Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #65 Debra Greene, PhD: Unraveling the Essence of Energy Work – Insights and Practices for a Transformative Healing Odyssey

May 15, 2024 Tracy searight Season 2 Episode 65
Episode #65 Debra Greene, PhD: Unraveling the Essence of Energy Work – Insights and Practices for a Transformative Healing Odyssey
Ready Set Reiki®️
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Ready Set Reiki®️
Episode #65 Debra Greene, PhD: Unraveling the Essence of Energy Work – Insights and Practices for a Transformative Healing Odyssey
May 15, 2024 Season 2 Episode 65
Tracy searight

Embark on an enlightening exploration of energy work and healing with Debra Greene, PhD, a profound voice in the field with three decades of experience. Throughout our time with Debra, you'll discover the incredible journey from her initial intrigue by a psychic reading to her current endeavors in Panama. Her insights into the energetic web of life challenge us to look beyond tangible reality and consider the unseen forces at play. We uncover how intention, much more than mere hands-on practices, can shape our world and our well-being. Join us as we dismantle common misconceptions and reveal how energy work requires active and participatory engagement for transformation.

As we navigate the complexities of the energy healing landscape, Debra imparts wisdom on the delicate balance of sensitivity, the importance of inner resilience, and the ethical commitment necessary in this practice. Her recommendations for newcomers in the field, along with suggested readings, provide a road map for those embarking on their energy work journey. This episode is also a clarion call to consider the impact of modern technology, such as wireless radiation, on our energetic health. It's a conversation that intertwines personal growth with the imperative to serve others in a world where energy is an ever-pervasive influence.

We wrap up with practical offerings from our online platform, Feather Sister Wellness, where meditation, yoga, and Reiki converge to provide tools for self-mastery and inner peace. Debra guides us through a visualization exercise to align and center our energy, proving how accessible and powerful these practices can be. 

If you like to reach out to Debra 
Debra Greene, PhD

Energy Psychology & Mind-Body Integration


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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

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Embark on an enlightening exploration of energy work and healing with Debra Greene, PhD, a profound voice in the field with three decades of experience. Throughout our time with Debra, you'll discover the incredible journey from her initial intrigue by a psychic reading to her current endeavors in Panama. Her insights into the energetic web of life challenge us to look beyond tangible reality and consider the unseen forces at play. We uncover how intention, much more than mere hands-on practices, can shape our world and our well-being. Join us as we dismantle common misconceptions and reveal how energy work requires active and participatory engagement for transformation.

As we navigate the complexities of the energy healing landscape, Debra imparts wisdom on the delicate balance of sensitivity, the importance of inner resilience, and the ethical commitment necessary in this practice. Her recommendations for newcomers in the field, along with suggested readings, provide a road map for those embarking on their energy work journey. This episode is also a clarion call to consider the impact of modern technology, such as wireless radiation, on our energetic health. It's a conversation that intertwines personal growth with the imperative to serve others in a world where energy is an ever-pervasive influence.

We wrap up with practical offerings from our online platform, Feather Sister Wellness, where meditation, yoga, and Reiki converge to provide tools for self-mastery and inner peace. Debra guides us through a visualization exercise to align and center our energy, proving how accessible and powerful these practices can be. 

If you like to reach out to Debra 
Debra Greene, PhD

Energy Psychology & Mind-Body Integration


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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 2:

This is Ready Set Reiki a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, from the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher, welcoming all systems, all lineages and all levels. Reiki is a journey, not a destination, and on this Ready Set Reiki journey, we refer to ourselves as guides rather than hosts, as we too are traveling, supporting each other and learning on this Reiki journey as well. And with that said, I'm your first guide, tracy Seawright, and I'm your second guide, tracy.

Speaker 4:

Seawright, and I'm your second guide, millie Pampina.

Speaker 2:

And today, what a privilege it is to have our guest Debra Green Now. Debra has earned a PhD from Ohio State University and has been an innovator in the healing arts for 30 years. Her background is energy medicine and she has co-presented with Biology of Belief with Bruce Lipton and other Illuminaries. She combines the best of ancient wisdom with modern science in her writings, presentations, private practice and online courses. Deborah has taught extensively at universities and healing centers throughout the world and is the author of the acclaimed book Endless Energy the Essential Guide to Energy Health. Welcome, deborah to Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much, really happy to be here.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, so let's just dive right in. What a fascinating background you have. You have been on an amazing journey, so let's unpack this for our listeners. So, as we begin our journey, tell me a little bit about yourself.

Speaker 3:

A nice general question to begin. I love it. Let's see. Which aspect of myself should I talk about? Well, I was born and raised in Minnesota and I, at the age of 24, I traveled around the world by myself and it was about a year and a half journey and I basically circumnavigated the globe. I started from one end and came around the other and after that incredible experience I went back to school and got a master's degree from the University of Kansas in Lawrence and then, after the master's degree, I went to Ohio State. I should say the Ohio State University. It's a school with an ego.

Speaker 2:

We know it well, so we're both.

Speaker 3:

And yes, I got my PhD from from Ohio State, and my PhD I had kind of a dual focus and I basically did all of the coursework for a PhD in communication and I did my dissertation, my research, and when I graduated then I got a full-time teaching position at John F Kennedy University in California in the San Francisco Bay Area, and so I taught there for three years. And so I taught there for three years and then during a quarter break I went to Maui Island in Hawaii on a little vacation and I just fell in love with Maui. The minute I stepped off the plane I was like, oh, I am home. And so after my two week vacation I went back and gave notice. I finished, you know, the school year. I did not abandon my students, but yeah. Then I moved to Maui and was on Maui for 24 years and then just very recently I am, I am now in Panama the country. So that's a little bit about about me Beautiful.

Speaker 2:

What a wonderful adventure, my goodness. So many wonderful places that you were able to teach students. Wow, I love it. I love it. So energy work, energy medicine. So tell me, when did it come into your life? Did you find it or did it find you?

Speaker 3:

That's a really good way of putting it. I mean, to a certain extent, I've always been energy sensitive, but in terms of energy work and I love that you use a very broad definition of energy and energy work, because it is vast and I would say, for me, I was probably around maybe 20 or 21 years old, and I mean, of course, at that time there was no internet, no online, anything, and my mom went to a psychic and after the psychic reading, she was all excited, you know, because it was a very amazing experience, and so I thought, well, I want to have one of those, you know, because it was a very amazing experience, and so I thought, well, I want to have one of those. So I scheduled my own session and was blown away. So that was my first introduction to energy work. And then it was, you know, shortly after that when I began my around the world travels. I think I started when I had just turned 24. And you know, I mean again, we're talking no email, no cell phones, no, nothing like that and the experience of traveling for a year and a half by myself around the world.

Speaker 3:

I actually got to experience this kind of energetic web that holds us together and I mean, I didn't speak the some kind of energy information web that was conducting the whole thing. I'll just put it like that. I mean I could tell you some amazing stories, uh, about that. But that was my, my second kind of immersion into the world of, of energies. And then, after that, I, when I came back, I um that I, when I came back, I um learned about kinesiology, muscle testing, which is again energy-based, you know, touch for health, um and and energy kinesiology and um applied kinesiology, which is amazing work, all based on you, the meridian system and so forth. So, and then I trained eventually in, you know, in kinesiology, and then just took off from there, because the next step was being introduced to a set of spiritual teachings, you know, esoteric teachings from the Tibetan master Dwell Kul, as communicated through Alice Bailey in the Bailey books, of which there's 24 volumes, and yeah, so that formed the foundation of my energy work. Kind of a long answer to a short question.

Speaker 2:

That's okay. It shows you how you got there and shows how diverse this is, that you don't have to have one way of looking at it there's multiple ways and that you have this web of energy right Before someone even opens their mouth. The energy speaks, does it not?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Look at it that way. So, and even you stepping foot in Maui, that energy spoke to you. It's like, yes, yes, I don't have to explore any further than putting my feet on the ground. I know this is my place, exactly. What's amazing about the energy?

Speaker 3:

wonderful yes, and what you're pointing out is is for me a really important facet, and that is it's not just energy, it's energy intimately coupled with information. Yes, it's, it's both together and yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then in practicing that, that's how you're able to slowly decode things with it. Exactly, it's speaking to you. So we're figuring out as we're journeying. You know we're navigating through this and trying to okay, what are you telling me today? How am I feeling Bringing all of this into it? So yeah, Absolutely. Beautiful. So all these experiences, you are this innovator of the healing arts for 30 years, author, you present. You have online courses, as you have found in your travels. What is a common misperception about your work?

Speaker 3:

Well, it's probably a misconception or misperception that's shared by most people who are working in the realms of energy and that is that it's woo-woo. You know the realms of energy and that is that it's woo-woo. You know that it's out there, it's left field, it's hoo-hoo-la-la, it's bliss bunny, and it's absolutely not true. You know, there is a very substantial and growing amount of science that legitimizes this work and you know, part of my job, so to speak, is to make people aware of the science of subtle energies, because it's extensive and it's growing and it legitimizes what we do. And I'm just kind of nerdy, and so I, you know I love that. And another misconception or misperception for particular kind of energy work that I do is people tend to think that energy work is always like hands-on, or not necessarily touching somebody, but that you're using your hands, you know, to direct energies, and that's not how I work, but I do realize that it is how many energy practitioners work.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, and it often helps to color it in a way. You know that same energy, the intention you're putting, say, in a prayer, or you make that wish on a penny to throw in a well, that wish on the star as you're blowing that birthday candle out. You know you're setting that intention out into the universe without really you know touching. As you're blowing that candle out, I'm making that wish.

Speaker 3:

I'm setting that candle out, I'm making that wish, I'm setting that intention out, and I think yes, and I mean intention is another aspect of energy work that is extremely well-researched the power of to altering the pH of water, to more subtle effects and even inanimate objects. Computers are affected by human intention, and the list goes on and on. Intention, and the list goes on and on. And this is all there in the science and most people aren't aware of that. And and your intention is probably one of the most powerful inner resources, energy tools, that that you possess and everybody possesses it, everybody has that. That's the beauty of it. It's free, it's always accessible to you and all you have to do is is employ it. You know, utilize it.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, wonderful. Thank you for sharing that misperception which you've experienced, because it seems to be out there. People just don't want to take that time to dig a little bit deeper into finding out.

Speaker 3:

Well, our culture is so built around materialism. You know that physical matter is all there is. You know that material reality is the only existence, the only thing that's really real and that's unfortunate and you know, can be traced back, probably to, you know, the time of Descartes, when you know we had the separation between science and and religion and so forth. But you know the unseen world which is energy and information is, is really where the action is Right. Right, you know the physical material manifestation is only an outpicturing of what's going on from those energy levels, like they are a priori. They exist prior to the physical manifestations. That's another misconception.

Speaker 2:

Right, and it's just interesting, you know, when you look at TV shows, these ghost hunter shows, they have to seek that evidence. We have to get it, you know, on recorded. We have to take a picture for you to really believe it. So people need that physical proof instead of just trusting the process, trusting the universe right and being open to these new experiences.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I mean, even though the physical proof is there, the I mean the reality is that the energy and information is what is programming physical reality, not the other way around. Physical reality does not produce these energies. The energies are producing physical reality, and there's also the science to back that up as well, absolutely so it's an exciting field to study and to be involved in, Very exciting and, in my opinion, it is the future. It's the future of healing and health.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely so, as you were out teaching others and doing your work and writings. What has been the biggest challenge you have faced in your profession and writings?

Speaker 3:

what has been the biggest challenge you have faced in your profession, Probably how to articulate what I do. Even though I've been, you know, doing my form of energy work for, you know, 30 years now, I still struggle to articulate what I do. And you know, people ask me and I'm sort of like, well, I, you know, I do energy work, and they're like, oh, you mean like Reiki, and I love that Reiki is so well known. I mean, if, when people think of energy work, they do think of Reiki, it's, it's, you know, awesome that way. But you know, as a practitioner, I don't do Reiki. You know, I certainly have experienced a lot of it and I love the work, but it's just, it's not what I do. And so then the challenge is okay, how do I describe what I do? And you're probably going to ask me, Deborah, describe what you do.

Speaker 2:

I've gotten it, I've picked it up, right, I mean? And the thing with Reiki too is there's so many systems, I mean from a holy fire to animal to kid, and it goes on and on. So even to just start describing Reiki is challenging at times as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I can see that, but anyway, I don't know if you want me to describe what I do or not. Sure, yeah, if you do, now would be the time, or if you said you get it, then you can describe what I do, because I'm all ears, maybe describe what I do, because I'm all ears, maybe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, you know it's, it's working with energy. That's the whole part we want to bring along on this journey is that you know there's another way to do something Reiki bringing in, as you had said earlier. You know, you. You don't place hands on people and you can also. You know you do that in Reiki and you also send Reiki with the eyes, the breath. There's other techniques as well, but we're all working to shift and balance the energy. So that's what you're doing You're shifting right the energy and you know you're balancing things out as well.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I think that the major difference between what I do and Reiki practitioner is that the work that I do is very participatory in terms of my client, whereas with Reiki, you know, a person can can be more of a passive receiver of the energy and information.

Speaker 3:

But my work is very interactive and it's because, at heart, I am an educator and I want people to learn about their energy bodies. You know, I want them to learn about their life force, energy, their etheric body. I want them to learn about their emotional or astral body. I want them to learn about their mental body. I want them to learn about their emotional or astral body. I want them to learn about their mental body. I want them to learn about their spiritual body. And and so those, you know, those four main bodies form the basis of the work that I do. So when I'm doing a session, we're very much interacting, you know, with the various energy bodies in a really conscious manner, in a participatory manner. So I would say that's that's one of the biggest differences, because my work is very consciousness based.

Speaker 2:

Mm. Hmm, yeah, I mean you can also look at from the perspective in Reiki. I'm hearing a lot of things you're doing that we also do in Reiki. It just depends on the practitioner. So as a Reiki practitioner, the energy is coming through me and it's actually the client that's bringing that in. They're the one bringing the healing in. So it's very active in that way. It's a stress relieving modality to get them to that place where they're able to relax and let the energy flow. So it just depends on what type of system that you do.

Speaker 2:

Like crystal Reiki, it can get very active. You can place the crystals on the client. You can make the grid, you can have mantras, money Reiki. That's a system where you're bringing in the affirmation. You're bringing in the affirmation, you're bringing in positivity. You're changing and shifting from that poverty mindset to an abundance mindset. So there's lots of tools, depending on the practitioner. That has the client do the work while they're in the treatment, then, once they leave here, this is your homework practice and as a practitioner in level one, you know you are doing 21 days of self treatment on yourself, right?

Speaker 2:

And that you're able to fill your cup up so you can be a service of others. So there's some similarities in this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, I do have to admit that my experience with Reiki is not as vast as as everything that you just described.

Speaker 2:

Sure, sure, it's like I said it's it's from where the standpoint is, but it just it. It's so unique and beautifully individualized that it just depends on the practitioner that you work with that you can kind of say, hey, I do this, this sounds similar to what I do, but the whole purpose is you know you're there for service, right, you're there to you know, help people, and that's beautiful. That's what makes it so wonderful what you do and how you're of service to others. So thank you for all that you do. I love it. So our next question is what is something that you wish your younger self knew about your profession?

Speaker 3:

energy sensitive and I thought, I thought everybody was perceiving and experiencing reality the same way that I was. And then when I, when I got older and I realized that was not the case, then I went through this phase of thinking like there's really something wrong with me. I went through this phase of thinking like there's really something wrong with me because I'm not normal. You know, I experience, you know things in a very different way than the majority of people. And I mean, of course, I graduated from that phase, so to speak, and and have used my energy sensitivities. I've built an entire career around it. You know, 30 year career around it.

Speaker 3:

But I think if I could speak to my, my younger self, you know, when I was in that phase of there's something wrong with me, I would. I would tell my younger self there is nothing wrong with you. You're very sensitive and it's actually a good thing and you can use that to help people, you can use that in a healing way and it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. So that's, I think, what I would tell my younger self.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, and it's also a gift and a curse in a way. Right that you're so sensitive and that you're able to help so many people. But then, like, say, you walk into a room and you just feel everything and you're really having to put the work in to kind of protect yourself. Right, Put those shields up and do the work to keep your cup full, so to speak.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean I don't look at it so much as protect myself, but I mean I find that the more I work on myself, the more I do my own inner work, the more resilient I become in situations.

Speaker 3:

And so, yeah, it's an interesting question and a discussion that I've had with fellow energy practitioners is this notion of protection, and I think one of the you know things that kind of trips me up about it is that it implies that there's something bad out there that we need to protect ourselves from. And yeah, it's, I'm not sure I agree with that. Yeah, okay, yeah, very good, it's. Uh, I'm not sure I agree with that. Yeah, okay, yeah, very good. I think I think energy is, uh, is kind of neutral, and and what trips us up is is our own stuff, you know right, so if I'm, if I'm feeling bad energy or feeling, you know, under, under energetic attack or however you want to language that it's most likely that that is touching off something inside me, one of my buttons is getting pushed, and so then I need to do the inner work to find, okay, what is that button that's getting pushed, and then transform that from the inside, and so, anyway, Doing the deep healing?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Very important.

Speaker 2:

Doing the work, absolutely, absolutely. So, when it is time for you to get your energetic tune up, what are some qualities that you look for in an energy healer or energy worker?

Speaker 3:

Well, it kind of relates to to what we were just talking about, so that was a great.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, because what I, what I look for in an energy practitioner, is how is this person as a person, you know? I mean in conventional Western medicine you can be sitting with a patient and saying, you know, don't smoke and eat right and do all these things, and then you leave the office and you're lighting up a cigarette and you know eating bad food or whatever, because it doesn't matter. But when you do energy work, you know you are the instrument, you are the healing instrument, and so you know there is no separation, and so integrity becomes very important and you know how the person is as a person becomes very important. Have they done work on themselves? Are they still doing that? Because it's not like, oh, I work on myself and then I'm done, done with that. It's really an ongoing, you know process, and so you know that's what I look for if I'm going to work with someone doing energy work and any kind of work really, but especially energy work. It's vitally important, no pun intended.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I keep at it every single day. Intended, I keep at it every single day. I mean, it's so important to do the work Absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. So what advice would you give someone who's just entering this profession? Do it See how this is all going together? Yeah, I mean, do it meaning you know, definitely enter the profession. I mean, in my opinion, it's one of the most amazing, exciting, compelling, rewarding professions ever. And do it means do the work on yourself right. I love it Wonderful. Wonderful advice it's all part of yeah.

Speaker 2:

All a part of the journey.

Speaker 3:

Yes, ma'am, very rewarding journey on all levels.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, wonderful. So what books do you recommend?

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, of course, mine, of course. Endless energy, yes, endless energy, the essential guide to energy health. And I picked the title because of the double meaning, right? I mean, everybody sort of wants endless energy, but at the same time, energy is endless. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy is eternal, energy is infinite and it has yeah, that has so much meaning and all of that is explored in the book. The book is basically a use and care manual for the four energy bodies the vital body, which is sometimes also called the etheric body, the emotional body, which is sometimes also called the astral body, the mental body and the spiritual body. That's what the book is all about. So it's it's filled with all kinds of tools and tips and techniques for sustaining energy health, you know, on all levels. So that's one of my favorites.

Speaker 3:

But I'm biased. I'm also I mean, as I mentioned earlier, the nerd in me loves the science stuff. Earlier, the nerd in me loves the science stuff, and so I'm a big fan of the work of Claude Swanson. He has three books out that are very research based and, you know, all focused on on subtle energies and just amazing work.

Speaker 3:

On the more esoteric level, I'm a huge fan of the autobiography of a yogi, which is, you know, also kind of a manual in working with energies in a lot of ways, and a major focus of my work right now in terms of my community work is focusing on wireless radiation that is emitted from cell phones and Wi-Fi on the computer and cell towers and Bluetooth and all this stuff, and you know, we know, that it negatively impacts the biofield, our energy bodies. We know that, you know I founded a coalition called Safe Tech Hawaii and we educate people about the dangers of wireless radiation and we advocate for, for safe, safer technology, and one of the most amazing books on that topic is a book called the Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg. So it's another one that's on my, you know, must read list.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I just got me at the title.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, wow, it's. And you know, I mean, as practitioners, we need to be aware of these things Because you know, if you're, if you're treating someone and then they're coming back and a lot of the same imbalances are showing up over and over again. It's important to look at lifestyle stuff working in an office where they're just saturated, you know, with wireless radiation it's an extreme health hazard and the research is there and most people don't know it, because the telecommunications industry is a multi trillion dollar industry and they're using the same playbook as Big Tobacco, you know. So I really am convinced that in the not too distant future, we're going to look back on this time and we're going to say I can't believe we used to hold a cell phone next to our head, I can't believe that children were allowed to hold an iPad and so forth, and so it's going to be like smoking cigarettes.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be like they lay there and they fall asleep with the iPad or device on them.

Speaker 3:

You know the ear pod, Don't get me started.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, right I mean years ago, when I was teaching and I had 18 month olds and they were coming in and their parents had them, with iPads. I mean, and this is yeah, and in the learning support room that I was working with life skill kids, they had their laptop, they were carrying the iPads. They had that constantly with them. And you think about it like you know, I grew up in a time where, you know, we had the rotary phone this is really dating myself but now, and we would leave the house all day long, no one could get in touch with us. You know they left on the answering machine, but now, if you forget your phone, what do you do? You turn around and you go back, risking being late, because you can't go through a whole day without your phone.

Speaker 2:

I know it's a strange world and in that way we're so tethered to it and just think of some of the other way. We're so tethered to it and just think of some of the other things that you could be tethered to besides your phone.

Speaker 3:

It's bad for us on multiple levels, right, right, I mean you have the good, where you have the world's information at your hand. You can get that from a hardwired computer. You don't need to expose yourself to wireless radiation to be in touch with the world.

Speaker 2:

Some people are looking at the ease of I'm just holding in my hand and I can walk with it, right, and so it's that's where they start. Kind of okay.

Speaker 3:

Convenience has a huge price your health, your life. It has been linked definitively to various forms of cancers, right and a breaching of the blood brain. I mean, I could go on and on, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Like when my grandmother was pregnant, it was okay to smoke.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I know, my best friend's doctor told her to smoke during her pregnancy because she was told by the doctor that it would help her with the pregnancy. So I mean, just just like people are told now you know, oh, get the smartwatch and monitor your health through whatever app or anything. Anyway, oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but this shows you what type of practitioner you are. You get to the root of the problem. So this is, you know, showing our listeners or our listeners are hearing you know what kind of work you do. It just doesn't mean, you know, I'm going to put hands on you. You're getting down to the root issue with that person.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and it's also. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, being of service in the world, absolutely, Like I mean I call myself an accidental activist Because I mean I didn't, I didn't sign up to be advocating for Absolutely. I think being of service is paramount, it's primary, you know, and there's different ways that we can do that.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful. Yeah, thank you for all that you do and bringing awareness to this and educating, so thank you.

Speaker 3:

It's not a happy topic. I'll tell you that. Well, yeah, the rose radiation topic is not.

Speaker 2:

You know what you think. You know you're ahead of your time. Think of it that way You're ahead of your time Story of my life.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for that.

Speaker 2:

You are ahead of your time, so someone can listen to this in 10 years and be like man genius oh.

Speaker 3:

God, I hope it's not going to be 10, honey for the sake of all of us.

Speaker 2:

I understand that, but yeah, a couple, we'll get there Again. It's a journey. Some people are slower on it, some people are fast. So our next question is what modalities, what other modalities do you offer?

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, my main claim to fame, so to speak, is is my inner clarity sessions, is my inner clarity sessions and? Um, they're designed for people who have done some work on themselves. Like, an inner clarity session is not for everyone. You need to have done some work on yourself and you need to have, you know, a pretty well-developed um self-awareness. You know, but you know, even with self-awareness and inner work, life happens. You know we run into obstacles, and so when you feel like you've encountered a life obstacle, that's, you know, challenging for you to overcome. That's where an inner clarity session is extremely useful. And I'm so confident in the results of the work that I do with inner clarity that I guarantee my work. And that means that if you're not satisfied with the shift that you have achieved at the end of the session, you don't have to pay me. So there aren't very many therapists that offer that kind of a money back guarantee and I can say in my 30 years I have had to do that approximately three times and it wasn't because of the work not working, it was because it wasn't a good fit for the person. So there's inner clarity sessions. There's also.

Speaker 3:

I teach online meditation. It's called Meditation Made Easy. So if anybody wants to, they're like I can't meditate. I don't know how it doesn't work for me. Just sign up for a session, I will teach you, and I also do EFT, emotional freedom technique, the tapping I do those sessions as well, and then I do just regular plain old kind of counseling sessions and I teach online.

Speaker 3:

I have, I have, a really vast online library. So I mean my, my, my major course is called Energy Mastery, the Art and Science of Applied Energetics, and so and I also want to mention that relatively recently, because of what's going on in the world right now, which you don't have to look far to see that we're kind of in interesting times, so to speak I decided that it's so important for this work to get out there in the world that I basically am offering my online programs essentially for free, offering my online programs essentially for free. And Energy Mastery normally retails for around $900. And it's very comprehensive. But if you go to my website now and I don't intend to change this, it's just going to be this way you can pick your own price, and the pick your own price thing starts at $1. I couldn't. The application wouldn't let me have it be zero, so I had to pick something Right. So, anyway, um, yeah, and I have a couple of other online courses as well Um, use and care of your emotional body, which is really helpful, and and also journey to inner clarity, and they're all pick your price right now and will be for the, you know, for the future.

Speaker 3:

As far as I'm concerned, just just wanting again to be of service and get, get the, get the. You know the information out there and these are not lecture classes, by the way. These are extremely user-friendly. Their video, the platform, is interactive. You can ask me questions. I respond the longest I shouldn't say the longest, but the average video is 10 minutes, so it's not like you have to be glued to your screen listening to hours of lectures, not like that. It's delivered in a really user-friendly manner, if I may say so.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful. Well, thank you for sharing your gift. How lovely that is to offer that to people who want to move forward on the journey. But perhaps money is that issue that they have to Exactly that blocks them. So wonderful. It's always that challenge in energy work how to price things right. Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

You have it like on the shoulder. You know the devil and the angel like well, you know your, your your time's worth this. You've had all this education, but wait, I want to be of service, I want to help others, I want to expand this and, yeah, so it's a tough call, but thank you for for offering that. So where can our listeners find you? How can they get in touch with you? How can they find all of these wonderful recordings, your extensive library that you have?

Speaker 3:

Well, the easiest way is through my website, wwwyourenergymatterscom. Can you tell? I used to work in radio and your energy does matter. That's why I picked your energy matterscom.

Speaker 2:

It matters right, absolutely, because you can, just like I said before you, open your mouth, you can feel it right.

Speaker 3:

Yes, ma'am, it's also a double meaning, right? Your energy matters Actually. Triple meaning, come to think of it.

Speaker 2:

I love it, isn't it? When you start sitting on a rabbit hole, my goodness? Well, thank you so much, debra. This ends our part of our journey together, and I am going to pass you over to my co-guide, millie Pampina, who has three social media questions for you. So thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much, really enjoyed it.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, debra. It was enjoyable listening to you and Tracy and I really appreciate the opportunity to share our social media questions with you. Tracy does a great job of canvassing our online audience and you know getting their feedback and boiling these down, so you know little more direct and personal some of them. I also want to say that you know, I understand, you know a lot of the answers to your questions I thought were great with regards to very so all the similarities we hear in various energy healing practices. So, and I love the fact that you're a buck guy, so go brutus.

Speaker 4:

But I have a lot. We have a lot of local people here that are so nice.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, I worked in an industry also where I did an awful lot of workout in in middle and and Western Ohio, and it was just, you know, never ever said the word Michigan. That was for sure. So you know absolutely.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely, and it, like I said, it was just very, very interesting how you know the similarities between answers on energy healing and I'm not just saying Reiki practitioners, but all and the challenges we face and how we all work towards overcoming them, and I really appreciate your honest answers in that, because it always validates that we're not necessarily pushing a boulder uphill but we are. We are all working towards the greater good of all and thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

And that is what's going to win in the end for all.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, thank you, I agree. So the first question I have for you is can you give me an example of a mind body exercise, can you?

Speaker 3:

give me an example of a mind-body exercise. So mind-body exercise Well, I mean when we talk about mind-body medicine or mind-body exercise, we're basically talking about the ability of the mind to affect or heal the body right. Or heal the body right and I mean. A very simple example of the effect of the mind on the body is when we sleep and dream. For example, I'm asleep and I'm dreaming that I'm falling off a cliff, or I dream that I'm being chased by a tiger or whatever. If I wake up, my physical body is reacting big time heart racing, breathing, you know, rapid and so forth. Why is that happening? It's, you know, the dream is happening in our mind, but the body is completely under the control of the dream state. That's only in the mind, right, and also on an emotional level. I mean falling off a cliff, being chased by a tiger, fear, you know anxiety, all that, and it's only happening in your mind, you know. But you're emotionally and psychologically reacting to it. So we can use that, you know, for healing by picturing or visualizing you know, images that have healing capacity. You know people refer to this as going to your happy place, or you know any, any kind of thing that you can, you can do to to allow your mind to clear and your emotions to calm, and you know that's basically would be a mind body exercise. So I'm not sure if you were asking me to, like you know, facilitate such exercise or to give an example of of how that works, I think I did the former, um, I, I think that. Or, if you want me to facilitate, I absolutely can do that. You want me to facilitate it? Go ahead, okay, all right. Well, so just close your eyes for a moment, and our intention here is to is to just experience this mind body effect, right, that we're talking about. Okay, and so, with that as our overarching intention, I'm going to ask you to to just briefly call to mind a situation that is stressful. You know, call to mind a stressful situation in your life, okay, and only briefly, but as you call this stressful situation to mind, notice what's happening inside of you. Notice how you feel physically, your physical body, any sensations you might be having in your body, notice how you feel emotionally, if you can put a word or a name to what you're experiencing and when you have a sense of that, you can let that go. So, let that go.

Speaker 3:

And what I'd like you to do now is to invoke golden light. Okay, so there are different ways to do this. One way is to visualize the sun. Okay, beautiful, bright sun, beaming down its golden rays of light. You can see the sun in your mind's eye, picture it to the best of your ability.

Speaker 3:

See the sun in your mind's eye, picture it to the best of your ability. These golden rays of light are beaming down and you're bathing, bathing in that light, and you can feel it. The warmth and the inside of your eyelids are shimmering golden light, and this golden light has been associated at times with a quality called grace. So what we're doing is we're invoking and bathing in the golden light of grace. Just do your best to sense it and see it and feel it, and when you have a sense of that, just go back and revisit your stressful situation for a moment and notice any difference. Notice if anything has changed and if it still feels a little stressful, you can just go back to your golden light and whenever that feels complete, whenever you feel ready, you can just gently open your eyes. Did you notice a difference?

Speaker 4:

I did, and I also noticed that as I was re-approaching this stressful situation, I thought what a great exercise. I could use this in so many, so, so many things. So thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's quick and easy, accessible, anytime, free, powerful. Yeah. The more you use it, the more powerful it becomes. It's like that, and there's many people who are using the golden light of grace, by the way, so there's also this momentum behind it that adds right.

Speaker 4:

Right, right, Thank you so much for sharing that. I really appreciate it. So I almost don't want to move on to the second question. Just sit here for a while and enjoy. But the second question is is there an integration exercise that you use in your practice? We may have just approached one but that's, yeah, that's an example.

Speaker 3:

I um. Another one that comes to mind is, um, I call it, uh, an alignment, and we spoke earlier about the power of intention. And so I mean I think, rather than facilitating this unless you really want me to, I can just describe it in the interest of time, but it's totally up to you, I can facilitate it as well, but it's very simple yet powerful. So just pick an intention, right Like a goal, right Like a goal, and keep it, try to keep it concise. You know could be something as simple as joy, or, you know, love, or I mean.

Speaker 3:

So pick an intention. And then the next step is you want to consciously call attention to all your body cells and align them with that goal focus, align them with that intention. And then the next step is to consciously call attention to all your emotions and align all of your emotions with that intention, that goal focus. And the third step is to consciously call attention to all your thoughts and then align them with that goal focus, with that intention. And that process helps to integrate these levels, right, the physical, the emotional, the mental and align them with your intention, with your goal focus. So it's very integrative and powerful.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely. I can see where it's bringing everything into alignment with a similar goal and focus. So thank you. That was uh, that was a great answer to that question. So our third question is what has been the most rewarding part of your work?

Speaker 3:

Well, life transformations, of course you know that's where the action is. Yeah just, you know, witnessing those kinds of life transformations, that that can happen with just one session and it's yeah, yeah, it's just a beautiful thing to, to, to be a part of, to witness and and to to be honored with, with a person's trust, you know, in that process. So that's the most rewarding to be honored with the trust and to then witness the life transformations which are, which are numerous and and lasting, I might add.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's obviously you have a track record and you know, know the fact that you're willing to say to your you know clients and and followers there's a money-back guarantee. You know, and I just you know you're, you're actually putting your value on the line there with your services and I really I resonate with that and I thank you so much. That's really really very much in service to those who you are working with. So, thank you, deborah. And last thing I would like to ask you this is not a question from our social media is is there anything at all you would like to add something that you might've thought of or forgotten, or would you like to? You know, um, embellish on. As you know, we're moving towards the close of this, this, uh, interview.

Speaker 3:

Two things. One is I just want to encourage everyone who has an interest in this kind of work to pursue that. And you know, give your gift to the world. The world needs you. And I want to thank the two of you for your service in what you're providing for people. It's so important what you're doing and I feel the love.

Speaker 4:

So thank you oh you're quite welcome and thank you so much. Well, I'd like to close my section with the social media questions with my tagline, which is to see beauty in all things is a choice. Please choose wisely. And I am Millie Pampina and I am part of Feather Sister Wellness, and I thank you again, patricia, or, excuse me, deborah, for joining us. I don't know where that quite came from, but you know, maybe another life. So thank you, thank you. Thank you so much, debra, and I'm going to return this over to my co-guide, tracy, tracy Seawright.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, millie, so much, and thank you, debra, for sharing all that you have done on this journey with us. I really appreciate your knowledge and all that you do for everyone that you are going to encounter. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful. So, our wonderful listeners, if you are interested in having your question placed on our show, just reach out to us at wwwreadysetreikicom or find us on social media and perhaps one of your questions will be placed on our show. Also, check out our online format here that we have called Feather Sister Wellness, where we offer a variety of yoga classes, meditation, reiki and Reiki trainings. So thank you so much, everyone for listening and joining us on this journey. I am Tracy Seawright and this has been Ready Set Reiki. I'm sorry.

Journey Through Energy Work and Healing
Misconceptions in Energy Work
The Power of Energy Healing
Online Meditation and Energy Healing Offerings
Healing Visualization and Alignment Exercise
Thanking and Sharing in Reiki Journey