Good Neighbor Podcast: Rochester

EP#104: FIT with Debby Gasperoni


When Debby Gasperoni swapped her graphic design software for a blender and a dream, she started more than just a business—she launched a lifeline. Our latest episode features this vibrant wellness entrepreneur from Fit with Debby, who brings her unique blend of USDA organic supplements, insightful personal coaching, and customized meal plans to the table. As she partners with Fit Team Global, Debby's mission goes beyond the boardroom; she's cultivating a community where health is wealth, and everyone is invited to partake.

In a heart-to-heart that's as raw as it is inspiring, Debby peels back the layers of her past, revealing her escape from the shadows of an abusive relationship and stepping into the light of empowerment and self-worth. Through her testimony, she underscores the critical importance of recognizing abuse's early signs and the transforming power of supportive networks. Balancing familial duties with the demands of her burgeoning enterprise, Debby's story is a testament to the fierce determination required to succeed in network marketing. Embark on a compelling journey with Debby as she extends a hand to those ready to redefine their health and their lives.

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Lisa Swiftney.

Speaker 2:

Hi everyone and welcome to episode number 104 of the Good Neighbor podcast. Today we have Good Neighbor Debbie Gasperoni and she is with Fit with Debbie. So welcome, debbie. It's nice to have you be a guest on our Good Neighbor podcast today.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much, Lisa. I'm very honored.

Speaker 2:

Oh great, let's first start off by telling everybody what is your business, what do you do?

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'd be happy to. So my business is called Fit with Debbie, but I work in conjunction with a company called Fit Team Global and what we do is we provide all certified USDA organic and non-GMO health supplements. Currently, we have five now and we're getting ready to launch our sixth one next month, March 9th and our organic supplements are meant to help people on their journey with health and wellness, whether that's somebody who's looking for a place to get started, or maybe you already lead a healthy lifestyle and you're just looking for some added supplementation in different areas of your life, or you're an athlete and you're also looking for supplementation. We also do one-on-one coaching through that and we offer different meal plan programs, so we're teaching people how to create a healthy lifestyle through supplementation, through nutrition, hydration, exercise, sleep and, of course, mindset.

Speaker 2:

That is amazing, so tell our listeners about your journey. How did you get started in this business?

Speaker 3:

So it's kind of funny, because health and wellness is was never anything on my repertoire, was not on my goal sheet or on a dream board anywhere, but I was working full time in a career as a graphic designer and I got married later in life, started my family later in life, and I had a really, really, really hard time going back to work. After my youngest daughter was born, I became an instant mom when I got married to two wonderful stepchildren, but I never had that baby experience. So when I went back to work, I always just was thinking and dreaming of like how can I create an income from home? Yeah, I didn't love being a graphic designer, it wasn't exactly what my degree was in. But lo and behold, almost 20 years later, there I still was being a graphic designer.

Speaker 3:

I was scrolling through Facebook and stumbled across a friend of mine that I went to high school with, and he was not only sharing how people were creating a healthier lifestyle, having more energy and, as a mom of a young toddler at that time and two other preteens, energy was definitely something I was lacking but, more importantly, he was sharing about his wife's success and how she was able to leave her full time career and be home with their three girls and create an income and still be able to travel and have, you know, all of the extras. And I wanted that. And so I reached out and talked to both of them and they presented to me you know what the business opportunity was about and how I could help other people both create an income and change their healthy habits. And I was in. I was like, all right, let's do this.

Speaker 2:

And that's how I got started. That's amazing. So can you tell us about any myths or miscontests? I can't talk. Tell us about any myths or misconceptions you hear about in your industry.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there's so many, I had to actually figure out which did I want to focus on. So I'm going to do first the myth in the industry. So I'm part of the network marketing industry and the biggest misconception and what I hear people ask the most is is this a pyramid scheme? And my answer is a couple of different things. First and foremost, I always like to ask people will tell me what it is that you think a pyramid scheme is, because I never want to assume that they're thinking one way or another, and of course, it's exactly.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 3:

What I think is that they think, because I've been sponsored and brought into the business by somebody who then I can sponsor somebody and bring them into the business and then so on and so forth that only the people that are in the company in the beginning or at the quote unquote top are the ones that are going to have the most success.

Speaker 3:

And I can I can't speak for all companies, although I my understanding is that pyramid schemes are illegal, and so as long as you have a product or a service that you are providing to somebody and in our case I'm actually providing both that it is not a pyramid scheme because people are purchasing something they can repurchase. They're getting support, and I actually work through a company where they're going to get like a money back guarantee. We have a customer service department and, as far as our company goes, the people quote unquote at the top are not always the ones that are having the most success, and a prime example is that I was actually able to surpass my sponsors in achievement levels in our company and a lot of companies you're not able to do that in, so that's the biggest misconception on the business side and if I could take another quick second misconception on the product consumption side.

Speaker 3:

You know it is about supplements and that you don't need them. I think that that's a personal choice. Right, it's a personal choice whether somebody wants to I guess provide or implement is a better word Some kind of a supplement into their already daily habits, just like any other vitamin source. So those are the couple of misconceptions.

Speaker 2:

That's good to know. So tell us, what do you like to do for fun when you're not working on your business?

Speaker 3:

So many things. So one of my biggest loves and my husband and I love this together is wine. We just love all things, mostly red wine, but we love going to wine tastings. We love trying different wines, obviously traveling up to Traverse City and going to the different vineyards. But, more importantly, we actually have recently really loved trying to find all the little hidden gems in the Metro Detroit area that offer different types of wines. We're actually very blessed with how many opportunities, how many things that are offered around here. That are all things vineyards, wine, wineries, winemakers, I mean.

Speaker 3:

At one time we thought about making our own and I was like, well, that would be no fun, because then we couldn't go out and enjoy everybody else. So that's one thing. Another thing is, obviously we love spending time with our family. Traveling has always been a big thing on my to-do list. We love traveling as a family. There's five of us in total, between his two children and our child together. And then more recently I know you are following me on social media I have dipped my toe into the sourdough and I am having so much fun with that.

Speaker 3:

And it really does align with what I do all things health and wellness because if you do your research, which, in all honesty, I never even knew there were so many benefits to sourdough bread because I always was like, oh, I don't eat a lot of bread because I didn't like the way it made me feel afterwards.

Speaker 3:

Well, the sourdough is not doing that. So the last two weeks I think I've kind of created a monster. My family is enjoying it. They're reaping the benefits of fresh bread almost every night, fresh muffins. I even gifted my first loaf yesterday, which was kind of scary because it was the first time I gifted a loaf to somebody without cutting into it first to make sure it was like the way it was supposed to be. But this week I'm gonna actually dip my toe in doing sourdough pasta with my yeah. So of course I have an Italian husband, so he's really excited about that. And then the last thing that I really love spending my time doing is our youngest is a dancer and I am 1000% all in as a dance mom and my favorite thing to do is watch her dance and perform and just have fun.

Speaker 2:

That is fun, though I know my daughter loves doing her sourdough and she has made many different flavors of sourdough.

Speaker 3:

I have a lot of recipes saved, but I haven't been that adventurous yet. I feel like we're really loving just the sourdough, like if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Speaker 2:

Right, right. Well, she did a sweet one, which was really good, and she made a cinnamon butter to go with it. Oh, yes, and then she did a savory cheddar cheese sourdough.

Speaker 3:

I did make Parmesan crackers. And my daughter's like mom, these are better than Cheez-Its. So sorry, cheez-its, I know like out there for a long time, but I'm coming for you. So yeah, they were really good. She's requested chocolate chip muffins, so that's on my to-do soon. And I did make some delicious blueberry with a crumble on top muffin.

Speaker 3:

And again, like I, don't usually and indulge in a lot of these types of things. I've always considered myself a really good cook, but not much of a baker, and this is really turning the page. And I'll be honest, I'm actually already writing down a plan to see, like you know, how can I create maybe another little side business out of monetizing with all the goods that I'm making or teaching people how to do it.

Speaker 3:

So right, do some sourdough classes, it's a craze right now, but it's a good craze and it can be a healthy craze as long as you still track what you're putting in your life. You don't want to eat a whole loaf by yourself in one day, Unless you want to.

Speaker 2:

But Totally understand, totally. So can you describe one hardship or life challenge that you rose above and can now say because of that challenge that you're better for it and are stronger I can, and this is something that always hits very near and dear to my heart.

Speaker 3:

A lot of times people will say like, wow, you know how can you talk about that? But I talk about it in hopes that I can help somebody not have to go through this. But many, many, many years ago, long before I ever met my husband, I was in a relationship with the gentlemen's I think in total it was maybe just under six, somewhere between five and six years, to be honest, like I kind of forget, it was that long ago in my late 20s, early 30s, and unfortunately it ended up in a physical, basically like a domestic violence type situation. I just was really naive to a lot of things. Or, like a lot of people, like you know, we don't want to see something Sometimes that's right in front of us and so I could have seen the signs ahead of time of, like verbal abuse and mental abuse and things like that. But, like I said, I was kind of naive to some situations and you only know what you know. And then unfortunately it became physical and having to have somebody that you live with. Because we actually bought a house together. The plan was to get married, have kids.

Speaker 3:

I'm so thankful that God kept me from that, and there was. There's always a reason for everything, and although I always tell people this is probably the hardest thing that I've ever had to go through in my life, it's also one of the things that I am most thankful for, because it really taught me not just a lot of lessons, but it really taught me how to be more aware for myself and advocate for myself, which apparently I just wasn't back. You know, at that time, like I said, you kind of only know what you know some things rolled out after that that I found out and I was like, wow, how did I not know that? But I guess that's where I'm proud, that I'm naive when it comes to drugs Never did them, never was around them. So, yes, those are the signs that I might have been able to see, but I didn't know about that.

Speaker 3:

So you know, I just I'm very fortunate that I'm still here to be able to tell this story, because there's so many women and men that don't make it out on the other side of it, and I had a lot of support from my family. I'm sure nothing is more gut-wrenching to a parent when they get a phone call from their child, you know, explaining that they just had to have them or somebody arrested in their home and I was headed to the hospital because of my arm. Everything ended up being okay. But, yeah, my brother, my sister in law, my parents, we're all very my friends, we're very supportive at the time and it is something that someday, my children, if ever need be, we will have that conversation. If I feel like it's something, you know, we do converse about it. They just don't know what happened to me, right? But yeah, tough situation, but thankful to be on the other side of that.

Speaker 2:

Well, that is good, and we're thankful you're on the other side of it. Thank you, yes. So what is one thing that you wish our listeners knew about your business?

Speaker 3:

Um, what I, what I want people to know about my business, is that it costs people nothing to just get the facts and information and kind of share, maybe, what their challenges might be, whether that's in the health and wellness side or, you know, on the opportunity of creating an extra income or more flexible extra income. The other thing, too, is there's a comment this probably might go back to the misconception, but does go with something I want people to know about your business is when you're, when you're looking into a home business opportunity. A lot of times people will show all of the sunshine and rainbow side of things, um, but it's not always easy. It's it's difficult. You know, learning how to really manage your time when you have children and a household that you're taking care of. I also have elderly parents that I care for.

Speaker 3:

Um, I like to work out and go to the gym. I have my me time, I have my time with God, so it's all about balancing that. But I'm telling you, if you um, you know, with the, with the business opportunity, like network marketing, you really just need to do your research, gain the knowledge and the information, um, and then you're allowed to make the decision you know that you think works best for your family. If it's something that you think is going to be a great fit for you, that's amazing. If it's not, that's fine too, and you know, that's what. That's what I want people to know.

Speaker 2:

That's good. So now our listeners are intrigued. How can they learn more? How can they contact you?

Speaker 3:

Well, okay, so I'm on Instagram. It's at Debbie gas foroni. I think there might be like an underscore dash or something in there. Super simple to find me there. Also on Facebook, debbie gas foroni. So those are simple. You can find me on Pinterest, where I do actually share a lot of things health, wellness, things like that or you can send me an email directly to fit with Debbie, and that's d e b b y ink at gmailcom. And that's another thing to mention. On my socials, it's D e b b y gas foroni. G a s p e r o n I. And if you go to either of my socials my email, my phone number, everything's available. So that's great.

Speaker 2:

That's great. Well, debbie, I appreciate you being a guest on our Good Neighbor podcast today. Thank you, I appreciate you so much, lisa.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much for the opportunity and I look forward to seeing you Thursday.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Thanks for listening to the Good Neighbor podcast Rochester. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to gnprochestercom. That's gnprochestercom, or call 248-988-9640.