Dodgers HomeStand: A Bird's Eye View from Stadium Announcer TODD LEITZ

Dodgers HomeStand Season 1, Episode 36

TODD LEITZ Season 1 Episode 36

Do you like stories?  Then, you're gonna love this episode of Dodgers HomeStand, where Dodgers PA Announcer Todd Leitz talks to long time broadcaster Ted Sobel, who's been a credentialed reporter here at Chavez Ravine for 50 years, and who's been coming here for many years before that.  He's covered just about every major sporting event you can imagine, shares his perspective on Dodgers baseball, and so much more.  You wont want to miss this one!   And if this little episode is not enough, get Ted's book "Touching Greatness" on for a deeper dive into greatness ... in all it's forms!