The Action Playbook

Mastering Time: The Importance of Being Selfish with Your Time

Jason Fox Season 1 Episode 39

In this episode, Robin and Jason discuss the concept of time mastery and the importance of being selfish with one's time. Robin emphasizes the finite nature of time and encourages listeners to make the most of the working days they have left. He shares insights from his role model, Steve Jobs, who would ask himself if he would be doing what he's doing today if it were his last day. The hosts stress the need for business owners to take control of their businesses and not let their businesses control them. They highlight the importance of being organized, intentional, and focused on the tasks that will lead to achieving one's goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Time is a finite resource, and it is essential to be selfish with it. Business owners should not allow others to waste their time and should avoid wasting their own time on unproductive activities.
  • Being organized and intentional with time is crucial for achieving goals. Focusing on important, not urgent tasks and delegating the rest can help business owners take control of their businesses.
  • Time should be seen as an investment. Business owners should utilize their time in activities that will make them more productive and help them reach their goals faster.
  • The concept of a default diary can bring intentionality to time management. Planning how time is spent and prioritizing important tasks can lead to greater control and efficiency.

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