Generate a Life Well Lived

Ep. 48 What is a Generator in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)

May 15, 2024 Erin Gray
Ep. 48 What is a Generator in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)
Generate a Life Well Lived
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Generate a Life Well Lived
Ep. 48 What is a Generator in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)
May 15, 2024
Erin Gray

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Join Carmen Tuleta and I as we dive into the Generator type on this podcast.  
We discuss the 2 types of frustration that Generators feel and how this might show up in our business.  We elaborate on getting back into our bodies and listening to our sacral in order to honor the way we make decisions.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is type in Human Design
  • Overview for Generators
  • What responding actually looks like
  • The power of the pause
  • Reconnecting to the sacral response

If you would like to dive deeper into your chart and receive a personalized reading from Carmen, you can connect with her here (   or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

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Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

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Want to connect? You can send me a text message💞

Join Carmen Tuleta and I as we dive into the Generator type on this podcast.  
We discuss the 2 types of frustration that Generators feel and how this might show up in our business.  We elaborate on getting back into our bodies and listening to our sacral in order to honor the way we make decisions.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is type in Human Design
  • Overview for Generators
  • What responding actually looks like
  • The power of the pause
  • Reconnecting to the sacral response

If you would like to dive deeper into your chart and receive a personalized reading from Carmen, you can connect with her here (   or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

Generate a Life Well Lived website

Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

Erin Gray:

You're listening to Generate a Life Well-Lived podcast. I'm your friend and confidant, erin Gray. I'm a former certified financial planner, turned human design, financial mentor and guide to entrepreneurs. I believe our money and our business can only thrive at the level of our emotional wellbeing. I empower entrepreneurs to feel confident with their money and in their business so that they can have fun now and in the future. On this podcast, we will explore all things money, business and self-development, including human design. I hope you enjoy the journey where I share everything that I know and am continuing to learn along the way, as I honor my heart's desires while inspiring and encouraging you to do the same.

Erin Gray:

Hey, hey, my friends, how are we today? So, on today's podcast, well, actually, let's just be real, upfront and honest. We're going to have like five podcasts. We're going to break it up. So I've got my good friend, carmen Toledo on the podcast human design extraordinaire and we're going to talk about all things. We're going to talk about all things. We're going to break down each type. Um, and then how? I believe and I think Carmen agrees with this too like how it the power of the pause. Like, no matter what type you are, we all need to pause in life and in business. So first of all, thank you, carmen, for coming on and sharing all your knowledge with us.

Carmen Tuleta:

Thank you so much for inviting me. I am so pumped to be here and geek out on human design Like this is like my jam.

Erin Gray:

I was when I told Carmen. I was like Carmen, will you just come on and we can just talk about human design, cause it's a lot more fun to talk about it with someone that like knows about it, and then like, well, I think you know way more than I do and I'm like it's just going to be fun to talk about it and like dive in. And also to those of you that are listening or watching the thing that I want to, because I think a lot of people I've noticed this, carmen, I would love your take on this too A lot of people like learn about human design and then they just want to go down the rabbit hole. And we're trying to keep it very simple, very like foundational, because what I have seen is we learn all of these things and sometimes we don't embody them, and also we can get like go down the rabbit hole and then or we don't do anything, and so I always come back to like strategy type authority profile, right. So, okay, my friends, we're back with Ms Carmen Toleta Toleta.

Erin Gray:

Ms Taleta Um, she is human design extraordinaire. She and I have been talking about manifestors, manifesting generators, on this week's podcast. We're going to talk about generators and you know what is type, how do you move through the world, the pause, all of the things. We're trying to break it down and keep it super simple for each of you, um, that are listening. So that because, at least when I started, it was like Holy smokes, this is a lot of information, so, like, what are the little tidbits that we can get? So, thank you, carmen, for being here.

Carmen Tuleta:

Oh, thank you for having me. I love to geek out on human design, so this is perfect.

Erin Gray:

So let's talk about generators. I am a generator, um. I have some generators in my life, um. But you want to talk about, like, what type is, first of all, and then let's dive into like, how does it show up in the real world?

Carmen Tuleta:

Sure. So our type again, and I've said this on the last few podcasts as well is our foundation. It is our aura field. It's how we energetically interact with the world. It is part of our decision-making strategy and it's kind of like our North Star. It is how we know how our energy flows and our energy works I should say, rather than flows. So it's our foundation, yeah.

Erin Gray:

So let's talk about generators. Obviously, they're sacral beings, just like on the last podcast, like manifesting generators, and generators make up about 70 ish percent of the population, right? Um, and we have a defined sacral. So, and I think sometimes we hear human design and we're like, oh, I don't have that, or it's just do you have consistent access to this energy? Right, and so we have consistent. Go ahead, we all have the same parts.

Erin Gray:

Yes, yes, please preach. Yes, use human design from an empowerment, empowering standpoint. Do not use anything that we say against you like use it from to empower you and like, oh, okay, I just have that consistent energy. And I will say, like I have consistent energy, let me say this I have consistent energy for the things that let me up, because I always talk about this story about.

Erin Gray:

I didn't know about human design back then, but when my kid wanted me to play Barbies with her and at the time I was a no for it, but I was doing it from a place of like you should and a good mom does, but I would fall asleep on her every time. We would play Barbies, yes, but if she were to ask me to go bike riding, or she would ask me to paint, or she would ask me to cook, or just lots of other things. I had boundless amounts of energy for it. So we we do have a lot of energy when it's something that lights us up, and, yeah, we get excited about something that lights us up and, yeah, we get excited about.

Carmen Tuleta:

Right, and when a generator is doing things that doesn't light them up, that's when burnout happens, and I truly believe. Um, since I've been working with human design, I think that sacral beings are almost the ones that will burn out, worse, in a sense, than a non-sacral being, because they're just designed to have that energy. And when it's not being used up, it's sitting there and it's almost like this. I don't want to say powder keg, but it's just this it's not being used, so where is is that energy going? It's staying in your body, right? So when you think of when you're not releasing something, how does that show up in your body?

Erin Gray:

Yeah, and I think about like we're just with every type right, like we're so conditioned to be a certain way, and so if you're not connected to your body like the thing I love about human design is like how do we use this to get into our body? Right? And so from a generator standpoint, like if you're not connected to your body and you're shooting yourself and this is for all types too, right but like if you're shooting yourself and you're forcing yourself to do something, like if you're connected to your body, you will feel it. It will feel like trudging through the mud and takes you 10 times longer to do something than you know, if it's something that lights you up and and you love doing it.

Carmen Tuleta:

Right, and I think that kind of goes for all types as well, because no one wants, no one loves doing stuff that they don't like doing. Right, so I mean, but when for a generator? When they are doing things that they love, they have sustainable energy. And same with the manifesting generator when they're doing stuff that lights them up, they have that energy. And I think I think there's this misconception that other types don't do, don't have to do things that they love. They can just figure it out or have to wait for the certain invitation, like a projector has to wait for an invitation. But I think that no matter what type you are, you have to have that passion or creativity in some way, shape or form. It just doesn't necessarily. This is where I go back to like energy.

Erin Gray:

Right, Like if we just take away human design. Like, energetically, are you vibing on a low frequency because you're just forcing yourself to do something, versus that higher frequency of like this feels really good in my body.

Carmen Tuleta:

Right, um, that's a way better way to explain it.

Erin Gray:

So for for us, generators, right, like you want to talk about what is our, our strategy, and what does that actually look like in the real, real world, in the business world? And then the power of the pause.

Carmen Tuleta:

Okay, so for a generator it's wait to respond. So that waiting piece is probably one of the hardest things for a generator. For anybody waiting is not easy for that thing to show up. So I don't know you can speak to this. Your generator, how does it feel to wait for that thing to respond to? Especially when you want something to do, like when you want to go.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, I thought that originally, I thought, oh gosh, like that may take forever. But I also believe now, like there's lots of things to respond to, constantly happening, and like being. I think for me it's like choosing what do I want? Like, here we go back to the desire, right, the heart, like I could go do X Y, z, but do I actually want to do that? Like I'm responding to something, but like, is that a soul or a lit up desire? Um, and I think in the beginning, right, like cause, we're taught. Here we go back.

Erin Gray:

We were talking, you know, at the very first episode, or about um podcast episode, about manifestors. You know, like I I don't have this proof, but I think a lot of the business, old school business world is manifestor, energy, right, like, you go out, you initiate, you do the thing, and so that was a lot of relearning for me of like, no, let me see things to respond to, because I would have an idea and then I would just go and initiate versus is is, you know, in our human network, are they like, are they talking about that? Is that something that I want to do? Does that light me up? And so I think it's the trust part right, like, I think, for everybody, like believing that we can have what we want in an effortless, peaceful way. I think that has been my, my lesson.

Carmen Tuleta:

Right. So I think, too, with a generator. They are so relational, so having those people around them to have the things to respond to is extremely helpful because they, your energy, or generator energy, is very, um, inviting. It's like a warm hug when you think of it. Right, it's and it is, it is, and I will be the first person to admit Erin, you are like a big warm hug.

Carmen Tuleta:

Um like Olaf, perfect, I love you. So, um, I completely lost my train of thought. Oh, oh, yes, so, um, having those people to respond to and those things to respond to is is almost tetramount for a generator.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, and and for sure I can attest to that Like I do get frustrated, like I'm doing more now that we live in Idaho versus Maui. There are more events for me to go to. There are more like and yeah, there was there, but not like business stuff, right. And so now that I get to get out and I get to meet other people and I'm not just with my two humans in the house, that has really helped, because I do notice frustration when I'm just with my two humans in the house, um, wanting and and almost craving other people and that, that energy of of other people.

Carmen Tuleta:

Right, and, but there still has to be some kind of a balance there too. Right Because you want to get out of the aura of people, because for a lot of us, we take on other people's energy. And I think all of us are empathic in some way, shape or form. It just depends on how we're designed from the lens of human design. Um, so no, finding that balance to be and that goes with for any type.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, absolutely, because that that's where, in the stillness, you get to ask yourself questions. In the stillness, you get to ask yourself, like, is this energy mine or not? You get to rest, you get to cleanse your energy, decompress, like that is so important for every, every type, um, regardless of definition or not, or you know all of it, um, and so our, our kind of the theme of when we're off course is the frustration and we talked a little bit about that with manifesting generators of like there's two types of frustration that generators feel right, like, there's just the frustration. You want to talk a little bit about that and how that shows up.

Carmen Tuleta:

The two types of frustration. Sorry, is that what you said? Yeah, so well. I mean there's the frustration of, like we were just talking about, of either the weight or being in the aura of people too much. There's also the frustration of too much responding, because when you're around people, you get that frustration of, okay, I need to take, like we just said, that power of pause. The other type of frustration is being I think I'm not a generator so I can't attest to this, but being pushed before you're ready. Um, because you, because generators tend to be very methodical, as you've said you got to do this, then you got to do this, then you got to do this. So when you're not at that point and you haven't done that step, that can cause frustration for the generator you haven't done that step, that can cause frustration for the generator.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, that's, that's been something that I've had to really sit with, because sometimes it feels like the world, now that I've like really leaned back and really embodied some of this stuff, it's like sometimes it feels like the world moves too fast for me and I'm and so that that like frustration of even just something as simple as, like you know, with my two mani gins, like going and skiing, like they literally move just so much faster than I do, and so honoring that and honoring like what feels good for you and we talked a little bit about the. You know the is it double down or pivot? You know so if you're feeling frustration as a generator and here's the other thing frustration is almost like it's part of the process, like it's part of what happens as you get to the next level. Like if you play video games. You know, like I'm old school back in the eighties, right, like super Mario brothers, like in order to get to the next level, like frustration is part of the process.

Erin Gray:

Like now, I welcome frustration because when I'm clear on it, when I know that it's still something I want to do, it's part of me getting to the next level and so allowing that versus I used to feel frustration and I used to try to make it go away versus checking back in and like do I still want to do this? And so the double down of the frustration versus the pivoting of like I'm not that into it anymore. Here we go back to your sacral right, like asking yourself, like is this something that I'm still lit up about? And if the answer is no, then maybe it is time to pivot.

Carmen Tuleta:

But here we go back to the pause of being really clear and not making decisions in that, in that space, Right, and back to the whole methodical thing, I think that I shouldn't say I think manifest or generators struggle to switch gears, and when they're forced to switch gears, I think that that can cause a lot of frustration as well. So, pausing and saying, okay, am I ready to switch gears, or what have you and that comes up a lot in business too as well because you're going, you're doing your thing and then this other thing that you have to respond to comes in and you're like, oh crap, how do I? I don't, I'm not ready to stop this thing. And it's like, okay, pause, take that breath If you, if you would that breath to realign, okay, so that, okay, I know that I'm frustrated and I just need to take that step back and then can I switch? Can I switch gears right now? Do I feel like I'm ready to switch gears?

Erin Gray:

or I'm thinking as you're saying this, and it's like this is why it's so. I think it's so valuable to know, like your human design people that you work with, or like even like people that you hire, like for contractors or vendors or whatever it might be like that you're, you know, doing some, that they're doing some contract work for you, because if you are moving at a speed of a generator, if you're a generator and someone is a manifesting generator like I use the word sometimes sometimes it feels like whiplash, like literally like I thought we were going down this path and now we're going over here, you know, and so honoring, honoring your energy and also honoring that that's also how other people work too. And so, yeah, anything else you want to say about generators?

Carmen Tuleta:

Um, no, visualization is another thing for a generator, I think, um, as much as it's more of a manifesting generator strategy. I think visualization can help any type, right? Because if you can't see where you're going, um, then how do you get there, right? So I think, again, that comes back to pausing.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, yeah, totally. It's just like I do a lot of like future self Right, and that that also helps me sometimes like making decisions, like would you know, aaron, a year from now, make this decision, you know. And I think that that that helps to sometimes tap into this role. Um, because here's also what I think and I'd love your feedback on this. I think sometimes a sacral beings think well, it's like let's use going to the gym. If you're starting to go to the gym and you're not used to going to the gym, your sacral actually might be a no, but when you ask yourself, am I going to feel better when I leave, you might get a different answer. And so this is where it's like human design Isn't just like a, or what do you want to call it, carmen? Like there's so many like intricacies with it. It's not a hard, and fast rule.

Carmen Tuleta:

There's no hard and fast rules. It is fluid. It is ever changing depending on the situation. It's still a tool that we can use, but we don't have to make it significant.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, and so asking yourself like that that is sometimes questions that I ask because I will get different answers depending on how I phrase the question or what it's. So just playing with it like this is experiment. You're playing with it, you're just getting to know, um, and tapping in.

Carmen Tuleta:

So and I love that you've experimented with that, because a lot of times, people can use their human design as a, um, almost a crutch yeah, I can't do this because my sacral says no, yep, or I don't love doing this, so I'm not going to do it in in that kind of sense. So that, like it is not a hard and fast rule, like there's always, there's always a different Avenue, a different way to ask, a different. It's not, yeah, it's not stringent.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, thank you so much, carmen, for all of your time, your wisdom, your knowledge, for sharing all of that with us. Where can people find you, learn more about you? All of the things.

Carmen Tuleta:

Well, right now, my website's on an overhaul, so that's, that's coming, but I do have a link to book a session with me. Um, so I'll, I can give that to you and you can pop it in the show notes. And I do have an Instagram account. I'm also doing an overhaul there, but I'm still there and I'm still showing up there, um, with a little bit of a twist on my um, how I look at human design and how I help people, and I have so much fun over there.

Erin Gray:

I was like you gotta go, you gotta go watch Carmen, Cause she's so fun. She like throws twists on things and she's just yeah, it's. It's fun to like talk about things in such a fun, easeful, like not serious way, and Carmen does a great job at that.

Carmen Tuleta:

Yeah, we have enough serious in life. Oh my gosh, have some fun.

Erin Gray:

Let's have some fun, yeah yeah. So thank you everybody for listening, thank you for watching and thank you, carmen Again. I appreciate it. Thank you, thank you for tuning in today. I appreciate you spending your time with me. I created grow the CEO cohort for the entrepreneur that wants to be in a community with other heart-based entrepreneurs. It's a place where we blend the 3d of money like understanding your bookkeeping and taxes and investing and how it applies to your business along with the 5d of money, like the energetics and the emotions that you feel with money. To learn more about growthy CEO cohort, you can head over to my website at generate a life well-livedcom and, as always, from my soul to yours.

Understanding Generators and Human Design
Generators in Human Design
What is a Generator type?
Burnout for Generators
Generator strategy and responding
Waiting to respond as a Generator
Importance of balance and stillness
Two types of frustration for Generators
Viewing frustration as part of the process
Pausing before making decisions
Using future self for decision making
Carmen's information