Textual Tension

Ep. 55: I Think My Mom Just Killed a Guy

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 55

Are you feeling cozy? Maybe in the mood for a good comfort book? We've got you. Margie and Rachel fall back on an old favorite author as they discuss Lisa Kleypas's, Secrets of a Summer Night. Because nothing says cozy like a fire, some coffee, and some Victorian-era scandal!


Hello, and welcome to textual tension. I am your co host, Rachel and every other week, I come on in here before the episode and tell you guys all about what we have going on in our little world, as well as giving you some updates on places that you can get in contact with us. Speaking of segways, you can get in contact with us on all of our social media. We are on all of the social media forums at textual tension pod across the board. And hey, we like hearing from you. Yes, you, specifically you. We think you're great. And we love it when you reach out to us with recommendations with comments with funny things that we can read here on the program if you so desire. But we just really like to hear from you guys. So if you want to reach out to us at any of those places, the Instagram, the Twitter, that would be awesome. You can also drop us a line over at our website, textual tension pod.com. Or just send us an email at textual tension pod@gmail.com We really lucked out in getting textual tension pod for everything. And hey, while you're listening to this particular episode, you might notice us reference a couple things specifically how hungover I am. And the reason I'm hungover is because we recorded our special Halloween episode The night before this, for those of you who do not know are you really Halloween episode is a little bit of a tradition. We pick a spooky romance novel, Margie tells me all about it, and we proceed to just get plastered while we're doing it. It's an absolute blast. It's so much fun. I know there is one in this podcast feed right now. But after that first one wants me to add a Patreon, we decided to go ahead and release those as a little bit of a perk for our patrons. So if you're interested in hearing us get really drunk and talk about a hysterical romance novel. I won't tell you what it's about, it's a surprise, but uh Did you head on over to patreon.com/textual tension and maybe check that out? It's, uh, we got some really cool stuff over there with a lot of really neat bonus content and all kinds of stuff. So head on over there. And hey, if you can't support us on Patreon right now, that's totally fine. But we would really appreciate it if you would consider reading and reviewing our podcast and maybe tell them someone you know that you think would like our podcast about us? That would be awesome. We'd really appreciate it. One last thing before we get to the romance novel wisdom and title of this particular episode, we forgot to do triggers and I'm blanking blaming that on hangover brain. And that's totally fine. The good news is there's not really many triggers in this book, the only one that even remotely could apply is solicitations for sex. So that is really the only trigger that we have here. Which is great. Always a good thing. And yeah, I think that's it. And if you listen to all of this spiel, then I will reward you now with some romance novel wisdom. Side note if you are interested in maybe if you have any thoughts on maybe what romance novel wisdom should be hit us up on all that social media, maybe your romance novel wisdom will be shared with the rest of us textual tensioners texty people. Now romance novel wisdom. The vagina is a mystical and magical place. Many stories have told of the hot, molten center and wet, moist, quivering core of this mythical mythical Cave of Wonders, but be wary of venture for none really know what exists in the vagina. And now without further ado, here is episode 55. Hey, I think my mom just killed a guy tearing me apart from rock. And welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host Rachel and I am your co host Margie. Every other week one of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for our unsuspecting co host. It is you and me. And together we unpack what the fuck just happened. Are you proud of me?




I am hungover as hell and did not fuck that. Yeah, I


know. I was thinking about that. But I almost did. I was also thinking like last night, I was Fox toasted. And I did mine correctly. I was shocked crowd


listeners. We recorded the Halloween episode last night which is always a drunk episode. Yeah, and get on Patreon. Yeah, hit that up on Patreon. Also Hey, welcome back. I hope yes from last time. Yeah. Don't worry. We have a comfort episode for you today. Recovery from that fucking dumpster fire that I'm dating this episode I have to edit later today Yeah, so that's okay. We have a nice cozy comfort episode. It's morning. We have a fire going. We're all in blankets. It's very cozy. It's great. The only thing is I wish I had more coffee. I know. That seems like a lot of work though.


You know? Yeah.


Oh, wow. All right, Margie, yes, I think you're really


gonna like I'm really excited. Let me think giving, giving, giving, giving, giving, giving, giving.


Okay, so now what's even better? What? The first one of the wallflower books. The first Wolf. Wow.


Okay, okay. Okay. Okay. So it's Lisa clay paws, secrets of a summer night. And we've already talked about our love of devil in winter devil in winters, like everybody needs to go read it right now. Okay, get it out of your library. It's so good. And so this cover has a blonde young woman laying it looks like on a blanket, maybe in a rose garden. Sure. Yeah. And she's wearing a light yellow dress a very large, like, dress quarters, at least two thirds of the cover of this book. And she's looking at you like with her with her head laying on her arm. It is a very awkward position it is and it's kind of like I don't know what she's trying to say what that look like she it looks like you know, you know what it looks like? It looks like her man is out in the field doing some work and she just watching him and be like, hey, yeah, I'll see that later. So yeah, yeah, yeah, see?


So listeners I had kind of a crazy past couple of weeks and when I have crazy like stuff happen, my comfort zone is things like this. And I was just in the mood for something in that, you know, Victorian era. And port kynos Lisa Kleypas.


We we know we know usually Lisa is pretty good. Yeah.


Betsy child where she is I don't know I thought I heard her mail I'm Betsy will be in and out. It is the crazy times this morning. She


is insane this morning for tries to get silence. Let's see. I'm trying to find the description. gemenon Oh, no, I got it. Okay, cool. I found myself I'm proud of you. Alright, you ready? Yes. For young ladies at the side of the ballroom make a pact to help each other find husbands no matter what it takes. Proud and beautiful Annabelle pet Peyton Peyton Peyton, yeah, excuse me, I just can't read could have her pick of suitors. If only she had a dowry. Her family's on the brink of disaster and the only way Annabelle can save them is to marry a wealthy man. Unfortunately, her most persistent admirer is the brash Simon Hunt, a handsome and ambitious. There there's a handsome and ambitious entrepreneur who wants to make her as his mistress. Annabelle is determined to resist Simon's wicked propositions, but she can't deny her attraction to the boldly seductive rogue anymore that he can resist what was that she now


fits, he can't deny it either.


Annabelle is determined to resist Simon's wicked propositions, but she can't deny her attraction to the boldly seductive rogue, any more than he can resist the challenge she presents. As they tried to outmaneuver each other they find themselves surrendering to love more powerful than they could have ever imagined. But fate may have other plants, the power and it will take all of Annabel's courage to face a peril that could destroy everything she holds dear. Whoa, the drama, the drama, the fact that he wants to make her his mistress of like, Why do you think she would agree to that?


Right? So, so I love this book so much. Oh, really? Another really good. Another really good one. So I've read all four of the wallflower.


You had a couple of the wallflower ones, though, that you were kind of like there is yes. So I've


read all four of these. And actually, the Christmas episode we did was I think last year yes. Was sort of another wallflower was a continuation of this where all these characters were. They're still okay. This one is really good devil and winter is really good. I'm not a big fan of the second and the fourth one's


one of them's chasing Cassandra. Right. No, no different series.


All of these take place in the same world though. Yeah. But this one is legit real good. And it's the origin story of the wallflowers. So you'll get a little bit of background from devil in winter because I know you've read that one.


Too many times. Yeah,


I bought it. So that's what that's what it started as was I reread devil and winter and then I was like, but I want more of this. Well, I was like, Oh, I could do the first one though. So I did. Alright, so let's get into it. Oh, this picks up Annabelle Payton she is sort of your classic English rose kind of thing. So she's got, you know, the golden blond hair, blue eyes all that stuff. Good. Yeah, she is gorgeous. She is beautiful and has no money for thank. I know. So she has a younger brother who is adorable. And he's like, he's like, oh gosh, something like 10 years younger than him or her like she's he's really young,


but he's really young. So he's off at school though, so he's pretty much worthless right now. Yeah, he's,


but he can't be the quote unquote man of the house right now. Um, so he's quite a bit younger than she is. And she's in her last season. So she's 25 Oh, gosh. Which I mean, she's like old maid. Yeah, exactly. Like she's had four seasons you don't do another one. And and I should also say that she has no money is not they it's interesting. So her family like after her father died. They had issues financially and they are trying to keep up the pretense of being a quote unquote respectable English family. So having a servant and doing all this stuff, but they don't have the money. So they're just been horrible debt. And basically, if she doesn't find a man to marry, right, she will either have to marry like a farmer or something. Or gas by now. Or become someone's mistress. Oh, okay. Yeah, so those are pretty much her options marry, and this is


so marrying an actual like respectable English managed society is like the best


option, right? her but she has no money. Somebody wants to marry her. And so everyone's just waiting because they're like, all the men are like, she's gonna need money eventually. And she's really pretty. So that's all. I know. Simon hunt. Okay. Is obscenely rich, handy. So rich, dark hair very muscular because he actually grew up as a butcher, son. Oh, so he's like very nouveau riche. So he's he's new money


earned his money. Yes, he is. Which gasp How could that's disgusting and horrible. You


don't speak of money right now the tongue? No. Um, and he is super into Annabelle. Okay. He really likes her. So


he really would. So he does really like or he doesn't just think she's hot.


He thinks she's hot. Yeah, but he should also think she's hot. It's starts as he thinks she's hot. Okay, and then it grows into them. Like actually realizing oh, shit. Yeah, kind of thing. Because she's kind of a Spitfire a little bit. Okay, so he likes that. Okay, of course he would. Yeah, but he's super duper rich. And he's really good friends. The only reason he actually gets to come to all these balls and stuff is because he's super good friends with Lord Westcliffe. Who he shows up in devil and winter. Okay, okay. He is he's the one that the is in book two. But he's like, has the oldest title and the most respected title. Okay, England or whatever. So, so the reason that Simon's even invited to these parties, and because, okay, other people are kind of indebted to him for giving them investing advice and all the stuff because he's really good with money. Okay, okay. Yeah. So those are our our, our boy and our girl. Okay, yes, we love them both their cinnamon rolls. Good. Okay, prologue. So there's a little bit of prologue here. Annabelle and oh, no, I wow, I put the wrong. Whoops. Shoot. I was like Annabelle and Simon, her younger brother. I'm like, No, he's not. His name is not Simon. What is his name? I don't remember his name. Her younger brother. Okay, Annabelle and her younger brother are visiting a panorama show. Okay, so she's like 22 at this point. He's 12. Okay, and so a panorama show was a thing where they were these like thin sheets of fabric that were painted with these like scenes of you know, whatever thing and they were wrapped in a circle. And so you go and stand on this like rotating platform. So when talked about it. Oh, it was a cool entertaining thing. And this one is about the fall of Rome. And yeah, but so they go and it's something that when Simon comes back from school, they always do together so they like save up their pocket money so they can go do this. Well, this one's more expensive so they don't have the money to go in and see it. Oh, and Simon shows up. Oh, and her little brother. No, Simon. Okay. I forget why I think they used to get like their meat from the his his father. Okay, so they know and Simon offers in a this is not something that was done at the time so it's a little bit scandalous, but he offers to them the money so they can go see it. And he ends up buying their tickets. And Annabelle is like gasp right? How dare you now we are indebted to this person like kind of thing. And he stands next to Annabelle the entire time. And just makes awful jokes like like hilarious like, okay, like how dare you laugh? Why are you laughing right now like what after he's made her laugh and like, should be quiet like that kind of thing. And then at one point in the show, when like, after, you know, the volcanoes erupting like this big thing the lights go out in the show it's supposed to. Okay. And he just kisses. Oh, hell yeah, he does. And then leaves just disappears. He's like, couldn't help myself sorry by any leaves. And afterwards she's like, Okay, what? I didn't hate it. Why didn't I hate it like she was actually kind of into it. So that is her first interaction with Simon seen one. Now he did something different a little bit, and I don't know if I will continue to do it this way. But I didn't title my scenes. Oh, that's just it. You Why not seen one? The wallflowers? Ah, three years later. Okay. Um, so at the last ball of the season. This is Annabel's last season. She is desperate. Mm hmm. And she is sitting on the side of the room with the other wallflowers Oh flowers, and it's these four girls that have been just there perpetually, right. And as I said, if she doesn't find a man, she'll either be forced to marry a farmer or become someone's mistress. Right. So she meets with like the other the other girls, which one perked up first, and like says something first. I think it's Lillian of course available. Yeah. They just start chatting, because all of them are kind of in the same boat when they sat and they have not danced all season and all this stuff. And so the girls that we have, we have Lillian Bowman, who is a Spitfire American, and needs a title. So she's really rich. Okay, but she needs a title. Right. Daisy Bowman is her sister right, same book. Okay. And then we have Evangelion Jenner. Angelou and we love in my notes I just say would die for her. Yes. Ultimate, so I love Evie so much. So they end up like striking up a friendship and sort of like striking up a conversation and they're like, You know what, like, obviously doing this on our own is not working working. So let's make a little bit of a pact here. Yeah, so we're gonna start with the oldest person Annabelle. Sorry, that's you. And we're gonna start finding each other husband's like, we're going to do everything we can to help each other. There you go. So they end up just like sitting off on the side making a list of all the eligible bachelors that they can think.


Hey, four minds is better than one right? Right.


At some point during this. Simon comes up. And while they were making lists, like she was like, they're like, Well, what about Simon Hart and animals? Like? Absolutely not. He is an insufferable ass No. Similar. And Simon comes over and asked her to dance which he has done at every single ball and every single one she's like, No, no, absolutely not. And he Beggars can't be choosers Come on, right? Well, he also kind of implies that eventually it would be cool if she was his mistress. Oh, god. Yeah. And she again is like, no, absolutely not. So then they they continue to make their list and they end up coming up with a plan. Oh, so Lord Westcliffe after the season always invites a bunch of people over for like a hunting party ball thing and his big fancy mansion. And Lilian because they're rich is going to be invited Liliana Daisy okay? Because Annabelle happens to have a very like tenuous relationship with like his sister or whatever, not 10 years but like, like, they met at some point. Okay, so she's like, I think I can get an invitation. And we'll get avian too and that way we can all go to this ball and it's gonna be like our last stand like we have to find someone here. So they're


they like so much fresher. Can you imagine my god prom was bad Jesus.


Yeah, I could. Yeah, so she um, yeah, they make a pact and again starting with Annabelle and they go to at the time of writing my notes. I couldn't remember his name. So I put Lord What's this names place? Westcliffe. I remember now. And also Lillian, because she's so sweet is like, Yeah, this is not gonna work. Because right now you have very threadbare clothes. You have like fake jewels and all this stuff. I have a lot of gowns that just don't look good on me. I'm going to send them to you. She like shares her wardrobe with Annabelle and animals like nice things. Nice. Nice things. Yeah. Oh, this is wonderful. Like, oh, that's very cute. Annabelle. So animals actually a really interesting character because it's, they don't try to make her like more noble like, like the noble suffering and I think it's like no, she she was rich. And she wants to be rich again, and that's okay. That's, that's fine, right? Whatever. But so she, oh, I want to cut real quick listeners. I'm so sorry. If there's gonna be a little bit disjointed, hangover brains of thing. It's fine. So while this is going on, Simon goes over and is like chatting mingling with someone else in the party, and it cuts to him. And it's a young rich dude. And he makes like a comment about Annabelle and how pretty she is. about how Yeah, we're all just sitting here waiting for her to you know, need need someone and all this stuff and and so Simon is like oh yeah, what makes you think she's going to do that and she's like, Oh, she's she'll be desperate enough and at that point the person with the most money is the one that's going to get her it's time and look just look. Good thing I have the most money. Like, what? Well yeah, I mean I am the most rich and I've ever won in this party. Oh, and if anyone else goes for them, I'll tear their goes for her. I'll tear their throats. Like he's like, fuck, you know, she's mine. She's mine. Yeah, very protective. That was actually kind of like, oh, okay,


great. Except he still wants to make her. Yes, Mary.


Well, we'll get into that. So after the ball, Annabelle comes home, and she finds there's a carriage outside and it's late at night. So it's like


a sketchy. Okay.


And Lord Hodge him. Oh, this sounds


like a good name.


Yeah. When you when I say Lord Hodge him, how come what comes into mind a fat pudgy old man that's about it. All right, um, comes down the stairs. And he has been around every once in a while. And basically, what's been happening is and whenever it comes around, their debts are relieved for a little while. And her mom has felt like she has a no other choice. And so she is essentially being his mistress whenever they really need the money. Oh, and he's very much taking advantage. Oh, we never did triggers.


Know, what trigger would that be?


There aren't really any triggers. Okay, so it's okay. Okay. Okay. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. No triggers. Um, so I just had that thought, actually really aren't any triggers. That's really nice. Cool. Um, anyway. So he insinuates that she's next that he's getting bored with her mom and that she's going to be so she no horses him out of the house and shuts the door and locks it. And yeah, I would cry. Yeah, I would stop. She didn't. Good for her props to her. But yeah, it's not great. Your costume is a douche canoe. Favorite word? Yes. Muffin if you will. Yeah. seem to put super strong. Oh, I like that one. That's good. I dig it. Oh, hang on. I have to get that real quick. Oh, yeah. Do you hate Brett Kavanaugh? Love Michelle Obama. I have complicated feelings about Joe Biden.


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Check out feminist without Mystique, a podcast where we process politics, sex, and the unrelenting firehose of bullshit in the news, new episodes released every Wednesday. Who is that? God dammit, Margie, you really, really need to stop giving my address to all of your tourists.


Awesome. It's just


I mean, I'm not opposed to like, no. So we actually get on your booty calls. What's the problem? But at some point, Zack is gonna start asking questions.


When we start, he's not worried about it. That question


might be Hey, can I join but it's still gonna be a question. Okay, um, see to Rachael Ray, Ray. No, I know. I'm trying so hard. All right. Same to hubs hunting shenanigans. Okay. I titled them I was


what hunting shenana cubs hubs husbands? Yeah. Oh, cubs




Right. Okay.


Oh, it should have been it's rabbit season. Damn it. It's fine. Weapons. It's weapon season. So leading up to this ball or this hunting extravaganza thing that they're going to be going to the girls have been exchanging letters. And it's honestly so incredibly cute. Oh, and at one point, Lillian is telling them all about a game that they play in America called Rounders and Rounders, essentially the precursor to baseball. Oh, yeah. And so she's telling them all about it and like we have to play and then and animals like well, what do you play rounders? And she's like, Oh, you in your knickers? Your underwear because you can't do it and skirt right so you just do that and she's like, horrified and she's like, I will do it if Edie said she will knowing obviously there's no way you'd be like, alright, just like what


she's the player if


he's like, I really am hoping that my association with the Bowman sisters will help me come out and like be more adventurous and outgoing and not shy.


And that she thought she's the one who's really brought to light her knees like okay to go rise helped me No,


don't do it. It's really cute. Like watching them like become Friends and everything and they go to Lord will West cliffs place for the hunting party. gasp Mr. Hunters there.


Oh, thank goodness I thought you were gonna say hodgepodge.


No, no, I'm just not there yet I like it. I'm so it's actually kind of steamy when she finds in there so she is like all settled in her mom's going to take a nap. She's waiting for her friends to show up. She's like, I'm gonna go for a walk in the garden. Oh, wait. She's walking around and he comes out of the woods and he's like a little bit disheveled, disheveled, kind of like his in like a light coming out of his werewolf form. Yeah, yeah, like his covad is undone and like all that. Oh, see me and she's never seen him like that before. She's only ever seen Paul so he's fine. He was just like, going for a walk and kind of loosening up and everything. And so she like has this moment of like, they both see each other and are like, oh, and they have like this weighty report a kind of interaction and he's like, Would you like me to accompany you like on your walk? Like you can give me advice and I might even listen to it and she's like, No, you won't and just walks away. It's it's real cute. Actually, like in a you can it's very witty banter which I'm a sucker for you know me. I like witty banter. So, that evening, the ladies during the like dinner and dancing or whatever, zero in on one particular eligible man, okay. And as much of an impact he made. I don't remember his name. They formulate a plan. Okay. Read Lillian formulates a plan, because of course Lily, which would do this because she's insane. Her plan is to get Annabelle into a compromising situation with this gentleman so that he will be forced to marry her.




That's a way to do it. The only problem with that is that all of the other unmarried women are also vying for him because he's young and not super old. And there's not a lot of pig runs right now. Right? So they start working on it, and they start to make a little bit of headway. Because so all the women are like fawning over this dude. And he like doesn't really like the attention. Like he's kind of shy and like, all that stuff. And so she pretends to not be interested, like she does more of it, like just treating him like a human and like a potential like, Okay, uh huh. And so they actually start to make headway. And Simon has been watching all of this. And Simon is just like, sitting in the back room like, Oh, this is gonna be good. Oh, he's just here. He's like, sitting in the corner with popcorn just watching all of this unfold, okay? Because he's very, like, it's kind of funny, because he's very self assured. He's like, No, I'm still gonna get her even if she's, she's trying to do this. I'm totally gonna get her. Okay. So it's weird. I was like, Are you really that self? Interesting. And they there's like, this bit where like, they end up there. Like, we can go for like a quiet walk in the morning. We'll wake up early so that, you know, the other lady is dark there, her and this other guy. And like, we'll, we'll try to escape for a little bit. And like, all of the other women show up. Because they hear about it. We're all gonna go for a walk together. And she's like, Simon is watching all of this. And he's like, You know what? I think I'm gonna go for a walk. He can watch it play. Because it's, I mean, it would be really fucking funny, right? Yeah. Uh huh. So like, she's like, but she is actually starting to make a little bit of headway. Like he is starting to pay more attention to her because she's, you know, treating him like you can't exactly weird right novel concept. One evening after one of the like, dances or whatever, she's on her way back up to or down to dinner. And no, up up after dinner who shows up. But the Lord Hodge Hodge hodgepodge hodgepodge, yeah. And again, he insinuates very heavily. Next, yes. And she's like, Don't you dare touch me? I have. I'm already under someone's protection lying to him. Yeah. And he's like, you know, he's like, you like, Bitch. Like, he's being mean. And Simon sees this. Yeah. Well, he kind of like interrupts and hodgepodge runs away. And he thinks that she's sleeping with him because she needs money. Because it's like, he walked in at just the right time where it almost like, Yeah. And he's like, are you okay? Like, do you need my help? And she's like, No, I'm fine and leaves. Like she's like, No, I'm not. You've already made it clear. You want me only as your mystery like this? Yeah, not Yeah. But he's like actually concerned like he's real concerned about her. So the more they interact The more he's like hot, interact Simon and Annabelle, okay? The more assignments like, I like this one, but I don't understand my feelings so I'm still gonna roll with the mistress plan. It's like dude, marry her right? So okay, same three add her at hello. Oh my god it's gonna make sense who's proud of this button? So Lillian has finally convinced the girls to go out into the woods and play Rounders in their knickers and they do it in the middle of the woods because no one's gonna be out there and like all this stuff and Annabelle so she has a lot of like Lillian's clothes she still doesn't have nice legs and underwear underwear or shoes.


Oh yeah,


so she they go out and it's all fun and games until Westcliffe and Mr. Hunt show Demand to


Supply No. Oh,


in my notes. I literally have the two like deer in headlights emojis. Just staring at each other. And West Coast basically like we will never speak of this again.


Which one does Westcliffe marry here is one of them right Lillian? Lillian right. Okay.


Simon is like I don't know I might everyone Annabelle is panicking. Because of any word of that right back to the dude. She's trying to get to marry her. There's no way he's gonna do that. Right. So and the other girls are like, Okay, we know that Westcliffe not gonna say anything but Simon might. So we kinda need you to talk to to talk to him because he's obviously like, likes you. Yeah, he's ready. So she's like, Okay, fine. And she. She's like, Look, if you promise not to say anything. He's like, What do I get out? He's like, she's like, I will give you I will kiss you. And he's just like, like, he was not expecting it. He's like, Oh, okay. He agrees. Oh, but not yet. He's like, on my terms. So he's, yep. So she agrees to do that. And that night at the ball. Annabelle is not feeling well. Oh, no. So she's like she her ankles been really hurting. She twisted her ankle. She's like, I think I twisted my ankle when we were doing this like, and after dinner, she's like, I need to get outside like, outside now and she runs outside and she gets just horrifically sick outside and like Lillian and Daisy are there kind of like, making sure she's okay, but she's like, puking in the bushes. Like, really sick. Oh, and Simon shows up because he saw her like, she was really pale and everything so he kind of followed her out and she's like, retching into the garden and all this stuff wearing that yellow dress by the way. Oh, from the cover. And he kind of just like takes over he's like, Okay, what's going on? Let me see your ankle like all the stuff and everyone's like, cool. Well no, Daisy and Lillian are like what are you doing? And he's like shut up she hurts deal with any kind of like go super protective mode which is really cute. And he ends up like carrying her up to the roof yeah no up like three flights of stairs to He's really strong he was like I mean butcher son right. And ends up like loosening her corset when she can't breathe and all the stuff and he ends up finding out after looking at her ankle that she actually was bit by an adder.




it was really proud of that one. Hello? Um, yeah, so she like got bit by a snake well there cuz she doesn't have good shoes like right now boots and he's like if you were not doing that and without boots on and like all these things, like he was like, like, I have no money for boots, sir. Right. And it's just like he just takes over in such like a cute way. It's it's not the weird like, oh, no, she almost died. I have to like, you know that kind of I push


her off a boat, right?


I push you don't ever do that again. No, it's more like you don't bitch but I love you. Like it's like, yeah, it's


alright. So does her get over the Attar bite well,


so he ends up like giving her whatever medicine that she needs like getting it and then send it to the doctor and like trying to make sure she's okay. And he's super sweet and takes really good care of her. And she's like she's gonna recover because attributes are not like they won't kill you right they're like like child's and children and dogs Charles child's whatever. Yeah. Right child much. Um, but she's like going to be sick for a couple days. So she has to she's forced to kind of stay in her room and recover. And she's kind of upset about this because she's like, I am going to lose headway that I made with this man and I'm it's hopeless now. And the next day and I just I have to I mentioned this because it's so cute. There's just a pair of shoes, boots outside of her door, or a few days later, with no note or anything, because a man does not provoke give a gift like that to a lady, right? Who is not married to Right? Right. So there's no indication of who it's from. But you knit she knows who it's from. And she's like, in there, like beautiful, like leather brace for being outside. It's real good. Um, and so she's like, she just has this woman. Oh, like, this is the first time she's seen Simon as like, compassionate and nice when he was helping her. Like, oh, get better that too. So it's like, like when she was taking care of her when she was super sick. And then he's brought her boots because like, he knows that this is what caused this and like, it's like, the first time because she's only ever met him in balls. Right? She's only ever seen this, like aloof kind of, you know, rich dude. Right? And now she's actually like, seeing him be a good person and all these things. What a novel sensing weird, right, still not willing to go after him because she still thinks that he only wants her essence.


I mean, you said anything, right? Because he doesn't


understand his own feelings. Understand love, he doesn't understand


only he's only had emotion since Tuesday, right? Only


since Tuesday. So animals also allowed to use Westcliff gives her the family parlor. Now, I should also mention Westcliff does not have a very high opinion of Annabelle, because she is in his mind. She is just another woman hunting for a husband like that kind of thing. And she went after him at one point, but knew she had no chance. Yeah. So he's just kind of like, he doesn't think too high. He thinks she's essentially like a gold digger thing,


right? And who could blame her at that time? Right? That was the only job women have was gold digger.


Exactly. So but he's still being like, he's like giving her access to his personal physician. And like, here's the family parlor. You can sit in here to recover and all this stuff. And Simon ends up like helping her go to the parlor and teaching her how to play chess so that it keeps her mind off of things. And like, yeah, and at one point, he sets up, like when she's finally able to start eating and stuff again, he sets up this really nice private dinner for her. And they go and have dinner together in this room where like, he doesn't love her. No, no, he doesn't understand what these feelings are. And like so the it's like, in a room that you can hear all the music from the ball that's happening downstairs. And it's like, it's real cute. And during that dinner, she has this moment of what do you want from me? I don't think that well, basically what


she's no I mean, a good way like, right?


Well, she's not direct about it. So they're having a conversation, where he is telling her all about all the stuff he does to like get his money because like you're not supposed to talk in the society. You're not supposed to talk about money with women, their delicate Constitution can handle it, but he's like, like, she's asking him like, what are these like, because he has a foundry that builds locomotives? Well, what are these innovations and he's like, telling her all about it and like all these things, and get give me like, super animated and excited. And she's like, enjoying seeing him excited about this thing. And, and she has this moment of like, I like you too much. I don't think we should keep doing this because I know what you want from me and I can that's fair. Yeah, again. So she leaves and he like has again, trying to figure out his feelings. So the next day she's in that room again, and she takes a nap and Oh, no wakes hodgepodge. And he is like, being super creepy and like being all over her and all these while she's sick like, dude, yeah, and her mom comes in and sees it. Oh no. And she's like her mom like it's this like mama bear looking around she's like, come with me sir let's have a conversation and essentially like deflects and does what she needs to do to protect her daughter. And Annabelle is like like trying to like please don't do not do this you do not have to and she's like nope Yeah, and it's just I feel so bad for Annabelle like Yeah, yeah. So same for compromises. Okay. So they are Simon still thinks that Annabelle might be sleeping with hodgepodge. Yeah. And so they have a little bit of like a conversation about it just a little bit her and Simon okay. Yes. And they're having a talk like it's this combination of like talking about that him being like upset because he thinks like he's saw her with hodgepodge again and thinks that something's going on. So he like gets upset about this because feelings right? And you


only had emotions since two. Right? I love that.


But and so like they're but they're by themselves. And all of a sudden someone's like Oh, She goes, drag them into a music room so they can have privacy to talk about this. And all of a sudden, someone's about to come into the music room and she can't be compromised with him. So she drags him into like this like closet essentially. And so they're shoved into a closet as the musicians come into the music room to warm up and she like has her hand over his mouth to like keeping quiet and he just like grins and just takes off a finger takes a finger off of his mouth and then makes out with like, I'll take my kiss No, perfect, right. And I will say right before this happened when they're having this confrontation, he kind of loses control a little bit in that he's like, What do you want I will give you anything you want right now name your price like I wait for you will you to marry me right and she gets like obviously offended about a little bit by that and then they have this like makeout session which she's super into until afterwards. She's like, do not ever do that again and leaves because she's kind of shaken and held on to it. She was and he is kicking himself. Everywhere. He's like, What the fuck? I'm a goddamn idiot. Why name your price? That's such a shitty thing to say like he's so mad at himself for losing control about that.


Punch hodgepodge in the face.


Oh, he Yep, just wait. Just sweet. So Annabelle was recovered enough to go down to the ball and put their plan for the other guy in action? Oh, okay, cuz he's still into her even like he was actually really worried about her and stuff. Yeah,


why wasn't he doing what Simon was doing then?


Because Simon is a better demand. Okay. Yes. Um, Annabelle is so okay said that Annabelle goes with the dude for a walk alone. And the plan is so Lillian gets a couple people and they're going to go for a walk shoe and stumble upon them. Okay, in the garden kind of thing. Right? So that's the compromising situation. Okay. And so they like sit down and like they're gonna kiss or whatever, and she just can't do it. Okay, it's like, I can't go through it can't go through. So she panics and she leaves. And she as she's walking away, she runs into Simon who was also going for a walk and separately from everyone else. And she confesses that she really likes him. And she's like her, you know what you've done? Did you buy me these boots? And he finally said, Yes, I bought you the boots. And she's like, Okay, I could not while wearing these boots, kiss him. Like, she's, like, confesses. And he's like, really? And she's like, yes. And she's like, like, she's like, he's like, What? Do you marry me? And she's like, yes. Wow. Right. Like they have that the actual conversation. She's like, yes, I would marry you if that is what you want. And he's like, Yes, I do. And then the group that was supposed to stumble on the other people stumble on them back. And, and the the conversation that happens is honestly one of my favorites. It's fucking hilarious. Simon's just grabbed, like, kisses her in front of them because like, and looks at them and like, alright, you saw it. She's compromised. I have to marry her now. And they're like, she's like, I said, I'd marry you. And Westcliff is like, Nope, I didn't see anything. And he's like, fine. We're gonna go somewhere where someone is gonna see. I want insurance. Yup. And so they end up telling her mom like, hey, like this, she has to admit to her mother, like, her mom is like, Okay, well, are you going to provide for my son while he's at school? Are you going to do I'll take on all of these debts and all these things. And he's like, Yes, I'm gonna do everything. And she leaves and animals like, Mom, I'm so sorry. And her mom's just standing the window and you just hear her say Thank God. Well, why would she apologize? Because it's like, I mean, it's still a compromising situation. Okay, even though she agreed to marry him, right. And they get married. Yeah, so let's have a montage. Okay, a marriage montage. Okay, so this is halfway through the book. We're only halfway. I know. There's only actually technically there's only two more sections. But it's halfway because a lot of stuff happens while they're married. I just put it into a montage. Okay. Montage marital bliss. Okay. Wedding Night. Okay. Hey, yo. So Simon still thinks she's been with hodgepodge. Oh, and so he comes in and he knows that she's can tell she's nervous. And he's like, look like, I understand that. You probably haven't had a good experience with this. And it doesn't have to be like that. We can like unlike tries to like comfort me like like, I'm not him. Like I'm not gonna be awful to you. And she's like, oh, oh, no, no, no, no, that wasn't me. That was my mom. I've never had sex before he just what? Wait, really? Yeah. Oh god. He's like, No, he's panicking because he's like, Do you know what to expect? We don't have to do anything if you don't want to like, he like panics. And then sexy time ensues. And it's it's really good. Yeah. It's just it's very sweet. He's really concerned about her. You can tell he has fallen for her. And she's like getting there. Yeah, it hasn't quite


a lot going on in her life. Yeah. The fact that she's not quite there yet is acceptable, very dry. It's a lot of change, a lot of anxiety going on.


I also really appreciated that they got married in this book, like they get married before the love happens. Because at that time, like you never got it was rare that you got married, because you fell in love, right? And so it's, it's feels more realistic that way. Or it's like these people are indeed compatible and the sparks were there. But you have to get married first. Not one of the other books where it's like, I love him, we're gonna get married. No, you're gonna get married, and then you're gonna love him. Right? Right.


Well, and that's what happened to in devil and winter. They get married like the first


chapter, right? Yeah. Which you don't see very often that love it. Alright. So there's some fun party times in France, they go to, they go to Paris for their honeymoon. And she is animals kind of having this realization, like she wanted to be part of London society, right? That was her ultimate end goal. And she's realizing now Oh, I'm not as worldly and sophisticated as I thought, because like, I kind of looked down on all these new rich people, new money, but like, they actually like, they aren't stuffy. They aren't stuck in the past, right? These people are actually like in doing co innovation saying, yeah, just kind of starting to have that realization, there is so much sexy time. So like, hotel rooms, bathtubs, the closet was my favorite. So she's playing cards, like she says something that like kind of gets under his skin. Because they went into this knowing like, they're like, we'll probably kill each other. Hmm. Right. Like, and so they knew they were gonna have some fights and stuff. And so she said something that got under her skin. And so he kind of stormed off a little bit. And she's playing cards with some of the other like, married ladies in the hotel in France. And he comes up behind her, and is looking at her cards. And she's like, Do you have any recommendations? He's like, whispers in her ear. I think you need to be upstairs in the next five minutes, or I like no matter where we are. I'm gonna tackle you. Like I'm you know, and she's like, jump. Yeah. And she's like, Oh, no, you're just kidding. And he's like, two minutes. Better and fast, like, finish your game fast. And so she like, Oh, God, and so she because he's gonna do it. And so she like, throws her cards down and goes to leave. And he's just sprinting up the stairs as he follows her and then ends up making it to like a linen closet. And that's as far as she makes it. They have sex in the Luna linen closet. Yeah, no, those


linens ain't clean anymore.


Yeah, I think the funniest part about the whole situation is afterwards he's like, dammit, and she's like, what? And he's like, now the smell of clean clothes is gonna make me hard. Yep, he has a good sense of humor. Um, there is oh, so after their honeymoon, they go back to London. And they're still like, he invited all these parties and everything like that, but not as many as she kind of assumed because he's renew money, right. So he's not as quote unquote, respectable. So people only ever invite him to things when they owe him something or need something from. Okay. So and he's not like he was a butcher son, like, he came from a solidly middle class family like, so not as much respect. And so there's actually a part where they're in a ball, and one of the old money guys is flirting with her, essentially, and like making advances on her. And Simon comes up and gets obviously upset and jealous. And she like, kind of goes and talks to him. And she kind of like blows up a little bit and was like, this isn't what I wanted. I'm, like, outside of everything, and like, really, like hurts his feelings. And so they actually, like, struggle with that a little bit. So there's actually some I appreciated that it showed some legit relationship issues, right? Because that's the thing you don't see very often. They meet each other's parents. Oh, Simon goes and hangs out with her little brother and they have a really cute like brother brotherly relationship forming and they go to meet his parents, which he warns them all he's like, Well, they live in the top of a butcher shop. It's going to be crazy. And at first, like her mom and his mom, just they have nothing to talk about, right? Because it's such different backgrounds. But like, Annabelle, you know, she's like, Okay, this was fine. This was good. It's kind of weird, but this was good. Like,


great work. Yeah, right. She's


trying she's really trying. Yeah, and her mom stabs a guy. So in my notes, okay, so her little brother shows up at the hotel that they're living at because we're living in like a hotel suite kind of okay, and is like, I think I'm just going killed a guy because a little brother has no idea what's been going on with hodgepodge.


Oh, okay.


Oh hodgepodge showed up at her mom's house. Demanding, right sick. Yeah. And she grabbed some scissors and finally snapped and stabbed him.


Oh good, right, fine,


so I'm not upset. So I just want to say in my notes I have Hey, girls, marry yourself a guy that will cover up a potential murder that your mom did. Yeah, because he's like, all fuck Alright, cool. So he like, sends Annabelle and her little brother to go to her mom's house and like, burn everything that has any blood on it, like, cover up everything and he goes to talk to hodgepodge and scares the EverLiving shit out. He's not dead, he just got stabbed. And hodgepodge just Simon essentially, like puts the fear of God in hodgepodge. Like he walks in and he's like, Yeah, my Lord, I'm so you know, I was so concerned when I heard about your gastrointestinal issues, aren't you? Yeah, so hodgepodge is a type of infection,


right? It's Hi. Hi, kids.


So hodgepodge is no longer going to be a problem. Yay. But her mom is obviously very shaken by it. And her little brother still has no idea what Yeah, because they're like, we can't he's 14. We can't explain to him. Yeah, he's not gonna get it. Right. So the solution to that is they send her mom animals mom and her little brother on a tour of the continent with Simon's mom and sister. By the end of like this trip, they're talking they are now referred to as the mothers because they're such close friends and like, it's, it's really cute. It's so sweet. So they go on holiday together. All right, last scene. So that was the end of the Montage, because that is like, okay, a lot of stuff happens while they're married. A lot of it very much shows them sort of the relationship growing them bonding. Scene six, choo, choo, motherfucker. All right to Mother faster so Annabelle finally convinces Simon to take her to see his like foundries and business investments and stuff because she's legitimately interested in like, what he's doing right. She thinks it's cool. So finally, he agrees, because the first is like, No, it's too dangerous for you. Like this is like it's it's a foundry, it's not great. And she's finally wears them down. And he agrees to take her. So she is touring the whole thing. And, and I should also say, Simon and Westcliffe. So the reasons I'm in Westcliffe are such good friends is because they both are some of the few people who are like, Yes, this is the progress that is happening. Let's invest in it and like actually, like, so they're actually in this business venture together. So Westcliffe just gonna show up too. He still doesn't like Annabelle still thinks that she's just a gold digger.


Now she's dug the gold. Exactly.


But he supports his friend. So yeah, so he actually even gave her away at their wedding. I know. It's kind of cute. It's real cute. So they're touring the facility and like she's all interested in it, hearing all about it. And they're in the actual, like, factory part factory floor. When disaster strikes. Oh, so someone puts too much I should also mention Simon like actually treats his workers like humans. Oh, good, which is good. Because he also came from a working class family, like he gets like, no need to be paid enough money and all this stuff. So which is kind of, he has a reason to do that. Versus just he's a special snowflake, which you get sometimes in these books. So someone puts too much of the sort of iron, like chunks of iron into the big melting pot, okay, that they call hell broth, that bright red molten kind of thing. And so the huge bubble of it falls into the cooling tanks and just explodes. Oh, yeah. So there's a huge explosion. And like, it even like when he's describing the shamans, she has tinnitus, like, like, you know, your drum pop, like everybody's like, in mud kind of thing. And so Simon's able to get her out. And after he gets her out, she's kind of suit still super disoriented, and he hands her off to someone and he's like, I have to go back in and make sure I get as many people out as possible. And she's like, No, no, no, no, no, no. And he runs away. So he goes back in and she's just kind of standing there and he's not coming out. And so she's like, starting to go around and ask people like, have you seen Simon like, has he come out and everyone's like, we didn't see him he went in. But to get other female, right, he wants in come out. So when no one's watching, she runs back in. Cool. Yep. So she runs in and she ends up finding him. He had something fell on his leg and so he's trapped. Okay, and he sees her and is furious, but it's the kind of fear of Like, what are you doing? Get out of here. Like, he's stupid bed, right? He's so mad, right? Just screaming profanities, like, has that like horror kind of stamp on his face? And she's like, No. And so she's trying to get this thing like she finds a piece of metal and like, tries to lever it up and like all this stuff, and she can't get it off. And so he's trying to get her to run away, and she won't leave him. And then like, just when like, she's starting to really like she's not able to find her way out of this place. Anyway, it's a hailstorm and right, Westcliff shows up. Yeah, because he was there. And he saw like, saw her go in. And so he ran after her. And so he ends up between the two of them, they're able to lever this thing off of Simon's leg and get him out of there. And she like as they're leaving, she's like, disoriented cuz smokin later and all this stuff. And she's like, there's no way I could have found my way out, like by myself, so I was screwed either way. And so, and it's funny because Westcliffe is kind of an insufferable ass, but in a funny way, right? Like, he's so he walks up and he's like, I thought you might need my help. My assistant lady over here, right, bitch. Um, and so they're able to like they get both of them out of the foundry, all three of them come out and he like, personally. Westcliffe is like loosening her corset strings and making sure she's okay. So she can breathe, actually, like, and he just looks at he's like, why did you do that? And her response to it, who was doing that? Westcliff? Oh, so he's like, helping her because Simon has been whisked away for MediCal. So he's like, the great man himself is deigning to help this woman that he did not like, right. And so he asked her, like, flat out, he's like, why did you do that? Like, why


did you go back because I love him because I'm an idiot. No,


she just looks at him and reaches up and pulls a shard of metal that was stuck in him that he didn't even feel out and he's like, Oh, I didn't even know that was there. Like, that's it and he just like I get it. Like, it's just like unspoken. Like, alright, alright, I like you now respect each other. We respect each other. Yes. So let's click takes them back to one of his one of his townhouses to recover. And when she finally like wakes up after sleeping for days, right. She goes to find him and find Simon and Simon's like, in a bed his leg isn't even broken like West clubs like baster doesn't even have a broken leg. Like what the hell? And Simon is a grumpy Gil's he's he's not looking at her.


She's mad. She went in after him.


She's like, Are you feeling better? Yes. Will you look at me? Why'd you do that? You shouldn't do that.


Very toddler. Oh, my God.


She's like, because I love you. And he's like, Oh, shit, it has this. Like, I feel too many feelings moment. And like, I got him on Tuesday. Right? And she's like, she tells him she's like, it's not fair. That you like you would go in if it was me. He's like, Yeah, but I'm supposed to just like no, no, no, no, no, it's not fair that I would have to live without you. But like, it's okay. If it's the other way around. Like that's not okay. I can so they come to agreement that they love each other. And it's great and happily ever after. Yay. I love this book. It was really it was so good. That's really good. Yeah, so you're gonna have to read it. Yes. Um, again.


I do think it seemed like I don't know the plot was a little bit lost. Sometimes. It was a bit loss.


It was more I would not put this on par with Pride and Prejudice because Brian pronounces but plot wise where it is that kind of like a little bit me injuries. True. It felt like that. So it's like, over the overarching plot is these two people growing as people and loving each other? Right, right. And there's a lot of like, side bits that happen along the way. But it didn't feel like the plot was lost when you're reading it. So that it might just be a matter of like how I wrote it. Yes. Oh, what happens but it feels very much like you were following these two people's lives. Okay. Okay. It doesn't feel yeah, there's just a lot of other stuff happening, right? Yeah. Okay, so that could be my notes. It could be hangover brain. I don't know. But in the book when you're reading it, it doesn't feel weird like that. It feels way more cohesive. Alright, reviews in the book. It was good. I just have to say


Are you tired? I'm really tired.


Yeah, we'll have to do more coffee after this. Yeah, I really liked this book. This was That's a good comfort book. So like her character was, I just really really appreciated that they didn't like so many of these books they tried to kind of shift the characters for modern sensibilities where it's like, oh, but she's super into being a strong powerful woman and everything even though she's at a time when women were like kind of shattered you know, she just wants to have money and live comfortably all she wants like, please


right and that's what and you know, that's that is being a strong powerful woman of those times she really is trying in her own way right like assert her own independence but there were very few avenues in that time in which to do or respectable and


they didn't make the author didn't make Lisa didn't make concessions for that. She was like, she was unashamedly This is the character and these are her motivations and these this is her background. It just it was their sense. It did it tracks it made total sense. Yeah. So I would give her I feel like a four out of five. Um, Simon same kind of thing. Where like, I love Simon so much.


He only got emotions. It's Tuesday, but he's doing great. Oh, yeah. Well, he had the


emotions he just didn't know how to parse Right, right. Was this what is this warm feeling? It must mean that I want her as a mistress that makes sense. No.


Child boots because Mr. Says need good boots, right?


He when He and her little brother meet for the first time he like gives Annabelle and her mom like you guys chat about the honeymoon. Like go and have like you know your time with your mom. I know you need that. Hey, you want to go for a ride my carriage and they're like, please be careful. i It'll be fine. So say right. Your little brother comes stumbling in like 20 minutes later. That man is an animal. We went so fast. I thought we were gonna die and all this stuff. And they're like, Oh my god. He's like,


it was awesome. It's so good, bro. It's


so cute. Like Simon is very much his like Big Brother figure and it's adorable. I loved it. So I for four and a half for Simon. He's so great. The growth was awesome. Yeah, I loved the character growth. I mean, the smoke was good. Classic Lisa clip last month. I would give it like, a three and a half. Oh, or I mean, it's still good. It's just not like, out of this world.


But I've been getting a double and winters for the out of this world.


I let better smile. Yeah. develin Winter had better smart than this one. Okay, this one was still good. Um, ply? It's kind of like you said where the plot was a little. Yeah. But again, I feel like when you're reading it, it doesn't


feel that way. When you're reading it that I think that that is the mark of a good author. Oh, yes. Lee because like,


right. Yeah, I would say probably like a solid three and a half. Maybe four, just because like, I appreciated the little bit of drama at the end that went into kidnapping. Yeah,


I mean, this was not the plot for an 11. If it did, if an 11th hour kidnapping happened, I would have been like this does not fit like


this would not have fit to read the second book. Ben. go second.


It could it could fit in the second book. I'm saying this book in this book into would not have


the 11th hour kidnapping in the second book is actually hysterical.


So does he just show up at our wedding and take her away?


I'll tell you about it after this. I don't want to spoil these for the listener. Okay. So overall, I would give this book probably a solid seven out of 10. And I say read it read this one read devil in winter. The second and fourth one aren't bad. They're just not my thing as much. But they're good. I mean, Westcliffe I really like Lord Westcliffe. Okay, he's i It's that level of insufferable ass and sassiness an insufferable SAS, if you will. That I love. So but I just didn't like second book. But this one is great. Read it. It's wonderful. We love it. It's so good. Highly recommend. Cool. I need more coffee. So I know I need it so


bad. I'm so sorry. listeners. We love you. We love you. And I think we do great.


Oh yeah, this is great. This is great. Yeah,


it's a good thing that it was an easy way to like okay, if you could put this with the other episode, I do have to find that like Trifecta werewolf romance. Right now


I really do. No, I'm gonna keep that in this episode. Because y'all need to go listen to the Halloween.


I drank a whole bottle of wine.


Let me just start and then we had margaritas. We didn't have to tell them that. Well. I had margaritas and a lot of scotch. You owe me money for that, Scott. I do. Alright. Hey, Alan, how are you? Thanks for the use of your song a love of the album beheld. We really like it. It's real good. And hey listeners. Thank you for coming back after the last two weeks. goes atrocity My


God. Why crimes against humanity? That's just it's just becoming a thing though. Like, I find these atrocities and I'm like, Hey, we have to discuss this right? We got to talk about this. And then you're like, but but let's be nice. Well, it's


great because like, when I feel like whenever one of us has a horror, horrific book, the other person just swoops in with like, a palate cleanser. How does that


sound? Yeah. How does that how does that we have said before that, like, we're like weirdly in sync with one another. Because when one of us has a bad day, it's true. The other person is having a bad day. I mean, it's very strange. Did


you see the similarities between your book and this one? The Halloween book and this one? No, there were Oh, there were a lot of similarities. Yeah. Uh huh. It's fine crofters cottage crafters got it. Oh my god. Hey, we love it. Yeah, kinds of stuff. Hey, we love y'all. We love you. Thank you so much for listening. We'll talk to you later.