Fish & the Flint Chronicles

Pastor Michael Gatewood - Gotti, Gambino, and Coming to Jesus

Season 5 Episode 218

Tredale Kennedy has been on “Fish and The Flint Chronicles” several times, and each time it’s a different topic. But in fairness, he’s never been on board to participate in a story quite like this one. It’s close to home too, because it involves a close friend, fellow North Ender, and Flint Central Indian Michael Gatewood. In fact Gatewood and Fish go back almost as far, from their early days as 12 and 13 year olds at Whittier Junior High (where Gatewood challenged Fish to a daily wrestling match in gym class). But there was a big interlude after high school when everyone went their separate ways, and during that time Gatewood found himself making some very bad decisions, landing himself in a federal penitentiary.

What transpired there led to his transformation in to a cross country community leader in both Denver, Colorado and his hometown Flint, as well as being a highly acclaimed pastor and member of the T.D. Jakes national ministry and organization. His literal ‘Come to Jesus’ moment in the penitentiary would be an incredible story on its own merits if it only involved a seismic personal change. But the fact that it involved two of the leading members of American organized crime with the last names of Gotti and Gambino take the story to an entirely different level.

It’s another day of incredible storytelling in The Aquarium of “Fish and The Flint Chronicles.” Believe us when we tell you that you will not want to miss this one!

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