Single Minded Rejoiners

SMR - EP253 - 15/04/24

April 15, 2024 SMR Season 1 Episode 253

This week on SMR, we sit down for a frank and enlightening chat with one of our favourite social media progressives - the wonderful truth seeker, Supertanskiii, or Tan Smith to those who really know her!

And, trust us - we got to know her, in what we're calling "Our Longest Ever Interview!"

Mainly because it was!

Hear all she had to say, catch up with some of the week's sillier Tory nonsense, chuckle along to our fine blend of luxury comedy and sing heartily to some terrific Pro-EU music, as we delve deep into the mind of our super special guest, Supertanskiii!

It's time for SMR, Rejoiners!

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