Practice Briefs

Why is Patient Experience "Broken"?

May 05, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2
Why is Patient Experience "Broken"?
Practice Briefs
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Practice Briefs
Why is Patient Experience "Broken"?
May 05, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode of Practice Briefs, we'll discuss why the patient experience is "broken" in healthcare. 

Patients feel frustrated due to a lack of communication, long wait times, a lack of empathy, outdated technology, and fragmented care. Healthcare providers must work towards addressing these issues to build trust and positive relationships with patients.

Listen to this quick conversation that provides some great insights!

Show Notes

In this episode of Practice Briefs, we'll discuss why the patient experience is "broken" in healthcare. 

Patients feel frustrated due to a lack of communication, long wait times, a lack of empathy, outdated technology, and fragmented care. Healthcare providers must work towards addressing these issues to build trust and positive relationships with patients.

Listen to this quick conversation that provides some great insights!