Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Tom Palladino's Journey into Scalar Energy's Transformative Power!

June 19, 2024 Kelly
Tom Palladino's Journey into Scalar Energy's Transformative Power!
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Tom Palladino's Journey into Scalar Energy's Transformative Power!
Jun 19, 2024

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Hello beautiful souls! What if you could revolutionize your health with a simple photograph? Join us as we welcome holistic medical expert and researcher Tom Palladino, who unveils the incredible potential of scalar energy. Inspired by Nikola Tesla's later work, Tom has spent over four decades developing instruments that harness this non-physical energy from the stars, promising to transform health and wellness as we know it. This episode offers a fascinating look into how scalar energy, an informational template or divine blueprint, can enhance the human energy field by transcending time and space.

As we explore scalar energy, you’ll learn about its groundbreaking capabilities that set it apart from traditional Western medicine. Tom explains how scalar energy works at the informational level—bypassing biochemical symptoms and avoiding harmful side effects. He draws intriguing parallels to reprogramming a computer or correcting architectural plans, emphasizing the importance of addressing the root causes of disease. Discover how this holistic approach aligns with our true nature as beings of energy and spirit, presenting a transformative and effective way to improve overall health.

The conversation delves deep into the practical applications of scalar energy, from negating harmful pathogens to improving mental clarity and alleviating insomnia and addiction. Tom passionately believes that scalar energy is a divine gift capable of liberating humanity and solving many of our pressing problems. Hear about real-life success stories and be inspired by the potential of this revolutionary technology to transform lives and pave the way for a brighter, healthier future. Don’t miss this enlightening episode—your health may never be the same.

To get in touch with Tom and sign up for your 15 free day trial of scalar light energy healing: https://www.scalarlight.com/

Tom's YouTube and Facebook links:


To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


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Hello beautiful souls! What if you could revolutionize your health with a simple photograph? Join us as we welcome holistic medical expert and researcher Tom Palladino, who unveils the incredible potential of scalar energy. Inspired by Nikola Tesla's later work, Tom has spent over four decades developing instruments that harness this non-physical energy from the stars, promising to transform health and wellness as we know it. This episode offers a fascinating look into how scalar energy, an informational template or divine blueprint, can enhance the human energy field by transcending time and space.

As we explore scalar energy, you’ll learn about its groundbreaking capabilities that set it apart from traditional Western medicine. Tom explains how scalar energy works at the informational level—bypassing biochemical symptoms and avoiding harmful side effects. He draws intriguing parallels to reprogramming a computer or correcting architectural plans, emphasizing the importance of addressing the root causes of disease. Discover how this holistic approach aligns with our true nature as beings of energy and spirit, presenting a transformative and effective way to improve overall health.

The conversation delves deep into the practical applications of scalar energy, from negating harmful pathogens to improving mental clarity and alleviating insomnia and addiction. Tom passionately believes that scalar energy is a divine gift capable of liberating humanity and solving many of our pressing problems. Hear about real-life success stories and be inspired by the potential of this revolutionary technology to transform lives and pave the way for a brighter, healthier future. Don’t miss this enlightening episode—your health may never be the same.

To get in touch with Tom and sign up for your 15 free day trial of scalar light energy healing: https://www.scalarlight.com/

Tom's YouTube and Facebook links:


To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful souls. I'm so glad you are part of my soul family and you are here with me on this journey. I am now a Reiki master and I love using Reiki to help me in my life and help my family members and friends. Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy. Life force energy flows through everything and it is what causes us to be alive. Quantum physics proves that we are all connected. This is what Einstein referred to as spooky action at a distance. Reiki transcends the illusion of space, time and distance to bring calm, stress relief and ignite the inner healing that resides within each and every one of you. I am now offering distance sessions for anyone interested. Check the links below in the podcast notes to schedule a session with me, and also feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have about Reiki.

Speaker 1:

My guest today works with something super exciting and new called scalar light energy. This energy comes directly from the sun. He has been inspired by the later work of Nikola Tesla to build instruments that harnesses this energy to improve human health. You're going to love him and he has a very special offer for each and every person listening. I also wanted to let you guys know I'm so excited Video content of Enlightened Elevate will soon be available through Ethereal TV. The launch is coming soon, so definitely be on the lookout for future announcements. Thank you again for being here and enjoy this episode.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back everybody to Enlightened Elevate. I'm so excited I have Tom Palladino here with me today. He's a holistic medical expert and scalar energy researcher with over 40 years of experience in this field. Welcome, tom, thank you for the invite. So, Tom, do you want to tell us a little bit about your background and what brought you into this field?

Speaker 3:

Yes, we're going to speak about informational science, scalar energy, scalar life. What is that? I work at the energy of the stars and at a young age I became involved in this concept of energy, stellar energy, the energy that powers our sun, of our solar system, the stars. So I made a career. I'm pursuing this branch of this scalar business. It's been quite fruitful. What I've discovered is phenomenal, absolutely incredible. I'm going to share my discoveries with your audience.

Speaker 2:

Excellent, I'm fascinated. So you? You gave us a little bit of it. So do you want to dive a little bit deeper into what scalar energy is and how you use it?

Speaker 3:

Yes, scalar energy, energy, it's fundamental force of use. By that I mean nothing perceived and believed from bringing me that god creates life. Now I have partners, instruments, scale, the live engine that can capture that energy and, if you will, administer and improve what I call our informational health soul, mind, body. So to be clear, this energy is non-physical, hence it has a non-physical connection with people by way of their force field. So, to be clear, I never work with people. This is not a biological process. This is a new branch of physics in which we're working with non-physical energy. It's massive. We're delivering intelligence or information. So, to give the audience an analogy, if you're an architect, you start with architectural, which is the intelligent template, the building instructions. You don't start building, you start with a template, a divine blueprint, what I have. I don't work with the body, work only with the information. So we'll get into that. But this is so exciting because I don't work the biological, but I work the level of light. When you work light, you never make a mistake. Light is perfect.

Speaker 2:

That's fascinating, and if you're working on that level too, you're not working in a physical space. You can transcend time or distance, all of those things, so you can work with anybody anywhere.

Speaker 3:

Really, thank you. You're right. So when I work with these instruments, hold your breath, I don't work with people, I work with photographs. A scatter energy instrument can pick up a scatter energy signal on a photograph, so this is quite unconventional. This is my groundbreaking research. My predecessor, a man by the name of Dylan Hiram, developed these instruments to work with photographs. So we're working again at informational. My photograph contains my information, my code, my signature, all of my biological functions are embedded on that photograph in my psychological state, well, my spiritual state. So my soul, mind and body are found embedded on that photograph.

Speaker 3:

Now, by way of analogy, to let your audience in on this, we're having a conversation for our computers. I see your image, kelly, you see me. We're sharing information. To let your audience in on this, we're having a conversation for our computers. I see your image, kelly, you see me. We're sharing information. Well, likewise with a photograph. That's an image. I see your image in my computer and I can share information with you Photograph, just as I'm sharing my thoughts with you. This is the exciting science of scalar energy working with light instruments to access energy fields.

Speaker 2:

It's really fascinating. So how does it work? How does it work through a photograph? How do you apply the energy? What is your process?

Speaker 3:

Once I Well, actually, you know me up, robert, that's the process and then I print the photograph. So what's the point? My photograph has a signal or signature. It's me, it's me with my finger, and I actually take a printed photograph. Now this instrument is on, it's functioning right now. So by placing my photograph in that force field, I can actually feel the energy. Some people say they can feel the energy because we have an aura. Everybody has a force field and an aura. So we're not working with brick and mortar, we're not working with physical, with soma, we're working with the energy field of our person. This is again a new branch of the person. Now, once I place my photograph inside that instrument, I am no longer in an electromagnetic environment. There's two dimensions. I am now in a scalar energy environment and in that scalar energy environment I can receive instruction from that instrument. Now, what I've discovered when I'm working with the instrument balance of the shock.

Speaker 3:

Seven shock sends energy to our shock I'm going to demonstrate to your audit. The instrument is on, function, it's like that. I'm pointing to it. The energy's pulse, where you should get energy first. Pulsation there's so much of a pulsation close to the light bulb will illuminate. It's really cool, that amount of energy going into the light is the same amount of energy going into my psyche, to my mind, to my seven chakras. Now, in order to balance seven chakras, chakras spin, hold, dive chakra. These are seven major chakras. What is a chakra? It's a point of light. So, again, we're working with light, with information. These are information fields, seven information fields they spin because scalar energy spins. It's a vortex. So these are seven spinning informational fields, vortices of scalar energy, and I can access that through light. So, once again, if I can take a person's photograph, raise it in the instrument and subject their shock to light, it balances their brainwave, it balances their shock. And what's the upshot? People are calmer, they feel better, they're no longer depressed.

Speaker 3:

Some people say that the chakra balancing has removed depression or allowed them to get over cigarettes it's a bad habit or has relieved them of drug addiction. So, working at the level of information, we can, if you will, offset signatures of bad habits, we can offset, we can negate depression, we can neg. If you will offset the signature of bad habit, we can offset, we can negate depression, we can negate drug addiction. You see, every disease has a signature, an energy level, an energy force, depression has a force field. If a scalar energy instrument can negate the force field of depression, depression is lifted.

Speaker 3:

So this is the new science in which we're not working at the physical level, as you said, we're working at the level of intelligence that transcends time and space. Now, quite frankly, I'd much rather work at the level of intelligence than at a chemical level. And I don't disparage anybody in the medical community. I'm not a medical profession. I don't want to work with biological consequences. I do not have to factor in biochemical reactions. Non-physical energy is not a biochemical reaction, it's informational. So there's something above our biological field which is intelligent information. Some people call that the Akashic record, others will call that a fourth field, conscious. Call it what you will. This new science demonstrates that scalar energy, light, is supreme, that scalar energy is not that which is the biological, that scalar energy is the call that transcends time and space. It's promising because it puts us in the driver's seat. With scalar energy the first principle with fundamental life force energy, we can command nature, we're in control of nature. With light, we're not at the biochemical level which we're subject to nature. Rather, we can control nature.

Speaker 2:

I have a question that came into my mind when you were talking about it Would it work on a picture of, say, an area that may have had some kind of a weather disaster? Could you send scalar light to something, or maybe a war-torn area or something like that? Yes, and.

Speaker 3:

I've done that. People have sent photographs of areas that are war-torn, as you mentioned. I've worked with photographs of refugees, sometimes from refugee camps. I've worked with people on HIV clinics by way of collages like that. Recently I've worked with photographs of the ohia tree in Hawaii that had a fungal blight. Now I have received photographs from people from Hawaii and I've been asked to address the rohea blight and I've done so and after working with these trees by way of a photograph of blight and soak, the trees no longer have any fungal contamination. Trees revive. So, whether it's with people or a clinic of HIV, people who are infected with the HIV virus one person at a time or animal, farm animals, livestock, a photograph transcends time and space. So this type of technology allows people, animals, plants, even objects, anywhere in the world where there are forest fields can have favorable results.

Speaker 2:

That's really fascinating. I mean, in everything in this planning it's full of forest energy.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Working at the level.

Speaker 2:

It makes complete sense to me that you can what I know. You said you you can work with all these different types of things. Um, how, how well known, because I I just have, you've just become come on my radar scalar energy. This is the first time I'm really talking with anybody who uses it. Um, how do you see it now? And then moving forward in the future, because I could see this becoming very important, you know, as we move forward?

Speaker 3:

Yes, it will be. Thank you for the interview. What's hurt now is education. I'm at the vanguard of these instruments are the custom built thought. Nobody else in the world has my approach, so I'm trying to get the word out Slowly. It's disseminated throughout the world. The key to my research once again is I want to help people. I can do so easily through a photographic force field. This is not Newtonian science. This is not Western medicine. It's a new branch of physics in which we can address the energy field of our earth. That's never been sufficiently defined. That's the problem. This science is not sufficiently defined. It's not taught by academia. It's my work cutting it. You're not going to find a college textbook.

Speaker 2:

Right, you know it's fascinating, but it's addressing the body the way it should be addressed, because we're not just what, we're not just bone and in all in all of that we are spirit as well. So if you're not actually addressing the spirit and the energy of what it is to be human, then you're not really addressing um, you know all, all the root causes and that could be why some of Western medicine is problematic. Right, because it's symptom treating. You know you're not actually getting often Again, I am also not a medical professional, but you know, just speaking in a, you know some observations I've made you know you're treating symptoms.

Speaker 2:

You're not actually necessarily getting to the root of something. You know sometimes they're prescribing medications that then will give somebody a reaction to that. Then they have to have another medication, you know like. So it can be an endless cycle. So it's really I love it because you know to address what our true nature is and use that as a way to work and heal and then also put it gives us, I think, as humans, more power to know that we can, we have these alternatives and that we can work with the quantum field, you know, to achieve healing or change in our lives. So much.

Speaker 3:

It's brilliant so to once again advance your thought. If you have a medical problem, I understand, but why work with something else, that is, on the level of a biochemical agent, to address a biochemical problem, which is the effect. Trying to influence the effect Usually not very effective. Treating a symptom, treating a medical symptom, is not effective. I propose we treat medical information with information.

Speaker 3:

In my mind I never say I'm working in the medical field, working in the informational field, and I don't work with people, I work with their energy. So what am I getting at? All disease begins as the wrong information, disease is improper, flawed information. I want to correct the disease at the informational level, not at the biochemical. It's so much easier, my work is so much easier to work at the informational level. And secondly, when I work at that level, I never have biochemical responses. There's never a side, there's no side effects, because a photograph cannot experience a side effect. So true to form.

Speaker 3:

All information, all scalar energy, informational work stays within that realm, including consequences, including the results. Hence I never have a detox, I never have a Herxheimer reaction, nobody ever becomes dizzy. Your photograph cannot have any type of pimple or wart. Your photograph cannot experience fainting spells. You cannot get flushed in as a rash from your photograph, and I'm not saying be coy, I mean every word of it. When you're working at the informational level, you don't have biological consequences.

Speaker 3:

Hence my work is flawless. Why Energy is flawless. Energy is supreme. Energy follows the laws of science. My instruments follow the laws of science. When I place a person's force field in the laws of science, the laws of science are upon the photograph and the laws of science are benign and they're always at the informational level, never at the biological. So can we improve human health? Yes, not at the biological level. I've never worked, because that's the physical manifestation, non-physical information. I only work at the informational level. Now, if you're a computer program and you see that the computer program that was written is flawed and that there's mistakes there's mistakes in computation, there's mistakes in somebody's email address, mistakes in the way you process data Then you reprogram the computer by programming. Well, if there's a problem with this computer, a biological computer, we don't go after the physical manifestation, which is the effect, we go after the informational cause and we reprogram, if you will, the pattern body, just as a computer program would reprogram with the right information to have the right computer program.

Speaker 2:

That makes sense, it makes sense it's logical. Very logical, fascinating.

Speaker 3:

It's the easy thing, kelly. It's the easy way of doing things. Now, what am I getting? Here's another. Now, If you're an architect and you realize there's a flaw, there's a mistake in the architectural plans, and if you built those architectural plans per the drawings, there would be a stairway going to nowhere or a room would be missing. A door would be flawed. So instead of building a building without a door, why not just use the architectural plans? Then you'll have proper building encoded. You'd automatically do that if you're an architect. You'd say well, if the plans are flawed, we have to put in a door. We need a door to get into. Well, if we do that as architects, why don't we do that with quantum mechanics?

Speaker 2:

This is just so, so fascinating. So for people listening who maybe it's the first time they're understanding the quantum field, how would you just give them a basic overview of like what that means and how we?

Speaker 3:

I mean because anybody can access it- and I want to bring this down to real life you will set the human mind and emotions, the mind and the heart, to scale energy waveforms. This stands to reason, as a thought transcends time and space. A thought is free energy. A thought will exist forever and a thought can. What Program at the informational level, the physical role, what is a thought to scalar wave? So, whether you think and program your world around you, your transcending time and space, or whether I work on a photograph, scalar energy and I transcend time and space and I provide information. Whether it's an instrument or the human brain, it's scalar waves. That's a scalar wave instrument and I work with scalar waves on this horse. So what am I getting? This is so common. We miss it. We the mind and the heart are scalar light vessels. We are scalar light experts. We use scalar light every moment of our life, but we miss it and academia does not teach that.

Speaker 2:

I just love this. This is interesting, so it really just is that simple and that powerful though, but there's so much that has come out about how you can reprogram the way you think, your neural pathways. I mean, all of this seems it all is on the same wavelength with how powerful we truly are as humans and how we can transform and change things. What are some of the benefits that your healing offers to people?

Speaker 3:

So again, we're keeping this at the informational level. We're going to hold up a photograph of information. There's the informational horse rope. That photograph is Epstein-Barr magnified so we can take a look at it. Now, obviously the magnified photograph fires. If I place that photograph side by side with my photograph, the two information fields communicate. Epstein-barr has a signature.

Speaker 3:

If I am able to detect Epstein-Barr as a signature or a signal in my photograph my quantum or a signal in my photograph, my quantum, this process will not only look for Epstein-Barr but negate it. Now the key to my work is if something is good, we leave it alone. If something is harmful, we negate it, we bring it to a state of chaos. A scanner of light instrument can look for any virus, bring it to a state of chaos. So I program my instrument. In one hour I can look for hundreds of thousands of species of pathogens, germs, and I'm able to negate those species of germs by an energy field. Now if you try to do that with drugs, it would be impossible because you're working at the level of effect. When you're working with energy, light happens in a flash. It's instantaneous. All of my sessions are instantaneous because scant energy transcends time and space. So this is the easy way to get rid of, to bring to a state of chaos the virus.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're right. I mean this would completely overhaul the medical system, like if it became mainstream. It would be a complete overhaul and change, which I'm sure is probably why people maybe have not yet heard about it, or because I know that. You know, I mean, it doesn't serve certain industries for people to be well or to be able to self-heal, so that's really so interesting. So you offer yes, you talked about your pathogen what about mind and spirit enhancement? How does it work in that?

Speaker 3:

I'm going to say the fact that I can illuminate a light. That is divine energy. What imparting, influencing a life? Now, if I can eliminate a light, this energy will like. Why eliminate the mind After I work with people? I, for one hour, dan, performed the mind After I work with people, for one hour a day, I perform this shopping.

Speaker 3:

After I work with people a day or two, they tell me that they're much calmer, that they're focused, they have a greater mental clarity. Many people say they are dreaming very deep, vivid dreams. Now, I have no control over a person's dreams. So what's happening? This energy is holographic. This energy is flooding their mind and it's bringing to life a very vivid, active dream state and many people say that they can sleep without interruption. So there you have a deep sleep pattern. Okay, that's great. How did that happen? Information, not through chemicals. So I think the roadway. People want a cure for insomnia. I think the pathway, the roadway, the scalar information that will reprogram the mind. Again, we're not working chemical level. The informational level reprograms soul, mind and body. Well, I believe so many people have given us testimonies over the years and they tell us that they're much happier, that they're no longer depressed. Some people say that they've given up alcohol. I am not involved in drug intervention. That's not my daily work. This energy will remove habit, remove the desire, remove the emotional intrigue for drugs.

Speaker 2:

That is groundbreaking. I mean, that's such a struggle for so many people, I mean, and people who genuinely want to get better but they don't know how. I mean this is really huge, it is.

Speaker 3:

Consider this. It's a good point. It was another point. Today in my lab I work with half a millionups so we're growing. Sometimes people send me a group of collage part of the village so we can easily work with a billion people a year by way of the clutter. My goal is to eventually work with a million buttercups.

Speaker 2:

That's really so fascinating. I mean, the things that you can do really are endless. I mean all the things that you could use it for. You know the applications. I mean just being able to help people with addiction issues, um is, I think it's huge. But being able to work with other illnesses as well, um, so when patients or I, I guess, I don't know clients come to you, can somebody come to you without knowing anything, just have a pure curiosity, and send you a photograph and then you do? You do your scan and then tell them what comes up. How does that work?

Speaker 3:

That's a good point. When people send me the photograph, I plead with them do not tell me you're a medical problem. I'm not in the medical field and the medical community has its own body of knowledge. This body of knowledge is distinct from medicine. Why it's not the physical body? Working with Scalergy Forcefield, working with a person's photograph, that's not medicine. This is a new branch of physics. So the first thing I have to make with people is this is not a medical procedure, it's a new branch of physics. And when people send me the photograph, I tell them don't worry, the Christ energy, the supreme energy of the universe, knows what to do.

Speaker 3:

Now, going back to my earlier statements, when people would send me a photo within a day or two, they're telling me they're sleeping well and they have a vivid dream state giving up alcohol after a month or two sessions Bravo, wonderful, thank you. Thank you, god. But I'm not a sleep therapist, I don't deal with drug intervention and I certainly cannot encourage you to have vivid dreams. The energy does all the work. I love my position, I love what I'm doing because I'm working with information and I don't have to tell the information what to do. It's self-instructing, it's self-programming. This instrument, this energy is divine. So, unlike, if you will, the sciences which human reasoning was called upon, and it is, god bless, fine, the divine science. Don't tell God what to do. The energy knows what to do the divine science.

Speaker 2:

Don't tell God what to do. The energy knows what to do. Yeah, and I and I, I'm a Reiki master, so I, I, I have a pretty good understanding of energy and I know when I do Reiki with a client, reiki goes where it needs to go. We never have to worry, you know, because, again, you're working with life force, energy, you know. So it just it goes where it needs to go. You can't ever give too much or too little. You know it's really fascinating to me, but, you know, working in that quantum space and using energy, there's so much to it, you know, and I don't think people really do you ever encounter people who are really skeptical about it. When I talk about, you know, manipulating energy, sometimes people will look at me strangely, you know, and I can always tell, you know they get this like kind of look on their face and I can tell that they just think I'm totally nuts. But you know it's, it's. There's a lot of information out there that support all of the things that we're talking about.

Speaker 3:

You know, skepticism is fine. This is a new sign. It's done for the matter, it's instrumental. The approach is unique. I don't think anybody in the world has ever approached human health quantum level as I am. Again, it's a unique process, so I don't mind being skeptical. That's why I did waste these sessions on my website. But we have to keep in mind that, as a new science, we have to learn, and if that means we have to be humble and start from first grade, then so be it. Be humble and learn this new science not taught by academia and, to be very blunt, the powers that be the world powers. We don't want people to realize that scalar energy, free energy exists. So there's an active suppression against this kind of technology. This technology will change industry. Well, the captains of industry don't want that.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, that's so. It's just very interesting. But I love all this. Where can people find you? Where can they get in touch with you, follow you?

Speaker 3:

just go to the website scalermikecom s-c-a-l-e-o. Scalermikecom, the website anybody can upload. Email us your photographs, include your family, get their permission and in so doing, we will work with you for 15 days, every day. We'll balance your shock, we'll look for it, we will eliminate microbes, toxins and we also have a third modality, which we take photographs of vitamins and we download that energetically into you For 22 hours a day. I take micronutrients and I download the energy of micronutrients. So those three processes pathogen cleanse chakras and the nutrient program 24, 24 hours a day. The instruments are on and you're receiving this beneficial energy 24 hours a day. Go to the website. Your best bet is to try research awesome.

Speaker 2:

Do you want to share a quick success story with the listeners and the viewers.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is a photograph of a clinic in Delhi. This is the Home Prakash HIV in Delhi, india. We work with clinics around the world. It's obviously online. This is a photograph for the record. When I work with these people, by way of a photograph, I take a photograph of the HIV virus and I place it side by side with that people. So, according to this new science of information, the field of HIV shares the force field of the people, the signature of HIV. We eliminate, we eradicate, remove, we negate, cure the force field of HIV on the photocopy. So, working at the informational level, we can detect HIV in a person, negate it, bring it to a state of chaos. After working with 5,000 people at this clinic, nobody has a viral load for each eye. Wow, anybody who's had a follow-up PCR test? Nobody has a viral load. No one, no one. Here's one of the test results oh gosh.

Speaker 2:

I think it's that's so amazing. You know, this is huge too for people worldwide, especially in areas where maybe medical assistance and care is scarce. I mean this is something that can be used. I mean, in that way as well. I mean this is just really gosh. I mean, really, the possibilities are just endless and it's really thank you for doing this and, you know, sharing your research and this healing modality. I encourage everybody to go find Tom and, you know, check out his website, send your pictures, because really, what have you got to lose? You know? I mean, only things can improve. You know, tom, is there a closing thought you'd like to leave the listeners with Definitely Sure?

Speaker 3:

There you go. Yes, scalar technology will change the world. Scalar technology Now. I want people to be happy and I realize there's problems, but this technology will improve the human condition. Scalar energy will liberate mankind. So please welcome this gift from God. Let's scalar energy transform our lives. Let's improve the human condition.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely Well, tom, thank you so much for your time and I honor the beautiful light you are in this world and all the good that you're bringing into it. What an amazing. I can't wait to see where you go, where this goes, and I'll be following and watching you.

Speaker 3:

Please do, thank you so much, thank you.

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