Business Models for Creators

Monetizing Your Passion with Adult Voice Actress Becca Part 1

Jasmine Love

Do you believe that, just because you love what you do, you don’t deserve to get paid for it?

Think again!

“It’s okay to get paid to do what you love.” -Becca

In this episode of Business Models for Creators (part 1 of the interview), I’m chatting with adult voice actress and indie erotic writer, Becca, about the realities of making money as a creator. Some people still say that you can’t make money as an indie creator. Becca proves them wrong! (And so can you!)

A few highlights of our discussion:

  • Why Becca was afraid of monetizing her audio erotica work
  • Why it took her so long to start charging for her work
  • What Becca actually does to make money and how she charges
  • What Becca’s doctor said to her when she became overwhelmed with “too many” clients!
  • How Becca has dealt with “artist’s guilt”
  • The truth about needing validation for your work (Is needing validation really “bad”?)

Listen in to find out how Becca manages writing, recording, editing, marketing, and accounting while also mothering two young children. Learn what motivated Becca to get really good editing—something she finds exceedingly tedious. And discover how Becca’s background helps her improvise her audio performances.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the guest in this program are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the host Jasmine Love or Business Models for Creators.

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