Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Charting the Celestial Tapestry: A Journey Through Astrology, Akashic Records, and Astral Realms with Astral Meadow

June 05, 2024 Kelly
Charting the Celestial Tapestry: A Journey Through Astrology, Akashic Records, and Astral Realms with Astral Meadow
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Charting the Celestial Tapestry: A Journey Through Astrology, Akashic Records, and Astral Realms with Astral Meadow
Jun 05, 2024

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Hello beautiful souls! Prepare to be captivated as Astral Meadow, a sage in the cosmic arts, joins us to weave a narrative of spiritual discovery and celestial empowerment. We transcend the ordinary and embark on an extraordinary exploration of astrology, the Akashic Records, and astral projection. Through Astral Meadow's personal triumphs over trauma with spirit guide wisdom, to her mastery of astral journeys, our conversation promises an awakening to the profound connections that exist between us and the cosmos.

Embrace the stars as your guides; we delve into the mysteries of natal charts, examining their role as celestial roadmaps to self-awareness and enlightenment. Discover how to align with the dynamic energies of the planets, seeking harmony in their cyclical dance through our lives. Whether you're an astrology aficionado or just curious about the signs overhead, our discourse offers a fresh lens, inviting you to interpret and harness the cosmic forces that shape our destinies.

Our voyage concludes in the sacred halls of the Akashic Records, where every soul's saga is eternally inscribed. Experience the healing potential of these divine archives, as we share how accessing this profound well of knowledge can illuminate past patterns and karmic cycles, guiding us toward forgiveness and growth. With Astral Meadow as our navigator, we chart a course through the spiritual dimensions that can lead anyone toward inner peace and cosmic cohesion. Join us for a podcast experience that's not only a balm for the spirit but a beacon for the soul's journey.

To get in touch with Astral:

Website: https://www.astralmeadow.com/




Instagram: astralmeadows
Facebook: Astral Meadow

To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


Please rate and review my podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for a chance to win a Distance Reiki Session and Card Pull with me! Winner drawn 5/31/24. Your kind words and support are so appreciated.

To enter screen shot your rate/review to me on Messenger on FB, or Instagram, or email to enlightenandelevatewithkelly@gmail.com .

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Send us a Text Message.

Hello beautiful souls! Prepare to be captivated as Astral Meadow, a sage in the cosmic arts, joins us to weave a narrative of spiritual discovery and celestial empowerment. We transcend the ordinary and embark on an extraordinary exploration of astrology, the Akashic Records, and astral projection. Through Astral Meadow's personal triumphs over trauma with spirit guide wisdom, to her mastery of astral journeys, our conversation promises an awakening to the profound connections that exist between us and the cosmos.

Embrace the stars as your guides; we delve into the mysteries of natal charts, examining their role as celestial roadmaps to self-awareness and enlightenment. Discover how to align with the dynamic energies of the planets, seeking harmony in their cyclical dance through our lives. Whether you're an astrology aficionado or just curious about the signs overhead, our discourse offers a fresh lens, inviting you to interpret and harness the cosmic forces that shape our destinies.

Our voyage concludes in the sacred halls of the Akashic Records, where every soul's saga is eternally inscribed. Experience the healing potential of these divine archives, as we share how accessing this profound well of knowledge can illuminate past patterns and karmic cycles, guiding us toward forgiveness and growth. With Astral Meadow as our navigator, we chart a course through the spiritual dimensions that can lead anyone toward inner peace and cosmic cohesion. Join us for a podcast experience that's not only a balm for the spirit but a beacon for the soul's journey.

To get in touch with Astral:

Website: https://www.astralmeadow.com/




Instagram: astralmeadows
Facebook: Astral Meadow

To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


Please rate and review my podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for a chance to win a Distance Reiki Session and Card Pull with me! Winner drawn 5/31/24. Your kind words and support are so appreciated.

To enter screen shot your rate/review to me on Messenger on FB, or Instagram, or email to enlightenandelevatewithkelly@gmail.com .

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful souls, welcome back to another episode of Enlighten and Elevate. I've been podcasting for a year and I have a new vision where I want to ask people to send in personal stories of love, joy and enlightenment, because where our focus goes, energy flows. I want to use this space to focus on love and its many forms between friends, partners, children, cousins, and share a story that warmed your heart.

Speaker 2:

It could even be with a stranger, a heartwarming story with a stranger. Let's share your joy to lift others up and help contribute beautiful energy to the collective.

Speaker 1:

I will put in the pod notes all the places that you can send these stories. Thank you so much and I look so forward to reading and sharing those stories with the listeners.

Speaker 1:

I bet many of you have been curious about astrology, the Akashic records and all of those sort of things, and our guest today is going to deep dive into that and astral projection, all these really juicy interesting topics and how we can use them to guide ourselves or go deep within and receive messages and guidance, and she's a really special, beautiful soul and I'm so excited for you to meet her and definitely check her out and her podcast, the Astral Hour. Thanks so much for being here and enjoy this episode. Hello Soul Family, I am super excited. Today I have Astral Meadow with me. She is an astrologer, akashic Records consultant, creative mystic and host of the amazing podcast, the Astral Hour. Welcome, how are you?

Speaker 3:

today I'm doing so good. I'm so happy to be on your show.

Speaker 1:

I'm just so thrilled and blessed to have you. You do a lot of different things. Let's just introduce you to the audience for those that don't really know you a little bit of what your journey was like and how you came to do all the things that you're doing. You're also studying homeopathy, which is awesome.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, I dabble in a lot of things. I have Gemini in my fifth house, so I'm very multifaceted with my hobbies and interests. So my spiritual journey started as a really young child. I experienced a lot of trauma in my childhood and went through a lot of things. It's like these harsh experiences led me to really be more devout in my faith, to be open and receptive to God and spirit, and I was connected to my spirit guides. Around four or five is when I first started to have experiences with them. They would just really hold space for me as I was going through some abusive situations and they would show up and I'm like, oh, there you are, and it's like I would have these out of body experiences which would help me go through some abusive situations. And they would show up and I'm like, oh, there you are, and it's like I would have these out of body experiences which would help me go through some of the pain I was experiencing and they would be there with me and it was sort of distracting me from what my physical body was enduring. They would like rock me to sleep and hold my hand. And I later discovered that these beings were Pleiadians, but I just thought they were angels, because they were very full of love and light and they had an angelic quality. So I don't think that there's any. You know, it doesn't matter what we call them, they are, you know, divine beings of love and they were always going to find me. So I think the trauma somehow was like sent out the signal of like she needs us, let's go, let's go take care of her.

Speaker 3:

I also started astral projecting around the same time. So when I was sleeping I would start to leave my body and I would walk up the wall you know, I go to sleep, walk up the wall and stand on the ceiling and look down at myself and be like, oh, that's so odd. And then I would go to the front door, open it and then fly off and have whatever adventure that I wanted to have, that in that moment. And so I wasn't aware of what any of that was called. I kind of assumed that everybody did it, but I just, I don't know. I had this ability to go into the astral plane. I was never afraid of it If I encountered something that scared me. I had watched this show, harold and the Purple Crown. I don't know if you've ever seen it. But it's this kid and he has this purple crown and he can just draw something and like so I would just draw a door and just walk straight through it. So if something scared me, I would just create like a portal and leave that situation. So I developed this ability at a very young age.

Speaker 3:

I think a lot of us are astral projecting pretty regularly. We all do it in our sleep. I think that sometimes we get very afraid of it. You know, there's like this shock when our astral body leaves our physical body. It can almost like be alarming. But once you get over that fear you can really have a lot of fun with astral projecting and go to a lot of really neat places. So if you're doing it consciously, it's so much better than unconsciously just going to. Okay, a lot of times in the astral plane we're we're bumping into what scares us, our fears and like things we need to work on in this life. So that can be really intense. But it's also empowering to know that you are fully in control of that experience and at any point you can say oh okay, I get that message, I don't want that one anymore, I can move on. So we have a lot more power than we realize in that plane. But the atmosphere and the environment is will be perceived differently based on the individual that's there, because we're kind of creating the atmosphere ourselves. So yeah, absolutely. So that was sort of yeah, yeah, my childhood experiences that led me into studying or being interested in astral projection.

Speaker 3:

Now I was very, very spiritual.

Speaker 3:

Even as a teenager I was reading caroline mace books. I read my first greg braden book at like 15. I just was very interested in metaphysics and all of the angelic stuff and the psychic stuff. So I've just been studying it basically my whole life. Like even the Bible, like I really read the Bible, I would sit down and think about it and analyze it and then start to study other religions. It's just such a part of who I am and I just have always been very open and just accepting of all different belief systems and very curious to find, like that golden thread that connects them all. Because I absolutely noticed all of these things were corresponding like so this religion calls it that and this one's calling it this, but I felt like they were talking about the same thing. So I just continue to study it and I bring a lot of that into the topics on my podcast and I love to interview other people who are having these mystical experiences or spent all this time studying these kinds of topics. So, yeah, that's kind of where I'm at.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, it's so interesting that you say that you know, studying all the different religions, because I've seen and read something where they even hid things in plain sight, like in the artwork, you know, which is really fascinating. So it's not necessarily the dogma that they're presenting this information in, but the artist recreating events or things were hiding some symbolism and such that some people who are open and learning would be able to look at it and understand it differently, which I think is so cool, like that's. I mean you think about it. I mean 2,000 years ago or even several hundred years ago, depending on where you know in the world, the art was being created for someone to have that forethought and then, all these years later, I mean that's pretty mind-blowing, you know, when you think about it at least I and a lot of the.

Speaker 3:

you know they were being commissioned at that time, so the art that they were creating was coming from somewhere, right?

Speaker 3:

So I did a whole episode on Ficino and how he was working with artists like Botticelli we had Da Vinci at that time. He was very ingrained into studying the esoteric wisdom and what he would do is work with these artists and he would study the transits right and he would have them paint them in a certain way, on a certain day and they, those paintings, when you look at them, actually hold. They're like talismans and they hold this energy of the transits that were happening at that time. So a lot of you know, back in the day only rich people could afford art.

Speaker 3:

So most of the art that we're looking at was commissioned for those particular people, but he was absolutely a driving force in the Renaissance, working with the artists. So that's very interesting that you see it. But they do, they put all of it in there. Most of these artists were very aware of the occult symbolism. You know, it's like they were planting little seeds so that over the course of time we would look back and be like, oh, I can see that trail, I can see where Da Vinci was going with this. So absolutely we can learn a lot by looking at the history of art.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Well, since we started with astral traveling, do you want to go a little bit more into that lucid dreaming? For people who think they haven't ever done it before? You know how do you recommend somebody try to get maybe more in tune. Do you recommend like a dream journal, so like when they wake up they just immediately write down anything that they can remember, because I know if I don't write it down, I it will leave me. Unless it's something, it has to be a pretty traumatic dream for me to remember it. You know really well.

Speaker 3:

Yes, dream journaling is really important because if you continue to write them down over the course of time, you can start to see patterns that are wanting to be seen within your unconscious. So you can make a lot of connections by documenting them. So you can make a lot of connections by documenting them. But we all have an astral body, every single person, and every single person goes into the astral realm every single night. Now, if you practice meditation and are doing a lot of these spiritual practices, you might be able to astral project with your eyes open, which is something I'm able to do. I don't have to be asleep in order to do it now. But we are all going into the astral plane every single night. If we're bringing something back, then that's a message, that's something we're supposed to remember. So I think you know, for people that want to do it more, there are some meditations. I really found this to be helpful in the beginning. Go to YouTube, find one that you like If you really like the person's voice and you feel really soothed and calmed by them and just give yourself time to just lay down, relax, listen to the video. They're going to talk you down into that nice, calm, theta state and you can shift your awareness and all you're doing is just you're resonating more with the astral body than the physical at that point. So you're shifting your consciousness to more of the astral energy and then they're going to be able to guide you. They might say, ok, what do you see? And then you start to see things. So it's really cool to have a guide in the beginning, because I think sometimes we might fall. We just fall asleep, right. So if you have headphones on and someone's saying what do you see? What kind of shoes are you wearing? What does the atmosphere look like? What is this environment like? Are there people there? Then you're going to start to look around more. You're going to be more aware of oh you know, I see a meadow or there's a cat. So you'll start to be more aware of, like the other inhabitants in your little sphere.

Speaker 3:

So I do think that giving yourself time to do it where your intention is I want to astral project is really important and key to becoming sort of a master lucid dreamer. But you know, we are always doing it. It's very natural part of us. The astral world absolutely works with the physical world. We're very closely connected and every object that exists on the physical plane has a mirror image in the astral plane. You know it's a lot of times the landscape will be familiar to us and you might not even realize.

Speaker 3:

Like when I first started astral projecting, I would always start in my bedroom and I'm like, oh, how weird, this is my room. But it wasn't. I was in the astral plane. But in the astral plane I also have a mirror image of my bedroom. So that's where I would start. And then my intention would change and I would say, ok, let's go here. So yeah, dream journaling is great. A lot of times if I do a conscious lucid dream, I will immediately, as soon as I wake back up, I'll write everything down and come back to it later on. And it's really cool because I can now go into my Akashic Records and have them even go into more detail about okay, what was this? What did the cat really mean? Like, what was the cat trying to relate to me? And what is my soul? What was my soul trying to show me by giving me this experience? And so I can go even deeper now into the journeys that I'm taking into the astral realm.

Speaker 1:

So that's fascinating. So when you were talking about it having like a mirror image of in the astral plane, of what is in our 3d earth plane, I was thinking it reminds me, for those listening, this is going to be our pop culture reference, like the upside down of stranger things, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a scary part, a scary area. Oh, you know, but that's what I was thinking, that's what popped into my head was the upside down, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's in our culture, you know, we see it all the time displayed. You know, I really, when I was a kid kid I loved x-men and they would talk about like the astral plane and time traveling and as I got older, like how funny that that was. Like my first introduction to the word astral plane was through x-men. But, um, you know, there's two levels to the astral plane. We have the lower astral plane and that is where you're going to see the creepier figures it's going to be, the more gray it's not going to be fun.

Speaker 3:

That's where you think of like the lower elementals, like the werewolves and all of the things that you read about in mythology that give you like the heebie-jeebies. They're in the lower astral plane. And then we have the higher astral plane and this is where you can potentially, you know, have more creative power. You might run into more benefic beings, fairies. It's a more beautiful atmosphere. So if you're seeing those dark forces, you're probably in the lower astral hue and you can always go higher. So if you're starting to feel fear, say, okay, I need to release this fear and project my consciousness to a higher place so you can start evoking peace and beauty and thinking about like lovely things and get yourself into the higher sphere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that makes sense. I mean because in our subconscious mind, if there is some things that we're holding, it makes sense that in that plane you may be faced with it. But it's about intention and I do believe where your focus goes, energy flows. So that's why we all need to. It's like you do need to retrain your way of thinking in your brain and I know it can be hard depending on what your situation you're in or your area. But it's just so interesting that you talk about it that way. You know that you really have the. You just have to create the intention and you're in control. And I also like how you talk about, if you're in a place that you don't like, create the portal, because you can do that, you can leave.

Speaker 1:

Or I distinctly remember and this was a bad dream I had where I was being chased by a serial killer, and I remember telling myself to wake up because I knew that it was a dream Like how wild is that? So never happened one time to me. I distinctly remember that, like that's just a dream, that very and you know, not something that I wanted to remember, but I do. But I do remember telling myself to wake up and I did you know, and then it was over Right.

Speaker 3:

You always have the power to wake yourself up.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. That's a really cool Well. Thank you for sharing all that information. That's really a good place for people to start go into their journey with that and there's tons of stuff out there on dreams and dream journaling so people can dive into those as they get more familiar and comfortable. But we want to transition over to astrology because we, before we jumped on and started recording, we were talking about how important astrology has been in so much esoteric knowledge for thousands and thousands of years probably more than we really even realize how you can use it to guide yourself. Do you want to dive into that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it's hard to date. When did astrology start? Because I like to look at it through the lens of as above, so below. So before we were even giving language to you know what are the planet names? What do they represent it was already affecting us, right? The heavens were already having its effect on humanity. So astrology it can be seen as a language, an art or a science. It studies the relationship between these celestial bodies and how they impact us here on Earth. If you look at how to translate the word astrology, it means star talk between these celestial bodies and how they impact us here on Earth. If you look at how to translate the word astrology, it means star talk. So this is how the stars are speaking to us.

Speaker 3:

When you're looking at it through esoteric lens, not only are the heavens affecting us, but the way that we interact with these transits. We also have the power to interact with the planets and affect them. So in esoteric astrology they have things. These planets are called non-sacred planets, so you think of like Mars. So when we have a certain transit with Mars and we choose the higher path, we choose not to go into fight mode and, you know, go right into the aggression and use it in a positive way, we actually lift Mars. So we are helping the planets as they are also helping us. So it's kind of a symbiotic relationship. And that's something I wasn't quite aware of when I first started studying astrology. I kind of was just like looking at, like cause and effect, like the planets are doing this and it's affecting my life in this way. But then it was really empowering to find that when I choose to work with these energies in the most positive way, that I'm also helping the planets ascend and reach these different initiations as well. So we really are in a relationship here.

Speaker 3:

You can see astrology in all cultures. They give the planets different names. Some of them divide the planet or they might pull multiple planets into one archetype, but you can really see them in every point in history and that really validates it for me. You know, I think that it's it's in the collective and I think that we're all connected to it. And at some point, you know, when we're in that space and we're looking at the heavens and we're studying our life, we're starting to say, ok, well, every time this planet is here, I'm noticing this effect, and so astrology has been studied for thousands of years by us as individuals, like, how did we feel this? How, what was the experience? And so you know, I feel like it speaks for itself, because a lot of the things we study, maybe it's only 100, 200 years old, but this is an ancient wisdom that has been studied over, you know, a long period of time and it's just, it's invaluable.

Speaker 3:

And when you're looking at your natal chart, that's all about you. So the transits are more collective. That's what's going on currently and they're always moving. But the natal chart is a snapshot of you know, your chart, the moment of your birth. So this is where we can find, like the patterns and the temperaments and the fate and the destiny and the gifts, our healing abilities, where our wounds are going to be, things that we're going to face in this life. So looking at the natal chart is so important. And then we can look at how the transits are activating certain points in our natal chart. So this brings that natal chart to life and it's always evolving, based on how the transits are activating the different places in our chart. It's fascinating.

Speaker 1:

I know you do natal charts for people. Have you ever looked at someone's natal chart and after like kind of knowing them, and you're like, oh my goodness, like this makes so much sense. Or you've looked at it and you're like you've met someone and you're like this doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 3:

Almost always makes sense. The house system that I use changed based on not it not making as much sense. Like I have a friend and when I was using Placidus it was putting her son in the 12th house, which is very hidden and reclusive. And I was, and my friend was very, very extroverted. She's a singer, she shines, she just radiates. So I was like that's weird, and even in my own chart in Placidus it was putting my son in the second house, which is fine. You know there's values, resources like money and things like that, but that's really not so. I started using whole house signs and it moved some of those questions that I had around. So then now my friend's son is in the first house, which is very much like when you first meet somebody, it's their persona, it's very seen, everybody knows that she radiates and she shines. Then it moves my son to the third house, which is all about sharing my message.

Speaker 3:

You know I literally have a podcast.

Speaker 3:

I'm a poet, I'm all the time communicating and sharing things with people and it made a lot more sense for me.

Speaker 3:

So I actually changed the house system I was using based on as I was doing these readings, some things weren't lining up and then I discovered that the ancients used whole house, so it's actually the oldest form and more traditional approach to looking at the houses.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I do suggest, like for beginners, you know, really master your chart first, but then do your friends charts, do people that you know, because you're going to be like oh, of course, you know their mercury is in fire, like they're always enthusiastic, they're always energetic. That makes total sense for them and it will start to line up and build your confidence, you know, as it's validating itself for you. So you're like OK, you know, my friend also is a singer. You know Taurus is corresponds to the throat, it's in her first house, with her mercury, of course she's on the stage, she's shining and she's singing, sharing her message through song. And you know, so it's like sometimes it's so obvious and people really, especially if they have a stellium in their chart which is three or more planets, they will just absolutely radiate whatever sign those planets.

Speaker 1:

So for those listening who want to maybe start to look into their own natal chart, I believe they need to know the place they were born, the time they were born right, and they can plug that information in and then they can get kind of an idea of, like what their rising sign is, what their sun, their moon. And then there's all sorts of throwing out a bunch of different terminology where people can start to understand and see what's in it, because there's 12 houses, if I'm correct, yes, and things are placed differently in those houses for the individual depending on when you were born.

Speaker 3:

Right. And so the time becomes very important when looking at the houses. So if you don't know your birth time, you can study the planets and the signs, but you won't necessarily know the area of your life that's activated without the birth time. But we can still learn quite a bit. I've done plenty of readings for people who just couldn't figure out what time they were born and we still got a lot of good information. But if you know the birth time, you know it becomes so helpful to know the area. So it becomes so helpful to know the area. So planets show us what is taking place, signs show us how those events might manifest and the houses show us where.

Speaker 3:

So if you look at the house system divided into 12, these are the 12 areas of our life you know. First house is going to be the house of self. Second house our relationship to substance. Third house how we communicate our mental activity. Fourth house our foundations. You know the structure, our home life. Fifth house how we express ourselves creatively, our hobbies, our romance, our love life. Sixth house this is, you know, the house of daily improvement, our routines, what we do to maintain our health and wellness. Seventh house is how we connect with our relationships to other people, those really close to us. Eighth house that's transformation. That's going to be all the shadow work, the esoteric, the hidden stuff. Ninth house this is going to be how we expand our awareness. So this is travel, you know, higher learning and education. Tenth house is our public persona, so how we show up with our work, our career, how we're presenting ourselves in that public environment. And then 11th house is all about social reform and this is how we connect to our community and where we show up at that community level encapsulates the whole journey that we go on through the other houses. So it can be kind of wild.

Speaker 3:

I like to look at it as the collective unconscious. It's the house of transcendence. So when we have planets there, there are things that must be transcended, things that must be faced, and people that have 12th house placements tend to be very easily able to tap into the collective unconscious. They're getting downloads, and so it's always nice when I have someone with the 12th house energy because I'm like, okay, this is why this is happening for you and it really can be a gift. And a lot of the spiritual masters and things tend to have placements there, like Yogananda's moon was in the 12th house and so that's why he was such a spiritual being, you know. So those are.

Speaker 3:

That's just a quick overview of the houses. So if you have a planet in those houses, that's going to show up as like what is happening, right, if your son so my son is in Aries, in the third house. So I have to look at the different components to that. Okay, aries, the trailblazer, the pioneer, aries is a fire sign, so the elements come in. They're very important so.

Speaker 3:

So with fire, we have intuition in that spark that it's cardinal, which is the first aspect of spot fire, so it's initiating fire. So if you think about my son, I'm radiating, I'm shining. That's my basic consciousness, aries energy, and it's in the third house. So it's when you start talking to me, that's when you're gonna notice, oh, she has an airy sun, because as soon as I start to speak, it's when you start talking to me, that's when you're going to notice, oh, she has an airy sun, because as soon as I start to speak, it becomes very, it happens, and my mercury, which is my mind, which is also about communication, is conjunct the sun. So it's like even more fiery, even more enthusiastic, and I do tend to have like that energy about me. I tend to light people up and inspire people and get them, you know, to start talking themselves and sharing their wisdom. So I do. My chart is so obvious for me, it's like very straightforward, and I've had other people look at it and are like, wow, this really, you really are like fully embodying this.

Speaker 1:

So, oh my God, that's so cool. I know a lot of people listening are going to want to know. Well, I will have you give your hand over your website at the end, but they're probably listening like I don't want to know my chart.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it's a journey, you know. I always tell people like sit with it, give yourself space to study it. When I do people's charts, I always hand draw the chart. I take the aspects out, because aspects, I think, are where people get the most confused. They steal the lines. Let's study it one thing at a time. Like let's just look at the planets what do the planets mean Now? Let's just look at the signs what do those mean Now? Just look at the houses. Then you can start to introduce aspects.

Speaker 3:

And I think you know it's just like in school, like they're not going to teach you all. You know 12 grades in kindergarten. It's just like way too much information and I think it turns people off because they think that they couldn't possibly understand it. But if you break it down into the basic building blocks, it does become way more easy to process, you know. So just look at it one thing at a time. Like just focus on your son first and really ask yourself, like how am I showing up in the world? How do people, you know, see me? What does bring warmth and light into my life, you know? And then start to look at the moon. You know the moon is our inner world, it's our security, it's how we protect ourselves. It's very much connected to our subconscious, our developmental years. So when you start studying your moon, it's like, oh, wow, right, like this makes total sense, like this is absolutely the foundation of my emotional life, and just give yourself time to work with it. So just go one planet at a time, but if you hand draw your chart, you're going to remember it more.

Speaker 3:

The glyphs hold so much living wisdom, so as you look at the glyph, it starts to come alive as well. You think about with Mars, sagittarius and Scorpio they all have little arrows in them. With any glyph that has an arrow, we want to think that this is the area of our life we need to give direction. So with Sagittarius, it's the centaur holding the bow and arrow. We want to make sure that we are controlling where that arrow is going right. And this is so empowering to know that we have that kind of power.

Speaker 3:

So a lot of people, mars gets a bad rap. He's considered a malefic planet. However, if you steer him properly, he will absolutely help you manifest what your soul desires, and so it doesn't have to be utilized as just, you know, toxic, like fighting and like sexual, you know, dysfunction, like I mean it can be if you're not conscious of it and you're just reacting to every single thing. But if you take Mars and look at it from that spiritual aspect, you can even bring light to that planet. Okay, so even the malefic planets serve a key purpose in our life and can really help us on our path to work with them in a positive way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, it's almost like a blueprint, right. It kind of gives you a little bit of an idea of why you are the way you are and the things that you're going to challenges, and you know, it's just kind of an interesting thing If you can have that. It's that we're telling everything. Nothing is set in stone, it's just a tool. It's a tool that you can use to help you navigate your life. You know that I communicate in this way, you know, because you have an understanding when you start to look at all of these things, and I just think it's a tool you can use it to help you move forward in a positive way.

Speaker 1:

And I like how you talk about, you know, things that have like negative reputations, because it's all about perception, right. It's what we perceive as good and bad, but sometimes things that we perceive as bad actually are really good for us, because it may be to put us on a path that we were always meant to be on. So in the moment, maybe it was like, you know not, it was sticky, uncomfortable, icky that what we had perceived as something really negative put us in a place where we needed to be, you know. So I think that's so interesting that you say you know, it's just being open-minded, be, and then too, if you know that about something, then you know how to work with the energy and I think that's yeah, you know what, you, what, you all the things that you've explained, you know. If you have an understanding and you know this, then then you can work with it.

Speaker 3:

Right, because all the signs have shadow attributes and they all have light attributes. If you study that with each sign, you can always lean into the light and become more conscious of okay. So with my Mercury Aries, I might be impulsive. I might, you know, fly off the handle. I know that about myself. So when I get, when I start to feel that flame now, I can say, okay, in this moment it actually wouldn't be beneficial for me to just blurt out the thing. So I'm going to sit with this.

Speaker 3:

And because I know that I'm actually all of the signs, okay, we have all of these archetypal energies within us. I might be able to access a sign that I don't even have a planet in. So I might like start to embody Taurus energy in that moment, because maybe this person actually needs me to hold space for them and to be a grounded force in their life. So because I know that energy, I can access that part of my chart and bring it to my awareness in that moment. So, even if we don't have planets there, just studying the signs, studying the archetypal forces in the myth, you know we can embody whichever one we need in the moment and be absolutely aware that that's the role that we're playing at that time.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely so. For those listening that are curious, where would you suggest they start with kind of putting the information in, just kind of, and then you know, gaining that deeper understanding of what that, like you said, the planets, and then you know all those different, how those things sort of correspond. And sitting with that information, like the questions made ask themselves about the different aspects of their chart, where do you suggest people maybe just start to dip their toes in on that sort of knowledge?

Speaker 3:

um, there's a lot of good free resources online. Astrochartscom is pretty reliable, so you can plug it in. I think you can plug up to two in that database. All of them will automatically be set to Placidus. I read with Whole House, so when you have a reading with me, it's not going to necessarily always look like what the Placidus system shows. Look at it through the Placidus lens and if you don't like it, just know that you can change that. You can look at it through a different lens. So if you're not resonating like I kind of was starting to notice things about that view of it, there's all these different styles, there's all these different forms and I think that they're all valid.

Speaker 3:

You know I've had Vedic astrologers do my chart. In Vedic astrology the wheel shifts quite a bit. So I'm a Taurus sun in Vedic or no, I'm a Pisces sun. Actually, Just kidding, my 12th house is now in Sagittarius.

Speaker 3:

So it's funny because a lot of people, when they look at their chart from these different perspectives, they'll have, like this identity crisis. So this is why I try to tell people study the chart and look at it, but don't identify with it so much that you're now trapped into seeing yourself from one perspective, because there's so many perspectives, and so it's actually healthy, I think, to step out and change it up and say well, what would I? You know, how would I embody that Pisces sun? You know, I can totally see that in myself. I'm very spiritual person, very dreamy and mystical, so I mean, it totally makes sense for me too.

Speaker 3:

I've been able to to ground that, so I like to look at it. It's just like. And so you know, as I've had my Vedic chart read, I was like you know you're saying certain things that I've actually seen through my lens as well. So they were still connecting certain dots. They just might have went down a different road to get there, but I was still me and I still resonated with it. And so you know, don't get so caught up in just one system that you fail to see the beauty and all the other perspectives.

Speaker 1:

I think that can be applied to any sort a lot of different modalities and if there's something that you encounter that you don't like, we have the free will to change it. We can change anything. Nobody is you destined 100% to do anything. If you don't like it, sit with what resonates. And because there's like so many spiritual teaching modalities, things out there for people and one of my spiritual teachers always said, take what resonates and just discard the rest. You know you're not going to resonate 100% with everything and every person that you come across that you study, but take what does and use that you know and have that be something that you use on your journey. And what I think is interesting is something you may not initially resonate with. You may circle back to that on your journey at some point in time and find clarity with it in those moments. I think that's why there's like so many different things out there for people to research, try, you know, and you know, see what really works for them, and it changes as we evolve. We're like, well, change is constant in life anyway. Right, like that's. The one constant in life is everything is always changing. But we as individuals are on a journey too, even if you don't even consider yourself on a spiritual awakening, we're always evolving and growing and changing. So things that we resonated with five years ago are not probably the same things that we're resonating with today, because we've evolved and we're, you know, kind of looking at things. Even your lens changes, right. As you gain the knowledge, as you gain more clarity and you just keep adding to it, things change and the lenses change. So I really like all, like you said, just be having that openness, that playful curiosity, you know, when you start to dive into those subjects, right. Yeah, absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

The Akashic records, let's talk about it, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I want to say astral, and I was on astral show a couple of weeks ago and she blew my mind with something. So I'm a Reiki practitioner and she told me and this is something that I had never heard before, but it made complete sense when you said it the people who are working in with with Reiki life force, energy often are tapped into the records and things in the subconscious sometimes do need to be healed, and so sometimes past life things are important as far as you know why there may be some stuck energy or why there is a certain things that are hard for people to get past, or sometimes I think past lives are shown for somebody to remember. It's like a remembrance of an inner knowing to help them connect with that, to help them in this life. You know, as I mean, that's just my thoughts on it, but you do Akashic record readings all the time, so can you kind of tell people a little bit about that, how that works for you and maybe what that's like for some of your clients?

Speaker 3:

All right, so let's just talk about what are the Akashic Records? First, the Akashic Records are a soul level dimension of consciousness. They contain the vibrational blueprint or record of every soul on its journey. This is past, present and future. When you're in the records it's a little bit different. So a lot of people compare it to a library with a lot of books. But when you're reading a book it's very much intellectual wisdom. But when you're in the records, this wisdom is an experiential body of wisdom. So you're having a full experience, a full immersion.

Speaker 3:

I am more clairvoyant, so when I'm in the records I hear things, I see things, sometimes I smell things and taste things. So it's a full body sensory experience. For me, the information as it's presented to you is always relevant to what you're going through in the present moment. So similar to like when you're saying with Reiki, like if a past life comes up it's for a reason. You know your guides are presenting that for a reason, because maybe just bringing it into the awareness is all you need to let it go, or maybe it's going to connect enough dots for you to figure out. Oh well, this would make total sense. Like I can forgive and release this now Like I understand the message. So it really is an, it's an experience, and there's different guides in the records.

Speaker 3:

So we have the lords of the Koshuk records, we have the masters, teachers and loved ones, and so I can kind of go into those if you'd like, absolutely Okay. So the Lords of the Records are a group of beings and they're entrusted with the well-being of the Records. This is their exclusive focus. They have never been embodied and their entire goal is to protect and share the wisdom that this individual needs at this time. So when you see a picture, sometimes they'll draw like the Lords are facing this way and the Masters are facing you, so they never take their gaze off the records. That's their one role in life. But the Masters are facing us, so they work with the Lords and are transmitting those messages to the individual. So the Masters have been with you since your inception.

Speaker 3:

So in all your lifetimes you've had these masters working with you and guiding you and they choose which loved ones or teachers are resonating or what message you might need to hear in that moment With loved ones. You know, these are people that we knew in life, that have crossed over, and it's different than like channeling like mediumship. A lot of times it's like they're leaving these imprints in the records, knowing that you'll need that advice one day, and so you don't always see them, but sometimes you'll get a message and you'll be like, yeah, that definitely was my dad, that's exactly how my dad would speak. But it's not so important to sit around and talk to your dad. It's like that person has the thing that you might need in that moment, and maybe it is love, or maybe you need a hug, or maybe you just need, you know, someone to quote, like that one movie that you really like, to bring you back into a state of peace. So yes, the masters are sort of guiding the messages because they know you at that soul level and the teachers can change. So teachers may or may not have been embodied at some point.

Speaker 3:

I've had people in history show up as teachers for me and I'm like, okay, that's weird, but whatever they're giving you is resonating with a lesson that you're learning. So once you've mastered that lesson, the teacher will move on and a new teacher will step in. So sometimes the teacher might be temperance or the teacher might be, you know, some random scholar from like the early 18th century. It just depends on what you're working with at the time, and so it becomes very personal and relevant to what you're experiencing in that moment. So these are sort of the beings that you're going to encounter in the records.

Speaker 3:

So you come and I always have people prepare these questions. You know, roughly about 10 questions is good and they present the question and the question itself holds a vibration. So what I'm doing is I have the records open and they're presenting a certain vibration and then the records are going to match that. So what is it that answers that question? And sometimes it might be a past life, sometimes, you know, it might be a random teacher, like slow down. It might be speed tell you to slow down and be present. Whatever the question is, like you're going to get some kind of answer. They're really good at answering like the hows and the whats and the whys. I don't go in the records for yes or no, because time is a funny thing and so, especially when we're dealing with future realities, we have free will and it's always changing.

Speaker 3:

So there, is like a fixed aspect of the records which is more of our essence. And then there's also this more mutable aspect that's always changing and evolving In my essence. I resonate with wonder and that is a very fixed aspect of me. I'm always curious, I'm always searching, and I've been like that since I was very first took my first breath in my first lifetime. So that is a fixed aspect, that sort of bridges all of my lifetimes, but it might present itself in a million different ways, right? So we don't want to get so caught up in one identity, because once we master things we're free to evolve and, like move on to the next thing. And so in different lifetimes we have different lessons, we have different goals, and some of us might have many goals for a lifetime. Some of us might really be very studious.

Speaker 3:

I've noticed people that have heavy Saturn energy in their chart. They are more willing to take these initiations. As soon as they finish one level, they're ready to do the next level. They're just very determined and they have a certain resilience about them. But there's also some placements, like you think of the Venusian people, and they are really taking in the pleasures of life and all the sensory experiences.

Speaker 3:

And I feel like Dolores Cannon actually talks about. You know, some souls. They're here just to rest. They had a really stressful lifetime the last time and so this time maybe they are just here to eat some really good food, have a nice loving family, you know, and just be grounded, and they're maybe they're not dabbling much in spiritual themes or anything, they're just living and that's okay. So it really is individual to the soul, what they are craving like, what they wished to encounter in this lifetime. So a lot of us that have a lot of challenges in place, we have to be aware of that. We, we did choose that to a certain extent because we wanted to really have a lot of challenges in place. We have to be aware of that. We, we did choose that to a certain extent because we wanted to really have a lot of growth in that particular embodiment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like that. You say that we choose it. I 100% agree and believe that it's uncomfortable for people sometimes to accept it, because there's a lot of really ugly things sometimes that we face and so somebody would be like, why would I ever have agreed to these things? But in my experience, sometimes it's those traumatic events that really are catalysts for evolution and change. You know, on the other side, those other planes, it's unconditional love and you can, you know, observe and see and feel, but you're not evolving because you need to be in this 3d plane where the energies are heavy and I think even depending on locations where you're at, sometimes it's denser, you know, than others. But we did, we did agree to these things and we all agree it's. Everything is connected and inter and it's like a play right. We all agree to certain roles. What I have found interesting in learning about these choices is that sometimes, even if, like, say, you had a parent that was verbally abusive and I've seen like robert schwartz's work is really fascinated, fascinating when it comes to this he will, you know, regress a person and they go to that in-between part of their life, the in-between lives stage, where they're deciding. You know what they want to do, and then we all have our soul families and the people in those soul families are the ones who are agreeing to do these roles. But what he came to find out was, you know, like, because I believe his mother was very verbally abusive to him. These are loving soul people that are just so often the people who sometimes are the most difficult in the 3d plane. I mean, everything on that other plane is complete love. But they sometimes regrettably take those roles for you to learn, I don't know, self-love or resilience or, you know, like, there's a lot of different stories out there of people who chose certain things for whatever reasons, and it is hard to understand because it is traumatic and it requires a lot of inner work, which is where the evolution happens, you know.

Speaker 1:

But I think it's really fascinating that you talk about the records and how you know that can help people understand. You know some of those choices and what all of it means. Like I know past lives. It's more than just the cool part where you're like, oh, I lived in Egypt or oh, I, I, you know, maybe I had a life on another planet as a you know what we call an extraterrestrial, or whatever. Yeah, those are all cool things, but the really cool stuff is or the point of it, I think, more so when you do like, whether you do hypnosis or an Akashic record reading or any of the things is what really the lesson, and you can use it.

Speaker 1:

What did I have a hard time with before? And how can I take that knowledge and say, okay, if I want to move beyond that lesson, because I think we've maybe a lot of people listening if you don't learn the lesson the first time, it's even harder than around. You know, at least I found that. You know it can be helpful to kind of understand. You know those different things.

Speaker 1:

And it's a very guarded, protected place as well. You know, like nobody can go in and access. You know I can't go in and access your records just out of willy nilly if I want to like. It's a very sacred, protected space, you know, and you as a reader and I bet you you've probably experienced this. But I've talked to other people who work with the Akashic Records but sometimes, even when they go in, there may be knowledge that is not given to them because it is not pertinent to the present moment for that person, you know. So they sometimes some things are not revealed because it is not even if that's their question, right, right, and that's really where they want the answer. But they can't give that answer because it would not help on that evolution, you know, which I find fascinating.

Speaker 3:

Right. Sometimes they will guide you to ask it from a different perspective, or maybe ask it in the future, right, when you're more prepared for the answer, and so that's where it becomes very it's present, based on what you need, and if what you need isn't the answer to that question, then they will guide you to explore it from a different angle. That might be more helpful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Sometimes people say it's maybe not the reading you wanted, but it's what you needed, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know we can't force certain answers to come, but they usually give you something to go on right, Something that will help you grow in that particular area. Even if it's not what you wanted to hear, I find it's definitely always what we need to hear and you were talking about. You know why certain things happen and everything. And what I have noticed in people's records is that we all have a perpetrator role that we play in certain lifetimes where we are the ones that are causing the ruckus and that we have made certain choices and that really does affect our karma going forward. And a lot of times we'll incarnate in these soul groups and just switch these roles over and over. So you're the perpetrator now I'll be the child, and it's the cool thing about the records is, as you can see, those relationships and work on some of these karmic bonds that you have with people.

Speaker 3:

So they have instructed me with certain prayers, so one of them that I use very often is the forgiveness prayer is happening. I'll look and a lot of times I'll notice that I've pissed this person off in a past life and I actually probably deserve this right to a certain extent, and so what I'll do is I'll give myself grace, forgive myself in that moment and then also forgive them. So this way, when we incarnate next time we might meet, but it's not going to be a karmic thing. They might just be a stranger to me in that lifetime and we can have a friendship that grows. That's not like, oh, you owe me, you took my dog in that last lifetime and now I'm going to take yours. That's where the records are very helpful, because we can clear some of these karmic bonds and move forward with like love and grace and actually do some very deep healing at the soul level.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Some very deep healing at the soul level. I love that. Well, astral, you have really touched on some really fascinating juicy topics today. For those listening, where can they find you? Where can they do a reading with you? Or if you offer classes and all the things, where can people get in?

Speaker 3:

touch with you, so the best way to get in touch with me is from my website, astralmuttercom. You can follow me on Facebook. I have a page dedicated to the Astral Hour, which is my podcast. I'm also on Instagram at astromeadows, and that hosts the podcast. A lot of my art is on there. I'm also on YouTube under astromeadow369. And the podcast is streamed on all the major platforms like Spotify and Apple and Google podcasts all those good things and I have an art page on Facebook that's labeled Astral Creation. So if you're interested in just exploring my artistic side, that's where you can find that.

Speaker 1:

And I will have all of those links in the notes for people to just easily access and find you. What is a closing thought you'd like to leave the audience with?

Speaker 3:

I guess I just want everyone to know that you know they really do have the power to make any change that they want in their life. We are very powerful beings and we always have the ability to overcome any hard situation that we're in. So if you're really resonating with love and grace and activating that inner power, you can overcome any obstacle. So that's that's why it came forward for me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's beautiful. It's such a beautiful way to end and it's a hundred percent true, astral, thank you for your time, for sharing your knowledge. Please, everybody listening, you've got to check out the Asple Hour. It is a really amazing podcast and I'm so grateful for discussion today, our time together, and I feel that I honor the beautiful light that you are in this world, asple.

Speaker 3:

I honor you too. I love your energy and your beautiful heart and all the information that you share with the collective. Thanks so much, thank you.

Speaker 4:

Hey, it's Jen Mitchell, host of the Soul Traveler podcast and your partner in leveling up your life through quantum hypnosis. I'm sure that you've heard before that all answers lie within, right? Well, it's true. Do you ever wonder how some people are so wildly successful and seem to achieve all of their life goals? It's because they've figured out life's secret the power of the subconscious mind. Highly successful CEOs and entrepreneurs have used hypnosis to make their dreams a reality, and it's no longer a secret. Now you can transform your life with the power of the subconscious by using these same techniques with quantum hypnosis. Let's level up your life. Visit me online at thesoulexperiencescom and click on subconscious coaching hello, beautiful soul.

Speaker 2:

Thank you again for listening. I'd like to ask you to please rate, review and follow the show. It really helps to have it become more visible and the beautiful messages be spread to more people. I also wanted to mention that I am now offering Reiki distance sessions. The link will be in the podcast notes. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about that. Also, I wanted to put out there. If there is something that you have to share to be a guest on the show, please reach out to me and we'll see if it's a good fit. Thank you again for being here and sending love, light, joy, peace and magic your way.

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The Akashic Records
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