Hoof to Hat

Hoof to Hat Episode 17 - Wanna get Sheepy? with Lindsey Reister-Hendricks

Rusty Season 1 Episode 17

This week on Hoof to Hat, Russ and Rusty explore the world of sheep with third generation sheep producer Lindsey Reister-Hendricks.
Lindsey answers all of our questions from what breeds she raises, gestation period to halter breaking lambs. We also talk about Lindsey's recent trip with her 5 year daughter to the All American Junior Sheep show.

For Storytime, Lindsey tells about how sheep also make fun pets.
Below are some helpful links for getting into sheep showing.

Home - All-American Junior Sheep Show (allamericanjuniorshow.com)

KSA: Kansas Sheep Association (kssheep.com)

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 0NZDL7LASSWTER7D

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: VSSYFISGC7E22MEO

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