Content with Character

Know, Like, Trust: Action Steps to Build KLT

Emily Aborn

Text Emily!

You’ve probably heard about building "the know, like, and trust factor" with your community, customers, and clients. Butttt, how on EARTH does one actually build know, like, and trust? 

What even does that MEAN!? 

Often mentioned in the marketing world, "know, like, and trust" (KLT) is vague and elusive (at best) and not many are explaining how to take actions that build it.

In this episode, I’m going to break each element of KLT down into tangible action steps to get you on your way to building it with your people right away.

Listen in to Start Building KLT

  • What does it mean for them to know, like, and trust you?
  • Why does your business need to build the know, like, and trust factor? 
  • Keys to building the "know" 
  • Consistent steps to building the "like" 
  • Tips for cultivating the "trust" 
  • And more! 

Resources Mentioned:

👋🏼 Whalllleeeee, hello there! Let's Connect!

I’m Emily Aborn, I’m a Small Business Copywriter, Content Marketing Consultant, Speaker, and Podcast Host of Content with Character. I'm a dog mom to Mr. Clyde and wife to Jason. Our little family lives in the backwoods of New Hampshire where I spend my time hiking, building fires (in the wood stove, don't worry!), reading, and learning all the useless trivia I can get my hands on. 

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