kind every day is important and I know that means different things to different people, but no, I do agree that it's important. I think sometimes I fall into giving it more to others than myself, but I feel better and I definitely noticed a difference. I've heard Michael Beckwith called this discipline to do it for myself. I love that. I don't know if you know who Michael Beckwith is, but he calls when you have like a, a grounding spiritual practice, he calls it bliss of fun and I just love that. So, um, but no, I agree, I think it's important.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I do know who Michael Beckwith is and yes, I've never heard that. I never heard him say that term. But that's great. I love that too, some level. It's so very helpful for us to have some kind of spiritual practice. For me, not only do I practice self-reiki, but I also, and of course, follow the precepts which you know. If that's all we ever did in our reiki practice was follow the precepts, like that's enough for our whole lives, like our reiki practice could stop right at the precepts and that's all we would ever need, because that's a whole lifetime of practice right there 100%.

Speaker 2:

So, Christian, for those listening who are hearing precepts, they're like what is that?

Speaker 3:

Yes, oh yes, kelly, thank you. So the precepts really are the foundational principles of Reiki. They're a way for us to really bring mindfulness and presence into our lives and they are just beautiful practices. You know, just for today I will be grateful. Like that's profound and that's just absolutely beautiful to think that just for today, so you know, not worrying about any other day, not worrying about the past, not worrying about the future, just right now, in this moment, just for today, I will be grateful and focusing on being grateful, and just for today I will not anger. And so you know, we're human and we have times of being angry, and so, just for today I will not be angry and just for today I will not worry. Like that's a total human thing too right, and how hard is it to not worry. But the precepts encourage us. Just for today, just for today I will not worry, and just for today I will be kind to every living thing. What an absolutely beautiful thing as well. Now I will admit, kelly, that precept just for today, I will be kind to every living thing. I'll admit that that one is probably the most challenging for me, you know, because sometimes now I have three cats. I took them in as strays back in November 2022. So it's been about almost a year and a half now, and sometimes I yell at them, and so that precept for me is a bit challenging.

Speaker 3:

But in addition to the precepts, I also like to follow what I call my seven-way path, and the seven-way path is a set of seven profound practices that I like to follow in order to help me stay in spiritual alignment. They really do form a solid foundation for my spiritual practice. And the seven-way path is gratitude. So there we are with the precepts again, that idea of gratitude. So it's practicing gratitude. It is cleaning and clearing and decluttering. I believe that cleaning is actually a spiritual act. It can be a very spiritual act. It involves nature and getting out into nature and connecting with nature, which is a profound healer.

Speaker 3:

Number four on the seven-way path is walking. I'm a big proponent of the power of walking for processing our emotions, integrating our experiences and bringing on the creativity. Number five on the seven-way path is journaling. I'm also a big proponent of journaling as a way for us to work through and process our experiences, our emotions. And ritual is number six. Ritual is such a powerful and underused technique for signaling change in the brain, and so anytime we want to create change or we want to mark change in our lives, a ritual is very powerful for that. And number seven is silence Silence. I like to think of it in the form of meditation. Meditation doesn't resonate with everyone, but simply cultivating some time for silence is itself very powerful. And so these seven practices really do form the foundation of my own spiritual journey, actually even before Reiki.

Speaker 2:

Wow, I think all of those things are extremely important. Connecting with nature it's so underrated. It is so important to let the sun shine, breathe the fresh air and move your body. That's moving energy. We're an energetic being. You need to get out there and move and move yourself and connect.

Speaker 2:

But gratitude is so important and I think it's not just gratitude for the good things, it's gratitude for everything, because everything contributes to the whole and everything, even if it's painful, even if it's hard, it's there for a reason. And I know that's hard. And I want to be mindful about how I say that, because in the broad world, you know, a lot of people could have arguments against that, and that's you know. That's okay. I would go back to. We just don't all have the whole picture and the whole understanding of of how that's meant to impact everyone.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, cleaning and clearing oh my gosh, yes, and not in. Like you said, that could be a physical thing, where you're cleaning out your closet, your junk drawer. It could be that. But it could also be a mental clearing letting go of limiting beliefs, letting go of things that no longer serve, and some of it could be. Cleaning and clearing could also be releasing relationships that no longer serve you too. That could also be a component of it.

Speaker 2:

I've experienced this on my spiritual journey, and it's not that there's anything bad that happens between people. Sometimes you just sort of evolve and grow in your own little paths. You're not as close as you once were, but journaling and a ritual silence, and you know it's funny. I think the hardest, probably for everybody, is going to be the silence, because we're in a world where there's so much stimulation but when it's quiet it's really hard to sit with that. But it's powerful if you can and if you do it. For anybody who thinks they can't sit in silence or they can't meditate everybody can. You just have to work at it again. It's a muscle, it's something. You, it's a practice, it's building something and you just have to keep doing it and you will get better with it and try different things. You try sitting in silence, find a guided meditation, sit with the binaural beats or, you know, just sit near a brook and listen to the water flow, you know, and connect that way. There's many ways to, I think, connect and get into the flow of the energy.

Speaker 3:

Yes, absolutely, and I believe Reiki really helps us with that as well. And getting into that meditative mindfulness, very present state is really what it's all about, is being present in the moment. Again, those precepts just for today is a very in the moment kind of experience.

Speaker 2:

And getting yourself into a calm state is where you're able to heal. When you are calm, you have clarity in yourself. You're going to be able to find the healer within. When you work with a Reiki practitioner, that person is holding the space for that healing to happen, to ignite within your subconscious, within your body, and it requires us to be calm and to find that, to have that experience.

Speaker 3:

Yes, absolutely, kelly, beautiful. And so another way that you might be, you know speaking of hard things, that you might be you know speaking of hard things. Another way to know if you might be ready to start your Reiki business is if you are ready to have Reiki conversations. You know, when people start their Reiki business I hear this so often from my Reiki business clients, students and mentees is the challenge with having Reiki conversations and talking about Reiki and being able to talk openly about our spiritual practices. So this is one of the greatest challenges when we're considering starting a Reiki business is, oh no, I have to tell people that I am a Reiki practitioner and I'm going to have to have Reiki conversations. Yes, yes indeed.

Speaker 3:

But coming back to that idea of releasing judgment, I really want to encourage us, first and foremost, to release judgment of ourselves for any challenges that we have with that, because the real reason behind why we're challenged to have Reiki conversations is that we're worried about what other people might think.

Speaker 3:

We're worried about what they might say and how they might react and what they might think of us, and it's a natural, normal, human thing to worry about what other people might think.

Speaker 3:

But again, just for today, I will not worry to really work towards being able to have Reiki conversations, because if we can't talk about Reiki and I talk about this in an episode of the podcast but if we can't talk about Reiki, then we can't move our Reiki business forward. If we can't talk about Reiki, we're always going to be challenged to find Reiki clients and to book Reiki sessions and to sell Reiki products. We're always going to be challenged to grow our Reiki business. And so if you are already having Reiki conversations, or if you're ready to have them, then that's a good indicator that you might be ready to start your Reiki business, because that's the kind of thing that you're going to have to do when you have a Reiki business and there's a lot of resources out there that can help you if you're struggling to find the words or to explain to somebody how life force energy works, how you work with it.

Speaker 2:

I think once people understand that everything is energy, every single thing. So the reason we can work with life force energy is because it's flowing through us. It's flowing through everything in the universe. Flowing through everything in the universe and quantum physics. You know, the science of possibility really is just catching up with things they've known for thousands of years. It's not something. For thousands of years, you know, they've been talking about how we're all connected and finally science is just starting to come and there's, there's so much.

Speaker 2:

So for people who struggle, you know you can find there is beautiful people who bridge science and spirituality. Read their books and you know, then you're just. That will help you with your confidence level. You know I mean some people are very open and they will just listen to your experience and you talk about what Reiki is, what it means to you and how it's changed your life, and for some people that'll be enough, but not for everybody. And then I say you know, just find your words and use your resources and you'll be able to very confidently have those conversations and I think, too, you can lean on Christian's community because you have Christian has this beautiful Facebook group where people post in there all the time and they get such loving, beautiful guidance and information.

Speaker 2:

So don't, like you know, flail alone and feel like you're in it alone. Just say, hey, I'm struggling to explain this. Or, you know, throw something out there and see what people there are, people that are here. We're all in this together. Right, the whole thing. We're all in it together, and Christian's created this really beautiful community where you can find the help and resources you need to help you with your confidence.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you Kelly. Yes, the Reiki Business Collective is a great group. We have more than 2000 people in the group right now. It's growing every day. It's full of Reiki practitioners who are considering starting a business and established Reiki business owners, and we are on all points on our Reiki business journey from those who are just considering to it to Reiki business owners who have been in business for years and so we're all there to encourage and support one another as we make the world a better place with Reiki, and that's really what it is all about 100%.

Speaker 2:

The world needs more love. The world needs more heart-centered people, and Reiki is part of that.

Speaker 3:

Yes, for sure, kelly. There are two more ways that I have that will be included in the book about whether it might be time for you to start a Reiki business or not, and if you are Reiki business ready. And that is number five a growth mindset, if you have a growth mindset. Now for your listeners who have maybe never heard the term growth mindset, it was coined by Dr Carol Dweck. She writes about a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset, and a fixed mindset is one in which we believe that we can't get better. Who we are is who we are, that we have quote, god-given talents and we can't improve upon them. Either you're good at something or you're not good at something.

Speaker 3:

A growth mindset, on the other hand, is one that is always looking to learn and grow, one that believes that you can get better, that if you work at something, you can improve, one that isn't afraid of criticism and feedback. And one that isn't afraid of failure, because on our Reiki business journey, we're going to have failures. We're going to have challenges. You know, no matter how aligned our chakras are, no matter how much of a sole purpose our Reiki business is, we're going to have challenges. Things aren't going to work well, people are not going to sign up for our workshops. We're going to have technological challenges, just all kinds of challenges that we're going to face, and a growth mindset is one in which we are able to recognize that we can deal with and overcome the challenges and that they aren't going to stop us. Because with a fixed mindset, when we experience challenges, we say something like, oh well, I'm just not cut out for this, I'm just not good enough, I just can't do it. Other people, that Christian guy, he can do it, I can't do it. And that fixed mindset will stop you in your Reiki business tracks.

Speaker 3:

Having a growth mindset before you start a Reiki business is very important, very helpful to moving forward with your Reiki business and making it succeed.

Speaker 3:

And the good news is that if you don't have a growth mindset and you're saying, well, I'm not Reiki business ready, I don't have a growth mindset, working on that mindset piece will really help you get to a point where you can start your Reiki business.

Speaker 3:

At the same time, I want to encourage us that if we wait to start our Reiki business until we have our mindset perfectly right and perfectly set, we're never going to start our Reiki business because, just like our Reiki journey is always evolving, our mindset journey is always evolving and on our Reiki business journey, our mindset journey is a huge piece of that and they're always evolving together. And so I want to encourage you that if you're considering starting a Reiki business and you have challenges with failure, or you have challenges with making mistakes or messing up, I want to encourage you to explore that and to take steps to work on that and deepen that, but at the same time, to know that you can't have your mindset quote unquote fixed completely before starting your Reiki business, because your Reiki business is going to bring up all kinds of mindset stuff to work on.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, and I think it's true. It's about some of it is perception. So you can use the word failure. You know, one of the spiritual teachers I follow, joanna Hunter, says you can not give it a seat at the table and just look at failure as things that didn't work. It's just a method or something that didn't work. So then you learn something. Okay, this doesn't work, I'm going to try something else. And you were not perfect. And it's okay to stumble. It's okay to have a session that maybe doesn't go well, that's okay, it's going to happen. This happens for everyday people in any conventional job, that that happens. But I think, if you stick with it and you have a good mindset, all in. The beautiful thing you said is that all can be changed, everything can be changed. We can grow and change every day, every moment, every. You know we can. We have that ability. That's a beautiful gift from Source Creator that we can change at any point.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we can improve Absolutely, absolutely. The final way to know if you are Reiki business ready is just an inner knowing. You know, we're intuitive people, we are guided spiritually. Right For many of us, we just have an inner knowing and we can look at all of the things on the list and check all of the boxes and say, oh, according to the list, it's time to start my Reiki business. Well, I guess that means I'm gonna start my Reiki business. But if it doesn't feel right, then it's not a good thing, at least not at that time, right?

Speaker 3:

I think it's important for us as spiritually guided people, as people who probably identify as intuitive, that we follow that inner knowing and that we allow it to help guide us. And so we might not have any of those things on the list, but it doesn't mean that it's not right for you to start a Reiki business If it feels like there's just. I just have an inner knowing that this is it and I feel guided to start a Reiki business and to serve the world with Reiki. You know, again, those other five things are things that might be beneficial for you to work on as you contemplate starting your Reiki business but ultimately allowing ourselves to be led by that inner guidance. You know, maybe our spirit guides angels, whatever you want to call it to really open up to being led and that own inner knowing that we have for ourselves Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And when you have that calling, and when you have that calling, your clients will find you. I know in a world where there's 7.9 billion people in the world and if you turn on the news even for a second, you can see that the world needs help. So more Reiki practitioners, in my opinion, is a good thing. So if you're feeling called to share that beautiful healing light and energy, that you should do it. What do people regret at the end of their life? The chances they didn't take a chance.

Speaker 2:

Put yourself out there, see what happens, and I think some people will be pleasantly surprised that there are a lot of people who are more open to it, that there are a lot of people who are more open to it now. You know, I don't know how long you know, years ago, you know, now I find people, even if they don't know. I think that we're in this wonderful time where there's a lot of spiritual awakening and knowing when people are on these paths and they're learning all of these different things. And there I have seen it in my own journey. I believe that there's a lot of people out there who want reiki, who are looking for something like that, you know, and for people listening who maybe you have never practiced reiki. I encourage everybody to go and find a community, learn it. You know, just even if you just take level one, just see how it works and transforms yourself, how it changes you and your inner. You know energy system you know, and then I think everybody should know it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and and to Kelly, for those listening who aren't Reiki practitioners and who are maybe thinking about starting some kind of spiritual business not having to do with Reiki, this list can be helpful as well. So let's say that you're a card reader and you're offering card reading to your friends and family and, even better, you have friends and family asking you for card readings. Then it might be time to start a card reading business. Or you've got that growth mindset piece and maybe you're even talking to people about card reading and educating people on card reading. Then it might be time to start your card reading business. Or just that inner knowing of like I think this is something that I want to do. I feel it in my bones, I want to do it. And so this list while of course, it's specific to Reiki you know, level two Reiki and self Reiki it absolutely can apply to other modalities and starting other kinds of spiritual businesses too.

Speaker 2:

to other modalities and starting other kinds of spiritual businesses too. Yeah, and I think once you, you know, go down, whether it be card reading, reiki, any of the other millions of healing modalities that are out there, is that what a lot of us do is. We start with one, but then we keep adding and you offer different things and beautiful ways to complement different healing modalities to a lot of people. Incorporate sound into Reiki healing. You can use thumb bowls, tuning forks, you know that's another beautiful thing and people often incorporate card reading into their Reiki session. You know, a lot of times they will do it whole cards after, and it's really interesting At least I've found that everything is always so synchronistic.

Speaker 2:

Everything is. You know the messages are always hot on for all the people. I know you do a lot of card reading. Do you find that as well? You know you'll pull cards for people or even probably for yourself, and you're like you know it's funny, the how it always it's not funny, it's, it's vibration, it's energy. Right, you know that's how it all flows, but it's always. I don't, I don't know how to, I don't have the words for it, but it just always is so fun to me how synchronistic it is, or how it really helps somebody to have clarity, or just maybe an understanding of whatever they're in in that moment.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, yes and yes. It is funny. I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've laughed while reading cards. It's like are you kidding me? Are you serious?

Speaker 2:

And I'm sure for those of us that have pulled the cards for ourselves, we've all pulled the one where, like, oh my gosh, I did not want this card, even though we know that we needed to see it or read the message.

Speaker 3:

Yes, exactly. Yeah. So, Kelly, those are six ways that someone can determine whether or not they are ready to start their Reiki business, and ultimately, like I mentioned earlier, we can have some guidelines to help people along their journey to determine if it's time, but ultimately, we're the only ones who can know for sure if it's the right thing for us and if now is the right time, because even if now isn't the right time, later might be, we never know how our journey might unfold. Remember, I never expected to be using Reiki for anyone other than myself, and I Reikied my home and my garden and myself, but I never thought that I would have a Reiki business. Ultimately, it's really for each of us to determine what is right for us, really for each of us to determine what is right for us. And so these six things are simply a guideline, but by no means are they only ones and by no means are they written in stone.

Speaker 2:

Christian. Thank you so much for being with me today and sharing all of that really beautiful information. What is a closing thought you would like to leave the listeners with?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, thank you so very much. You know, it really is that idea of just following that own inner knowing that we are the ones who have the answers within ourselves. And so often we don't like to hear that, but it's true, right that we know what is best for us, and so I believe it's important for each of us to take responsibility for our own growth and our own healing and to trust that deep within ourselves we indeed have the answers. It's just that things like Reiki and card reading help us to pull that out of ourselves for ourselves.

Speaker 3:

Anyone is welcome to read the book. It will be available in the near future and I do have a waitlist where people can jump on that waitlist. And for anyone who's on the wait list, you'll have the opportunity to read the book first before it's released, and that's at standingstoneshealingcom slash book to get on that wait list and to read it first. You know whether the six steps resonate with you, whether you are Reiki business ready or not, whether you have any interest in Reiki business ready or not, whether you have any interest in a Reiki business or not, I really want to encourage you indeed to know that you are the one to determine what is right and best for your own journey.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. Christian, I know you just gave the website for your book. Where can people find you on social? Where can they book a Reiki session with you? Where can they find all your beautiful stuff?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you, kelly very much. So definitely tune into the podcast. If you're listening to this and you're saying, oh, this is interesting, then probably the Build your Reiki Business podcast would be of interest to you and you can tune in at standingstoneshealingcom slash podcast. I'll make it easy for you. Just go to standingstoneshealingcom because you'll see links to everything. You'll see links to the podcast where you can tune in right on the website. There are all kinds of Reiki business resources on the website, so all kinds of information. I would say probably go to the website first.

Speaker 2:

Awesome Christian, thank you so much for being here and I honor the beautiful light you are in this world.

Speaker 3:

Oh, Kelly, thank you so very much. Yes indeed, the light in me honors the light in you and in all those tuning in. Thank you all so very much for listening. It is an honor to have you here, so thank you.

Speaker 4:

Hey, it's Jen Mitchell, host of the Soul Traveler podcast and your partner in leveling up your life through quantum hypnosis. I'm sure that you've heard before that all answers lie within, right? Well, it's true. Do you ever wonder how some people are so wildly successful and seem to achieve all of their life goals? It's because they've figured out life's secret the power of the subconscious mind. Highly successful CEOs and entrepreneurs have used hypnosis to make their dreams a reality, and it's no longer a secret. Now you can transform your life with the power of the subconscious by using these same techniques with quantum hypnosis. Let's level up your life. Visit me online at thesoulexperiencescom and click on subconscious coaching hello, beautiful soul.

Speaker 1:

Thank you again for listening. I'd like to ask you to please rate, review and follow the show. It really helps to have it become more visible and the beautiful messages be spread to more people. I also wanted to mention that I am now offering Reiki distance sessions. The link will be in the podcast notes. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about that. Also, I wanted to put out there. If there is something that you have to share, you have to be a guest on the show. Please reach out to me and we'll see if it's a good fit. Thank you again for being here and sending love, light, joy, peace and magic your way.

Building 10,000 Reiki Businesses
Starting a Reiki Business Readiness
Practicing Gratitude, Reiki and Spiritual Growth
The Power of Reiki Business Mindset
Starting a Spiritual Business
Soul Coaching and Reiki Distance Sessions

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