Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #89 Gloria Grace Rand's Healing Journey: From Television Writer to Reiki Practitioner – Embracing Transformation, Light Language, and The LOVE Method

Tracy searight Season 2 Episode 89

What if the healing touch you've been seeking is just around the corner? Join us as Gloria Grace Rand, a holistic business guide and energy healer, shares her incredible journey from a television writer and producer to a Reiki practitioner. Gloria opens up about attending a Reiki circle during a particularly difficult time, including the loss of her mother, and how this experience became a turning point in her life. Her transformation story is about overcoming life’s hurdles and finding alignment with her higher self and the healing potential of practices like Reiki and light language.

Gloria and our hosts delve into the complexities of practicing energy healing modalities, offering a candid look at the rewards and challenges involved. They discuss the importance of keeping an open mind and the personal fulfillment found through channels like light language. This episode also provides valuable insights into the essential qualities to look for in a Reiki practitioner, ensuring you find someone who embodies kindness, compassion, and supportiveness.

To round out this enlightening conversation, we explore the transformative power of the LOVE method—Let go and let God, Open your heart to receive, Value your uniqueness, and Embrace your divinity. Gloria shares her journey of navigating significant life changes, discussing the impact of healing practices on releasing emotional baggage and embracing self-love. Our discussion also highlights the upcoming Good Grief Retreat, designed to offer healing and renewal for those with grief. Tune in to rejuvenate your spirit and maintain alignment in everyday life.

Gloria Grace Rand is a holistic business guide and energy healer for female entrepreneurs. As the Light Messenger, she channels multi-dimensional Light Language and Reiki energy and teaches the divinely inspired L.O.V.E. Method™. As an Intuitive SEO Copywriter, she helps you amplify your influence, create a lasting impact, and elevate your income through heart-centered messages.

Gloria is the author of the international bestseller, Live. Love. Engage. – How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Being Yourself.  She is also the founder of the Soulful Women’s Network and hosts the Live. Love. Engage—podcast, with listeners in 129 countries.

Peace, Love & Prosperity!

Gloria Grace Rand
Host, Live. Love. Engage. Podcast =>Listen everywhere here!
Founder, Soulful Women's Network
Phone: 786-942-8321

Author of:
LIVE. LOVE. ENGAGE. - How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Being Yourself
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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 2:

This is Ready Set Reiki, a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, From the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher. We are welcoming all systems, all lineages and all levels. Reiki is a journey and not a destination, and on this Ready Set Reiki journey, we refer to ourselves as guides rather than hosts, as we too are traveling, supporting and learning on this Reiki journey as well. And with that said, I am your first guide, tracy.

Speaker 3:

Seawright, and I'm your second guide, millie Pampina.

Speaker 2:

And today we are welcoming Gloria Grace Rand. She is a holistic business guide and energy healer for female entrepreneurs. As the light messenger, she channels multidimensional light language and Reiki energy and teaches the divine inspired love LOVE method. As an intuitive CEO copywriter, she helps you amplify your influence, create its lasting impact and elevates your income through heart-centered messages. She is also an author of the international bestseller Live Love Engaged how to stop doubting yourself and start believing in yourself. She is also the founder of the Soulful Women's Network and hosts the Live Love Engaged podcast with listeners in over 129 countries. Gloria, welcome to Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 4:

Oh, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited. I'm so looking forward to our discussion today. I don't know where it's going to go, but I just know it's going to be enlightening, wonderful Welcome.

Speaker 2:

And so, as we begin our journey today, I let our listeners know a little bit about you, but tell us about yourself.

Speaker 4:

Oh, my goodness, you know I have been on an extraordinary journey. I started out in doing television work. Actually, many, many years ago I was a writer and a producer for a business television program called the Nightly Business Report, and then, along the way, you know, got married, had kids, we moved, I stopped doing that work and, as so often happens, I think, with women, when we hit our 40s, we start searching a little bit, and that's actually where I first came across Reiki. I somehow found that there was a woman hosting a Reiki circle in my town and I started attending that, and that, I think, really was between that and doing some of the reading of books like the Power of Now sort of started me on this spiritual journey that has led me to starting a business, which I never thought I would do, and just involved in copywriting. And then, along the way, I was meditating this whole time, and then one day meditation said you should write a book about love, and I thought that's crazy. I do online marketing. What do you mean? And then, of course, it turned out that I had to write a book about love because I had to learn what it meant for me. I had to learn how to love myself and through that then I got involved in light language. So it's been.

Speaker 4:

It's been an incredible journey with a lot of highs and lows and healing for myself, growing up in a family, you know, dysfunctional alcoholic dad, mom who is married to an alcoholic, and then had to deal with that, and and then, you know, losing siblings along the way, and I'm so much happier now than I ever was and I'm so grateful for all of the different healing modalities I've done over these years. Love themselves to be themselves, to be in alignment with their higher self and to really appreciate that we are created in, in this divine image, and that we need to be love. That's the message I've been getting lately. I'm taking an automatic writing course and every day it's been. You need to, your mission is to love and that's to be love and to just embody that. So that's what I want to do and to help others do as well.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, wonderful. And I'm sorry for the loss of the siblings. So I also lost a sibling as well, so that's quite a challenge to walk through. So yes, so you mentioned a little bit about when Reiki came into your life, so you kind of pointed a little bit on your timeline where that began. So tell us about that journey to Reiki.

Speaker 4:

Oh, my goodness, it came at the right time as always things do, don't they? That's always a divine time. I was trying to remember exactly when it was, because it was either 2002 or early in 2003. And the reason I know I was definitely involved in Reiki circles in 2003 is because that was the year that my mom passed, and she passed in June, and I was attending a Reiki circle at one point, probably several months later, and during one of them it was like all of a sudden I just had this huge release of grief that just came through and it was so powerful. And from that I think that's when I really started to get the power of this and I'm like, I think I want to learn how to do this for myself. And so I did go through Reiki one and two training.

Speaker 4:

I didn't, I never could get myself to do become a master and, as you know, life happens and I practiced on myself for a while and then I kind of let it slide. And then it was years later and I guess probably once we had. We were living in Miami, Florida at the time, and then moved up to the Orlando area and I think once I moved up in this area I started. You know, I was running my business and feeling I needed something again, and so I said you know, I think I'm just going to go through the training all over again, because I haven't. It's been. It's been years now, a few years, since I've done it, and so I got recertified again and, and when I practice it regularly I do feel the benefit. But, again, sometimes I let stuff slide from time to time. But it's a good thing to be able to come back to, you know, and it really is a wonderful practice.

Speaker 2:

Right I always look at it that you have an energetic toolbox. So it's good to know you have the tools in the toolbox for when you need them.

Speaker 4:

Wonderful. Yeah, exactly, yeah, wonderful.

Speaker 2:

So you've been on this journey for a while. So what is the common misperception about the work that you do?

Speaker 4:

I think people, just especially when I'm dealing with light language people number one don't really know what that is and they have, so they're like, what is it supposed to do for me? You know what is it and just, I'm not sure how much your audience knows about it or how much you know about it, but it's another form of energy healing, but it comes through, for me at least. I know some people write light language, but for me it comes through my voice, so I wind up speaking or singing it, it, and it's a wonderful way of being able to like reiki to really help you to become more in alignment. It's, it's very healing. It allows you to release things that are, you know, blocked energy and and even healing, going into your, your physical body and and affecting it, because it's sound and sound.

Speaker 4:

There have been lots of studies that show that music and sound really does affect our DNA, and so I think they just think it's some kind of weird thing or it's just, or is it light? Am I doing something with light? Or is it light? Am I doing something with light? And it's not shining a light, but it really is light, because all energy is a form of light, it's all sound and waves, of particles, and it's all mixed up and it's all for our benefit, ultimately, and I think that's the best part about it Wonderful.

Speaker 2:

I love that Amazing. So, as you are continuing learning, growing, what have you found to be the biggest challenge in this industry with the work that you do?

Speaker 4:

I would say it. Well, I'll just say, for me personally, is is connecting with people and being able to communicate the benefits of it and and to be able to really educate people and and have them understand how it can help them. And and I think that even still goes a little bit. I know Reiki has gotten to be more commonplace. I mean, I know they're even doing like Reiki at hospitals now, which I think is really cool. I've read about that and so it's just any type of energy healing.

Speaker 4:

I think there's still people out there that may think it's you know, it's oh, it's woo, woo and it's made up. And I was looking at something the other day where some guy was like this was years ago, but you know, debunking all of this stuff, and it's like well, you probably just didn't understand it. And because I know for me, especially when I'm channeling light language, I know I'm not making this stuff up, because if I try to say a word a different way, it'll come through going no, I don't want you doing it that way. It's like no, it's this way. So it's like okay, I know I'm not doing this, it's coming through, it's a higher self coming through, and so now I've totally lost track of even what the question was.

Speaker 4:

So but uh, the biggest challenge yeah, the challenge is is is it's still for me? Cause it's still fairly new for me, I've only been doing it for about three years or so and so just to be able to communicate. Ultimately, what I come down to saying is it's really, it is a language of love. It's a language of love and that the people who do hear it and experience it feel calm and at peace and relaxed, and it's a wonderful modality. Even if it, even if that's the only thing it gives you, that's pretty good, because we live in such a stressed out world that, with all the things that are bombarding us, so if you can take a break for a little while and be able to release some of that, that's good for you.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, wonderful. So you have all these tools that you have collected and you're honing in on your craft. What is something that you wish your younger self knew about this profession?

Speaker 4:

Oh my goodness. Number one, my younger self would be just shocked that I'd be doing this.

Speaker 2:

I'd be like what Isn't that something? Yeah, you never think at five years old. Right, you're going to go up and be, you know, a Reiki practitioner.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Although, in a way, though, I would say what I would love my younger self to know is to just be open to any and all possibilities, Because as a child, one of the things I loved to do was sing, and I've always loved to sing. I mean, I used to sing in church choirs and then, when I kind of left the church for a while, I stopped singing in choirs and sort of missed it and what I was. So I'm so grateful for this gift of white languages. I get to sing now, and so my dream of being a singer has has come through, and just in a different way. You know, I envisioned myself like Judy Garland, you know, standing on stage. She was my idol when I was, when I was a child, used to watch all those old movies and, you know, even and I took dance lessons, you know. So I had these dreams of being like this Broadway star or something. But but this is so much better and deeper, and because now it's a really way of me being able to help people, help them to, like I said, to really to be able to love themselves and to know how powerful they are and to be able to release all the stuff that gets in the way of that, and so I'm, I'm so grateful. So I, yeah, I would let my younger self know, just just keep an open mind, and just you know, you never know how, how your life is going to turn out.

Speaker 4:

But everything has led me to where I am. I mean, even I, you know, I I majored in television production as a kid, and so well as a kid in college, and then, you know, wound up working for a. Well, actually, I should preface this by saying I majored first in business administration and started flunking out in like economics and stuff like that, and so that's why then I changed my major. And then I just found it so ironic that I started working for the Nightly Business Report after flunking out in business, like, hmm, interesting, and then I wound up starting my own business. So it was like God had this plan for me all along. Anyway, we just, you know, don't always see it in the moment, but now, looking back, you know, with age I can look back and say, oh, interesting, it all kind of makes sense now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, now I always tell my kids that, like you know what, you're not at the end of the chapter yet. Just be open to all this. It all has a purpose, absolutely. So when it is time for you to get your Reiki tune up, what qualities do you look for in a Reiki practitioner?

Speaker 4:

Hmm, yeah, well, kindness was the first word that popped into my head, you know, and just yeah, a compassionate heart, someone who is open, who wants to, you know, hear what you have to say, who wants to be supportive and help you in your, in your healing journey. And I was fortunate that I have when just for even getting that being treated by people, but also in the people then who actually then wound up teaching me to to become a Reiki practitioner, that they are just the most loving people and I think that's really what you want to look for someone who is just exudes that. And I suspect that if someone goes to becoming a Reiki practitioner anyway, that I can't see someone who is, you know, nasty and greedy and critical being a Reiki practitioner, because I think it's not going to work, because you're going to have to go through healing anyway to become that, you're going to have to do self-healing, so you're going to let go of all of that anyway. So I think it's going to be, the chances of you finding somebody who's not great, I bet, are small. I don't know this for a fact, but I suspect it's going to be small.

Speaker 4:

I would think that the vast majority, 98% of people who decide to become a Reiki practitioner are doing it because they've got a big heart, they want to be able to help someone. And, that being said, you know, sometimes with any profession there's going to be people who you may not click with for whatever reason, and that's okay because we're all unique individuals and we are I believe we're all here to serve a specific subset of this. You know amazingly populous world that we live in, so there's certainly enough people to go around for everybody and so if you find somebody and you're not clicking, then say thank you and I'm going to go find somebody else, and that's okay. And just know you don't have to be the one for everyone, as long as you're the one for that one person who needs you. That's the important thing.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, yeah, that person will find you. So I mean, I tell my students that you know, we can learn in the same class. Go out and we can line 12 of us up and we'll all do 12 different things, but they'll be exactly right for that one person Absolutely perfect, wonderful, okay. So you are a author of an international bestseller. You know live, love, engage and how to stop doubting yourself and start being yourself.

Speaker 4:

Let us know what books you recommend being yourself, let us know what books you recommend. Oh gosh, there are so many and I have a bookshelf over here that's like filled with them. I would say some of the ones that have made a huge impact on my life. I love anything by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I love them. The first book I think really the first book that I ever read that started me on this path was actually the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Speaker 4:

I love Marianne Williamson's Return to Love. Marianne Williamson's Return to Love because I did actually do A Course in Miracles. I spent a whole year doing the lessons in that and that was really helpful as well. There's so many books. I couldn't even begin to know them all. If someone is ever looking for forgiveness work one I really love this one it's by Colin Tipping and it's called Radical Forgiveness and it's a wonderful way to help with that. So that's that's like one of my all time favorite books, for that so Right, wonderful I think those are. Those are kind of my, some of my top ones.

Speaker 2:

Right, right. So tell us about everything you offer. Let us know we want to. I want to hear about this love method for sure.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the love method. So this, this was such an interesting thing that that happened to me. Like I said, this, this idea came into my head while I was meditating, and so I decided to open up my computer and was like, okay, well, if I wrote about love, what does love mean? Well, love turned out to be an acronym, as you were pointing out in the introduction. So, and this came to me like right then, before I wrote the whole book, but it was like the L stands for let go and let God wrote the whole book, but it was like the l stands for let go and let god. The o is open your heart to receive, the v is value your uniqueness and the e is embrace your divinity. And that came out and I went, hmm, well, that's interesting. Okay, I'm not quite sure what all this means yet, but then that was pretty darn interesting. And so, through through the process, well, of course, divine synchronicity comes in too, because later that day I saw an email from hay house where they were offering a writer's boot camp to teach you you know how to write books. And I'm like, okay, well, I guess you really do want me to write a book about love, because I figure, if anybody people who you know publish Wayne Dyer Wayne Dyer, that's another author I'd love to you know they can teach me how to write a book. And so what I learned as in writing this book and this is what I really want to be able to help people understand too it's like so profound because it was just it's letting go of you know, letting go of grief, letting go of limiting beliefs, letting go of the need to control all of these things, and just being able to put your faith in God, and to put your faith in God and to appreciate how you are, this unique individual, and that you are divine. And so this is what I'm offering is I want to be able to, and have been coaching people and helping them through that to really learn how to love themselves. And that's where light language can be such a wonderful assistance, as well as Reiki, because it can help you in releasing that.

Speaker 4:

I think back to how far I've come in just the last three years since I started doing light language. I mean I've done lots of different modalities over the years data healing and you know and Reiki has. I've been doing that as well for the last couple of years too, and it has helped me to just gain so much more confidence in myself and there's no knowing now that I still love writing. I still love doing copywriting for businesses, you know writing for their websites and all that fun stuff. So I still. If you need help with messaging, I'm happy to help you with that.

Speaker 4:

But I just felt that this work is I want to be able to help people get clear, to be able to release whatever is keeping them stuck, whatever is, whatever old beliefs they're hanging on to, to be able to release that so that they can embrace their true self, and then they can probably be able to. They may find that they want to do something different, or maybe they still want to do whatever it is they're doing, and then I can help them with that messaging then. But I know that I would never I didn't, wouldn't not have because I've been thinking about for a long time. I love my husband, and yet I knew that we weren't right for each other anymore, and so for years I would fantasize about moving in with my sister, and because she was, she was single and I moved to live with her in Tucson where she was living, and you know so that that would happen. Well, she passed at the end of 2016.

Speaker 4:

And I was like, okay, I don't have that safety net that I can count on anymore, so I'm going to have to decide do I really want to do this? And through this healing work that I've been able to do, I finally got up the courage to say no. You know, I love him, but our values are different and this is not the life I want to live anymore. And so we separated and I moved out and I, so something that I, you know, I thought about for 10 years wasn't able to happen until I was able to finally get clear on who I was and what I believed in, who I was and what I believed in, and and to know that God has my back and that I would be okay if I did this and cause.

Speaker 4:

It was scary. You know I don't. I'm a person who doesn't like confrontation. Because of the way I grew up, I was a very volatile household and but I'm now knowing that it's okay, I can handle it and I've got that strength, and that's what's this like. Language and the Reiki have, I think, have both helped me. To do is to release all a lot of that baggage that I was carrying around for 40, 50 years and I've been able to release it now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you for sharing that with our listeners so that they can get a sense of how deep this healing can be on this journey and how empowering at the same time it can be.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, absolutely, because it's that's really it. It's to know when you, to feel secure and to know that you're on the right path. It's such a wonderful feeling because I know the other side of it. I mean, when I was there when my sister died, that was the first time that had happened, with me actually being in the same room as someone. Other members of my family had passed without me being there, and because she was the last member of my immediate family, her death really hit me hard.

Speaker 4:

And 2017, I just grieved and all of the wonderful things I was doing in my business, like blogging every week, went by the wayside and I was floundering and I didn't know what I wanted to do anymore. I just really lost my. I lost my passion for it and I was in a wonderful program at the same time teaching me how to run masterminds, and thank heavens for that, because the support that I received from the people in that group was so wonderful in helping me move through this process, and I just remember just feeling so lost and feeling God had abandoned me and all of this. And yet I had wonderful people around me going. No, no, in fact, I worked with one coach and she said, I keep seeing spiritual SEO for you and I'm like really, I don't know about that.

Speaker 4:

Well, in a way, it sort of is that now it's come that way and that's why I got the idea last year to start to brand myself as the light messenger, because that sort of that incorporates not only the light language I'm speaking, but also still the messaging that I help people with. You know the practical side of being online and you know being able to promote your business and all that fun stuff, and I loved that and I'm grateful for that, and so, yeah, so I am doing spiritual SEO after all. I just didn't, didn't kept resisting it at the beginning, like, nah, man, that doesn't make any sense. How do I combine these two? They don't go together. And I was like, well, yeah, actually I think they can.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, and that's that first step of healing Myself and Millie. Right, and that's the first step of healing Myself and Millie. You came to Reiki due to grief as well. So that's how we began our journey, moving forward. And I always tell people that you know, imagining kind of you know a street sign or a little sign and that says grief and hope and walking on the path of hope through that. So that's how I kind of color it to show people that you know there's a, there's a way, there's a way to kind of get yourself pulled out of this a little bit, not forgetting, but a way to heal yourself with that. So thank you for sharing all of that with us. So, so the last part is tell us where our listeners can find you. Can they book a session? What sessions you offer? Do you do online, in person? Let us know.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, absolutely yes, thank you for reminding me about that. I'm in a coaching program and they're like make sure you let people know that you can do this anywhere.

Speaker 2:

So if you have any groups or anything that you're a part of, let let us all know.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so I I well. So number one, I do have a. I've got. I have a Facebook group, a community called the soulful women's network, and you can, you can search for it on Facebook, I think. Um, I think I do have soulfulwomensnetworkcom, but that'll actually take you to my website and I think it will take you to the Facebook group too. But you can go to GloriaRandcom. That's where you can learn all about me and the different things that I have to offer, whether it is helping you with your messaging, whether it's helping you with light language, and so I do offer that as well and in fact I do have.

Speaker 4:

If anyone would like to get a sample of what light language is all about, you can, if you want, speak Gloria, you know it's, it's in the morning. I guess I'm not quite awake yet. You know I've been up, for I've been up for several hours. I get up early. But if you go to lightlanguage4ucom, so it offer, you know, packages of sessions, because I do think more than you know just one session, it just gets you into it. But to be able to really have the full effect of it, you know, I think working like at least three sessions is a really good way to be able to do that. So, yeah, so you can.

Speaker 4:

You know you can find me on. I'm on social media Facebook, linkedin, a little bit on Instagram, not as much anymore, but LinkedIn and Facebook are my two, two favorite places to hang out. And yeah, so I would love to connect with you and and love to be able to talk with you and and if I and and I always say this too is like, if I can't help you, I will just try to, I will try to find somebody else who can. So you know again, as I've mentioned at the beginning, you know I'm not right for everybody, and that's okay, but I I'm right for those people who are out there who are looking for me and they'll find me. So it's okay, I trust that me and they'll find me.

Speaker 2:

So, it's okay, I trust them. Wonderful, wonderful. Thank you so much. This comes to the end in the journey of our question, my questions for you. And so on our social media page we ask our listeners for questions. You can check us out at wwwreadysetreikicom and we can find out all of Gloria's wonderful offerings as well. But I have narrowed these questions down and I am going to pass this over to my wonderful co-guide, Millie Pampina, who has three questions for you. Here we go.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and thank you, tracy and thank you Gloria. You know listening to a basic common thread throughout the entire experience here, gloria, when that spirit called you, they gave you an opportunity to incorporate what you had desired to get out of life, what you had, you know, looking at you wanted to be in theater singing, dancing. You know, looking at, you, wanted to be in theater singing, dancing. You love to write. You've been able to bring all these things to the table in the service of yourself and others, and I just think that's wonderful. So I'm looking very much forward to taking advantage of your offer. Very important.

Speaker 3:

One of the reasons of, amongst many, that Tracy and I had, you know, looked at doing this podcast was to give people the opportunity to you know, know what was available to them and to pursue it openly, regardless of their level of skill they had or where they were at or if they were just curious. You know people, people tend to hold back and we want people to really get out there and and pursue it Because, like you said, I'm not for everybody, but for the people who I am for. It's been a wonderful experience, so thank you so much, thank you, thank you. I'm looking forward to finding more about that out, about the light language. So, as Tracy talked about our social media questions, the first one we have for you is what does it look like when you are burnt out?

Speaker 4:

What it looks like. I am frustrated, I'm exhausted and I don't want to do anything. Don't want to do anything and I just want to, you know, chill out somewhere, and I have, and I've I've done that and I'm one time when that really did happen, I said, you know what? I've got to get away and I booked myself a weekend at an Airbnb on the beach because I just like I need to be by the water and to be able to restore my soul. So, yeah, that's being burnt out. It's not not a fun process and it does happen every once in a while, but uh, we just have to find ways then to be able to bring ourselves back from that absolutely.

Speaker 3:

I love it. I love it that you're taking. You take the time to restore you, so keep yourself.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, we have to do that.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely so with that one. The second question I have is what practices restore you?

Speaker 4:

These are very interesting questions today, so yeah, well, I've you know, know, we've talked about it a bit already, haven't we? So I would say, doubling down. I'm probably doing doing more reiki, doing doing light language and also meditation. I've been meditating since 2009 and it was actually as I was starting my business. I got into meditation and that that really helps. And also, I mean it's not technically a modality, but going somewhere, doing something fun, whether it's taking my bike out and riding my bike, or going to the beach, or going somewhere where I can sit by water and to be able to just commune with nature. So, yeah, so different healing modalities and then just being out, being out in the sun and being out and listening to the birds and feeling the breeze that those are my go-tos for being able to bring myself back into alignment and being able to go out and do the things that I need to do every day.

Speaker 3:

And this is interesting because it's a good question from one of our newer practitioners out there and it kind of wraps up everything you've been talking about here. I am new to Reiki. Can I use Reiki to treat myself? Oh yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 4:

And in fact, I mean, when I, the last time I was certified, they my teacher, you know encouraged me to do it every day. You know, just do it every day. And so I would start every morning. Um, probably, I think I would do it after I meditated, then I would I've got a lovely reiki cd that I would put on and then I would just sit in my chair and I would just go through and do the healing on yourself, because in order to be able to help anybody else, it really does start. What is it? Physician heal thyself is the phrase right. So we've got to be able to get ourselves in attunement and in alignment first. So, absolutely, yeah, practice on yourself. For sure, I would definitely recommend that. Yeah, I always love these questions, by the way.

Speaker 3:

Well, we stress all those ideas to you know, all of our, all of our students and our clients. You know that you have to practice, practice, practice, and that practice comes from within you, you know bestow the graces and the blessings on yourself, and then you'll have the feel for how to do that for others. So thank you so much. Before we move forward, is there anything else you might like to bring forward or add or let our audience know?

Speaker 4:

Well, if I could make one other little plug for something else that I've got going on. I'm super excited about this. I'm working with three other wonderful ladies and we are planning in the planning stages and we're very close to formally unveiling it right now. But we are going to be hosting a what's called a we're calling it the Good Grief Retreat, and it's going to be in June of next year, and I love that our initial dates weren't available. So now our dates are June 20th to the 24th of 2024. Oh, there you go.

Speaker 4:

This whole thing was just so divinely. It just came to us. The two of us were having lunch and all of a sudden, this idea came through that we should do a retreat, and we started brainstorming all these wonderful ideas, and so we've got. It's going to be an amazing thing. It's going to be in Black Mountain, north Carolina, and actually, if you go to goodgriefretreatnet, you'll be able to find out a little bit more about it and get on our waiting list. But I'm super excited about being able to really create a space where we can do healing and transformation. So many people have experienced so much grief, especially over the last couple of years, and so we want to be able to provide some healing for that.

Speaker 4:

So that's my last little thing, and just remember to love yourself. That's the other thing. Love yourself, you are worthy, you are divine, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much. Well, generally, at the end, I like to wrap it up with a little tagline that I have, which is to see beauty in everything is a choice. Please choose wisely. Thank you again, Gloria. I am going to also look into that retreat. That sounds like it's right up my alley. And Tracy, I will turn it back to you. I'm your co-guide, Millie Pampina. I thank you for joining us today with Gloria and our listeners and Tracy.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Tracy Seawright, and thank you for joining us on Ready Set Reiki and again go to our webpage, wwwreadysetreikicom to find out all of our offerings. And today's episode was sponsored by Feather Sister Wellness, so check it out. It is up online and offers a variety of yoga classes. Check it out, it is up online. It offers a variety of yoga classes, reiki and Reiki training. So it is up and running. Hope to see you soon. This has been Ready Set Reiki © transcript Emily Beynon.