Good Neighbor Podcast: Rochester

EP#111: Consistency Over Perfection with Sarah Krieger


Have you ever found yourself stuck in a cycle of relentless dieting, only to end up right back where you started each Monday morning? Meet Sarah Krieger, the guiding light behind Consistency Over Perfection, who's transforming lives with her approach to wellness—not through quick fixes, but through the power of steady, sustainable habits. She joins us to share her riveting journey from a lifelong dieter to a beacon of health for women struggling with similar challenges. Her story is a testament to the fact that the road to wellness isn't paved with fad diets and fitness extremes, but with incremental changes and a good dose of perseverance.

During our enlightening chat, Sarah tackles the allure of perfection and how it can sabotage our health goals. She breaks down common myths that many fall prey to in their pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, offering instead her philosophy of balance. When Sarah isn't guiding her clients towards their wellness goals, she's making the most of family life—whether that's through camping adventures, refreshing swims, or a competitive board game night. Tune in to discover why consistency is the true key to success and learn how to make lasting changes without feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to be perfect. With Sarah's insights, you might just find yourself redefining what it means to live a healthy, happy life.

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor Podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Lisa Swiftney.

Speaker 2:

Hi everyone and welcome to episode number 111 of the Good Neighbor Podcast. I'm so excited. Today we have with us good neighbor Sarah Krieger, and Sarah is with Consistency Over Perfection. Hi Sarah, how are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing so wonderful Even more so. It's 111. It's 111. That's a great number.

Speaker 2:

I know it is. That's because we're number 111, right, that's right. Thank you for having me, though. I really appreciate it. Oh, no problem, sarah, let's first start off by telling our listeners about your business. What do you do?

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, I guess the easiest way to describe what I do is I really help women stand, struggled with their weight the majority of their life. Maybe they were yo-yo dieters or very trendy bad diet type of people, or they were just kind of like I'm on a diet every Monday. That was my story, and so once I kind of figured out the key, so to speak, I decided, hey, why not help other women, after getting lots of questions, to figure this piece out? Why not help other women figure this piece out as well? And just really understood that it took a lot more consistency than it did being perfect at anything that I did before.

Speaker 2:

That is amazing. Tell our listeners about your journey. How and why did you get into this business?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so, as I kind of mentioned, right, this is my story.

Speaker 3:

This is who I used to be.

Speaker 3:

I was a woman that struggled my full entire life with my weight, from the time that I can consciously remember, all the way through my adulthood and even about eight years ago, my husband actually took a job overseas and it was a perfect time for me to kind of roll into my own health and really dive into figuring this out that I never figured out 32 years prior, and so I just really started chipping away at things and tackling things, and one thing I was really good at was quitting, and this time I just I refused to do that and figured it all out, and so the puzzle pieces all clicked and then everybody else was like, how are you doing this? What are you doing? And my husband said, why don't you like teach other people how to do this? And, being a former teacher, I was like, okay, I guess I could do that, but I didn't know anything about business. So that was an adventure of learning the business piece, and my husband is really the entrepreneurial mindset where I am more like just tell me what to do. It really translates even with my own clients who just want me to tell them what to do. I'm like I can't do that for you, so it's kind of funny how that works that is kind of fun.

Speaker 2:

So can you tell us this is? I know you can, but can you tell us any myths or misconceptions that you hear about in your industry?

Speaker 3:

Oh boy, yeah, For an hour plus talking about these. I would say that we don't have to do the extreme situation and that can be applied. I think that's the easiest way to say it. It can be applied to nutrition and it can be applied to fitness. So nothing has to be done. Extreme Everything can be done, really. Just, I always talk about taking hard left and hard right and we really just need a real slow, gradual turn, and I would say that, again, that could be applied to too much training, too much running, too much much whatever, or you know, not eating carbs, not eating fat, not eating those kinds of things. Nothing too extreme across the board.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So when you're not working on your business, what do you like to do for fun?

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's a great question. So I have three kids. I do actually really enjoy. They all do stuff. They do fly football, they do swim. Um, we love to camp as a family. Uh, we have a swimming pool so we do love to just have barbecues hang out. We're more of a stay-in kind of family and play lots of board games and anything else.

Speaker 2:

We love board games what's your favorite board game gosh?

Speaker 3:

that's really hard. We're really right now into um, a card game called wizard um. So we just played something called jinx yesterday and it's kind of like a version of tic-tac-toe with dice and that was interesting. So again, like we're always looking for new, different stuff, that's good.

Speaker 2:

I know, when my kids were still living at home, we, our game of choice, was always risk. Oh, we love risk too. Yes, it just got to the point where my son and my brother-in-law got too competitive so we're like oh no, we're not playing that. Many, many late nights playing risk, yes, yes. So can you tell our listeners what are described to our listeners one hardship or life challenge that you rose above and can now say because of that challenge that you're better for it and are stronger?

Speaker 3:

Man, okay, this could go deep, I think. So. I think the most crazy part about my entire story is about when my son was 11. So about 11 years ago he was about five days old and my now ex-husband said he didn't want to be married anymore and I moved home with my mom and dad. I was 29 years old, I had a three and a half year old and a five day old baby and I felt like my whole life was crumbling before my eyes and then my mom got sick with. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and two weeks later, kidney cancer.

Speaker 3:

So I had an entire plate full and I really felt it was like one of those moments is like I can't take any more, like what's next? I don't, I don't even know. I don't have a job. We were military, living overseas, so I had no clothes. I had nothing for my like, none of my children's stuff. It was.

Speaker 3:

It was a nightmare, but looking back on it, what it's translated into now is like I don't feel like I was ever a person that felt super strong emotionally or physically or mentally. I think that really showed my capacity, that I didn't realize that I had and how much of life that I could handle on my own and how much I can apply that into my business. When I feel like man, this is tough or man, this is a really difficult life situation, even if it's not business, it's like I look back at that moment in my life where I thought it's never going to get worse than this. This is really, really bad, and I keep going it's still not as bad as that moment and I keep that kind of almost like a little perspective piece for my back pocket.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that is good. That is good too, and you are stronger today, and you can tell that. So what's one thing you wish our listeners knew about you and your business? Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Wow, I think that you know, for me, I started this because I desire to help people, specifically women who used to be who I used to be, and you know, I've worked in big box gyms before. I have worked in little, small boutique gyms, no-transcript. A lot of times we are not even capable or I mean aware, of what we're capable of, until it's like sitting in front of us and it's like maybe, maybe I can do that thing that I didn't think I could do, and so I think for me it's more or less like my desire to just help people. You know, I think that a lot of people in this fitness and wellness space right now is very messy and it's very cluttered with a lot of stuff and lots of words and verbiage that people use to get people and I'm just like, hey, let's just drink some water and be friends, that's cool, I'm happy with that. Our I'm just like, hey, let's just drink some water and be friends, that's cool, I'm happy with that.

Speaker 2:

Our listeners are now intrigued. They want to learn more from you, so how can they contact you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I'm on Facebook as Sarah J Krieger, I'm also on Instagram as the underscore basic, underscore B, and then I also have my own podcast that I run. I love the podcast and, again, something else I thought I'd never do, but that's called Don't Call Me Skinny. There are over 200 episodes so far, going on year three, and I just love to connect with people. I love to collaborate with people. So all the above.

Speaker 2:

That is great. Well, thank you. I really appreciate you being on our podcast today, sarah, and now I'm tongue tied at sharing what you do with our audiences. Thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to the Good Neighbor Podcast, rochester. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to GNPRochestercom. That's GNPRochestercom, or call 248-988-9640.