Good Neighbor Podcast: Rochester

EP#105: Main Street Chiropractic with Dr. Lindsey Hamilton


When a life path takes an unexpected turn, it can lead to revelations that reshape our very destinies. Dr. Lindsey Hamilton of Main Street Chiropractic is the embodiment of such a journey, and on our latest episode of the Good Neighbor podcast, he not only shares his transformative story from aspiring mortician to a passionate chiropractor but also demystifies the world of chiropractic care with his three decades of wisdom.

Listen as Dr. Hamilton takes us beyond the typical neck and back pain discussion, shedding light on the lesser-known benefits of chiropractic treatments like alleviating headaches and even exercise-induced asthma, which he personally overcame. His approach to patient empowerment, combined with his commitment to tailoring treatments to individual comfort, challenges the myths surrounding lifelong chiropractic dependence and neck adjustments, offering listeners fresh insights into maintaining their health autonomously. Join us for an episode that promises not just stories of healing but practical knowledge that could very well change the way you view your body's potential for wellness.

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Lisa Swiftney.

Speaker 2:

Hi everyone and welcome to episode number 105 of the Good Neighbor podcast. Today I have with me Good Neighbor Dr Lindsay Hamilton and he is with Main Street Chiropractic. How are you doing today, dr Hamilton?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing awesome. How about you?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing really good, kind of enjoying this warm weather we're getting this week.

Speaker 3:

You know, in Michigan when we get something over the 60-degree mark, it's reason to celebrate. So yeah, very happy.

Speaker 2:

That's true. Why don't we start off by telling our listeners about your business?

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm a chiropractic physician. I've been in practice for over 30 years. Typically, when people think of chiropractors, they think of neck pain, back pain, headaches. We typically do treat those things, but there's some other things that we do have some very good success with also.

Speaker 2:

That is great. Tell our listeners about your journey. How or why did you get started in chiropractic care?

Speaker 3:

You know, it's a great story. I was attending Oakland University at a soccer scholarship, so I'm a hometown guy and I was actually studying to be a Martician. During my freshman year I came down with some very severe they call it exercise-induced asthma some very severe breathing problems. So, as a soccer player, we run an average of about five to six miles per game. So with this breathing problem, I couldn't train, I couldn't play, you know. Finally, my coach was like listen, you got to get this thing straightened out. You're a scholarship player. If you're not, we're going to have to kind of, you know, we have to let you go.

Speaker 3:

So I went the traditional medical route. They gave me steroid injections, allergy shots, all these different things and finally, as a student, I was just getting more sick, wasn't helping out. So one of my teammates said to me hey, hey, lindsay, why don't you go see a chiropractor? They can help with this kind of problem. Now, first thing I thought hey, you know, chiropractors treat neck and back pain. You know, I was 18, 19 years of age. I could run forever, I had no back problems. So I was at the very end. I, you know, I didn't want to take any medication. The coach is telling me hey, we're going to take away your scholarship.

Speaker 3:

So I went to see this chiropractor. He said listen, you don't have any allergy problems, you have a back problem. The problem is you have a curvature in your spine. The spine controls your breathing. That's your problem. I just kind of chuckled this day. I would ever so. I received my first chiropractic adjustment the next day and surprisingly, that day I remember now I just I felt like there's pressure off of my chest and my back. So I haven't felt this kind of relief in a long time. He put me on a interval of adjustments three times a week for about a month and every time I went to see him I felt better, less problems breathing. I was just feeling like I could run again. They only got off all these medications. After that month of care I realized, you know, I don't want to be a mortician anymore, I want to help people with chiropractic care. So that was my journey and that's how I got started.

Speaker 2:

That was an awesome opportunity.

Speaker 3:

Yes, cool.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so can you tell us any myths or misconceptions that you hear about in your industry?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's quite a few. I mean it's first. One always is hey, once I see a chiropractor, I have to go for the rest of my life Again, as is false. There's nothing we do to make you dependent upon keeping your spine in alignment. Haven't seen me forever. That's just not true. What we do is our clinic. We get you back into alignment, get you feeling better. Then we talk about exercise and things that keep the spine strong, so the problem doesn't come back. Other issues are adjustments with the neck area. Some people don't like those. Listen, if you don't like a regular adjustment, tell your chiropractor. There are many different ways of getting the spine into alignment. It's not always a hands-on or everything pops and snaps like you see on YouTube. It's not like that. There's a lot of different ways of working, getting patients better. So let's open up. Talk to the chiropractor. People will change the way we do things to make you feel better.

Speaker 2:

That is good. So what typically do you as a chiropractor? What's your typical patient that you treat?

Speaker 3:

Now typically we will see neck pain and back pain. Okay, we had typically everything's about chiropractors, neck and back problems and again, that's the majority of what we do here Neck pain, back pain, sciatica, headaches, carpal tunnel, those kind of things but we find that I've been news for a very long time. We found there's quite a few of other things that we can help you out with digestive issues. We've had patients who had constipation problems their whole life by getting their blower back into the alignment. Now they're going to the bathroom every single day. Allergies, asthma the mid-back controls those functions. So, especially right now with all this weird weather going on, we have a lot of patients that have sinus problems because the weather's changing. We help with those.

Speaker 3:

We've helped women who had problems getting pregnant. Again, the lower back controls that function. Every woman who came in here had a problem with pregnancy, with our care. Within about six or eight weeks After that they got pregnant. Babies who are in a breach position adjusting a woman's pelvis allows a baby to turn around and flip. So these are things that people don't really realize carpal tunnel can help out with. So those are things I always like to address, along with neck pain, headaches and satica and just problems.

Speaker 2:

That is a lot, that is a lot it is. Yeah, and I am a component of chiropractic care.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 2:

You feel that it is, it's necessary, it does help you. So, besides working, what do you like to do for fun when you're not working on your business?

Speaker 3:

Well, I like hanging out with my family of course my wonderful wife Susan. We live out in Clarkson. We have five acres of land, so it's always something to do. I think my big passion is biking. I like to ride my mountain bike or my road bike every day. We live next to me my clinic's right next to the Pain Creek Trail, so I have my bike in my car every day. I get down there every day or the McCombortrait Trail, so I ride my bike between 800 miles a week. I get out there and I just feel relaxed, stress goes away and it's good for the heart and the lungs. So biking would be my man escape right now.

Speaker 2:

That sounds amazing.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So can you describe one hardship or life challenge that you rose above and can now say because of that challenge that you're better for it and or stronger?

Speaker 3:

You know it's a great question. When I first got out of chiropractic school I wasn't sure what to do work for somebody else, work on my own? I wasn't sure which direction. So I had a classmate of mine. He graduated a couple of years before and I came back to Michigan. He said you know, why don't we work together? We'll be like the dynamic duo, two young guys out there hustling, working hard, getting patients better. So it sounds like a great idea. You know, overhead would be 50-50. I thought this would be fantastic and he was a great guy.

Speaker 3:

But about six months, eight months, a year into this, I just realized that it wasn't a good relationship and nothing he did nothing I did. Just we just didn't see eye to eye. We had different thoughts, different philosophies, philosophies, things that we should have discussed beforehand, but I was just too young to figure that out. So after about a year and a half of being in this other location, other practice, I just realized, you know this is it's not something I was enjoying, just because of the partnership we created. So we just again.

Speaker 3:

It's like every day was frustrating for both of us, not just him and not just me, both of us. So we sat down and I said listen, I'm gonna give you my whole practice, I'm gonna move out of the area so that we can separate. And that's when I decided to come to Rochester. I came into Rochester, I opened my clinic on a shoestring budget and I worked harder now than I ever did my whole life. So I got through that and I realized, if I can do that, I can pretty much accomplish anything I want to. If I just focus on what I want to do, visualize it and take strong steps toward it, usually I can get what I want.

Speaker 2:

That's great. That is really awesome. What is one thing that you wish our listeners knew about your business?

Speaker 3:

We're different than most chiropractic offices. A couple of things set us apart. Number one is become to my clinic. It kind of looks like a physical therapy clinic. We have exercise equipment, rehab equipment for the neck, lower back, knees, ankles.

Speaker 3:

Most chiropractic offices just do chiropractic adjustments. Again, I'm a news for a very long time. I realize you know what I need to have the patient spine not only get into alignment but get stronger. So we have them not only do chiropractic adjustments but with physical therapy and rehabilitation to help their spine stay in alignment for a longer period of time. The other thing is we have a device called lumbar and cervical disc decompression and, say, table and machine that can actually repair disc herniations in the neck and back. Usually if you have a disc herniation you're going to be off to get injections and finally surgery. And if our patients follow the protocol I have set up, I have about an 86 to 88 percent success rate with a disc issue, which is actually pretty darn good because most of the time if you have to, if you have surgery or injections, you, you, you're at about 25 to 30 percent success rate. So those two features set us apart from most chiropractors in the area.

Speaker 2:

That is great to know. Thank you for sharing. Our listeners are now intrigued, so how can they learn more and contact you or make an appointment?

Speaker 3:

Our website is MainStreetCCcom, office number 248-656-2273.

Speaker 2:

Perfect Well, dr Hamilton, thank you so much for being a guest today on our Good Neighbor podcast.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, lisa. I appreciate your time. Have a great day.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to the Good Neighbor podcast, rochester Phenomenate. Your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show. Go to GNPRochestercom. That's GNPRochestercom, or call 248-988-9640.