Generate a Life Well Lived

Ep. 49 What is a Projector in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)

May 22, 2024 Erin Gray
Ep. 49 What is a Projector in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)
Generate a Life Well Lived
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Generate a Life Well Lived
Ep. 49 What is a Projector in Human Design? (with special guest Carmen Tuleta)
May 22, 2024
Erin Gray

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In this episode, Carmen and I discuss what it actually means to receive invitations as a Projector in business.  We elaborate on the common misconceptions that we’ve heard from many Projectors as well as what the signature theme is for a Projector.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is type in Human Design
  • Overview for Projectors
  • What being invited actually looks like in the real world
  • The power of the pause
  • Leaning into trusting that the invitations will come 

If you would like to dive deeper into your chart and receive a personalized reading from Carmen, you can connect with her here (   or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

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New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

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Want to connect? You can send me a text message💞

In this episode, Carmen and I discuss what it actually means to receive invitations as a Projector in business.  We elaborate on the common misconceptions that we’ve heard from many Projectors as well as what the signature theme is for a Projector.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is type in Human Design
  • Overview for Projectors
  • What being invited actually looks like in the real world
  • The power of the pause
  • Leaning into trusting that the invitations will come 

If you would like to dive deeper into your chart and receive a personalized reading from Carmen, you can connect with her here (   or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

Generate a Life Well Lived website

Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

Erin Gray:

You're listening to Generate a Life Well-Lived podcast. I'm your friend and confidant, erin Gray. I'm a former certified financial planner, turned human design, financial mentor and guide to entrepreneurs. I believe our money and our business can only thrive at the level of our emotional wellbeing. I empower entrepreneurs to feel confident with their money and in their business so that they can have fun now and in the future. On this podcast, we will explore all things money, business and self-development, including human design. I hope you enjoy the journey where I share everything that I know and am continuing to learn along the way, as I honor my heart's desires while inspiring and encouraging you to do the same. Okay, my friends, I'm so glad you're back.

Erin Gray:

I brought Carmen Toledo on the podcast to talk about all things human design. We're going to keep it short and sweet for you, simple. We're trying to break very complex stuff down and keep it super simple. Um, because I think it's important to like we can get so overwhelmed Like. What are the couple key takeaways? So, on the last couple of podcasts, we've broken down each type so far. So we've talked about manifestors, manifesting generators and generators in the last three episodes. So if you want to go listen or watch that you're welcome to do that, and so today we're going to talk about projectors, and Carmen is a projector, and I'm so glad you're here, so let's dive in.

Carmen Tuleta:

I am I'm so glad to be here again today. Yeah, so, type projectors, so our type, is the foundation, I think, of our human design. It is how we energetically move through the world and interact with the world. It is our aura and it contains our strategy, which is part of our decision-making strategy. Our strategy, which is part of our decision-making strategy, so it's something that we always come back to. So that's kind of it's the foundation of of our design.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, so you want to talk about projectors, and I mean we're going to talk about projectors, but I'm like what I want to say is, like I've met so many projectors and this is what we both Carmen and I, feel so passionate about is never, ever, ever using your human design as a way to disempower yourself, Like, only use it to empower yourself, be delusional, Cause we're going to be delusional one way or the other, Right? So, um, and I'll talk to projectors and they're like, and if you want to share, first of all share your um like the, the strategy, and um you know, like how projectors move. And then I want to share a story that that many projectors have shared with me.

Carmen Tuleta:

Okay. So the strategy for a projector is wait for the invitation and recognition is wait for the invitation and recognition. So when I first started human design, I didn't understand what my strategy was because it seemed so complicated. And I honestly think that invitation is kind of like where to start. It can be verbal, can be energetic, but understanding how your body feels when you get that invitation is the starting point and knowing that that is an invitation for you to move forward and then it's moving into recognition. So knowing when someone recognizes you, for you, not what you do is is the key, I think, to really understanding your strategy and authority as a projector.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, a lot of projectors lately. They have found out they're a projector and then they say like well, I can't do, I can't share you know my knowledge because nobody's invited me and I would love your thoughts on this, but it's like I believe it's like you just share but you're not going and infusing your advice yet, right, like you're just sharing and people love to, to grasp onto your knowledge and all of you know all of that. And then the invitations come through sharing.

Carmen Tuleta:

So, coming back to like using it from an empowering place, it's about being seen for your knowledge and what you have to offer, and I find that as a projector it's very hard to be seen. But there's also that want to be seen, if that makes sense does that come from the ego?

Erin Gray:

do you think like the want, potentially like? Do you think that's what it means, or what do you mean by that?

Carmen Tuleta:

probably I look back at like my younger days and when you push that to be seen, so I guess in a sense it's like um not waiting for the invitation, in a sense um or the recognition. So with that pushing to be seen, um always blows back, Right yeah.

Erin Gray:

And I think here we go back to like human design and then also just like energy vibration, like, I think, anybody, whether you're a projector or not, like giving advice unless that other person is at that place where they're ready to receive. No advice goes very well when you're like trying to shove advice or what someone should do, right. And so I think, whether you're a projector or not, it's like is that other person on the other end at a place where they are ready and willing to receive the message that you're about to give?

Carmen Tuleta:

Absolutely. And as a projector, we can see quite a bit and it's off-putting, it is very off-putting. We see the things that other people don't see. So having that invitation is so tetramount. It is like almost gospel to have that, because sometimes things aren't easy to hear right and, as a projector, knowing that I have that invitation to share something is huge because it's so much more impactful and I'm not left or a projector isn't left feeling that not self theme of bitterness and resentment.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, and then what is your like when you know you're on track or when it feels like when you're in alignment? What is your, what is the emotion that typically shows up for you?

Carmen Tuleta:

for projectors, for projectors is success. Okay, yeah, yeah, it is success, that feeling of success. And it's really funny because I I was talking to someone about a projector who wasn't a projector and they're like, well, I like success and it's not success in the of what we think success is. It's not having all the things, it's not being successful, it's a feeling in the body, and I think what people don't understand is that that that that satisfaction or that signature goal of our types is not an outside thing, it's an inside feeling. Yeah, yeah.

Erin Gray:

Um, I want to go back to, because there's a couple of things that I've also heard and I'm like no, no, no, no, that's not what it means of like, oh, projectors, you know, they're not sacral being so they don't necessarily work well.

Carmen Tuleta:

So because projectors are don't have a lot of times the projectors in the room are going to be the busiest ones and it's almost a frenzied energy in a sense. Coming from my experience as a projector, maybe other projectors don't feel this, but for me it's almost like a frenzied. My daughter Ukrainian danced and my son Ukrainian danced for years, and when it came to recital time I was the mom that did all the things. I was the one running from room to room to help all the people, because I had knowledge in the area as well. But also, too, there's a misconception that there's no energy in a projector chart and there are offsets of projectors. So there is an energy projector, which I am, and it's having a motor defined for a projector. So that could be, that could be your solar plexus, that could be your heart, that could be your root. So there are such things as an energy projector, which I am, and my heart is defined. So I have a little bit of oomph.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, I think all I think everybody does right, like projectors, like you can work. It's just are you working in a way that is an alignment and that feels good in your body and you're honoring you know um the invitation? And it's not like you don't work at all, it's like, yes, you do. It's just what. Do you have the energy for honoring where you are in your energy cycle? And then, um, you said something about go ahead.

Carmen Tuleta:

The honoring piece is huge. As a projector and there's a misconception, I feel like that you have to rest. As a projector, rest looks different for all of us and resting could be doing something you love. It's something that lights you up and fills your cup, versus having a nap and I'm a napper and I require that. But once I knew that I was a projector and I wasn't just lazy, I required that time for myself to rejuvenate my energy. It was huge for me. I let go of a lot of guilt because there was a lot of guilt, because I think people who are projectors sometimes have that conditioning of they're lazy and they're not.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, so for you in terms of like the pause, like we've talked about on the other podcasts, of like how important the pauses and like pause is, and then waiting for the invitation, like you asked me about trusting and things like that, Like how has that shown up for you? And like tell us a little bit about that from a projector standpoint.

Carmen Tuleta:

So, from a projector standpoint for me and this is like very recent that I've really tapped into this for myself and really began to understand how it works for myself as a projector is actually doing the thing that I'm passionate about and putting my blinders on, and those invitations have shown up in so many different ways, in amazing ways, and that recognition I'm finally learning what true recognition feels like in my body and it's like a huge light bulb for me. It's yeah, it's been so, I think for me knowing okay I'm, I'm working on the thing that I love and doing the things, and then it's like projectors just slide after that things just come to them.

Erin Gray:

So in business, that looks like sharing your knowledge.

Carmen Tuleta:

Showing up, showing up, Okay, Um projectors can struggle with consistency because we're not energy beings and redefining what consistently, consistently consistency looks for us is huge. So, for instance, showing up on social media you do not have to show up every day. Consistency. Consistency isn't showing up every day, that's frequency, yeah. But if you're showing up, you're there two, three times a week. Whatever it is for you, that's consistent, yeah. And something before I ever was a projector that I've always said is people will come to me when they're ready for me. So knowing that, that and that's pause, right, yeah, that's sitting back and waiting and pausing.

Erin Gray:

So interesting. Um, you said about the consistency and I think that's for projectors and I think that's for everyone right, like what is your like?

Erin Gray:

like here we go back to, we're so conditioned in our, at least the Western, culture. Right Of like, consistent means like every single day and doing all the things and like even to the sacral being generator. Here I'm like that just wears me out thinking about that Right and so really using, like I say to like, using your human design in a way that like feels good. Right, like what is consistent, like everybody can struggle with consistency. Right, like cause, we have a human brain. That's like.

Erin Gray:

No, no, no no, no, no, we don't want to do that Right, and so, like what feels good for you and showing up and like committing to that and yeah, like the fun part of it, like having fun with it versus I said I was going to do this.

Carmen Tuleta:

The question I always ask myself is is this fun? How can I make this fun? Because no one wants to do stuff. That's not fun. It's like a slog right, it's yeah. And how? Why would we have energy to do those things that we love if we're putting all our energy in the things that we hate?

Erin Gray:

Yeah, you have anything else that you want to talk about and say about projectors?

Carmen Tuleta:

Oh, yeah, no, the honoring. So I think for projector as well, something that has occurred to me is who we are is rooted in relationship, because a lot of times, the people that come into our world help us with our energy. So I think that, whether it's in a marketing capacity for your business or in life, right, and this comes and we've talked about this before like the generator projector relationship. Yeah, I think that, because of the recognition between the two of them, it gives each other energy.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, what would you say to someone is like how do I start to lean back and like allow invitations to come, because it's really scary and I don't trust you?

Carmen Tuleta:

oh, um, how do I even put it into words? Because I'm just starting to figure it out for myself. It is taking that step back and finding that thing that lights you up, that you want to spend your time doing, because once you find that thing and you are honing in on that thing and finding that blinders, stuff's just going to come and trust the process.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, I was going to come and trust the process. Willing yeah, I was gonna say like willingness, like it really absolutely.

Erin Gray:

It does take some willingness and some like dip in the toe like I'm gonna try it and like leaning into the trust, right, like I always say, like you know how it feels the other way in your body and it's not like there's one way right way or one wrong way right but like you know how forcing things felt like in your body for you versus how it feels in your body now to kind of like lean back and like things just come because you're doing all of the stuff that you love to do.

Carmen Tuleta:

Right, and for me too, because I'm I am an emotional being. I stepping back and trusting is huge, whether you're in it and again is huge. Whether you're in it and again, no matter what, no matter what, your authority is stepping back and and taking that pause and and you're, like you said, trusting is huge and being willing one to do the work and one to wait.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, okay, my friends. So we've got one more, we got reflectors on the next episode. Thank you so much, carmen, for all of your time, your wisdom, your knowledge for sharing all of that with us. Where can people find you, learn more about you?

Carmen Tuleta:

all of the things. Well, right now, my website's on an overhaul, so that's that's coming, but I do have a link to book a session with me, so I'll I can give that to you and you can pop it in the show notes, and I do have an Instagram account. I'm also doing an overhaul there, but I'm still there and I'm still showing up there. Um, with a little bit of a twist on my um, how I look at human design and how I help people, and I have so much fun over there. I was like you gotta go.

Erin Gray:

You gotta go watch Carmen, Cause she's so fun. She like throws twists on things and she's just yeah, it's. It's fun to like talk about things in such a fun, easeful, like not serious way, and Carmen does a great job with that yeah.

Carmen Tuleta:

We have enough serious in life. Let's have some fun.

Erin Gray:

Let's have some fun, yeah yeah. So thank you everybody for listening, thank you for watching and thank you, carmen Again. I appreciate it. Thank you, thank you for tuning in today. I appreciate you spending your time with me. I created grow the CEO cohort for the entrepreneur that wants to be in a community with other heart based entrepreneurs. It's a place where we blend the 3d of money like understanding your bookkeeping and taxes and investing and how it applies to your business along with the 5d of money, like the energetics and the emotions that you feel with money. To learn more about growthy CEO cohort, you can head over to my website at generate a life well-livedcom and, as always, from my soul to yours.

Overview of Projectors in Human Design
Projector Strategy: Waiting for Invitations
Avoiding pushing to be seen as a Projector
Projectors and their signature theme: success
Debunking myths about Projectors not working
Importance of resting and honoring energy for Projectors
Trusting the pause and invitation process
Redefining consistency for Projectors
Carmen's information
Grow the CEO Cohort Community