Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #84 Willow Bradner's Spiritual Awakening: From Hairstylist to Accidental Psychic – Embracing Courage, Reiki Healing, and Personal Boundaries

Tracy searight Season 84 Episode 2

Have you ever experienced an unexpected event that completely changed the course of your life? In this episode, we are honored to welcome Willow Bradner, the accidental psychic, who takes us through her remarkable journey from being a hairstylist to uncovering her psychic abilities on her wedding night. Willow’s candid recount of that defining moment and her transformation into a psychic medium, especially after the birth of her daughter, offers a powerful testament to the courage required to embrace one's true self. Her stories serve as a reminder of the profound impact spiritual awakenings can have on our lives.

Willow also sheds light on the transformative power of Reiki, sharing her personal experiences and the teachings she received from Kathy Brown. We discuss the crucial aspects of managing personal energy, the significance of overcoming ego, and maintaining a service-oriented mindset in the healing journey. Listeners will gain valuable insights into finding genuine Reiki practitioners, understanding the importance of personal referrals, and the necessity of a client-centered approach. Willow emphasizes the value of consistent practice and its grounding in navigating personal and professional realms.

Finally, we delve into the nuances of setting psychic boundaries and our subtle connections with our loved ones who have passed. Willow shares strategies for conserving personal energy, living in the present moment, and the profound comfort and guidance that psychic insights can offer. We thank Willow for sharing her journey with us and invite our listeners to connect with the Ready Set Reiki community for more enriching experiences. Don't miss this episode filled with transformative insights and practical wisdom for your spiritual journey!

Willow Bradner, affectionately known as the Accidental Psychic, stands out in the psychic medium community for her unique blend of humor, relatability, and genuine insight. Formerly a hairstylist, Willow's discovery of her psychic abilities led her on an unexpected journey into the depths of spirituality and mediumship. Her readings are not just sessions; they're transformative experiences where clients find clarity, connection, and comfort through her ability to communicate with the other side. Willow's approach demystifies the mystical, making the profound insights and healing messages she channels accessible to all. She's dedicated to guiding others to recognize the signs and messages around them, turning skepticism into belief, and bringing a touch of the divine into everyday life.

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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 3:

This is Ready Set Reiki, a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, from the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher, welcoming all systems, all lineages and all levels. Reiki is a journey, not a destination, and on this Ready Set Reiki journey, we refer to ourselves as guides rather than hosts, as we two are traveling, supporting each other and learning on this Reiki journey as well. And with that said, I am your guide, tracy C Wright, and joining me today on my journey is Willow Bradner. Now she is affectionately known as the accidental psychic. She stands out in the psychic medium community for her unique blend of humor, relatability and genuine insight.

Speaker 3:

Formerly a hairstylist, willow's discovery of her psychic abilities led her on an unexpected journey into the depths of spirituality and mediumship. Her readings are just not sessions. They're transformative experiences where clients find clarity, connection and comfort through her ability to communicate with the other side. Willow's approach demystifies the mystical, making the profound insights and healing messages she channels accessible to all. She's dedicated to guiding others to recognize the signs and messages around them, turning skepticism into belief and bringing a touch of the divine into everyday life. Welcome, willow, to Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 2:

Hi, Sometimes I hear my bio and I'm always like did I write that? That's good.

Speaker 3:

You know, sometimes, when I write as well, I'm like I must have channeled this.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, oh, she's so sweet. Look at how smart she is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah right, give yourself a pat on the back. Good job, all right, well, let's just dive right in. So tell us a little bit about yourself.

Speaker 2:

So I am accidentally psychic, as I like to say, and the reason I always say accidental is like it's my opinion that we don't kind of choose this, that it sort of chooses us, and that might also sound sort of narcissistic and weird, but that's how it felt. To me is like one day I was doing hair and the next day I had clients calling me on the weekends and showing up to my house and asking me questions, and at the time I ultimately just thought, my gosh, I'm so smart and they really like me. Okay, like never in one of those minutes that ever occurred to me that this was channeled, that I had information that was coming in from some other space. I just thought, gosh, I'm really great at advice and I do have an awful lot of information inside of me that I didn't know I had. This is amazing. And then for me it was on my wedding night, where the veil officially lifted. So we, like many on weddings, my husband and I had copious amounts of alcohol on board and we're sitting at the end of the night.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's left the party, except for my parents and my brand spanking new husband, when all of a sudden my voice shifts and my body changes. And it's actually my dad who recognized what's happening and he goes. And it's actually my dad who recognized what's happening and he goes. Holy, you know, explicit, are you channeling my father? And just at that moment it was like an invitation for everybody on the other side to come through. And my sweet brand new husband's late mother also tries to come through. And that's when my husband, who did not sign up for Girl who Speaks to Dead People, was like I, I don't think so, guys, I'm going to go to bed. Should we go to bed? And I was like, oh, I think I'm going to, I think I'm going to stay up and and hang out with my parents and talk to dead people. So, instead of consummating my marriage, that's what happened.

Speaker 2:

And like so many of us in this field, like so many of us in this new, brave new sort of what is happening moment, I mean I just went back to my job the next day.

Speaker 2:

I just like full on, was like, well, that wasn't real, that's not happening.

Speaker 2:

But what I noticed was, every time for me, alcohol would touch my lips, those from the other side kept coming through and for me it wasn't until really our daughter arrived that I really recognized that this thing wasn't, A going to go away and, b that there was something more to it in terms of as a woman in particular, america today, in particular, as we are on the rise, as we are meeting up with the astrology of the moment that if I was to be a guide as you so aptly put earlier if I was to be a guide for my daughter, who was I going to have to be for her? And my mom used to always tell me I got to be and do anything I wanted, but she never was able to show us what that meant. And so I chose that day to go get trained, to go figure out what this psychic thing was, how to use it for good versus evil, how to be in true authenticity to it but as well in integrity with it. So that's where I'll leave you to ask whatever.

Speaker 3:

Very good, so you would say that the energy found you correct?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did not choose this.

Speaker 3:

You did not choose.

Speaker 2:

I did in the end.

Speaker 3:

Let's be clear Sure, sure, but you chose to take that next step in the journey right and move forward with it. But you chose to take that next step in the journey right and move forward with it. So bravo, so good job. So, with the energy work accidentally coming into this, you know, going from the hairdresser to a psychic as you were out navigating working with clients. What is a common misconception about the work that you do?

Speaker 2:

I think the misconception is that it's on all the time. I, in training, have really clear boundaries and really clear on-off switches and so for me it's like I don't know for you and your Reiki. Like Reiki is part of my background and part of my training and part of the makeup of really how I, energetically as well, manage not picking up other people's business, manage to like really shield myself energetically and as well a little part of me that opens up as well when I'm working with clients. But for me, part of the integrity of the work is also knowing when to not have it on. Integrity of the work is also knowing when to not have it on.

Speaker 2:

And I am not walking around healing the planet. I'm not walking around, you know, talking to people's dead people, the supermarket. I know we've seen the TV shows, but that is for TV only. If you have somebody who runs up to you and says your dead person's talking to me, I'd ask that you run as far away from that person as possible. In that moment they're breaching every contract, they are not in integrity and they're out of boundary.

Speaker 3:

Right, Absolutely. Or especially those ones that will contact you and say I see a dark entity behind you or I see this attached to you. It's just amazing. It's like red flags, right, Red flags.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do feel like in our industry, there are those who dance in the dark and those who dance in the light, and I would ask, even for listeners if you're trying to break into this industry, if you're looking for that person that you're really wanting to guide, you pick your sauce. If you are really wanting to meddle in the shadow space, you might want to. You might want a shadow boxer. If you're like me, you're going to look for a puppies and rainbows person to deliver even the bad news, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely so. You had mentioned, you know, your experience with Reiki. When did Reiki come into your life?

Speaker 2:

Reiki was really part almost part one I did. I was working with a psychic medium in Denver named Deb Shepard you guys are welcome to Google all of these people, I don't mind. Deb Shepard was one of my original trainers. She was fantastic. In that same timeline somebody brought Reiki to my attention and it became as a stylist. A bunch of us were sort of in the midst of going, oh, should we know how to use energy? So it became sort of a collective question. So at that point I went and I we had a group Reiki teacher that we all ended up going to Kathy Brown and Kathy Brown did Reiki training from beginning all the way up to teacher. And so I do have my teaching certificate, if you will. But Reiki again for me was understanding what energy was. So it was really part two. I was really trying to figure out.

Speaker 2:

I have always been a long-lived empath. Even early in my hairdressing business I was always sick in my stomach and I remember going to my first ever psychic and going why am I always sick in my stomach? And she goes well, girl, because you just love picking up everybody's business. And so Reiki was actually really illuminating and understanding again just how to manage my personal energy and then as well how to differentiate other people's energy. So, even as a psychic, that's super illuminating because, again, psychics who have not cleaned up their side and don't know what their personal energetics are or what their personal ego is, if they aren't clear in that container, then they're going to accidentally project, they're going to accidentally put their slant on it. And so, for me, reiki was so essential in this experience and really knowing my energy and other people's energy.

Speaker 3:

Right, Very good. And many people don't realize you know, just because you began with Reiki doesn't mean you have to stay there, but it really is helpful to begin your path or somewhere along your path to bring it in. It's a great tool to have in your energetic toolbox, just as you would have, say, a Phillips screwdriver. You're not using it every day, but when you need it it does its job. So, coming in and getting that, you know self healing, because level one, that's what that's about. Working on yourself, getting yourself in order, right as they say, when you're on the airplane, when that oxygen mask comes down, place it on yourself first, then to help others.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, Absolutely, and I think what's really cool about it is even in just day-to-day life. Sometimes, you know, if there's some sickness inside of me like an actual illness, I can go chakra by chakra. I can use the Reiki to sort of format. But as well even I do big group audience readings and so my ability to see sort of the Reiki in them, if you will, to really break them down in terms of the chakra system, in terms of where there's dissonant energies, it's super helpful in an instant reading to be able to pull this tool up and to look at them with those eyes. It's almost like x-ray vision.

Speaker 3:

Very good, very good. So, as you've been out working with so many different people and expanding your territory here, what has been the biggest challenge, or rather struggle, you have faced in your own healing journey?

Speaker 2:

been the biggest challenge, or rather struggle, you have faced in your own healing journey. I mean, my challenge is always me. I mean I don't want to be a jerk about it, but it's truly like the thing that always is in the way of doing good work is always going to be me and that means like my ego is either showing up as nervous about getting it wrong, or nervous about wanting people to like me, or nervous about you know, I don't know again saying something wrong that could hurt somebody. So, in general, like the biggest challenges are that the other big challenges is showing up in a way that is again going to be of service and is not in a space of ego. Again, I do big group readings so it's really easy to want to be hyped up for myself. So I really try to divide again myself from the work that I do and, as I said to a friend even earlier today, it's like the least interesting thing about me is that I know how to do a thing.

Speaker 3:

Right, that's absolutely humble, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

I think that at least in our industry and I don't know your experience in this, but I believe in our industry so many people have conflated specialness with intuition, psychic energy work. We are actually the least special part of this. We actually are meant to be in servitude, not in a martyr way, not in a free we're giving this away, but in a way that is like it's actually not about me. I just am the utensil with which the energy is coming through. I am just the utensil with which I'm channeling the information and I'm allowing myself to be used If I'm totally honest like I might as well just be pimp daddy for spirit.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

There's not much here outside of my willingness to be that. And yes, there is a slant, yes there is a humor, yes there is a truth to how it projects out of me. But outside of the humor part that I get to bring to the party, you know I'm just a messenger yo.

Speaker 3:

Right, right, and it's so difficult for people because there's so many out there, you kind of unsure where to navigate, where to start. You know, and those that are out there, as we mentioned earlier, saying that you know this person's coming through, and especially, like on TikTok, getting these messages from people that I felt called I see your grandmother, I see this. So you can really get lost into who do you, who do you trust with this? So, but in a way of being humble and saying this isn't me, and that's the same thing with Reiki. It's not me, it's coming from a higher source. You're the one pulling it out of me. Right, Bringing, choosing to bring yourself up to that vibration of healing, wonderful. So what is something you wish your younger self knew about your current profession?

Speaker 2:

Again, I'm going to go back to the special word. I, in hindsight, can see all the times where the psychic was trying to come through One. I really believed that the true ability to do this as a job belonged to special people. I had a stalled the James Bond progs of the world and you know the John Edwards. My assumption was is that it came overnight for them, that there was not a muscle tone to this, that they didn't have to practice at all, that it was all very natural and easy and that they just really saw dead people. I didn't know that we could make this a job. I didn't know that you didn't have to be special. I didn't know that any one of us could really hone this ability and that we could really curate our intuition, our psychic, our medium, our energy to be the host of this.

Speaker 3:

Right and it's important to cultivate that relationship with it. You know, use that muscle and it's going to get stronger and stronger. And that's what people tend to forget. They think let me sign up for this class and poof, here I am, it should all work. Why isn't it working? And then, as you talk to them and start peeling away where you're not practicing, you're not putting this to use. You know you're not working on that third eye or whatever it is that your focus is.

Speaker 2:

You need to create that relationship with it is you need to create that relationship with it. And I want to just back that up too, because for me, the greatest illumination of my psychic came when I was willing to actually go to therapy. And I always like to add this because, again, spirituality has conflated itself with self-development and healing, and sometimes we need a person who has an actual certificate to guide us into ourselves and around our traumas and to help us better navigate our parts and pieces and spaces that may again project or hurt another person unintentionally if we're not cleaned up on our side.

Speaker 3:

Right. Right, it's in a sense to get rid of some of that baggage, to make more space and work on that. Yeah, it's so interesting. So what you feel you need to do in your path whether it is to get the therapy, whether Reiki works or whether you know another type of modality, works for you in a way to clear kind of the slate here, get yourself in a kind of stress reducing way and a grounded way to truly be of service, and getting yourself rounded is so very important when you're working with clients.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Well, and I want to say I don't know how many newbies you have I remember my first ever person kept talking about grounding. What are they saying? What does this mean? This makes no sense to me. I'm on the ground. How much more grounded do you want me to be? And what grounded in again, that peel back the layers means to me today is being ultimately present in the actual second that I'm living in. So again, I'm not projecting forward, I'm not stuck in my past. I'm in my present moment, in my present breath, being here and not again getting messed up about what is coming, getting messed up about what has happened, but just being in the simple breath of this very second, which is the only thing I ultimately have any sense of control over.

Speaker 3:

Right, right, and you can even go in the sense if you have someone who has kind of an overstimulated crown, where they're up in the clouds and it's too much in that.

Speaker 2:

So you want someone who's in the present moment, I guess, and I'm a very cloudy up in the head everywhere, girl, so it makes perfect sense for me to want to distill it down to this very like moment of where we are, because I'm generally 12 steps in the future.

Speaker 3:

Right, right Right.

Speaker 2:

So I have to.

Speaker 3:

When I'm working with people, I have to get really grounded and really present to not be 90 other places that I'm living and I it's interesting you say that, cause that's one of the things that I say that I always think and I use the number 12 to 12 steps ahead or 10 steps ahead that I got to get myself back into that and it's a practice, you know. You go through your day and you're finding, my goodness, why am I thinking of this all the way into the next day? So it's really a practice of reeling it in. I'm only going to think about, you know, the now or the next hour, but yeah, it's working, working in its progress.

Speaker 2:

So when it's time for you to seek, say, a Reiki treatment, or when you go to a medium or psychic, what are some of the qualities that you look for? So the biggest thing anymore is a they have to come in through a friend. A they have to come in through a friend. They have to be a referral person. The questions then I will ask the referred person is do you trust them? Were they too woo? Were they too woo for you? Did you understand what they said to you? Did they speak English to you? Did they really do the English parts?

Speaker 2:

If I'm doing Reiki, I'm a hands-on person. My ego does not believe you. If you whoop and wave magic hands over me. My ego is such that I actually want a hands-onpreneur in that area. I want somebody to touch me. So that is a quality that has to be there. If it's psychic or medium I again I'm checking their background I'll even go to their about page on their website. If they don't talk about their client, I will not go to see them. If they talk about their client in their about page and it's not just about them and how special they are, then I will go see them. But I'm really clear in our industry that if anybody is kind of atting us, shooting on us, pointing at us. They're not my person. It cannot be somebody who thinks they're a guru or thinks that they're special, right, right.

Speaker 3:

And I feel, and have been seeing a pattern since COVID, that many of the practitioners out here are collecting the certificates, they're collecting the modalities, one after one, and then, as you look up, they have and even myself you know a list of these modalities. And it does get overwhelming to look on someone's page and like, well, where do I begin? They do this, this, this, this, this and this. So does that affect also how you look at people as well, whether they have all of these kind of modalities on their resume?

Speaker 2:

No, because, again, I think what I would say to the certificates is is it making you feel more confident about you? Great, if that's why you need them, great. Is it how I judge the person? Not at all. I'm ultimately like I'm looking at are they going to be able to work with me, on me? I'm in service all day long. I do not, especially for me. I do not want to serve while I am being served. Does that make sense? And I don't want to feel bad. Yeah, talk about my job. Or have to be an energetic service of the practitioner that's working on me? I need to know that their vessel is clear. I need to know that they're not here for my energy while they're working on me.

Speaker 2:

One of the first practitioners prior to Deb Shepard, the psychic medium who I worked with, was this gentleman, and I'll not say his name. I would come out of sessions with him and have nightmares that night because he would have energetically, accidentally, on purpose maybe planted bugs on me, if you will, and he was too woo for me. He was not an energetic match for me. So what I'm always looking for is the energetic match. I'm looking for somebody who has not gone so far off the deep end that they forgot that we're human beings on planet Earth. We are here to do earthly things. We are going to have spirituality as the tool and energy as the tool to remain on Earth. But we are actually here decisively to human.

Speaker 2:

So if you have gone to the other side and you cannot speak human to me anymore, then I cannot have you as a practitioner. So I don't care how many pieces of paper you have, I don't care if you are naturally, organically gifted Great Holla, freaking Luya, I don't care. I just want to know that you can do your job and not put bugs on me. I want to know that you can do your job and that you know to not conflate our energies together. I want to know that you are not narcissistic or needing me to validate you.

Speaker 2:

That's a lot of energy. So this world that we are in, we want to be healers and helpers. That scares me. If you want to be a healer and a helper, that scares me because we are not doing that job. We are facilitators. We are simply standing here allowing the energy to pour out of us. I am not special, you are not special. We are simply decisively deciding to let the energy come through us on behalf of whoever is asking for it, and I have nothing to do with what comes up.

Speaker 3:

Sure, sure, I had a Reiki session a couple of years ago I would say about two years ago and a newer practitioner, and as I was laying on the table, I didn't want to disclose too much, so you know anything of what I had learned and wanted to relax. You know, like I'm here and I'm a client, and the session, as she moved her hands, she just needed that validation. Do you feel this? Are you feeling this? You're feeling this? And then she actually said, Ooh, as I touch your arm, I'm feeling nauseous. Do you feel like you want to throw up? And I was not comfortable by then. And I actually said to her you know what I said let's, let's just be a quiet. You know quiet, and I'll tell you the end, I'll tell you in the end.

Speaker 3:

And you know, and it was an uncomfortable session because I couldn't relax, I could feel that she just wasn't flowing and going and the things that she did mention, some of them weren't true. You know she was able to see a place that I was actually going to go. True, you know, she was able to see a place that I was actually going to go. But it felt that that desperation that she needed that for her ego and you know, and she knew that I was a Reiki practitioner I says but that's irrelevant, I'm here as a client, doesn't, doesn't matter what you read about me, you know, you know what you have to offer. You know I'm coming in for that service. And so that experience was not the best for me, because I came out of there more tense and stressed when I was hoping to come in to relax and unwind.

Speaker 2:

And that goes back to that word being grounded, because if she did know that you were a Reiki practitioner, just like when I was a hairdresser, and I would cut other hairdressers hair you get nervous, of course. You get like oh shoot, I hope they like it. I hope they know what I'm doing wrong, if I'm doing it wrong. But again, in energy and psychic we are not getting it wrong.

Speaker 3:

Right, there's no wrong way to do it. I kept saying to her there's no wrong way, just go, just press the process, just hold and be in the space.

Speaker 2:

And I think again, if we're going in to want the validation or need the validation, then we have to go do the therapy or we have to go whatever that piece is that's needing that validation. That's what we have to go work on, that's our job, that's the practitioner's job is to like, eradicate that need so that we can be clean, so that we can be holding, because a lot of the job that we do is holding the uncertain, holding the discomfort, holding in the unknown, holding in the places and spaces that need attention, energy, that have frenetic, that have stuck, that have vibes that need that little push in them. And ostensibly, what I would say is like Reiki is not that different than acupuncture. It's just more attentive or attuned specifically to that person. We're not necessarily tapping on those meridian lines as an acupuncturist does, but you never see an acupuncturist like put needles in somebody and then stare at them and go how does that feel Right? Did it work? Did it work? Did it work Right?

Speaker 3:

Right, exactly, exactly, and even like with tapping yeah, same same yeah. Is it working? Is it work? Did it work? Right, right, exactly, exactly, and even like with tapping yeah, same same yeah. Is it working? Is it working as you're following along? But in that Reiki it's always that they need that at the end sometimes, how do you feel yeah. So what advice would you give someone who's just entering this profession?

Speaker 2:

I mean boundaries, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. And again, I think the hardest, most exciting part of doing this work is it is so exciting, it's so exciting to feel the vibes. It's so exciting to feel the vibes. It's so exciting to see the client shift, it's so exciting to feel just the energetics of it that somehow, again, that ego aspect of ourselves sometimes thinks it's just going to somehow disappear and go away. And that is why we accidentally want to practice all the time and we kind of want our little button to be on and out loud all the time, cause we're just like is it real? Is it real? Is it real? Is it real? It's real, it's freaking real.

Speaker 2:

Okay, it's not going to leave you, it's not going to go away. If it's here, it's here and it will be more profound and it will be more energetic when you learn your on off vibes, when you learn your on-off vibes, when you learn your boundaries, so that when it is on and you're being paid thank you when you're being paid, it will be there, and when it is off and you're at the supermarket or you're the vice president of your HOA or you're the PTA, it doesn't have to be out. You know you can save that precious energy for when you're getting paid for, when that boundary is being allowed, when you are being invited and you are in permission to work with somebody, then you can turn it on and trust me when I tell you that the energy will be that much greater, it'll be that much more abundant. Your intuition, your psychic, your woo, your energy will all be better when you create specific, special containers for it and you're not just like a fire hydrant that is broken and spraying out all over everybody.

Speaker 3:

Right, I remember watching something of Kyle Gray. He was always talking about imagine a little dial on the back of your neck where you have heaven and earth so that you can switch off. So you have that time. You know to be human right To have these own experiences.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we are not in the 5D. Okay, I got it. Y'all, like are trying to rush over to the 5D. 5d is when you're dead, okay, okay. So like, can we not rush there? Like, be here now, be here now. That's what we're doing. We're cleaning up our business so that one day, when we are on the other side, we don't have to maybe come back to earth and do some of this earthly crap again.

Speaker 1:

Right to earth and do some of this earthly crap again.

Speaker 2:

Right right, character development, character development Right now we are here and this is where we're meant to be in. That on off switch is not just a boundary for you, but it's a boundary for the people around you as well. It is in respect, it is in kind that it is not our business to be in other people's business. We don't give advice when we're not asked. We don't give energy when we're not asked.

Speaker 3:

Yep, always get that consent? Yes, so what books do you?

Speaker 2:

recommend. I mean all of them, you guys. I just think books are like the best place on the whole planet to live.

Speaker 2:

The book that came initially and always comes to mind because it was my gateway book, was Many Lives, many Masters by Brian Weiss, which has zero to do with anything that we've talked about today, but for me, the reflection of that book, the feeling of that book, was that we haven't this isn't our first time here. We've done this before and the knowing that we've done this before somehow made being here a little less challenging for me. I don't know, I just like the idea that, like, maybe the acumen inside of me, maybe the like things that I know are also built in because of the lives I've had before this. I think that book is still, to this day, probably my most recommended book that I offer people. It is the gateway book of my soul. I just love Brian White and I love all of Brian Weiss's work and if any of you get an opportunity to do any of his online work or now work with his daughter, I couldn't recommend that family and his idea in spirituality anymore.

Speaker 3:

Wonderful. So what other services do you offer? Do you offer classes, trainings, events?

Speaker 2:

Great question. I do do one-to-one psychic medium work, and then I have a thing called the Wine and Woo and Wild and Woo for the sober. The Wine and Woo is my most prolific event. You can go on my website to discover more about it. I have generally four events every month that you can come to, and it's psychic medium with a side of comedy, so those are my favorite.

Speaker 2:

And then I actually have a team of people who are also holding space for you all. So if you are, if you've heard this and you're like I do want therapy, I've got a therapist. You've heard this and you're like I want to learn more, I've got all the people on the team to do it. So we have an Enneagram specialist, we have a therapist, I have two astrologists on our team and then me, a psychic medium. I don't do coaching anymore because I am not patient, and I don't teach anymore because I'm not patient, but I'll happily do psychic medium. And then I have the people on my team that do all the teaching and the coaching and all the things.

Speaker 3:

All right, perfect, perfect things. All right, perfect, perfect. So where can we find you? Are you online? Do you do in person?

Speaker 2:

Yes, so everything. So I'm in Colorado. If you're in Colorado and you happen to be in Salida, colorado, a teeny, tiny mountain town, you can always see me in person. But generally I'm on the zoom and you can find me at willowbradnercom or accidentallypsychiccom. Either one is fine. And, yeah, book me anytime and come to any of my events if you happen to be in Colorado. But if you are in a different state and you're like this wine and move sounds amaze, I'll travel, I'll come to you, I don't mind All right sounds good.

Speaker 3:

All right, willow. This ends our part of our journey together and I'm going to continue as your guide through our next part, which is our social media questions. So our listeners send in questions and I narrow it down to three questions. So here we go. Number one did you receive any training to enhance your skills?

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I mentioned a little bit before I went through Deb Shepard. Sonia Choquette was probably my more prolific training in the middle of it and I spent almost four years with Sonia Choquette, traveling back and forth from Colorado to Chicago to train with her. I have trained a little bit with James Von Prague and then again what I would say is I've done a lot of therapy. You guys Like I needed to get permission to be the psychic that I am, but what I really needed permission was to be the person that I am.

Speaker 3:

Very good. Number two how can I recognize the signs around me?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So what I want to say is this isn't going to make anybody happy. Most days are a Tuesday guys. Most days we're not necessarily getting signs because it's just a Tuesday and there's nothing to see. There's absolutely nothing to see here.

Speaker 2:

So the bigger part is, if you're constantly looking for signs, you're going to miss the sign or your ego is going to decide that everything's a sign and that's not helpful either. So what I always do is, with my guides and angels, I say give me one special, unique symbol or sign so that I know that you're around. So for me it's always been a heart. It's just sounds cliche, but it's how it showed up and so it's always been the heart. One time I did try to change it to a star, and stars showed up everywhere as well. So pick a symbol that you're into I don't care what it is, that's your business, not mine and then just ask to start seeing that symbol on the regular and you'll start seeing that.

Speaker 2:

But the bigger piece is like I always ask my intuition if something crazy is about to happen. If there's something that I need to know, make sure that I see it in points of three. So if I start hearing something in my brain three times like call, so-and-so, call, so-and-so, call, so-and-so. I will call that person and I did so even yesterday. If I hear or see a picture of something three times, I take note of it and I just wait to see if it's going to happen. But I always ask for more than once. I need to see it more than once and it needs to come in a really organic way for me, because of my psychic, I'm both clairvoyant and I also am claircognizant. So it comes in words and it comes in paragraphs and it comes in just sort of a knowing.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I'll smell things and that'll be like the first hit of like pay attention, but I don't, and you guys, you're not going to like this. I don't see it in birds. Okay, and it might be different for you, but I do not conflate the eagles and the hawks that legit live outside of my house. I do not see them as signs and symbols. If you have eagles and hawks that are not your state national bird that you see on a regular, then they can be signs. But if it is just like the Robin who's always outside your bedroom window, it's a Robin for crying out loud. That's not a sign.

Speaker 3:

Right, right, right, right. Well, my sign is feather, and that's such a common as well, but they've been found in such unexpected, random, extraordinary places that I couldn't deny it.

Speaker 2:

You know, that's like the heart. I say the same thing Like you. You have the feather, I have the heart. They're both signs.

Speaker 3:

Oh, absolutely, and it was after my sister had passed, and one of the ones that really stood out was I had bought a newer car and I brought it home and my older daughter came over and I was showing her the car and I went to open the car door and right on that rubber piece that meets the glass window, there looked like a thread that was coming out. I'm like, oh, my goodness, like is there something like a tear or something? And I pull it and I pulled out a whole feather in that car. So it's things like that. That. Like that is a sign. That's a sign, because I'm like, okay, cause it was like I wonder if I made the right choice getting this car and pulling that out. So it's where the location was. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

That it not me going outside and in Pennsylvania I was in Pennsylvania at the time lots of birds in Western Pennsylvania. So oh, here's, a feather on the grounds right, or, oh, there's a feather on a bird's nest right.

Speaker 2:

So I remember a particularly challenging time in our lives and I was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the jelly plopped down and I looked down and the jelly had plopped in a heart. Right. I'm like okay, I hear you, I see you, we're going to be okay, right, right. And generally that's what I say about the signs too is like when we're seeing those consistent signs, it's really just a nod to us that everything's going to be okay, right, right, right. It's not specific directions. Specific directions are not signs. Those are psychic.

Speaker 3:

Sure, sure. And you know, when I first began my journey and I was, you know, kind of playful with the universe, I would pray to my sister, you know, hey, give me a sign, give me a sign. And days had passed and there was nothing and you had mentioned that. You know, if you're asking for it, you may miss it. And I was looking for it everywhere and then, probably about after two weeks, I was like fine, I give up, I guess you're not listening. And I was working at the time with a student and we were in an art class and we were sitting down and we were at the table and the art teacher just happened to say here, here's something material that you could work with. And she places down, right in front of me, a whole bin of colorful feathers. And I was like and that was her personality very colorful, very bright. These were bright feathers. And I'm like okay, I got it, it was okay. Shut up, I hear you, here's your two weeks worth Okay shut up I hear you.

Speaker 2:

Here's your two weeks worth. Oh, I love that.

Speaker 3:

So it's just like thank you, I'm sorry, but I got it Like okay, I'll stop being a pain.

Speaker 2:

I don't even think it's an. I'm sorry. I feel like when we're in that moment it's like, oh right Again, spirit isn't necessarily wifi, it's more like. Also, it's very slow and boring and like, not every day.

Speaker 2:

And even our loved ones. It's like they're not going to show up exactly how the book told you. They're going to show up. They're going to show up in their own fantastical way If we get out of the way, if we just just a teeny bit. But when it comes to the loved ones on the other side for those who are listening as well what I will say, is I actually the message that I'm profoundly getting constantly right now, and I don't know if it's because the veil of the universe is different right now. I don't know if there's been really a shift in our ability to understand.

Speaker 2:

I think at one point we were conflating signs with our loved ones, and I think that's true too. But the other thing that they keep telling me is you know, when you're having a conversation with us, you're having a conversation with us. That second part of what you assume we're saying on what planet? Do you not think it's us? It's for sure us. We are responding to your question.

Speaker 2:

So if you are driving, having a conversation with your sister and imagining what she would say in this moment as you're asking her for advice or just wanting her to be there, imagine she's fricking there.

Speaker 2:

She's likely right there when we have that visceral memory, when we are in the kitchen and we're cooking and we're doing the thing and we start thinking about our grandmother and how she used to make this one recipe and she used to use her hands in this way and we can smell her and we suddenly just feel her hands on us and it just like we're brought back to the second, with grandma, grandma's there Right In that moment. We're not looking for the sign outside, we're looking for those moments where we are in connection with them in that way, when we are talking to them, when we pick up our phone to text them. They're right there. They're right there. They are with us in those ways and we are mistaking this idea that we have to find a sign to know that they're there and really it's like us screaming why aren't you here? And it's like no, it's the conversation I had with my sister in the shower this morning. That's when I know she's there.

Speaker 3:

Right, right. So what is the most?

Speaker 2:

rewarding part of what you do, the relief for people, you know, just the ultimate relief, the lightness that people walk out of the room with having connected to a loved one or having connected even to that unknown. There's so much uncertainty in our lives, there's so many unknowns in our lives and psychic isn't a perfect answer to those. But psychic is a really great GPS system for it. It does navigate and give really clear directions to where you could go or what is truly possible. It illuminates your potential in so many ways and then as well, even in speaking to the loved ones, it can just unload that burden or that sadness of missing them, because you know that they're seeing you and you know that they're on the other side and they're okay.

Speaker 3:

I just, I feel like there's always a lightness at the end of this, like there's always a lightness at the end of this Beautiful Well, that ends our social media questions, and so, as we've been talking, is there anything else that you may have forgotten to mention, or anything else you would like to share with our listeners?

Speaker 2:

I just want to say that, like we, as I always say in my landing meditation we are not alone. We are guided, we are supported and we are loved. And we have these three official teams regardless of who you are that are always with us and one being your guides. Your guides are those who I always consider our logistics coordinators, and our guides come and go depending on what we're into and what we're up to in that moment, but they're here really making sure that the right doorways are opening for us. They're the ones that are really making sure that we have our helper friends that show up on time and or purposely late. The guides are also there if you're energetically bogged down in your obligations or you're bogged down in feeling heavy for somebody. The guides are there to really help be the Sherpa for the energy that feels sticky and hard.

Speaker 2:

Our angels, as I experienced them, have been with us since birth and beyond, and so they really know our actual, like astro package. They know why we're here, what our purpose and potential is, and they're here as the illuminators, as I like to call them, really illuminating what is ahead, what is behind and where we are going, and connecting with your angels. Whenever you're in uncertainty and unknown, they will help too. I think they're the ones that really leave the signs. They'll help you with the signs, They'll help you with communication. And, of course, our third team is our loved ones on the other side, which we are. You know, many of us have people on the other side. Some of us don't have specific characters that we would assume are there, but trust me when I say we have our ancestors and our ancestors have our backs in ways that we do not understand and have not really learned to lean into and use for the greater good. So just remember, we're not aloning this thing always guided, always supported, always loved.

Speaker 3:

Wonderful. Well, thank you, willow, so much for taking this journey with me. I really appreciate you taking time out of your very busy schedule to be on Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 2:

Thank you guys. Thanks so much for having me. This is such an honor and I'm just so grateful that you guys have found this podcast and that you have this resource. All right, wonderful.

Speaker 3:

All right, all right Listeners. If you would like your question featured on Ready Set Reiki, just reach out to wwwreadysetreikicom or find me on social media. This episode was brought to you by Feathers Sister Wellness, yoga and Reiki, where it offers an online platform of yoga, yoga trainings, reiki and Reiki trainings. So my name is Tracy Seawright and this has been Ready Set Reiki. Thank, you.