Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #100 Tracy Searight's Podcasting Journey: From Reiki Passion to Celebrated Host – Embracing Community Building, Overcoming Misconceptions, and Empowering Energy Workers

Tracy searight Season 2 Episode 100

What if you could harness the power of energy to transform your life? Join us as we celebrate the 100th episode of Ready Set Reiki! I'm Tracy Searight, and for this special milestone, my son Michael steps into the interviewer role. We'll explore the origins of the podcast, born from my passion for creating an accessible platform for Reiki practitioners and energy workers. Reflecting on my journey from education, yoga, and Reiki to podcasting, I share the highs and lows of managing a podcast and the dedication it takes to build a dynamic community.

we venture into the varied world of Reiki practices and communities, discussing how to find what resonates best with your energy. We tackle common misconceptions about Reiki, emphasizing that it's not tied to any religion and that true healing is a self-driven process. Imagine the potential of a large wellness center in El Paso, Texas, a vision for a communal hub where holistic practices flourish and a supportive environment thrives.

For those aspiring to start their podcast, this episode is a treasure trove of insights. Learn about beginning with basic equipment, expanding your network, and maintaining consistency. We'll also highlight the importance of creating a judgment-free space for energy workers to share their stories. Through Feather Sister, we offer various Reiki and yoga training services, encouraging everyone to embark on their journey with energy work. Join us on this incredible adventure, and special thanks to Michael for his invaluable contribution to this milestone episode.

Tracy Searight is an educator, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master Teacher, Money Reiki Grandmaster, author, and creative energy of Ready Set Reiki

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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 1:

This is Ready Set Reiki, a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, from the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher, welcoming all systems, all lineages and all levels. Reiki is a journey and not a destination, and on this Ready Set Reiki journey, we refer to ourselves as guides rather than hosts, as we too are traveling, supporting each other and learning on this Reiki journey as well. And with that said, I am your guide, tracy Seawright, and joining me today is my son Michael. Now, today, our guest is me, tracy Seawright. Today is our 100th episode of Ready Set Reiki, so, as a celebration, my son Michael will be giving me an interview. So here we go.

Speaker 2:

Hello Tracy, welcome to Ready Set Reiki. Thank you, Michael. Thank you for having me and including me in part of this journey. So let's start off with a short introduction of who you are Absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

My name is Tracy Seawright. I am an educator, so background is in elementary education. I am a yoga teacher, a 500, e500 hour yoga teacher. I am a Reiki master teacher. I've studied 10 different systems of Reiki. I'm also a Money Grand Reiki master and I'm also an author of three books and I am the creative energy behind the podcast Ready Set Reiki. In addition to the business that I have a feather sister, ready Set Reiki and beep beep the yoga jeep, I have four beautiful children and I am currently here in El Paso, texas, with my husband and our wonderful pack of Cavalier King Charles.

Speaker 2:

So, to start off, I wanted to ask you for your own self-reflection and for those who don't know why a podcast, what led you along the path where you felt the desire to share your story and the story of all the people that you've hosted?

Speaker 1:

Well, this is quite an interesting journey. Many years ago I assisted a woman on her radio program, so I was a script writer for two years and then things got crazy and busy with my family. Her show was in around four o'clock Pennsylvania time and she was out in California, so that was just a very busy time for my family. I was raising my four children and I actually had to let that opportunity go after a couple of years and speed forward to like last year. A year and a half ago, someone reached out to me. It was a producer, and the producer reached out with an opportunity for me to come on to this radio program and it sounded amazing. It was a week of spirituality, the idea of having a Reiki practitioner to talk about it, and it sounded interesting.

Speaker 1:

The next step was a phone call and then after that it was to the point of booking and there it came out that there was a cost for this opportunity. So it was a pay to play opportunity and I really questioned you know why the price for this? And it all makes sense. The producer explained well, it's a commercial free, we have to pay our host, there's editing and you get all these benefits like increased traffic, maybe you'll get more clients. And I just thought about this. I'm like, wow, that's a lot of money for a 30-minute segment. And I asked do you have a lot of people that have taken advantage of this? And she's like, oh, of course.

Speaker 1:

And then began to kind of mention some of the people that have taken that opportunity. Well, I decided to pass. I thought there had to be another way. And then I thought, well, perhaps I could put something together, a podcast to help other practitioners, energy workers, so that they have a place to come on a safe, judgment-free zone to talk about what they do, kind of frame it as their own personal commercial, that they don't have to pay for the experience. We could come on to have a little talk and then afterwards they can use that audio, they can use the video as they see fit through their social media, and together we could kind of work towards the goal of expanding our territory with followers and listeners. And so that is how Ready Set Reiki came about, and the name was just a very playful thing with words. So my background is that elementary teacher and I was actually quite surprised that no one at the time had Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 2:

So from that start you've now made it to 100 episodes, compared to the start of your journey. I want you to look back at your current self and ask what about you? Has changed over these past couple years of you as a podcaster, reiki practitioner and as a person?

Speaker 1:

Well, definitely this has been a learning experience experience I have with Reiki especially and with yoga, just this thirst to have as much information and learn to be better and better each day. And this certainly has taught me many things. One, that there is so many different systems of Reiki out there. It's incredible and it's a matter of just finding your right one. It doesn't mean one is superior or inferior to the other. It's a matter of working with what's best for you and with your clients.

Speaker 1:

I've learned so many different techniques and out-of-the-box thinking from so many of our guests. I've learned the mechanics behind it testing out microphones, equipment, things like that, scheduling, obtaining connections so it's a lot of growth within this time that I'm so very appreciative of. And you really have to have kind of the energy for this, because this, in a way, is a part-time job when you think about it. Many hear about a podcast. Oh, this is fun, but to keep the momentum going you really have to keep on it, get the guest book set a schedule. Even having like in the beginning I would only record like two days a week and then try to keep up several episodes so just in case something happened. So that has been really helpful with recording in advance so that I have that. So I'm about three episodes or three months worth of episodes kind of so-called in the can to be released and I just have this energy that you know what. I'm welcoming everyone.

Speaker 1:

In the beginning it was about Reiki, but now it has kind of opened up to anyone who works with energy and that can be lightworkers, that can be tarot readers, someone that felt the calling to be a caretaker of a particular energy that they have named themselves. So it's been just so fascinating and connecting with so many people and working together and really, when you get to the bottom of it, it's about service and that's really what I wanted to bring out into the world just letting people know that this is out there. It's an option for healing. If this might not be your thing, then maybe something else that you listen to on the show could be your thing. And know that.

Speaker 1:

And I keep the questions the same for a reason, and that reason is that you're listening to the stories of many different people and it's the understanding that we're all having the same struggles. We all have that similar interactions with misconceptions. We all got into this for a particular reason. Our goal is really to serve and to share love with the world. So this is really how the podcast has helped me evolve and grow as a person and just learn about so many different people in so many different systems and connect with people from Dubai, germany, france, and this is something I never would have been able to a couple of years ago if it wasn't for the podcast.

Speaker 2:

So you mentioned a little bit about all the different perspectives that you've seen in Reiki. Of all the different perspectives from the people that you've interviewed over these past couple of years, what has changed your perspective the most on Reiki?

Speaker 1:

that there's so many different systems. You know, when I began my journey a few years ago, I just thought it was Azui and that was it. And you know, I looked it up online. I found two practitioners that lived close to my house, that I had in Pittsburgh, and connected with them and began the training, and then it was like a whole new world opened up. Then I found out about Azui, holy Fire, and then Corona, and then Animal, and then Crystal, and I just was so curious about all the different systems.

Speaker 1:

And now that I've had the podcast and I've connected with so many people, there's so much beauty within all of it and it's the understanding that there's just no one way to do something and it doesn't make it wrong or right. That's what works for that particular person, that particular student, and it's just amazing what you can collect into your energetic toolbox for you to use. And so go what resonates with you, go what feels right. You may start out in a Zui Rahiho, as I did, and we're like, okay, this is okay. And then you connect with holy fire and like, wow, this is it. So I call it. You find your Goldilocks, find your just right. You're going to find that modality that's like, ah, amazing.

Speaker 1:

And even if Reiki isn't your thing, using it on yourself is an amazing tool to help with self-healing. It is self-stress reducing, helps with anxiety, helps calm the nerves, and so it doesn't do any harm. So maybe you know, laying hands on yourself, giving self Reiki treatments, can help heal these inner issues, maybe open up your gifts and abilities. That can help you go on to that next modality. That is your calling, whether it's that light language, whether it is, you know, oracle reading. So it's just a matter of giving it a try and giving it an opportunity to work and heal within you.

Speaker 2:

So, having looked inside of all these different Reiki practices and communities, what are some of the biggest misconceptions that you've heard about Reiki and communities? What are some of the biggest misconceptions that you've heard about Reiki and what would you tell the people who believe in these misconceptions?

Speaker 1:

What is fascinating is I've been blessed to have almost a practitioner interviewed a practitioner in almost all of the states right now, and also in Australia, dubai, france, germany, etc. And it's international what the misconceptions are. It's so amazing that how we all are interacting and hearing these same types of things, and these have been from practitioners or energy workers who have been doing this for decades. So the first one is it's woohoo, like it's witchy, and that isn't the case to it. My mother always thought of it as well. It's Buddhist, so it's not Christian. There's no dogma attached to this, no religion. You can color it spiritual.

Speaker 1:

So what would that mean? That means having your own inner experience. You're not having something placed on you. So that number one is that you know woohoo. The second one that it has a religion attached to it. Another one is that sometimes when people come for the healing, they think it's instantaneous, like you're taking a wand and hitting it over the client, and it sometimes can be cumulative of that and you are actually doing the healing. So you going to that healer, they are not healing you, you're healing yourself. So that's another misconception that seems to be out there. So many of the guests that have come on, it's that same thing over and over again through a large number of the episodes that I've recorded.

Speaker 2:

So I want to throw a bit more of a fun question at you. Let's assume you had unlimited time and money, but you could only use it for performing and talking about Reiki. What would you like to use it for money, but you could only use it for performing and talking about Reiki.

Speaker 1:

What would you like to use it for? Well, if I had unlimited Reiki money or money for Reiki, I would love to open a space, a studio, a wellness center, but so large that say. I'm here in El Paso, texas, and it just seems the collective here is desiring a space. There's energy here that is calling for us to come together in community, and I would love to get a large piece of land so that we could create something where it is this hub of wellness that we can offer. We have everyone here who does Reiki within paintings, who do massages and make Reiki massages holy fire, corona so many of us here sound bowls, yoga, and that we could just come together in a community. But the struggle is finding a space that's affordable but yet large enough. So I would definitely want something maybe the size of a warehouse, that everybody could just come and offer their services and be just this network of support for everyone.

Speaker 1:

There's a wonderful community here called a Mercado Market, and it is a wonderful collaboration of individuals that come into the market and offer their services. For a while, when I've been here for the last two years, it had been going from different locations, but the last few markets it has been at the same location. But that's the dream to find a larger piece of land so that way this can be offered and available to the community. So if I had that large sum of money, it would definitely be to get land, have a structure on it and invite as many healers. A structure on it and invite as many healers, uh, energy workers, uh, shaman, uh you name it through the door uh, who would like to help our community.

Speaker 2:

All right, so now to leave it off. What is the best advice you could give from this podcasting experience to any listeners who are seeking to go on a journey similar to your own?

Speaker 1:

Well, first of all, if you're choosing to go to the way of a podcast, give it a try. Before you spend any money, take the moment to get on your laptop, your iPad, your phone, you know, record a couple episodes to see if it's for you. Sometimes you get on there and you're super excited and then you realize, oh, I may not have the time or maybe it's not my thing. So avoid getting super excited about it and buying the expensive microphone and all the lighting and all those things. Just give it a try and if it's something you know that works out and resonates with you, go for it. You don't need to have all these fancy things at first and call in people that you feel comfortable with. A very first guest that I had in the beginning of my journey were people that I feel comfortable with. You know, the very first guests that I had in the beginning of my journey were people that I knew and teachers. So I just pulled from that collection and then, as time passed, people were contacting me to be on the podcast. So I'm booked for the podcast months in advance now. So start out with a positive attitude, come on, and I had a general outline of what I wanted to do. There are a lot of casual podcasts out there and that's why I wanted to be a little different with the same questions. Reiki is an amazing modality, but it's also one that's not very consistent. Even if you're coming in the same lineage, many of you have learned Reiki very different from how Azui Sensei began it, and that's perfectly fine. You may learn one thing from one teacher and something from another teacher. Doesn't make it wrong. Maybe that's the way they were taught in their lineage. So I wanted the consistency for the questions, because that's what I struggled with when I began. When I got my Azui Rahiho and I began to go out and look at the different systems, I'm like wait, this isn't making sense. Even some of the history they're not on the same page with. So that's why I like to have that consistency, so that we are kind of on a journey together Tell me your story and then in that second part we talk from the listeners who are sending in the questions, and so have that kind of set up.

Speaker 1:

Do you want it to be casual? Do you want to ask the questions? Do you have that availability? How often do you want to record? Do you want to have a monthly podcast. Do you want to have a monthly podcast? Do you want to have a weekly or a bi-weekly?

Speaker 1:

So sit down and really think about it, especially before you put any type of investment into it. And it even goes beyond that. I mean, are you going to record on Zoom? Are you going to record on a different type of other system? Are you going to go spend money a month on a hosting system that's going to distribute it? Are you going to have a website?

Speaker 1:

So all these start to cost money, and I never charge anyone to be on the podcast, and that came from my story that I shared in the beginning. People come on for free and so I'm giving my time and I have someone who edits it. Maybe you have that ability to edit and that's your thing, but you have to also take those things into consideration as well. But just kind of give it a try, have fun with it, play with it and see if it's for you. I wrote a wonderful article in reikiorg that actually has come out for the fall issue and it's called how to Create a Podcast. So it coincides with the 100th episode here. So there's many different techniques that I have gone through that I have learned in this last year that might be helpful so that you can avoid some of these mistakes and to save you time and save you money.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, that was my final question.

Speaker 1:

All right, michael. Thank you so much. All right, my wonderful listeners, I just wanna say thank you, thank you for showing up, thank you for listening, thank you for downloading and thank you for being a part of this Ready Set Reiki journey. When I began this, it was with the intention that I could be of service to anyone who worked with energy, who wanted to share their story, to provide a safe and judgment-free zone, a way for you to speak about what you're passionate about, to tell about the services that you offer, for you to go out and share this message with the world and the hopes that someone who's curious about this might take that step on this journey and find they're just right.

Speaker 1:

If you're interested in your question being featured on the podcast, reach out at wwwreadysetreikicom. Reach out to me. You can find me on social media and my information on the website. Also, check out Feather Sister, which offers a variety of Reiki trainings, reiki classes and yoga trainings as well, in person in the El Paso area and online as well. Thank you for joining me and thank you, michael, for being my co-guide through the Ready Set Reiki journey. I'm Tracy C Wright, and this has been Ready Set Reiki © transcript Emily Beynon.