Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Sheridan Ruth's Journey Harmonizing Spiritual Entrepreneurship with Inner Peace!

June 26, 2024 Kelly
Sheridan Ruth's Journey Harmonizing Spiritual Entrepreneurship with Inner Peace!
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Sheridan Ruth's Journey Harmonizing Spiritual Entrepreneurship with Inner Peace!
Jun 26, 2024

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Hello beautiful souls! Unlock the secrets to harmonizing your entrepreneurial journey with inner tranquility as we chat with Sheridan Ruth, a seasoned yoga and trauma therapist. Sheridan shares her transformative journey from the high-stakes world of finance to mastering the art of trauma healing, shedding light on how body-based tools can revolutionize your business approach. Discover how nurturing your nervous system can cultivate resilience, spur creative thinking, and enhance your emotional well-being, positioning you for unparalleled success.

Explore the tight-knit relationship between trauma healing and financial empowerment. Our conversation dives into the fascinating ways early life experiences shape our money mindset and self-worth. Sheridan illuminates how our bodies often cling to familiar patterns of anxiety and tension, hindering our potential for growth. By expanding our capacity to relish the present moment, we can break free from these cycles and achieve genuine financial freedom, creating a holistic approach to entrepreneurship that honors both mental and financial health.

Embrace the wisdom of aligning with your inner purpose as Sheridan introduces us to the principles of Dharma and Shakti. By tuning into these ancient concepts, learn how to navigate the complexities of modern life and stay true to your passions amidst the noise. We unravel how childhood wounds and societal conditioning can impact your business decisions and stress the importance of small, intentional steps towards growth. Stay inspired by stories of unexpected ventures and the magic that unfolds when we live in harmony with our true selves. Join us for an insightful and transformative conversation that promises to elevate your entrepreneurial journey!

To get in touch with Sheridan:


Sheridan's podcast: Embodied Entrepreneur:

Follow her on Instagram:


To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Hello beautiful souls! Unlock the secrets to harmonizing your entrepreneurial journey with inner tranquility as we chat with Sheridan Ruth, a seasoned yoga and trauma therapist. Sheridan shares her transformative journey from the high-stakes world of finance to mastering the art of trauma healing, shedding light on how body-based tools can revolutionize your business approach. Discover how nurturing your nervous system can cultivate resilience, spur creative thinking, and enhance your emotional well-being, positioning you for unparalleled success.

Explore the tight-knit relationship between trauma healing and financial empowerment. Our conversation dives into the fascinating ways early life experiences shape our money mindset and self-worth. Sheridan illuminates how our bodies often cling to familiar patterns of anxiety and tension, hindering our potential for growth. By expanding our capacity to relish the present moment, we can break free from these cycles and achieve genuine financial freedom, creating a holistic approach to entrepreneurship that honors both mental and financial health.

Embrace the wisdom of aligning with your inner purpose as Sheridan introduces us to the principles of Dharma and Shakti. By tuning into these ancient concepts, learn how to navigate the complexities of modern life and stay true to your passions amidst the noise. We unravel how childhood wounds and societal conditioning can impact your business decisions and stress the importance of small, intentional steps towards growth. Stay inspired by stories of unexpected ventures and the magic that unfolds when we live in harmony with our true selves. Join us for an insightful and transformative conversation that promises to elevate your entrepreneurial journey!

To get in touch with Sheridan:


Sheridan's podcast: Embodied Entrepreneur:

Follow her on Instagram:


To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful souls, I'm so glad you are part of my soul family and you are here with me on this journey. I am now a Reiki master and I love using Reiki to help me in my life and help my family members and friends. Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy. Life force energy flows through everything and it is what causes us to be alive. Quantum physics proves that we are all connected. This is what Einstein referred to as spooky action at a distance. Reiki transcends the illusion of space, time and distance to bring calm, stress relief and ignite the inner healer that resides within each and every one of you. I am now offering distance sessions for anyone interested. Check the links below in the podcast notes to schedule a session with me and also feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have about Reiki. I also wanted to let you guys know I'm so excited Video content of Enlightened Elevate will soon be available through Ethereal TV.

Speaker 1:

The launch is coming soon, so definitely be on the lookout for future announcements. Thank you again for being here and enjoy this episode. Hello everyone, welcome back to Enlighten and Elevate. I'm so excited here. We love to talk about all things spiritual, metaphysical, and I have Sheridan Ruth here with me. She is a yoga and trauma therapist, specializing in supporting entrepreneurs to increase profit and decrease anxiety. She's also the podcast host of the amazing podcast the embodied entrepreneur.

Speaker 2:

Sheridan, welcome thanks for joining us today yeah, I'm so happy and like big welcome to our listeners I was just talking about to our listeners. I was just talking about how everything is specifically aligned and everything is simultaneously a synchronicity and absolutely meant to happen that way and couldn't happen another way. So I think that's the same for everyone who's happening to listen to our voices at the moment.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there's definitely a message or messages here for you for sure. If you found your way here, I'm so excited and I met Sheridan through a friend of mine, jen Mitchell. That's how we got connected and her podcast is called the Soul Traveler and she's such a lovely soul too. But that's how Sheridan and I got connected and so I brought her on today, because we're going to talk about entrepreneurship and you approach it in a really unique way, because you approach it with using body-based tools, regulating the nervous system and business strategy. That's a unique way to approach entrepreneurship and how to help people.

Speaker 1:

But when I learned that about you, I started to think about it and really it makes complete sense to me, because if your nervous system is dysregulated, you're not going to make have really good decision making skills. So it may at least. So it really made sense. I'm like this is really. This is like magic, because if you can, if you do, if you put all those things together, and I think it would also be something that you could use in other parts of your life as well, not just the strategy of your business, but you could use it in other sorts of relationships in your life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100%, and I want to commend you for actually getting that, because I recently started being a little bit more active in the community down here in melbourne and they're more on the side of like traditional tech, founder like it, stuff, like I don't know like very traditional entrepreneurship. But I'm obviously coming from a background that's very aware of the body and so what's been really curious for me is that the feedback I've had is that doesn't make sense. Why do you need to worry about what's happening inside of your body and your emotions and how would that influence my business? And you get it. But I want to break it down a little bit more for the people that are like okay, I can intuit it, but give me some words to wrap myself around it.

Speaker 2:

And I think the reason that it's really important to approach business and entrepreneurship specifically in the way that I do, the honest truth is that most startups will fail within the first two years. Most entrepreneurs will not become successful, and that's not because they aren't smart enough or they're not doing or they didn't pick product or market. It's because they weren't able to access their innate sense of resilience and creative thinking and decision making and innovation and instinct in order to sustain being an entrepreneur for long enough to create the profitable business, because I think great skills or excellent copywriting service. But can you fit all of the pieces together the marketing, the service, the product in a way that you, without wanting to crash it all down, but In a way that you, without wanting to crash, go down, but go down Without wanting to run away, and keep doing that for long enough for it to be really profitable?

Speaker 2:

And that's why we have my best business.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's a really very good way to break it down. Do you want to give people a little bit about your background and what brought you into all of the things that you do, that you use and helped you to realize that you, that your purpose, was to work with entrepreneurs?

Speaker 2:

okay, how did I get here? Like, why this? So I have always been an entrepreneur since I left hats. I lived in colombia for a decade and I just found my way through that. I also worked in finance, but particularly when I was working in finance I was confronted with a really big tragedy, sensitive subject coming, but essentially I was in a quite abusive relationship. For about five years I was an absolute shell of myself. It came from a lot of insecurities that I had. I lost my hair when I was seven years old, so I have no hair. Everything I wear is either makeup or a wig, no hair at all, and that left me traumatized. I found myself in this abusive relationship. I found my way out of it, but less than a month after I left that man, he passed away by a suicide.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm so sorry, and yeah, it was sad and it's okay now, but the events that occurred after that were insane. They're the type of thing where you just think am I in a movie? But essentially I was traumatised. I was traumatised. I was doing yoga, I was a doctor, everything relied on me. I was trying to work my way through this. All of the traditional therapeutic models to bring me back to emotional ease were not working. The only thing that worked, which I found inspiration, was a thematic approach, using the body, using trauma therapy.

Speaker 2:

Through the marvel of this work that I now teach, I was able to get to emotional communication to be functioning again in society. I had this great business I was doing yoga outside, like in person. Covid hit. I had to bring it all online. The online entrepreneurial vibe coaching industry, especially back then, is insane. I was inundated with this idea that everyone else knew what they were doing. They were all so perfect. But I would sit and look at Google documents creating content and just have complete brain fog. Or I would try and have a conversation to sell a coaching package because I transitioned into coaching for hair loss and self-trust because people just asked me for it, but I would like freeze up and have anxiety. It was weird because people were asking me for this work. They're like can you help me with all of this? What you're doing is supporting that.

Speaker 2:

I was struggling so much with feeling myself, feeling that money was going to be there forever, that I wasn't an imposter, all of these things and it was obviously impacting my decision making, my creativity, my income. Until one day I was just like you know what I'm done impacting my decision making, my creativity, my income. Until one day I was just like you know what I'm done. I don't want to do this anymore. So I made the decision to quit in a shower, but I couldn't get myself out of the shower because I was in this shutdown.

Speaker 2:

I knew that there were certain embodiment practices that I'd used before when I was in that emotional shutdown that would get me to the laptop so I could start applying for jobs. I'd use them, but by the time I got to the laptop I'd seen kind of like I think it was my work email open and I thought wait a second, what if I got rid of all the advice that I've been given? I just used all of my how to heal your trauma techniques on my business and my body and what I learned was that your body is a comfort to your success and you just got to learn to read it. You're gonna learn to discern between the thoughts of fear versus intuition, another person's voices versus your own, how you want to relate to money versus how they want you, and there's space to leverage other people's intelligence, but at the end of the, your body is the compass to your success, especially as an entrepreneur. So I applied it to myself.

Speaker 2:

I built this like amazing business, did all the things Everyone's like how do you make this money? And I became that person who was like the coaching success within the community and people started asking me how did you do this? I thought, yeah, I can teach you, I can give you some guidance. And then more people started asking and I started realising I'm actually really good at it and I'm probably get more enlightened by it and I'm better at my specific skill set is more suited to supporting entrepreneurs in the strategy and also the emotional space in a way that nobody I know is. So I quit. All of the other types of coaching are from my long-term clients relationship, hair loss, anxiety, depression, et cetera, focusing on the other. And here we are.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. I guess it's a testament to where your focus goes. Energy flows and you went in. It's just really a fascinating manifestation of that. So you talk about so many different things, but I know you often discuss on your podcast and when you guest on other people's, about how to increase capacity for love, abundance, joy after trauma and PTSD. So do you want to? Should we begin there? Because I'm sure a lot of people listening might, because you talk with manifesting and abundance. There's a ton of people talking about it and everybody has a method or a way. But again, you're unique because I don't know that I've ever heard any of those people talk about your nervous system in relation to that.

Speaker 2:

And, yeah, you know how to increase it once you do the that healing work yeah, there is a wonderful podcast episode that I have, which is just a training that I have for my clients, that I made a podcast episode called how to get everything you want. I'd recommend going to that for the full training on manifestation, but let me give you the juiciest bits. I'm going to that for the full training on manifestation, but let me give you the juiciest bits. Your body will always prioritize getting you closer to that which it perceives to be the most familiar, uses the least amount of resources and doesn't kill you. That's its job, nothing else. So if you are, if you grew up, like many of us, having a baseline experience of tension or anxiety or depression, maybe your mother felt that way when you were in the womb, the environment that you lived in had those undertones of emotion, or the church you went to was like a little bit more on the shaming side than the uplifting. Your body becomes accustomed to that level of experience and it looks for experiences that are similar to that. It just wants to recreate what it knows because it thinks that won't kill me. It sucks but won't kill me. So job accomplished because we're growth-oriented individuals. So that's why we're here, and particularly because we felt like the depth of pain. We want something else.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people end up healing trauma, but what they're not embodied blueprint. They have the same emotional baseline, so maybe perhaps the event that was traumatic and stressful has finished, but their body is automatically going back to those same emotions and it's re-traumatizing them. But the body isn't wrong in doing this, because it's that's what I know and its job is to reject everything that is different. That's why sometimes business can be going so well but you feel this like urgency to pull back and hammer. Or even when your bank account doesn't totally need it, you go back to a job. That doesn't help you do your business. Or maybe you actually do need to be in a job, but you put yourself in extreme scarcity, putting you into anxiety, making it impossible to work on your business because you're just not good at having things be easy and good. Or yeah, it's very similar, like when you find a healthy relationship, you'll start testing them and pushing them away. The same thing with your business. You get like shiny object syndrome. You spend all this money, you get distracted with these things that don't help.

Speaker 2:

I'll shut down completely, so what we can do instead of trying to strive towards a goal, because even in the energy, I think about the energy. When there's a goal that I have, it's outside of me and I'm striving to get to it. I'm therefore going to replicate. My body is going to look for things that keep me in that same place, which is a place of striving. There's no arrival at the goal, so my body can't replicate the arrival at the goal. It can't look for scenarios that keep me in the feeling of I've arrived at the goal. What we want to do instead is we want to increase our capacity for all the places in our life where we have already arrived.

Speaker 2:

Not bypass and try to convince ourselves that we've arrived at a goal that we haven't had, but get really good at receiving all of the goodness now, without checking out, without judging ourselves, without judging others, without distracting ourselves, without becoming dysregulated.

Speaker 2:

Dysregulation is not being able to process exactly what's happening right now and stay bodied. So the question becomes how can I experience the pleasure and fullness and depth of this moment even though it's not perfect, even because I, even though I haven't gotten where I want to be, there's still a goodness in it and increase my capacity? So I feel more of that. So I feel 30 more, 50 more of that goodness and do that enough times that my body's oh shit, this is really good. I like feeling this way. Hey, I'm gonna start giving the human the feelings, the thoughts, the emotions, the impulses and the ideas that are going to create more of this feeling, and we're going to pound the person that chases this feeling. And, exactly like you said, kelly, what you focus on grows and then all of a sudden, you become the person that turns around is. I don't know how this happened, but like I got everything I wanted.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing. I love that there's so many things I know you also talk about two skills that entrepreneurs must master in order to have financial freedom. So for those listening, do you want to talk a little bit about those? Because I think there is somewhat like we all have to have an income, right, and that's how we do our things. It's just the way that the world is as we know it today. For those, they want to know that they have a sustainable income to support their family.

Speaker 2:

So everybody has a place to roof over their head, food all the yeah, I think it can also start with understanding that financial freedom is financial empowerment. Money is a place where we learn about the world and ourselves and spirit and god and all that stuff and how we show up in community, because money is super neutral and it also, but it reflects different things. So, on a nervous system basis, I think one of the skills to learn and full transparency. I can't remember which specific skills are in that, but I'm going to name the two that feel most personal based on our conversation and your audience. The first skill is understanding that your relationship to money, how you respond to money, has absolutely nothing to do with money and everything to do with how you attach to themes of belonging, love, identity, relationship with God, relationship with your parents, resources, security, food, a shelter over your head.

Speaker 2:

You have a somatic experience around. How probable is it that I would be okay for six months if I didn't have any income? How possible is it that I will look in the kitchen cupboard and feel like there's not enough food? Feeling is different to the reality. You might have a bank account that has money for food, but you might look in and feel like a suctioning inwards in your body because there was a time when you were three years old where you actually didn't have enough food and your mom whipped something up and you were oblivious to the fact that was her. What we want to do instead is understand the reality of money and then learn how to be new side, first through nervous system regulation and trauma healing, and then, from that place of wisdom, strategic, analytical thinking. Then we make decisions about our finances. I was at the school number one. Do you have any thoughts or questions on it? Before I go into number two?

Speaker 1:

no, that makes complete sense. So I know know, when you're talking about the nervous system, we've talked a lot about it, but we haven't talked about the tools to regulate. Do you have ones that you recommend and I know that may be different dependent on your client, but are there some ones that are just like your go-tos that people can use?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have a PDF I can send you the link. Link to I'm a fan of teaching people how to read energy in their body rather than use specific tools, because I think that, intuitively, we know how to respond to what our body needs when we're learning to read it. I think it's a more sustainable way to teach. So I have a pdf that teaches that, but I think I'll just we'll just chuck one up at the moment that we can all use, which is my, one of my favorites, called orienting.

Speaker 2:

And what you're going to do while we're listening, while we're speaking, while I'm talking, is I want you to look up at all four corners of your room and, like, really lift your chin and look around your room Probably there's eight corners if you're in a square room See if you can find something that you had forgotten was there. And what we're doing is we're doing this motion in the neck of looking around our room and noticing that there's nothing of danger. And you're going to move your eyes, see if you can move your eyes around. And what we're doing is we're telling the nervous system I'm checking for danger and there's no danger here, I'm safe. I really recommend, especially at the beginning of a trauma healing, that you do this at least once an hour, just reaffirming yeah, I can receive, that, I'm safe right now. I love that. That would be a really accessible tool that you can also use at the grocery store or at work, absolutely, or anywhere else yeah, that makes complete sense.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Yeah, yeah, skill number two yeah, that makes complete sense.

Speaker 2:

I love that, yeah, yeah. Skill number two, which kind of pulls on what I'm saying, is you need to be able to identify your desire. Kelly, I don't know if you've ever experienced this before. Tell me, we'll see if we can use you as a guinea pig. Have you ever? Yeah, I think the first question is have you ever been a little bit confused about what you actually want in your business or with the podcast?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sure, I have a lot of I've always had a lot of ideas, but sometimes I think I don't. I focus maybe on too many things. Do you ever have you, I guess, maybe like trying to with balancing and trying to do all the things? Sometimes I don't always have the time I want. I guess I could just say flat out the thing that I really struggle with the most, with everything, is managing all the things, because I still work a full-time job, I have three kids with activities and family and all that kind of stuff. So I do struggle with managing my time, and I know it's so hard for me too, because once you become spiritual, you do realize that time is an illusion, but it is also a reality for those of us in the 3d plane. So I do, I struggle with that and so my, I would say I'm just not as focused as maybe I should be. Maybe I should pick something, focus on that and then move on, have a more centralized goal, or, if you would, I guess I maybe I'm just a little too all over the place with I do the podcast and then I have my Reiki and then I just balancing, I do card reading and all that kind of stuff and how do I get that out there, how do I offer it?

Speaker 1:

I think working through those things too, because what things come up for me often is it is, I think, sometimes imposter. Who am I to do these things? But I know that it's valuable. What I've learned and what I have to share is it's changed my life. So if it can change my life and I definitely know that it can help others and I really want, that's why I do the podcast because I want to share positive information. I want to share things that will help people to transform their lives. I guess focusing on service for me is very important and maybe I just need to have a clarity on my vision and exactly what that means, if that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it does make sense. And if you came to me me we were sitting in a session one of the skills I would teach you would be this, which is identifying using something we called introspection. It's a specific tool that I have to get in contact with what your true desire is, because there are different desires that we have. And if I'm going to be honest, like, the quickest way to get what you want is knowing what you want, being radically honest about it First with yourself. So sometimes we'll have a desire that comes from a traumatized place.

Speaker 2:

I know when I became a therapist at first, there was a part of me that wanted to heal other people because it was healing me and there's a beauty in that. But it wasn't fair for me to bring my desire to heal myself and utilize my business as a way to do it, because what happened was like it felt like it was healing something. On some levels it was, but it wasn't actually how. That's not actually how I heal the parts of myself that are in pain. I have to still attend to them without going through an intermediary, the business being intermediary. Sometimes what happens is we want to save ourselves, we wish somebody else could have saved us and so we try and save and I'm not saying that's you, that's me, actually but some of our desires come from a thing that we're trying to resolve inside of ourselves, and it can be great and beautiful, but it can also be harmful. It just depends on how we relate to it and what it ends up creating in our life. So we can understand those desires, we can also begin to understand what we think we should want.

Speaker 2:

So I notice a lot of people come to me and they're like I want to make money with my business. I'm like cool, we can do that, but they don't want that. What they actually want is to do a new certification. So they get distracted and they don't make money with their business because they're more worried about the new certification. However, if we tie everything in the business to the actual desire, which is the certification now their body's on board, now they're congruent business will be successful because it's linked to their actual desire.

Speaker 2:

So when somebody comes to me and they say, like you're saying, kelly, like I'm feeling really scattered yeah, you do have really genuine logistic constraints, very true, but if you feel like you can't focus, that to me is a sign that you're not, and please take everything that I'm saying with a grain of salt. I don't know you in depth enough to know this, but theoretically it could be a sign that you're not so dialed in on your true, embodied, body based, core carnal desire that you can't not do it. Because if you were, the moment you sit down to pursue that desire, you are focused, you are creative, you are in flow. Nobody can pull you away from it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that makes sense actually A lot. So I think, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Does it offensively at all? It's just yeah, I just have to put the attention where I find that joy and that passion and use that as my guide to know where to go and how to move forward. No, that's very helpful and it might be helpful for other people who are struggling in that way, wanting to break free of the nine to five or whatever kind of job that people are working. Because I do ultimately want to manifest something where I have a lot more flexibility and I can be more present with my family and all of those things. So that does actually make a lot of sense. So thank you for that.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad that worked out well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it really did. So I know you have your yoga training Do you want to talk about? So I know I've listened to you talk about Dharma and Shakti. For those watching and listening who are not familiar with that terminology and what that means, can we touch on that a little bit?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. Oh God, when did I say that? Do you have context? I feel like we can look at it in a couple of ways. Do you have a Sure?

Speaker 1:

So I know from what I know about Dharma Dharma is, if I'm remembering correctly, it's like your life purpose, like it's coming into alignment with what you're here to do, and I just maybe, for those of us struggling with clarity, I guess, maybe we could just, I guess maybe you've already answered it, though, with zeroing in on what you really want and not be. I guess now I'm all thrown off.

Speaker 2:

Let me take what you're doing and put it in a concise thing, because I think you're, I think we're on the same page. Dharma is this sanskrit term going back to the vedas and yogic and hindu philosophy. It talks about you living on your purpose. What it really means and it's very similar in this way to if we get into, if you're into, gene keys and human designs, we talk about fractals is that each person has a specific role in each larger community, sub-communityity and smaller community. Their body holds the keys, the guidance and the understanding of where they need to be in order for nature to thrive, because nature, in its essence, thrives. When we let nature be nature, it grows, dies and it grows and it keeps going. If you let the jungle be the jungle, it becomes this beautiful thing. That's true us too.

Speaker 2:

So dharma is that essence and that ability to listen to your body and relate to the thoughts and the emotions you have and have such a minute understanding that you know exactly how to follow your inner voice, to be in the spaces where you were most financially prosperous and emotionally satisfied. Yeah, for a lot of people it's entrepreneurship. For others it's entrepreneurship and something else. It's a combination of things. But we're all innately, inherently abundant and able to support each other, and it's supposed to work like that. But it's like you were given specific desires and skill sets that's put you in a specific spot to support yourself and the people around you, and then the people around them in a very specific way, and none of it was a mistake I love how you talked about all that.

Speaker 1:

That's a really that's a really good way to explain things, and in a very metaphysical way too. But all the answers do lie within and it's fascinating because it kind of ties in with like epigenetics and how everything is within, encoded within our bodies and our DNA. This has all come out scientifically, that is true, and I've been following a lot of Billy Carson and he talks a lot about how our body, the human body, everybody carries the history of everything within their body, which is why everything is told, everything tells you to go within, to connect within. It's just that people have forgotten how to do that and so when you but you really I think an important piece of that is regulating your nervous system and being able to get in touch with your intuition and hear that inner voice.

Speaker 1:

And because a lot of us, the way that life is today, a lot of stimulation, especially here in America, it's go right Like we're always running from one thing to the next. So it's it's re unlearning the things you've learned, retraining yourself to be quiet, to get comfortable with quiet or meditation, some kind of some form of being able to connect with yourself, to get that inner wisdom and to get that information that you seek, because your higher self will never give you poor information. When you can actually connect to your higher self, all the information that you get is what you need. You're never going to get bad information through your own intuition and connecting with yourself. So it's really fascinating when you talk about fractals and how that's connected.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want to normalize, though if there are people who don't feel the same way, that you feel like you, and I know that we're never going to get wrong information, but there's a level of regulation where it's.

Speaker 2:

I need to breathe and I need to relax so that I can sit oh yeah, but there's often a lot of trauma, healing or deconditioning or whatever you want to call it around trusting yourself and having the courage. For many parts of us, it's very scary to go inside and they won't let us. They'll do this thing where we think we're going inside but we're not really, and so a lot of the time there does seem to be a very the feminine to the body, patriarchy, capitalism, the witch hunts, slaves, like all of this trauma that our society has existed through. But we have to brush that away so that we can actually see what's behind it and not just our ego's interpretation of what is behind it.

Speaker 1:

True, yeah, that's a very good point, and I think too, there's sometimes things that we're carrying unconsciously that can be affecting our connection or affecting the information that we're receiving, and I know, and a lot of it can stem. It could be things that we don't even realize that we're. That is a block which it's come up on my radar so many times recently, and I was when I was listening to your stuff. You did talk about how your wounded inner child impacts you. Often, even when you have a fairly like a really good childhood, there still can be things that maybe was something, an event or something that was said to you, or some people have terrible childhoods, and then that's what carry as we carry that into it we, but it could be, I feel, like it's programming or old beliefs or different things that we're carrying that maybe is affecting that connection. Do you want to speak to working on that and how do you figure out what those things are?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, like you said, our trauma isn't what happened, but the wounds we have aren't related to what happened. It's how we respond and it's particularly the wound of trauma or the wound of the inner child occurs when we didn't have enough support and resources to integrate what occurred in the moment. So we stored a little bit of occurred in the moment, so we stored a little bit of it in the body, we developed some beliefs around it that helped us navigate the situation, that were quite helpful and empowering at the time. And then usually what happens is we walk around with that belief and understanding, we walk around with that pain. Everything's all good until it isn't and we start noticing, hey, this thing that I've been like, this understanding and this pain of the world, it's not helping me. And then we get to go in and feel it.

Speaker 2:

So I think, for context, some of the things that I've noticed just I'll give you four, four things that my wounded inner child did in business was it used to think that if I didn't have heaps of engagement or likes or sales, it was a sign that everything was going to fall apart. Now that happened because before my nervous system thought that stillness, lack of events, say like safety basically meant that chaos was coming, because in my life prior I'd had some chaotic things occur and they always happened after a moment of not happening, and they always happened after a moment of not happening because of the drama. I almost felt more comfortable in the drama because at least, if the drama was occurring, it was clear what the drama was. I could see it having lack of something. I used to think it was like a sign that everything would fall apart. Now I'm not saying that you still need to pursue certain KPIs in your business, but we don't have to come from a place of emotional discomfort or feeling like everything's going to fall apart.

Speaker 2:

I can go into the other ones, but does that one feel clear? Do you have questions about it? Yeah, no, it feels clear, yeah. Another one that I had was I used to be really judgmental of myself for spending time unproductively and calling myself lazy. This is really hard when you're self-employed, especially when, in human design, I'm a projector. Kelly, do you know human design?

Speaker 1:

I do.

Speaker 2:

I'm a manifester oh, my god, wow, okay, so you have a similar need for rest. So I used to have that, my body needed it and I used to think it was lazy. And then, even these past couple of months, I've set up my business where I do a lot of less time on client calls and I'll be sitting. It'll be tuesday afternoon, I'll be in the cafe and I'll have this anxiety.

Speaker 2:

Everything's fine, but I have this anxiety because my body's we're not working. What does that mean about our worth? So that's something that I have to sit with. I think the coaching industry creates this as well. Is that my specific wound was thinking that dysregulation was thinking that dysregulation feeling anxious, wanting to work hard or having a lot of discipline was actually bad. I would shame myself for having drives wanting to do things bigger and doing things better, and I would see things like reinforce that online, like the just rest more. Yeah, have you noticed that like people demonize hard work or doing the work or dysregulation, and say always be calm?

Speaker 1:

I have noticed that in especially in the coaching space, it's moving away from the hustle, like learning how to work in more of a flow instead of having to hustle all the time. I do see that often talked about, of having to hustle all the time.

Speaker 2:

I do see that often talked about. Yeah, but I think we need to be careful, because it's not about not doing work. It's about doing the work, that is energy giving to you, because I think it's harmful to be like you can build a business without doing hard work. That's not true. I would agree. Yeah, I would totally agree.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it will be difficult because it'll be different, and I think maybe it's, do we. I think I'll tell you the things that I do, podcasting all those things, like I, it doesn feel like work to me, because I genuinely love it when I work, when I do Reiki, and I'm in in those spaces. I don't have that drain, or so I think maybe it's just understanding where to put that energy that you have and, of course, though, make making sure that you don't want to have burnout. So it's, it is important to have balance, but I think that also can apply to all areas of our lives. Right, Balancing all the things.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it's just a dance with all of that, for you to make a specific decision around something, or it requires a certain level of difficulty to logistically organize things that you wouldn't have if you didn't pursue work. That is powerful for you, like for me. It's hard to relax. That's my hard. I gotta chill out, I gotta regulate. It's hard for me to choose my tools. Sure, I could go work at nine to five and I wouldn't have to deal with that difficulty. Yeah, yeah, so I'd say that. Probably. Another one is that, like, we can get a lot of wounding around what people are going to think of me. Are you worried about them judging or trying to pick the right price or pick the right product that everyone's going to love? No, pick the thing that you instinctually feel is the best, share it enough times with the right people and sell it.

Speaker 1:

I totally agree, and you have to stop worrying about what people think. You can't live your life by someone else's expectation or what they're going to view of you. It's just not. It's not a good way to go about things. I tell my kids that I'm like you can't live your life by someone else's expectations or someone else's opinions of you. You have to really hold on to what you believe in and what brings you, what you're passionate about and what brings you joy. And if somebody else doesn't like it, then that's okay. Then they're not for you. Like I always say'm not for everybody and that's okay. But the people who I'm meant to work with, the people who I'm meant to connect with, they're gonna find me or I'm gonna find them. That's just how the universe works.

Speaker 1:

But I, since awakening, I'll tell you I don't really care about what people think. If people think I'm crazy, that's fine, I'm okay with it. It's okay because I know that everybody's journey is different and everybody's at where they're. They're where they are because of what their path is. I don't know everybody's path and purpose, so I'm not judging and I would just hope that they would eventually get to a place where they can be more discerning rather than judging of other people's choices, and everyone's choices don't have to make sense to you, it doesn't that. So there's so many pieces of that. But I would just encourage everybody, like it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else, if it works for you. You're driven by the purpose and you have people that you can help and just do that and it doesn't matter because those people aren't paying your bills, those people aren't. So you just have to free yourself of that, and it's so much better to when you don't, when you're not worrying about what your neighbors think or your friends or whatever. It's freeing, it's very freeing, and people who really know you or who are meant to work with you are going to see the light and all of that beauty inside of you and they're your people and that's.

Speaker 1:

I guess there's no better way to say it. I'm not saying that it can't be uncomfortable or painful, right, when you have other people maybe making comments or saying things. Yeah, that that can be uncomfortable, I totally am gonna say that would be not fun. But I think you just have to be, just have to learn to that. You don't got it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. What really matters is, I think, your intention and what you want to bring to the world. I think that's really what matters deep inside is if you are in alignment with that. I think that's all that matters.

Speaker 2:

Kelly, I feel like that was the most. That's perfect, that's it, that's. Thank you for saying that. I 100% agree and also just cannot receive that message enough myself well, it's a beautiful thing, you know.

Speaker 1:

It's one of the things I've learned on this journey. It's just, it doesn't matter and all the things that were meant for are going to find us. And I guess there are certain lessons that I've had to learn to with all this. I think one of my biggest is learning to surrender, because sometimes we do have to. We can't always be in control of every little thing in our journeys and in our, so sometimes we do have to just hand it over and say but we don't always have to know. The I think sometimes and I'll tell you, I get caught up in this too is sometimes you just have to take it's aligned actionable steps, and I need to remind myself of this and this is probably. I'm so glad that we've had this conversation today, because it's recalibrating things in my own brain and I think what it is. We have to just take those little steps. We don't have to know. We have an idea, a vision of where we want to be, things that we want to do, but if you take a little bit of, just a little bit of action each day, things change exponentially and as long as you're putting that energy into what you want it to be. So it's not discounting all of the little things that we can do, and we can always. We always have a choice. We can always choose something. And if you're positive and you focus on those things, I can tell you, if five years ago, somebody were to tell me, oh, you're going to be podcasting and you're going to be a Reiki master and you're going to be doing card readings, and I would have looked at them like they were insane. I would have been like, no, I don't, I didn't, no, I don't think so. I would have never believed it. But here I am, doing the things that I'm doing and living in a way, but I'm more connected to source than I ever have been in my life and I just I really feel like all the things like that you do and all the people that I connect with and I talked to, these are all such important conversations, such important skills and information to share with people so that they can regulate themselves, they can start making really good decisions and take the drive or take the back the wheel like.

Speaker 1:

We have control, we can change things. Even if we're in a place, in a space, where we're really unhappy, we can still get out of that Like you can do it, like we can all do it. We just have to start taking those steps. It really is, I believe, like just putting one foot in front of the other and I'm not trying to, I'm not saying that any of it is super easy, but it's doable Like we can do it every day.

Speaker 1:

This is one of the things with Source Creator that I think is so cool and such a beautiful gift to us is that every day, every minute or whatever, if things aren't going the way that we want, we can have a choice to change it, we can improve, we can take a minute, like in a, in any situation you say I'll just give an example like a parenting situation where you have kids fighting or what have you. So you can take a minute, take some breaths and put your hand on your heart and really, okay, how am I going to react to this? And then go in calmly and then talk it down and whatever. Or I can go in and I can just start. You go here and you go there and just like negative, like you start yelling, and so what is going to happen in that? If I choose to do that, if I approach it in that way, I'm going to get a totally different response out of my kids, but if I go in there and I'm calm, if I'm bringing that energy into that situation, so I really do believe like we can change things.

Speaker 1:

And I think focusing on the good and the great, like being grateful for what we do have and dream, I think daydreaming is really a huge part, right. I think growing up, oh, you're a dreamer, you're a daydreamer, those things but is that not what is so important in evolution and meeting your goals? Like you have to be able to visualize it or dream about it. Didn't like the person who created the airplane? They've they dreamed about being able to fly that airplane or what it would look like, or going into space or doing all those things. So our thoughts are super important, right, because it is energy and it is helping us to create our realities. So it's just really interesting. I just think that there's all these things that we can do and embody to help us, and I really do think too just start to take little steps and you do see the change Before you know it and this is just how the universe works.

Speaker 1:

When you open yourself up to things and you have that positive mindset because if you're not positive, a negative mindset is never going to help you out of anything Certain things will happen that you never dreamed Connections you'll make that you had no idea. Or somebody is going to see something in you you know through. An opportunity is going to come your way, or opportunities Right, some people it's like it's probably happened to you, I'm sure, many times when you've embodied all these different things and you've worked you've done so much inner work and you're in alignment with what you're supposed to be doing that sometimes the opportunities come your way. I don't know do you want to talk about that how coming into alignment and how, when you do that, certain things just sometimes do happen. I really do believe it's like a magical thing. Sometimes it's just things you would have never like. Maybe a year ago you wouldn't have thought you would be doing, but now you are, or if you have anything like that that you've experienced yeah, I never intended on being a business coach.

Speaker 2:

Experienced yeah, I never intended on being a business coach. I never intended. I've recently opened a cleaning business, interesting decision that I made. I don't know why. I do know why, but there are these things where it's like how did she become the business coach with two businesses all over the internet when I was, too, without any hair? I always go out without my hair when before all of this work, I wouldn't go outside without any hair and I just wanted to remain in the corner, not have anyone know anything about me or ask anything of me. And I had a cleaner, and that I had a cleaner and that gave me anxiety, because she was, I was responsible for her. Now I have 15 employees Wow.

Speaker 1:

What I said. Wow yeah, sometimes we just don't know and, like you said, sometimes you fall into things that you never would have pictured yourself doing. But you find there's, I've learned, there are no accidents. There just really isn't. So all the things that we experience and it's all about perception, good, bad, that's all perception. And the universe, even if the universe just is right, so it just sees the. It's all energy. So we just have to learn I love so much about how you were talking about how people feel things in their body, because I really do believe there's so much to that and if you can get in tune with your body, because your body is your tool for navigating everything and connecting if you can do that, if you can master your body and the energy and understanding what all of that is and what you're feeling, I really think that's such a powerful tool, I'm sure, for not only for business, but in every area of your life.

Speaker 1:

I really believe that and I think that we need to teach kids that too. Learning that piece is key Understanding energy. I didn't have an understanding of energy until I was well into adulthood. It was Reiki training that really grounded me in such a way and helped me to understand what energy was, how to feel it, and I know that it's different for each individual how you perceive your energy and feel it in your body. It's going to be different for every person, but I really think that there's nothing more powerful for us to know or learn than mastering that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you for providing the space to be in the practice of mastering it. Oh my, gosh.

Speaker 1:

Sheridan, this has been such an amazing conversation and I really love all the things that you do. Where can people find you?

Speaker 2:

Great question. I will share the links with you so that you can share them in the show notes of the podcast and resource for regulation that I mentioned. So you can find me there, or you can just simply go to my website it is wwwsheridanruthcom, or on Instagram underscore Sheridan Ruth underscore.

Speaker 1:

Awesome and definitely check out Sheridan's podcast. It's really awesome.

Speaker 2:

So you've guys got to go check it out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, check that out as well. Is there any final thought you'd like to leave people with?

Speaker 2:

No, go check out the podcast, go to the Somatic Manifestation one and just listen to this again. There's a lot in here and I'm so grateful for you having me on.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much yeah, it's all going to come together, right, they're gonna. They're gonna probably have all these things coming through, but thank you so much for your time and for coming on today and I honor the beautiful light you are in this world shared and you're doing some amazing work thank you so much.

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