Early Careers Podcast | Jack & Ollie Show
The Early Careers Podcast with Jack and Ollie will guide you through every aspect of the early careers market. As the co-founders of AllAboutGroup.org and R M P Enterprises, the pair have more than 20 years of experience in the marketplace between them and hope to bring some of that experience to the fore, to help anyone invovled in any aspect of early careers get new insights, perspectives and ways of thinking with the goal of raising the game across the industry from the best minds and the most progressive organisations.
Early Careers Podcast | Jack & Ollie Show
Dr Ulrich Hoppe | Why the German apprenticeship system isn't right for the UK
Jack & Ollie
Season 5
Episode 40
The wonderful and highly functional German apprenticeship system is widely touted as the gold standard by governments across the world, but that doesn't mean it will work everywhere. Ulrich talks through the strengths of the Birtish economy and how that might work in the apprenticeship space.