Generate a Life Well Lived

Ep. 41 Grow the CEO Cohort

March 27, 2024 Erin Gray
Ep. 41 Grow the CEO Cohort
Generate a Life Well Lived
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Generate a Life Well Lived
Ep. 41 Grow the CEO Cohort
Mar 27, 2024
Erin Gray

Want to connect? You can send me a text message💞

In this episode I break down what Grow the CEO cohort is, why I created it, who it's for and my intentions for this group.

After coaching, conversating and working with countless entrepreneurs over the years, I have realized that the business world hasn't yet married the 3D of money and business (knowledge of bookkeeping, taxes, investing, etc in a simple and fun way) and the 5D of money and business (the energetics of money and how we feel about our money and our business).

So, I decided to create a group that did just that.  

During this 8-week cohort, I'm going to have guests teach/speak about:

  • bookkeeping
  • taxes
  • investing
  • EFT (emotional freedom technique)
  • Human Design and how to use it in your business in a way that is supportive and nourishing to you
  • money coaching
  • money trauma and somatic work

My intention for the group is for us to connect with each other, develop a community and support system while diving into topics that affect how we show up for ourselves and in our business.  

If you want to learn more about this cohort, you can visit the invitation page here

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

Generate a Life Well Lived website

Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Want to connect? You can send me a text message💞

In this episode I break down what Grow the CEO cohort is, why I created it, who it's for and my intentions for this group.

After coaching, conversating and working with countless entrepreneurs over the years, I have realized that the business world hasn't yet married the 3D of money and business (knowledge of bookkeeping, taxes, investing, etc in a simple and fun way) and the 5D of money and business (the energetics of money and how we feel about our money and our business).

So, I decided to create a group that did just that.  

During this 8-week cohort, I'm going to have guests teach/speak about:

  • bookkeeping
  • taxes
  • investing
  • EFT (emotional freedom technique)
  • Human Design and how to use it in your business in a way that is supportive and nourishing to you
  • money coaching
  • money trauma and somatic work

My intention for the group is for us to connect with each other, develop a community and support system while diving into topics that affect how we show up for ourselves and in our business.  

If you want to learn more about this cohort, you can visit the invitation page here

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

Generate a Life Well Lived website

Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.


You're listening to Generate a Life Well-Lived Podcast. I'm your friend and confidant, erin Gray. I'm a former certified financial planner, turned human design, financial mentor and guide to entrepreneurs. I believe our money and our business can only thrive at the level of our emotional well-being. I empower entrepreneurs to feel confident with their money and in their business so that they can have fun now and in the future. On this podcast, we will explore all things money, business and self-development, including human design.


I hope you enjoy the journey where I share everything that I know and am continuing to learn along the way, as I honor my heart's desires while inspiring and encouraging you to do the same. Hey, hey, how are you? Just me today, and I like both types of podcasts. I love talking to people, interviewing people, picking their brain and getting their experience and ideas and belief systems and just all of that that comes in with interviewing somebody. And then also I like having just the solo episodes by myself. I guess it's a solo episode, I guess that's what you consider it by myself, although I will say that the editing that's involved with just my solo episode is a lot more. I wouldn't say intense, but for sure involved is the word that comes to mind, because I feel like I really um the synergy and the energy that I am able to be in and create and bounce off of when I'm with someone else. I don't know if it's my undefined throat, I don't know that that's the only thing that really comes to mind of. I don't have the um, just the. Sometimes the words don't come as freely or as easily and I have to do a lot of pausing, which that's not a problem for me, but, yeah, it just doesn't sometimes, and maybe that's just a story or a belief that I have, but sometimes it just doesn't flow as freely as it does when I'm with someone else. So I am always real in terms of being on the podcast or on YouTube, of like I don't edit out the arms or the long spaces, because one of the things that I wanted with my podcast is for people that are holding themselves back, for them to. You know, if you listen to my podcast and you're like she says um, or she, you know, has a long space in between, like, let that never be a reason to stop you from starting a podcast if that's something that you want to do. And also, you know, we haven't polished and and I'm air quoting for those of you listening. You know perfect people in the world and I don't think that I didn't want to contribute to more of that.


I really wanted an authentic and real conversations that I had and also just how I speak. I mean, if you meet me in real life, you'll see me close my eyes when I'm trying to think of a word. It's not very uncommon in my household for me to tell my husband or my child to please be quiet and let me think of my word. Give me a second. I have. They've kind of learned now that I need some time to to gather my words. I'm not as quick um to to speak um or to make that connection, and that's totally okay.


I think for a long time that stopped me, um, from doing some things that I wanted to do, because I would look obviously at everyone else and like judge myself versus like. There is power in the pause, there is power in silence, there is power in um pondering and and figuring out the word you want to use, and I call it potency. So hopefully there won't be a whole lot of editing today, but I just wanted to uh, you know, share you behind the scenes Like I was talking to someone the other day and and she was asking me about my editing process. I'm like, well, when I'm with someone else and we're having a conversation and it's a, you know, an interview type of conversation I don't have hardly any editing. But when I'm by myself, there's much more, more in depth editing.


So, okay, so today, on today's podcast, what I want to do is I want to talk about the group that I am starting beginning May 1st, and all of this is going to be on my website, um, an invitation page that I have, but I just wanted to talk about it because one I love it. I think it's so needed in the world and I shouldn't say need, because nobody needs anything except to pee, poop, eat and sleep and when I say needed in the world, what I mean is the feedback that I have gotten from entrepreneurs that I've coached, that I've talked to market research, like, overwhelmingly, I have received feedback that this really isn't offered or, if it is, maybe I'm going to wear of it and really just bringing something to the world that I feel so passionate about and helping other entrepreneurs with their business and their money. So it's cold and I'm going to look down at my notes because I've got several here, but GrowThis CEO cohort is what it is I want to talk and dive into. Why did I create this group? What actually is it? Who is it for? Then, my intention for the group.


So why did I create GrowThis CEO cohort? Because I have found, through coaching entrepreneurs, through my years in business with my family's construction business, through listening to I don't know how many hundreds of entrepreneurs by this point of, really the feedback that I have received and I have noticed is the drive and the desire for owners is to what I call blend the 3D and the 5D of money in business. So a lot of masterminds or cohorts have the tactical side of business, right, the strategy side, and I think that there are parts of that that are really important, right, and when I say tactical, I don't necessarily mean like your marketing or your what else am I thinking about, like you know, that kind of stuff. What I'm saying is the knowledge base of your bookkeeping, of your taxes, of if you want to invest in the air quotes, and I don't think anything is normal or traditional. So that's why I say air quotes, the traditional way of like investing.


What I have found is that there are groups or there is the knowledge out there for that, and then there's also the groups or the knowledge that are out there for the energetics and the emotions that we feel around our money in our business. But I feel like in the past never the two shall meet right, like we haven't blended or married the 3D of money, of like how do you actually like you know cash flow and plan and look at your P and L and your balance sheet and you know all of the things that in taxes and you know I hear so often that entrepreneurs are like, oh, I want to minimize my taxes but at the expense of it's almost like they're putting on the brakes of their income right, because they're so they have been taught to minimize taxes but to the point of like decreasing or not not fully going full out with their revenue because they're so afraid or have been taught about minimize taxes and so really bringing in you know those aspects of finance and business and money along with. You know how do you actually feel when you sit down to look at your business? How do you actually feel when you're making a decision in your business? Is it coming from a loving and an expansive and an enjoyment place, or is it coming from fear and stress and you know, inadequacy or not enoughness? So, after you know talking, doing market research, talking, coaching, talking to other business, you know coaches, strategists like the overall, or overwhelming, I should say, better.


What I had to say about later on, what I wanted to talk about theme here is that there's not the blending and the marriage of the two. So that is why I created it, because I really want to help entrepreneurs. Like we go into business. I think Let me know in the comments if you're watching me on YouTube or you can send me an email if you're listening on audio. I think we go into business for more freedom, more time freedom, more freedom in general, more money to serve and to help, and not in those specific orders, but those are like the overarching reasons why we go into business and when I talk to business owners, that's not really those things aren't necessarily or emotions that they are feeling on a consistent basis. So that's why I created the group.


So what is it? I'm going to dive into that. So it's for a group of six. Now, depending on how many I get on the wait list, I might have two groups for starters, but I really want to take this first group through my ideas of what I have for over. It's an eight week course, course, cohort group is really what I think about. It's not really a course, but it's a group of six entrepreneurs and we are going to talk about blending the 3D and the 5D of money.


So I am going to bring in a bookkeeper, I am going to bring in an accountant and a financial advisor and then also from the energetic side, right, like I'm going to talk about and I'm going to coach you on money and also human design, like really honoring your strategy and authority, like your intuition and your knowing is like your North Star, guiding light to how to run your business, and what I have found is a lot of business owners outsource their power right To their coaches, to their advisors, and I really want to help you learn to embody your human design so that you can really feel like I call it, like at home in your body and in your business and in your knowing. Also, going to bring in an EFT practitioner that stands for emotional freedom technique. I won't lie Every time I say EFT, I totally think of electronic funds transfer, but that's not what it is so an EFT practitioner. I'm going to bring someone in to do a session and then, you know, just give you the tools. Like my idea for this group is to allow you to connect with other entrepreneurs and to really gain the tools and the understanding and also the energetics and the embodiment so that you can then go on and practice it. Either, you know, you can come back for another cohort or you can go off and you can do it by yourself. And then obviously, like I said, the money coaching. So you know, how do I know if I am a good fit?


I think, first and foremost, I think you have to ask yourself you know, obviously you're a business owner, but above that, like, are you willing? Are you willing to get a little uncomfortable, and not to the point of, like you know how some of us have been taught in business like you fake it before you make it and you, you know, you just push through, and that's not what I'm talking about being uncomfortable. What I'm talking about being uncomfortable is like feeling in your body, like I'm a little scared. This makes me a little uneasy, but not so far outside your window of tolerance or comfort zone that you just shut down, right, but like you're like, okay, this feels a little uneasy and I'm still willing to take action and to move forward. And that doesn't necessarily mean, you know, just action in your business, right, that could be like this is feels really, you know, uncomfortable for me to share some of the emotions that I've been feeling, right, like tapping into your body, being willing to be more in your body than you are in your head, and this is a practice. This isn't going to just be completely solved over eight weeks, right, but this is going to be able to get you to connect to your body and to yourself and to your knowing, and then leaning into that.


So I would say, you know, willing to lean into being uncomfortable, being in your body, trusting yourself, like that has been a huge one for me of trusting myself, even when more experienced, knowledgeable if you want to call it knowledgeable advisors have told me something won't work. Before I used to listen to it and now I check in with my you know, strategy and authority, my knowing, and I ask myself, like, what do I want? And I follow that right. So, practicing, you know what you're learning, no-transcript, just really honoring that you want community that you want to connect with, obviously, other entrepreneurs, that you want support from other entrepreneurs besides just myself, and that you're willing. I think that that is the biggest thing is willing and having the courage to do things that are a little bit outside your comfort zone, to grow yourself as a human and also as the business owner.


So my intention for the group is that we meet once a week and we connect and I'm gonna have on the website you'll get to see that we're having, like I already said, like a CPA and a bookkeeper and a financial advisor that you get to come in and you get to pick their brains. The calls are gonna be an hour and a half Doesn't mean they have to last that long, but I wanna allow for that much time so that everybody gets a chance to speak or to contribute or to ask their questions and then also, when it comes time for money coaching, that you are able to receive coaching if you want coaching. And then I'm also gonna provide Vox or Access in between calls for you to connect with the other people that are in the group so that you get support. Like some of my greatest growth has happened outside of calls, has been on either Marco Polo or Vox, or in connecting with people that I've been in groups with and to be able to bounce ideas off of or to ask for some support if you're doing something outside your comfort zone. So I want to create a small community of us during this eight week that you're able to, if you jive with the people in the group, like you're able to build lifelong relationships with, to support you on your journey and, like I said an EFT practitioner and then also I said money coaching and yeah, and I also want to say that, being really in tune with the group, like if those are you that are in the group and I'm sensing or you're telling me like listen, erin, I want more of this and less of this. I am going to modify the, if you wanna call it I don't even wanna say syllabus, because I have lots of thoughts about school and teachers but, like I am going to modify what we said we were gonna do because I really I have no agenda for this group other than to help you really come back home to yourself and to honor your knowing and to trust yourself above anybody else.


Obviously, the learning and being in your body and the energetics of money in your business 100%. But above that, like if you're like, if you guys are like I want more of bookkeeping and I wanna dive in deeper into this, versus I don't wanna look into investments quite yet, or something like that, or whatever it might be, I just want that freedom and that, that vulnerableness from each of you and to be able to change it so that you guys get exactly what you are wanting for this group. So the invitation page is on my website. I'll put the link in the show notes where you can go and you can read about it, and I'm just currently just having a wait list so you can just put your information in.


I have like a quick little questionnaire at the end and then we start May 1st and it's gonna just be every Wednesday for eight weeks for an hour and a half, starting at 10 am mountain time and, like I said, really just connecting with other heart-based entrepreneurs that are really ready to show up as the CEO they know and the human right that you know, that you are, that you really are and really work through some of the things that are, I don't wanna say holding you back, but that are that keep coming up for you so that you can evolve and be the CEO that you are meant to be and started your business for.


So I wanna, first and foremost thank you all for listening every week, for tuning in. I just think that you know how we pay attention, how we use our time is so valuable, and I just want to say that I'm so grateful for each of you that watch on YouTube or that tune in every week to listen to the podcast, like that means a lot to me, and so I value you, I value your time, and I'm so grateful for each of you and until next time for myself to yours.

Empowering Entrepreneurs With Money Mastery
Entrepreneur Community and Growth Program
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