Acts 2: The Holy Spirit Comes
The Bible Breakdown
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The Bible Breakdown
Acts 2: The Holy Spirit Comes
Jul 26, 2023 Episode 135
Brandon Cannon

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The New Testament doctor turned investigative journalist is back. The first time, he is chronicling the life and ministry of Jesus. This time, he is telling Theopolis about the birth and growth of the early church. Jesus told the church to wait to receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, they are to make disciples of all nations. We have a front row seat to how this happened.

Here’s the good news: God does amazing things through ordinary people. If God be your partner, make your plans large. If God can fisherman and a Pharisee and shake the world, what can He do with you?

Key Verse: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Detailed Outline of Acts

1. They’ve just Begun

  • Before Pentecost [1:1-26]
  • Day of Pentecost [2:1-47]

2. They start to Do

  • Healing miracle [3:1-31]
  • Opposition [4:32-5:11]
  • The Seven appointed and church organization [6:1-7]

3. They’re forced to flee

  • Stephen, the first martyr [6:8-8:1]
  • Persecution spreads the Gospel [8:1-40]
  • Saul is saved [9:1-31]

4. God Opens Doors

  • Peter raises the dead [9:32-43]
  • The Gospel comes to the Gentiles [10:1-11:18]
  • Antioch church grows strong in the Spirit [11:19-30]
  • James killed but angel frees Peter [12]

5. A Missions drive

  • Journey to Galatia via Cyprus [13-14]
  • Jerusalem council about Gentiles [15:1-35]
  • Paul returns to Galatia & strengthens the churches [15:36-16:5]

6. Extended Trips

  • Mission trip to Greece [16-19]

7. To Rome, then heaven

  • Revisited the churches [19:21-21:14]
  • Arrest and trials [21:15-26:32]
  • Journey to Rome [27-28]

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