It's All Happening

24. The Greatest Gifts of Grief with Cayla Brewton

Molly Rasanen

On this weeks episode of It's All Happening we explore the concept of soul contracts, soul-guided connections & the initiations that come alongside waking up to the spiritual gifts you've been given to serve in this world.

I invited onto the show my dear friend, soul sister & one of the most integral medicine women and glorious body workers I have come to not only know but that I GET to deeply love, Cayla Brewton.

Together we dive in to how her experiences with death and grief have truly shaped her spiritual journey. We get into the spiritual gifts she is currently waking up to and how they could not have come without facing and leaning into that grief.

We illuminate the not so shiny side of answering the call and the challenges of accepting, owning & honing one's spiritual gifts for greater service. The conversation touches on the importance of honoring ancestral wisdom and the resistance and doubts that can arise when stepping into one's true calling.

Cayla and I bare it all through our personal experiences of stepping up and into mediumship, psychism and the spiritual healing we are being called to facilitate. We get into the importance of embracing discomfort and the unknown in order to access deeper levels of connection and healing. We share our deeply intertwined personal experiences of navigating resistance, fear, and societal conditioning on our spiritual journeys.

I pray that this conversation highlights the power of true soul contracts and the importance of community and support in the spiritual awakening & healing process.

I am forever grateful for the soul aligned sisters I have come in contact with on this path and know that each and every single interaction we have be it in ceremony or in deep play is a piece of the puzzle of our individual and collective awakening journey.

Tune in and connect back to let me know what you think. I am obsessed with receiving your insights, realizations & revelations as you receive these deep and intimate transmissions of truth straight from our very real, very magical experiences.

If you resonate with the episode & it speaks to your soul please subscribe, rate, leave a review & share this episode with all of your magical friends.

Want to connect with Cayla and the work she is forever weaving into this world? Give her a follow over on instagram @Caylabrewton

Follow me on instagram @mollyrasanen
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