Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #96 Claudia Milligan's Healing Journey: From Skepticism to Spiritual Healer – Embracing Child Loss, Reiki Mastery, and Mediumship

Tracy searight

What if your deepest pain could lead you to an extraordinary journey of healing and transformation? Join us as we welcome Claudia Milligan, a once-skeptical mother whose life took an unexpected turn after the tragic loss of her son, David. Through her poignant story of unimaginable grief, Claudia shares how a single encounter with a Reiki medium from Ireland awakened her to the presence of her beloved son in spirit, guiding her to become a Reiki master, medium, and author. Her journey from skeptic to spiritual healer offers a beacon of hope and an invitation to explore the unseen possibilities within our lives.

Have you ever wondered about the misconceptions surrounding Reiki and mediumship? In this episode, we tackle these myths head-on while discussing the deeply personal healing journeys of those who practice Reiki. Claudia and our hosts dive into the challenge of unlearning rigid beliefs and underscore the importance of remaining open-minded. Through heartfelt anecdotes and experiences, we reveal how spiritual communication can offer profound healing and how paying attention to signs from the spirit world can enhance our personal growth and connection.

How do you maintain a bond with someone who has passed away? Claudia's wisdom illuminates this delicate subject as she recounts her ongoing connection with David and the subtle ways he communicates through signs and symbols. We explore the importance of meditation, quieting the mind, and sending love to those in spirit, affirming their lasting presence in our lives. Claudia's story encourages us to embrace a limitless perspective on love, life, and loss, emphasizing curiosity and openness as essential tools for healing. Tune in, and let Claudia's journey inspire you to seek deeper connections and spiritual growth through Feather Sister Wellness.

After years of keeping life under control, Claudia’s 29-year-old son David passed and
left her scrambling for ways to stay in contact. That need opened doors to the mystical
(and the uncontrollable) which led her to become a Reiki Master, a Medium, and an
author. Letters to David: Following My Son into Spirit is the account of her continuing
relationship with David, and her experience opening to the mysterious.

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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 2:

This is Ready Set Reiki, a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, from the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher, welcoming all systems, all lineages and all levels. Reiki is a journey and not a destination, and on this Ready Set Reiki journey, we refer to ourselves as guides rather than hosts, as we too are traveling, supporting each other and learning on this Reiki journey as well. With that said, I am your guide, tracy Seawright, and joining me on this journey today is Claudia Milligan. Now, after years of keeping life under control, claudia's 29-year-old son, david, passed and left her scrambling for ways to stay in contact. That need opened doors to the mystical and the uncontrollable, which led her to becoming a Reiki master, a medium and an author. Letters to David. Following my Son into Spirit is the account of her continuing relationship with her son, david, and her experience opening to the mysterious. Claudia. Welcome to Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 3:

Tracy, thank you so much for having me today. And what a wonderful foundation, what a wonderful opening up, which is a good term, because Reiki can open up the door for so many things. Has for me, has for many, I know. You know, when my son passed, as you mentioned, I was debits on the left, credits on the right, crystals in the garbage nonsense, just nonsense, total nonsense. But if crystals in the garbage nonsense, just nonsense, total nut. But if you believe in it, okay. And then I need to do something different. You know, I found here that I do what I do as long as I think that works for me. Even if it doesn't as long as I think it works for me, I'm going to keep doing it. But somebody said you need to go see a Reiki medium.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know what Reiki was. I had a vague idea of what a medium was, but I had no interest and a whole lot of pain, and I had enough pain that I was willing to try even a Reiki medium. So a little bit about my background. I learned how to keep things under control even as a child. But all through my life I was happier with the black and the white, I was happier when everything added up, I was happier if I could fix something, and a lot of Reiki for me and spirituality has not been about fixing anything. But maybe the lady in the mirror, you know, and I found that as I changed for the better, everything in my life changed for the better, even the people, even if they didn't change, all of a sudden they were starting to look better and better and better, kinder and kinder and kinder, and maybe just, oh, she must have had a tough life instead of something a little less positive. So I guess that's who I was. And you know, sometimes I really am grateful for the pain in my life, because that's what moves me. I've heard that the only difference between a stepping stone and a stumbling block is how I use them, and so when I had to do something different, I did Okay, I don't believe in this Reiki nonsense. I don't even know what it is. You described it to me and it really doesn't make sense, not in my world. But I'm hurting and so I'm going to try.

Speaker 3:

And so I sat on a chair next to a love seat and there was a Reiki medium from Ireland who told me about her turd eye, which I thought was hysterical and I didn't know. But I was starting to feel a little bit of peace and with the energy in the room I was aware of three circles, almost like a snowman of energy to my right. That I knew, I just knew, was my son and you know, so often I hear the question well, how did you know that? I just knew? I hear the question, well, how did you know that? I just knew. And she took me into her room. The table was there, the incense, the candles and the peace. And I had not felt that peace for a long time and I thought I still don't know if this is for me, but for once in my life I thought but I'm gonna try it and see, because maybe it is.

Speaker 3:

And the beginning of Reiki for me was beginning to open that door into the check, the maybes. Don't limit myself to the absolutely positively sure I can do this. And so I found when I returned once a month and she gave me Reiki each time a month and she gave me Reiki each time and I remember maybe the second time I was there I already knew the drill, so I was cool. I knew that she started with my head by holding my head and then move down my body hovering, and sometimes she would touch my feet, sometimes she wouldn't. So I knew, I knew the drill, I was comfortable, but she was holding my head and holding my head and holding my head. She didn't know how to do this, apparently way too long, and I finally needed to know why she was doing that. And I opened my eyes to ask her about it. And she wasn't holding my head, she was down near my ankles. What's that? What's what I thought you were holding my head? Oh no, that's David. He came in when I started Well, it's hard to argue with feeling pressure on my head and things started happening that had no other explanation and they happened mostly in the energy of Reiki.

Speaker 3:

So after about A year of that, I did Reiki One. Somebody had told me it'll help you open up to the energy of spirit, to the energy of your son, and I think if somebody would have said, if you buy a pink elephant and feed him in your backyard, it will make you closer to your son, I would have had a pink elephant in my backyard. So I signed, I showed up, I learned. I think I did sort of smirk a little at first, but things started changing just a little bit. And I remember, with Reiki too, I thought, oh, this is going to be way better. And it wasn't day one and I was like didn't work. But I noticed that a couple or three days later, as I was doing Reiki on myself every day, that it seemed stronger, that I was going to different places.

Speaker 3:

I went back to my Reiki medium for the master class and she made it a full week of full days and I learned so much about Usui, about honoring Reiki, about energy exchange, honoring reiki, about energy exchange, and I was enamored. And all of a sudden I started opening doors, or better yet, I saw doors were opening. But I know we're opening before now, I know, but I had never noticed them because they weren't the right color or shape or size. But I started noticing and for each door I opened there were doors behind it. To choose from so many doors.

Speaker 3:

And what I found with Reiki, with energy work, with healing, with spirituality, the more I know, the more I don't know and my curiosity continues. And my curiosity keeps me alive and well and happy and full of joy. Where else can I get that? I couldn't get that anywhere else. Can you? When can I get that. I couldn't get that anywhere else.

Speaker 3:

I have, um, I have done Reiki for one person for pay. I found out I didn't like it, not doing Reiki but doing Reiki for pay. And yet my teachers would say it's not good. You know, you, you want to keep the value of Reiki up, you want to keep the energy exchange up. So what I have done? First of all, I do Reiki on myself every morning. I did Reiki a lot for other people as an exchange.

Speaker 3:

I got practice, they got Reiki, and I remember the first time I walked around somebody sending energy and I knew left knee and I spent more time on her left knee and when I was finished she was in her 20s. I said there's not anything going on with your left knee, is there. There's not anything going on with your left knee is there. And she said, yeah, I was in an auto accident about six months ago and my knee's been bothering me ever since. But it's weird, it's not bothering me. And I started to trust the energy of Reiki, just like I would begin to trust my own energy and begin to trust spirit. So that was huge for me.

Speaker 3:

But I'm not interested today in teaching Reiki, not interested in Reiki for pay, but I incorporate it into my mediumship. I do just a few minutes of Reiki. I explain it to them, I tell them what it is, and you know for me. I just tell them it's removing what doesn't work for you and bringing in the good, because you don't want to walk around like Swiss cheese. And then they laugh and the energy goes up and it's awesome. I did find that when I remove the negative energy and I don't fill it in, I get up, I go to the grocery store and somebody's irritating me because they're in a bad mood. But so I've learned to fill in those spaces with love, with light, with healing, with joy, with clarity, with whatever you know Wonderful, wonderful.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for telling us a little bit about yourself. It's great. So would you say that you found Reiki, or Reiki found you?

Speaker 3:

I wasn't looking for it when it came. Does that answer your question?

Speaker 2:

That would be a perfect question. I guess it found you Very good, very good. No, you're out there. You're giving Reiki to yourself. You're working with others here. What do you think a misconception is about the Reiki? What is a common one?

Speaker 3:

Well, I will tell you that years before this, I had told a clergyman that I was going to look into yoga and he said oh, you don't want to get involved in that, and the danger was that my mind would be opened. Now I don't know about you, but I think that's a good thing, Sure, sure. So I was scared off for a while, but opening my mind has been magic in my life.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, wonderful. So you're a part of helping people in their own healing journey. What has been the biggest challenge or struggle you have faced in your own healing journey?

Speaker 3:

Unlearning. I didn't realize that over the years there was so much I believed to be true and false and you know I had to learn to hold what I believed in an open hand. There's so much written in the books I'm reading today about beliefs and I always thought, oh, it's good to have beliefs, but what they're talking about is those kinds of beliefs where you hold on to them so tight because grandma knows that they're true, right, right right.

Speaker 2:

So what do you wish your younger self knew about Reiki and mediumship, this profession that you're in?

Speaker 3:

You know, I'm not sure I would change anything, Even though my path, my journey, has been full of ruts and difficulties and confusion. I can really relate with people whose life has been full of ruts and difficulties and confusion. Henry Nowen writes in the Wounded Healer you know, there's the person who says, oh, you're having a root canal, oh, hope that goes well. And there's a person who goes oh, you're having a root canal, oh, hope that goes well. And there's a person who goes oh, I had one two years ago. And I want to talk to the one who knows. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

The one who's been there.

Speaker 2:

Right, wonderful. Yeah, because you could really have, you know, a great wealth of knowledge to share with that person, since you've gone down that journey and you've walked that path, and someone who is just starting on that journey, to share and help them and to guide them through it. Yes, beautiful.

Speaker 3:

And I've noticed that newcomers sometimes seem to have a better handle on how to communicate with newcomers, just because when we've been doing a modality you know forever and ever and ever, we forget what it was like those first few days. Yes, sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's just interesting. You know, when you take that first step on your journey, you know what brought you there, whether it's grief or you were just exhausted, right, or maybe you're just curious. And as you walk along the path, it's so wonderful to have people along the way to kind of help, guide you and to show you and say that's an option. But yet you have the freedom to say you know what? I see that path there, but I choose to do this path.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah. But I work with people, with kids in spirit a lot, and one of the things I tell them is you've got a resource, you, and it doesn't have to be a kid, a sister, right, sure. But when I would say, david, I really want to learn about trance, show me a good teacher, all of a sudden somebody would be doing a free demonstration and I'd check that person out and then they would offer a class. It was so easy once. I just started asking for help and paying attention.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I know when my sister died, I actually knew she died before I got the phone call. It came in a dream and that particular day it was becoming kind of my mission to bridge that connection between earth and heaven so that I could talk to her. What could I do to raise my vibration so that I could hear you? I could see her in dreams. That's all how I was communicating with her. But what could I do to heal myself to get to that point where I can hear her now, I can feel her now, and that was just part of my journey and how to make that connection.

Speaker 3:

Beautiful, and that was the goal for me as well. It was funny because I've heard about visitation dreams, heard about it, heard about it. I, at a little over seven years, I still have not had a visitation dream from david and at one point, two years in, I said, hey, what's going on? Where's the dreams? And because we talk pretty freely now, very freely and he just said, ma, what more do you want?

Speaker 3:

And it's true because, we have a way of communicating that so far doesn't include the dreams, but he talks freely. I'm aware of his presence, I write to him every morning and I write from him every morning, so he's probably right. What more do I want?

Speaker 2:

What do you want? Yeah, and it's interesting, everyone's gift, so to speak, will be different. I can see her in dreams. The sign my business is Feather Sister, so she would leave feathers, and if there is something that she needed me to know, she's actually connected. And so my father has passed as well. They'll give message to my friend, who is a medium. She can see them and she's like your dad's here, like we'll be talking on the phone, and I'm like okay, because I wasn't seeing like it was almost playing charades with each other. I haven't figured out the language yet, you know, or what they're trying to show me.

Speaker 3:

So Tracy for you. What's the connection between your, your sister and your dad? And and, like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, that kind of music, because as you were speaking of them, yes, I was really aware of those two behind you behind me. Yep, two peas in a pod Of those two behind you Behind me.

Speaker 2:

Yep, Two peas in a pod. Yeah Well, I'm sure if she's behind me she's giving me rabbit ears, but it was the idea of the entertainment you know, oh, yes, I think they are.

Speaker 3:

They're just having fun.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's what they were. My dad was super funny, yeah, super funny. He might even be doing the fingers too. So funny ears practitioner or master that you went to and you're working on yourself with yourself Reiki, when it's time for you to get like an energetic tune up.

Speaker 3:

What are some qualities that you look for in a Reiki practitioner? Good energy, above all. Right, and it's getting so. I can trust. When I'm drawn to somebody. You know, I trust my intuition more and more and more. I was at a spiritual conference and I was signing my book and there was a woman across from me with the pink hair, the whole nine yards, but she had an energy that just came off her and whether the feeling that I want is peace or whether it's that excitement and that joy, I'm going to be able to find it now. You know, we know what we need.

Speaker 2:

I always say we're our own best teachers. Listen to that inner teacher within you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So what advice would you give someone who's just entering this profession of Reiki or mediumship?

Speaker 3:

Please keep your eyes open and your heart open and just trust. Just go on and trust. Take a risk. Don't be afraid to be bad at something.

Speaker 2:

Enjoy Beautiful. What books do you recommend?

Speaker 3:

Oh, wow, okay. So I think my favorite book right now Letters to David, following my Son into Spirit. I wrote it with David and at one point I asked David because I didn't know his name was going to be smaller. David, is it okay if your name is smaller? He says Mom, my name is in the title.

Speaker 3:

But one of the things I like best about this book is that for resources. I basically said, well, I don't know what you need, so you know, find your own thing. And somebody says, hold on a minute, if somebody likes your book, they're going to want to know how you got there. Okay, so I compromised with seven pages of resources mediums, podcasts, different things but I've got like two and a half pages of books. So some of the big ones. Pimachodram, when Things Fall Apart, was huge, for grief Embraced by the Light was an early Reiki book by Betty Eadie.

Speaker 3:

Big Magic, elizabeth Gilbert, and I found a lot of the books that really made a difference for me were not grief books per se, they were spirituality books. The Power of your Subconscious Mind was one of the first ones that Reiki Medium suggested, because I had no idea. When I showed up at her door I thought I trusted what I saw and what I heard as reality. You know, and I just read a book called Flatland. Flatland, edwin Abbott, I think, yes, edwin Abbott, and it's a story about a man in the second dimension that meets somebody in the first dimension and can't figure that out. But then he hears about the third dimension and the story is how hard it is to see beyond our own level of knowledge. But the books are out there and you will be drawn to the books you need if you keep your heart open and just keep asking. And when somebody's eyes light up when they're telling you about a book, well, why did you like it get curious? Curiosity is huge for me all right, beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for sharing that, and I need to get that book, to get the list of resources you put in there. So how wonderful was you were writing the book.

Speaker 3:

You and David thought about others to include that a full year of writing letters to David before I pushed my chair away from my desk and said that is you. Isn't it A full year, and I would prefer if people could get through that first. I don't believe this a little.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, I know, I know I I've published a couple of books and, uh, my sister was always kind of in awe of that and after she passed I knew she wanted me to write a book about her but I wasn't, like you know, wanting to put the effort at that time into it. You know, my stepmother, her mother, was still alive, my dad was still alive at that time. Both have now passed and I wasn't ready yet. But I remember kind of negotiating with her in a dream how about, how about a magazine article? How about an article? So I woke up one morning and it poured into me and I sent it off and it got into the Reiki news magazine and when people were reading it, husband even said did you write this? Like he, I couldn't even tell you it was in it, it was it. What it just flew, came right through me. So I believe it, I I've had it where I was on a plane to Mexico and I downloaded a whole article. But I know she still wants me to write that book.

Speaker 3:

Just my experience, but David wouldn't give up.

Speaker 2:

Oh she's, yeah, she's knocking. She's going to my friend and saying book time. I know she's there, I have her picture and yep, I know for sure, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Beautiful and it sounds like with her help, it'll just, it'll be.

Speaker 2:

It'll happen. Yes, I definitely have it on the list there and you know write parts here and there, so it's a process. So do you offer any services? Sessions, classes?

Speaker 3:

any services, sessions, classes. Right now I am doing one-on-one medium sessions or two-on-one. That's mostly what I do. I will tell you that when I started learning mediumship, I would have the communicator. He's not over there, I get it, but the communicator would say let me talk. And no, that's not how we do this.

Speaker 3:

But I did learn, thank goodness, that spirit knows more than mediumship teachers open to it and the spirits can almost always speak through me. You know, and I keep thinking I'm making this up, and then the sitter will say, oh my gosh, you know when you said this and I'm learning that the spirit can do just about anything and anything. Yeah, again, you talked about what do I wish I knew a while ago. I wish I knew that the only limits there are the ones that I make up. I do want to. I've done many small groups. Uh, I like a group of 10, because that way I know everybody gets a short reading, so so I can do those. I teach, I do teach mentor, but so far I just like one-on-one, I just like the energy there. But my website is wwwhellofromhomecom. You got to put dashes hello-from-homecom and if you have any interest, let me know, because I'm all about somebody not suffering, not struggling like I did Right.

Speaker 2:

Do you offer online or in person, or both?

Speaker 3:

you offer online or in person, or both. Both. I have been doing mostly online. I'm just doing some in person and I'm struggling with the recording of them, but we're figuring that and where are you located for our listeners who may be in your area? Listeners who may be in your area. I'm in Mesa, arizona, so pretty, pretty centrally located in Mesa.

Speaker 2:

if you know where, that is Wonderful and we can find you on your website. Correct All the information, that's the place right now.

Speaker 3:

You may have guessed technologically, I'm not born to be wild. Okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

All right, very good. Well, claudia, this ends the first part of our journey and I'm going to continue on as your guide to the second part of our journey, which is the questions from social media and our Reiki students. So I get questions sent in based on your bio and I narrow it down to three questions. So here we go Now. You touched on this just a little bit ago as a book that you recommend, but if there's anything else you would like to mention about the book, can you tell me about your book? Letters to David Following my Son into Spirit?

Speaker 3:

Well, I can tell you that it really was written at least about half by David, really was written at least about half by David. First of all, the core of the book is the letters that we've been writing over the last seven years almost daily, and when I look at the earlier letters there's a bird in the backyard, is that you? That was sort of the depth of them, you know, and I saw myself grow as I saw him grow in the later readings. Also, each section I've written a lead and as I was writing the leads to one of the sections, I maybe self-doubt what's it like over there? And apologies? And David says, well, let me write a lead. And so there's a lead from me and a lead from David for each of the sessions and I've gotten such great responses from not just from parents but from other people who have had the experience of losing the physical presence of one of those people they can't afford to lose. And how do we continue that connection Right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just, you know you from the physical to the spiritual, but you're still maintaining that connection to each other, that relationship. Number two this is our second question what can I do to deepen my connection, to be able to communicate with spirit?

Speaker 3:

I do to deepen my connection, to be able to communicate with spirit. I can tell you how I can, but what I found is that just like one person will connect with one friend in one way, another person they're different people it's going to be different connections. Some love to write or to speak. You know, a lot of the moms will say my kid never talks to me like yours does. Do you talk to him? Do you talk to him? Oh, I talk to him all the time, every day. Ok, do you ever sit down and shut up and listen? Sit down and shut up and listen. I've never gotten it. Oh, yes, I do.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, I don't know about you, but if I'm not meditating, if I'm not learning to quiet myself down, I'm not going to hear the more subtle words of spirit. You know, spirit doesn't bang on my door. Spirit says, hey, I'm here, and so I have to be willing to throw out all those thoughts about whether I returned the library book. You know, right, right, very good, um, but different, different. The biggest thing, I think, is that I don't believe seeing is believing things, that my father, when he was on Earth, he collected coins and bills and he just loved it.

Speaker 2:

He was a big coin collector. And I'm here in El Paso, texas, and at times we have the winds and the dust and everything and these stone walls kind of for everybody's backyard. So I'm sitting in the back, I'm sitting with the dogs it's not a very large backyard and the wind blows and it is a paper dollar bill that blows into the yard and I pick it up and the date on it was November 12 was my father's birthday. Wow, and it was just thank you, like just such excitement, like I had won the lottery. Do you know what I mean? Like what are the odds? Me sitting there, adult paper dollar bill and I have it up by his picture there because I thought that was a gift he was giving me and put it right by his picture.

Speaker 2:

So you have to, even if you just play with the universe a little bit and ask for things, like I asked my sister like send me a feather, and it was a week and I kept asking and then I thought, fine, you're not listening to me, I'll shut up. And I was shadowing a student in a class. I was sitting next to him in an art class and he was working on the project. Then, all of a sudden, the art teacher comes over and said here, try this. And she puts a plastic bin full of colorful feathers in front of me.

Speaker 3:

I said, okay, I got it. Can I tell you my favorite feather story? Sure, so I would get a little bit of a skeptic. You know, I would become a little bit of a skeptic. I was walking the dog outside, we're outside. I was thinking of David and I see this feather in front of me, but it wasn't good enough for me that day. And I said listen, we're outside, there are birds outside. That's not good enough. You're going to have to do better. And over the next three days and three separate occasions.

Speaker 3:

I found three separate feathers right in the center of my kitchen.

Speaker 3:

You know and they love to work with us. I also told early on do you want more signs? Well, of course I want more signs. Well, if you get a feather, don't pick it up, and there are birds out here. It's not good enough. I'm excited about it. I got this right now and I needed it. Thank you so much, Because sometimes I forget their energy. They work on energy, Just like when I'm doing a reading or when I'm doing a gallery demonstration. You know I'll ask everybody to love on their loved ones in spirit, to love on each other, and the energy moves right up and it becomes so much easier for spirit to meet the physical.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think people forget too. Too. As Reiki practitioners and masters, you can send Reiki to heaven, send it to your animals that have crossed over the rainbow bridge right. Send it to the archangels, send it to the angels yeah.

Speaker 3:

And we can also send encouragement. My son passed by his own hand and I can say and I do say, David, your last day was not all there was to you. You brought so much goodness to this earth and you're still doing it and you're important and you're loved. Does he know that? Well, yeah, I would imagine he does, because he's been in spirit for a while. I think he still wants his mom to say it out loud, you know yes. We can encourage them.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Beautiful. So our third question and final question how do you incorporate energy healing or Reiki into your mediumship?

Speaker 3:

I always start with Reiki. I ask their permission. A lot of them haven't heard about it, so I explain it. As for me, it's like spirit is removing from you what doesn't work for you, and I always tell them. Know, tell them I don't make up my mind about what needs to go. They do and you do, and then they replace that with, mostly, with light, with love, with goodness, with clarity, and so far I've had one person just sort of back up and say, oh no, thank you, you know, but the thing is is that it calms us, both of us. For all I know, it calms spirit and it brings a positivity that makes for a good reading. Also, a lot of times, if I know that my sitter is troubled, I'll take out a little extra time. Would you be okay if I sent you some healing Some what? And I will send them healing. I work with my meditation, I work with a higher energy and they're just amazed that me sitting here, and they might be 5,000 miles away, but they feel lifted up, they feel that energy.

Speaker 2:

Very good, thank you for that. Well, that was our final question. Is there anything else that as we were talking, that maybe you forgot? Or if you feel called to share anything with our listeners, you can take the time right now to do that.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, sure, I just want to thank you for watching today and I want to tell you what I've learned over the last seven years that there's no limits, that whatever you have come to know about spirit, about love, about life, about connection, about loss, be willing to see it differently. Be willing to see it differently, be willing to change your perspective, be willing to learn a little bit more, be curious, not only with the people around you, but with spirit, however you see them now, ask them to teach you and they'll show up. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful and I am sorry for your loss, but I'm so happy that you still have that connection with David, that he's so much still a part of your life Big time. Yes, thank you. All right. Thank you, claudia, so much for joining me on this journey today. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your very busy schedule to join me today. It was a beautiful time. Thank you, tracy. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your very busy schedule to join me today.

Speaker 3:

It was a beautiful time.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, tracy, I appreciate you All right, my beautiful listeners, if you would like your question featured on the podcast, just reach out at wwwreadysetrikicom and maybe your question can be featured on the podcast. Also, check out Feather Sister Wellness that offers a variety of yoga classes, yoga trainings, reiki and Reiki trainings at wwwthefeathersistercom. I'm Tracy Seawright and this has been Ready Set Reiki. Thank you.