Olive Theory

What it's Like- Woman Edition

Chris and Shelby Season 1 Episode 13

"Femininity does NOT make you weak. It is your super power" 

We need women, we LOVE women. In today's episode we pick up right where we left off with our four-part series with our 3rd part- What it's like to be a woman. We dive into some history sharing how different civilizations viewed and treated womanhood, share some very interesting statistics and then open wide up about how we feel about women, womanhood and the rolls women play in society. We get a little heated, but our theme for our podcast is it's OK to have differing opinions. We bring it all to the table in today's episode. Listen in. We hope you enjoy it. 

As always, don't forget to leave us a rating and review! We love you all! Thank you for being here. 






Quote by: America Ferrera in The Barbie Movie
