Generate a Life Well Lived

Ep. 54 Exploring Reiki and Chakra Balancing (with special guest Burma Naylor)

June 26, 2024 Erin Gray
Ep. 54 Exploring Reiki and Chakra Balancing (with special guest Burma Naylor)
Generate a Life Well Lived
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Generate a Life Well Lived
Ep. 54 Exploring Reiki and Chakra Balancing (with special guest Burma Naylor)
Jun 26, 2024
Erin Gray

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Ever wondered what Reiki is and how it works?  Join me as I invited my good friend and Reiki practitioner, Burma Naylor on the podcast to discuss all things Reiki and our chakra system. 

Whether you're new to Reiki or a seasoned practitioner, you'll gain valuable insights into how Reiki works both in-person and remotely, and the profound impact it can have on emotional and physical well-being.

In this episode we discuss:

  • The significance of each chakra and how our energy flows through our bodies and impacts our wellbeing.
  • You will learn how these energy centers influence aspects of our lives from perception and self-expression to love and self-esteem. 
  • Burma shares some grounding practices like walking barefoot to help you reconnect with the earth and maintain balance in your life.
  • How reiki can be used in medical settings.

If you would like to learn more about Burma, you can connect with her via her website here ( or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

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New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

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Ever wondered what Reiki is and how it works?  Join me as I invited my good friend and Reiki practitioner, Burma Naylor on the podcast to discuss all things Reiki and our chakra system. 

Whether you're new to Reiki or a seasoned practitioner, you'll gain valuable insights into how Reiki works both in-person and remotely, and the profound impact it can have on emotional and physical well-being.

In this episode we discuss:

  • The significance of each chakra and how our energy flows through our bodies and impacts our wellbeing.
  • You will learn how these energy centers influence aspects of our lives from perception and self-expression to love and self-esteem. 
  • Burma shares some grounding practices like walking barefoot to help you reconnect with the earth and maintain balance in your life.
  • How reiki can be used in medical settings.

If you would like to learn more about Burma, you can connect with her via her website here ( or on her Instagram here (

Compassionate financial mentor and guide to female entrepreneurs so that they have peace of mind and fun with their money in order to live life now and in the future.

To join the waitlist for Grow the CEO cohort click here.

Generate a Life Well Lived website

Generate a Life Well Lived YouTube Channel

New to Human Design? You can receive your Human Design chart here

As always, thanks for listening.

From my soul to yours.

Erin Gray:

You're listening to Generate a Life Well-Lived podcast. I'm your friend and confidant, erin Gray. I'm a former certified financial planner, turned human design, financial mentor and guide to entrepreneurs. I believe our money and our business can only thrive at the level of our emotional wellbeing. I empower entrepreneurs to feel confident with their money and in their business so that they can have fun now and in the future. On this podcast, we will explore all things money, business and self-development, including human design.

Erin Gray:

I hope you enjoy the journey where I share everything that I know and am continuing to learn along the way, as I honor my heart's desires while inspiring and encouraging you to do the same. Hey, hey, my friends, how are we today? So on today's podcast, I have my good friend, Burma Naylor, and she is a Reiki practitioner. We met through. How did we meet? We met through someone else right and became fast friends. We became fast friends and we love to talk about traveling and our children and how we love to spend time by ourselves. So, burma, coming on the podcast, thank you. Thank you for having me. Yeah, so we're going to talk about.

Erin Gray:

I thought it would be fun because I always look back at like, okay, what did old Aaron, you know, used to not know about, or what are the things that I've used and played with over the years to, yeah, like, be get into my body, feel more connected with myself, and Reiki was one of those things, and so I wanted to bring Burma on to talk about it, explain what it is. We're going to talk about the chakra system. What else are we going to talk about? Um, can you do Reiki remotely? Just all the things that I would have been so inquisitive about before, cause I didn't know. And so, yeah, thank you for coming and sharing your time and all the things. So, do you want to talk about? What is Reiki Like? How? Sometimes, like when people ask certain questions, I'm like I don't even know how to describe it. It's just like I lay on the table. Burma does amazing things and I feel so much better after I get off.

Burma Naylor:

That's it. That's the definition. Yeah, well, I knew that I would be asked that question. So you're right, it's tricky to describe. Well, I don't think it's tricky to describe, I think it's tricky to define. It's kind of like if somebody said can you give me the definition of love? Well, I can tell you my experiences with it. I can tell you what I've witnessed and other people and their experiences with it, how it makes me feel. But a true definition is kind of tricky. So the word Reiki R-E-I-K-I is a Japanese word, and rei and ki, so universal energy, universal chi. It's a universal energy source that is available to all of us. Um, reiki practitioners are a conduit for that energy. So we are not doing the healing or the um uh, we are just the conduit for that beautiful energy that is Reiki, if that makes sense.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, totally so, can you. I've always come to you and physically laid on your table. But like, can you do because I mean energy, right, Like energy is all around us, it's all throughout the world Like, can you do it remotely? Um, yeah, and talk a little bit about that.

Burma Naylor:

Yeah, absolutely. Uh, you can. So again, just like you said, energy doesn't know time and space. I was reluctant to receive Reiki remotely for a long time, just because I receive Reiki very well. Just a quick little backstory I was on the receiving end of Reiki for about 20 years before ever becoming attuned to it and being allowed to offer it to others, to it and being allowed to offer it to others.

Burma Naylor:

So I know firsthand the impact that it can make, the impact that it does make and how it feels. So I enjoy being on the table receiving energy, feeling the heat from somebody's hand. But I had a circumstance where that wasn't an option for me and I knew that the benefits of Reiki were something that I needed in that moment and it was a much more profound experience than I thought that it would be. So I have offered it to folks in other countries, folks in other states. There's a gal that travels quite a bit for work. We actually met in India and she lives in Colorado, travels quite a bit for work, and we'll do kind of a late evening appointment for her when she's checked into a hotel somewhere, when she can just fall asleep afterwards, um. So yeah, it's, um, I go into my Reiki space, into my Reiki room, I place crystal stones where that person's chakras would be, and it's just as though they're laying there.

Erin Gray:

Let's talk about the chakra system. Will you explain? Because that is something that I've like had to learn over the years and like, um, I think old Aaron was like what, and now Aaron, now it's like tell me all the things, like how, um, you know, on the podcast we talk about human design and part of human design has you know, um, the modality, I guess you know, or or of of the chakra system. So do you want to dive in and just explain, like the different chakras and the energy of that and just, yeah, break that down a little bit for us.

Burma Naylor:

Sure, um, and I'll preface you know, anything that I share is my perspective right? There's thousands of different, hundreds of thousands of different books and different views on all of this, so I want to be respectful and mindful of anybody's take on this, but this is my experience and just kind of my perception and perspective of things. So chakras to me are openings in your subtle body. Your subtle body, s U B T L E is your energy body. So you have this physical body and we know when things are out of alignment there. Right, the older, older Erin gets, the more she knows. When you know, you get out of bed and you're like, oh my gosh, something's just not right in my physical body and in our energy body or our subtle body, it can be just that a bit more subtle when we just feel like something is off, something's not right.

Burma Naylor:

A lot of people use the word stuck. I try and reframe the word stuck. Stuck to me means that there's something wrong that needs to be fixed, when really I think we just need to optimize the flow of energy or the flow of chi through our body. So, um, uh, chakras are openings in that subtle body, that energy body that allows energy from the environment to flow through to our physical body. With that, energy comes um environment, energy comes um, comes um energy through um physical traumas, physical experiences, emotional traumas, emotional experiences. You think about going out in the world, um, you know, even just going to the grocery store how many?

Burma Naylor:

people you interact with, right on the road, in the grocery store, in the checkout line, coming home, and everybody you know we're energetic beings, so we're all walking around sharing energy, being connected. So at the end of the day we can feel a little heavy, right, we can feel like gosh, something's just not right and and we pick up energy that doesn't belong to us and that comes in through our chakras. So, again, going back to that word stuck that a lot of people use, I like that optimal energy flow. So sometimes you can have more energy flowing in a part of your body, which means less energy is going to be flowing in another part of your body.

Burma Naylor:

So one of the benefits of receiving reiki is that reiki energy comes in and aligns or calibrates I like the word calibrates those chakras. There's nothing wrong with it. It's like your brakes in your car, right, you don't necessarily need new brakes, you just need to recalibrate what's happening. Right, you need to recalibrate the alignment in your car, so to speak. So Reiki to me um, I love the description of it's kind of like a um, like a chiropractic adjustment for your energetic body, right, it just kind of puts everything back in alignment. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Erin Gray:

So what? Like I have my thoughts on why, why energy gets, um, what did we say? It's not optimized, like, what was the word that we want to say? Cause I always want to look at it, cause that you and I are very similar in the sense, like we always want to be talking about it from an empowered place, Right, um. And so when it isn't moving right, maybe on a more consistent, less than optimal flow, there you go, less than optimal, there you go. Um, what are some? You said, like you know, physical traumas, emotional traumas, and I think it's one of those things of like we I think this is a Western society thing is like we, we are moving so quickly that we, we aren't necessarily in tune with our bodies until it gets to a certain point and then we're like Whoa, like something is off and so, um, you know, that's, that's at that place. Where would you say that the energy is? Like at less than optimal and that's why you are feeling how you're feeling, like, like, would that be a yeah?

Burma Naylor:

yeah, it's, there's an imbalance, right. So just like, yeah, yeah, just like in your physical body there's an imbalance of things and that causes disease, right, disease, yep. So same thing in our energy body when things are out of balance, um, there's consequences for that. So you know, and going back to you know, kind of that Western society I mean the whole world is, but I think especially Western society we're very much in fight or flight, right, our adrenal systems are just tapped constantly. You know, stress and chaos has been kind of worn as a badge of honor. I think the collective is shifting away from that and we're honoring a different speed of life and a different way of living, but we're still, you know, dealing with the impact of stressful lives, and so when we are constantly in fight or flight, there are consequences, both physically and energetically, that happen to us, and so we're depleted of our energy or there's an imbalance in that energy, balance in that energy. And so Reiki gives that fight or flight a moment to just take a back seat and it activates our parasympathetic nervous system so that we can shift into rest and digest.

Burma Naylor:

And what's really beautiful about it? I have the opportunity and the honor a lot of times to be there for somebody's first Reiki session, and it is such a beautiful experience. It doesn't have to be somebody's first experience for this, but afterwards there's just this quiet moment when you can watch them experience what their body is meant to be like, how they are meant to be, how their nervous system feels when it's in alignment, and that can be their new normal. And so you know the the the body has amazing muscle memory and energetic memory to be able to go wait a minute. This is possible. Now.

Burma Naylor:

I didn't realize that this is possible intuitively we did, but maybe it's been a long time, if ever since we felt that way, since we were in that state of rest or digest, rest and digest, and so that you know you can walk out of that Reiki room. And that can be your new normal. And my hands are like this because I think of it. It's almost like holding your peace right. This is how I can feel now, and anything that takes me out of that peace, you know, doesn't mean we can just be in Reiki bliss all day as we go about. You know our days, but we can to a certain extent, if we recognize, wait. This is my new normal. And let me just pay attention to the things that are happening, whether it's in traffic or when I go to work or when I go home, that are pulling me out of this state, and just that awareness, and just the possibility of knowing that it's possible to feel that way, can make a huge impact in somebody's life.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, and I always say, like it's, it's not from a place of rush, but like, how quickly do we get back Right, Like the state of being calm and and regulated, and like, yes, we're going to have these ebbs and flows, but like, how quickly can we get back to that peaceful, like you're saying, energy that we're in versus, I think, a lot of us I know I was this way for a long time Like stress was my normal state of being, right until I got away from it and I was like, oh, actually, like this is, this is how we're supposed to, you know, experience and, um, yeah, move through the world.

Erin Gray:

I want to, if you're open to it, like diving into the chakra system, like those the different, like each um chakra and like what it is, because I know with you and me a lot of times you notice things and you're totally okay to to share, like whatever you know you've felt with me, um, but yeah, just the different, different chakras and like um, yeah, like what they are and and your, your take on that yeah, like what they are, and and your, your take on that, yeah, um, so again, there's a wide breadth of of explanation that many people can have.

Burma Naylor:

So this is, this is my explanation, right, yeah, uh, so we have many, many, many chakras in our body, um again, openings to the, to the energy, to the energy of the environment, openings where that's allowed to come in. But we have seven main chakras that we kind of focus on, or if you see any, you know drawings or whatnot. These are the kind of the seven main chakras that we look at. Six of them are actually in our body and one is just above our body, our crown chakra. So our crown chakra is our connection to the cosmos. So your connection to spirituality, the divine God source, whatever words you want to put in there, it doesn't matter what word, it is right. So that's your connection to spirituality, right here.

Burma Naylor:

Your third eye, or your Ajna I know you're familiar with this through human design, but your third eye is how you see the world, right, your perception of the world when you you know you can, you'll see people if they forget something and they're like oh man, where did I put that when? Where is that Right? That's you coming back into that space? Where was I when I lost my keys? Where was I when I set my phone down? So that's how you see the world, how you see your perception of the world, your throat chakra, that's going to be where you speak your truth, where you or not, or not, yes, yes, if it's less than optimal, that might be the case. So, yeah, speaking your truth, knowing your truth, but also knowing when to hold your tongue, right? So I think a lot of times, especially a lot of women, will come in and and they may not speak up. They may not, you know they, for whatever reason, their life has led them to not feeling comfortable or not feeling empowered to be able to speak up for themselves. And the opposite of that is true, where sometimes it's best not to speak up in that moment, right, if it's not coming from a loving space.

Burma Naylor:

So, going back to that explanation of optimal energy, I use the example of like watering the garden. Right, so you can take the hose out to the garden, water the tomatoes and have just a little dribble of water coming out and it'll get the job done. But it's not the ideal way to do it, right, it's not the most optimal way to water the garden. The opposite is true, where you can turn the hose on full bore, come out and soak the tomatoes, and we all know what's going to happen there.

Burma Naylor:

So that analogy, I think, is applicable with our throat energy, or our throat chakra, our heart space. That's going to be how we receive love, how we give love, and I think what has really been overlooked for a long, long time is self-love. That has really been overlooked for a long, long time is self-love, self-compassion, our love for ourselves. And then, just below that area is going to be your solar plexus. That's going to be kind of just below the bra line. That's going to be how you see yourself in the world. So here is how you view the world, and your solar plexus is how you see yourself walking through this world in this lifetime. It's going to be where our self-image, our self-esteem comes from. And then, just a few inches below your belly button, that's going to be your sacral chakra. That's your creative center, your sexual center, your survival center, your will center, your, your will, um. This is an interesting area again for women. Um, we have a lot of times where our creative energy and our sexual energy can kind of become um, especially for moms. Um, that area, when it's been in our you know that energy has been given to our womb space and that energy will shift from creativity maybe into motherhood. And so sometimes, you know, as our children get older, as they grow, and we're figuring out wait, they don't depend on us the way that they needed you know, the way they once did, and it usually happens at the age of like 11, 12, 13. That mother energy, I think it's really beautiful when that can be recalibrated into creative energy or sexual energy, so that we can kind of reclaim that energy back, and then, just below the pelvic area is going to be a root chakra. That's your connection to the earth.

Burma Naylor:

You hear a lot of times people talk a lot about being grounded. Right, they don't feel very grounded or they need to do some grounding exercises. It's like what in the world does that mean? Well, when we're feeling flighty and we're to do some grounding exercises, it's like what in the world does that mean? Well, when we're feeling flighty and we're, we're spending time in our head, um, and in other spaces. It's really important to come back in and come into that root chakra. Connect to the earth, um, one of the best ways to do that is just go barefoot in the grass, um, or the sand at the beach, um. That's going to be also your connection to your ancestors um your knees or your womb space, so both your own womb and the womb that you came from and ancestrally. So that's just kind of a brief overview of my perception of of the shock.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, yeah, um, I was going to ask you.

Erin Gray:

You mentioned like some grounding exercises, um of like just walking barefoot.

Erin Gray:

Do you have any other cause? I think you know what's coming to mind is like my parents they would always like make comments, cause Grayson used to always she still kind of does always be barefoot, and like how we've been conditioned to like not have dirty feet or something like that, and like how it kind of takes us away from you know, like being like wearing, wearing um just our feet right, like no shoes, just being in either grass or just walking, um, like there's, there's just little things that we've done over time to like in a way like disconnect us, right, maybe right from from nature, from ourselves, um, and so you have any other grounding exercises that you recommend? Or is that like pretty us right, maybe right From from nature, from ourselves, um, and so you have any other grounding exercises that you recommend? Or is that like pretty well, like that's, that's a good one of like just try walking with your without you know shoes on for a while and just be in the grass, like it feels so good to just be in the grass?

Burma Naylor:

It does, I know. That's why I love spring. Um, yeah, and if you don't have the opportunity or you're not able to be barefoot, just walking, just grounding and connect, connecting with the earth is really important. Um, also, your breath. There's just nothing more important than your breath. And bringing you back back into that moment, um, you know, a lot of times, um, through the different events that I do, I talk to people a lot about meditation and there's this myth out there that grounding or meditation, or grounding meditations, that it has to be kind of what it looks like Uh, I don't know in the pictures orchestrated.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, yeah, exactly yeah.

Burma Naylor:

It's like I've got to set some time aside and not. That ritual isn't beautiful. It's beautiful to have those rituals, but you know, or I've got to set some time aside and light the candles and do all the things and, gosh, I haven't meditated or done any grounding exercises in a long time, cause I don't have time to do that, or I'm not making space for that. Go for a walk. Go for a walk. It doesn't have to be a big ritual, it doesn't have to be a big word deal. So, you know, matching your um, doing something called box breath, um, is a wonderful way to do breathing. So if you can exhale a little bit longer than you inhale um, that's a really wonderful way for your lungs to expand and for your breath to come in and come into that root chakra.

Burma Naylor:

So I think, listening to your, listening to your body, listening to yourself, what's your body telling you that it needs? Do you need to go for a walk, but you don't have time because you have this list of things to do, go for a five minute walk. Go sit down in the grass, just listen. We all have this incredible ability to have to listen to our intuition and a lot of times we feel like we don't. Somebody else has that power or somebody else has that gift and we all have that power and we all have that gift. So if we tune in and just listen and it really can be as simple, it is as simple as saying what do I need right now? And whatever comes to your mind is the answer. It's that simple.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, I think we try to complicate it right, like exactly what you're saying, like we, we, the self-development world, is like it's gotta be all these things, and it's like sometimes it just that it I don't want to say it prevents us, but we, we allow that to prevent us from just doing the thing. Right, like okay, it doesn't have, the meditation doesn't have to be 20 minutes, it doesn't have to be an hour, it can be literally like you're saying, like am I breathing from like up here or am I breathing from, you know, from my down below in my belly? You know? Like, how am I even?

Burma Naylor:

breathing at all Okay.

Erin Gray:

That's a good one too.

Burma Naylor:

Really you would be surprised. I mean, even as you were saying that I was paying attention to my breath and I was like, oh, I think I've been holding my breath, other than some really shallow breathing as I'm talking about it. So, with all of this, it's really just the awareness of is such a huge step. It's such a huge step Just being aware of wait a minute, I've noticed something is out of alignment with me. I don't feel right. What is it? What can I do that can help? And Reiki has been just a huge blessing in my life on the receiving end and most certainly on the offering side. Um, you know, just actually I mentioned this when we talked on the phone the other day. But, um gosh, what day was it? Friday or Saturday? It was Saturday. Um, I felt like I had had a bunch of caffeine and I didn't. I just felt kind of wiry and the opposite of grounded and jittery and just kind of felt like everything was spiraling. And I now know that that's my body's way of of giving me some signs and giving me some messages. And for me, the way to resolve that is to receive a Reiki session. So I reached out to a friend um, that is also a Reiki session. So I reached out to a friend that is also a Reiki practitioner and thankfully she was able to get me in that same day and I left like that's what I needed.

Burma Naylor:

And so many times we want to figure out what it is that's causing it. What is this? What's going on which? There's absolute value in all of that? There really is, but you know what? What's at the root of this, what's happening? But sometimes you don't have to do that. Or, in addition to that, just being open to receive the energy of Reiki and the beautiful power of Reiki.

Burma Naylor:

One of the powers of Reiki is that it helps you let go of what no longer serves to make room for what's waiting to come in, of what no longer serves to make room for what's waiting to come in, so you don't have to know what it is that's happening in your energy body or your physical body that doesn't serve any longer.

Burma Naylor:

And you notice I didn't say that that it's bad or that it's negative, because it's not necessarily it just doesn't serve anymore. And so your only job when receiving Reiki is to just being open to receive and Reiki that energy that is Reiki goes to the places and the spaces that it needs to to help remove what no longer serves, and then it makes room for all of the goodness that's on the peripheral of that energy body that's been waiting to come in, but there hasn't been room for it. So that's exactly what happened to me on Saturday when I received my session and, um, I'm glad that I am making it a bigger part of my um self-care regimen instead of going like, oh my gosh, what can, what can I do? And I'm having these conversations with people that come to me and then finally realizing why don't I practice what I preach and do more of that?

Erin Gray:

I'm so glad you said that because I think a lot of times, like we do want to search for that and like that keeps us in our what I call I mean, I know our head is part of our body and also, like it keeps us in our head versus just like getting into the body right, like checking in with your breath, or just like allowing whatever it is to like there was. It was probably a year ago and I was like I couldn't figure out the sensation that I was feeling and I was like search, like in my brain I was searching for it. I'm like what is this feeling? And I'm like, wait, we're totally bypassing. Like just feel whatever you are feeling in this moment, right, and then it just passed.

Erin Gray:

And so I think sometimes we want to like figure out what it is, like you said, and it has value, and also, like we don't always have to be figuring it out. We can just like, okay, allow it. And like allow it to pass through and feel what needs to be felt and just be prepped Like cause, really what you're saying, right, it's like being present, right With where we are in this moment. Um, I want to talk a little bit about because I don't know, because for some of you that might be listening or watching, like when Burma does, would you say like will you do Reiki on me? Or like what is the actual terminology that you I'm like what do I?

Burma Naylor:

you know I think everybody has a different terminology I, if I ask somebody if they've received Reiki before, that's what I say have you received Reiki? So I invite Reiki in because, again, I'm, I'm a conduit for that energy. So, um, so, yes, I. So I would say you know when, when your Reiki session starts.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, yeah. And one of the things and I love that you use the description like love because it's like whenever I leave and I come back, my family's always like well, and I'm just like this, like you know, it's like you can't even describe it. It's just like go have a session and see what it feels like. Because it's just this, like there are things I think you might notice because and and I think we all had, like you said, we all have the intuitiveness, we all have that but like there are things that when you have you have um, just attuned to thank you. I'm like what is the word I want to use? Yeah, been attuned to that you notice, or my body might do things, and then you pick up on that and I think it's just like such a um, yeah, it's just an amazing experience. It's like I can't describe it. It's just like you go in and then it's like you feel so calm and refreshed afterwards and it's like, yeah, maybe there doesn't need to be any language for it. It's just like that. That like ah, feeling of um.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, like you said, like the recalibration, the like groundedness. And I'm curious, for do you see people that? Because I think another thing to a lot of us deny what our bodies are telling us. Right Like we, pain shows up, like you said this briefly but like dis-ease in our bodies. Right Is because that energy isn't at its most optimal level. And so do you see people that come to you that either are having pain in certain areas and that's because that energy is kind of staying there versus moving or yeah, things of that sort, absolutely.

Burma Naylor:

Um, you know, I don't pay a whole lot of attention, no-transcript medical settings, clinical settings, which is really wonderful, and I have the honor of being able to do that, as many others have as well.

Burma Naylor:

So, yes, there are case studies, scientific studies out there and many more in the works that show, you know, reduction in stress, reduction in healing time after surgeries or after a treatment. So it can be something as big as you know a surgery or as what can seem as small as you know, anxiety, with somebody going to a dentist appointment or going in and and getting maybe some test results or something of that nature. So, yes, I have certainly heard people come back that have said, man, my shoulder has been hurting me for a really long time and it's just, it just feels better. So I am not a doctor and I'm not able to, you know, diagnose or state why it is that that happens. I certainly have my opinions as to why. Um, you know, we carry energy in parts of our body and if we let go of that energy that no longer serves, if that energy is allowed to leave, then we're not carrying something that doesn't belong to us.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, yeah, I'm a big like hey, everyone's responsible, go do your own research and homework and all of the things. And also like we're not medical doctors and all of the things. And also like there is, our bodies are highly intuitive, highly intellectual beings and they're always talking to us, if we're ready to listen and receive the message.

Burma Naylor:

Yeah, and I think it's important too to mention that you don't have to believe in this for it to do what it does Right. It's just like like gravity you don't have to believe in gravity, but if you fall out of a tree, you're going to learn what gravity is Right. So it's not in alignment or against any spiritual belief or religion. There's no religious dogma or anything of that nature. So it is not in conflict with anything. It is universal energy, it is universal love. So, um, I think that's a really important message to share with folks.

Erin Gray:

That is too yeah. Is there any difference that you do from a medical Reiki standpoint to like when I come and I see you, or is it just like what someone comes for and maybe like is that the I didn't even think about it.

Burma Naylor:

There are different attunements, um, that we receive um in addition to medical training, um, uh, or medical Reiki training. So, yes, there are additional attunements, different attunements, and then there's also some helpers in the energy world, energetic world that are invited in through the trainings. So, yes, and also, you wouldn't have to go to somebody you know if you were able to, if you were looking to have a medical procedure of some sort. You don't have to go to somebody that has that medical credential in order to receive the benefits of Reiki. Reiki will help. I think the biggest difference and the biggest thing to note is that it gives us some of the medical training that allows us to go into those credentials that allow us to go in to that Western medicine world. So it's less about the Reiki energy as it is about the credentials, knowing that we've had some training to be able to go in and understand our role in a medical procedure.

Erin Gray:

Okay, so if someone is like having pain or something like that, they can just go see someone that does Reiki. It doesn't have to be a medical, because energy is energy is energy, right, yep, yep, absolutely, yeah, okay, anything else that you want to add that maybe I didn't get a chance to ask or think about or know about, to ask?

Burma Naylor:

I'm sure when we hang up I'm going to be like, oh man, I wish I would have said this. So, um, you know, as I mentioned the other day when we were talking, I just try and be mindful of, um, not to say too much, because I wouldn't want to say something or use words that might alienate somebody that might have an interest in coming and receiving Reiki. So if anybody is listening or watching that is curious, just go try it, it's fantastic. It doesn't have to. It's just wonderful. It helps Like a big warm hug.

Erin Gray:

It is a big warm hug. I don't know what else to say.

Burma Naylor:

Yeah, I want to make sure that everybody knows. So, yes, you were on a like a massage table, but it is closed on, um, except for Aaron sometimes. You know um it is. It is closed on. You can have your eyes open or closed.

Burma Naylor:

Um, you know everybody that you go to is going to have a um kind of a different process or you know their. Your experience is going to be a little bit different, just like if you go to anybody else right there. Their waiting room or their space might be a little bit different. But, um, you know, I think too, and I've had people do this before where, um, they were new to Reiki or even maybe those that had were experienced with receiving Reiki before we met first you know you are sharing space energetically and it's important that you feel in alignment with that person, that you feel safe. So, you know, I encourage somebody to you know, reach out to whoever you might be thinking of or Googling, to have a session with and have a conversation with them, whether it's on the phone, or come meet in person, and you know you feeling safe is the most important thing so that that rest and digest can be activated.

Erin Gray:

Yeah, no, that's really good to point out. And also like, yeah, I like lay on the table and she gives me a little bolster for my knees and I put blankets on and it's like nice and just like you said, a really nice, soothing place to relax in, to then be able to be. Yeah, for you to work your magic.

Burma Naylor:

So, oh, wait, one other thing Um, children, oh, okay, yeah, tremendously from Reiki. So, um, children that are still in the womb to you know, people that are a hundred years old or or on um hospice or or um are you know people that are are very healthy, people that are not healthy physically, everybody can receive Reiki and have benefits of this. So your experience, when you come into my space, where you know there's an eye pillow and it's quiet and those sorts of things, that looks very different with young children. I see kiddos as well and I love that. We talk about energy, we talk about different things. Um, sometimes they'll bring a book in and read it. Reiki doesn't care right. My kids can receive Reiki when they're watching TV it, you know it doesn't have to be any set um ambience or a ritual. That's happening Um. So children benefit very, um very well from Reiki as well.

Erin Gray:

Oh, thank you for saying that. Yeah yeah, energy doesn't, like you said, doesn't know time, space, boundaries, anything at all. It's all, we are all just energy, right?

Burma Naylor:

So where can people find you, burma? And if they want to do a remote session, where can they? How does that work? So I am located in Boise, idaho, um, but, uh, you can come to my website or give me a call. Um, my website is wanderlustmalesandreikicom. Look me up on Instagram, facebook. Um, let's see, I'm not a TikToker or a Twitter um or my website, and I would love to answer any questions that anybody has. Um, I can also, if you are looking to have an in-person session in your area, I can find out where you live and do a little due diligence on my side, have conversations either with you and that other person or on behalf for you, and just see if we can find a good fit.

Erin Gray:

Perfect, okay, I'll put everything in the show notes. So thanks again, verma, for sharing your time.

Burma Naylor:

Thanks so much for having me. I appreciate you have a great day.

Erin Gray:

Thank you for tuning in today. I appreciate you spending your time with me. I created Grow the CEO cohort for the entrepreneur that wants to be in a community with other heart-based entrepreneurs. It's a place where we blend the 3D of money, like understanding your bookkeeping and taxes and investing and how it applies to your business, along with the 5d of money, like the energetics and the emotions that you feel with money. To learn more about grow the CEO cohort, you can head over to my website at generate a life well-livedcom and, as always, from my soul to yours.

Introduction and overview
What is Reiki?
Remote Reiki sessions
Explaining the Chakra System
Detailed breakdown of the 7 main chakra centers
Grounding exercises and connecting with nature
Importance of breath and simple meditation techniques
The experience of receiving Reiki
Reiki in medical settings and its effects on physical pain
Differences between medical Reiki and regular Reiki sessions
Final thoughts and encouragement to try Reiki
Reiki for children and people of all ages