Generate a Life Well Lived

Ep. 47 What is a Manifesting Generator in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)

May 08, 2024 Erin Gray
Ep. 47 What is a Manifesting Generator in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)
Generate a Life Well Lived
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Generate a Life Well Lived
Ep. 47 What is a Manifesting Generator in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)
May 08, 2024
Erin Gray

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Join Carmen Tuleta and I as we dive into Manifesting Generator type on this podcast.  
We delve into the importance of recognizing emotional signals—frustration, anger, satisfaction, and peace—and how these guide us toward living in harmony with our innate design.  And we also discuss the power of the pause with all types including Manifesting Generators.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is type in Human Design
  • Overview for Manifesting Generators
  • Importance of the pause and visualization
  • Skipping steps is part of the process
  • Reconnecting to the sacral response

If you would like to dive deeper into your chart and receive a personalized reading from Carmen, you can connect with her here (   or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

Generate a Life Well Lived website

Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Want to connect? You can send me a text message💞

Join Carmen Tuleta and I as we dive into Manifesting Generator type on this podcast.  
We delve into the importance of recognizing emotional signals—frustration, anger, satisfaction, and peace—and how these guide us toward living in harmony with our innate design.  And we also discuss the power of the pause with all types including Manifesting Generators.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is type in Human Design
  • Overview for Manifesting Generators
  • Importance of the pause and visualization
  • Skipping steps is part of the process
  • Reconnecting to the sacral response

If you would like to dive deeper into your chart and receive a personalized reading from Carmen, you can connect with her here (   or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

Generate a Life Well Lived website

Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

Erin Gray:

You're listening to Generate a Life Well-Lived podcast. I'm your friend and confidant, erin Gray. I'm a former certified financial planner, turned human design, financial mentor and guide to entrepreneurs. I believe our money and our business can only thrive at the level of our emotional wellbeing. I empower entrepreneurs to feel confident with their money and in their business so that they can have fun now and in the future. On this podcast, we will explore all things money, business and self-development, including human design. I hope you enjoy the journey where I share everything that I know and am continuing to learn along the way, as I honor my heart's desires while inspiring and encouraging you to do the same.

Erin Gray:

Hey, hey, my friends, how are we today? So, on today's podcast, well, actually, let's just be real, upfront and honest. We're going to have like five podcasts. We're going to break it up. So I've got my good friend, carmen Toledo on the podcast human design extraordinaire and we're going to talk about all things. We're going to talk about all things. We're going to break down each type. Um, and then how? I believe and I think Carmen agrees with this too like how it the power of the pause. Like, no matter what type you are, we all need to pause in life and in business. So first of all, thank you, carmen, for coming on and sharing all your knowledge with us.

Carmen Tuleta:

Thank you so much for inviting me. I am so pumped to be here and geek out on human design Like this is like my jam.

Erin Gray:

I was when I told Carmen. I was like Carmen, will you just come on and we can just talk about human design, cause it's a lot more fun to talk about it with someone that like knows about it, and then like, well, I think you know way more than I do and I'm like it's just going to be fun to talk about it and like dive in. And also to those of you that are listening or watching the thing that I want to, because I think a lot of people I've noticed this, carmen, I would love your take on this too A lot of people like learn about human design and then they just want to go down the rabbit hole. And we're trying to keep it very simple, very like foundational, because what I have seen is we learn all of these things and sometimes we don't embody them, and also we can get like go down the rabbit hole and then or we don't do anything, and so I always come back to like strategy type authority profile, right. So, okay, my friends, we're back with Carmen.

Erin Gray:

So on last week's podcast, we talked about manifestors. Now we're going to talk about manifesting generators and we're going to talk about and even if this isn't your type, what I would like to encourage you to do if it fills a line, if it feels good is to listen to it. Because if you have people in your life that have this type of energy, like I used to be, like oh, I'm a generator, so I'm only going to focus on generators, and then I'm like, wait a second, like I've got my children, you know, my kid, my husband, like so many people in my life. So like understanding how our energy moves might be helpful, um, if it's aligned, if it feels good for you. So let's talk about manifesting generators today. Carmen's back to share all of her wisdom, so let's dive in.

Carmen Tuleta:

So I'm going to just start with what type is. We talked a little bit in the last podcast about it and I, just in case someone doesn't listen to the first one type is kind of our foundation. It is how we energetically move through the world. It has part of our decision making strategy within it and it is basically our part of our North star.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, yeah, how we move, how our energy is. Yeah, honoring that Right. So talk a little bit about manifesting generators, how they're a little bit of blend of both and how they kind of oscillate back and forth. Um, my understanding has always been like we're kind of more in the generator. Um, my brain is like Erin. You should have talked about generators first, cause how are they going to remember? But this is where my brain goes. Um, but they're a little bit of like generators and then they, they oscillate into being manifestors.

Carmen Tuleta:

So, yeah, so manifesting generators are an offset of a generator, and generators and manifesting generators, who are energy beings, make up the biggest percentage of our population. Um, we live in an energy being world, in an energy being world. So for those of us that don't have all the energy, they kind of amp it up for us, so, which is amazing. So, like Aaron said, manifesting generators are a hybrid, in a sense, of the manifester and the manifesting generator, so they get the best of both worlds. They get to be able to initiate and they get to have all the energy to do all the things they love. So their strategy is to visualize, wait to respond, initiate and then inform. So they get the whole gamut of the two types together. And, yeah, so whenever they want to enter into something, that's what they got to do.

Erin Gray:

And the thing I think you know we talked about this on the last podcast because it's important, because people think they hear something, they think, but there's always a pause, right, and so for the manifesting generators, how it shows up is you might have an idea, right, and also you need to kind of pause and be like and there's, there's so much intricacies, I guess is the word you know, like there's so much in your chart, but we're just trying to be very simplistic and like okay, if you're new to human design, you know what is your type and how does this show up. And but the pausing of like you know responding, and like is this, you know, is this what I want to do? Because a lot of times we might have an idea right, but it doesn't necessarily mean that ideas for us, and so kind of using it from a responding like outside world issue, you know, like generator wise, and then going and initiating when the time is right.

Carmen Tuleta:

Right that pause to shows up in the visualization, right Cause you have this and, I think, because manifesting generators are in the generator aura, a lot of times they forget that visualization piece, so they don't pause to see what it's going to look like. If they do this thing, my daughter's a manifesting generator and she is one that I've actually unintentionally taught her how to visualize and she's really good at looking at what something looks like before she enters into it. So that pause is huge for a manifesting generator. Yeah, and I think whether it's to sorry, whether it's to visualize or to wait for that thing to respond to so that they can initiate.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, I think also too. Like, no matter what type you are, are you in a rush? Like asking yourself, like are you in a rush? Right? There's one thing, like we talked about in the last episode of like manifestors they just get to go and initiate, right, and that is true. But like, if you are rushing, if you are feeling pressured, like this is all about, like, what I want each of you to to really bring home is like, how does it feel in your body? Right, like we're talking about human design, but really, when I and we want to start something, we want to go do it right, depending on our type, because we think that it's going to bring us a feeling right, and so that's where the rush gets, takes place, versus the slowing down and allowing, like, where's this pressure coming from? Why am I feeling so rushed, asking yourself some questions, and so that's why you know, like the pause, like every single type, all of us need to pause before we just start getting into action.

Carmen Tuleta:

Right, and from a manifesting generator perspective as well, they move a little bit more swiftly than the rest of the types. So, and that again depends on their configuration there's caveats to everything, but because they're always looking for that shortcut, yeah, I find that they get kind of stuck in that rush and then they don't take that pause.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, my kid is a manifesting generator and she has the channel directly, like 3420. Right, and so I? I did not understand it until we started homeschooling her and she would skip pages and a lot of what manifestors, manifesting generators do, right, is they skip steps and then they go back. Right, and that's their actual process, right, that's how they learn and that's how they do it. And I saw it and I was just like Holy smokes, she's doing this naturally, right, like I, I'm a generator, so I'm like, take your time, read all of the things you know.

Erin Gray:

She's like you're slowing me down, mom, and and she's like I'm skipping to the next, like I'm skipping four, four lessons in. And I'm like, what are you doing? You haven't done? You know one, two, three or four, and but that's how she learns. And then she realizes and she gets into something and she's like, oh, I don't, I don't know that, let me go back and learn. You know steps one, two, three or four or whatever it might be.

Erin Gray:

And if you have employees like I wish I would have known this with my family's construction business, because it's like I saw, like, looking back now, now I know who the manifesting generators were, right, like this is part of your process, nothing's wrong with you. You're not doing it wrong. Like you will skip steps and you will have to go back, and you will need to to go back and you know, learn or figure out or complete or whatever it might be. And so just allowing that and knowing that about yourself from a gift perspective, versus ah, this is something that's wrong with me. Like why don't I do this Like everyone else does?

Carmen Tuleta:

Well, right, and because of the conditioning of the world around us, because you're only supposed to be doing one thing, you're only you're supposed to do things in steps and methodical, right, because we do live in a generator world. Yeah, so that can bring up a lot of stuff for a manifesting generator.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, and I see it in my daughter too yeah, so, in terms of, because they are part manifestor, part generator, right, so they do experience the anger and then, from the generator standpoint, they experience the frustration, and then it's the peace, which is the opposite of, you know, of the anger, and then it's like satisfaction, right. So just, and and the thing about our feelings and our emotions are like we're going to experience all of the range of emotions all throughout the day, or whatever, right? And also, if you ask yourself, like is frustration or is anger some of my baseline emotions that I'm feeling on a consistent basis, that might be your key to be like, hey, something might be off, right, like that's that's what I use that for of like, what are you feeling on a consistent basis, so that you know like, are you in alignment or are you not?

Carmen Tuleta:

And with that frustration and anger as well, much like the generator, when you get to a point, when you're working on something, whatever it may be, and you feel that anger and frustration come up, it's kind of like that flag to say is it time to dig a little bit deeper and really do I want to do this thing? Do I want to really dig and learn more about this thing or move forward anymore with this thing, or is it time to pivot? And it's really funny because I have both generators and manifesting generators in my life who have completely changed their lives because they've been in that place and people have have looked at them in a not so great light or judge them for it, because they've made that change, but it lit them up to make that change. So, knowing that, pivot Right, and so really, here we go back to pausing, going slow, like you've got to really check in with yourself.

Erin Gray:

And so, from a from a manifesting generator standpoint, like checking in with your sacral, asking yourself questions, getting connected to your body, because it could just be that it's frustration, right, and you're done with it, or it could actually be like no, I am frustrated, but I really care about this thing. I really want to continue and getting clear, and that only happens when there's pausing, stillness, asking yourself questions, getting connected again, you know.

Carmen Tuleta:

Yeah, the pause is huge for all of us. It's all of us.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, anything else you want to say about manifesting generators? Oh, I could go on and on.

Carmen Tuleta:

I find that a lot of manifesting generators can lose that connection to their safer response or and you've talked about this in past podcasts about finding your interview, intuition and understanding what that feeling is in your body. And some ways for them to do that is through yes, no questions. Yeah, and finding someone in your life that can ask you those yes, no questions, without any kind of judgment, so that you can reconnect to that is huge for a manifesting generator. Yeah.

Erin Gray:

And I would say also too, of like starting small.

Erin Gray:

Like I always tell my husband, it's like I'm getting, I've gotten a lot better, but in the beginning I was like start me off small.

Erin Gray:

And what I mean by that is like, are you sitting down, are your fingernails painted, is the sky blue, is it daylight outside, like stuff that you could be, like you know, and or even body you know, and so really tapping in, and I want to say to the sacral beings, manifesting generators and generators, right, like and for all of us actually, but it's like we have been conditioned to be out of our body, right, like there was a time, multiple times probably, right Like growing up up we knew we sensed something, we felt something, and we didn't have the language to explain it or we just didn't even couldn't right, and we were expected to give reasons, and so we have become detached from use your head yeah, yep, living in our living in our heads, and detached from our bodies.

Erin Gray:

So this takes some effort, it takes time, it takes patience, right, it's okay, it's a skill, um, but just that is some of the. I'm so glad you said that, because I know a lot of manifesting generators that know a lot about human design and I'm like have you asked your sacral? They're like no, didn't even think of it. It's like that is like full stop, right, like that's what we, that's what we start with.

Carmen Tuleta:

And again that comes back to how they're designed to be to just go, to be able to just I have the energy, it's the thing I want to do, and just go. And it comes back to that too. Right, they're there. I'm not sure, and you can answer this question for me a manifesting generator versus a generator, like, is it easier for one or the other to get back into their body? I don't know, I think it depends on the person and all of that. But I do know, from a human design standpoint, that because manifesting generators are a little bit faster, there's a possibility that they don't think about their body as much as someone else might. Another type might, potentially.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, yeah, I think it. I think it all just depends on the person, right, like, in how, and I think, um, yeah, it's just like so fast, like, literally, from a. I have a lot of manifesting generators in my life and the speed at which they move compared to which I move is vastly different. Like they could be on step 10 and I'm still over here at step one, right, right, and so it's just a. It's that practice of like asking yourself like, do I want to do this? Like, because so often we get suggested to do something right, and that's that responding. Right, Like we're responding to something, but it's like wait a second, slow down. Do I want to do it? Do I have the energy to do it? Does this light me up? Or is this just like and it and that? And that takes some getting used to of like asking yourself those questions and getting into it.

Carmen Tuleta:

Yeah, it's again. Comes back to the pause. Yeah Right, it's just so important it is. It is so important for all of us and I think it. I don't think it again. It doesn't matter what type you are.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, thank you so much, carmen, for all of your time, your wisdom, your knowledge, for sharing all of that with us. Where can people find you, learn more about you? All of the things Well.

Carmen Tuleta:

Right now, my website's on an overhaul, so that's that's coming, but I do have a link to book a session with me, so I'll. I can give that to you and you can pop it in the show notes, and I do have an Instagram account. I'm also doing an overhaul there, but I'm still there and I'm still showing up there with a little bit of a twist on my how I look at human design and how I help people, and I have so much fun over there. I was like you gotta go.

Erin Gray:

You gotta go watch Carmen, cause she's so fun. She like throws twists on things and she's just yeah, it's. It's fun to like talk about things in such a fun, easeful, like not serious way, and Carmen does a great job at that, yeah.

Carmen Tuleta:

We have enough serious in life. Oh my gosh, have some fun. Let's have some fun.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, yeah. So thank you everybody for listening, thank you for watching and thank you, carmen Again. I appreciate it. Thank you, thank you for tuning in today. I appreciate you spending your time with me. I created grow the CEO cohort for the entrepreneur that wants to be in a community with other heart-based entrepreneurs. It's a place where we blend the 3d of money, like understanding your bookkeeping and taxes and investing and how it applies to your business, along with the 5d of money, like the energetics and the emotions that you feel with money. To learn more about Grow the CEO cohort, you can head over to my website at generatealifewelllivedcom. And, as always, from my soul to yours,

Understanding Manifesting Generators
The Importance of Pausing and Visualizing
Skipping Steps as a Manifesting Generator
Conditioning Around Linear Processes
Frustration and Anger as Decision Flags
Reconnecting to Sacral Response
Becoming Reacquainted with the Body
The Power of the Pause
How to Connect with Carmen