Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #90 Arlene Williams' Healing Journey: From Intuitive Child to Holistic Family Alchemist – Embracing Inner Child Work, Traditional Wisdom, and Herbal Remedies

Tracy searight Season 2 Episode 89

Arlene "the family alchemist" Williams takes us through her extraordinary journey from being an intuitive child to the founder of Reclaiming Our Throne, a holistic family therapy practice. Together, we shatter the myth that healing follows a linear path and delve into the importance of continually nurturing the inner child within us all. Arlene’s approach to family healing is both innovative and deeply rooted in traditional wisdom, offering unique perspectives that challenge conventional therapy norms.

Explore the balance between self-confidence, personal growth, and the dangers of over-reliance on community validation. We discuss the resurgence of traditional wisdom and how to cultivate genuine skills beyond merely accumulating certificates. This episode underscores the importance of authenticity and practical application, reminding spiritual seekers to aim for thriving in all aspects of life, echoing the timeless wisdom of figures like Jesus—healers without formal certification.

Lastly, we dive into the world of herbal remedies and their potent role in holistic healing. Arlene shares insights on connecting with herbs such as dandelion, blue lotus, and mugwort, emphasizing the need for a personal relationship with these natural allies. We wrap up the episode with a heartfelt interview, discussing the concept of divine timing and expressing gratitude for Arlene’s invaluable contributions to our journey. Engage with us through our website or social media, and continue to uplift your vibrations alongside us.

Arlene The Family Alchemist Williams is the Founder of Reclaiming Our Throne: A Village Designed With The Youth In Mind and Royal Treatment By Arlene: Herbal Remedies! I am an autodidact Family Therapist who later became certified in multiple areas such as Occult, Traumatic Healing, and in Education. Utilizing my Intuitive nudges and personal life experiences I can provide customized Health Advisement for unbalanced families. Creating Tailor-Made Events toward the Ascension of Everyone within the Village such as Family Meditations, Youth Self Love Events, Astrology and Me (teaching the youth about astrology), Mama Magick, & Surviving Self Sabotage! I am always working diligently to assist villages heal and strengthen their lineage holistically.
Helping elevate the 915, If you are in El Paso, Texas, and anywhere from around the world make the connecting to Arlene the family alchemist Williams.

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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

This is Ready Set Reiki, a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, from the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher, welcoming all systems, all lineages and all levels.

Speaker 2:

Reiki is a journey and not a destination, and on this Ready Set Reiki journey, we refer to ourselves as guides rather than hosts, as we too are traveling, supporting each other and learning on this Reiki journey as well. And with that said, I am your guide, tracy C Wright, and joining me on my journey today is Arlene, the family alchemist Williams, the founder of Reclaiming Our Throne, a village designed with the youth in mind and the royal treatment by Arlene herbal remedies. She is an autodactic family therapist who later became certified in multiple areas, such as the occult, traumatic healing, and in education. Utilizing her intuitive nudges and personal life experience, she's able to provide custom health advertisement for unbalanced families, creating tailor-made events towards the ascension of everyone within the village, such as family meditation, youth self-love events, astrology and me that's, teaching the youth about astrology, mama magic and surviving self-sabotage. She is always looking diligently to assist villages heal and strengthen their lineage in a holistic way. Welcome, arlene, to Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 3:

Hello, hello, thank you, thank you for having me Such an honor.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's begin our journey together, so tell me a little bit about yourself.

Speaker 3:

This is always that interesting question, right? That always that question, that kind of gets people a little hung up. But so a little bit about myself is you've pretty much stated a little bit about myself is, um, you've pretty much stated, you know, stated it all within the intro um, I am someone who comes from, like I like to say, no one in this, in this universe, leaves here unscathed, right. So I am one who, who has found a multitude of ways to be able to navigate, to be able to navigate in a way that is suitable for me. My works come from realizing that this society that we live in is not cookie cutter, it's not a one size fits all. So what really, in this realm, was to, you know, make my own way? I remember as a child always saying why fit in? You know, why like, dare to be different. So that is me in a nutshell. That is who Arlene is that person that wants to, you know, create ways and create spaces where people can authentically be them.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful, beautiful. So, in this journey, when did the healing and intuitive work come into your life?

Speaker 3:

Ooh, early on, early on. But you know, know, I think my earliest, my youngest memory that I may have was being able to, you know, connect with, with spirits that were no longer around. And I may have been maybe like five or six, but you know, in the times that we were growing up in and the family that I was in, that wasn't cultivated. So you know, just like most of us, when we have our gifts, we push them to the back burner, you know, instead of actually having the space to where you were accepted fully. So definitely, since the youngest memory that I can remember is maybe like around five or six, All right.

Speaker 2:

Well, you were on this journey, here to be of service to others, to help them in a way that is creating a tailor-made events and tailor-made programs. As you're out there, as you're navigating, what are some of the misconceptions about your work?

Speaker 3:

A lot of the misconceptions is that I generally only work with children, and I like to say that I work with all children, your inner child as you being an adult, I work with all levels of you, know that child or those versions of you, those children that are within you. So that is a large misconception, that that you know. People assume that they'll see me working with the children more than oh no, what can you do for me? And it's like no, I'm, I'm, I'm here for the family. I have something for everyone, you know.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, beautiful, and they don't they forget about that inner child, or inner children within them. Right To awaken that.

Speaker 3:

Yes and that's yeah. I feel like that's a lot of the reason why us, as adults we send teams, seem to get confused or lost along the way is because we, because we're so busy adulting that we, you know, cut off that, that connection to those versions of ourselves.

Speaker 2:

Right, right. And as you are going out and you're working with the family through unbalanced families, whatever they need to that custom, you know treatment that you can do for them. What in your own way? What has been your biggest challenge, or rather struggle you have faced in your healing journey?

Speaker 3:

There are definitely a few, but one of the biggest struggles I have faced is the, the assumption that you cannot, that this healing is supposed to be linear, and realizing that it's it's never really over.

Speaker 3:

You know, realizing, yes, you may have addressed or you may have placed boundaries or you may have, you know, gotten to a certain point of ascension within that portion of you, but realizing that that's just a tidbit, that's just an aspect of the healing that you still have to embark on Right. So that has been the greatest obstacle, because it's like I thought I completed this already, I thought I was done already, you know. So you have to be be real, you have to be realistic and knowing that what I like to say is like it's not over until it's over. So even that thing from two years old may still be coming back, because there's still maybe something that's left within there. And that is one of the biggest challenges that I have faced and definitely want you know, everyone to know, who may not know is that in most cases things keep resurfacing because we haven't tended to it fully yet, you know.

Speaker 3:

Right this is why it's a journey?

Speaker 2:

There's no. There, just when you think you're there, there's another path right, another journey. Very good, so as you are out, learning, growing, helping others, what do you wish your younger self knew about your current profession?

Speaker 3:

What I wish my younger self knew was that, although we try to give ourselves these guidelines and these rules on when we want things to be done oh, I want to be married at this time, I want to have this at this age and, you know, realizing that everything is cliche as it may sound, but it really is the truth that everything does happen in divine timing. And what I noticed is that it's happening more, it's happening faster now. It seems like things are being sped up, right. So, as things are being sped up, the younger children are wanting to rush to this result, you know, and they're missing a lot along the way.

Speaker 3:

So, when it comes to what I am doing now, the work that I am here doing, knowing that there is no, like we said, there is no finish line, right, there is no, it just keeps going. So don't assume that if you don't have it, or if you haven't accomplished it by a certain point in which you think with your human mind is the age in which you're supposed to have it accomplished by you, know that you're not successful or you're a failure, or just to give up. Always keep going. Know that there is really no finish line. You just have to keep going and keep progressing, and just don't rush the process. Take it easy, make it easy, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, we're so focused on that timestamp, right it has to be by then. I mean, I recall, when I, you know, got out of high school, there was that rush, in a sense, to go to college, get married, do all these things and what was the rush. What was the rush? It was. Those are the things that needed to be done and you're so hyper focused on. Well, I have to meet this goal. I have to get this done by this timeline says, comparison is a thief of joy.

Speaker 3:

We will waste so much of our lives thinking that we are not, you know, seeking that outside validation or, you know, just wanting to fit in when you are. You are beautiful just the way you are when it comes to your profession, your looks, your feelings, like really accepting it is okay to accept and that is. That is a part of the work that I, that I, you know teach to families and teach to students and teach to adults who are still trying to find their way. That you know, don't compare, take your time. It's like when you're putting something together, you have a bookcase but you're trying to rush it and it's like slanted. You know you're missing a couple of pieces and you wonder why it's falling apart. Like no, take time to really read the instructions, become familiar and go from there. But take your time, Just don't rush the process.

Speaker 2:

Very good, Enjoy the journey right.

Speaker 3:

Enjoy it, it goes by fast.

Speaker 2:

It does Right. Enjoy it. It goes by fast. It does so as someone who is certified in multiple areas, from the occult, herbal remedies and traumatic healing. When it's time for you to get that energetic tune up, what are some qualities that you look for in energy healer or worker?

Speaker 3:

For me personally, it has to be a feeling. I've spent a great amount of time running away from those feelings and those inclinations and that sense of knowing that now it has to be a feeling. I have to be able to, you know, tune in and to tap in and to make that connection to know if this is going to work. Because, in the spirit of spirituality being trending now, you know, you definitely want to make sure that you are actually, when it's time to get your work, get the work done on you, that you are going to someone who is credible. And I don't want to say just, you know, because someone has 20 years under the belt, they may be more qualified when that's not, you know, always the case.

Speaker 3:

But that feeling, following the intuition, um, looking for if we're compatible, you know, looking for as far as, what is it that I am in season of? What is it that I'm really needing? Because oftentimes we'll we'll be going to, you know, going to get certain things, but maybe that's not what it is that you need. You know, when it comes to Reiki, do you need an attunement or do you know what is it that you're needing in that season? That's definitely something that I go by, but the main thing is the feeling and being able to follow the intuition, because there are plenty of certified people, but you know it's sometimes it could be apples and oranges.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. You're utilizing those intuitive nudges right.

Speaker 3:

Yes, definitely.

Speaker 2:

So, as you're working diligently to assist the villages to heal and strengthen their lineages in a holistic way, what advice would you give someone who's just entering this profession?

Speaker 3:

I would say the advice that I would give is to never discredit yourself based on what it is that you have been through. That's a piece, because oftentimes we would get hung up on. You know, because I have experienced certain things that maybe I'm not qualified to to. You know, lay hands on people, or to be able to pray for people, or to be able to read for people. You know, and it's again tapping into that intuition, making sure you have a strong enough connection to yourself before you try to do work on others, because there's a lot of people who are, you know, just wanting to, again in the spirit of things being trendy. You know, there's a lot of people that just want to oh well, this is cool. So I'm going to be a reader, but not realizing that there are, there are a multitude of lanes that if you are not qualified, you should not be trying to embark. So I would say, find out what your gifts and talents are, you know, and then you work your way around that because you know, I've seen it and I've experienced it. Where you know you, this seems neat, but then that's not your, that's not your lane.

Speaker 3:

I always tell my scholars, you know, keep your eyes on your own sheet of paper and it's OK to be a part of the crowd. Keep your eyes on your own sheet of paper and it's it's okay to be a part of the crowd, but at the same time, you have to realize that you have the knowing without within you and that taps into you know. Never be, never, put more on other people than you put on yourself. So don't go.

Speaker 3:

It's okay to see community and to have like-minded individuals around, but you essentially know what is good for you. You just have to tap into that confidence. You know that confidence within yourself. You have to tap into again your intuition, your sense of knowing. So, although we have, you know, great scholars, great master teachers that are out here, but realize that you are just as great. You just have the confidence and you just have to make sure that it is your lane that you are in and you're not trying to do what someone else. Oh, because this is popular or this is what Susie is doing, it's like no, but what are you good at? What are your gifts and talents?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, and if it's the energy, you'll shut it down. That's what people aren't realizing. If it's not meant to be, the blockages are going to happen because they think oh, I can do this.

Speaker 2:

Let's give an example of you know sound bowls right and well, that's really cool, that's great, you know. And then you kind of do an online training or you do a quick little training over the weekend and then you're coming out, you're doing it. If it's not gonna work, you know it's gonna, it's gonna shut things down. The people aren't gonna show up. And so those are those signs to say, well, maybe this is not my thing, you know, because we get so excited and they, we think it's so easy, but this is work, this is practice, my thing, you know, because we get so excited and we think it's so easy, but this is work, this is practice, this is energy. You know, you have to cultivate that relationship with it beyond just OK, I'm going to sign up and do that. And now I got my paper, let's go Right.

Speaker 3:

And that is happening. It is so crazy how many I scroll on the Internet and you can be certified. So sound bowl, you can be certified Reiki, I'm like wow, this stuff is.

Speaker 2:

It's out here, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

It's amazing, yeah, I mean and it's not uncommon now, especially since COVID, to have 20 or 30 certifications and things you know and people still have. They'll attribute it to perhaps maybe imposter syndrome that I just need that one more training, I just need that one more little thing. But you need to be out there and doing so like I even kind of got caught into that a little bit myself and now I'm in my season of doing. I'm like I need to get out there and be this and cultivate that relationship with the energy Instead of just sitting there and studying.

Speaker 3:

I love that. I love that there's a term that one of my professors, professor Melanie the spirit doula, she says you know what is the term, I forget it, but it's just like don't be an information junkie, you know, at some point you have to start to apply, you know. So I love that you said that. And one of the things that I see there's I'm pretty sure everyone could see that there is like a great reversal happening. So a lot of what was looked at, as you know, taboo, now we're realizing that, hey, this is how we've always been, but that was kind of taken away from us to an extent to keep us in their survival mode and to keep us, you know, on edge and to keep us from really tapping into who we are. And the one thing that I get at the certificates you know, some people in this Western society we need that piece of paper. But like back in the day paper, but like back in the day, and like we're seeing now that it's just in a lot of us, you know. So just lean into that, like lean into that. But of course, you know, you, you have the the worker bee mentality, so you're not able to really tap into your abilities. But I dare you, if you're just coming into this, what, what interests you? What is it that?

Speaker 3:

The cliche question If you could do this forever and it brings you joy, and you didn't, you know, and you didn't care if there was a check coming from it, is this it? You know, and then that's how you get you know, that's how you the provisions will be made, because you are really walking in your power. You know, and the saying is spiritual people should not be broke. That's how the provisions will be made, because you're really walking in your power and the saying is spiritual people should not be broke. And I'm not just saying it from a financial aspect, but a spiritual aspect. As far as broken, a mental aspect, as far as broken, with all of these different aspects, spiritual people should be some of the wealthiest people on the planet, because there are really people who are tapping in to them. You know, the gods, the universe and all of that. So I just had to get that little spill out.

Speaker 2:

Very good. Well, you look at one of I would consider one of the most famous healers, jesus, he didn't have a certificate on his wall, right? Okay, he was out there doing his work right from birth, you know yep, yep, going out there and being of service. So our next question is what books do you recommend?

Speaker 3:

so with my line of work and give me one second, all right. So with my line of work, the work that I do, with being able to bring some sense of wholeness within those I don't want to say broken or shattered, but within those fractured pieces that are within us. The first book that I recommend is All About Love. You know from Bell Hook she's now an ancestor and that book has opened my eyes to just the, not just, but the beauty in her explaining you know, different facets of love and how we sometimes misuse and abuse our love for manipulation. Or you know a lot of the relationships that I am working with when it comes to families and healing is the unbalanced duo of you know children should be seen and not heard. So as we're coming out of that paradigm, I think that that's a great book for people to read and to embark on.

Speaker 3:

And a good sister friend of mine her name is Jillian Thomas, she has Thriving Through Chaos. It's a manual and it says to be on your spiritual grind so you can bounce back from, bounce back quickly from life's curveballs and pandemics too. So it's basically a, a how-to guide, you know, an initiation guide for those who may be just encountering spirituality or wanting to, you know, be more in tune with themselves. I have another great sister friend. Her name is Jade and she has created a book and it is called. Give me one second, I know the name of this book. I cannot believe I am drawing a blank right now. The name of the book. Give me one second, I know the name of this book.

Speaker 1:

I cannot believe I am drawing a blank right now the name of the book. Give me one second. I will not be defeated. Hold on, I will not be defeated.

Speaker 3:

Let me go to Amazon really quick. Thank God for editing, because Amazon. Hold on one second. I do apologize. I can say this book like the back of my hand at any other time, and this is the time where I cannot think of it. Here we go, here we go, here we go.

Speaker 3:

So another book that I would like to recommend is for it's a how, how to guide on healing the inner child and healing your family, and it is called what's the Matter. It's an interactive guide to understanding your child's feelings, and this book is a coloring book. It gives different prompts and different scenarios for you to, you know, explain, have those different, difficult conversations with your children, you know, and to assist you with being mindful. You know, again, we're coming out of the spell of children not having feelings and not having emotions, or children should be seen and not heard, be seen and not heard. So this book is a great way to open up the lines of communication, because a lot of us grew up in homes that, you know, do not have proper communicating skills. So this guide is a phenomenal guide. I use it with my children, we color within it, we go through different scenarios, we do real life scenarios and we have the scenarios that are within the book.

Speaker 3:

My last book that I would love to recommend is by my another great sister friend of mine. It is called Ivy and Kim and the Seven Universal Principles, and it is a. It's a preteen guide to teaching children, with different scenarios of how to learn about the seven universal principles, right? So you talk about polarity, you talk about gender, as far as masculine and feminine. You would speak about cause and effect, right, right, these are different tools that I feel that will assist and help our younger generations to be able to have that sense of self and to be able to be more mindful and have the proper communication, because that's pretty much what it's. You know, all about being able to create balance and however that looks for everyone. So those would be my books, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful. Thank you for those recommendations. So what?

Speaker 3:

other services or modalities do you offer? Do you offer classes, events, trainings? So I do, I offer, I offer a multitude of things. So the, the Royal Treatment by Arlene, is my herbal remedy line and that is a line that I started based off, you know, just getting tired of pumping these medicines within my daughter when she was around three years old. So that is where that stemmed from, of wanting to, wanting to know how the ancestors did it before, you know, all of these medicines came along. So I went on a whole power trip when it comes to that, you know, started doing some studying and was able to heal myself and others just by, you know, building a bond and relationships with the plants, and then coming to the realization that, you know, a lot of Western medicine is in fact, you know, synthesized versions of herbs anyway. So with that that is one aspect I create muscle rubs, I create teas, I have elixirs for all different sorts of ailments and this eases within the body. That, you know, just taking it back to the old school ways of making that connection with earth and healing, reclaiming Our Throne. I have with that, you know, that's the umbrella company that houses all of the other businesses, and I create you know the events as far as I do webinars, teaching those who may have.

Speaker 3:

You know, we always do these new year's resolutions, but like really applying this and not just wanting to do it at that time and realizing that, you know, at any given day, we have the power to choose. So how do we overcome self-sabotage? You know what is the root of our self-sabotage? Oftentimes, again, we have the answers to these things, but it's about us actually acknowledging, accepting these things with working with moms and teaching moms how to bring that love back to self. As mothers, we're often pouring from that empty cup and filling up everyone else's cup, so that's why Mama Magic is created. So I do these monthly meetings, you know, and filling up everyone else's cup. So that's why Mama Magic is created.

Speaker 3:

So I do these monthly meetings, you know, with the intention to shed some light on wherever it is that you are at in your journey. So if you come to the monthly meeting and you just come, get the information, you know, to be able to do what you please or to move forward. When we move forward, we can build a more personal, intimate schedule to where we are working with just you or your family, your spouse or whoever it is, to create a personalized regimen. I like to call myself, like your personal accountability partner, so helping you to see the aspects that you may not be able to see, I do.

Speaker 3:

I am working on for children who are in public schools, you know, because I am a homeschool parent and I'm also an educator at the homeschool and and doing. I will be releasing information soon on events as far as getting the children to be back in the routine and how to handle their feelings and their emotions, getting ready to transition to that next grade up. So that would be an end of the summer program that I have, which I am releasing under what I like to call Cosmic Seeds. Yes, so there's a different multitude. I am at the. I do facilitate and host events with the Holistic Mercado here in El Paso, so the list just keeps going, but that's just to name a few.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful. So where can someone find you? Are you online? Are you in person, if they're interested in connecting with you or getting a session or service from you?

Speaker 3:

As far as sessions and services, yes, I am online. You can look me up on Instagram. My Instagram name is Arlene at sign Arlene the familychemist. I post different videos, self-help tips, inspiration. You can also, if you're looking into a sisterhood podcast, you can also look look up. The podcast is the realms of alchemy, where we integrate spiritual, mental and physical realms together to be able to assist you on your personal self-healing journey. If you want to message me for anything personal or private, you are able to message me at throne tribe 21 at gmailcom. That's T-H-R-O-N-E-T-R-I-B-E 21 at gmailcom. I'm also on Facebook. You can look me up through Reclaiming Our Throne and also on TikTok. Those are the. You know I'm not just being completely transparent. I really want to run away from technology, but I get that that's the age that we're in, so I have to stay up with it. Of course, of course.

Speaker 2:

So if you're in the 915 El Paso area, yes, 915 El Paso area.

Speaker 3:

You can definitely reach out, looking forward to you know, collaborating more and doing more, like you said earlier, when it comes to all that we have been learning and taking in, yes, it's all a collaboration right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, on this journey. Yeah, all right, earlene. This ends our first part of the journey together and I'm going to continue as your guide through this next part of the journey, which are questions on from social media. So listeners and students submit questions and I narrow it down to three questions just for you. So here we go. Number one you are the founder of Reclaiming Our Throne. Can you tell me about the Reclaiming Our Throne and what legacy you want to leave?

Speaker 3:

hmm, it's so I love that you use the term legacy, because that has been a reoccurring scenario this past week, the last girl yes, I love it.

Speaker 3:

I love it. Um, the legacy that reclaiming our is to leave behind is, although, again, we are a part of this great collective, the impression and the legacy that Reclaimant are thrown is to bring is to knowing that we cannot fully fulfill our purpose as a collective if we are not comfortable in living in the skin that we are in. So the main takeaway from reclaiming our throne, the legacy, is to thrive at being you. You know everyone was already. We all have these beautiful blueprints right. That makes us up, but that is what makes the collective picture more brighter, more vibrant.

Speaker 3:

When we are really walking in our sovereignty, walking in our everything, that makes us us right, really walking in that and being in that, I like to say all the time say, why die a copy? When you were born, an original. And again, when we are all collectively doing our part, whether you are the grandmother, the great-grandmother, whether you are the newborn, when we are all doing our part, we all are here for the collective ascension, all doing our part, we all are here for the collective ascension. So that is, in short, like the legacy to continue to reclaim your throne. We came here. We forget. Remember who you are do your work and just just be, just be.

Speaker 2:

Right Heal and strengthen their lineage right. Very good, yes, so the second question. You touched on this a little bit as we were talking, but we're going to circle back around to it.

Speaker 3:

So how can I overcome my self-sabotage? The main thing for overcoming the self-sabotage is to acknowledge that it is that you do that right. Oftentimes we get in a space of we've come so we've become kind of robotic in a sense, so that we've been doing, you know, things just off of, off of the top of the dome, because this is what I always do, you know, this is what has always been done. But realizing that that within itself is an issue right and to overcome, that is why is this here? Getting to the root, you know, I always like to say let's go beneath the epidermis. There are seven layers to the skin and oftentimes we're stuck at the surface. So let's get to the roots of why these issues are here. Why are you doing this? Why are you stopping yourself from being the best version of yourself? And I feel like once we get there, we acknowledge and then we can start putting in an action plan. You know, but getting to the roots, Very good.

Speaker 2:

Our third and final question how can herbal remedies assist in one's healing journey?

Speaker 3:

In a multitude of ways. In a multitude of ways, um, um. When we think of um, when we think of um, I would say, first, you know, getting to know our plants. You know, getting to know our plants, really getting to know, I mean, as the great shocker is that you know, people were more, people are realizing now that dandelions are in fact, like you know, the benefits behind dandelions. You know, and then we've been told, yes, like we've been told. So it's a point of unlearning everything that you have been taught you know, so you could, so you can do your research to relearn. So, really getting to know the plants and realizing that you know it's not just something that we may put on our foods. And again, knowing that there's a multitude of ways. There's topical, there's digestion, you know, there's soaking, you know, like there's all of these different facets. So I would say, being able to look outside of the box of what we have been taught.

Speaker 3:

When it comes to herbs, you know a lot of us, as kids, would go out and play and make little stews and make little soups and make little potions and not even realizing that it's already within us. So, when it comes to the herbal remedies, it can help you to see outside the box. You know when you're just adding simple things to your teas or you're adding different herbs to your foods, when you're making a concoction or making a salve, right, they could assist with the spirit. You know drinking you some blue lotus? You know. If you were to drink you some mullein, you want to. You know you want to remove all of that phlegm off of your chest. If you want to be able to make a connection or to have vivid dreams, you know. If you want to be able to make a connection or to have vivid dreams, you know. If you want to see what work you were doing in the astral, that's where you know your mugwort were coming in.

Speaker 3:

Actually learning, scrapping the old things that we have been taught, you know, and learning and relearning, and those are some of the ways that you know herbal remedies can assist with healing. Just being open. And one thing that I have been taught that has been a game changer is I'm not sure if everyone does it, but if you don't to actually speak to your herbs before you go to use them. Now, I know I'll go out into the park, I'll speak to the trees, I'll speak to the flowers. But you know, it's kind of like that, that like how we pray before we eat, you know, like keeping that, but making that connection to speak to the herbs. What is its purpose? What is it here to fulfill? What is it here to do and speak into that Thank and thank the herb for doing that Right, because I have healed myself and, like I said, a multitude of people by getting to know these herbs and for some reason, I'm hearing yoni steams, so that just came up.

Speaker 3:

So when, when we think of women doing yoni steams, what I like to call my herbal remedy is a tea for your V. So a lot of women are suffering from endometriosis, all of these fibroids, you know, infertility. There's a multitude of ways. Just by sitting over, creating a tea or actually ingesting you know a tea that you are able to heal your womb. And this time it is, you know, and in this time it is, you know, it's a great time to make that connection and to speak to your womb and to really work on that, because we see the shift is happening. So we're the feminine is here, so speaking with your womb. I'm not sure who needs to hear that at the time that it that you hear, but start doing your research and working towards healing your wound.

Speaker 2:

Sure, and it's, yeah, working on this culturally created self that has kind of been thrust upon us, right Labels and all kinds of things spoken over us, to just kind of slowly strip this away and just go back to the basics, go back to the basics.

Speaker 3:

Said, the basics. We tend to overcomplicate a lot of simple things.

Speaker 2:

It's simple. It's really this simple. Okay, cool, yeah, like I mean as simple as stressed out. Maybe take your shoes off and go outside. Take a deep breath, you know, go and take a bath, go into the water, go around water right Look at the stars but no, let's, let's you know so simple, right so simple right, shocking, right, yeah, so that is our last question, and so, as we've been talking, is there something else that you feel you need to share? Maybe something you forgot about?

Speaker 3:

so take the time now to add anything that you'd like for our listeners for anyone who is listening, and as I am speaking to myself, the main piece that I want to say is where you are currently is just a pit stop, right? So don't get hung up on where you are now or whatever it is that you may be feeling, because this is just. This is just the pit stop. So if you were to look back, you would see all that you have endured. You have gotten up until this point, so you have already won. You have already endured all of the worst of the worst. So now, at this point, is not a point of giving up.

Speaker 3:

I know it seems like things are happening, but just keep swimming, in the words of Dory, so you will get there. Not just just, but keep swimming, keep thriving, keep changing, reframing and changing your synapses. You know, because it's never ending work and never throw the towel in. You need you. All of those versions inside of you are waiting on you, continuously waiting on you. They're rooting for you and, yeah, keep going.

Speaker 2:

Keep going just and try as much as you can to enjoy the journey. Find the silver lining.

Speaker 3:

And everything, and everything. I just told my daughter that last night over something.

Speaker 3:

I just, I just want to do it this way and I'm like I get that. But listen, you have to find the silver lining. It may not be how you want it to be, because for some reason we have this thing that is supposed to look the way we want it to look. But when we are not able to look at the silver lining, we will miss the blessing, miss the beauty of the moment right there, and, like I just told my scholars earlier, we are. Things may be a little delayed, but they're never denied, and the only reason why they're delayed in the first place is because we feel like we have to rush. So, yes, I love it Divine timing right.

Speaker 3:

Divine timing Every time.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, thank you, arlene, for joining me on this journey, this Ready Set Reiki journey, and taking time out of your very busy schedule to come and join me.

Speaker 3:

Said I am grateful. Thank you for you know having me. Thank you for setting up the platform for you know everyone to be able to share and to being diverse.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. You know, raising the 9-1-5 vibration here as well as the world.

Speaker 3:

so yes, yes and continuously doing that. I love it. Thank you, sure.

Speaker 2:

All right, my wonderful listeners, if you would like your question featured on Ready Set Reiki, reach out at wwwreadysetreikicom or check it out on social media. Also check out Feather Sister Wellness that offers yoga and Reiki, yoga, yoga trainings, reiki and Reiki trainings. I'm Tracy Seawright and this has been Ready Set Reiki. Thank you you.