Sex, Drugs and Skincare

SEX AND AGING SKIN/surprising benefits/ Guest Comedian Lucas Hirl

Nicky Davis, Sandro Iocolano, Lucas Hirl Season 74 Episode 1

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Have you ever wondered if your skin could benefit from your sex life? In this episode of "Sex, Drugs, and Skin Care," we're tackling that provocative question head-on. We promise you'll come away with surprising insights into how your daily habits, from your diet to your intimate moments, can affect your skin's health and overall well-being.  Lucas chats with us  about cooking terms like "mouthfeel" and "umami," we transition seamlessly into a candid discussion about the impacts of sex on your skin, the benefits of cutting out sugar, and the science behind self-care.

Our banter takes us through a whirlwind of topics: from amusing anecdotes about "whiskey dick" and the impracticality of incorporating food into intimate moments, to personal health journeys and the benefits of a sugar detox.
Finally, we dive into the science behind how self-care, confidence, and sex are intricately connected. We explore how activities like comedy and physical fitness can enhance your intimate experiences by reducing stress through the release of oxytocin. We also discuss the role of cortisol and the body’s natural ability to produce feel-good hormones like endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin. By the end of this episode, you'll understand why sex, drugs, and skincare are more interconnected than you ever imagined. So join us for an entertaining and enlightening journey that promises a few laughs and plenty of practical takeaways!

Speaker 1:

You are listening to, watching, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling sex drugs and skin care. Like and subscribe. Hey, welcome back to sex drugs and skin care. I know what I said. I know what I said. I said there was a funny facialist and then I just couldn't do it.

Speaker 2:

You were going to say oh yeah, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we were going to. So those are great episodes and they still are. But we're back to sex, drugs and skin care. I'm just gonna, we're gonna, redesign the logo. That's it. Well, that's life.

Speaker 2:

It always comes back to sex, drugs and skin care. Right, they go hand in hand in hand. If you have three hands, they're all full of all three yeah um, yeah, so I think that makes sense. I like it. It rolls off the tongue, yeah, rolls into the mouth.

Speaker 1:

I don't know I don't know, that's a nice mouthfeel.

Speaker 2:

It's a nice mouthfeel, yeah, when you watch all those like cooking shows when they talk about a nice mouthfeel and I wish I had a little more acid a little more acid, yeah, instead of saying like you know, like put some vinegar in there or maybe some lemon or something. A little more acid, a little more feel, and the mouthfeel it's like do they? I mean, do they enjoy the food, or is it just all technical now?

Speaker 1:

Wait, what's the other one? Now they go. Everything has a little bit of umami to it.

Speaker 2:

Umami yes, it has very much umami and I looked up umami and doesn't the definition just say like flavors?

Speaker 1:

It has flavors.

Speaker 2:

It's like an animal or that kind of like a spice to it or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But I don't know if it's like a specific. I think it's a balance of different flavors. Maybe put it in the comments. By the way, before we get started, go ahead and subscribe. Hit the subscribe also. Hit that little button that notifies you when, uh, the new ones come out. Yeah, that's what I do.

Speaker 2:

You do that I never know when you're recording an episode until I get the notification. Um, but also like, like and subscribe, but we don't care if you like it or not, just fucking subscribe subscribe. Sorry, I got sorry, I got sorry, I said subscribe so loud that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, um, also, uh, we'd like to formally uh apologize to producer mark and alex for, uh, all of the confusion for our name.

Speaker 2:

No, okay, he's saying nothing, all right, we're sorry for everything we've said, about everything we weren't here, uh, and, to be honest, every some stuff that I say about you when we're here. I'm sorry about that, but we love you. Yeah, very much they're.

Speaker 1:

They're amazing here at petty cash studios. Um I, by the way, I'm nicky davis jr. Uh, I'm a licensed esthetician of 25 years or 26 years now um and a comedian, and are you licensed comedian as well? I am in a stand-up and I'm a stand-up esthetician that's right, oh, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, nikki stands up when she does uh facial exercises.

Speaker 1:

I used to actually do that and I used to do my butt exercises while I was working on my clients. Wow, kill two birds with one.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, you know, I was thinking I think it's probably better to kill one bird with two stones. Just get it out of, just finish it. That's a good point you know why? One bird with two stones? Yeah, just boom, boom. You just knock them down and then finish them off with the other one. God, that's awful. Well, it gets the job done. That's true. If you're killing two birds with one stone, you gotta, you gotta, prey on the ricochet. You gotta be good at billiards to get the angles.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's. That took a lot of thought that you didn't have so.

Speaker 2:

I had. I had a couple of seconds to pass.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate that this is a, by the way, this is a Sandro Yocolano, my cohost slash set decorator.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking maybe we should next week, maybe we switch the blankets around a little bit after. I think we could do that after we wash them. Yeah, um. Yeah, I thought you were going to say sandra set decorator slash from guns and roses.

Speaker 1:

I thought you were going to go bank that joke. Yeah, nope, I'm not. No, uh, and then also, uh, he carries all my stuff for me sometimes I hear myself talking.

Speaker 2:

It makes me, yeah, laugh, it makes you laugh. I'm talking about okay. Sometimes I hear myself talking. It just makes me, yeah, laugh, it makes you laugh I'm talking.

Speaker 1:

Okay, sometimes I hear myself talking. It makes me be really quiet afterwards. That's what I should do yeah, um, hey c do you know what today's topic is?

Speaker 2:

by the way, I think you mentioned it, but it's something that I I never think about ever you never think about it never, oh, you never think about that, about the first part.

Speaker 1:

Okay, uh, it's the effects of sex on skin.

Speaker 2:

Interesting. Okay, we were just talking before we started rolling. This is a very intimate conversation we were having about diet and about sugar, and I immediately thought about that linking to sex. You did Sugar being terrible and being terrible for your skin, and also sugar being bad for your sex life.

Speaker 1:

It is bad for your sex life, right, I find it very fascinating.

Speaker 2:

I want to know what the effects of sex and that rigorous activity has on the skin and the vital who are you talking about right now?

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's pretty like somebody having rigorous sex. I don't know what rigorous means. I think you do Like rigor mortis, no.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, yeah, I think you do Like rigor mortis. No Well, okay, yeah, then in that case. Yes, we've had some rigorous sex.

Speaker 2:

Rick and Morty, I'm just joking. No, okay, yeah, rigorous.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, causing your heartbeat to increase.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, by the way, can I disagree for a second? Absolutely. Yes, I think sugar is fantastic for sex.

Speaker 1:

You do. I mean, alcohol is straight sugar. Oh, ok, if we didn't have alcohol, but what about?

Speaker 3:

whiskey dick. I've never had whiskey dick Really yeah, so I've heard about it.

Speaker 1:

Oh OK.

Speaker 2:

So you've never gotten to that point where it's just been like, you've been like.

Speaker 1:

It's never been a hindrance.

Speaker 3:

That obliterated. That's good yeah.

Speaker 1:

Your liver's taking care of you, yeah care of you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I want to joke that like I had more sex and I was fatter just because I was like drunk half the time, but now that like I'm sober and in shape like nothing, yeah, yeah, that's fucking hilarious just dudes talking to me about their workout routines.

Speaker 2:

I love your beard. They're like I love your beard and guys are like thanks, man.

Speaker 3:

Thanks for being.

Speaker 1:

Nice man bud.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like oh, you like it, but the girls?

Speaker 1:

don't, the girls don't like it.

Speaker 2:

Dude, that's so funny. Sex is very interesting. I never had a whiskey dick. Well, I've had. Maybe I I have because I don't remember, but I've, I've had. I feel like I've had ice cream cock and that is so much like that, I like, I eat so much like sugar and stuff like that that I just comatose and there's just no way. It's like having coke penis. You know, I've had popsicle pussy before, what's pop pussy, popsicle pussy? I don't know oh, it's pretty good it just sounded good, that's good improv, by the way.

Speaker 3:

Thank you I don't know and I will say introducing sugar in the sex and physically never worth it, always messy oh, like the whipped cream, yeah, never as good as it always sounded yeah, I mean you're asking for an infection at that point yeah, peanut butter with the dog.

Speaker 2:

Any form of oh yeah, if you have peanut butter and a dog. The dog knows what dog loves the smell of peanut butter and they can smell from like miles away yeah so you have to like close the door, but then they scratch at the door. It's just not worth it. I don't know if like, do dogs like almond butter? Is it just different types of butter?

Speaker 1:

only if it's organic, right? Yeah, they're very snobbish like that almond butter yeah, yeah, they like sunflower butter, the. Yeah, they're artisans artisan cookie butter, cookie, butter. Yeah, now you're talking, man what is that?

Speaker 2:

speculo, speculo, yeah, the stuff that. That's the thing that the gynecologist uses and they scoop it into the. They put the cookies in there, yeah do you remember that seinfeld episode where george was like incorporating food into the diet? And into sex and he was like eating a full, like pastrami sandwich no like that's the kind of thing where I'm like sandwiches, like I get down with like you, and I could like I have like a split of ruben, you know, like a yeah.

Speaker 1:

Reuben could be our third Most sensual of the meats. What's that?

Speaker 3:

He says from the episode it's the most sensual of the meats. Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh my God.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hot pastrami most sensual of all the salted cured meats, dude, that's disgusting Would you just yeah, cold cuts are pretty good, yeah, yeah. Well, I'm interested to know what sex does to the skin. Okay, I'm interested to know what your definition of sex is. You don't know why. Now we're fucked up. I don't know. I don't like to ask.

Speaker 1:

I don't like to ask questions yeah, I like to wait till I tell you after the fact, after I show them the tapes yeah, yeah, it's actually.

Speaker 2:

We've been dating so long that it's micro fish it's, it's microfilm. I have him look over it afterwards. Yeah, and to get him we have to break it. We always put him in a ceramic and like a bunny and we have to break it to then look at it because it's like very, you know it's supposed to be hidden what's the oh?

Speaker 1:

because it's in the little uh, yeah, okay, it's like an espionage thing espionage yeah, all right um, you're good at improv today, I'm not I took is mushroom day for me, oh nice.

Speaker 2:

I micro-dosed as well.

Speaker 1:

I know, but you're just used to having lots of psychedelic drugs in your system all the time.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if that's true or not. I hallucinate a lot, but I do find that it hits me, sometimes gradually and sometimes more. I did have some with banana so that helped to level me out. The banana leveled me out.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why um, by the way, I'm not a doctor. Just want to just remind everybody that, uh, nikki davis is not a doctor. None of this is medical advice. Um, often I am learning about things as I am looking it up for the podcast, because there's a lot to know about podcast, because there's a lot to know about skincare and there's lots to know about things in life, and I don't know everything. So, um, I'm just trying to get it from the most reliable sources, just AI, generally from Google, no, um, but yeah, so just just. I don't know if I have to say that, but eventually, you're good.

Speaker 2:

I think we could just call the next segment copy and paste. I think that would be good that's perfect, yeah all right. Well, you want to bring our guest out. I do. I want to bring our guests out uh, this guest is uh, he's a very good friend of mine. I've known him for almost the entire time. I've been in la at the comedy store as well.

Speaker 3:

So, like, at least like the last 12 years yeah maybe 13 that's how I started, always been cool, always been a good dude.

Speaker 2:

Um, really funny. He's a very talented filmmaker. Uh, I was thinking about one of the sketches we did recently which is the world's I think it was the world's most annoying uber driver. Oh yeah, that one was like so much fun he's just really, really funny. He's a great joke writer. He's a comedy store paid regular. He's an awesome actor. He's just all around good dude and I wish him nothing but the success and it was so much fun to have him on today's podcast.

Speaker 1:

Everybody. It sounded like you were wrapping up coming to the couch.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, very good friend of mine.

Speaker 1:

Very funny comedian, lucas hurl yay great to be here yeah, all right, so now we switch you guys. Yeah, yeah, take your drugs over there. So, uh, yeah, alex will set you all up there yeah, yeah and then it's super cool and you kind of just do this.

Speaker 2:

It's just like a nice little sculpting.

Speaker 1:

You put a little oil on it facial oil or something kind of cream so it slides across. Do you? Thank you? Do you want this at?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yes. In case Okay, yes.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, yes, no problem. Yeah, man.

Speaker 3:

This is fun, so just kind of loosely based off of this topic, uh-huh and yeah, we just talk about whatever I'm going to.

Speaker 1:

Just I'll try to keep it somewhat. But first, let's just, we'll just whatever, We'll just talk.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And if it gets off topic too much one of us will bring it back around.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, dude, please, yeah, please. I may not have the answers, but I definitely welcome the questions.

Speaker 2:

I'll research.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, there you go In development. Thank you, r&d.

Speaker 3:

Cool, sandra. Is that a Stitsy Blunt? Hmm, is that a Stitsy Blunt? Oh, I was just looking at the wrapper.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, no, this was, it's just an old. Oh yeah, yeah, no, this was just an old.

Speaker 3:

Oh, thank you this is an old Lowell Farms.

Speaker 2:

I just keep it because they always have the plastic ones and I just always hate the idea of the burning stuff, I would say the glass. Whose lighter is this? I used it. It was over there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I was going to say it looks like the wall from the comedy store on the outside. Oh, totally.

Speaker 2:

That'd be a really good you might, you might. Okay, you should mention that. What do you call it? Merchandise, merchandise? Yeah, totally.

Speaker 1:

People's names. You should mention that Next time I'm on a show I will Do what I thought. This looked like the wall, like the outside of the comedy store like with people's names and I thought that would be a good little merchandise thing.

Speaker 2:

For the store, like a totally lighter with names That'd be cool yeah. But it only says Jeff Ross.

Speaker 1:

Just over and over again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that'd be kind of cool. Just like you know, one comic the whole way around.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, lucas Harl, yay.

Speaker 3:

What's up? Hey, what's up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thanks for being here. Dope studio. Yeah, thanks for being here.

Speaker 2:

Dope studio. Thanks. That's petty cash for you. This is amazing. Yeah, they do it up, nice they. They keep the lights on, they paint the walls the air conditioning is. Air conditioning is on they keep the air conditioning on and you won't even know it. It's, I like, literally one of the coolest studios in town.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's nice. The first thing I saw there were the cereal boxes and the nintendo, though there was a bunch of weed um podcasts.

Speaker 1:

I think here before oh yeah are those from weed or are those just old um cereal boxes do gifts from the studio?

Speaker 3:

in them okay, oh wow, it never goes bad a cereal podcast.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there's, there's a cereal podcast. Oh, I love that. Okay, alex. Oh, that's right, it's Alex. What's it called? Alex Wanna Spoon, wanna Spoon. I love that you guys subscribe After you subscribe to mine. Subscribe to Alex's Wanna Spoon podcast. We should watch it.

Speaker 2:

I'm down to watch it I like cereal.

Speaker 1:

I love Alex want a spoon podcast.

Speaker 3:

We should watch it I'm down to watch alex cereal. I love alex. I love alex yeah, yeah. What got me to quit sugar, though, yeah was my skin yeah I had you know I'd struggled with it for years yeah and you know it affects your mood. It has all this just negative stuff it does to you. But I I realized after battling it for so long that the one thing that would make me finally quit it is not having to deal with the breakouts like vanity stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can't hide it you can't. It's called glycation that does do that too, yeah, and it breaks your skin down, but it also it'll make you like inflamed um yeah, it'll exacerbate anything else you have going on inside your body because your body's just inflamed and ready to just kind of be on attack all the time. It can cause you to have like more um autoimmune stuff going on.

Speaker 2:

So it's literally coming from the inside out.

Speaker 1:

Your body's inflamed inside it's always coming out and it's coming through your skin breaking out is rarely from the outside in, it's rarely something you're putting on, it's almost always from the inside out, and where it shows up can also show you where in the body it's affecting. So if it's around here, this is your stomach, this is your upper, your lower, I mean, sorry, your small and large intestine. Wait, this way, this way Small and large intestine going down like that, like your ascending and descending colon, large intestine, small intestine in here. But yeah, well, I've always had oily skin. Oily's not bad.

Speaker 3:

No In my 30s I'm starting to very much like having it, but, like you said, with the rosacea too.

Speaker 1:

Rosacea will be affected by sugar as well, and also, you're drinking a Red Bull right. Or is it a diet? Oh, okay good oh okay, I was like damn.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You're like I only have 12 of these now instead of 14. What is that?

Speaker 2:

It's some amino zero sugar 100 milligram caffeine oh that looks good Drink yeah, it's a fancy coffee.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yes, it's like one of my only vices.

Speaker 1:

Are you up late? A lot at the store.

Speaker 3:

I'm up late in general. Like last night I got home at midnight and get to bed. It's about 3 am.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to wind down after you've been in the club for a while. It is.

Speaker 3:

I don't sleep a lot.

Speaker 1:

That's also not great for your skin either, but it has to be.

Speaker 3:

No, it's not, but I did just get a red light mask.

Speaker 1:

You did Well. You're into it more than I thought. Oh no, I'm way more vain than a straight farm boy from Iowa should be. I think this is fantastic.

Speaker 2:

You're living in Los Angeles, dude.

Speaker 1:

We're here, man.

Speaker 2:

I think it's good to be conscious and you know, take care of yourself. It also resonates with other people as well. They see it like you know you're very, always clean, cut, You're in shape. People are like, oh, he looks good, he's taking care of himself. So you know, it resonates, it makes you feel good about you, you I think the diet is helping, not eating all that stuff, all the sugar and the processed stuff, and it kind of helps me just feel better, I feel lighter.

Speaker 1:

You do. You look lighter and, yeah, your skin looks like I don't know. I can just see like I don't know. I can't really put my finger on what it is, don't put your finger anywhere on it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll put my fingers wherever I want you, son of a gun. I know I do feel better, though because of that, and also sex has been better.

Speaker 1:

Sex has been better.

Speaker 2:

I've been really that other girl told you that it doesn't take me, you, son of a gun. It doesn't take me very long to finish off myself.

Speaker 1:

Wow, thank you so much. You know what We'll be right back.

Speaker 3:

How long is that?

Speaker 2:

That's a great question for those kids. Five and a half minutes, five and a half minutes.

Speaker 3:

Wow, it's efficient.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah, I took the parlay on that one. We took the over-under.

Speaker 3:

Dude, I'll bet on anything.

Speaker 2:

I am a degenerate. That's a prop bet. Yeah, dude, it does help.

Speaker 1:

When did you curb your sugar?

Speaker 3:

2020. I got fat like three different times over COVID Did you really. Yeah, first time was on accident.

Speaker 1:

That was a purposeful time.

Speaker 3:

No, the second time was just kind of out of boredom.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And then I'm like, okay, we're going to open up eventually. I don't want to be, you know, I don't want to be, you know, I don't want to let it all go. So then I just and I went through a breakup too, so that helped, that'll help you lose weight yeah, it kind of became psycho. And then, uh, just seeing the positive effects and I had, I went to a dermatologist. I was like 14 or 15, just dealing with acne and been on Accutane a couple cycles Okay.

Speaker 3:

And like I remember he'd always say that your diet really didn't have anything to do with it.

Speaker 1:

Dermatologists are my favorite yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean, like I told you before this, I got my first facial last week and the lady I went to knew so much more I felt about my skin than this doctor who was a friend of my dad's, who you know that just, I saw him for years and he would do the extraction and it was painful as hell and his nurse would always do the other half.

Speaker 1:

I'm really good at doing extractions that don't hurt and don't leave your face looking like you put it in a beehive afterwards. Yeah, and I'm fine.

Speaker 3:

I got a high tolerance for pain, but I remember being a kid just thinking how sadistic this doctor was, because he loved taking the scalp to my 14 year old face and then they put you, they put the dry ice on after I don't know if that helped I, I mean I'm sure it does, but I've never done that before.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I was going to say that when I got the extraction at the facial last week it was way more calming, good, it was like the dermatologists are trained to treat the symptom and not the problem inside, and I think if we did know the problem inside, we wouldn't need the dermatologist. So why would they change the medical books? You know what I mean? Yeah, I don't know, that's my theory anyway, but every time I've been to a dermatologist, same thing. It's like they prescribe you like a steroid cream or like at least said um accutane which is really it's really it's really harsh on your body.

Speaker 1:

Do they like check your liver and stuff like that?

Speaker 3:

oh yeah, I couldn't imagine going through it again imagine what it's doing.

Speaker 1:

If it's just doing to the glands in your skin, your sebaceous glands, imagine all the other glands that it's affecting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I got to think it messes with your hormones. It has to.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yeah. Your pituitary gland, all the really important glands that are running your whole body. It's like shutting everything down.

Speaker 3:

It really screws with your confidence too.

Speaker 1:

It does.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, too it does. Oh yeah, because being a teenager you can't wear contacts. It dries your eyes out too much, so you have to wear glasses. You'll wake up with like I never had it, but like bloody noses Because you're drying out and your sinus is, oh my god yeah.

Speaker 1:

Aw Lucas. But now look at you. It's made you a funnier, stronger person.

Speaker 3:

Thanks. I'm obsessed with skin care. It is your, it's your biggest organ I had.

Speaker 1:

No, it is your biggest organ, that's right. I had no idea yeah I only really just know you from just like brief conversations at the store oh no, I'm seeing you on stage.

Speaker 3:

I love that about you so much I love.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna have so many fun conversations somehow we're having you back for sure that's great. So, um, so you're off sugar, like uh, are you completely off sugar or just a little bit?

Speaker 3:

like pretty much completely off yeah I never, really I don't once I cut something off, I cut it off for good yeah and I don't get tempted like mike black brings in those every friday midnight he brings in a smorgasbord of just shit. I'm sorry, you can start and I don't even look at it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It's just there, I can live around it. I have in my apartment. In my kitchen I have a drawer of junk food and I have like five pints of ice cream in there. They've been in there for maybe, like you have five pints of ice cream in there.

Speaker 1:

They've been in there for maybe, like you, have five pints of ice cream in there. That you don't even touch.

Speaker 3:

No, they've been in there for like half a year.

Speaker 1:

That's self-control.

Speaker 3:

But I like to know it's there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It's like I have a Nintendo at home. I never play it.

Speaker 1:

Why don't you play Nintendo I?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Did you get like addicted to it?

Speaker 3:

No, but I just kind of got turned off video games because I had a job, I had a career in video games for, like you know, 10 years and it made me stop playing them.

Speaker 1:

You worked in one of those places where you would like play with other people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we like made video games, so we would be. You know, it'd be a full time job and then I'd have friends who work there.

Speaker 1:

That would go home and play video games.

Speaker 3:

I'm like, do you? How are you around this all? Day and then you go home and do it.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, so just yeah I think my brother did that for a while and they would just get high all day. That's all they did was just get high and play video games oh no, that sounds terrible yeah, yeah they got, they got paid yeah, I'll have to ask him what he did. There was this company. Yeah, yeah, exactly yeah that's wild yep, that was like a full-time.

Speaker 2:

I did that once when not the video game thing, but during covid, like early on, I remember getting like food deliveries and they deliver stuff like amazon would deliver whatever. And one time they accidentally delivered a ben and jerry's pint of like half baked and I was in the and I was like I was like, all right, nikki, I'm not having ice cream anymore, I'm taking a break. And so I got it and I let it sit in the fridge, in the freezer, for like a little over a year. And then I was and no, and then I then I just threw it away. You did, yeah, and then I never ate it. And now, instead of taking that thing of like, oh, I got a free, it's off the books, you know like it doesn't count.

Speaker 2:

I was like no, I'm just gonna keep it here, and I never had it it's like carrying around a pack of cigarettes after you smoke.

Speaker 2:

It's just like a little security blanket yeah right, yeah you carry a pack of cigarettes around, have them in your pocket so they have the outline. When people ask to bum them, be like no, I'll be. Like no, sorry, I don't. No, sorry, I quit. And then they're like wait, you have cigarettes. Be like, yeah, I have them because I quit. If I I get rid of them, I won't quit anymore. Yeah, so I can't give them with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't give them to you, give them with you.

Speaker 3:

I can't give them with you.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's also true. You can't do that. That's my improv, is I just make fun of Sandro, that's perfect.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's and scene and scene.

Speaker 1:

You may have already been exposed to this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, instead of yes to anything. A lot of times we'll do stuff like I don't believe you or we'll be like hold on, give me a second. Let me think about my response. Yeah, yeah or no, no is good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like if someone's like, oh, welcome to my falafel shop in the middle of the tropical forest, and then you go, no, absolutely not. And then that's the whole improv scene that's perfect, yeah. Because it's real life. Improv, you don't have to. Yes, and everything Actually yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's true. I mean, that's why I like atmospheres like the Comedy Store or any just kind of comedy club. When you're around a bunch of people in that realm where everything's a game, you know you can see like barris pull up and you know it's just circus shenanigans yeah, I don't know if you remember this this is probably like 11 years ago but ari shafir, when he was hanging out with the stormworm, he pulled a lot and Don just ran up to him and started choking him and said you fucking.

Speaker 3:

Jew, and there was just a woman in line, just horrified, thinking that she was seeing a hate crime go down like who she should call and like it's all a game, it's just, it's all a big improv. Yes, and yeah, it's such, it's all a game, it's all a big improv. Yes, and.

Speaker 2:

It's ridiculous, even when it's like that extreme. But it'll just be like him coming across the corner and then he'll walk out and he'll be like, and he'll be like Sandra, what are you doing? I'm like, don, I met you by the bathroom and sometimes it'll be just me and him. He'll be like how do I know you? Yeah, and I'm like, I'm perfectly like happy to do it, because it's just yeah, it's just all shenanigans, yeah the yes ending is like he the yes, and is him walking up and choking ari?

Speaker 1:

that's a great one. You just choke the other person in the scene, all for like all for their own theater.

Speaker 2:

Everybody else is like oh my god, it's so good, it's the scene all for like. All for their own theater.

Speaker 1:

Everybody else is like oh my god, it's so good it's the best yeah, but it all.

Speaker 3:

I like to bring this back to skincare. Thank you, I need that energy to be able to be out late and to be like and definitely being sugar-free definitely keeps you in a better mindset. Um, I can tell. If I go on a sugar binge which I used to do you see it the next day more in your face like I'll have a couple fresh sits that I didn't have the old, as you get older, and then do you get like dark circles no, not as bad.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I've been using eye cream okay um for the last decade wow yeah um, can I?

Speaker 2:

I want, I want to bring it back to the topic only because I think there's a lot of cover here, because it all connects, like going to the comedy store, feeling good about yourself doing the riffing you know, like that kind of stuff. When you take care of yourself and you feel good, it's more you're more apt to like let yourself go and be like that. You don't feel vulnerable yeah and I find that that's the same thing with, like you know, um having good sex yeah, yeah, because you feel better about yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yes, taking care of yourself that's how it kind of.

Speaker 2:

You know, you, and I'm bringing it because today's topic is sex, but I'm, you know, like, I'm saying like that's true, and like because sex makes you feel good, right, but also feeling good makes you have yeah, you can't let go if you feel like, oh my god, I look like a that you know, walrus.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if I had sex like I.

Speaker 2:

If I had sex now like I, like I went into the pool when I was 10 I'd have a white shirt on the whole time and I would be like you, just have a shirt on in the shower and like whatever it was like I'd be so self-conscious during sex I'd have a key. I don't used to keep my shirt on. Yeah, keep your shirt on and then like just pouring sweat from the forehead nobody could see the outline of your body under a wet shirt.

Speaker 1:

Not at all, not even close, no and that, that sweaty shirt dangling on that girl like this it never happens like heartbreaking yeah it's terrible.

Speaker 3:

You swam with a white t-shirt when he was a kid because he was yeah, you didn't go black here's the thing I did eventually, but he didn't but the white shirt was because I was like oh crap, I forgot where I'm supposed to go into a pool.

Speaker 2:

It's like a birthday party, a pool party, and then I'd go in with it, and then it would just, you know, my, my boobs would show my supple 11 year old boobs yeah, filled with estrogen yeah, filled with estrogen and sugar and sugar, yep, yep, just all the kinds of sugar yeah, it can compare to today's kids.

Speaker 3:

You're probably pretty ripped, I think so now they got the kids bigger, triple these?

Speaker 2:

yeah, oh my god, they call them spineless, not because they're cowards, but they're born without spines.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

They're just blubbers. Yeah, I mean, I don't know any they're made for desk jobs.

Speaker 3:

I read articles.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I read articles they're made for what?

Speaker 3:

Desk jobs yeah.

Speaker 1:

Their bodies are in the shape of a desk. Just plop them in. Nikki, tell us some stuff about sex all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, have you ever thought to fight it? Um, wait, yeah, um. So have you ever noticed after an orgasm, you, it calms you down, right. So just the calming of your, just the calming of your body. It releases something called oxytocin in your bloodstream and that gets rid of a lot of stress and tension and anxiety. And so when you're stressed out and you've got all that stress and anxiety, you're getting less circulation to all parts of your body. Really. So it's not only just like the physical act of having sex, but it's also just, you know, just like increasing your, um, your blood flow, but it's also just like letting everything, just like open up and release and then, also, um, it helps to reduce your cortisol. Do you know about cortisol? Yeah, I figured you would. What do you know about cortisol? What?

Speaker 3:

do you know about cortisol? What do you know about cortisol? It's a hormone, right yeah, I believe so yeah, and um, definitely don't want it too high yeah, they call it the stress hormone. Yeah it has its benefits, but um, just like, like, just like inflammation we were talking about earlier inflammation isn't always bad right you know, I lifted weights two hours ago I inflamed myself right yeah, I've been. You know as much as I've taught to like want to do a plunge. I can't, you're not supposed to after doing something like that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I didn't know that. Is it too much of a shock? I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I've heard a couple people say that, especially if you lift, if you're going to do a cold plunge, you should do it Really. The baller move is to do it before you lift.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow, that's also I feel like you'd be too numb to feel like you're, like you could burst some frozen blood vessel or something.

Speaker 3:

That's probably why how it hits you yeah, oh, yeah, oh, my god but yeah, like your, your muscles are inflamed so you don't want to like kind of, you don't want to stop that inflammation right, you want to continue.

Speaker 1:

It's there to protect you it's there to rush nutrients to heal you.

Speaker 3:

Yes, cortisol has its purpose.

Speaker 1:

For sure.

Speaker 3:

Everything does in moderation.

Speaker 1:

But too much will give you visceral fat, so your guts get fat underneath. You might not even look fat on the outside, but you've got all this gut fat and it's also just not good. Know, it's not good for your skin. It really is the worst fat.

Speaker 2:

Can you have like the? I want to get back to the worst fat.

Speaker 1:

No, that's fine, it is. It's amazing, that's the name of your podcast, the worst fat.

Speaker 3:

That's hilarious. The worst fat. If you could be fat anywhere.

Speaker 2:

Where would you want to be? It's on my thumb. Uh, what the hell was I talking about? Oh, can you increase your cortisol by like having like too much coffee and caffeine? Yes, well, the trick. So it will. So if you have like a fight or flight or that kind of thing yes, it dumps, yes, yes, yes, exactly, that's when you. That's when the good cortisol like that's when it comes up that's.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I mean, I wouldn't consider that necessarily good cortisol, because it's coming out. Stress too right, the stress that you yeah, like what you're saying, like you're working out, is reducing stress.

Speaker 3:

It's going to create inflammation, like you see, a mountain lion you're right and you're like, yeah, yeah, that's a good cortisol.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that would get some good cortisol yeah but the cortisol will actually help to.

Speaker 1:

Um, it helps, it hurts because it breaks down your collagen, which is like the most abundant protein in your skin collagen.

Speaker 3:

We, as we know it, you need it to have like supple young skin yes, right, so I take collagen every day. You?

Speaker 1:

do look at you.

Speaker 3:

Yes, two scoops with a whole lemon and a whole beet and some ginger and I you put it like in the blender yeah that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, are you doing like beef collagen?

Speaker 3:

a little beef, but it kind of it. The way it gets thick it's, it's very hard. It's not as mixable as the marine or that I get, like the lemon. Um, yeah, I have a canister of bovine but I'm slowly going through it because it doesn't mix as well as the others.

Speaker 1:

You have to like, really like. Yeah, you know, you have to disguise it pretty well. The like the gelatin can get kind of funky yeah um, we stopped using it just because we're going we're going vegan for a bit just to see we're not going to do any um. So I don't have any extra collagen stuff, but we've just been using the vegan proteins. That's just from beans, but we don't have any collagen. Now that I think about it, did you notice any difference from taking that?

Speaker 3:

I've taken it for the last probably four years.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I just think it's. You look plump and juicy, yeah, and your hair and nails look good too, yes, and they do grow faster. It's the gelatin in there? Yeah, it's the gelatin, for sure.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely like my eyebrows, like I'll pluck those and see like god dang, I'm doing it every few days that's good, though, because you don't want to get lose, uh, I mean, I don't know if men lose their eyebrows as much as women do when you get older, but it does make you look older people lose eyebrow hair yeah, like the, I noticed that a lot of older women the eyebrows start to thin out.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it makes sense, because then you have the elderly women that just have pencils in there. Yeah, this is what used to be here, like a fleece drawing of a dead body. That's hilarious.

Speaker 1:

An outline of a dead body.

Speaker 2:

You have a chalk outline of where your eyebrow was.

Speaker 1:

Just around where the eyebrow was.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh my God, that's ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what else? All right, so sex. It also helps to speed up the healing. Really I believe that it does, because it's promoting the oxytocin and the endorphins, and those are hormones that help to speed up healing in your skin as well. So that's you're going to see like anything, that's you know, if you're breaking out like you're saying, it's going to, it's going to help, uh reduce that yeah, the sex is going to well. The sex helps you release the oxytocin.

Speaker 1:

I think women more than men yeah but, um, but, and the endorphins, and then that helps you speed up the healing of your skin if you have anything going on what about masturbation? That's a very good question. I believe it's still yeah, it's yeah, of course you're thinking about it. You can't wait to get home when I was a kid. I remember like I thought I was when he was a kid. When I was a kid, wink you know um, I was kidding uh but I remember my mom like what are you doing?

Speaker 2:

I'm like, I'm healing, I'm healing and like she's, like she's not.

Speaker 1:

And I thought I was bullshitting, but maybe there's something to that yeah, so well it is. I mean it does. It makes you feel good for a reason. Your body knows there's something good for you, so otherwise, it wouldn't make you feel good. You know your body is a very smart organism. It and it gives you the feel good hormones to let you know you're doing.

Speaker 2:

You're onto something it took me so long to realize that, like if my back hurts or my shoulder hurts when I'm, if I work out or whatever it is, instead of going, what the fuck is your problem?

Speaker 1:

he would to literally talk to his arms, like I'm like I'm like dude.

Speaker 2:

I've had shoulder pain all my life. What do you want from me? As opposed to being like oh, I think my body's trying to tell me something, and now I'm so more, so much more in tune with that. So yeah, it is.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why it took me so long but also I've noticed that you, and for I'm myself too, as well unstable. Yes, well, that for sure I noticed that when we first started dating 11, 12 years ago. But um, you're becoming more stable. But when, um, um, when the, the working out, the repair, the um repair since you, since you stopped doing sugar, has been a lot quicker, and the vegan too.

Speaker 2:

I had a uh a little cut on my leg. That is healed very quickly, um, and I had COVID that lasted like three days and. I was or like four days and I like on like the fifth day I like tested negative and I felt I've never gotten over so quickly.

Speaker 2:

So it also might be like a maybe not as powerful strain or whatever, but I do feel healthier and I think it's like a lot of the sugar and if I do allow myself to have sugar, I still will always cut out corn syrup and now dairy and I'll have just like a couple cookies. As opposed to this, I would have a smorgasbord. It was just.

Speaker 1:

Swedish fish.

Speaker 2:

It was like it was like okay, well, if I eat all the sugar like yeah, with the?

Speaker 1:

cookies on like the brownie bite. I mean this is all in one sitting. Yeah, it was like a fucking oh, I know I've been there.

Speaker 2:

Oh my, god, nikki called me one time. She's like you know, you're like. Like like a junkie. I'm like what do you mean? She goes like you. You just said like, if I eat all the sugar here, I won't have any left. Like that's what, like people, that like if I do, if we do all the coke, we won't have any, then we'll get straight or like okay.

Speaker 1:

So we'd be sitting and I could see him getting in a bad mood, right, and it's getting later at night, and then he'd be like, all right, I have to go to 7-Eleven and go get some ice cream. Not with. 60 seconds would go by. Suddenly. It was like he just called his dealer and his mood was up. And I'm like you notice that your mood is completely different now that you called your dealer at 7-Eleven. Knowing that you're going to, he has that sugar coming into his body.

Speaker 2:

And coming into his body and you were like. It was like living with a drug addict. For a while I've kind of felt like there needed to be something like that also and we talked about like you know, like don't skimp, like get go for the, go for the prime, was it prime or premium?

Speaker 3:

right, yeah, oh, with the ice cream, yeah with everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah with everything and 7-eleven just doesn't do with me anymore. So you know I mean like their, their version of their, like corn syrup stuff. You know I mean the smell of 7-eleven now doesn't even turn me on I'm just like that's good, I'm over it.

Speaker 3:

You know, like if I'm gonna have, I love that. I'm gonna have the good stuff and coffee yeah, burnt coffee and the pizza oven they never clean.

Speaker 2:

Oh god, it's like dude. Just if you clean it once, the heat cleans it, the heat yeah the heat cleans it. The heat. Yeah, the heat cleans it. What do you want? Pepperoni or cheese burnt?

Speaker 1:

I'm so glad you don't eat like that anymore.

Speaker 2:

No, and it does make me, you know. I do feel like my blood is pumping easier it is.

Speaker 3:

Sugar messes with your emotions so much, Absolutely 100%. And your mood than I've been in years.

Speaker 2:

It is noticeable, then For sure.

Speaker 3:

For sure, because it does make you a junkie.

Speaker 2:

And you're looking for your next hit. Dude, it's so true.

Speaker 1:

What about sex? Does that make you feel more stable? It does. What about you? Depends on who it's with If it's with an unstable person, definitely, Then it makes you feel better. Makes you feel better because you makes you feel better about yourself In comparison. Yeah, but yeah, because it does, it's going to release a lot of the we fight less when we do it more.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And we notice that and then we'll be like we should do this more often.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's also interesting because, like, then it becomes like the stress of the outside stuff that comes in. But if I and then to deal with that, I would usually deal and have sugar to combat that, like, and then that would trip everything off and then we wouldn't be physical and we wouldn't be able to go through that it was so.

Speaker 1:

It's just like a cycle yeah, that was only a short period of time yeah, it wasn't that long a couple years, 20 years, yeah, it's fine, something like that like that.

Speaker 2:

But, yes, lucas is going to say something. Oh yeah, I just have a question. Can?

Speaker 3:

you tell, I mean I think you probably could If, like a stranger has had sex in the last like 30 minutes. You pass people on the street, you're like that guy or girl.

Speaker 1:

I guess, if I was looking for it, maybe yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because all the blood rushes to your face yeah, for sure disheveled hair sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that could be anybody on the streets of hollywood, though. Honestly yeah, but they could have just been masturbating on the sidewalk as well I've seen homeless people.

Speaker 3:

I'm like that guy just jerked off, he's got a glow to him yeah, yeah, that's so.

Speaker 2:

No, I think he just uh, I think he just has radiation poisoning, he just has a glow to him. Yeah, yeah, that's so. No, I think he just, uh, I think he just has radiation poisoning, he just has a glow to him. Oh my god, hang out the nuclear power plants.

Speaker 1:

I don't do it so yeah, so sex is better. Uh, sex helps your sex, helps your mood, so um, it's gonna release, is it slows down cortisol? Yeah, slows down your, your cortisol so that your body can help you know, so that your body can heal faster. It also leads to better sleep, which is going to help to boost your immune system, which is also going to help your mental health, which is going to lead to better skin. So, like how often?

Speaker 3:

So what are the drawbacks to sex? The drawbacks in skin care, Like maybe you get chlamydia and that's a big rash, right? Well, yeah, it depends. You get a lot of rashes from sex, too, that I talk about.

Speaker 1:

Well, here's the thing. I figured one of you would ask me before the end of the show what about semen on your skin?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Is that true? Does that work?

Speaker 1:

I've been ever since he stopped sugar. It's just like, yeah, yeah, I can't, I can't stop, it's a party, um, but no, there's no scientific evidence that semen does anything to your skin to make it improved, other than yeah, but uh, but you can get sexually transmitted diseases through semen on your skin or if it gets in your eye or whatever. So yeah, I wouldn't say that it's uh, the semen, that whole semen inside your body.

Speaker 2:

Different you sent me an article the other day yeah, I did it said attention ladies, semen is an antidepressant it is and if you put it inside.

Speaker 1:

They did a study and I don't I don't have the thing to to recite it from, but it was the women who had sex unprotected, versus the ones that didn't, were less likely to be depressed. Because your body, the inside of your uterus, is just it's, it's just blood vessels, right, so it takes in anything you're putting in there. So if you put semen in there, your body's, like it, appreciates it. As a woman, I don't know if as a man.

Speaker 3:

The women who had unprotected sex were happier.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

They probably also live more free anyway.

Speaker 1:

That's probably true too. That's interesting. A bunch of prudes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So by that wait, what would you say? I got lost in the prudes.

Speaker 1:

Oh, prudes, yeah, lost in the prudes. I was saying that once it goes inside your uterus my uterus, one's uterus that your body secretes more positive hormones.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so does that mean like upon like, let's say conception? The body has those things that calm you down so that you're not stressed, so that you take away from your body.

Speaker 1:

That makes perfect sense to me, as an evolutionary standpoint?

Speaker 2:

yeah it would make you more um you know, likely to be pregnant because, like you can do it that way, but you just can't take a. You can't take like a, you know a cold sixer and drink it and be like oh, this is making me feel less depressed there's no studies on that yet, but you know we could definitely look into it okay, because yeah, so it has to be the old-fashioned way.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, it has to be old-fashioned.

Speaker 2:

Old-fashioned way.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, yeah, I thought you meant like in the form of an old-fashioned.

Speaker 2:

If you want to drink, that Old-fashions will help you get the old-fashioned. Yeah, you know the old sex yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's what South Park, I think, called the jer right? Yeah, it's so funny. So there is research that says that poor sleep is associated with decreased skin barrier function, which is obviously you're going to get more infections and, yeah, lower satisfaction with your overall appearance, I guess. And the skin cell renewal also has increased between the hours of 10 and 4 pm. Have you heard that?

Speaker 1:

like the, the hours that you sleep between 10 and 4 am. Uh, 10 pm and 4 am, yeah, um, it's like, if you any any, they say any sleep that you get between 10 and midnight is like two hours for each hour. Oh, really after midnight yeah, because your body is repairing different things at different times during throughout the body. I mean throughout the clock, whatever throughout the body.

Speaker 2:

I mean throughout the clock, whatever throughout the night, so it doesn't really matter what your schedule is. Let's say, so to speak, the body still has its own thing that it does at certain times, because of the biological clock, Acadian rhythm.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah exactly.

Speaker 2:

Very interesting.

Speaker 1:

So far, you've been one of our most informed guests. I like this Nice.

Speaker 3:

I read more than I let on I than I let on I tell a lot of people I can't read.

Speaker 2:

That's good, because then they don't want to bombard you with questions about stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, don't be thinking I'm smart.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, ah, it's nice, I like to play the game you don't expect anything out of me. That's nice, I like that. Then, when you come back and be like excuse me, I wrote an encyclopedia, you wrote an encyclopedia. Yeah, you wrote encyclopedia. Wow, it's hard to. It's a. It's a hard word to write, I don't know, I wrote I wrote the letter t I mean, I did have a brother anything that was a t I know everything about t nice yeah, wait, so wait, you have, I have a brother.

Speaker 3:

I guess he's still alive. Thank god I have a brother who, uh, he would read the encyclopedia as a kid. There's nothing else to do, so he would like sit down and read fucking the old, you know the brown yeah, the Janica yeah.

Speaker 2:

It used to be a big like deal to have them. They'd come by your door and be like do you want to buy some? You're like, oh my God, the information of the world.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely Dude, that's wild.

Speaker 2:

But dude that's wild, but yeah, I mean I always like they had them. I think my parents just had them there, but I don't remember ever really cracking one open one up. Yeah, they're all in the plastic still yeah, like, it was just like, but to read it, that's uh that's pretty smart, isn't he a smart dude?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I mean, he knows everything about the letter s a bunch of yeah, just useless shit, but yeah that's fascinating it really is there's so much stuff in the world that like everything's, like obviously the internet is taking over now, so this is like a just a giant abyss of just like information you can. You can delve into, but like what may, what was so important back then that they were like we got to put this in a book because now I feel like everything is out there the whole internet is a cyclopedia now right, totally.

Speaker 2:

But then to think what's the most important things to condense down to this they must have left so much stuff out they weren't even food eating contests back then. There's so much stuff now that we get inundated with there were undergrad food eating contests.

Speaker 1:

I'm kidding underground, underground, underground everybody's getting diabetes we're meeting at house of pies tonight at 3am oh my god, house of pies.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you have a basement underneath everybody's like. Yeah, they're all doing this, but they're still getting all amped up while they're eating pie. I'd join, I'd be a referee. I don't want to have sugar anymore that's probably better for both of us.

Speaker 1:

Um, okay, so this is something else. Uh, researchers believe that, um, that the beauty benefits are also triggered by increased levels of dhea. So I had to look up what dhea is right, and so I'm going to try and pronounce it. I'm taking a breath dehydro dehydropeandrostosterone it sounds like it's a hormone, right. So you got the sterone, so that makes it a hormone. Dehydro shit. Dehydroepiandrostosterone that's a hard one.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad they've condensed it to dhea, but it is. It's produced by your body's adrenal glands and it's it's used to make androgens, estrogens, um, which are your female and your male hormones, and so they peak at a certain age, around 25, and then they steadily go down, and so the more sex that you're having that's why they say that if you're making the dhea, the more sex, I mean, the more young you look. So those are people, um, and I I think I told you this before, I mean because I looked this up but, like they say, around four times an average of around four times a week the people who were having sex looked about 10 years younger than their actual age.

Speaker 1:

So it's pretty well yeah, I mean, that's a lot yeah, people used to ask me, you know, like, why do you look so young? And I would just say good sex. And then now here it is, right here on my screen, here. It sounds like a D'Elia excuse to me, I don't have any slaves, but yeah. I don't have anybody tied up in a basement?

Speaker 3:

but yeah, I do believe it, though there is a glow that people project that you can tell some good just happened?

Speaker 2:

yeah, for sure. So there's that thing. I remember when I was younger, like like when we were in high school and we were talking to guys or whatever, and they would be like, or just whenever it was like it's like, dude, it's like a girl will know if you have a girlfriend or you just had sex and it makes you more attractive to them. I'm like what are you talking about?

Speaker 1:

they won't necessarily know like no, they wouldn't know.

Speaker 2:

They can sense it right, they can sense it or it's kind of like that thing where they can be like oh, he's got a, they have a confidence to them, or whatever. It's almost kind of like yeah, dude, I already had my ice cream. If this, if I have this ice cream, cool I already had ice cream dog.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like this is a bonus, I don't care.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, obviously women are not ice cream, you know, because? You wish, but yeah I don't wish, you don't wish, I don't want diabetes from everything in my life that's true um, but yeah, it's, uh, it's. It makes sense.

Speaker 1:

There's like a certain glow to it also, if you don't use it, you lose it. So if you're not pumping circulation and collagen and all this stuff and all these androgens and all these things to your body, you're the wildebeest at the end of the line that's going to get attacked by the uh, by the tigers and whatever. Because you're not, you're just losing. You're losing muscle tone, and did that make sense?

Speaker 3:

oh, yeah, okay so I read all this stuff about how you lose as a guy. Your testosterone lead after like age 30 or whatever, by percent a year it's yeah it's like you know what I don't feel it good, and you just got to keep going, yeah it's interesting when I remember like reading, like workout, like bodybuilding magazines when I was younger that's kind of all I just did, just to want to be in shape.

Speaker 2:

I like visualized how I wanted to feel and look. It never I mean never happened, but I definitely visualized it, but and um, I remember like all the supplements were like dhea supplements yeah, and it's supposed to help you build muscle and it was supposed to help you, I guess, heal quicker or something like that. And it was kind of linked to the human growth hormone, because of the fact that, but instead of just taking the pills for it, which you can make it yourself.

Speaker 1:

Your body is a pharmacy which is more natural.

Speaker 3:

We all know that. Now, that's interesting yeah.

Speaker 1:

You can make yourself high with your, with your I've never thought of it like that. I like that wording your body's a pharmacy it absolutely has everything that you need and you're not going to get a hangover from it. You know you've got all the endorphins, you've got um dopamine, you've got serotonin. You've got all the things you need to make you feel good.

Speaker 2:

You know, um that's why the pill forms. They don't absorb as much in the body is like getting it from the natural source or you. You actually creating um the endorphins by moving right, by walking, by seeing different things. Just imagine how about your body just secretes all of this and heals your body knows, yeah, um, it also.

Speaker 1:

Um, sex also produces more um, or it prevents that's what I'm trying to say prevents decrease of collagen and with, especially with women, um, collagen starts to drop and that's when women start going on like hormone therapy. I haven't done that yet. I'm just depending on you to keep me young, sure, if you don't mind. Yeah, I don't mind. Yeah, because I don't want to. I don't want to get on any synthetic hormones if I don't have to, but that will make your skin more wrinkly and the elastin starts to get loose and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

That's why I never put human skin in a dryer, because it ruins the elastic.

Speaker 1:

It's true, yeah it is. You only have so many washes on those things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's true, they just stretch right apart. Yeah, it's true, they just stretch right apart. Yeah, it's fascinating.

Speaker 1:

I think that's pretty much it. We talked about the glow. Yeah, we talked about the glow, the collagen, sage cheese. Frequent sex and affection make people very happy, more awake, more stress-free and glowing. So obviously, yeah, it's just going to make you look better in general. I think that's pretty much it. Obviously, yeah, it's just going to make you look better in general. I think that's pretty much it. So, yeah, the fabulous thing about orgasms on your skin is that it doesn't involve any fancy or expensive creams. It's very it's cost effective.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, ok, unless you use the creams to masturbate, and then, and only the good stuff, only the good stuff.

Speaker 1:

I use Boar's Head. Boar's Head is a meat Deets and Watson. For me, baby Boar's head is like pastrami, I know but it's like the quality. Oh yeah, you get it right from the source.

Speaker 2:

The boar's head of expensive creams.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, oh right as far as you're picking out your creams. Okay, yeah, so it looks like that allergic reactions that you can have, like we were talking about with semen, uh, in extreme cases, cases you can get allergic reactions which can lead to anaphylactic shock if, um, if you're allergic to semen. There are actually people that are allergic to semen, which I don't understand how that works and that's homophobic no dude I'm allergic dude, what do you mean?

Speaker 2:

it's in your body. But yeah, that makes sense. If it's organic, then they could be allergic to semen, so like they couldn't even procreate if they wanted to.

Speaker 1:

I guess, I don't know. I've never known anybody to be allergic to semen. So, um, I have known a girl that was in high school once who got it in her eye and everybody knew because her eyes swelled up to like a tomato yeah, it was gnarly wow, and so she could not deny that she was having sex with this guy anymore.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Definitely got around.

Speaker 2:

Sailors can be allergic to semen as well, but sailors are semen, so it's kind of like man you have to love yourself to love other people, you know.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I wanted to say one more thing. Semen does contain nutrients like vitamin C, zinc and B12. Um, but it's very small, it's, it's not going to be that helpful. So maybe that's where the rumor, you know, or the theory, comes from is that it does contain some of those things.

Speaker 1:

Ingested, I think it's great, but, uh, on your skin, necessarily. I think you have to have. I don't know that it's going to penetrate your skin enough to actually do any, but you know what? Try it. Who am I to say, yeah, it's free, just don't get in your eye yeah, don't do that yeah, that was pretty much that's fascinating.

Speaker 2:

I didn't realize that that was so much of uh but also like. So if you're having sex, just like you're working out right, your blood is pumping all over your body, not just to like your org, like your sex organs or whatever, so it's constantly circulating. So you're like the sweat and everything you're pumping out, so you're really getting a workout. So it is just basically just like keeping the blood flowing to those areas.

Speaker 1:

And to your hormones, the places that, wherever you're producing which hormones that keeps you know it's igniting that area as well. So yeah, you're just not slowing down.

Speaker 2:

I'm interested to know, on the next podcast, next episode of this what is sex? Because I I feel like my skin is run down and I don't.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what having an organism is an organism, yeah, I need to know maybe lucas could tell you it made me think of like being a kid, like getting kissed for the first time or whatever, and like that blush you get and like the effect that almost having sex has on the skin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, they're kind of like that. I think it's similar.

Speaker 3:

The rosacea fucking red face.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like the wave of warmth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you get flushed. That's nice though.

Speaker 3:

It's an ugly. Look as a white guy.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I see what you mean yeah and it turns you into a pink guy. Yeah, you look somber.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, because then people are like shh, that dude's turned on. What do you mean he's turned on?

Speaker 3:

I've had women think I'm blushing at them when it's just like no, it's my skin.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's hot in yeah I have a cream for this you're not that attractive yeah, you're gonna have to look a lot better to give me rosacea. Yeah, oh man well, I think we covered all of our topics.

Speaker 2:

I think, uh, we need to have a next time we'll have a different topic, because that's how things work.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and have lucas back, because this was a fun fucking blast, yeah, always, always a blast to and plus, when you ask questions and you're into it, you know it makes it more like I don't know. It gives it like another level, because there's like a certain investment to it, because this stuff just fascinates me, just the way the body creates all of these things that we look out to. You know doctors to give us supplements for or whatever. But if we just changed our living just a little bit, we could basically heal our bodies.

Speaker 1:

That's true, you're your own pharmacy. Yeah, also, I like to remind people that I choose topics so that I can passive-aggressively tell Sondra things that he needs to do for himself or for me. Yeah, one week she had.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No, no, I was going to say one week she had a woman on as a guest. I forgot her name. The only reason I'm saying as a woman is because the episode was how is your ball hair affecting your skin?

Speaker 3:

And so I was like, oh wait, that's interesting, I didn't know she had ball hairs.

Speaker 1:

So I knew it was about me it out. Yeah, it's hilarious. Well, lucas, thank you so much for being here. You're a fucking riot and you're so sweet and you're so much more informed than I thought you were gonna be, just because just about the fact.

Speaker 1:

You know, because a lot of guys aren't, especially. You're in your 30s and you know, uh, but I love that you've started to take care of yourself. I think that's fucking amazing and very inspiring, and, you know, especially to all those guys out there who are still just eating pints of ice cream and hey, there's uh been there yeah it's a good place.

Speaker 2:

Enjoy it while you have it yeah, while you can, yeah I also like the fact that you're doing it now and you're not waiting until like 44 or 45 to do this.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm saying like yeah, because it kind of goes through the cycle like me to the cycle of doing it Because it does, it's never too late, though. Huh, it's never too late. No, I don't think it's ever too late.

Speaker 2:

But I like the fact that, like because I don't know, man, when I was in my 30s or whatever, I felt like there was so much there that like taking care of myself really wasn't so much of a priority. Yeah, then I was like, oh, I'm not gonna get sick, or whatever. And then I just don't realize as much inflammation I'm causing my, my body, and like why aren't my shoulders healing? Why aren't you know?

Speaker 1:

you're used to that level of just not feeling good, that becomes. That becomes a new normal right exactly. Also, there was no internet back then, like I mean there was, but like didn't have all this information available to like a kid to look up no whereas you're able to like look up anything you want and know what's going to be good for Lucas.

Speaker 2:

I could be like Alexa. Why am I fat and unhappy? And she'll tell me she will tell you.

Speaker 1:

It's in my voice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, nikki's voice is programmed into that. Where can we find you on the socials?

Speaker 3:

Straight my name at Lucas Hurl.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like girl, but with an H. You got it Nice, Perfect, all right.

Speaker 3:

I like that Hurl.

Speaker 1:

Dude, that's powerful.

Speaker 3:

It was Coaches love to yell. Hurl, oh God Get over here, hurl, you always wanted a hard last name.

Speaker 2:

Like Locolano would be a hard last name for a football coach to yell at you. If they're pissed, dude, I used to get They'd go Because he was also like a. I think he was also like a drill or whatever the hell he was for ROTC and he would go Santaco get over here, santaco. And I would never correct him because I was like all right, Santaco, Santaco, get over here.

Speaker 3:

That's the worst thing, and it was like yeah, wow, you're like, no, I'm just hungry.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I'm like wait.

Speaker 2:

Is that racist? That's totally racist.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Did he call me Sand Taco?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like that's even more racist.

Speaker 3:

It is actually yeah, sand Taco, that's a fresh take, though I haven't heard that one. It is a fresh take.

Speaker 1:

It's so true, dude, I never heard that before. San chaco yeah, that's the names.

Speaker 2:

I've heard people call you who have known you for years and years. It still baffles me oh yeah, and it just shows I really don't even care.

Speaker 1:

I do not care our couples counselor still calls him sandro and like we and I've said, sandro, sandro he fluctuates.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes he'll say sandro, but maybe because after he heard you say it uh-huh.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I don even Today he was calling you Sandro.

Speaker 2:

Sandro, yeah, it's whatever's easier to the person you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's funny.

Speaker 2:

It's not a fair name to say.

Speaker 1:

It's not a fair name to say Sandra.

Speaker 2:

If it was me, I should have just literally changed my name to Sandra and been okay with it. And people are Sandra and I'm like yeah, you got a problem with that. My brother's name is Sue. No, I'm kidding, I have an uncle named Johnny Cash.

Speaker 1:

You're such an idiot.

Speaker 2:

I love you, I love you All right.

Speaker 1:

Well, thanks again for being here and you guys see you every Wednesday at 3 am and see you next week. Bye.

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