Generate a Life Well Lived

Ep. 46 What is a Manifestor in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)

May 01, 2024 Erin Gray
Ep. 46 What is a Manifestor in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)
Generate a Life Well Lived
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Generate a Life Well Lived
Ep. 46 What is a Manifestor in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)
May 01, 2024
Erin Gray

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Join Carmen Tuleta and I as we dive into Manifestor type on this podcast.  Our candid conversation highlights the path for manifestor types, who ignite change as natural initiators.  This episode is an invitation to understand the vital emotional signals that guide us toward alignment with a special emphasis on the manifestor's dance with anger and peace.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is type in Human Design
  • Understanding Manifestors
  • Manifestors: Initiating and Informing
  • Manifestors: Emotional Alignment
  • Manifestors: Starting and Finishing

If you would like to dive deeper into your chart and receive a personalized reading from Carmen, you can connect with her here (   or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

Generate a Life Well Lived website

Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Want to connect? You can send me a text message💞

Join Carmen Tuleta and I as we dive into Manifestor type on this podcast.  Our candid conversation highlights the path for manifestor types, who ignite change as natural initiators.  This episode is an invitation to understand the vital emotional signals that guide us toward alignment with a special emphasis on the manifestor's dance with anger and peace.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is type in Human Design
  • Understanding Manifestors
  • Manifestors: Initiating and Informing
  • Manifestors: Emotional Alignment
  • Manifestors: Starting and Finishing

If you would like to dive deeper into your chart and receive a personalized reading from Carmen, you can connect with her here (   or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

Generate a Life Well Lived website

Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

Erin Gray:

You're listening to Generate a Life Well-Lived podcast. I'm your friend and confidant, erin Gray. I'm a former certified financial planner, turned human design, financial mentor and guide to entrepreneurs. I believe our money and our business can only thrive at the level of our emotional wellbeing. I empower entrepreneurs to feel confident with their money and in their business so that they can have fun now and in the future. On this podcast, we will explore all things money, business and self-development, including human design. I hope you enjoy the journey where I share everything that I know and am continuing to learn along the way, as I honor my heart's desires while inspiring and encouraging you to do the same.

Erin Gray:

Hey, hey, my friends, how are we today? So, on today's podcast, well, actually, let's just be real, upfront and honest. We're going to have like five podcasts. We're going to break it up. So I've got my good friend, carmen Toledo on the podcast human design extraordinaire and we're going to talk about all things. We're going to talk about all things. We're going to break down each type. Um, and then how? I believe and I think Carmen agrees with this too like how it the power of the pause. Like, no matter what type you are, we all need to pause in life and in business. So, first of all, thank you, carmen, for coming on and sharing all your knowledge with us.

Carmen Tuleta:

Thank you so much for inviting me. I am so pumped to be here and geek out on human design Like this is like my jam.

Erin Gray:

I was when I told Carmen. I was like Carmen, will you just come on and we can just talk about human design, cause it's a lot more fun to talk about it with someone that like knows about it. And then like, well, I think you know way more than I do and I'm like it's just going to be fun to talk about it and like dive in. And also to those of you that are listening or watching the thing that I want to, because I think a lot of people I've noticed this, carmen, I would love your take on this too A lot of people like learn about human design and then they just want to go down the rabbit hole.

Erin Gray:

And we're trying to keep it very simple, very like foundational, because what I have seen is we learn all of these things and sometimes we don't embody them, and also we can get like go down the rabbit hole and then or we don't do anything, and so I always come back to like strategy, type authority, profile, right, so okay, so let's dive in. You want to start with like what is type? I know we're going to talk about manifestors first, but like what is type?

Carmen Tuleta:

So our type is kind of like the foundation of our design. To be perfectly honest, in the grand scheme of things, it is how we energetically interact with the world. It is the foundation of our part, of our decision-making style. Um, so it is our aura in a in to make it perfectly relatable.

Erin Gray:

It is our aura, simple right, Like just how we, how we're meant to move through the world. That's kind of like how I right Okay.

Carmen Tuleta:

So go ahead. What were you going to say? Oh say, oh it just, it's kind of like our guiding principles yep, that's good.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, okay, so let's talk about manifestors manifestors, one of my.

Carmen Tuleta:

They're all my favorite types.

Carmen Tuleta:

I know manifestors are kind of have a I have a special place and, surprisingly enough, I have quite a few manifestors in my life. They are not a big part of our population, they're only like about nine percent of our population. Um, I find that they can be very misunderstood, um, because their aura is so commanding, like manifestors were our kings and queens of old, so they embody this like. I remember walking into a room with one of my manifestor friends and just the her presence was just unreal and I think because of that they're misunderstood.

Carmen Tuleta:

They, they don't require other people. They are the only type that doesn't necessarily require other people to take action. Their strategy and authority is to initiate and then inform. So they have the ability to just go, yeah, although I mean they may have that ability to just go, but I think that pause part is to find clarity. They still, although they can, you know, and it comes in bursts for them, although they can get the burst to initiate something have that thing that they want to bring to life. That pause to gain clarity. Like, am I going to have enough energy to complete this thing, to bring it to fruition? Um, and do I need other people to help me do that To ask those questions, yeah.

Erin Gray:

Cause, cause, I think you know, we, we all want people with us.

Erin Gray:

It's just like what is the amount of time that we want people in our work field Right? Like, as humans, we, we need the humans, and also some of us require a little bit more human interaction than others. And so, yeah, when, when you and I are both in a a human design certification learning class together, and when I heard about the manifestor, like tears just rolled down my face, like my brother is a manifestor, and I just was, like all of those, I'm going to cry right now, like all those manifestors just misunderstood, um, and I think the one thing about human design is it it can allow you to have such compassion for humanity, because nobody's purposefully right Like trying to do anything to anyone. It's just like how we move and how our energy is, and so, um, you know, or everybody has a tender spot in my heart, but, like you say, like the manifestors have a tender spot in my heart, um, and so talk a little bit more about like they can't they like how does that show up in life and business? So they have an idea?

Erin Gray:

Yep, and then what happens?

Carmen Tuleta:

And then they well, depending on their configuration, depending on how that burst comes for them because there's some different ways that they can be configured Um, they, they get that burst and then it's like they can take action right now.

Carmen Tuleta:

But a key part of that and I think this is where a lot of the conditioning comes in is they get that initial okay, I'm gonna go do this thing.

Carmen Tuleta:

I have this idea, I'm gonna go do this thing. And a lot of times they can bring it to like start it, um, but what happens is they go and do it but they don't inform the key parties in their lives and that is a huge part of their, their strategy and authority, um, or their strategy, I should say, uh, and a lot of them, and I think out of the four that are close to me, informing is probably one of the hardest things that they is for them. One, because it's not innate, it's not something that comes easily to them. And two, that's where the conditioning comes, because if I tell somebody that I'm going to go and do this thing, they're going to try and change my mind when I know I can make this happen. So then that can cause a little bit of conflict in their lives, in their businesses or whatever thing they are trying to initiate, in whatever setting or wherever they're doing this, this thing that they're bringing to life. So that's where the the struggle can come in for them.

Erin Gray:

Absolutely, Because it's like the only reason why they're actually informing is to like kind of decrease the turbulence a little bit.

Erin Gray:

And I want to say like, if you are a manifester, only like if you're going to go do something, only like, like Carmen saying is like the key people, like one or two people, like we don't need to tell everybody and the only reason why we're telling is so that the rest of us don't get caught in the dust, right, Like we're like, oh, we actually like know what's happening.

Erin Gray:

And I think like so much conditioning around asking for permission and a lot of people pleasing shows up. I mean, I think all types of people plays right, but like how it shows up for manifestors is like because they're so or have you know, can just go do the thing, it really upsets a lot of people because we, the rest of us, take it personally right, Versus they're just doing their thing, right, Like they're just here to go do the thing, and so, um, yeah, choosing, I would say like choosing just a small few of of who you want to inform and and it's not an asking for permission, it's just like hey, I'm just letting you know, this is what I'm doing.

Carmen Tuleta:

Yeah, for sure, um, and that that can show up in business different ways as well, of how to go about doing that as well, whether it be marketing or working in a group setting, or what have you versus just in life?

Erin Gray:

I do want to say too, because I always like, say like, are we acting from an empowered place or disempowered place? And when, when you inform as a manifester, it's not like an F you, I'm going and doing this right. It's like hey, I and doing this Right, it's like hey, I'm doing this Right. But it comes like you, you got to check in with that energy of like, how you're informing, versus, because I think there I have talked to some that it's more like the, it feels like from a disempowered place, it's like mad and angry Right Um verse versus yeah, this is what I'm going to do, go, do I just want to let you know, yeah, and I think that mad and anger also comes from that place of conditioning too.

Carmen Tuleta:

Because they have one they're told to sit down, no, you can't do that thing, whether they've informed or not. And two, because they've been told you're not doing that, the energy that they come into, that informing, with that anger and frustration, is because they've been told no so many times and being able to, like you said, check that energy. And that's when the pause comes in again. Okay, checking, okay Pausing and looking at yourself and saying am I going into this and forming with from a grounded place and from from the place of how my energy is to, um, not come across as defensive? I guess would be so that and so that the other person doesn't get defensive.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, and I mean we can't control what anyone else feels. And also like how our energy is right, like that does elicit a response in someone else, right, and so just like you're saying being grounded, being like I'm sharing this because I care about this person, like I mean, just use something as simple as like I'm sharing this because I care about this person, like I mean just use something as simple, as like I'm going to work late tonight. When you call your spouse, it's it's coming from a like hey, honey, I'm going to be working late tonight. I just wanted to let you know so that you don't hang out and waiting on dinner for me or whatever. Versus this is what I'm doing and like it, or not. Kind of yeah, yeah, so go ahead. What were?

Carmen Tuleta:

you gonna say Nope, I was just agreeing with you.

Erin Gray:

So for those like, can you talk about just like the real quick of like what I love about human design too is like okay, what is that emotion that we know when we're kind of off course? And so for manifestors it's anger, and for when we are like in a, in a vibrational alignment, right, then it's peace, right yeah.

Carmen Tuleta:

And I find that manifestors really protect their peace. Once they understand that that is what they strive for, it becomes like that golden egg for them, like that is their, their, what they strive for, and it almost becomes. I have one manifestor friend say to me it becomes so important to me that I will shut the rest out of the world out, so that I can have my peace, which is amazing because it's such a. It's such a. Yeah, I had a powerful thing to know that about yourself.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, it's such an empowering thing, right, like you. Then you start to do it from a place of like. I know that when I'm off course, this is what happens. This is you know how I get myself in situations, versus choosing right Powerfully Like no, this is important to me. This is how I know I'm in alignment. Do you have anything else you want to say about manifestors?

Carmen Tuleta:

They are some of the most impactful people in our world. They because they, they're leaders that with the when a manifestor is an alignment. It is something amazing to watch. It's incredible.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, yeah, um yeah, what do you think? What do you? What has been your experience around? Starting and not necessarily and I know there's so much and I don't want to get into this like into like channels and all this in the chart but like from a manifestor, from a manifestor um perspective, starting, and then what about finishing?

Carmen Tuleta:

So, depending on how they're configured, okay, um, because it's a connection from a motor to the throat, yep, right, so a lot of times it's coming when they're starting. It's coming from a place of like do I have the energy to do this or am I passionate about this? Right, depending on what motor it's coming from, they can they only have so much energy to sustain themselves or that that thing that they're initiating for so long. So, walking into it and saying, okay, I want to do this thing and I know that this burst isn't going to last forever, where can I take breaks so that I know that my energy will be sustained? Yeah. Where can I hold on to for lack of a better word elongate that pulse to sustain it longer? Yeah, and and then knowing, okay, if this is something that I really, really want to finish, who can I ask for help?

Erin Gray:

energy and so recognizing that, like you're going to have your like Carmen says your bursts and your pulses and your, you know, light up and go and then you're going to retreat, and so just honoring that.

Carmen Tuleta:

So absolutely and honoring. So a lot of times, what I find with manifestors is they don't honor that time alone and that can cause supreme burnout. Yes, because they don't have that sustainable energy and they're not sacral beings, so they're taking on all of that energy from everybody around them.

Erin Gray:

Hi, it's me.

Carmen Tuleta:

So knowing, knowing when it's your energy and anchoring into the definition in your charts which you know, aaron or me could help you with um to know okay, is this my energy? Am I, is this my burst?

Erin Gray:

kind of thing Absolutely. Thank you so much, carmen, for all of your time, your wisdom, your knowledge, for sharing all of that with us. Where can people find you? Learn more about you all?

Carmen Tuleta:

of the things. Well, right now, my website's on an overhaul, so that's that's coming, but I do have a link to book a session with me, so I'll I can give that to you and you can pop it in the show notes. And I do have an Instagram account. I'm also doing an overhaul there, but I'm still there and I'm still showing up there, um, with a little bit of a twist on my um, how I look at human design and how I help people, and I have so much fun over there. I was like you gotta go.

Erin Gray:

You gotta go watch Carmen, cause she's so fun. She like throws twists on things and she's just yeah, it's. It's fun to like talk about things in such a fun, easeful, like not serious way, and Carmen does a great job with that yeah.

Carmen Tuleta:

We have enough serious in life. Oh my gosh, have some fun, let's have some fun, yeah, yeah.

Erin Gray:

So thank you everybody for listening, thank you for watching and thank you, carmen, again, I appreciate it. Thank and thank you, carmen, again, I appreciate it. Thank you, thank you for tuning in today. I appreciate you spending your time with me. I created grow the CEO cohort for the entrepreneur that wants to be in a community with other heart based entrepreneurs. It's a place where we blend the 3d of money, like understanding your bookkeeping and taxes and investing and how it applies to your business, along with the 5D of money, like the energetics and the emotions that you feel with money. To learn more about Grow the CEO cohort, you can head over to my website at generatealifewelllivedcom. And, as always, from my soul to yours,

What is type in Human Design
Understanding Manifestors
Manifestors: Initiating and Informing
Manifestors: Emotional Alignment
Manifestors: Starting and Finishing
Connect with Carmen
Grow the CEO Cohort Overview