Ready Set Reiki®️

Episode #102 Amy DeGroot's Path to Reiki Mastery: Embracing Energy Healing and Spiritual Growth

Tracy searight Season 2 Episode 102

When Amy DeGroot first encountered Reiki during her husband’s grueling battle with cancer, she had no idea how profoundly it would transform her life. In this heartfelt episode of Ready Set Reiki, Amy opens up about her journey from skepticism to becoming a Reiki master teacher and practitioner in Vermont. She shares the deeply personal experiences that led her to embrace this powerful energy-healing practice. She describes the physical sensations and spiritual growth she experienced through Reiki, offering a glimpse into its profound impact on her well-being.

We also tackle some common misconceptions about Reiki, emphasizing its accessibility and natural healing properties. Amy candidly discusses the challenges she faced in gaining broader acceptance for this non-mainstream practice and highlights the importance of reputation and integrity when choosing a practitioner. For those aspiring to enter the world of Reiki, Amy offers invaluable advice on the significance of extensive practice to build confidence and skill before providing professional services.

In addition, this episode is a treasure trove of resources for anyone navigating health challenges or grief. Amy shares influential books and methods from noted experts like Bruce Lipton, Beverly Rubik, and Wim Hof and extends her Reiki services to both in-person and distance sessions. We explore the versatility of Reiki symbols, from enhancing sports performance to creative meditations, and stress the importance of ethical practice. Finally, we invite listeners to connect with Amy here website Lost Forest Reiki 

Amy DeGroot currently lives in Vermont and has an active life playing tennis, skiing, biking, hiking, and kayaking.  With her late husband, she raised two beautiful twins, a son and a daughter. Along with her love of being a mother, she has been a math teacher, bank trust officer, and tennis coach.  She has always taken an interest in the pursuit of wellness and, in 2017, discovered the benefits of Reiki.  Within months, her husband’s life took a turn, and Reiki became an incredible resource for her while she and her husband battled the impacts that cancer had on his life.   She has turned to Reiki over and over again to help her cope with grief, deal with various emotional challenges, recover from physical pain, and find joy in life.  She found a passion for Reiki and loves sharing it with others.  As a Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner, Amy offers classes, in-person sessions, and Distance  Reiki.

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Ready Set Reiki is a journey
From the curious beginner to the Season Master Teacher
All Energy workers of all systems and all levels.

Speaker 1:

This is Ready Set Reiki a podcast about Reiki, the universal energy life force, from the curious beginner to the seasoned master teacher, welcoming all systems, all lineages and all levels. Reiki is a journey and not a destination, and on this ready set Reiki journey, we refer to ourselves as guides rather than hosts, as we two are traveling, supporting each other and learning on this Reiki journey as well, and, with that said, I am your guide, tracy Seawright. Now joining me today on my journey is Amy DeGroot. Now she lives in Vermont and has an active life, playing tennis, skiing, biking, hiking and kayaking With her late husband.

Speaker 1:

She raised two beautiful twins, a son and a daughter. Along with her love of being a mother, she has been a math teacher, bank trust officer and tennis coach. She has always taken an interest in the pursuit of wellness and, in 2017, discovered the benefits of Reiki. Now, within months, her husband's life took a turn and Reiki became an incredible resource for her. While she and her husband battled the impacts that cancer had on his life, she turned to Reiki over and over again to help her cope with grief, deal with the various emotional challenges, recover from the physical pain and to find joy in life. She found a passion for Reiki and loves sharing it with others. As a Reiki master teacher and practitioner, amy offers classes, in-person sessions and distance Reiki. Amy, welcome to Ready Set Reiki.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, tracy, so happy to be here. Really appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful. So let's begin our journey together. So tell us a little bit about yourself, us a little bit about yourself.

Speaker 2:

Well, I live in Vermont and it's beautiful here in the summertime. As I said, I live a very active lifestyle, and today was out for a bike ride, yesterday was swimming in the lake. I love being in touch with my kids. I have two grandchildren as well. Now I have a vegetable garden that I'm eating out of and, like I said, I coach at tennis. So that's that was the activity this spring, and I'm very involved with my Reiki practice.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful, wonderful, and Vermont sounds like the perfect place for all the things that you love.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it really is. It's really pretty here.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful playground for you, isn't it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So when did Reiki come into your life? Did you find Reiki or did it find you?

Speaker 2:

I'd have to say that Reiki found me Tracy.

Speaker 2:

I've always had an interest in wellness and I've enjoyed various modes of body work but and had like a desire to maybe do that sometime, but I didn't know how I could go about that. I have a back condition that kind of keeps me from doing like massage work or something like that. So in 2015, my husband was undergoing radiation for neck and throat cancer at the hospital and they offered Reiki, and so he was a very open person and so he said yeah, he'd like to try it, and I asked if I could sit in on the session and I came out thinking, wow, that looked easy enough. Maybe that's something I could do. But I didn't know how to go about getting trained. And two years later, I was looking through the course options in the evening adult classes that are held at the local high school and I saw that Reiki was offered and so I signed up and it was. I loved it. It was great. I come home all excited from the classes and I practice with my husband and really trying to integrate it into my life, and I was very excited about the idea of really pursuing Reiki because I loved it and I wanted to sign up for second degree and maybe work towards possibly teaching it, because I've been a coach and a teacher most of my life, so I thought maybe this could be something I could do.

Speaker 2:

Well, three months later, we got the devastating news that my husband's cancer had migrated to his lungs and all of a sudden, the Reiki became something I was using all the time for myself, to help with my anxiety, and for my husband. Sometimes he would wake up in the morning with really intense pain in his chest and I would just reach over and give him Reiki and the pain would go away. And I thought to myself I've only been doing Reiki for a few months and it's already taking this intense pain away from him. This is incredible. So it really captured more of my attention, and so I was using Reiki for myself and I was using Reiki for my husband every day. Every day he would ask for Reiki or to meditate, and that's something we did together. So I started the second degree training and, in fact, my teacher she was so wonderful. She initiated my husband in the first degree initiation so that we could share Reiki together.

Speaker 2:

But after that training and I would be giving my husband Reiki I experienced extreme energy pulsing through my hands and my arms and they would start to shake I mean really, really vigorous shaking. And I told myself, okay, just hang on, because I knew it had something to do with the energy and this will subside. And so I would hang on and it would subside. And I talked to my teacher about that because I thought, man, no one's going to want to have Reiki for me if I'm doing all this gyrating when I just be too weird. And she said, well, maybe it will subside as you get used to the energy, but, tracy, it actually hasn't subsided, it's gotten more potent. I would say so. Anyway, I would continue to do the Reiki with him.

Speaker 2:

And then he passed in a year later and the Reiki became really important to me in helping me with my grief and I would just do it. I was doing it all the time and sort of the spiritual element of Reiki came into play at that time. Now, sometimes I couldn't really rebalance my energy with Reiki. It was just too overwhelming, and so I kind of call this my winter of despair. He died in February and the following winter it was.

Speaker 2:

You know, grief is hard and I'm sorry for your loss. I know you've had a loss and I know that you understand what I'm talking about, and so I would bundle up and go outside. You know it's cold in Vermont, it's really snowy and got pretty good wind chill. But I would go to a tree in my yard there was a birch tree that I was really drawn to and I would just put my hands on the birch tree and just stand there and the energy from the birch tree is what would help rebalance me. And I was so grateful for having my experience with Reiki because I knew that I'm aware because of Reiki I've become aware of energy and conscious of it and I can feel it, and I knew that it was helping me feel the energy from the tree and I knew that it was helping me feel the energy from the tree. You know those trees, they're giant beings, they're full of energy Of course, everything is energy and they're incredible beings and they can really help us feel better.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, so Reiki became important. You know it helped me on the emotional level. It helped me now on the spiritual level, with my grief, and then I was continuing my training and I was, you know, just tell people ahead of a session, and I would say, in my body. You may notice that I'm shaking in various ways and that just is, as I understand it, the energy expressing itself out of my body. So it's just the energy. It's no big deal. And I have found that people don't even notice after a while. They may notice the first time, but they're just so relaxed and some people fall asleep so they don't even notice.

Speaker 2:

But anyhow, I was getting ready to do more Reiki with people and the pandemic hit and so all of a sudden I couldn't put my hands on people. So I decided to go full bore into distance Reiki and I offered it to friends and family because during the pandemic we were so isolated. Now most of these people had never heard of Reiki before, but I was offering them this experience and I explained about it and I asked if they would just do four days in a row, because I knew that the first day they would probably feel very relaxed and they may think well, maybe I should just lie down more in the day. But the second time, the third time, they're really looking forward to it and by the third and fourth time many of their issues are being resolved. So I did a lot of distance Reiki during the pandemic period, and I would say that's one of the silver linings of the pandemic for me, because when I first learned distance Reiki in second degree training I was really bewildered by the idea and I didn't think I would ever use it. But I've come to really enjoy giving distance Reiki and by now I've done hundreds of sessions with people, so it's helped me with my confidence in that area.

Speaker 2:

So, and the other interesting part is that the shaking also happens in distance Reiki, that it's kind of remarkable that I can be giving somebody Reiki in any part of the country or the world and their energy is being resolved, the stagnation and the blockages are working themselves out through my hands. And so what was once an obstacle, this shaking business, I have found it to be. It's kind of like my gift from the universe and it can help me understand. This is a place that needs more time and I'll stay here longer, and so it's been a benefit to me.

Speaker 2:

And I guess the other part about it I think you will understand this, tracy, having lost your sister that there are things that are so much bigger than we are that we don't understand, much bigger than we are that we don't understand. And so this distance, reiki and this whole business that, this gift that we are given through Reiki, I liken it. It's the closest thing I can experience to something like an evidential medium who can talk with our loved ones on the other side, and it just gives me faith in the idea that there's, there are things way bigger than us that we don't fully understand, but they're holding us together. This universe is, um, gives us so many different ways to help ourselves, reiki being one of them, and um, so I'm just really grateful for that.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful and I'm so sorry for your loss as well. But what a beautiful gift that the hospital gave you, with that opportunity for your husband and a husband being open to that experience. And it was something beautiful the two of you can share together when he was here and have that connection. So what a beautiful story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for sharing. Well, you have been working with this energy since 2017 and out and being a Reiki master teacher, practitioner classes, in-person sessions and expanding your territory with distance Reiki. As you are out, you know, navigating through the landscape of Reiki here. What is a common misconception that you're finding about Reiki?

Speaker 2:

Well, besides the, you know, the woo-woo element, the other common misconception, I think, is that people don't think they can do it. They think they had. There has to be some special quality about a person to do Reiki, and there's nothing further from the truth. I mean, it's the most natural thing there is, is energy, and anybody can do it, and it's simple to learn and it's meant to be simple. Um, so I would say that's one of the most common misconceptions.

Speaker 1:

Very good, so you're out helping others with their challenges and struggles. What has been the biggest challenge or struggle that you have faced in your own healing journey?

Speaker 2:

In my own healing journey. In my own healing journey. Well, again, I would say that it because it's not mainstream that that can get in the way of being able to give people Reiki. Not everybody is open to receiving it. And when you mention I do Reiki and you tell, say a little bit about it, sometimes it's conversation stopper, so that I just have have come to accept that it's people just aren't ready for it or they may need a few times to hear about it. But it's okay. I mean I know what I've gained from Reiki and I know how powerful and what a wonderful partner it's been for me. So I just keep doing it and having fun and sharing it when I can.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful. So what do you wish your younger self knew about Reiki?

Speaker 2:

Well, I wish I'd known about Reiki. I really wish I'd known about Reiki long ago. I think I'm so sorry, tracy. I was worried this might happen. Sorry Tracy, I was worried this might happen. So okay.

Speaker 2:

I wish that I had known about Reiki when I was younger. Um, and I I wish that I had been more open to things like Reiki. Uh, I think I, as a as younger person, I was more fearful of these things, and I think when you have sort of um suffered through life's blows, you're more open to um different modes of healing that are out there. You become more open to it. So I would say, um, being open would have been something I would have liked as a younger person.

Speaker 1:

Very good. So, when it's time for you to get your energetic tune up, what are some qualities that you look for in a Reiki practitioner?

Speaker 2:

Well, if there's anything I can information I can get about a practitioner's reputation, that would be something. Really wanting to have somebody to connect purely with the Reiki energy, have a lot of integrity and just pretty much purely giving me Reiki.

Speaker 1:

So I would say the integrity of the person Very good. So what advice would you give someone who's just taking their first step on their journey towards practitioner or master teacher?

Speaker 2:

Well, I feel it's really important to have done a lot of practice on yourself so you have your own, you can speak from experience, and also with offering it to a lot of people before you go out and give your first session that you're exchanging and asking to be paid for, so that you really develop your confidence. So I would encourage people to take time, practice on yourself a whole lot, offer it and practice it with others a lot before you start hanging up the sign.

Speaker 1:

Very good, that is some great advice they get so. People get so eager that they want to do it like the very next day. Right, have that business up, but you really need to take that time and marinate and cultivate that relationship with the energy. And I liked how you said you know a partner. You considered it a partner, yes. So what books do you recommend?

Speaker 2:

Well, of course, I've read a number of Reiki books, but I thought I'd mention a few other books. One of the books that I've enjoyed I mentioned about the Healing Energy of Trees, and that is the name of a book that is called the Healing Energy of Trees, and this book talks about the different kinds of trees and the different energy that they give, so that's been really fun to learn about. Another book that I've really enjoyed is the Hidden Messages of Water by Dr Emoto. I love this book because he talks about how the structure of water changes with our thoughts, and it makes so much sense to me with the Reiki practice, because we pay a lot of attention to our thoughts when we practice Reiki, and so, knowing that there is a scientist who has taken pictures of these water crystals and how they've responded to in any language, the words of love or gratitude, it's just been wonderful to make that connection together. I've really enjoyed Bruce Lipton's work and Beverly Rubik's work, listening to them, their podcasts or reading their books. And just one more person I'd like to mention is Wim Hof, the Iceman.

Speaker 2:

I love Wim Hof and I find his methods, I use his methods, his breathing techniques and his cold water therapy, ice bath techniques. I find them very useful. His book and his teachings caught my interest at the time that my husband was sick and I knew that he had been through grief and I knew that that was coming my way, and so I thought I better start doing this and working this practice into my life. And I still use it for aches and pains and for just getting reset and feeling really invigorated for the day. So he's another great one. So those would be a few books I mentioned.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for sharing that. This is a wonderful collection of books that you've gathered, you know, to prepare your energetic toolbox for grief coming. So you were getting things ready in the process. So that's right, wonderful, wonderful. So what other services do you offer? Do you offer classes, events, trainings?

Speaker 2:

Yes, so I offer in-person sessions, distance Reiki, and I teach levels one and level two Reiki. So those are the other services I offer.

Speaker 1:

Reiki. So those are the other services I offer Wonderful. So where can we find you if we want a session? Do you do in person, online? How can we get a hold of you?

Speaker 2:

Well, I have a website and it is Lost. Like you can find it Lost Forest Reiki, that's my website. That's mostly how I um, or that's mostly how I get my information out.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful and you do also online, as you said, distance sessions.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I do distance Reiki as well as in person um and the classes.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and the classes, uh, the trainings, can be done online as well.

Speaker 2:

No, I only do the trainings in person. Yeah, I only do those in person. Yes, so I haven't done, I haven't ventured into online training, so it's, but I enjoy the in-person classes. I also, for my students, I do weekly meditations and we do meditation together and a Reiki practice. So that is another thing that I offer and if any listener was interested in joining that online, they could reach out to me. Be very happy to have them join.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful, and you're also a tennis coach, right?

Speaker 2:

I'm also a tennis coach, that's right.

Speaker 1:

So do you do private lessons for that Well?

Speaker 2:

at the moment, I'm coaching for a girls high school tennis team. I've done that since 2010. And it's really a great joy of mine. I just love it. Yeah, but that's a spring thing, so I do that in the spring.

Speaker 1:

Okay, very good, very good, all right. So that ends the first part of our journey, and I'm going to continue to guide you to the next part of our journey, which is the social media questions. So gather questions from listeners and Reiki students, and so here we go. Let's begin Number one how can Reiki be a resource for people who are dealing with or supporting others with health challenges?

Speaker 2:

Reiki is an incredible resource for that very reason. When you are supporting somebody with a health challenge, all of a sudden you are taking on all the other chores that the other person helped with. You may be helping the person, your loved one, doing things that you weren't used to doing, lifting all kinds of things on your joints that can be strained from the extra things that you're doing, not to mention all of the emotional stress that you're carrying and show up as tension in your shoulders or tension, headache in your jaw, just all over your body. So the stress and strain is incredible. When you're taking care of a loved one who is really sick and watching their suffering, it's just, it's difficult.

Speaker 2:

And, in addition, the person who has the condition you know that's just really awful. They just can't get a break from whatever. They're dealing with the pain but they're also dealing with the anxiety of what's going to happen to me and what's going to happen to my family. So Reiki is really a wonderful modality because Reiki helps to just get the energy flowing and reduce that stress and strain and help to just wash it away. Reiki is offered, you know, through hospice or respite house and watching those people. I have done some volunteer volunteering at the respite house and for hospice and seeing the people after a session. They're just so much more relaxed and they just feel much more like themselves and they're so grateful. It's just a perfect, perfect sort of a complimentary therapy for people undergoing an awful lot of stress. An awful lot of stress.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, I know in my journey after my sister passed, you know from the grief. You know our father, just you know the life was just sucked out of him, and it was a few months later that he himself ended up in the hospital. And we eventually lost him. The next year.

Speaker 1:

But that became such a tool to use in the hospital when he was in the ICU, and not only to help if they were accepting of it, the nurses because they were up all night caring and I would come in in the morning and they did. You know we work so hard to keep your dad alive and you know that's a gift that you can give them, you know, if they're open to it. But yeah, that was a tool that really came in handy through that experience of his very long illness and through hospice.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, I mean, instead of wringing your hands and saying I wish there was something I could do you, just you put your hands on people, on the people, and it's.

Speaker 1:

It's just so wonderful to be able to at least offer something, and it's not just something I mean well, because you know the goal of the intention was get you better, get you better, get you better, get you better. My father I mean every health you know hurdle he jumped over and it just got to a point in his journey that he I came in one day and he just was done, and then I realized, wow, I'm putting what I want on him. This is his journey. So then I began to shift and then it was just that transition towards, you know, dying and helping him with grace and ease with that.

Speaker 1:

So you know so it helped everybody kind of in that transition as well with it. So a very good learning experience with it in ways that you can use Reiki not only hoping to get somebody better, but that's a part of his journey. So we can at least have this done with ease and grace.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I think that the whole aspect of what you're offering through the Reiki for your father, it's all underlying it is the spirit of love that I'm sure was just filling the room and helping him so much, and I'm sure that meant just so much to him.

Speaker 1:

Right. Our second question is how can Reiki help cope with grief?

Speaker 2:

Well, grief is a. It's a. It's a trauma. Of course, everybody has a different experience, but some of the things that I felt with grief, I felt like I had a concussion and there is something called grief brain and you, just your brain doesn't work like it normally works. I felt like I was walking around with a weighted cloak on my shoulders. I just felt so heavy and it was. It was a long time before I felt like I could actually stand up. I noticed that I was actually standing up straight again. I mean, it was many, many months and it can be overwhelming. Grief. Can you have feelings of being? It's overwhelming. You can have anxiety. There's a. There's a lot of heaviness with grief and reiki is is perfect for grief because reiki is pure, undifferentiated energy and it can help to raise the level of that vibration to a higher frequency.

Speaker 2:

It gets the energy flowing in you. It brings a sense of vitality again and people finish a Reiki session and they feel more like themselves. So it's like a reset. It's a really, really valuable thing, and so I say anybody that's going through grief, you really need to support yourself, whether it's Reiki or other modes of healing like meditation or craniosacral therapy, you know, just getting some extra help to get you through that, through the initially hard period. You don't ever really get over grief, I don't think. I think you just grow. You grow around grief. You grow as you experience life with the losses. But Reiki can be very, very helpful for grief.

Speaker 1:

Right, I think anyone who goes through any type of health challenge, and especially hospice, there needs to be one family member among them to have the certification in Reiki. I always say that with nursing, Every family needs a nurse in it right to help guide you through these things, to navigate it. But I mean, you have caretaker fatigue. That's a real thing and you're dealing with all of these emotions and Reiki is not gonna be that eraser to erase everything, but it's gonna help you navigate through these challenges. There were different times where I would walk into a store or I would see something and it would make me think of my sister, and four years ago it would take me to this place of despair where I was crying and why her? But now I just pause and ask the Reiki to flow and then it's just from a place of love and it makes me think, oh, this is she would like, love this so much. So I'm not to that gripping place again of why and diving into that anger again.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, and you're so right about. I mean, reiki isn't going to solve it. It's like they don't sell. You don't go to the store and buy one Tylenol. You buy a bottle of Tylenol because you know you're going to have a lot of headaches and a lot of. It's not like it's going to take care of it forever, but it takes care of the stress for that, for that little day.

Speaker 2:

And then the stress comes again. So you do. That's why it's so helpful, Like you say, to have one person in every family train and rake me. Oh my gosh, what a great thing that would be. It'd be so awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to bring that in? Yeah, cause it's excubative. You think you're okay. That's why it's a journey, right? Not a destination. There's no there, so you never know, along your path, what's going to be shown to you or revealed to you. Oh, my goodness, the emotion's coming over. But now you have the tools to kind of okay, let's stop and redirect with that. So, again, bringing from a place of love instead of. You know, I'm really angry. She's not here. Why isn't she here? But like, okay, she would have loved this you know she would have loved seeing this in the store.

Speaker 1:

She would have loved this picture, so that's a beautiful way to remember her by. That's right, yeah. So our third question is when giving or receiving Reiki, do you prefer online or in person?

Speaker 2:

Well, if somebody was nearby and able to come see me. I always love in person because I just love being with people, but at the same time I love distance Reiki as well. I just so appreciate that if there is somebody who's really suffering and unable to come receive Reiki, you can offer it as distance, can offer it as distance. Or, if you know, if your, your family member calls and says, oh, I've hurt my foot, I haven't been able to hike for, you know, several weeks, nothing's helping. You could say, well, let's, would you like to try some reiki? Let's see what happens. So we do a bunch of reiki, um, you know just.

Speaker 2:

Or a friend calls and says my, my, my son had a stroke. He's in Switzerland, he's in the hospital. You know they're so distraught, could you please give them Reiki just to help them. I love the fact that there is that option. It's, it's really amazing. So I love giving Reiki period and, as you know, when you give Reiki you're receiving it as well, so you feel better. So it's, it's just, it's a. It's a really wonderful practice, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Very good. Well, that was our last question and, as we were talking, is there anything that you have forgotten or something that you would like to mention or say to our listeners?

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess I would say Reiki is meant to be fun. Of course you can use it. We've talked about kind of serious things about Reiki, about the Greek and so forth, but there are so many creative ways to use Reiki and that's one of the things I love about it. So I would encourage people who are doing one thing If you've taken second degree Reiki, I would say don't abandon the symbols. Use the symbols. They're very powerful and they can be used in so many fun, interesting ways.

Speaker 2:

One of the things I was playing around with when I was playing competitive tennis is when you're playing a match, you can get kind of overrun with nerves and not play your best, and so I decided I would use the symbols during a tennis match. I was using them over and over again before every point, and I did this for two matches. They were on different weekends and I played almost flawless tennis and it's not. I wished I could have experimented more with it, but I've had a bad condition so I haven't been able to play competitive tennis. But that's an example of like some spiral thing you could try these symbols with. I'm sure you had some fun examples of how you can use symbols that you might not that somebody else might not think of doing.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, I walked, I did a I do a sleepy Reiki class and guided them through this hot balloon meditation and everyone in the group they were master teachers, so it was a safe place to you know. Bring in the symbols by their names and imagining on the canopy of the hot air balloon, the symbols on there right, and just imagining they were kind of sprinkling over as they're hovering over the land, the symbols over, you know, different parts of the world that they felt that the Reiki needed to go to.

Speaker 1:

So you can get completely creative in what you do with it. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's, and that's what's. So you know it's so broad. You can do lots of things with Reiki. It can help you in so many ways. I mean there's like Reiki bubble.

Speaker 1:

You can put Reiki the symbols on your feet and have Reiki trails. So there's lots of unique ways to spread it without others really being aware of what you're doing. That's right, but always permission, always permission.

Speaker 2:

Yes, right.

Speaker 1:

All right, Amy. Well, thank you so much for joining me today on this journey.

Speaker 2:

It's absolutely lovely.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for being so honest and sharing your story with us. So I'm sure someone out there is listening and you know going through a similar struggle and it could really help them with this. So thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

You're so welcome. Yeah, it was great. It was great talking with you, tracy, have a great day.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful. All right, my wonderful listeners. If you would like your question featured on Ready Set Reiki, reach out at wwwreadysetreikicom or check me out on social media as well. Also check out Feathers Sister Wellness, which offers a variety of yoga classes, yoga trainings and Reiki and Reiki trainings. My name's Tracy Seawright, and this has been Ready Set Reiki. Copyright © 2020. Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.