Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #91 Donna Cross's Healing Journey: From Diabetes-Induced IBS to Reiki Mastery – Embracing Kinesiology, Ancestral Healing, and Holistic Practices

Tracy searight

What if you could heal from chronic ailments and emotional scars through a simple, daily practice? Join us as we explore Donna Cross's transformative journey with Reiki. Donna, a certified Reiki master, recounts how she began her path in 2020 to find relief from severe IBS caused by diabetes medication. Inspired by her brother, Donna dived into Reiki self-practice and experienced an astounding 95% improvement in her symptoms within just four months. This episode captures Donna's transition from a seeker of healing to a passionate practitioner and health coach, helping others manage their health challenges, including those in hospice care and yoga studios.

Donna’s healing journey didn’t stop with Reiki; she incorporated kinesiology and dowsing to address stored and ancestral trauma. We talk about the lifelong commitment required for such practices and the importance of daily self-Reiki to keep one’s energetic field clear. Donna shares her insights on the qualities to look for in a Reiki practitioner and offers valuable advice for newcomers. Her message is clear: consistent self-practice is key to achieving clarity, empathy, and effectiveness in healing work.

In the world of social media, promoting Reiki comes with its own challenges. Donna opens up about overcoming imposter syndrome and the stigma around charging for spiritual services. She shares strategies for staying authentic and engaging online and her recommendations for those looking to deepen their knowledge, such as the book "Reiki for Life" by Penelope Quest. We also discuss how Reiki can support common health issues like type 2 diabetes and the role of energy healing in addressing health blockages. Wrapping up, Donna expresses her profound gratitude for the transformative power of Reiki and invites listeners to explore the Ready Set Reiki community for additional wellness resources.

Donna Cross is a Certified Reiki Master assisting in all areas of health, including burnout from diabetes and other chronic illnesses. She is also a founding member of Holistic Pros since 2022.

Donna sought out Reiki in 2020 after developing IBS, brought on by medication she had taken to help her reverse her type 2 diabetes. Becoming attuned to Reiki and practicing self-Reiki for four months, Donna noticed a 95% improvement in her symptoms! Reiki significantly improved the quality of her life, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally, as well, by healing and removing stored childhood trauma. She was so grateful to Reiki for becoming part of her life, that she decided to become a practitioner to help others.

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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 2:

This is Ready Set Reiki, a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, from the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher, welcoming all systems, all lineages and all levels.

Speaker 2:

Reiki is a journey and not a destination, and on this Ready Set Reiki journey, I refer to myself as a guide rather than host, as I am traveling, supporting and learning on this Reiki journey as well, and I am your guide, tracy Seawright, and joining me on my journey today is Donna Cross. Now she is a certified Reiki master, assisting in all areas of health, including burnout from diabetes and other chronic illnesses. She is also a founding member of the Holistic Pro since 2022. Now Donna sought out Reiki in 2020 after developing IBS brought on by medication she had taken to help her reverse her type 2 diabetes. Becoming attuned to Reiki and practicing self-Reiki for four months, she noticed a 95% improvement in her symptoms. Reiki significantly improved the quality of her life, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well, by healing and removing stored childhood trauma, and she is so grateful for Reiki, for becoming a part of her life, that she decided to become a practitioner to help others. Donna, welcome to Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for having me.

Speaker 2:

So let's begin our journey. So tell us a little bit about yourself.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, my name is Donna and I live in New Hampshire on the seacoast. I'm married with two children both just got out of college. At this time, I am a health coach helping people reverse their type 2 diabetes, and I'm also a Reiki master and I'm grateful that I can work with hospice patients at a local nursing home and I also work at a local yoga studio, so I'm really grateful that I can have Reiki as part of my practice. I also do self-Reiki every single day, so it's been really becomes as part of my practice. I also do self-Reiki every single day, so it's been really becomes a part of my life, and that's about it. My hobbies are hiking and coffee. So there you go. That's all there is to it.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, wonderful. Now, it was mentioned in your bio you sought out Reiki in 2020. So tell me, did you find Reiki or did Reiki find you?

Speaker 3:

Reiki absolutely found me and I believe Reiki finds you if you're ready for it. Yep, it certainly did, yeah. Did you? Want me to continue on that or you can tell us whatever you like.

Speaker 2:

If you have a story to tell, sure.

Speaker 3:

You can tell us whatever you like If you have a story to tell. Sure, okay, so, yes, so back in 2018, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and it took me about 11 months with significant lifestyle change, including that one medication I was taking and I did end up reversing it, and I did end up reversing it. However, the medication that I was taking does have this common side effect of developing irritable bowel syndrome, which is and I got a pretty severe case of it. I was to the point where I needed to know where a bathroom was at all times, would let go at any moment. It was very painful, embarrassing, it happened to my daughter's graduation, it was just brutal and my quality of life really suffered. But I didn't know what to do because when I got reversed from type two, all meds were removed. I had lost, in total, 192 pounds, naturally, and a lot of this weight I feel, since it came off, got rid of a lot of the depression, the eating disorder, the anxiety that I had had since around the age of three years old, and so I've been on meds for years. They were all removed. I didn't want to go back to medications at all, so I was like, well, what do I do? I mean, I can't stand this anymore. Is it possible to even find any type of relief without meds?

Speaker 3:

So I was talking to my brother my brother's a reiki practitioner and real quick with him, he's a classical guitarist and he had horrible carpal tunnel. He had surgery and nothing helped and he couldn't play his guitar. And he played this guitar for, I mean my goodness, years and years and years, and it helped. And he couldn't play his guitar. And he played his guitar for, I mean my goodness, years and years and years, and it crushed him. And he sought out Reiki and, lo and behold, it helped. It was amazing. He was able to play his guitar again.

Speaker 3:

So he became a Reiki master and he told me about it and I said, well, gee, that sounds good enough to me, I'm going to try it. And I said, well, gee, that sounds good enough to me, I'm going to try it. Good enough for me. But instead of going to a practitioner to have Reiki given to me, I'm like you know what, I'm going one step further, because that's kind of how I am. I'm like I'm just going to get attuned to level one. And so I did. And so I found someone in the area got attuned to level one. Uh and and, uh, yeah, so self-reiki for for four months daily. Um, my goodness, I, I. It was nothing short of miraculous. Nothing short of miraculous and and, like I, said, 95 of the symptoms were gone.

Speaker 3:

So I got hooked even more and the passion grew. So I went to level two and I said, yeah, now I want to help others and I want to get stronger in my, in my Reiki, or my Reiki too. And so my little business started in 2021 and it was during the lockdown, so all of my clients were remote, so I mean, but it was still really cool. I was able to send Reiki to Japan and Finland and all over the UK and Canada and all over the US. It was so incredible, it really was. So I just got more and more hooked and I ended up becoming a Reiki master back in just December. So it's interesting.

Speaker 3:

Reiki to me is a gateway holistic healing modality. When you get, it seems like to me, reiki gets you to a point and then it's like, okay, now you're ready to have some more things come in. You're open enough. Now more stuff can come in. So now I'm really I'm working with all types for my own health EFT and kinesiology and my gosh tracing, meridians and Eden Method and all types of stuff. All these things are coming into my life. But the beautiful thing is, reiki is the foundation and you can use Reikiiki will will strengthen and intensify every other holistic modality. Makes all the others work even better.

Speaker 2:

And they all work together. You just need to take that first step on that journey. Yeah, so you are out being a practitioner and you have gone on to master. You've been doing this for a few years now. What is a common misconception about Reiki?

Speaker 3:

Common misconception is and I don't for okay, so for my own, my own history with this, the only misconception that I have come across is distance Reiki. Hmm, they don't get it. They don't get it. And during the lockdown people were so scared that they were willing to try anything, but they did it. Now that everything's back to normal, they, people, really are craving the in-person, the connection, the touch.

Speaker 3:

And why still try to say to people like, let's say, we had an appointment and you have to cancel it, but I have to do it on a Sunday or something? I'm like, well, I, you know, it's fine, we can do it, you know remotely. And they don't get it. I've been called a witch, the devil. I'm like no, no, no, it's energy. Energy works, no matter what you know. And it's really difficult.

Speaker 3:

And I'm still having difficulty trying to explain to people what distance reiki is. It's just energy, it's all energy, we're all energy. If you look at it like you text somebody, it goes up to a satellite and over to another phone and it's quick. Well, that's that's. It's like reiki, it's that's exactly what it's like. It just goes there, goes over there and you know. But you try to explain it and they just don't understand it. And that's to me, that's the misconception, the big, that I really wish we could somehow overcome, because there are still going to be those times where remote sessions are going to be more convenient, very helpful, and you can still do it globally, you know, really globally because everybody needs it.

Speaker 2:

But that's what I would say All right, all right, yeah, so you help so many people in assisting in all areas of their health and their healing journey. What has been the biggest challenge or struggle in your very own healing journey?

Speaker 3:

For me, definitely it has been stored trauma, childhood trauma and actually actually I've come to realize that even once you clear your your childhood trauma or there is also trauma that you carry within you, ancestrally in your bloodline, in your dna, and I didn't realize that and the law I mean most people, if not all, are carrying some type of baggage from hundreds of years in your DNA and that's been very interesting and I think Reiki really assists in the other modalities that can come in and clear that out. And that's been a journey and I'm still working on it to this day and I'm using kinesiology with like, with dowsing and Reiki together and to clear out old programming from even past lives which I, again, I didn't realize was even a thing you know I and I really didn't.

Speaker 3:

I honestly thought we had the one life and that was it, but no, so I now know that this is an ongoing learning journey that we're on. That's what's been the most difficult, because it's constant, it's daily. I will be working on this till the day I die because it's you know it is what it is, so that's why.

Speaker 2:

So what do you wish your younger self knew about this current profession, that you're in this work of Reiki.

Speaker 3:

I wish my younger self knew it, like, honestly, I don't need, I mean, I don't even know three years old, it would have been great If I could have nipped it in the bud at three years old. I honestly, you know, I think back at that time and I do remember being seeing things, you know, having visions. I remember it, but I always just, I don't know, I just had that awareness, that or I didn't have awareness because I'm only three, you know but I still remember those things and I really feel that, oh man, I wish I had it back then. I wish I had it when I was being bullied at 14. I really wish, because it would have just regulated my nervous system, it would have helped me sleep, it would have helped me not get an eating disorder.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And not go and die. It would have helped me in so many ways.

Speaker 2:

Sure, yeah what are you going to do Well in this journey that you're on now. You can always use the distance symbol to give yourself that Reiki at that three-year-old self.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that's right and I yeah, you're right and I have done that. Like every time that I give myself self Reiki, I always do the distance symbol, always, yes, I always. So I'm, I'm, always, I'm hoping that that it gets there. I think it is because I'm getting more modalities that are coming in to help me get there, so I know it's getting me up. So, there, yeah, very good.

Speaker 2:

So what? It is time for you to get an energetic tune-up, if you're not doing yourself Reiki and you're going out to find someone else. What are some qualities that you look for in a Reiki practitioner?

Speaker 3:

Well, that's interesting, all right, I'll tell you this. Well, that's interesting. All right, I'll tell you this. Um, it would have to be someone who practices it daily. I'm sorry, you know, it is what it is, because this is interesting.

Speaker 3:

So back in may, honest to goodness, rake ladies that were attuned to level one were flocking over to me and I would get so excited because I'm a geek and I'd be like you're level one, oh, that's great. Do you practice self-reiki? No, why, I don't have time, I don't know. I'm like well then, why did you get attuned in in the first? But did you think it was cute, was it? Did you think it was fun? But did you like, hey, look at me, is it ego? What, what was it? And you know, and I tell them you have the power of healing in your hands, use it so.

Speaker 3:

And so I said to myself okay, well, obviously they're here for a reason. They're here for me to kick start their self reiki. And they have. So, in my opinion, you know, if I were to go see reiki practice, I would want them to be practicing on themselves every single day, just because they, because they'll be clear. Their chakras, their meridians, their aura, everything will be nice and clear and we'll have a nice connection. Higher selves connect, easier. They know what they're talking about, they're more empathetic. That's my feeling.

Speaker 2:

What advice would you give someone who is just entering this profession?

Speaker 3:

That it is. Even though Reiki is becoming more and more mainstream because it is and I you know, I get that it's still very difficult to kind of get yourself out there. I think a lot of it still is word of mouth, social media. Unfortunately, this algorithm that we have it doesn't suit us well. Algorithm that we have it doesn't suit us well. I feel like you just have to keep. You got to get rid of the fear of being seen. You got to get rid of the fear of the imposter syndrome, all those things. Get yourself out there, act, act, goofy, act, funny, you know, but get it out every day and it does eventually kick in. And so not to give up, because we really need it and we need a Reiki practitioner in every household, and I truly believe that I know it'll get there, but we're still. We have this social media stuff.

Speaker 3:

That's hard and we have the people like well, we also have still have the thing about people in the spiritual community shouldn't charge. You know, there's still some money weirdness happening, so you got to kind of get rid of that too. So that's what I would say. It took time for me too. I mean, I had a lot of money issues, money block things, you know, like tips. Like oh no, no, no, no, I'm not going to take a tip. No, that's fine. No, why not? If they think that you did great and they want to give you but I'm just going to do that same thing. Oh no, I could never do that, but that's how I feel.

Speaker 2:

Very good, so what books do you recommend?

Speaker 3:

Okay, the only book I've ever read and the only book I needed to read was by Penelope Quest Reiki for Life. It was my manual. Oh, hello, hello. Sorry, I had a 911 thing come through. I hope you can edit that. Can you edit that, okay? Thank you, all right.

Speaker 2:

So the question was what books do you recommend?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah. Reiki for life by penelope quest. It was my, it was my uh manual for a level two, and it's really the only book you could ever need so what uh services do you offer?

Speaker 2:

do you offer, do you offer any classes, events, trainings?

Speaker 3:

I am not a Reiki master teacher. I do not feel called to teach yet At this point. I just want to practice. So I, at this time, I'm like I said, I'm working at a nursing home for hospice and I'm working at a local yoga studio right now. So that's what I'm doing right now.

Speaker 2:

All right, Well, where can we find you in person, online? Do you have a website?

Speaker 3:

If you on Instagram, it's RemoteRiggy with Donna Cross and on there I have a link tree and you can find all my links for booking. I do not have a particular website right now. My services are on the Yoga Studios website there.

Speaker 2:

Very good. So that ends the first part of our journey together and I'm going to continue on to the next part of our journey, which is social media questions. So listeners and Reiki students send questions, and I narrow them down to three just for you. So let's begin Send questions, and I narrow them down to three just for you. So let's begin. Number one in your line of work what are the most common blockages to health?

Speaker 3:

and success, that people face the most common blockages. Right now that I am noticing and this has been consistent for a while throw chakra blockage down. I don't know what's happening, but it's consistent every time. And people are having major issues with fight and flight, major issues with fight and flight. Um, I'm noticing also because I work, I'm I'm really delving into the meridian system too, and I'm noticing a lot of triple warmer meridian. This, which is that's your fight flight and freeze and freeze. And then also I'm learning a lot about things such as, like a gallbladder meridian. That's a lot of rage, a lot of lung, a lot of unable to let go like interesting, like that, but that's the. Those are the blockages that I'm seeing consistently A lot of anxiety, a lot of rage, a lot of pent up. People don't can't communicate, feeling like they're not supported. Um is what I'm getting a lot Um, and also a lot of root chakra issues.

Speaker 3:

A lot of people changing jobs, people that are very, really scared about this, this economy that we're in. What am I going to do? Am I going to have enough money? Where should I go next? And people just not feeling well. They just don't feel their best. A lot of sacral chakra issues a lot of. I used to be. I used to feel so good what happened? I used to have drive. I used to have passion. I used to care. I don't care anymore what's going on. That's what I've given.

Speaker 2:

Number two can you share how you used Reiki to help you with your type two diabetes two can?

Speaker 3:

you share how you used Reiki to help you with your type two diabetes Well as I. I again, I did not when I reversed my type two. That's when Reiki came in to help me with my irritable bowel syndrome. However, however, you know your pancreas, digestive issues all that is in the solar plexus and I paid particular in, you know really focused particularly on the solar plexus quite a bit.

Speaker 3:

I'm also, as I said, I'm a health. I'm a health coach for people reversing their type two and prediabetes and I work on an app which is called Honey Health and you can look me up too. You can download. It's a free app for people who would like to. You know they can track their blood sugars, they can, things like that.

Speaker 3:

There's tons of groups and I'm one of their groups and so I put up it's all video based and I put up videos of each chakra and I did a Reiki session and I recorded Reiki session for each per, for each chakra, wouldn't you know? Thousands of views on the solar plexus. So people keep coming in there and getting their three minutes and it's kind of neat, of neat it's. It definitely has helped me deal with my uh, eating disorder. Um, and that's yeah, it's all over the place too. I mean hard shark, it all depends your self-worth, all of that but really focuses on solar plexus and you know, or is it working at its best. So that helped me a lot too, and I continue to do that daily, okay.

Speaker 2:

Where again can they, our listeners, find that video or your videos?

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's called Honey Health and you just on the app store, it's for free app and you download it for free and then you can join groups. So that's right at this time. It's for free app and you download it for free and then you can join groups. So that's right at this time. It's for type one and for type two diabetes. They're going to be adding more autoimmune illnesses down the road and they have doctors, they have fitness trainers, nutritionists, they have all types of things.

Speaker 3:

You can track your blood sugars and I have a group called type two and pre-diabetes reversal and it's all video format and you know, make videos and I do videos on my nutrition, on nutrition and movement and mindfulness, things like that, giving them tips on how I reversed it to kind of help them. And I did a whole series on Reiki, on the, on the chakras and, like I said, the solar plexus is like thousands of views. So people, people are getting the connection. Sure, I'm trying to get you know, trying to make this connection between Reiki, other energy healing and diabetes with people.

Speaker 3:

And they're like is it a cure? No, healing and diabetes with people and they're like is it a cure?

Speaker 2:

No, it's not a cure, but it'll help. Sure Well, this will go perfectly into our next and last question, which is how can someone?

Speaker 3:

strengthen their connection to Reiki, self-reiki, if you become attuned, which is what I highly recommend. Anybody, anybody, can get attuned to Reiki. You don't have to be a special person, walk on water, you don't have to anybody. I would find yourself a Reiki master, teacher and get yourself attuned. It's really not expensive and the benefits are outstanding. And every day, 10 minutes, five minutes. Connect with Reiki every day. Set the intention, put them on your chakras. Anything that hurts touch, and you'd be amazed. I would recommend that highly. I think everybody should be a two. Myself I really do, because, let's face it, you know it does cost a lot of money to go to it to a person all the time. Get yourself a tune, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that's what I would say very good, well, that was our last question, but as we've been talking, is there something that maybe you have forgotten to mention or something that you would like to share with our listeners? You can take the time now to share.

Speaker 3:

I guess I would just say that I am grateful for, first of all, thank you for having me on, very grateful for that. Second of all, I'm very grateful for Reiki, I'm just grateful for it, it all. Thank you for having me on, very grateful for that. Second of all, I'm very grateful for Reiki, I'm just grateful for it. It's been a gift, a true gift, and I, I, I, I couldn't live my life without it and I feel, as you said, reiki finds you totally. And if Reiki does find you, then look into it, find somebody that you feel you can trust. Give it a try. You'll be amazed. Get yourself attuned to level one. Anyway, you can at least you can do your plants, you can do your pets, you can do your food, you can Reiki, everything. It's amazing because we're all energy and I mean it would open up a whole new life, all new discoveries. So that's what I would say.

Speaker 2:

All right, very good. Well, thank you, donna. So much for taking this journey with me here on Ready Set Reiki. I really appreciate you taking time out of your very busy schedule to come on and join me. Thank you very much. All right, my beautiful listeners, if you would like your question featured on Ready Set Reiki, reach out wwwreadysetreikicom or find me on social media. Also, check out Feather Sister Wellness that offers a variety of yoga and Reiki classes and Reiki trainings wwwthefeathersistercom. I'm Tracy Seawright and this has been Ready Set Reiki To be.