Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #86 Pam Barosh: Spiritual Transformation From Conventional Life to Mediumship – Embracing Near-Death Experience, Angelic Guidance, and Energy Healing Practices

Tracy searight

Have you ever wondered how a near-death experience could completely transform someone's life? Join me, Tracy Searight, on this episode of Ready Set Reiki, as I sit down with Pam Barosh, also known as the Messenger of Love and author of "Shine Your Soul." Pam opens up about her extraordinary journey from living a conventional life to becoming a medium and spiritual coach. She shares how her life-changing event awakened her healing abilities and deepened her connection with angels and spirits, allowing her to overcome stress and illness through the power of energy healing.

Pam and I also debunk common misconceptions about mediumship and intuition, revealing that everyone has the potential to tap into their inner guidance. Pam offers valuable advice for those new to the field, emphasizing the importance of empathy, patience, and authenticity. We also explore how energy work can positively transform not just personal lives but also business contexts. As we wrap up, we discuss the resources available through Pam’s website and Feather Sister Wellness, including spiritual consultations, group events, online yoga, and Reiki training. Don’t miss this heartfelt conversation filled with wisdom and inspiration for your spiritual journey.

Pam Barosh, known as the messenger of love, is the author of Shine From Your Soul, a transformational book about tapping into the power of love energy and manifestation to change your life. After a near-death experience, she began communicating to angels and spirits and learned about the innate healing power within. As a medium, spiritual coach, energy healer, meditation guide, and hypnotherapist, she guides clients worldwide in embracing their spiritual journey and creating the life of their dreams through activating chakra energy and living from a healed “anything is possible” mindset.

Medium - Spiritual Coach - Speaker

Author of Shine From Your Soul

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Shine From Your Soul on Amazon: Printed Book - Kindle Book 

Instagram: @PamBarosh

Facebook: Pam Barosh 

YouTube Channel: @shinefromyoursoul

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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This is Ready Set Reiki, a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, From the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher. Welcome to all systems, all lineages and all levels. Reiki is a journey and not a destination, and on this Ready Set Reiki journey, we refer to ourselves as guides rather than hosts, as we too are traveling, supporting each other and learning on this Reiki journey as well. And with that said, I am your guide, tracy Seawright, and joining me on my journey today is Pam Barsh, known as the Messenger of Love, is the author of Shine your Soul, a transformation book about tapping into the power of love, energy and manifestation to change your life. After a near-death experience, she began to communicate to angels and spirits and learned about this innate healing power within. As a medium, spiritual coach, energy healer, meditation guide, hypnotherapist, she guides clients across the world in embracing their spiritual journey and creating the life of their dreams through activating chakra energy and living from a healed anything is possible mindset. Pam, welcome to Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here and talk about love energy.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, let's begin this journey together. So we'll start off.

Speaker 3:

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's a long story but we'll make it short.

Speaker 3:

So I was in a different world before I came into all of this.

Speaker 3:

I'm now a medium and able to communicate with spirits and connect to them, but previous to this I was just doing a regular life, not paying attention to anything related to spirit. I think they kind of had to, you know, a little bit, wake me up like, hit me over the head and get me to realize that I had the gifts to do that and to use my intuition more. So a few years ago I had my wake up call through a near death experience and that allowed me to learn how to connect and really listen to that message and hear what I needed through my energy. So now I've been going on this journey and just expanding on it and connecting to people everywhere I go to share with them about things that I've learned about healing and how we can change our lives. Regardless of what we've healing and how we can change our lives, regardless of what we've been through, we can still make those changes to do the things that we really want to do in life.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, wonderful. So when did this ability come into your life?

Speaker 3:

So I had a near-death experience a few years ago. I was really stressed out, my job, I was doing a lot of things, I was the mom, the everything, every title you can possibly do, and I was really good at juggling everything and trying to do everything all in one day basically. So that was how I did everything and I didn't meditate at that time. I wasn't, you know, doing any kind of energy clearing practices. I wasn't doing any kind of energy clearing practices. I wasn't aware of any of that stuff and I got sick at that time and I couldn't get answers to what was wrong with me and I was really, really seriously ill. And that's when I had the near death experience where I saw angels and they began to communicate to me right away to tell me how I can heal. Because if I were to go to, let's say, a normal practitioner like just traditional medicine right I would probably not be able to get good answers and find a way through that. So I started to look into energy healing and I tried acupuncture, I did a lot of meditating, I did breathing exercises, I looked at, you know, like my nervous system and things that had gone on in my life, kind of how I've connected to people and maybe taken on their stuff and, you know, maybe I'm too much of an empath and connecting to people and not realizing what that's doing to me and giving too much a little bit. So I think, from that experience of communicating with them, it allowed me to see the real version of me, like that I could heal through the power of my beliefs and my words and my visions and things that I could tap into. Like, as long as I believe that it was possible, I could find that healing point. So, even though maybe you know it was hard at times to get through that, it wasn't like I suddenly was better the next day. You know, it took me a little bit of journey there, but it was like I had that hope that if I can visualize it and, you know, use my imagination, use my ability to understand that energy can be shifted and we can change what's happening with our lives.

Speaker 3:

When I began to realize that, it was like a light bulb went off and I'm like, okay, I can do this, even if I'm not feeling good that day, I'm going to see myself as healed, I'm going to start to connect to the things that I want to put into my life. And even if I've never done something before, I'm going to try it, because going through that experience of being right on the edge and almost leaving this world, it suddenly brings you to that thought of what's most important, right, and for me, strangely enough, I know most people would probably say, well, I wish I spent more time with my family. Or, you know, I wish I spent more time with my family. Or, you know, I wish I went on that vacation or whatever it is.

Speaker 3:

And the first thought that came to me was I wish I had written a book. So it was like I tapped into this thought of not only what I wanted to leave behind because I was having the second chance, but that my true calling was to write and to share these messages with people. I just never really knew what that was. I kind of would follow what I thought I was supposed to do, not really what my heart was telling me to do. So I had put that off. I'd put it kind of you know, in the background, like okay, one day I'll get to that, one day I'll write a book, but just hadn't really taken the time. It's easy to do that if you're a mom and you're busy and you're just trying to do all the things and you just don't have the time to sit down and focus on yourself. So it helped me to see that's my calling and I need to focus on that and start to take care of myself better with energy.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, and it's amazing that through that experience, it kind of redirected you on your path to your true, authentic nature.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was like I was blind before I could see myself. I mean, I'm sure there was a little bit of and like I always had this intuition within me that would come out at times. I remember when family members would ask me things and I would just naturally have the answers. And I do remember spirits communicating to me in my dreams, even before all this happened. But I thought that was just, you know, just random things. I didn't know that that was something I could build and grow on and do something with.

Speaker 3:

If somebody would have told me, like 10 plus years ago, I was going to be a medium and do any of these things, I would have been like what are you talking about? That doesn't sound like me at all, like I was very logical, I wasn't in that more intuitive space of being free and open and allowing those things to come in naturally, with the synchronicities and the signs and all of that stuff. So what I learned, other than patience during that time of healing, was how to allow things to come to you and trust them, because we sometimes want to see a certain thing, like I wish my loved ones would send me that sign right, that specific thing, and then, when you don't see it, you're like, well, they're not communicating, I must be doing something wrong. But if we allow things to be what they're meant to be in the right timing, in the way that is for us, and build on that, focus on those things that happen where you do see things and don't doubt everything that happens Like if you see a butterfly and you think that's connected to somebody, allow that to be true and say thank you for coming today to you, know, guide me or communicate with me. They'll build on that, whatever we present to them. If we're more open-hearted and let our guards down and just let things kind of be natural, like that it's a lot easier.

Speaker 3:

So I had no choice because I was so sick at that time. I didn't have another way to be. It's not like I could get out a spreadsheet and calculate how to get well, like I had to surrender and just be every day where I was. And if I could only do so much that day, or maybe I just had a little point of healing, that was all there was for that day and I just had to be patient through that journey. I remember at the beginning I didn't know if I would walk or drive or anything. I really thought at that time that there was a possibility that I might not get to spend the same amount of time with my kids in the way I had before or travel to places I wanted to go. But I kept a vision alive where I would see myself healed, talking to people on a stage where I was sharing my stories, writing books, traveling, being present with everyone and really being in a healed energy, and that's what created it.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful, beautiful. So now you are a medium, spiritual coach, energy healer, author. But along your journey you did stumble on something by the name of Reiki. Can you tell me when that came into your life, that little healing journey with that near-death experience.

Speaker 3:

Once I was able to get out more and, you know, be a little bit more out of my bubble because I was able to get around and do things again, I started to look into.

Speaker 3:

It's kind of a backwards way, but I trained with my guides and then I thought, well, what do I really want to learn now, Even though I've learned a lot with them, what else can I learn?

Speaker 3:

So I started to look at what interests me and classes of different types of things, things related to crystals and all kinds of energy work, and I just remember being guided to that because I loved the story behind it and you know, just the symbologies and all those things were very fascinating to me. I really like things that are unusual, I guess you could say, and I've always been drawn to things like astrology and just you know, really out there stuff, even before I even did this work. So for me it just felt very like ancient and, you know, had this like really core value of it transforming people where they are, like not having to try to heal but just being and allowing the energy to do the work. So I really liked that aspect of it and I could see where I could connect it with the angels that I spoke to as well. I liked the idea of the angelic Reiki and things that you could kind of do to make it your own.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, beautiful. So, as you've been out and you have been helping so many people, what has been the biggest challenge, or rather struggle, you faced in your own healing journey?

Speaker 3:

I think it goes back to the idea of the patience thing, because I tended to be an overachiever before I started, so I think I almost carried that into the healing, like I need to heal faster or it needs to be a little easier, or I should know the answers right Because I am intuitive. But sometimes we need to go through things that we're just learning in a different pace and it takes time to unfold, and there's little things that we're looking at from a place of joy and gratitude every day too. That's building that new energy. So we may have to take different steps.

Speaker 3:

Not everybody's the same.

Speaker 3:

That's why, when I work with my clients and I'm giving information about healing, I let them know that it's gonna be unique for everybody and it really depends on what you need at this time and how you can move through it and when you're ready and not to be in a rush to get through that because we do want to be overachievers and, you know, try to get medals for healing, I guess.

Speaker 3:

So that's that's how I learned is just, you know, realizing if I couldn't do something because that day was harder, I needed to wait, I needed to pause, and I do remember that I had a lot of epiphanies at times when I would notice if I was moving too fast things would be off, like you know how, like if you leave the house at the wrong time and then you, there's traffic or an accident happens or something, and you, you know you were rushing, you were busy, you weren't listening, and sometimes if you just hold back and wait and listen to yourself and listen to your guides, it's like you get placed in the right place at the right time and I find energy is easier to move with when you're allowing rather than pushing the energy.

Speaker 2:

So what is the common misperception about your work? You have been working with clients all over the world, so what is something that you found is a common misconception?

Speaker 3:

I think that a lot of people that I talk to, especially new clients, and when I'm going to speak and talk about what I do, I find that they may be a little bit scared about their intuition. So they see that I'm doing it and they're wondering can they do it too? Can they use their intuition to get similar messages or be able to change things in their lives? So I think there's a little bit of misconception that mediums are the only ones that can tap into it to that level and be able to open up the intuition enough to receive those bigger messages. But I think we all do and we receive them in different ways, and if we acknowledge that more and begin to show that awareness and that gratitude, it builds up more. So I really feel like everybody can be intuitive and be a little bit of a mini medium in their own way, and a healer, of course, and it's just a matter of trusting, believing and letting go.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, wonderful. So, when it's time for you to seek out guidance, what are some qualities that you look for in a spiritual coach or medium?

Speaker 3:

I think I always focus on. Who am I drawn to energetically? I've noticed myself doing this a lot. I do this even when I'm going somewhere that day, like if I just feel like where should I go today? And I think about, does this energy feel right? Does that energy feel right? So I really tune into that and also I think somebody that's really down to earth and highly empathetic and very open-hearted. I really vibe with that energy a lot and I feel like when you're being more open in that space in your heart, you do get a lot of clearer messages and you begin to just let things be the way they should be.

Speaker 2:

All right, wonderful. So what advice would you give someone who's just entering this profession?

Speaker 3:

I would say, to allow yourself to slowly grow through the process. Begin with trusting little things that happen along the way and know that how you begin the journey may not be where you go or how you get to the end if there is an end. Because how I started at the very beginning I actually told my guides I didn't want to be a medium. So that's a little funny story. And they said, well, maybe we shouldn't say that just yet. So I said, okay. So I didn't really understand that at the time.

Speaker 3:

But now what I do is I use that mediumship through working with clients in different ways. It's not just a traditional view of mediumship. So, for instance, I do something called business mediumship where I help people to work through their business and figure out what is the spiritual guidance there that they need to take the next steps and what are some things they can do to be their authentic self in that business. So I feel like that has transformed so much that when you're starting out, just learn and be open and trust in your abilities and keep going and don't worry about what other people think and maybe how much time you want to do it in, just kind of let it be in its natural timing.

Speaker 2:

Right and oftentimes people forget to, you know, give the energy, work and Reiki to their business. They forget that too, there's energy. Within that. You may have certain aspects of your business that have a lot of energy or a deficiency somewhere else, so to bring that balance in. So it's a good point to bring out the business as well.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So what books do you recommend?

Speaker 3:

Well, I have one in particular. That's always been my favorite you Can Heal your Life by Louise Hay is my number one. I think if I only had that book, that would be fine.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I do have a lot, but I think that one always stands out to me because it seems like it is kind of the core of every other book and really, if we think about it, our energy has different types of levels of where we're at and a lot of it is emotional energy that can become stuck in the way that we talk to ourselves, and so the way she defines that and connects it to the physical body and things that are happening in our lives is very fascinating, because a lot of times we don't see how those things might connect. And if you really go at that basic level and just look at those things and say, hmm, what am I saying to myself and how can I change that and turn it into a different affirmation and a different feeling, I think that makes our lives a little easier, because we're the hardest on ourselves. Honestly, we really are critics of everything that we do and say and we need to be able to let that go sometimes and give ourselves love.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely so. What other services or offerings do you provide? Classes, events, trainings.

Speaker 3:

I do a lot of classes and events online meditations and different spiritual classes where you can learn more about your energy and just cool things about guides and everything that I dive into in that world, so you can always go to my website to find that out, and I love to do unique things with people, like group events, too, where we just get together and we get messages from spirit, whatever happens in that space, because a lot of times who's drawn to come to that? They're drawn because there's other people with similar things going on and so that repeats and they get to receive messages that other people are receiving as well.

Speaker 2:

Right For the collective Wonderful. So where can someone find you if they're interested in booking a session with you or trying to get one of the services that you provide?

Speaker 3:

You can go to my website at pambarshcom and you can go there and just kind of select a session and we can have a chat and see if you would like to work together. I offer what I call kind of a spiritual consultation, where we just kind of look at everything that's going on and it could be stuff in your personal life, it could be in your business, you know whatever is coming up for you and we develop kind of a plan of action of how to begin to shift that energy and go to the next step. I like to use different modalities like hypnosis and mindfulness tools and energy tools, and I combine it all together. So in that first session we just talk about all the possibilities and how we're gonna put it together.

Speaker 2:

All right, beautiful and what a wonderful thing to offer to you know someone just to have that time together, to kind of see what the best path for them to move forward. Wonderful. Well, this ends our first part of our journey together and I'm going to continue on the journey with you with three social media questions. So listeners and students send in questions and I narrow it down to three questions. So we're going to begin with question number one. I read you are an author. Can you tell me about your book Shine From your Soul?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, shine From your Soul is the book that I wrote when I was going through that healing journey after the near-death experience. I wrote that book from a place of not really knowing a lot about energy but getting that information from my guides. And it's a way for us to see ourselves differently at a soul level and begin to know ourselves at that basic level where we're really authentic and pure love. And how would we talk to ourselves if we could talk to the soul version of us? So the book kind of takes you through that journey of if you could do all the great things you wanted to do in your life, if you could change your beliefs to do things that you always dreamed of. How can you put that into action? How can you manifest the things that you really desire? It takes you through that journey step by step, with exercises and things that you can actually put into action.

Speaker 2:

Right, wonderful. Now our second question. You did touch on this a little bit, but the question is what made you decide to write Shine From your Soul, like? Was there just a certain moment that came that, okay, today's the day I'm sitting down bringing you know, bringing pencil to paper or fingers to keyboard to get it started?

Speaker 3:

That is a great question, because I do remember that I knew I was going to write the book when I had that experience. But then several weeks went by and I kept thinking how do I start writing this book and what is the book? At first I didn't even know what the topic was. And one day I went outside and I started to do some journaling and I wrote down a few lines and I thought, well, that's just me, you know, doing things intuitively into the journal. I didn't think anything of it. I put it aside.

Speaker 3:

I started to write a book one day and after I wrote the first page I knew it wasn't the right book. So if you ever get that feeling, just know that that's your spirit, your intuition telling you something is off. I need to adjust a little bit, right. So I put it aside and I thought, okay, now what am I going to write? And I kept thinking and thinking and then I realized I had written down that journal stuff right, and I was like, let me see what that is. And I looked at it and it ended up being the first part of my book.

Speaker 3:

So I just took that journal entry and started writing everything from there and I would sit down after meditating and doing things that were grounding. Every day I would sit down and write like maybe a few paragraphs, not very much, I would just do a little bit. And it just evolved into more and more and getting symbols that meant things that I was going to write about and I would see things like outside and in the trees and that would like really inspire me on how I would write and explain the energy. So everything was very creative and just in the moment of what I was feeling that was coming through is almost, in a way, like it was channeled, I guess you could say. And so I just wrote, and wrote and wrote and within like six weeks I had written the whole book.

Speaker 3:

But I went back and you know, later on I did add some things that to expand on it a little bit more, but in that time it was just this incredible download and I would just sit there and go where is this coming from? I had never written before. I didn't know anything about the topic at all, I hadn't taken any classes at that time. But it goes to show how, if you open up intuitively, you can receive in these really high levels where it is something that you just can't explain. In these really high levels where it is something that you just can't explain, it's like anything if you think about somebody that plays music or sings or does art. It's just that creative part of yourself that's really tuned in right to the universe and allowing things to come in.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, I know when I've written things and then come back and look at it, maybe months later or a year later, it's like wait a minute. I wrote that that happens a lot.

Speaker 3:

That happens a lot. Yeah, I do that a lot, even if I write an email to my clients or something I'm like did I write that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, who was I when I wrote that? Right?

Speaker 3:

I'm a lot more amazing than I thought. I know, right, it's like wow like who wrote that?

Speaker 3:

Wait, that was me, yeah, so our third question is if you had to tell someone just one thing they needed to know to shine from their soul, what would you tell them? Let everything go and just be in that free spirit, because a lot of times we just keep trying to do all the logical next steps and we never get the chance to just do something out of the ordinary, something we've always wanted to do. That's like a big dream, and if you can just let yourself shine from your soul in the way that you are being you and not trying to be what other people want you to be, your life is going to change drastically, because you're going to be in alignment with your true path and why you came here.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, getting from that, healed from anything is possible. Mindset right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

All right. Well, that ends our questions from social media. Now, is there anything else, maybe, as we've been talking, that you might've forgot about? Now, is there anything else, maybe, as we've been talking, that you might've forgot about, or is there something else that you would like to share with our listeners?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I would like to share that. I have a chakra quiz on my website at pambarshcom and you can learn what your true chakra type is and how this can help you is. It can help you to tap into your energy in a natural, authentic way, so that you're always working with your powerhouse, your true energy, and not going against the flow, because a lot of times we try to follow other people. But once you learn your chakra type, you'll know how to heal a little bit better. You'll know how to bring in good things into your life. You'll know how to heal a little bit better. You'll know how to bring in good things into your life. You'll know how to amplify your business. Whatever it is you're trying to do, you will do it from your chakra type.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful. And where can we find that again on your website.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's on my website at pambarshcom.

Speaker 2:

Perfect, All right. Thank you, Pam. This ends our journey together. Thank you for taking time out of your very busy schedule to come on this journey with me.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

All right, my wonderful listeners, if you would like your question featured on the show, reach out at wwwreadysetreikicom or reach out on social media. Also, this episode was brought to you by Feather Sister Wellness, yoga and Reiki, which offers online yoga, online yoga training, reiki and Reiki trainings. I'm Tracy Seawright and this has been Ready Set Reiki. Thank you.