2 Babes and a Bad Idea

Episode 6: You Are Enough

Kristine and Carrie Episode 6

Hey Besties! Welcome to Episode 6 where we talk about our I Am Campaign. Why body positivity is so important to us, the struggles we face with confidence, and why this campaign means so much to us. 

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xoxo Kristine & Carrie

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Oh, hey, it's Christine. And I'm Carrie. And we're best friends and we are the owners of Lavender and Lace Boutique, an online women's boutique based outta Sure Park Alberta. Welcome to two Babes Podcast. We are so excited about this week. We are so excited. It's a good one. It really is. We're jumping into episode six. Okay, so let's kick it off with how we usually do, um, the, how's it going, Carrie? What are you reading? What are You watching? What's going on in your life? Yeah, so we just went to the Nickelback concert this weekend. Oh my God. So much fun. Fun. It was so good. We had such a good time. So it was the quad this weekend. Um, so Saturday we kind of spent the whole day in the pool, hung out. The kids kinda were in and out of the pool doing their own Yeah. Thing. But the four of us, we were in the pool. we were in the pool. yeah. Had some drinks. Enjoyed that. And then Wayne got ready and we went for dinner, early dinner at Joey's. And, uh, then we went to Nickelback. That was so much fun. It was such a good show. I, I'm a huge Nickelback fan. I always have been, even when it wasn't cool to like Nickelback. And, uh, so I was really excited to see them. It's been quite some time since I saw them last, and honestly, they put on such a good show. You've seen them live? Yeah. Where? Uh, I saw them once at Commonwealth and then I saw them once at Nick and I, we didn't go together. This was before we were together, but I'm thinking it was at Rexall. That's so cool. Yeah, this was my third time seeing them. Wow. Yeah. Congratulations. Thank you. I, I, I like Nickelback. I, like their music, but I'm not like hardcore fan. Mm-hmm. so like, when everybody was like bopping and like stuff, and I was like, oh my God, these people are here. like, they're here for it. That's me. Yeah. It was So cool. So that was my first time seeing them, uh, live or like, Ever. Um, and it was, it was awesome. Yeah. Such good music from what you can remember. Yeah, it was a little bit hazy here and there. I thank God for headlines in the news. Yeah, right. TikTok. Yeah. Cause it was just a little, it was some things I didn't remember, but it was a lot of fun. Everybody was in such good spirits. Yeah, it was good. There was like no fights in our area No. Or anything. No. Like it was just a good time and. I loved, uh, the, the opening act, um, friendly Gilbert. Oh, frick. He is so hot. Yeah. And he is like, yes, Wowie. Yes. Um, that was a lot of fun for me and I really, I just had a good time. Yeah. It was a really good show. Yeah. I, I'm back on the Twisted Tea Train. Do you remember when they brought out the first opening act and you and I looked at each other? Were like, who is this man? Yeah. Who was that? John. Josh. Ross. Ross. Yeah. We need to look that up. Yeah. They brought him out and I was like, oh, we, wow. We, cuz we missed the first opening act. Yeah. we didn't catch it. Um, but he was good, right? Yeah. From what I can remember in that one part. Yeah. Josh, Josh Ross. Josh Ross. Josh Ross. And he's Canadian. Like Josh Ross Palo. Stop it right now. We missed that. Excus a mo, sir. Wow. Like, wow. He has a lot to talk about. Okay, you guys, let's describe him. So he is got really nice, like, kind of like shaggy ish hair. Hair, hair. Kind of like hockey hair, but not as long. Yeah. Some stub, like, some like a good, like like five o'clock shadow. A little bit more than a five o'clock shadow. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Backwards hat In this photo. Blue eyes. He, he's got a baby face for sure. How old is this boy? Oh, let's go look before we start talking for 2 0 27. Oh yeah, totally. He's fine. Oh yeah, he's, he's great. Uh, yeah. And he's got like this gorgeous jawline. Yeah. Like I, yeah. Wow. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Yeah. So he came on the stage and sang with Bradley Gilbert at one point and Nickle back. Yeah. They were all, all the whole, sorry. I. I gotta remind myself here, I had quite a few twisted teas, beverage Ginos. Yeah. Yeah. after the margaritas. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. We were singing that song. You know, it's the, the faulty one. That one. Yeah. One Margarita. Margarita, yeah. Yeah. And then two and three and four. None of that happened. No, it's a myth. And then I had twisted teas after, uh, for a long time. They made my tummy feel really upset. But now I'm back on the Twisted Tea train. Yeah, you're back on the train. Thank God. Because it doesn't hurt. There's nothing you like, like a twisted tea. No, it's my favorite drink of all time. Mm-hmm. Besides margaritas. Mm-hmm. So it was nice. I'm very, very happy that, and pleased that I can handle it. And yeah, it was a good, it was a good, and then we had McDonald's on the way home. Yeah, we did. Or I did. I don't even know if you, I ate half your cheeseburger. Yeah, I ordered. I couldn't find that. Two cheeseburgers. Two cheeseburgers. It was just so unlike me, I don't know why or what happened, but I. Speaking of on the way home, I made best friends with the Uber driver as I do always. You guys every, I texted the group the next day and I was like, you know what I love about us, the consistency. Christine always sits in the front on the way home and she always makes besties with our Uber driver. Yep. Like gets his life story. Mm-hmm. Where are you from? Tell the kids, tell, tell some all about you. Yep. And us. He doesn't wanna know that information. He didn't give a fuck. No. But you told him anyways. You played him Jonas's brothers. He did not like it. No. He actually told me to turn it off. I was a little bit upset, but That's okay. I did download one of his favorite artists. It's, um, a guy from, um, Kenya, did you say? No? Nope. Um, No, it wasn't, it wasn't Kenya yet. He wasn't from No, but either way, I downloaded one of the artists and he gave me his life story about that guy and how he, he actually, he's dead. He's dead now. And like just, I, I learned so much and it played in my car the next day and I was like, that's so funny. Stop it right now. That's so funny. Yeah, it was really good. Jayce got really warm on the drive home, took his shirt off in the car, you guys, so I, I always have to sit in the middle of the backseat because I get really car sick. Yeah. So the middle I can see straight through the front. So there's me in this small SUV sandwich in between Nick and Jace. Neither of them are small, like, like width wise. Yeah. So I'm just like, like the three of them were sardine back there and I was like passenger princess up in the front talking to this guy about everything and everyone and like he knows everything. Yeah. And those. Poor. My poor three friends in the back, like Jason sweating bullets. Carrie is like sandwiched, so like sardine style between the two boys. And Nick was just like cruising. He didn't care. He was just living the fricking dream. He was just excited for his McDonald's. Yeah. I had nuggets. I, uh, yeah, you did. Yeah. And then I, I ordered two cheeseburgers, which is so not like me. It's not, you're normally like a Big Mac gal at night. Yeah. I was like full. I think I just because of how many twisted teas I had. Yeah. Maybe out my tummy was gone. I was, I, I think those nuggets are the reason why I felt as good as I did yesterday. Good. They really just like sealed the deal for me. Yeah. I only had like half a cheeseburger and then I brought the other cheeseburger home, but I can't find it, so I'm a little bit concerned. It's okay. It won't go bad. I'm questioning if I ate it after I brought it home and I just don't recall. Maybe. Or I'll find a cheeseburger somewhere stupid in three months. Yeah, that's which is also possible, but yeah. Yeah, yeah. That was a good time. You know what, you would never know that I'm almost 40 by the way we behave, but That's okay. We, we live our best lives all the time. Um, and then honestly, Friday was a really good day for me to get all my shit done. We had a, like a, yeah, a LLB owners meeting in the morning with the boys. We had to do something on Friday. On Friday. Yeah. Yeah. We did. We had a, a meeting. We met. It was, it was a meeting. Yeah. Um, we just had a planning meeting in. Yeah. We just had to have a meeting about 2020, the rest of 2023 and then, uh, And then I just got all my stuff done so that Sunday I didn't have to, yeah, I didn't, I didn't do much yesterday. No, I was, I was pretty much like a waste of, Hey, you and Jason went and got my car. We did. I had no idea I was asleep. Yeah. We went, I dropped him off at your car. Cause I had to go to Sephora to pick up some stuff. Essentials. Yeah. Yeah. I had no idea. I woke up like I told Jace, I'm like, Hey, I, I like, I need to, I need a nap to live. Like, so bye. I am going upstairs. I woke up and saw like, I missed like 25 messages from the, from the Quad Squad group message. And I'm reading through and he's like, Hey, does someone wanna go pick up Christine's car? Like I'm going into town. And Jason's like, yeah, sure, let's go. And. They get, like, they go and I wake up and I, I'm like, oh, okay. So my family's gone. I wake up and I go downstairs and uh, no, they're back. They got my car. So much happened in the time that I was dead to the world. Yeah. But yeah, that was nice. But that is the most productive thing I did all day. Good. Yeah. Yeah, I did. I did some laundry. That's good. Yeah. That's Sunday. I didn't do much at all. Like I didn't do anything. No, it was nice. I had a nap. It was such a nice weekend. I played soccer with Scarlett in the backyard for a little bit. Thought I was gonna throw up morning. I did. I went for a walk. Yeah, you did. 30 days in a row, baby. Good job. Congratulations. Thanks. We're, uh, 30% of the way to a hundred. I don't know if we're gonna make it. Hey, you're doing really good. Thanks. I'll cheer you on. Thanks. That's awesome. Yeah. I didn't Friday. I didn't really do too much. I don't think that we had our meeting. I feel like I worked out. You went for a run. I did. I ran, I worked out Saturday. I ran mm-hmm. In the morning. And that was just kind of it, I think. Yeah. It wasn't too much. No. Too much of a day. It was so nice. Yeah. I don't know. Where did we see, oh, we came over for dinner on Friday. Oh yeah. Oh my God. We did, we had dinner. If anyone wants to hear about my first world problems, my dishwasher died on Thursday and they can't come take a look at it until this Thursday and it's fine. Doing your own dishes is fine. I just, I don't stop. For me, I don't like it. I'm not a huge fan. I would rather do a million other things other than my, my dishes by hand. Yeah. The worst part is the dishwasher died like, The load didn't even go through. Oh. So then we had to like, you know, we had to do the whole dishwasher and it was gross. Cause it had been sitting there overnight. Yeah. Cuz it, we, we always run it before we go to bed. Yeah. Like, that's our thing. And we woke up and it didn't go. That's so, and the water was just like, I'm so sorry. Sitting in there, I would've just gone back to bed like, no, I'm not doing this today. I came out and Nick had the dishwasher apart. I had just come out of the shower and he had the dishwasher apart. I'm like, oh, is the dishwasher broken? He's like, no, I'm just down here for fun. I was like, oh, just checking it out. Seeing what's up. There's a guy over there on a, like a zoom boom. Yeah. And he's so high in the sky. I love that. Oh yeah. I see him look at him, go like, how are you going sir? Wow. That's impressive. Yeah. So we came over to your house on Friday so we didn't have to do dishes. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that was nice. We had a nice steak dinner, some pots. That was great. Yeah, we hung out outside, had a, had a couple drinks as we do. Kids played and, oh, cuz we went in the pool. Friday afternoon. What? Yeah, the guy. Oh, the guys did. I didn't, the guys went in the pool Friday afternoon and then we had, we walked over to your house. Oh yeah, that's right. And then Jace was over at your place and walked over when? Yeah. We all walked over together. Oh yeah. Cuz I picked Scarlet up from school. Yeah. And I made her do her chores before you guys came over. Yeah, that's right. This is all adding up. Yep. Okay. Yeah. Good. Um, as for reading, I am still listening to my audiobook. Um, you guys, I have never wanted to throw my phone more times. Really good book. I'm very invested in it now. If you remember last week, I said I wasn't a hundred percent sure where I was at. So it's called Don't Let Her Stay by Byla Sanders. I am. How far am I? I am, I think I'm like 20% left. 73. So I have 27% left of the book. My thing is, I still don't know where we're going. Like, right. I still don't, does someone really want her to die? Like I haven't. I don't know. You're undecided. I do enjoy the book. I just, the husband, I hate him. Absolutely hate the man stepdaughter. Hate her. Yeah. I got, they, they infuriate me. I got Carrie to tell me about the book cuz like, oh, if I read it, it'll be down down the road. Cause I have quite a bit going on right now. But, so I got her to tell me everything. And it is just as infuriating as she describes it. It's so infuriating. Like, I just don't understand what's happening every time. And I ask her a question and she's like, I don't know. And I'm like, how, how know how there's just so many unknowns and I don't, I have 27% left. Where are we going? What's gonna happen? Is there a twist? I don't know. Do are any of my predictions correct? I don't know. So that's my audiobook. I listen to it when I walk only. So every day for 55 minutes, I listen. So I think I have about three walks left, so I'll be done by Thursday. Good. I'm excited to know about it because I, I need, I just, I needed to be done so that I know Yeah. Where we're going. Well, it sounds like a good, it is good. Frustrating book. It is good. Like really good. Good. The nice thing, excited to hear about it. Nice. Is the kids are done school tomorrow. Yeah. And I usually, when I'm out on my walk, I try to be home by 7 45 ish. Mm-hmm. Because I want to make sure that when Brooke gets up, I'm hanging out with her while she's having breakfast and stuff, but school's over. Yeah. So she's probably like, it's a whole different ballgame. I don't have to be home. I can keep walking around in circles until my book's done. Yeah. That's nice. Love that for me. You're passing by my house through the, I'll just throw you snacks. Perfect. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll throw you snack cause I got you. Toss you some water when you need it. Yeah. Our kids are done school already. I know. It's wild. School's out. You guys didn't know you guys are signing up for that? No. Did you? Oh, best. Yeah. Good. Okay. I am. There's a story behind the book that I'm reading. How much have you read? Um, 81 pages. Oh, I love that. Um, it's only 200, 212 pages. Just a little guy. So it's a little fella. If I had it in, like, if I could have read more yesterday, I would have, but is it good? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So the book that I'm reading, this is called Going Down Hard by Tawny Weber. On the cover it says The bigger they are, the harder they fall. A little harle and romancey. Yeah. So the story behind this book is that at our Jossen days, um, I had a a few binos and that's all we've been talking about. This whole so far, you're gonna be like, oh my god, you girls. Okay. So on the way home we pass by a community, a little area where they've got like a community garden and they have one of those community little library stands where you, it's like, Take a book, leave a book kind of thing? Uh, well apparently I went to this thing and took a book out. Um, and the book is this going down Hard story. Mm-hmm. So apparently our jossen days, Christine was feeling a little saucy. Mm-hmm. But the thing is, I didn't actually find that I had this book until a week later. I went to go for a walk and I put on my raincoat cuz I was drizzling outside. And uh, I, I was like, oh, this is kind of heavy. So I put my hand in my pocket, boom. There's a dirty novel. I'm so happy. And I love that you're reading like a book. Yes, it is actually the first paper back that I've picked up in probably years ages. Cuz I just usually read off the Kindle or Cobo. But I'm really happy. This is a very good book. It's about, um, a gal and her best friend, they own a company together. It's funny. Um, and she, the main character, she starts getting these. Like very offensive photos of her that this person, we don't know who yet has been creating So very like naughty photos. Mm. And they're coming to haunt her and they're jeopardizing their job, their business. Yeah. And so they hire, um, this guy who is um, does security and investigates. And like whatever issues. And, uh, well, he's a very attractive cowboy and it's, it's good. I love that. It's sassy. That's fun. Yeah. Yeah. So it's, it's really good. He like, but he's loved her for years. Yep. Like, she's met him a couple times. Yep. So he's like very passionate about this project too. Um, and she has kind of a, I don't give a fuck kind of attitude. Yep. And so, but when it comes to them, they're like, the heat is on. It's, I love, love this. It's, it's really good. So I'm glad that I got, dropped it up and found a book in the neighborhood That's so nice and like good for you. Draws and ladies dropping this in the Oh, right in the little community box. Ugh. Good for you. Saucy little ladies. Um, just so everyone knows. The 30th of June is stuff your Kindle Day. So if you do have a Kindle, Amazon has their one day only that you can stuff your Kindle full of romance novels. Um, so if you have Kindle Unlimited, you know you have an unlimited amount of KU books, but this is, I think this is above and beyond. And then they're permanently yours on your Kindle. They're not ones that you That's cool. Just like take out and That's awesome. Send back. So just everyone knows Friday, June 30th, that is stuff. Your Kindle day. What a cool day to, to have. Yeah. Yeah. So that's, uh, that's kind of what's going on with me. Wow. I don't really, I don't have anything else. No, neither. This week is just a bunch of, um, trying to get things done cuz we have another concert on Thursday. Yep. Uh, we're going to see Blink 180 2 and I'm so excited, so excited. Um, it's gonna be a really good one. And then, uh, it's Summer Summer's here. Summer's here. Long weekend. Yep. Yeah, it's gonna be good. Yeah. Yeah. So that's kind of what's what the hap what the HAPS is. Okay. All right. So let's dive into the, uh, the old episode. Okay. So July 1st starts our, uh, annual IM campaign. This is our third year doing it. Mm-hmm. And I, it's honestly one of my favorite things we do all year. I agree. It's, um, one of the things I think we're most passionate about. Mm-hmm. Um, and kind of, I don't know, we hold onto it. Like we just, this is our little. I don't know. I just love it. It's a special thing. Means a lot. It does mean a lot. So two years ago, um, Sarah used to create all of our cards that we used to put in our packages, and she decided to create this one card, and it said, I am. And it had a blank. And she, she said, wouldn't this be so fun if people like filled it out? Mm-hmm. And I said, oh yeah, that's so cool. And I was about to order it and then I don't know if I said something to Christine or if we were just talking about it, but we decided it would be a really cool idea to make it a thing. Yeah. Like have an I Am campaign and uh, that was the birth of the I Am campaign. So, Yeah. And we absolutely love this idea. Yeah. And we get our staff involved and we get our customers involved and it is mm-hmm. Such a bright, shiny thing that we have around here. Do you remember when I wrote the script for and I cried on the way home for our way to work? To work? Yeah. Yeah. I do. I did. I wrote this script for our first I Am campaign video. And I thought to Chris, I presented it to Christine in the car, and she was crying while she was driving down the yellow head. I was like, um, may maybe, maybe I'll stop for a bit, ma'am. This is insane. No, I, I was okay. I just had a It's fine. Shed a few hundred tears. It's fine. So what is our IM campaign. Okay. So our campaign is, um, it goes for a month long where we, um, as managers and staff, um, we get together and we describe something about us that is important to us that kind of describes. Us that we normally don't say. Mm-hmm. So like, I am beautiful, I am strong, I'm confident. Um, all these words are something that we don't really use as often as we should. So this is our way to promote ourselves and the way that you can boost your confidence So every order for the whole month will get a card in it and it says I am and has a blank. And it gives you the opportunity to write on it. You also, if you get multiple cards in a month, you can give them to somebody else to write. We also have an option on our website. Maybe you're not gonna place an order in July and that is totally fine. We still want you to take part. You can print your own. IM cards off of our website and, um, Yeah. And if you come in store, you get an IM card as well and we're gonna be displaying them around the storefront, which is so fun. It's really, it is so beautiful to see all of these words of encouragement for ourselves. Cuz as women, it is so hard. We are constantly saying the negatives. Mm-hmm. And they sit on repeat in our heads. Yes. So it is so nice to put that away and just see these words of encouragement and kindness to ourselves. So that's one of the many reasons why it's so important to us. Yeah. And why it's one of our favorite things to do at L L B. Um, yeah, there's some things that always stuck out to me. When we first started our business and we used to have, um, in-store shop or in-house shopping at, in our basement, and people would come out in outfits and I would say, wow, that looks so good on you. And then they'd pick themselves apart. Oh, that, and I always remember thinking, I do not see what you're talking about. Mm-hmm. Like, I don't see that. Yeah. So it's so easy to pick yourself apart, but no one else has any idea what you're talking about. Mm-hmm. You know, and so it's so cool that for a whole, I mean, I hope people do this all year long, but for this whole month, you can spend some time focusing on the things you love about yourself, and you can write them down on a piece of paper. You can put the card up on your mirror and just remind yourself of how freaking awesome you are. Mm-hmm. And, I just love it. So that's where I am campaign and it's super cool and we have our insiders group on Facebook and we do a thread so that people can kind of post, um, the things that they want to, the things that they wrote about themselves and hold their card or just a picture of their card. And it's just always so, it's just so nice and there's always so many kind words in the thread and mm-hmm. You know, people are just so negative and it's not even just things we say about ourselves. I feel like there are so many keyboard warriors out there that like to point out negatives to people forgetting that there is someone on the other end of the pictures or someone on the other end of the videos. And it's just, it's that one month that we really like work on uplifting each other. It's true. Yeah. It, it's just so important now. And like, like you said, the keyboard warriors, it is so common. It's awful. And like, I actually just watched a reel this morning on Instagram. Um, there's this runner that I follow her, she's absolutely amazing. And she, um, she just posts pretty much everything about herself, like what she eats and what size she is. And like she is this gorgeous woman and she just, she's not your typical runner. Mm-hmm. Who is what you think in your head. But she is a runner and anytime she posts a reel about this, she gets just destroyed. And it pisses me right off for her. I hate, I hate reading comments cause she is, Being vulnerable for the people like me who need to see that, you know, like that we are all special. We can all do these things. Like, um, and then she just gets destroyed. And so, like to have something like this that you can encourage your friend, encourage yourself that you are more than what maybe you've heard or more you've seen, or something that you just, you have more. I think it's just so important that we're doing this and I'm so happy we do it every year. Comments piss me off, piss me off, off. They make me like actually furious. And there's lots of times if I'm watching a TikTok or reading an article or whatever I'm doing and I start reading the comments, if they get too negative like that, I have to stop because I get, I get so internally furious and I'm like, who? Who are these people I know? I don't know anyone personally that would actually write anything like that. So who the fuck are you? Yeah. Like who are you? Where, like what, what is going on in your life that you feel so nec? Like feel the need to bring someone down like that? I have no idea. It's so awful. It's, it's brutal. And when did that become so acceptable? Yeah, right. Right. Like, when, when did that just become normal? It's just something you accept. And I hate the, I hate the claim that it's like, if you're gonna put yourself on out on the internet, this is what you're gonna get. Why? Yeah. Why? Why does that have to be that way? No, it's not. I would has to be. Yes. I'm with you on that one. It's so bad. It's so bad. So we're here to try to make a difference mm-hmm. In how you see yourself and how, who you really are, because you're not those negative words. You are not. Mm-hmm. Those ideas you have in your head. They're just being intrusive. And you are beautiful. And you are kind, and you were smart and you were fricking amazing. You are, you're marvelous. So cute. Um, so well you, since you said that, Carrie, what is, uh, do we wanna bust out our words? What we doing? We're sneaking them early. I dunno. Should we, I mean, it's Thursday the 29th. And, uh, it goes on Saturday. Yeah. Feeling hell not feeling frisky. Okay. I'm feeling frisky. That's what I wrote for myself. I'm marvelous. You are marvelous. Thank you. I just, I always have such a hard time with my word, and it's not because I don't think good things about myself, it's just because I just never know what to say. It's really hard to find those words for yourself. Mm-hmm. No matter who you are. And you don't wanna f it's not easy and you don't wanna feel like you're like, I'm fucking amazing. But why? Why don't, why, why can't, why can't you write? I have idea. It's so weird. I'm fucking amazing. Oh, that's what I should have put, right? Yeah. I'm fucking amazing. I wanna write another card. Yeah, let's do that. I'll take your picture. Yeah, I like that. I'm fucking amazing. Yeah. Why the hell not? Yeah. So you are marvelous. Thank you. And I'm really proud of you. It's a very good word for you. Thank you. Um, it's spicy, it's like got your mm-hmm. It's got your glitter written all over it. Yeah. It's good. Yeah. I like it. I'm very, I'm very happy with your word. Yeah, me too. Um, I chose, I am making myself a priority. Um, cuz I think that's what I wrote. Yes. don't do that often. I just kind of let things go or I don't do things for myself first In this time I am mm-hmm. 2023 and I feel good about it. Yeah. Baby. And that's been a lot of our year. It's been, um, stuffed with trying to make ourselves mm-hmm. Priority. Doing our self care in this, I think was a really good opportunity to actually like, say it out loud. Right. I'm fucking doing it. Yes. I, I'm gonna go for a run. Not worry about anything else. No. I'm gonna go to bed at eight o'clock because I fucking want to, I love going to bed at eight o'clock because I'm tired and I want to do these things. And if I don't, um, recharge, I'm not putting myself first and everybody else is just gonna get the wrath later. So let's, what do you mean? Yeah, I'm really good off mostly. So that's, that's our words this year for our 2023 I am campaign. I freaking love this thing. Me too. Like, it's so good and I am so excited to see your guys' words come up and, uh, if you're wanting, wanting to share them in our insider's group or throughout the store or wherever, um, maybe we'll even drop a question box on July 1st Yeah. On the podcast page. Yeah. And do that. And we'll get you guys to drop your ideas and if you, if you put them on your story tag, shop LA and Lace and Tag two Babes podcast and we'll reshare them on Instagram. Mm-hmm. This is so good. So fun. Yeah. And I was, I've been so excited to do this podcast just because it's just one of those things that you and I are so passionate about, and you can hear how excited we are. We also have something new happening this year with the IM campaign, but we're not gonna spill the means in until Sat or until we're Live on. When is it live? Thursday. Thursday? Yeah. So Thursday. So you'll be listening to this and then We'll, and then you'll be like, what is that? And we'll be talking about it on the live. Yeah. We're gonna go live at noon on Thursday. So today, the day you're listening and, uh, show what's, uh, new. Yeah. This year we're excited. We are very excited. Mm-hmm. We're just smiling like fools over here. Like, we're so happy. So happy. So, um, one of our other top, not other topics, but it coincides with this, um, we're just, we wanna talk about confidence and, uh, we get questions about that all the time. Um, and, uh, How that goes in hand, in hand with the I Am campaign. Yeah, I, I get asked quite a bit. I did some stories on my Instagram not that long ago about it. Just, someone asked, and I know she asked both of us, cuz she mentioned that to me. But she just said like, where does your confidence come from and how do you have so much confidence? Because I think you and I come across as, you know, pretty self-assured with ourselves and Yeah. Um, I was also asked this question and I promised her that I was going to answer it, um, in the school pickup line, and I never did answer her because I couldn't find the words that day that really, that really, uh, described it well enough. Yeah. I have been a person personally who've struggled with confidence, um, just. In my early childhood, in my teenage years, I've gone through weight gain, I've gone through acne issues. Still in my adulthood. I have gone through issues in school, so confidence was never my strong suit. Um, I, I struggle with, um, depression and anxiety and, um, still to this day, I mean, that's never, that's always gonna be something that I have to just go and push through. Um, but. So confidence has always been a really hard thing for me. But in the past few years, I would say, especially with the I Am campaign, um, it's really given me a different perspective of myself and that I'm not those things I just said out loud. Mm-hmm. I'm not anxiety, I am not my acne. I am not my weight gain. Um, I am me So just recognizing that has given me the opportunity to be happier my life. Um, and that was just a huge change for me. Almost like a click. Yeah. Um, so I do still struggle. Almost every day. I still overthink. I still have those body image issues that we as everybody, as humans just will continue to have. But I have given myself more grace to understand that I'm not those things that I described I hope that mm-hmm. Came out okay. It did and it made sense. It did. See, this is the overthinking. Um, so that is a big one for me. Um, I also just have to remind myself too, that like I'm, I've got a pretty fucking cool thing going on. I, you know, I've got people who love me in my corner. I have a best friend who is never allowed to leave. So I know she'll be here forever. Never chain her to me. Um, I have an amazing husband, an amazing support system, so they gave me the, that confidence too, cuz they're just such an encouraging mm-hmm. Bright light in my life. Um, yeah. So that's my story. Mm-hmm. what about yourself? Okay, so mine's slightly different. But I grew up in a very positive, not, not saying you didn't Yeah. But I grew up in, my parents when I was growing up were like my biggest cheerleaders. Yeah. For everything. My mom is a super confident person, so like I grew up around a lot of self-assurance. So I, not that I didn't struggle, don't get me wrong, I just, my parents promoted a lot of confidence in me when I was growing up. Mm-hmm. Which I'm so thankful for. And I work really hard to adopt that in my parenting style. Mm-hmm. Because if that's not something you hear or not something you grew up knowing, maybe that's something you're gonna struggle with. It's very important to me with Brooke, because my mom and dad were like mm-hmm. You know? Mm-hmm. They were always so good. When I was in junior high, I struggled a lot. I was very, um, skinny. I was a very, very skinny kid. And I used to get made fun of a lot for it. Um, people used to be like, oh, you're anorexic, or whatever. I was just like, I was just a very skinny person. Yeah. Like, I had a high metabolism. Yeah. It, it did eventually crash on me. Don't you worry. But I had a very high metabolism. Yeah. I wasn't a really big eater. Mm-hmm. Like, I was just a picky eater and I was just one of those kids that was really fricking skinny. Like I was just tall and lanky and I used to get made fun of all the time for it. And that's something that really bothered me. But, Even when I was in my like high school years, I always remember being like, people are not gonna like you no matter what. Mm-hmm. You're either too skinny, you're too fat. Mm-hmm. You're too tall, you're too short. Your hair's too, you know, like, your hair's too long. Your hair's too short. Like, people are always gonna hate something about you. And I remember in high school kind of coming to that realization, because once I was about 15, 16, once, I started getting older, I, my metabolism slowed down. What? It was very sad, very sad times for me. And I remember just thinking like, wow, people have found new things to make fun of me for, you know? Mm-hmm. Like, I'm not that skinny kid anymore. And now there's new things. Yeah. Like people are always gonna find something to pick on you for and. I feel like the, even as I get older, I realize that more. Mm-hmm. Like no matter what you do mm-hmm. There's always gonna be something someone's gonna pick apart. It is amazing that you recognize this and realize this in high school. Mm-hmm. When, for myself, I didn't realize this. That didn't click until like my thirties. Mm-hmm. Like, that's really impressive. That, and like, thank you. I'm very proud of you because it's, it's hard. Mm-hmm. Not now. I'm like, you don't fucking like me. Great. Move along. I don't give a, but it's hard when you're younger. It's right. And it's not that it didn't bother it too. It's not that I did, it didn't bother me, but I just kind of, yeah. I was like, wow. Like it doesn't matter what I do. Exactly. People are always gonna find something. Mm-hmm. I remember I got a brand new car when I was 16 and I didn't know that car. It was such a good car. You guys fucking love the car. But people made fun of me for that. Like I got a brand new car. And I, I remember getting made fun of. Yeah. Like, I like it. Does doesn't matter what you do. No, it doesn't matter. Like, it just doesn't matter. And I think, um, you know, I struggled a lot after I had Brooke because I just didn't really know where my place was. Mm-hmm. But I did go through a lot of time before we started l b where I wasn't really sure about myself, but I feel like my confidence like exponentially exploded once you and I started doing photos. Photos and lives. Yeah. One of our, one of the things with going live, like today, for example mm-hmm. I slapped my hair into pigtail braids and I did a little bit of makeup, but nothing too crazy. Mm-hmm. And today I go alive and someone's like, oh my God, your hair looks so good today. Wow. Thank you. Because like, I was like, uh, feeling a little shlubby, like it wasn't mm-hmm. It wasn't on my A game. Mm-hmm. Like, I looked fucking smoking on Saturday and today it's like, what? You just roll outta bed kinda thing. And like that made me feel so good. Right. Uh, so going live and doing photos, it was huge confidence booster. Mm-hmm. Sometimes there's photos out out there or like, you know, that it's not so good. No. And uh, you're like, we're like, oh shit. Like, what was I doing that day kinda thing like that one of the jacket. Oh my God. Well, um, but doing photos and going live, like our customer base is so supportive Yeah. So to get those little boosts of confidence is just, it makes the whole world go around over here. Honestly, the negative comments don't come from our customers. No, no. They're, they're from random internet trolls, which is why I don't, for the most part. Yeah. It's why I don't put a ton of, uh, Yeah. Value into what they're saying. Yeah. Cuz it's, but yeah, so for me, I always had ups and downs with confidence, but in my thirties, once we started doing photos ourselves and just seeing myself from a different perspective, it definitely went from, you know, here up. Mm-hmm. Like, it just, you know. Mm-hmm. And also realizing again that no matter what you do, there's always gonna be something who has something shitty to say about you. Mm-hmm. Like sometimes I see people on Instagram and they're freaking smoke shows and there's people writing negative shit about them. Like, I'm like, what are you talking about? Yeah. Like, that's no. It's, it's wild how, what people think they can get away with. It drives me nuts. Ugh, me too. I can't just piss off. I find the internet so unbelievably toxic. Oh, it is. It's so, there's some amazing things on the internet. Yeah. That is like, I'm grateful for that. We have for like accessibility and just like learning, um, but then connecting. Yeah. But the negative things that come from it is just, it's too much. Mm-hmm. Like if you fail the backpack full of the, the negative versus the Yeah. You'd be falling over in a second. Mm-hmm. Like, it's just, it outweighs it. Oof. Drives me nuts. Yeah. It's wild because we didn't grow up with social media. Nope. So we didn't have to worry about that when I was in my gawky skinny stage only, the only the people in my immediate circle Who are those people? I'll go fucking egg their house. I'll, you know, I'll write, I'll write a list for you. Yeah, I'll get a post-it. I'll absolutely egg a house with you any fucking day of the week. But, you know, it's just, uh, if there is somebody's house who gets egged, probably wasn't actually me. Okay. I say this disclaimer, And you know, we were talking about this the other day actually, the things that stick with you. Yeah. That's not one of them, but one of them was, um, about me having my hair up. Yeah. I said that the other day. Yeah. You did my first boyfriend, which I'm not, fuck, I'm not gonna say his name, but he said, fuck you. Yeah. Like, as if he was right here. Fuck you. We didn't date for very long, but he, uh Wow. Got really mad. I remember one time he was, he made this like, comment in passing and he was like, yeah, the first time I met you, I, I didn't, I thought you were pretty ugly. And I was like, wow. Huh. And he's like, yeah, it's, I think it's cuz you had your hair in a ponytail. You're pretty ugly with your hair up. Like, but I can't even tell you how long that stuck with me for years. Years. I get it probably until I was in my twenties. I get it. I would never put my hair up in a ponytail still. Sometimes when I put my hair up in a ponytail, I'm like, does this look stupid? I'm like, Nope. He's just coming back to haunt you fucker. I think you look great in a ponytail. Thank you. I actually love myself with my hair up. Yeah. Looks great. But for so long. Mm-hmm. I wouldn't wear my hair up for all of high school. All of high school. I know where, I know who you're talking about. I know exactly. I know where you are. Fucking watch out. I'm like raging right now. We just, we, we were just talking about this last week. Like I've already gone through this anger, but I'm doing it again. Yeah. Yeah. It was one of those things, I hate that, I hate those things that stick because they, it's so easy for those things to come on. Mm-hmm. Put so hard for, to get, to be free of them. Right. Be to. To be free is such a magical thing, and it is so hard to do. I also find it comes more with age too. Mm-hmm. The older I get, the more my like, fuck jar really just Yeah. Goes away. Mm-hmm. In my twenties, I was definitely more aware of what people thought of me. In my thirties. I'm like, if you don't like me, like that's fine. Yeah. Whatever. Yeah. I definitely feel more of that now. Definitely more of that now than I did before. I had thought so much of what people thought of me and I now sitting here, I'm like, why? Why? That was such a waste of my time. Yeah. I'm still very concerned about what my boyfriend thought when I was 15. Well, I told you I can take care of this problem. I just, you know, like, and now I'm like, wow, Carrie. Like you really focused on that for so long. Yeah. But it was one negative comment. Mm-hmm. And just to be clear, we didn't date for much longer after that. I. That was my, kicked him in the balls and left. I should have, you should have kicked him in the balls. And when he's like, why, you know why we're like point stilettos or something. Just, you know what? Fuck it. Get cleats. Oh yeah. Just fucking have her in there. Wow. We got a lot of my aggression. It's because, you know, there's that one thing that, that one comment Yeah. That someone makes about you and then you'll never forget it. No, and I hate those. I hate those. Yeah, but you don't. And then there's, you know, someone could say like 25 good things about you in a day and at the end of the day you're still gonna think about the one bad thing I hate that goes back to the backpack. It weighs he's that. It's so heavy. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's really hard to pack those things away and never look at them. Mm-hmm. It's really, really hard. It's, if you can do those sort of things, it's such a good gift to have. Right. Cause it's a lot of work to pack it up in that jar and not look at it again. Mm-hmm. And those, one of the things that I try to practice or try to like get better at doing because I'm such an overthinker and think about what people think of me all the time and it's so hard. Uh, okay, we're back. I'm just, we had, we had to use the washroom. We did. Um, yeah, so, but don't think Christine and I are immune to like body image issues just because we've come so far with ourselves because we still. Take, we still see photos of ourselves that get taken here and we're like, ah. Oh God, you cannot put that on the internet. No. There, it, it still happens. I love my, I Am photo this year though, by the way. Just Me too. I love mine upgraded this year. I really like mine this year. Yeah, it's really nice. I just, I told Jason on Saturday, 10 outta 10 Friday, I said, that's probably my favorite photo you've ever taken of me. That's so nice. Yeah. what a baby you are. Thank you. Thank you very much. Let's talk about uh, why getting the size range that we do at LB is so important to us. So important. From, from both sides. Extra small to three x is, it's something we started really, really early was bringing in extended sizes. Um, I would love to bring in an even further extended size range up to that five x six x mark. It's not as easy to find. So it's something we definitely are consistently looking at. It's why we love caring brunette the label, because they do carry up to that six x mark, which is so cool. Um, but yeah, I remember we were in the show home basement. That's when we really started carrying a little bit of plus. Yeah. So we, we would bring in, you know, we dabbled in it. Um, you need to understand that as a small business, investing in something like that, that you don't know if you have that customer base yet is definitely a. I don't wanna call it a risk, it's just it was new to us. No, it, it is for sure. Cuz there's definitely, there's a, a good, there's a lot of money that goes into it. Mm-hmm. And that it might not be seen from the other side, like from the customer's perspective, it's just like, well, why can't you get this right? Like, well, because there's, there is actually a lot of money involved. Mm-hmm. And like being a small business, we have to, we have to make sure, like you said, we have that customer base and that it is something that Yeah. Will survive. Because we want it to, just because we want it to, we want it to be here doesn't mean that it will. Exactly. So we have to really make sure that it's going to be a good business decision. Of course. And, um, and it will be something that you guys would want to continue to have available to you. Yeah. Cause at that point we, we didn't have a. Um, a customer base from that one x to three x mark. So it was kind of a slow, it was a slow roll at the beginning. Mm-hmm. We'd, you know, we'd launched like two or three pieces a month and plus, and then we kind of started getting a little bit more, and then we had to scale back because it wasn't selling at all. Yeah. And we had to rethink our strategy mm-hmm. Because it was something we really, it was something you and I wanted so badly. Mm-hmm. We really, really wanted to carry it. We just, we had to figure out how mm-hmm. Properly without like, tanking our business Exactly. At the same time, um, my goal was always if we at least can break even on this mm-hmm. While we're trying to bring it in. Yeah. Trying to get the, get the customer base. Then we're winning, then we're winning. And we finally got to a place where we started establishing a customer base, and then I think people were telling their friends like, yeah, this is the place. This is the place they're gonna have it. And now I'm gonna say, 70%, 75% of what we bring in, we bring in up to three xl. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And we also try to focus on extra small. Yes. Because that's important too. Very important. And we do have a good like, amount of people who are searching for that extra small. Mm-hmm. Um, so when we can bring it in, for example, like our grace and lace, our ampersand, uh, surely occasionally have extra small those. Mm-hmm. We get so freaking happy and like happy dance for that shit that we can bring in that extra small to the three x, to the four x when we can, or five x when we can. Um, it brings us so much joy. It does. And then we, we started bringing in, um, models that represented those, you know, one x, two x three x bodies, which is so important as well to showcase what clothes are gonna look like on a different body because. No matter what you and I do, you know, I wear a medium, you wear small clothes are just gonna look different and everyone wants to see what they're gonna look like on themselves and not just, um, size, but height or body proportions. Mm-hmm. It's why we are so happy to have the gals that we have as our models to do the things that they do, for example, do with the photos. Yeah. And go live for you guys to show, um, uh, the clothing on them and to really be that. Representative mm-hmm. Person for you. Um, and they do such a good job. Yeah. They're phenomenal at, at answering your questions. Um, they are rock stars, honestly. Um, and to have, um, that courage to go live Yes. So I'm very proud of them. It's so great. Yeah. So that's something you and I have just always been passionate about because I just think mm-hmm. Just because you don't fit into that small to extra large body, or small to extra large size range doesn't mean you shouldn't get to wear the same clothes as everyone else. Exactly. And it pisses me off to no end. When vendors we shop from don't carry that full size range, I don't, it drives me up the wall. Like I understand that there is a risk on their side as well. Mm-hmm. However, they're missing a mark. They are, because we have seen the demand. Over and over again. Mm-hmm. Um, with the items that we are able to get in our extended sizes, but with the items that we can't, the amount of requests that we get on those Yes. Is just, it's, it's wild. And I feel like if we just sent them our social media with like those requests Yes. They'd be like, oh, this is a thing. I just don't think they hear it enough. I know. And we try, which blows me away every time we go see them, when we do our trips to magic, when we go to Vegas or even just we contact them through email. We, every single time we ask'em like, have you started bringing in extended sizes? Do you have this on the agenda? And every time when we hear that, no. It's just, it's so hard and discouraging because they, they're missing it. They are, they're really missing the mark. They really are missing the mark. It's too bad. I know. I think it's just so, I don't know. And from, you know, from both sides, I think it's an insane business decision not to do it. Mm-hmm. Because from a business perspective, I think it's, I mean obviously we carry Plus and a huge part of our business is plus, but also just it's so important to make sure your brand represents I inclusivity those Yeah. Inclusivity and those bodies. And I mean, I could go on and on and on about how much it annoys me, but we, we do as much as we can and a lot of our vendors that don't carry plus regularly will order, um, special cuts mm-hmm. With them. Yeah. Which again, is, it is a big investment, but we are very lucky that we have a large enough customer base that we can buy those numbers. Right. Of those sizes. So we have a couple vendors that, um, They mostly carry small to large or small to X to large. But if we're willing to do a special cut with them, like a, you know, a special order, they will provide us with one X to three x, which is so nice. And if we could do that on every piece we ordered, yeah, that would be amazing. But some just say no, that they just don't have, they can't. And some, some we just like, we just can't. Yeah. We just can't bring in that much. Exactly. But we try as much as humanly possible. We'll always, always fight for it. Always. Cause the cool thing I find is the more we push for it, the more people like our vendors are more likely to consider it. Yep. That's why I'm willing to call him every damn time, like, Hey, is it time yet? Has it happened? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So hopefully, I mean, I think the majority of our vendors that we. Carry or going that route, especially the ones that never used to carry plus are starting to, but yeah, it's getting there. It is getting there. Um, I also wanted to say, when we were talking about like body positivity and confidence, um, I wanted to mention our insiders group. Yes, because I am so freaking proud of those people in there. Me too. Uh, just the people who drop selfies or who don't, or who just comment or just write something about having, how they love something on themselves with, with picture or with out a picture that is so brave. And like we said earlier, the internet can be a scary place, but we're so happy that we have a safe place on our, on our Facebook page. Um, if you're not part of the Insiders Group, I highly recommend that you do join. Um, it is a safe place where you can post selfies, you can talk about what you like, and, um, you can ask us to bring things in, et cetera, et cetera. It is, it's just a really cool place to be. Um, but I'm so proud of those people. Me too. All the gals in there. Me too. Um, it's a our little corner of the internet that we can control. Mm-hmm. The. The narrative in there. Yeah. You know, like we were talking about how if you post something on Instagram, you, you can't control what comments you get. Yeah. In our insider's group. Like we, we can We got your back. Yeah. Yeah. You post something and if there happens to be a not so great comment, like, we, we will, we have your back. We got you. They go. Yeah. Like, we don't let that happen. Like literally gone. I don't think we've really ever had that many situations though. No, no. Just a small, like I would say right now our group is like 13 and a half thousand people. Um, I would, I would say we've blocked 10 maybe if that mm-hmm. In the eight years we've had it. Yeah. It's a don't fuck around kind of situation. It's just a safe place that I thoroughly enjoy. Like I'm a, like I'm a silly Willie in there like 99% of the time and I know that it's okay. Silly Willie, by the way. Yeah. Silly Willy. You know, you're a malman. What did we say earlier today? That was really funny. Oh, we were looking up, um, what did we find? What did Sarah find? Oh, here, I'll look it up. Titty, titty. Witty beach Titty. Witty beach Titty. Witty beach in Australia. We were looking up our Jossen Australia. Yeah. And Sarah wanted to look it up on the map and she's like, oh yeah, our joslin's right by titty, witty beach. Titty, witty. Silly Willy reminded me of that titty, witty beach. So yeah, I'm a little Australia in the group and it's just a, it's just a fun place to be where be who you are with no issues. Mm-hmm. And I like it. Me too. So we kind of touched on, um, confidence in the younger generation and like raising our kids. I think it's something that with the age of social media that we're in something that is. Exceptionally important now is, you know, talking about confidence and like raising your kids with some sort of confidence because I just, I fear for them in mm-hmm. With where social media is right now. And I think that's why I love our I Am campaign too. Yeah. Because the kids like it. Yeah. We, we bring home cards for our kids. Yes. And they get to, um, write down something And I think it is just the coolest thing. It is. And they think it's really cool. They really do. Yeah. But, you know, a couple times a week I'll say to Brooke, I'm like, like, what do you love about yourself? Mm-hmm. It's just like little things. Mm-hmm. To, you know, help. Yep. Because being a girl is hard. It's so hard. And now just, you know, even just being a, just a human in general. Absolutely. It's so hard. Absolutely. But yeah. So if we can just help one person at a time mm-hmm. Even just like a 1% in their life, if we can just make a positive impact. Yeah. I think we're doing a good job. Yeah. Agree. Oh boy. You know what? I haven't pushed a button today, please. I did. I'm like, I played eerie music, but, but that's okay. We knew what that button was. Okay. Oh, did we? We did this one before. Did we? Okay. Have a new one. Okay. Hold on. Oh. This is a good one. Okay. Yeah. Wow. Crickets. Crickets. What's this one? Oh, that's, I like that one too. Oh, I didn't mean to push it twice. Do we have you press all the buttons now? I don't know. Let's see. Yeah. Walk Oh, that's funny. Yes. I pushed all the buttons. Perfect. Yeah. I like that. Good. I really like the button segment of our podcast always. I really do. Always. Good. Okay. Well, I think we did it. I think we nailed it. Did we nail it? I think so. Awesome, awesome, awesome. I think we really did good. Um, or do you wanna do some listener uh, questions? I would love to do listener questions. Thank you. Um, okay. Did any of your outside friends find it hard to hang out with you two being so close? Okay, so we had a five second discussion of this earlier. Um, we don't know, but we probably think so. Mm-hmm. Well, no one's ever outright come to us and been like, you guys are really fucking hard to be around Yeah. Um, but I mean, I could see why I could see it. It would be challenging because you and I are so close and, and we're so in sync. Yes. I was gonna say, you don't even have to speak mm-hmm. Before I know what that I know what's going, I know what's up. Right. So I could see how that could definitely be difficult, but no one's ever come outright and said it. But I think we're also very good at including the other people around us. Absolutely. And like, being, you know, like at uh, Or at our, at our draws days. Mm-hmm. We were chit chatting with everybody and their dog. Yeah. Like, not, we were together, but you don't even know where I was for 25 minutes. Nobody does. Nick doesn't, Jace doesn't, I was missing for about 20 to 25 minutes or so, and I asked Christine where she was and she's like, I wasn't gone for that long. And then I was talking with Nick about it the other day and he's like, yeah, where did Christine go? And I was like, right. She was gone for a long time. All I remember is that I went to the bathroom, I talked to my neighbor, I talked to these two guys. They were outside of the bathroom and they asked me something and then, and then I was immediately back at the picnic table. Like I felt, to me it wasn't immediate. It was like maybe two to five minutes. No, I'm gonna go with 20 to 25. Like, You guys need to put an air tag on me. Seriously. I don't know. I know where you are. I am also a wanderer. Mm-hmm. When I drink though, like I like to go and talk to everybody and, and see what's up in like this corner and that corner. But I think that's why, that's something you and I are really good at. Yeah. When we're at, you know, when we're at some sort of event or whatever, you and I are very good at not just like standing the two of us in a corner and like excluding everybody else. We kinda of do our own thing. Yeah. Sometimes at the beginning, if we're feeling a little like awkward, awkward, we will, but as soon as we like start a conversation with somebody else, we're, it's like, I don't even know that girl over there. But then if one of us needs, oh yeah, we a doesn't wanna be alone or doesn't is talking to someone they don't wanna talk to at Signal baby. Oh yeah, yeah. Big time. Like, get over here, go home, save me. Yeah, no, we're really good at that. So, no, no one's ever said anything cuz I don't think it's. I don't know. I don't think we've ever made it. It's, and you know, maybe it is like a little intimidating because we are so in sync and so close, but I don't think so. I don't think we give off those vibes. I don't think so. If we do, I'm sorry. It's not intentional. No, I Tell us, tell us. Yeah. Just give us a little bit of a heads up. Be like, yeah, girl. Like, hey, this is really fucking awkward. Yeah. I'm here too. Maybe that's why it's only ever just you and me that adds up. Everyone's like, uh, I'm out. I'm not hanging out with them. Uh, what else do we got? What other questions? Okay. Okay. Well this kind of goes hand in hand. How do you find mom friends? I find it's hard to make new friends and my kids always come first. Um, so we don't, yeah, that's really hard. So when I do happen to make new friends, I. Um, which is not an approved thing, by the way, by me. I do not approve. Oh, but no, if you happen to make new friends, yeah. Like, uh, it's mostly because of my child, so like absolutely at her sport or at school. Like I'll meet her friends moms and like obviously like she's gonna wanna have play dates and whatever, et cetera. So like we, I meet them through that. I definitely think it was the hardest to meet other people, but I also wasn't really looking to meet other people when my kiddo was younger and like right from zero to like three, because we didn't. She's school. See, and I feel like I'm the opposite. Opposite. That's where I met like Crystal. Yeah. Um, through my mom's group. Yeah. And then I met a couple other friends through dance when Brooke was really, really young. Okay. Yeah. And now that she's older, um, she doesn't need me Yeah. Around anymore. Okay. So I, I feel like it's even less. So. Yeah. See mine probably, I would say four to right now is like peak where I'm the one who's coordinating the, um, the meetups and the play dates and the driving to sports and blah, blah, blah. So I'm Nick. Nick does all that. Yeah. And then, and then you and Jace kind of had that other, so yeah, I would say that I wasn't really seeking, but that's how I find, that's how I found friends, friends. Yeah. That's kind of through. Yeah. Once I, yeah, I guess once they're in things and are out and about a little bit more, I found that easier to Yeah, that's fair. People, and that's, you know, that's kind of how I met some of my friends that I have now went from when Brooke was younger and we're still keep in touch. I just broke a hair clip in my hand. Oh, that's a bummer. Also, when it kind of coincides with that age gap and how you found it easier to meet mm-hmm. People When Brooke was younger, when Scarlet was that age, it was, it was Covid. So I never, we never really met anybody. Mm-hmm. So that's that kind of added up. So mom's groups are huge. Outings are huge. Yeah. Also, the library. Huge. If you can get to library programs with your kid Yes. Do it. I, it is one of my favorite things that I did with, um, my daughter and Carrie's daughter. I would take them to the library on Thursdays and we had so much fun. There were so many other kids and other moms and, um, or parent figures out there that, like, that was a huge one for me. So give that a try. Let me know how it goes. I love that mom dating 1 0 1. Mom dating 1 0 1. Right. Yeah. It's hard too, because I don't, like I've said before, I don't have a ton of extra time. No. Like, I don't have much. No. And the, you know, the good handful of friends that I have outside of the quad Yeah. They know that if they message me, it could take days and days before they hear back from me. Yeah, yeah. You know? Totally. Because sometimes I just don't have that extra bandwidth. Yeah. And when I like my, like other mom friends, like I get to see them. At these out, like these sporting events? Yeah. Like that's my, my hangout sesh. Yeah. You know, but that's cause I don't have that extra time too. It's hard. Hard. And we have extra time. We're usually with each other. One squad. Yeah. Okay. Next question. Okay. Do one more? Yeah. Okay. This one's a big one, so. Oh, Whopper. Okay. Do you think your change in life from where you started to where you are now has changed you as people? Yes, a hundred percent. Yes. A hundred percent. I was a very insecure person who had a hard time. This goes back into the confidence conversation. Mm-hmm. Um, I had a hard time with most things. I was the person who would cry at work. I was the person who, you know, had a really hard time with friendships because of just like my own insecurities. Um, and I think that everything that we have gone through, especially together and together with the business, I, I don't think I would be as outgoing. Mm-hmm. And as, um, unafraid of and self-assured. Yeah. Like you're very like sure of yourself now. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's a really good quality to have and to have gained. Mm-hmm. I agree. I agree. Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, I think it definitely changed and in such a different season of my life now and like where I just mm-hmm. Am happy. Very, and I can like confidently say that I am a happier person than I used to be. And like you might have known me my past and I might have come across as like this really happy, bubbly individual, but that may not have been true at that time. Of course. And so, like, to be in the season of my life where I can actually say like, yes, I am happy who I am, I'm happy where I am. Mm-hmm. And like, yeah. And I, I agree cuz I've always been happy with my life outside of my professional. Mm-hmm. But I, I went to school, I got my degree in business and then I decided to be an accountant. I honestly have no clue why. No, just kidding. I really did like it, but, um, it didn't, I. It didn't fill my cup. Mm-hmm. You know, my day-to-day work life didn't fill my cup. It didn't make me happy. I didn't, I didn't like working for a big corporation. I didn't like, um, the work I was doing. I didn't like the stress that it put on me. Not that owning a business is any less stressful, but, you know, at least the stress is for me in our business, not Yeah. For anything else. And I'm finally happy in my professional life, which is such a big thing. Yeah. You know, to, to, I just feel so well-rounded now. Yeah. It's also when you, going back to that stress, it's different stress when it's our stress. Mm-hmm. Not somebody else stress that you're taking on. Exactly. It's very different thing. Exactly. And, you know, any mistakes that we make or, um, which happens a lot, it does happen a lot. It, it's our mistake, like it is our mistake and we take that owner, that ownership of it. Yeah. Where it's not the same as when you make a mistake at your job. Yeah. You know? Yeah. And. I just, yeah. I think it really has helped to make me just an overall, like happier person. Mm-hmm. I really do. Agreed. I really do genuinely love my life and I love where it is right now. Mm-hmm. And that's not something I could have said eight years ago. Agreed. Mm-hmm. I'm with you on that one. Yeah. Okay. So every episode, oh, it's my favorite. It's my fav. And you know what, it's everyone else's favorite too. Yeah. Yeah. They love it. I love, fuck Mary. Kill I. Okay. Okay. Would you like to go Firsta? They're, uh, did you go first, last Geraldo? I don't know. Okay. Yeah, you did. so it's my turn. Okay. So this one is kind of, this one doesn't follow a theme. Okay. Which is interesting. Okay. Okay. Fuck Mary Kay. Christine. Yes. Zack Efron. Yummy. Tom Holland. Yummy. Harry Styles. Shit. Shit. Yeah. Shit. Yeah. Fuck. Okay. We have Zach Efron. Yeah. Tom Holland and Harry Styles. Yeah. Can we talk about Harry Styles and his confidence for a second? He is a dreamy, dreamy individual and it is because of that compound. It is, it is. He walks like, I mean, not that I've in like been in a room with him, but let me tell you, if I did, I'd probably be arrested. Um, but he walks into a room. Yeah. And it's just like, Fucking Harry's here. Mm-hmm. Harry's here. He is like, cool. A cool Carries Carries himself. Oh, it's hot. Yeah. Yeah. And, and when, um, we were talking about Morgan Wallen on Friday or whatever at your house, and Scarlet was, you were like, oh, he has a mullet. And, and then, and skirt's like, I like mullets too. And I was gonna be like, you know, that's not really the reason, but that's fine. She does, she has a couple boys in her class that have mullets and she just like, she's like, oh yeah, he's growing on his mullet right now. That's so cute. Yay. My, but that's how I feel about him. Yeah. When he's on stage and he like, looks at you. Yeah. It's just like walking sex. You are the whole world. Oh yeah. Like even just watching his TikTok. Mm-hmm. Like he at a concert. And by the way, he like looks at the camera and Yes. I'm like, I feel like you just undressed me. Yes. Like, it's good. Okay. So Zach Aron, Tom Holland, Harry Styles, I don't wanna kill any of them. Okay. Well you have to kill one. Okay. I think I'm going to Buck Harry styles. Yeah, I think, yeah. You do that? Yeah. Mm-hmm. I think, no, I'm going to marry Tom Holland. Oh my God. You're killing Zach Efron, I think. I think, oh my God. I think I'm going, Zach. Look, think of the lucky one for a second. I know, I know the shout. That was actually just going through my head. The shower scene. Okay. Okay. Okay. Hold on. Sorry. I'm sorry. I don't, I'm not gonna sway your decision at all. No, no, no. You're not. It's, it's all me. Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna, okay. I am going to kill Tom Heand. Okay. And I'm going to marry Zach at France. Yeah, you are. Yeah. Yeah. Has anyone seen the lucky one? If you haven't, I highly recommend you watch it. There is a shower scene. Yes, it is delicious. Life changing, like just. Watch it. Rewind. Watch it again. Yeah. And thank me later. Oh, freaking like, love Zach Harron. So good. Okay. That was really stressful. Are you locking that in? Okay. I am locking that in. Okay. I'm gonna kill, kill Tom Holland. Um, I just, you know, I think he has a little bit of growing up to do. Yeah. And I think Zach Harron has seen it all. Mm-hmm. And I'm really willing to experience it with him. Yeah. And Harry styles. Well, you all know why. Yeah. Oh yeah. You all know why. Yeah. I'm also like, just like all three of them are in love with him, but I know he's really up there for me lately. Anyway. I love it. Locked in, baby. Locked in. Locked in. Okay. Okay. Yours has a theme. Okay. I love it. I love themes. This really makes me happy. Fuck Mary. Keil. Carrie. Yep. Cat is Everdeen. Okay. Petita. Petita. And. Scale yeah. Okay. So the theme is Hunger is Hunger Games. Hunger Games. Okay. Okay. So, okay. Okay. Yes. Okay. Sorry, I had to look them up. I just had to take a little peeky peek here and No, we're not going actors. No, no, I know, I know. I just like, I love, I love Gail. I know you do. It's, it's the Hemsworth brothers for me. Yeah. Um, Katniss Everdeen. Hey, I'll always volunteer tribute. She will. So that's nice. That's a nice quality to have. Yeah. Oh yeah. Petita and Gail Kate. So I read the books before the movies came out. Mm-hmm. And when I read the books, I. I loved Pita. Mm-hmm. I love, love loved him. I didn't love the actor they cast as him. Yeah. And so that's why I'm having such a hard time here. Mm-hmm. Because like book Pita over, like movie, very different. I'm with you. I almost pictured like Gail's character as him. Yeah. And I still knew Gail was gonna be attractive, but like, I just, I wasn't expecting it, you know? Okay. So I think that I would fuck Gail. Doesn't Mary Katniss Nice and kill Peta? Yeah, I think those are great choices. Yeah. You know what Katniss is? She just seems like someone I would like to go through life with. I told you. She's good volunteer. Trippy. She's just, you know, she's a badass. She is badass. You know, she's strong. Thank you for not giving me, uh, president Snow. You was on the list time, but I would've killed him in like a second. So, yeah, it's, we were just, we were talking about President Snow the other day. The pool were in the pool. Yes. We called him Professor Snow. Yeah. Well I had a couple drinks. Okay. Um, yeah, so that's funny. Nice. Okay. Yeah. No, I like that. Locked in. Locked in. Good, good. Yeah. Very confident with my decision. This was a really good luck, Mary Kill. Oh, I love the Hemsworth Brothers. Mm-hmm. Good. Okay. So that is, uh, yeah, that's our episode baby. So thank you for joining us. You guys please, please take part in our IM campaign. I will include the link for the online cards in the description of our episodes so you can access them easy that way. have a great rest of your week and a really nice weekend, long weekend if you are here in Canada and we will see you next week. Okay. Bye. Bye.


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