Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

The Transformative Power of Intuition with Psychic Badass Dr. Janelle Hoyland!

July 03, 2024 Kelly
The Transformative Power of Intuition with Psychic Badass Dr. Janelle Hoyland!
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
The Transformative Power of Intuition with Psychic Badass Dr. Janelle Hoyland!
Jul 03, 2024

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Hello beautiful souls! What happens when someone is "born awake" and starts receiving divine guidance from a very young age? Meet Dr. Janelle Hoyland, a soul pathway healer and life transformation specialist, who shares her extraordinary life story with us. From surviving a kidnapping at age three to delving into advanced spiritual practices by age 10, Janelle's journey is filled with miraculous events and profound insights. Over her 30-year career, she has helped people globally through transformative healing sessions, turning her genetic gifts into a legacy of spiritual empowerment.

In this episode, we deeply explore the complexities of spiritual awakening and personal growth. Together, we navigate the initial yearning to heal others and the crucial need for internal consciousness. Janelle offers invaluable perspectives on familial acceptance, emphasizing the significance of giving loved ones the space to navigate their own spiritual journeys. By understanding the choices we've made in our lives, we can transition from victimhood to empowerment, significantly transforming our responses to life's myriad challenges.

Dr. Janelle also enlightens us on the concept of intuition, making a clear distinction between embodied and ego intuition. She shares practical advice on reconnecting with our natural intuitive abilities through grounding activities, creative endeavors, and spending time in nature. Additionally, we discuss the transient nature of relationships, the teachings of Michael Beckwith, and the importance of humor in balancing the depth of spiritual practices. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom, practical tips, and heartfelt stories that will resonate with anyone on a path of spiritual awakening.

To get in touch with Janelle:

Janelle's book: 

Tune In: Spiritual Happy Hour: A Double Shot of B.A.D. Being, Allowing, and Doing 



Facebook: Janelle Hoyland Dodd
Youtube: DR. Janelle Hoyland Business Intuitive

To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Hello beautiful souls! What happens when someone is "born awake" and starts receiving divine guidance from a very young age? Meet Dr. Janelle Hoyland, a soul pathway healer and life transformation specialist, who shares her extraordinary life story with us. From surviving a kidnapping at age three to delving into advanced spiritual practices by age 10, Janelle's journey is filled with miraculous events and profound insights. Over her 30-year career, she has helped people globally through transformative healing sessions, turning her genetic gifts into a legacy of spiritual empowerment.

In this episode, we deeply explore the complexities of spiritual awakening and personal growth. Together, we navigate the initial yearning to heal others and the crucial need for internal consciousness. Janelle offers invaluable perspectives on familial acceptance, emphasizing the significance of giving loved ones the space to navigate their own spiritual journeys. By understanding the choices we've made in our lives, we can transition from victimhood to empowerment, significantly transforming our responses to life's myriad challenges.

Dr. Janelle also enlightens us on the concept of intuition, making a clear distinction between embodied and ego intuition. She shares practical advice on reconnecting with our natural intuitive abilities through grounding activities, creative endeavors, and spending time in nature. Additionally, we discuss the transient nature of relationships, the teachings of Michael Beckwith, and the importance of humor in balancing the depth of spiritual practices. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom, practical tips, and heartfelt stories that will resonate with anyone on a path of spiritual awakening.

To get in touch with Janelle:

Janelle's book: 

Tune In: Spiritual Happy Hour: A Double Shot of B.A.D. Being, Allowing, and Doing 



Facebook: Janelle Hoyland Dodd
Youtube: DR. Janelle Hoyland Business Intuitive

To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of Enlighten and Elevate. Today's guest is a spiritual firecracker. How fitting with the 4th of July being celebrated here in America this week. Janelle is a spiritual instigator and transformation specialist. She delivers spiritual insights with a touch of badass and a much needed kick. She is a renowned soul pathway healer, a life transformation specialist, a lover of life to the fullest and a face your fears dead on person. She has three thriving businesses and her mission is to have all she helps experience a life full of miracles after miracles, while laughing and you shining so bright that the stars get lost. Thank you so much for being here and enjoy this episode.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to Enlighten and Elevate, where we love to discuss all things spiritual, holistic, healing, metaphysics, topics that are meant to help uplift, expand your spiritual growth and also help you better navigate the world. So thank you all so much for being here. I am honored to have Dr Janelle Hoyland with me today. She's a soul pathway healer, psychic, author and speaker. Welcome, janelle.

Speaker 3:

Hey, I'm so excited to be with you and to share all of my knowledge of being, you know, born awake as a infant and you know the experiences of life. You know that that I've been on and you know kind of. You know help people out as to where they are now and what's going on globally and energetically.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So let's talk a little bit about your journey. I know you just mentioned you were born awake, not. Not, I wasn't, so I awaken much, much later. So let's talk about your journey and what has brought you to all the things, all the magical things you do today.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so my first like aware moment, literally was when I was about three years old, when I consciously knew hey, you know angels or God are speaking to me, and that in itself, as a three-year-old, is a very deep revelation to have you know exactly what. That I knew exactly what it was. It wasn't a question and I had. It's what saved my life, because I was actually. This is part of the story we didn't talk about, but I was kidnapped when I was three.

Speaker 1:

It's like major channeling.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was kidnapped when I was three. It's like major channeling, yeah. So it's literally. I got the instructions about how to care for myself because I was alone, and how to provide for myself basic things like roll down a window. A three-year-old does not know how to do those things, and so I was directed at that time, and so that's what set up my level of trust with God, with angels, with my support team as far as spiritual guides and then also trusting my intuition. And then from there it just catapulted.

Speaker 3:

By the time I was 10, I was already having my own past life regressions, like by a location, remote viewing, premonitions, like the whole thing just dominoed. Pretty heavy for a 10 year old too. Exactly exactly by the time I was 12, I was actively seeing souls that have crossed over to my memory. I know it was happening before that because my family would describe me talking to people that at a young age that weren't there. So it's been my whole life.

Speaker 3:

Right, it is genetic. That's the crazy fun part. I have three kids. They are all genetically wired in different ways, like me, and prior to having kids, I didn't realize it was genetic because I'm a first generation, so there's no one in my family to really kind of gauge that or look to guidance, and so that was an interesting journey revelation as far as that goes. So I started doing sessions at like 19 with people and then just it's been 30 years and all over the world and so many amazing miracles that it just sometimes brings me to tears. You know the level of healing that happens for people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I bet, I bet it's even just a few words you can say, or a connection with a loved or excuse me, a lost loved one. That really can totally transform them. Yes, I know, before we jumped on we talked a little bit about awakening and that was going to kind of be like a subject that we kind of focused on tonight. Now, spiritual awakening is a big deal. You know, I, when I sort of went through it, it's kind of I was raised Catholic, so for me, you know, I started expanding my beliefs and reading and learning and trying different healing modalities and then all of a sudden, it's like everything I was taught was a lie. And then I thought, you know, you know the way Yoda talks you must unlearn what you've learned, because everything that we've learned is wrong.

Speaker 2:

There's so much programming and you know old belief systems that are out there that we may have been raised with and that's all that our parents knew because that's what they were raised with, you know. So there's just a lot that you have to navigate and kind of learn what is true and what is not true, and that can be different for the each person right what resonates with you.

Speaker 3:

Correct? Yeah, it's, it's. You know there's a misconception that there's one way and there's not there's. It's the unity, consciousness of the awakening that we're experiencing, that we have been experiencing for the past at least five years has been around different ways of operating, navigating between the soul and the universe to bring information, and there's no like, there's no one way. It's all ways that lead to awakening and different ways serve different people and there's no shortage of information, you know.

Speaker 3:

But what I find often is that when people begin to awaken I call it like the newbie syndrome you just want to share everything and it's like you start meeting resistance because people like their comfort zone. The relationships that we have, you know, like family and friends, they like their comfort zone. You know different. For me it's come up in different ways as I've leveled up more, because I still grow like it's not like that was.

Speaker 3:

I still grow every day, you know, and I think the path can sometimes be confusing for people because it can feel like a constriction or you feel isolated and sometimes that can cause fear, like am I doing the right thing? Because you do meet fear as you begin to awaken, because different things are expected of you from your soul, you know, and your soul is very complex, it's not, it's eternal. So it has many, many different gifts and talents locked inside of it. Kind of in different moments they come out and matriculate into life and sometimes can you know, be a little rough and and cause physical sensations like headaches or stomach aches or you know all kinds of things. I've seen dietary changes, you know, lifestyle changes. All of the above, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's pretty transformative, you know, when you just start to awaken and or even when you're well awakened but in you're still, like you said, transforming, expanding up, leveling. There is all sorts of things that you face when you go through that. Do you have advice for people who are awakening and maybe experiencing some of the things that you just talked about?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think that you know the common misconception is within the major relationships in our life, like if someone's married and they wake up right that relationship you know, I find a lot of women, when they start growing into their consciousness, look at their relationship is like bad because their partner isn't waking up at the same level as they are, or not waking up at all, and they forget to see the benefit in being with someone that may not be conscious, because it's very grounding, you know because I don't yeah.

Speaker 3:

I don't care to be with someone who's uh at my level.

Speaker 2:

It would just not be any fun, yeah and it also, if you, if it's a parenting pair, it also shows children two different sides, right, it shows somebody who can kind of look beyond and, you know, be out in the ethers, and then it shows somebody else, like you said, who's grounded in the here and now. So it's kind of like a good balance, a yin and a yang there.

Speaker 3:

Exactly exactly. And you know when you first wake up you want to fix everything. You know like you want to make everything better and heal everybody. I just want to heal, I just want to wake everybody up, and the purpose in the wake up is the internal awareness of consciousness and then allowing others to feel that consistency and ripple effect, versus asserting your will onto others to force the wake up, because then you actually rob them of their moment, their aha awakening, and it it's not good. Just leave them alone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you know your awakening is your journey, it's your path. So you have to go inward and figure out what that is for you, and not anybody is supposed to go on that journey with you. You just have to, you've got to do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly, and I think you know, because for me, you know, I went through different stages of my family accepting. You know what it is that I am and what I'm here to do. And when I was younger, you know I, my grandparents, were old school, you know, like you, very religious. My uncles have churches, so it was not socially acceptable to have this child walking around talking to whatever was there. And then they got comfortable with it and used to it. And then my mom and my sister are now in constriction, which I allow right, because it's their journey.

Speaker 3:

And if they need to be separate from me for a little while to figure out and reflect on their own journey, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that space because I trust in the relationship and the nature of the journey so much and believe and know in their consciousness Otherwise they wouldn't have chose me as a child or as a sister. You know, like that part I think we miss, like they choose your, and that part I think we miss, like they choose you, choose your family. And it doesn't mean tolerate poor behavior at all, that's not what I'm saying. It just means that, you know, give them some space to figure out some things and you know, be open to the experience and obviously send them love and prayer and you know good intentions, but you know I think a lot of times we bypass that part when we wake up. You know those interpersonal relationships can get kind of messy, you know, because there's past life, history and generational stuff and just it's so complicated. I you know as far as that goes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's really good to talk about this and have grace for the people that are with us. And you know, we can just have grace with ourselves because I know just from my own experience that there's things that I'm, that I am ready to, to read or learn about now, that when I was first awakening I wasn't ready yet. So some people aren't ready, and that's okay, and they're going to be ready when they're ready, and when they are, then they'll come back to you and you know you'll, you'll reconnect and everything is going to be great.

Speaker 3:

It always comes back around. It always does, and you know I expanding and growing fully into yourself and understanding your spiritual gifts from a soul level and bringing those pieces back to us ourselves is what is occurring right now. So we chose the time that we chose to be born and to have this opportunity. It wasn't like haphazard. We literally picked it and we said we want to wake up at this moment, at this time, with these people, in this search circumstance, and so, um, even when I'm saying that I'm having ripple effects all through my body, um that you know it is precise in its timing. And so um, the fact that we can pull from gifts from other lifetimes now and other resources from other lifetimes and then also, when you do a healing or when you have a healing done on you, it affects generationally as well, and we can move healing backwards and forwards in time and create change where there was none.

Speaker 2:

I love that, because time is an illusion.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You know. So that's I a hundred percent know what you're talking about. You know, and you can send healing to any timeline, like you said, backwards or forwards, even if the events passed, you can still send healing to that event. Um, oh my gosh, I love so much that you talked about that I. I also love too about the choosing. So you know, sometimes people get frustrated when you'll say, well, on some level, like cause I, I. You know, on a soul level, we do come into this life agreeing to certain things. I mean, we still have free will and we can still choose. You know how we're going to react and you know move forward and we can go any which direction. But on a level we do choose and we choose each other for a reason.

Speaker 2:

It's like a play, you know we all come here and we're playing a role.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I have learned to not judge really any situation because we don't really know the plans, we don't know what those souls wanted to accomplish or have to experience for their soul growth. So it's really powerful when you start to understand that you did have some sort of choosing. That also, I think, sort of can get people out of a victim mindset. It can help with that because you have an agreement, so you can look at this.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I on some level chose this so that I can spiritually grow and expand, and then you can just, okay, so how do I do it, you know? Then you start reaching out to people like you or, you know, find a mentor, somebody to help you kind of navigate. You know, whatever it is that you have experienced or will currently experience, because we all know that, no matter what you've experienced in the past, the storms still come, you know, we still have to. But the benefit of growing and expanding spiritually is that how you go through and how you respond to certain situations changes.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, and I mean I, you know the thing for me is that, you know, a lot of people have the misconception that I have'm like uh, no, no, um, I I've had a lot of life challenges because a lot of my lives have been, uh, very much serving as as the visionary or the Oracle in not having family units or personal relationships or being held against my will.

Speaker 3:

So for me, the challenges that showed up in my time period, if you look at it, from when I was younger, I was treated like a possession.

Speaker 3:

So that possession timeline went throughout my whole entire life, into, like my marriage and all of that, and so I had to effectively look at okay, that's one timeline and I'm choosing to break that cycle for me because it's not the most conducive of my growth. Yes, it serves in one way but it's the harder road in a sense. You know, because you know, growing up into a family unit that had some very serious toxic traits and that kind of thing, and then choosing to be with someone who is bipolar in a marriage and then not understanding as a high level spiritual, that when I'm looking at him and I'm seeing his patterns and traits, I see from a soul level. And so when you look at someone and you just see soul and you don't see their daily choices right life choices, choices, right, life choices it can be like a false narrative because the soul is always love, right, but the body and the person make choices that are not in alignment with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's.

Speaker 2:

That's really. That's really profound when you say it that way. That's really profound when you say it that way.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, because that's why I said it's a misconception that I don't. I've never had any struggle or it's been easy. There have been lots, of, lots of life experiences that I needed to go through, so I could relate to a lot of different people in a lot of different circumstances and pull from the resource of what did I do when I walked through that place.

Speaker 2:

Sure, and I'm sure you know, being that you, you're a psychic and you, you know, got all these intuitive abilities, sometimes you get knowledge or messages that are not always fun to pass on to someone else. So, you know, I mean it's, but sometimes it's things that need to be, they need to hear or, you know, for their own growth and wellbeing. So, yeah, I don't, it's kind of probably a misconception or, you know, for people to believe that you just have this life of sunshine and roses, because I mean, don't get me wrong.

Speaker 3:

there are these magical moments that just blow me away and when I really realize that I have one foot here and one foot there. That, you know, are just amazing moments of connection, you know, and watching miracles unfold, you know, for people, is one of those. You know, I, I don't at all have any qualms about the decision to be who I am in this life, even with the roadblocks that happen along the journey. General, I think, when you first wake up, usually it's because you've already had some deja vu moments or you've had, you know, dream state moments, or you've had, you know, conscious awareness at different points or you've seen flashes in your eyes. There's little things that happen before the wake up, before you fully become on board as a soul, and the reason why we choose to wake up at certain times is because it's a moment prior to the soul's incarnation in this life that we choose the circumstances, the push that happens. All of that is orchestrated.

Speaker 3:

It's not, it's planned in great detail and when you, when you wake up, I think the confusion and intuition is, it's sometimes is very subtle and people think it's going to be a, you know, a two by four or whatever, and it's not you know, and it's, um, it's a subtle whisper, as I call it. Even for me it's still a subtle whisper, um, and it's in my body and not in my mind, and I think that that is also a misconception, because there is sometimes the mind, can you know? It creates thought forms and patterns and things like that, and the quickest way to access an intuition for yourself is placing your hands on your heart and asking the question and the question. The answers don't always come right away. They may come two weeks down the road, and you have to have trust and faith in that.

Speaker 2:

They may come two weeks down the road and you have to have trust and faith in that. Absolutely so we were talking a little bit about.

Speaker 3:

on the subject matter of intuition, embodied intuition versus ego intuition. Yeah, so ego intuition is like it's coming from outside of you into your mind, right, and so there's this thing called the astral plane. Ok, it's like information superhighway, it's like the biggest freeway you've ever seen in your life. Information from all sources, all timelines, all souls, all whatever beings, good and bad, are on that timeline and it's, there's information there, and, but it's not always the best and highest information.

Speaker 3:

As far as intuition goes, and for me, I find that you know connecting with my heart. Me, I find that you know connecting with my heart, asking the question and waiting for the answer. You know, through my body, my body's response to that I can feel, versus the external, you know, I mean coming in and going. Yeah, you know, um, um, so dropping into the body a lot more, getting grounded, you know, and you know getting close to earth, trees, nature itself, because our intuition is from nature. You know, it is natural. We are born and we were meant to be born with that intuition and ability to hear. It's just, over time we elected not to have it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we don't spend as much time outside we don't we're wearing shoes with rubber soles, so everybody needs to do is take their shoes off, you know, embrace their inner child you know, play. Yes, hug a tree, it works. I have done it so many times and I always feel so much better. Trees have the most beautiful energy and they just do so. If you're having a bad day and I don't care who makes fun of me go hug a tree, Cause you will feel better.

Speaker 3:

I used to tell my girls when they would get home from school, cause they would, you know, have been taking in all the empathic things of school, right, and I'd go tell them don't come in this house until you go hug a tree or get grounded in some way. Do not bring it in my house. I love that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But also water. And, and you know, like drawing or doing something with your hands can also create that connection between heart and body, intuition.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're, we're meant to be creators. We, we all came here to create in one way or another. Everybody can maybe sometimes think of creativity as somebody who's just, you know, a musician or artist, but everyone's creative. It's just, yeah, you're some people like to. You know woodwork, some people you know garden, you know it's just. Whatever you know is your kind of, whatever lights your soul up and what makes you. You know you get lost in it. You know, I think that's what people want. Kids do kids get lost in their activities? That's, I think kids are. So they naturally ground one. They're always barefoot outside, running around and getting in nature, and but they don't ever think about oh, I have to do something to have more fun. They just do it. They have fun. You know. That's just their way of operating and I think that's such a beautiful thing and something we often lose as adults.

Speaker 3:

But you know my son in the background? Yeah, because he's 12. So he's still running around crazy and doing all the boy things you know. But you know, I also find, like the men waking up in society and being in, touching into their intuition, a great refreshing energy, you know, for the change in consciousness.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I think it's huge.

Speaker 2:

It's really huge, and we need to hold space for that, because if we, you know, I know that there's a lot out there, you know, with things under, you know, being a patriarchal society for such a period of time, there's a lot of, you know, energy around that not so good energy. But if we want men to change, then we have to hold space for that. And we also not all men are are all evil or or have bad intentions. You can't take a broad brushstroke and, you know, brush them all. And if you want to see men that change, then we have to hold space for that, we have to honor that, we have to support them on their journey. You know, whatever that is, you know yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, I think also too, in the like we were talking about earlier in the waking, awakening process, you know, there's also like life changes that happen Like, um, you may lose a job or you may. You know there's also like life changes that happen like you may lose a job or you may. You know, you know, really big life moments usually happen right at the awakening time to get you to tune in and focus on what is actually occurring versus the event.

Speaker 2:

You know, and I think that that also is the source of confusion for people because they're like, well, what I'm waking said, things happen for you, not to you, and that was a really big catalyst for change in my thinking, and you know that that's how we need to kind of look at it. So, if we're in a place or a situation or in a relationship that is difficult, maybe we need to take a step back and ask that question what am I supposed to learn from this experience? And sit with that, maybe, in a way that you described, embody the intuition, sit it with it in your heart and, and maybe, and wait for that answer and then, you know, choose how you best um will move forward for your highest good and highest good of all involved, you know. But yeah, that's just a really interesting thing to talk about.

Speaker 3:

It is, and you know, I, I, I think also too, you know, because there's so much of our world that is. You know, the immediate response patience and allowing the universe to bring you what you need, versus pushing is a very challenging thing for most people because, like they said, like they said, they think, well, now I'm connected, so they just should just happen because I say so. But it doesn't work like that. It's receiving when the timing is right yeah, and trust you have to.

Speaker 2:

It's something and I and I still struggle with it. But trusting the universe and when things are difficult and I think we all put this thing on ourselves where we have to know the answer, we have to know how to get to the top of the mountain, but you don't. You just need to know what to do in the next step. And then when you do that step, then you figure out what the next step is, and the next step you know just to make it. And then, before you know it, then it's those quantum leaps right, that everybody talks about. You know, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And, like you know, for me I'm in the middle of I was telling you an up level and that required that I had to look at my uh, marriage that I'm in because he made certain choices that were not aligned with my growth and he elected to, you know, disrupt my boundary system, which boundaries are very, very important as empathics. We tend to be a little loose with our boundaries and allow people to push us around more than we probably should. And because we feel so, we feel so much compassion for every little thing, and we should, but we also need to have that compassion towards ourselves, you know, and hold those boundaries tight, you know, and and if integrity is important to you and you know honesty and truthfulness, then that's something that's non-negotiable 100%.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes it's uncomfortable to set boundaries with people too, because often if you're setting the boundary, it's that individual may or may not find that favorable. So it can be a little bit uncomfortable in those spaces. But I mean, I think once it gets you know, once you set it, and then each person kind of adapts, you know, and then you just sort of grow through that, you know they will or they will not.

Speaker 3:

It's just it is or it is not and you have to be comfortable with that Because ultimately you're choosing. You have to be comfortable with that because ultimately you're choosing. You're choosing your highest path and others have the ability to move with you, to grow with you, or not.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's true, you know so as you go through your all the awakenings and evolutions, you know people change in your life, people that you thought you'd be friends with forever. You know you don't. You're not anymore anymore, and it's not even because there's a falling out, it's just you've grown apart. You're different, you're on different levels. They're on their journey, you're on your journey, and it's just not aligned anymore. And um, I've heard it said this way, and uh by uh, michael beckwith. I don't know if you, if you're familiar with him, but he talks about people being in our life for a reason, a season or a lifetime, and that you know an individual can embody all three of those. They or it can just be. You know, a random chance can be the re. You know it's so fascinating when you start to look at it that way.

Speaker 2:

You know, you can sort of understand and appreciate certain relationships, because maybe it's what you needed in that moment or in that period of time to bridge you to the next thing, and then it's just interesting when you start to look at it that way.

Speaker 3:

He's a great teacher. He um, he endorsed my book, um, the spiritual happy hour book, and um, he's the one of the one of two people that have ever watched me do a session for someone and was able to see what I was doing in entirety. And because he saw me doing the sessions, I actually was at his retreat in LA and I was booked out the whole entire time and he happened to come in and when he came in he walked energetically into my session and stayed and when I finished he said that was the most remarkable thing I've ever seen anyone do. The fact that you get them over there and and remove pieces and bring them back flawlessly is impeccable, because I've never seen that in my life.

Speaker 2:

He is something I I'm getting goosebumps actually all over as you're telling that story. It's a great story.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I really love him. His podcast is really great. Take back your mind. All of the stuff that he puts out there is just really awesome for anybody listening that is curious about who we're talking about. And he's written books too. But he has this agape nation. That is his like spiritual school and he does all sorts of stuff with that and but he's just a really inspiring and beautiful person. But on his show there was a woman who he who talked about when she met him for the first time and he knew that she was pregnant and she had just found out, like three days before, and had not told a soul. But she walked in the room and he could just he knew he.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he just knew and he zoned in on that and started talking to her about a bunch of different things and I just find that really fascinating about a person. They don't know you from anyone and they'll come in and then they can read you in that way and it's just really fascinating. He just has such a beautiful um approach and demeanor and I can't really say enough good things about Michael Beckwith.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's why I asked him to endorse the book, because we had such a very personal relationship to you know the work that I was doing. I had such a great respect for his work as well. And you know, no, I've never had anyone come into my session energetically because my boundaries are so strong, but there was no agenda or anything with that, and so it felt very free and so it was a beautiful witness for me, you know, because a lot of times it's like Lone Ranger for me. You know, I'm in there doing my work and it's nice to have that reflection sometimes from someone who's also able to see, because there's there's no shut off switch for me.

Speaker 3:

I hear and see all day, every day, all the time. It's not like I go, let me go meditate and get in position. No, it's all day, every day. So it's very much a? Um. I used to say it was like, you know, being in an. It is being like in an altered reality all the time, you know, and people move very differently around me. So I used to sometimes take it personal, because I I do bring up people's things. That's just a part of what I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well it's, it's probably part of your mission, you know. I mean, you know so some and that's okay.

Speaker 3:

I mean, sometimes it's uh, people put things in the back pocket and so maybe they don't want to deal with it no, no, yeah, they don't they don't but, you know I mean I've also had very fun things like I I'm a very good mentalist, so I do stand-up comedy when I feel like it. You know I I have very fun attributes that are woven in there, you know oh my gosh, I didn't know you did stand-up.

Speaker 2:

That's, that's why I love stand-up comedy.

Speaker 3:

I, absolutely, I was signed on a comedy tour before COVID and then also again, uh, right after COVID, um, but I have a 12 year old, so like it's kind of hard to do all that traveling yeah, it doesn't work. That'll be another lifetime, but yeah, I have fun with that. That part is is very fun and I like shock and awe. I it's sort of my I don't know. I really like it. I like skeptics and I like people that are very fixed and I like to blow it apart. I, I just do.

Speaker 2:

That's so interesting. I love that because there are a lot of people who probably come at you and try to stump you or trick you.

Speaker 3:

Yep, yep, and then they become my best friend and it's all good.

Speaker 2:

Well, hey, maybe that's what they needed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they need someone that's tough, and I have this soft exterior, but it's very fire and it's very truth telling you know. So I make no bones about it.

Speaker 2:

All right, Well and when you're born with it, you were born with everything turned on. You've had so much experience. You know what you're talking about Exactly exactly.

Speaker 3:

But you know it's fun, it. That part is like fun to. You know, rattle the mental cage, if you would, and get people out of their comfort zone. It brings me the greatest joy because then they can touch that part of themselves that they didn't have access to and I cause an awakening at the right time, you know, and they, they choose me to do that that way, you know.

Speaker 2:

And then they start to look at everything differently.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Everything Exactly so. You offer a lot of different things. Let's talk about all the things that you do. Let's talk about your services.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my goodness. So I just like took in the understanding and awareness of how to activate people in their 12 strand DNA remotely, which before now I was doing on just veterans that suffered from PTSD PTSD because that's I also believe in giving back a lot and that's one of my give backs and they were my Guinea pigs and their lives that I have taste test patient one, two and three and their lives are incredibly, remarkably different. Just amazing, amazing, completely off medication where I'm talking like suffering from severe PTSD and you know the people that don't have that, that I've done the activations on it. Just what it does it recalibrates your DNA to the original structure that you were meant to be born with as a soul, without the amnesia and without the limitations, and so it effectively causes a cellular change within your body and reroutes your neural pathways. It's crazy, cool and so much fun.

Speaker 3:

And I also work on wealth and poverty vows. That's also another one that I totally enjoy Because it's a visioning process that we go to and we go backwards and reset time. And then I also do legacy work, which is about your big platform. What do you, what are you meant to be doing here? Are you meant to have a business? Are you meant to be consulting? Are you meant to work for someone?

Speaker 3:

Whatever that big legacy is, including the give back, because that's a part of our souls component and why we chose this life is we have to effectively make change. Different than purpose. Legacy is about the being of you, so two different things. And then I have like my manifestation courses, which are like where I teach you how to become lucky and run with luck, because I run with luck and it's so much fun to teach. And then I also do like house clearings and you know those kinds of things to help you know the environment that we live in and that kind of thing as well. And then I work one-on-one with people for like extended periods of time, so like six months a year, and then I incorporate all those different things into it.

Speaker 2:

That's a, that's a lot. That's as you were talking about all those things, I was thinking that it's almost like people could start in, like evolve in levels with you as they growing and going through all the different things.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. And then I do like my mediumship stuff too, because that is very important for me to offer to people, because I'm such a clear receptor and there's no, there's no like oh, let me wait for them to show up or let me guess their name. It's not like that, they're just bam right there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's gotta be pretty rewarding work, I would think too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it is. It really honestly is Cause I lost a fiance very early in my life and he's one of my helpers on the other side with the mediumship part and, um, just, it's just a great joy of mine.

Speaker 2:

I love that, you know, because really there is no death. I mean, there's a you know body is, the vessel is no longer good, but you know your energy, it just transforms into something else, and so that's really awesome. That's just so cool that he's on your spirit team.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know Right who would have figured. It didn't make it easy when I was going through the grief program. Being able to see and hear him was not easy, you know, but it prepared me and helped me understand the other side a lot more than, say, someone who didn't have that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so.

Speaker 2:

Janelle, what else would you like to share with our audience today?

Speaker 3:

I think you know just that, like a lot of times I think, when we grow spiritually I call it the newborn spiritual and then the teenage spiritual and then the adult spiritual we forget to have fun. We get very serious. It's very serious and, I copy, very responsible and we just forget all the fun parts of why we woke up in the first place, cause it wasn't working the way that it was. And you know, I find that a lot of people just get very judgmental and very serious very quickly and I'm like it's not that serious. I promise they're always laughing at us anyway and they know when we're going to trip and fall and I'm going to guarantee you probably have five angels over there laughing at you right now they do not.

Speaker 3:

It's not as serious as you know we make it out to be, even though it is in some parts, but I think the joy and the fun overrides that piece.

Speaker 2:

What are tips for you, for people to start embracing that fun piece while awakening?

Speaker 3:

you know you're going to feel awkward. You know it's like you're the toddler learning how to walk. You know like you're going to look retarded and sometimes not say the right things. And you might. Your body may be feeling a little clunky, you may have migraines, you may have stomach issues. You know, and just to you know, take it easy and just allow that rhythm and the flow to happen and don't let go of your personality like, don't try to adopt a what I call a woke personality of like I'm the conscious being and I'm just going to evolve into this space. And no, keep your personality please.

Speaker 2:

Be who you are, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Be who you are, because that is the best part of you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, living in love and joy and all those things you know, that's I think um, and that we create that for ourselves, right, like you know?

Speaker 3:

no-transcript breath and being present to who and what is around you.

Speaker 3:

So if you're sitting outside, then that's, you know trees and nature and the wind and the sky and the fact that you don't have to think about breathing. You just wake up and breathe. I think that the second piece is to look back and go through the review of love in your life and to find those moments where you felt joy and love and bring that back as a feeling when you're, when you're in that dark place, cause it's like I said, it's not like I haven't been through those moments, I have. And sometimes those places can be void of light and it's hard to find your way through. And so I also say, like, journaling is a big part of it, you know, writing down your thoughts and getting very clear about those, but also taking account for what is working in your life, because even though there's darkness and you may feel disconnected and things may not be working the way you want, there is still light in the dark and there's still things that are working, and taking account for those in written form is very important.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I always say no matter how terrible it is, there's always beauty around you.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and there's also something that I do that is really kind of quirky and funny. Yes, and there's also something that I do that is really kind of quirky and funny.

Speaker 2:

I will look at myself in the mirror until I find resonance or I feel I find my light, and then I'll repeat.

Speaker 2:

I am lovable, I am lovable. I am lovable Until I feel it. I love that. I don't think there's anything at all. I think that's actually really powerful and I think we often are hard on ourselves. You know, we beat ourselves up all the time and we treat ourselves in ways we would never treat another person. So you know, I always tell people if you wouldn't say it to your friend, why would you say it to yourself?

Speaker 3:

You know, yeah and I, the part that I include in that mirror exercise is I'm easy to love, I'm easy to love, and I repeat it until I feel it come back to me.

Speaker 2:

Self-love is something I think that's difficult sometimes for people to really love themselves. What would you say to people who are trying to love themselves more um?

Speaker 3:

that's a good one, because I do have my clients go through that journey of like bringing love into their life, and one of the ways that I do that is by having them notice the things that they enjoy. Like, if you love drinking a certain kind of water, like Topo Chico or something, and it really brings you joy to I have them keep a journal and say you know what? I had this new flavor of coffee today and I really enjoyed it, and make a note and then eventually, what you'll have is a guide post for all the things that you love in your life and that brings more love into your life by taking notice of what is around you, right? And if you enjoyed that moment, for whatever it is like five seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, whatever and you think back and you go back to that moment, you'll you'll bring that moment back again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and where our focus goes, energy flows. So when you start to focus on all of those loving aspects, you are opening the floodgates for love to appear in life in ways that you may not even expect.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, exactly, definitely, because it's not just like the you know focusing on, you know sending love back, but it's also the things. Do I enjoy that? Do I, do I like to to walk in the morning? Do I like to have coffee or do I prefer tea? You know, often I find people don't even know what they like, let alone what they love.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's interesting. That's actually, you know, that's a really good point. You know, everybody needs to kind of sit with that and start taking notes.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's a powerful practice and one that I do on a regular basis.

Speaker 2:

So you did mention your book, that you wrote what's your book?

Speaker 3:

called. It's called Spiritual Happy Hour. It's a double shot of bad and being. It's called being allowing and doing. Michael Beckwith endorsed it, ariel Ford, which is Debbie Ford's sister, and Sonia Choquette and um, it is a very powerful question and answer.

Speaker 3:

My girlfriend would ask me questions and then out would pop the answer, kind of like what you're doing, and we took it and put it into a book form uh, each chapter is based on, because I like to spin on words and I love to do opposites. So each chapter is a drink, so like a shot of tequila, is intentions. You know you have an intention if you do that. So, not that I'm a drinker in that sense, but I love to. You know I love to mix seemingly opposing things and create a purpose and an intention around it, and so it's. It's about that journey of, okay, what is soul versus spirit and what is what? How do we work more on intentions? Or you know how important, like we were talking about love and relationships, and you know, know there's different passages and and chapters about different things about life and very channeled direct messages from the universe through me that are raw and unedited, and it's a great time people need and they identify with what's real and authentic.

Speaker 2:

And that's real and authentic. Like you said, just being spiritually awakened isn't sitting on the mountaintop and meditating, you know, I mean, that is one way of doing it. I think you know, but uh, but it's just not um it's not now. Yeah, and if you're living in in this time and interacting with people all the time. I'm sure your book is probably a lot more helpful than meditating on the mountaintop.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know and I say too because you know in our past life that worked. We could take 50 years or a hundred years or whatever to go to the mountaintop. And you know, go and you know and do our moment Now relationships this is this is my saying that relationships are the ashram of the soul.

Speaker 2:

Now, Wow, oh my gosh.

Speaker 3:

That's powerful.

Speaker 2:

That is really, really powerful. I was just gonna say what are your closing thoughts, but that might be it, yes, it's been such a pleasure talking with you. Where can people find you?

Speaker 3:

So I'm all over socials. I have a YouTube channel, dr Janelle Hoyland, and then I have my website, which is it's going to sound weird and it's. I'll spell it out for you it's payhip P-A-Y-H H. I Pcom backslash Dr Janelle uh. Facebook, um, all the Instagram, linkedin, all of the things it's Dr Janelle Um, and you can just go there and find all kinds of. I have free downloads on my website for people, like I just did in boundaries and energetics class. I have free downloads on my website for people, like I just did in its boundaries and energetics class, totally download free. And then also love and devotion with God as the consciousness. That's also free. And then I have my platform for donating for veterans getting healing and help too.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful. Well, Janelle, I honor the beautiful light in this world and it was an absolute pleasure to talk with you tonight.

Speaker 3:

I enjoyed your energy so much. Thank you for having me, and I know that this will forward a lot of growth for a lot of people.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, thank you.

Pioneering Spiritual Awakening and Transformation
Understanding Spiritual Awakening and Growth
Embodying Intuition and Setting Boundaries
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Embracing Self-Love and Spiritual Awakening
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