What To Expect When You Aren’t Expecting Anything: Perimenopause Edition
Midlife Rise + Thrive | Helping Women Navigate Midlife and Menopause
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Midlife Rise + Thrive | Helping Women Navigate Midlife and Menopause
What To Expect When You Aren’t Expecting Anything: Perimenopause Edition
May 16, 2024 Episode 54
Sara Poldmae

Today on the Midlife Rise + Thrive podcast is the “What to Expect When You Aren’t Expecting Anything” Perimenopause Edition.

No one hands you a guide or even tells you much about what to expect during perimenopause, and it will probably start before you’re expecting it at all. This episode will teach you how to recognize the signs of perimenopause so that you can take your health into your own hands. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • Surprising symptoms that are actually signs of perimenopause 
  • One thing most people don’t know about menopause 
  • The scary truth about what happens if you don’t address your hormones

Often patients have no idea that their symptoms are perimenopause-related, but I want to change that. Tune in to find out whether your mystery symptoms could be signs of perimenopause.

All show notes are available at risingwomanproject.com!