Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #82 Debbie Romero's Healing Journey: From Evidential Mediumship to Reiki Mastery – Embracing Self-Guidance, Gratitude, and Professional Energy Work Practices

Tracy searight Season 2 Episode 82

Are you ready to transform your understanding of energy healing and empowerment? Join us on Ready Set Reiki as we welcome Debbie Romero, an internationally acclaimed evidential psychic medium and energy worker. Debbie takes us on a personal journey through her initial steps into trance and Reiki practices, addressing common misconceptions about her profession and emphasizing the importance of self-guidance over direct advice. She also provides an intimate look into her healing journey, sharing the challenges and transformative experiences that came with shedding the ego. Debbie's reflections on the wisdom she would share with her younger self highlight the importance of joy and fun in her current work.

In this enlightening episode, we also explore the importance of maintaining a professional and structured approach when teaching energy healing, comparing it to a doctor's methodical practice. We discuss the crucial role of patient participation in the healing process and the cumulative nature of energy work. Additionally, we dive into various offerings such as podcasts, live readings, and donation-based meditations aimed at fostering community and personal growth. Listener questions get answered as we clarify the distinctions between evidential and psychic mediums and underline the significance of keeping a gratitude journal. The episode concludes with heartfelt thanks to Debbie and our supportive listeners, along with a reminder to check out Feather Sister Wellness for yoga and Reiki classes.

Debbie  Romero is an internationally renowned Evidential Psychic Medium, Energy Worker and Empowerment Teacher who is holding space to bring Awareness, Inspiration & Love as we raise the vibration collectively for humanity.

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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 1:

Thank you very much.

Speaker 2:

This is Ready Set Reiki, a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, From the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher, welcoming all systems, all lineages and all levels. Reiki is a journey and not a destination, and on this Ready Set Reiki journey, we refer to ourselves as guides rather than hosts, as we too are traveling, supporting each other and learning on this Reiki journey as well. And with that said, I am your guide, tracy C Wright. Joining me today is Debbie Romero. Now she is an international renowned evidential psychic medium, energy worker and empowerment teacher who is holding space to bring awareness, inspiration and love as we raise the vibration collectively for humanity. Debbie, welcome to Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 3:

I love that Ready Set Reiki. That is so cool. It is an honor, tracy, to be here as a guest on your beautiful podcast show. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. So let's dive right in. So tell us a little bit about yourself.

Speaker 3:

So I have a platform called Transcend with Debbie, and it's been almost three years now that we've been doing it and I really just try to show up. Right, we're all doing our part to be a service to spirit and community and you know, we all follow those little nudges and those little downloads that we get, whether inspiration from spirit, some of us, we follow them and sometimes we don't listen to them. And I do my best to listen and as I show up daily, like you, you get to meet many different intuitives, healer mediums, inspirational speakers, creativity flowing constantly, and so it really does help when you listen to those downloads, and so I just show up and be a service and let spirit do their part. Beautiful.

Speaker 2:

So when did energy work come into your life? Did you find the energy or the energy find you?

Speaker 3:

Oh, I love how you say that. So you know, I was a very sensitive soul my whole life, but really I knew that there was so much more. And you go into the work and you start sitting into meditation and you could feel and sense the energy is moving. You get inspired to delve deeper into those realms of wanting to understand what this is. And so I will say I don't remember the years, but I know it's more than 15 years that I have had my certifications.

Speaker 3:

I started with recce, as yourself, and you know, actually I started trance and then went to recce. So I kind of went spirit, trance, recce, right, and so when I did that, I went for my lessons and teachings and met some amazing people and of course you always want to do more. So then you go into the two Reiki two and you go to Reiki three and then you become that teacher and then you're like, oh, I did all that, but now it's just I'm sitting with spirit and using the Reiki with the Sui Takata Hayashi when needed, and just letting whoever wants to step forward to hold space right. So it was both. What we seek is also seeking us. So it was both of us seeking the energy that I needed just as much as they were connecting to me.

Speaker 2:

Yep, beautiful collaboration. Yeah, great teams, great teams. Now you are an evidential psychic medium, energy worker and empowerment teacher. What is the common misconception about your work?

Speaker 3:

They say misconception, right, like what they don't understand, it's you know what is it.

Speaker 3:

They're trying to understand what I do. I think the biggest thing is, oftentimes some people want us to tell them directly exactly what to do, and as an empowerment teacher, that's not my goal. My goal is to teach one to go within, to find within their heart what their spirit is asking and what's seeking. Just like we seek the energy, we're following those little downloads and golden nuggets, and so it's important, yes, to have guidance. It's important to let spirit come in and hold space and do their part, but it's also important to understand that we are also spirit and that we also have the mind, body, spirit to fall into our thoughts and our needs just as much, with their guidance. It's important to honor the moment, and so the misconception is that some people think that we're going to tell someone what to do, or give them the advice and that's it, and that's just a matter of fact. But really there's so much more that can unfold, and when that happens, you really should give that opportunity to look at the story differently.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful, beautiful, wise words. So what has been the biggest challenge, or rather struggle, that you have faced on your own healing journey?

Speaker 3:

Good question.

Speaker 3:

I think we go through a lot of different layers of this healing journey, of going with worlds within worlds, of self-healing and discovery and evolution of understanding self, right, um, and if I do that, if I go into what was the difficult part, the dark night of the soul will say letting go of the ego.

Speaker 3:

When you really just trusting in spirit and you're letting go of you, know that that true shedding can be very difficult, could be a very hard felt emotional battle of self and what was once who you once knew you were is no longer. And when we dive into the journey of self, we're looking for change. And when we put the intent to create the change, the ripple effects that have created create it and sometimes it happens slowly and you don't realize you're in the transformation. And sometimes it can be very abruptly. And when it's abruptly, the energies move quick and sometimes trying to process the energies of self and spirit can get a little overwhelming. So when you're in that state it can look very unstable, it can look like what is happening there. Something is seriously not well or balanced with this process versus this person. And so when one sees you in part of your journey, not realizing you're healing Wonderful.

Speaker 2:

So what is something you wish your younger self knew about your current profession? I?

Speaker 3:

would say for me if I were to tell myself where I'm at now just have fun with it, Stay in the joy, Don't take things so seriously. People that will need or feel into the vibration and frequency of the stories that you share will come based on the energy that you're also presenting. So it's important to take care of myself.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful, beautiful. So, as a psychic medium, energy worker and empowerment teacher, when it's time for you to get your energetic tune up or when you're seeking a teacher, what are some qualities that you look for?

Speaker 3:

Ooh, great question. Love that one too. I have studied and worked with many. You sit there, you listen to their stories, you listen to their experiences, you feel into the energy and frequency. If it's a match, you look for history of who they're trained by. Where did they study? Your spirit will seek the energy because it knows. I also listen to my intuition of my guides that will also tell me, and so trust in your heart. We're always aligned with the right people. You just have to be open to receive their magic. So if you're connecting to someone, it's not by accident. It's always a purpose and a meaning behind the story. So I look, I listen, I feel and then you also trust. And so it's important to trust the alignment.

Speaker 2:

Trusting that process.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so that's what I did when I found my teachers. I was always aligned within and I knew in my heart I was supposed to experience those lessons, or those moments of love and nourishment from the teachers that I worked with.

Speaker 2:

Right, and you often hear you know when the student is ready, the teacher arises.

Speaker 3:

Oh, so true, so true. And when you ask for the healing, the healers arrive. Yeah, so totally true.

Speaker 2:

Right right Always makes me think of Mr Rogers, who said you know, look for the helpers, the helpers are there. You just have to open your eyes and they're there and trust it so true.

Speaker 3:

So true, yeah, I think many times there's always those even that you find yourselves working with and the diamond in the rough right, the ones that are not out on the media, the ones that are hidden deep in that little cave or hole that they've protected within themselves. Those also are those magical moments that you take in as well.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful. So, as an empowerment teacher, what advice would you give someone who's just entering this profession?

Speaker 3:

You embody the magic. We are all born with senses, we all psychic. So what you're feeling, don't doubt it. Judge. Don't judge it. Don't second question it. Allow the body to fill into the energies that are connecting to you and speaking to you. Everything is always done out of love, and so if you're awakening and you're really starting to focus on your senses and how you're connecting to this work with spirit, welcome it closer, don't push it away. Oftentimes, we want to put up the protections and the barriers, and that also makes it a structure that they also have to work through. So allow them to come close. Yes, the protection is important. The more you heal, the more protected you become. So take your time in this journey, be patient with the positive and keep loving yourself. So that's the message I would love to leave with them.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful, so what books do you recommend?

Speaker 3:

My gratitude journal and, of course, tracy's book. You know, girl, we got it. We got to throw that in there for each other, got to have each other's backs right. There was one when I started was heal thy body, heal thyself right, there was that one that we get. You're going to be gravitated to what calls your spirit. When I first started it was like the Doreen Virtue back in the days and you know so there's so many that you can sit and hope. You know, go into. I was very connected to a lot of the shamanic books and you know, just diving deeper and understanding. So yeah, monarchy, there's lots of different things that you can go in and read on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you just have to find your just right.

Speaker 3:

Right, definitely.

Speaker 2:

So what other modalities do you offer?

Speaker 3:

You know that one is a tricky one, because when you say, what do we offer? Right, if you're a vessel, it has nothing to do with me, it has to do with me just showing up in spirit, doing the work. So whatever spirit shows up and does is what you get. Yes, we're attuned to Reiki and we can direct the energy through Reiki. But when you're in trance, they're going to come in in the way that your spirit needs it. So when we're saying we're in trance, that means spirit's doing the healing and we're holding space. Yes, when we're in Reiki, we're using the three guides of Asui, takata, hayashi. We're also directing it with the symbolic symbols, with the intent to go this certain way. When you're sitting and just letting the healing come in, it's going to come in the way that you need it.

Speaker 3:

Many times people can receive upgrades. Many times people can receive energy moving through the auric field, within the soul, within different layers of the body. Right, we journey within these worlds, within worlds, and just even a reading can be very healing. There is a frequency and a vibration that always comes forward and you're always going to get exactly what you need. So, yes, I'm recce certified. Yes, I do trance healing. Yes, I do readings and I've dabbled into the past lives and the Kaushik records and all these different things, but really, at the end of the day, you're going to get what you need. At the moment there's layers of us that they have to work through and it's not going to happen at one time. So trust the process and what comes through for you in the moment.

Speaker 2:

Right, and even the three teachers that you mentioned Azui, hatashi and Takada you know they were they had their own unique way of doing Reiki, so there's no wrong way to do it Never, never. Three different. You know ways of doing it, so find that you know Reiki practitioner. Find that energy healer, find that teacher that resonates for you.

Speaker 3:

Right, definitely, it's like you're going to a doctor's office when I would teach my students. It's like, you know, have that professional look. How are you going to present yourself and represent yourself. You're the doctor, you're that nurse, you'll have your folders, you'll have your charts and how you're going to work for your client and develop a routine where their chart is there, like today. We're working on these chakras and let's look at your chakras to see what you did to make the changes for self and you know what steps did you take to move the energies. And so, once you're, you got the little prescription going on afterwards you're after care. Then when they come back, you can look at it again and say well, this is what we're working through today. So every day is a different day.

Speaker 2:

Right right, and some, you know, don't realize it is cumulative. I mean, you do have those sessions where you have the aha and that you know it might take a little time, so just trust the process.

Speaker 3:

Most definitely, I think. Oftentimes, when we go in healing, people think that, oh my gosh, I'm going to get rid of my childhood trauma, oh my gosh, I'm going to get rid of this, and this is moving. And I got healing and it's gone. And there's, yes, energy is moving, but we also have to participate and do our part to make those changes happen, right.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful. So do you offer any classes, trainings?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so if you follow me on transcendwithdebbiecom social media, you'll be able to go to my tweet link. There's always something happening. I have a podcast on Wednesdays. I do readings live. I am a host on Transcend with Debbie, YouTube, Derek Okora's page, Things Network and Sacred Spiral, so you can find me on four different networks at one time. On top of that, I do meditations on Sundays we call them Soulful Sundays and those are at nine o'clock in the morning, Pacific Standard Time, and they're all donation based. You know, my podcasts and readings are free on Wednesdays and guests like Tracy come in and they get to share their story and then also hold space for communities. So it's really about bringing awareness and inspiration for those that do come and listen. So there's always a teaching experience that comes in from one of my guests that come in Beautiful.

Speaker 2:

So how are they able to contact you if someone's listening and like, yes, this is who I want to connect with?

Speaker 3:

TranscendWithDebbiecom will let you email me and it'll send me a message directly to me. So if you need me, just message a girl.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wonderful. All right, debbie. This ends our first part of the journey together, and I'm going to continue on the journey with you, with three social media questions, so our listeners send in questions. I narrowed it down to three, so here we go. Number one I saw that you are an evidential medium. Can you tell me a little bit about an evidential medium, how it differs from a psychic medium?

Speaker 3:

Okay, so everyone is psychic, right, we're all born psychic. We can go into the auric field and fill into the past, the present, the future. So, psychically, everyone can feel. Not every psychic is a medium. So when we're going into the mediumship, right, we're allowing our energy and the frequency to change so that we can connect to the energies of spirit realms or the different planes that we talk about, the different dimensions and the different realms of the cosmic energy, right, and so as we do that, we are in different layers.

Speaker 3:

On how we work, as you said earlier, we all work differently. There's no wrong way. Evidence means you need to prove it. You need to prove as a matter of fact I need evidence that you're speaking to my loved one, whether this is through a form of an address, whether this is form of a phone number, whether this is a name, like you're bringing specific items with detailed information that, yes, as a matter of fact, how would she know this? There would be no way. So evidential.

Speaker 3:

You've got to prove it, evidence to say, yes, that is my loved one. You'll either feel the presence, you'll have the healing, you can feel the energy as it comes forward to you. So there is no judgment in what it is. It's just I look at it like this People who are clairvoyant, and they are so clairvoyant, meaning that they can see everything within their mind's eye. I'm a clairvoyant, intuitive. Okay, it's just a word that we chose to use a title, but at the end of the day, we're still again just holding space for the energy to come in, because everything is energy and frequency, even the spirit world. When they come to you, it's energy and frequency.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful, beautiful, yes, number two in your experience. Why is writing in a gratitude journal important?

Speaker 3:

My mother was a woman who appreciated the smallest things, from opening the door to getting up, bringing her at McDonald's, or you know. Her life left an impression how important it is to be grateful. It stays with all of us. It changes the energy. Also, when we're worried or sitting there with feelings of concern, changes everything. We can just give gratitude for the moment, of what is happening in the moment right, and so our words are very powerful, as intuitive. As our aura holds information, so it changes the form with our thoughts as well, and then there's an energy and frequency that comes with it. And so that's why not only because of my mother, but if you're looking at it from a psychic view it's always important to stay in the positive thinking to change maybe something that wasn't so positive.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, our third question. As a host of a podcast, can you tell me a little bit about one thing that you've learned in your podcast journey?

Speaker 3:

It's important not to have judgment. All of us come from different places and backgrounds and studies and we all work very differently. Everyone comes with their specialty Doesn't mean that we agree with some of the specialties, but we're learning. So having an open mind, an open heart, an open spirit to the opportunities of others, sharing their wisdom, their knowledge, their inspiration, their creativity. It's important to receive the person who's coming in, who you're connecting to, just as they are Beautiful.

Speaker 2:

So that is our last question, and is there anything else you'd like to share with the listeners? Maybe, as we were talking, you forgot to mention, so take the time now to share anything that you would like.

Speaker 3:

It's important to honor your journey, a journey of self-discovery without judgment, and it's important to use the love. We oftentimes want it to look a certain way like oh, that girl is so zenned out, she's got it going on. But you know, what's more zen and awesome is you're taking time to feel better. What's more awesome is that you're finding a new routine or a rhythm that's different from what you were accustomed to. You're taking steps to make changes and, even if they're not at a pace that you would like, you're still creating a ripple effect of change, and with great love. That's the ingredient that continues to grow, not only for self, but will be felt by many. So always love yourself for where you are in the exact moment of now, stay present.

Speaker 2:

It's a true gift Much love, beautiful, beautiful and many people you know they get frustrated when they're on the journey, if they're at a standstill or they have to redirect, but that's all part of the process. Really is Just trust it. All right, debbie, thank you so much. This is the end of our journey together. Thank you so much for taking time out of your very busy schedule to join me here on Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my love is an honor. Congratulations on your show. Can't wait to see more of it, and thank you to all the listeners who tuned in. You guys all have a great rest of your day, much love.

Speaker 2:

All right, my wonderful listeners, if you would like your question featured on this show, reach out at wwwReadySetReikicom and social media. Also check out Feather Sister Wellness, an online platform that offers yoga classes, yoga trainings, reiki and Reiki trainings. My name's Tracy Seawright and this has been Ready Set Reiki. Thank you.