Horizontes: LatAm Business Leadership Insights
Horizontes helps Latin American business leaders understand key issues affecting their companies/industries and further develop their leadership skills via in-depth talks with a wide range of expert guests.
Horizontes: LatAm Business Leadership Insights
Security: The Unmeasured Risk of Mexican Nearshoring
Organized crime in Mexico today includes highly sophisticated groups who have effectively penetrated the supply chains of Mexico's burgeoning exports. They have extorted their way into ownership of the agri-food sector and they regularly hijack the trucking convoys of export manufacturers — more than 50 trucks per day on average. Site selection of new manufacturing plants in Mexico must now consider security of one of the key components of decision making. Chris Dalby, a veteran security journalist, has spent a decade studying the complex economic, political and social backdrops of organized criminal groups in Mexico and provides a stunningly frank assessment of the success of Mexico's OCGs and the inability of Mexican government, policing and judiciary to combat this scourge.