Mr. Pick Me & The Manhater

Would You Rather Be Stuck In The Forest With A Man Or A Bear? (Part 1)

April 29, 2024 Professor Chesko
Would You Rather Be Stuck In The Forest With A Man Or A Bear? (Part 1)
Mr. Pick Me & The Manhater
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Mr. Pick Me & The Manhater
Would You Rather Be Stuck In The Forest With A Man Or A Bear? (Part 1)
Apr 29, 2024
Professor Chesko
On this week’s episode, Chesko and Regan discuss the question that has set social media ablaze this week, “Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear?” More specifically, we discuss the men who were angered by the fact that so many women answered “bear” and who responded with variations of, “Well I guess that makes me the real victim.”

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On this week’s episode, Chesko and Regan discuss the question that has set social media ablaze this week, “Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear?” More specifically, we discuss the men who were angered by the fact that so many women answered “bear” and who responded with variations of, “Well I guess that makes me the real victim.”

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Follow The Manhater: Regan (F the Nice Guy): 

Follow Mr. Pick Me: Chesko (The Speech Prof):

Theme song by Odanis the Rapper:

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Hello, everyone. And welcome back. You can't be laughing in the intro. Welcome back to the Mr. Fake Me and Man Hater podcast. I am the man hater. And I am Mr. Pick Me. Yeah, you are. We did it. We both contributed. As you know, these names were given to us lovingly by a troll on the internet. Despite the fact that I don't hate men and Cheska has been picked. A dead pig. I was. What? I did? I was. I did is not the right. Oh, wow. What a great start. Uh, anywho. As always. Today, we are talking about a very, uh, A topical topic Something that a lot of people are talking about if you don't know There was a video on the internet of a man Doing like a street interview with women and he asked a very important question, which was If you were in the woods, would you rather run into a bear? And overwhelmingly, the response was a bear from the women. And, uh, shockingly enough, Chesco, the men did not like said response. What? And so, uh, There were a lot of, uh, responses from SED men that one could categorize as bad advice. No. So we're gonna be, I know No. On the internet. On the internet, men giving bad advice. We're gonna break down what the debate is, our thoughts on it, and some videos from men who are responding from all different categories and. We're also going to talk about, there was a response from a woman talking about a very certain case involving a woman, a bear, and a man. Uh, that ended horribly, where she said, it proves the fact that the bear is the worst of the two. When I argue, the bear was the one who did the killing, but the man was the one responsible. So! And I've seen, I've seen none of these videos other than the original interview. So this is going to be great. Theme song. You want bad advice, man. I'll give it out. Glad I got some good advice for you. No you don't. Advice for you? No you don't. The first interview was done by screenshot. I dunno if you've heard of screenshot. Okay. But, um, they did a like on the street interview and the question was, as we said, would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear? The final tally. Um, it was one to seven out of eight women, only one said they would rather be with a man. The thing is, even, like, I don't even understand how people get upset in general. Like, if I'm in the, if I'm in the woods, and I'm, and there's a random man that I run into there, I'm absolutely going to be more terrified than if I saw a bear. Because a bear, I know what I'm getting. Yeah, the bear is supposed to be there. That's the bear's home. I'm in the bear's house. Yeah. That's my fault. I'm trying to think of all my favorite responses to your point. If a bear is in the woods, it's because they live there. If a man is in the woods, he might've followed me. The worst a bear can do is kill me. Hint, hint at the other things that men do. If I'm dead, the bear will leave me alone. If a bear attacks me, everyone will believe me. Wow, that's a good one. Like damn. Yeah, nobody will ask what I was wearing if the bear kills me And then someone commented once that if they were attacked by a bear, they know the bear would be put down Scalding It's crazy to me because When that question was asked, I just literally had to pause and think for a second. I was like, Oh, I was like, well, a bear is predictable. You know, a bear is not going to lie to you about its intentions. If a bear is aggressive, you know, it's aggressive versus a man could literally like you look at like a, Oh my God, the guy who would pretend he had his arm injured. And he'd put his arm in a sling and then get women in his van. No, what? Oh! The serial killer! Bundy! I don't Did he? I didn't even know that was his method. See, I'm not I don't watch enough, uh, uh, serial killer documentaries and things. Yeah, one of the ways he would get women is he, first of all, he was very charming. He was attractive. He would put his arm in a sling and he'd act like he needed help. Wow. Spoiler. Yeah. Yeah. So I was like, because that's like, if a bear is aggressive, you know, if a bear is calm, you know, and there's a protocol with bears. Like there's things you can do. To hopefully limit the chances of an encounter, uh, versus like a man in the woods and also like, go ahead. Sorry. Sorry. I didn't want to cut you off. That's the only time you've cut me off. That had nothing to say the one time I have nothing to say. You're like, Oh, were you saying something? I'm like, it was a sound effect. Okay, so here's what I get. A lot of people commenting on my video. A lot of guys will get angry at my videos do like, I'm so sick and tired. I know, right? I'm so sick and tired of, of women portraying all men. Like, were these horrible things with an, and there's no, Sense of like irony and the idea that, do you think that perhaps women are also tired of having to view men as predators? Like, what's the worst of those two sides? That's such a good point! Do you not understand? Cause it's like, uh, I'm, you know, I know women are tired of constantly being harassed and insulted and attacked. You know how hard it is for me? But it makes me tired to hear about it. Do women not understand the plight of the cishet white man? No, we don't. What is the preference like? It's, oh god, to have to know that you don't immediately Think I am the greatest person on earth. Oh God, where do you get off? And it's just, it's constant. I've gotten that comment a hundred times, at least same. And like I said, without any irony in understanding the other perspective without any, even attempt to understand why or where that is coming from and what it must feel like to be in a position where you have to worry about those things. And the reason they don't attempt to is because they don't have to, we don't have to worry about being alone with somebody on another woman. On an alley. If I'm walking in an alley and I see another guy, I am going to be worried, right? What's going to happen? Because that's the whole thing. Men are victims of violence to other men. It's usually, I think it was something like, like violent crime. It's like 87%. I don't know. You can look up the stat, but it's like some high percentage of all violent crime and even of the percentage of women that commit violent crime, it's usually as a result of like in self defense or it's, To it's a very specific occasions, right? Uh, random violent crime is almost never done by women. You know, what kills me about this? Like, so, so let's just pretend in some world, they, these men really are that naive, the ones that are, uh, that's my, their motorcycles, the South park motorcycles, um, wildly accurate. I mean, honestly, they probably would do that. Uh, But like, say they live in some naive world where like, they really did not know that. They didn't know the fear they live in from men. Particularly when they're alone and they're isolated, which is why, you know, in the woods you would be. Uh, say they didn't know that. When met with proof that a large majority of women are saying, quite literally, I would rather run into a bear than a man, When met with this crazy like even if you're like, that's a crazy realization to understand that that women feel that way They don't empathize They don't question themselves. They don't question what's going on Like why would women think that like what could possibly be going on in society? They're Across the board, almost all of them are like, that's stupid. You're dumb. Women are dumb. And I'm like, okay, this is what we're talking about. Right. The question is, if you're tired of being viewed as a violent offender, if you're tired of being viewed as a predator, what are you doing? In your personal life, in your day to day life, to, to, to assuage, to go against those, those views. What are you personally doing to stop the guys that are in your life from acting like those predators? From doing, from creating situations that make other people feel unsafe? Right, I made a video, um, this is probably about a year or two ago now, that talked about, uh, the, I called it, called it the other sidewalk rule. And it was cause I, I go out for walks at night, oftentimes, And in my neighborhood, it's usually I'm the only man out. There's other women that are going out for walks too. And if I'm in a situation where I turn a corner and I'm right behind a woman, I'll either slow down my pace enough, or I'll tie my shoe or slow down. Just go enough. Yeah. But to give her enough space where it doesn't feel like I'm approaching behind her, or if we're walking toward each other inside the street, I'll usually cross to the other side and I'll smile and nod a little if we make eye contact or something like that. But I don't, I give the space, not because I'm like, I'm, I'm this vicious, violent person, but because I'm aware that it can be, I'm a, I'm a big guy. Right. I've talked about that before. I don't need to bring that up again. Stop talking about that. I know I'm so did I say that already? I don't know if you know that. I don't know if you know that, but the fact is that's the reality. And if this, this six foot five. Big guy. It's not like I'm even like a beanpole six five, right? I'm a built like a NFL lineman, right? If I was walking down the street towards you, the odds are that's a scary sight. If I saw me walking down the street in a dark neighborhood with, you know, in the middle of the night or not in the middle of the night, we had three in the morning. I walk the streets at night. That's justified reason to be scared. Um, but, but at nighttime, right, then it's the, it's as simple to, and people were like, well, that's so I'm not going to cross the street. Well, then you're part of the problem, right? Cause you don't understand you're, you're like literally perpetrating the, the idea that, that you're that slight inconvenience for you. Is, is more important to you in your life than possibly making somebody else feel more comfortable for making their night something where they don't have to feel terrified for a moment. Well, it's interesting because. Something that you're talking about in that example, but that's been brought up in this is that a lot of the men who responded in good faith, in the sense that they, they responded in the way they actually feel, they were not being satirical, which I have examples of that too. But when they were like being honest, a lot of what they said was that's not logical. That doesn't make sense. And You know, of course they're being snarky and it's not even just that that's not logical. It's like, you're dumb, you're all dumb, you're stupid. You emotional women. You're so emotional, but what, uh, gross. Why do you have fears? I'm so excited to edit this and hear what that sounds like. Um, there was discourse, uh, amongst people about like, why, why are guys reacting this way? And they talked about the fact that men are not exhibiting empathy. They're calling it logic, but what they're really doing. Is just straight up not giving a shit about the way that the other person feels And you'll see this even when men are arguing with women If they're misogynistic, they will be like you're being emotional. You're not being logical. You need to calm down It's like yeah, if you had any Empathy, you would have emotion as well, because you would have the ability to put yourself in my shoes and feel my perspective. But you don't, and so you think you're being logical, but what you're really being is withdrawn and unattached. What you're really being is disconnected. And unempathetic to any situation other than yourself. And also, usually be angry. And that, that's also an emotion. Oh, I'm so, this is so frustrating to me. So illogical! God, why can't you be emotionless like me with my emotionless anger and I'm punching a wall now because I have no emotions. Look at how little emotion I have. I have to go to the doctor again now. I broke my hand. Ugh. Because I have no emotion, Doc. It's the cause no emotion. Yeah, but it is interesting because I really do feel that way. And empathy is a big part of of logic as a whole of understanding all aspects of a situation to fully understand the situation. It is important to understand the perspective of those involved. It actually is logical to have empathy if you're trying to understand what has happened, why it happened, and, and Each, each player within that, why they did what they did so you can make the best decision. Empathy is a huge part of that. So to just be devoid of it does not make you any more logical and does not make you any more intelligent. It just makes you completely detached. When part of it is, uh, when it comes to privilege, I remember I can't remember the exact theorist, but there was a feminist standpoint, epistemology and theory talks about the, the, wherever you are in the societal hierarchy of privilege, it's nearly impossible for you to understand fully what it's like to be to somebody else with less privilege than you. Sure, sure, sure, sure. Right. And so, and obviously you can do certain things to listen and understand it and still have empathy to an extent. Um, but it's the idea of your, your agency as a, as an individual, um, that is, is less privileged is far more. I have an expertise on, on all these different things. Right. And so that empathy gap that we're talking about with, with men though, stems from that, and then it also stems from, it's not laziness. Cause laziness is, is a bad word. I don't, I don't like the idea of it's it's they don't. feel any urgency to learn about the, the people, maybe it's egocentrism, um, because it doesn't affect them personally. Right. So why, why am I going to bother attempting to listen to these people that have a different viewpoint than me? Because it's never going to hurt me in my own personal life. And that's such an interesting aspect of it because then it proves the point, right? They don't. Engage or care to understand because they don't have empathy for women Which is why women are scared of them because they don't have empathy They don't see them as equals like they're not even willing to try to understand where they're coming from. They would rather Negate what they're saying. They would rather say that they're dumb They would rather you know degrade them in some way that they're not Then actually try and hear them out. Um, and so I have a couple reactions. I have one reaction that like went super viral. I have a satirical reaction from someone that like absolutely proves the point, uh, not on purpose. And then I have a nice guy reaction. Cause you know, I'm all about the nice guys calling them out. I feel like I want to make a reaction dressed as a bear. The bears, you are, you are a big bear, isn't that what Kaylee says that you're a big bear, big teddy bear. And a lot of the, a lot of the men in my DMS also call me that. Oh my goodness. I'm very popular in the bear community. So different bears, everyone, different bears, different bears, not from, yeah, pretty sure everyone listening to our podcast probably has a understanding of, Hey, I'm just saying we're talking about bears, lots of different bears. That's a man and a bear. So there you go. So this guy he just you know what someone just has an attitude that just reeks like Immediately his attitude is foul. Oh, it's you, you know, you're you. Yeah, of course Um, okay, so he's just like talking to the camera. Okay. I know we've all seen the video Where a guy's just going around asking woman would you all rather be stuck in the woods with a man or a bear? I just want y'all just hear me out. I want y'all to slow it down and realize social media isn't real life You pull up all your fucking stats And of course he starts to do like the voice when he's when he's repeating women because we love that for us One in six women will be attacked by a man in their lifetime Only one in one million have a chance to be attacked by a bear Let's think about this. You live and walk past in your life probably hundreds of thousands of men. You probably never fucking walk past a bear, so no shit. I'm in Jacksonville, Florida. The chances that I'm going to walk up to a Kodiak bear are slim to none ever in life. I don't even like to go to the zoo. What the fuck are you guys talking about? That's number one. Proximity. The way you're bringing that up is ridiculous. The way that that question should have been asked. Love that he's correcting it. I'm glad we have his opinion. Thank god. Thank god The way that question should have been asked is would you rather be in the woods with the bear that wants to kill you? Or a man that wants to kill you so that you could get the real fucking answers And then he feels the need to say the following. I never hit a woman violently. I've never put a hand on a woman I never sexually assaulted a woman. No, none of that I never called a woman out of her fucking name and then he goes not to her face and does a little giggle Love that so great. Yeah, I think all that is terrible and wrong But y'all acting like men are scarier than bears. You ain't watched enough nature documentaries, baby Go watch one where they try to get the picture of the bear and the light scares him and they're a startled bear I swear to fucking god the earth moved when he got startled go watch some videos You The way y'all, and then he did like that, like talk hand gesture. Y'all dumb as hell. Can we, even if, can I real quick, his specific question though, would I rather be in the, in the forest with a bear that wants to kill me or a man that wants to kill me? The man that wants to kill me is decidedly scarier. And I know it's not to say like bears are absolutely scary. I've seen bears charging, right? But I feel like there, I have a better, if I'm like, I don't know, like a, an intelligent human being that isn't is, is there to kill you is a much scarier situation than a bear. That's supposed to be scary, right? To this point, men aren't supposed to be terrifying and scary, right? Because you walk by the, but. The idea is somehow better question is even worse than the original. Well, cause it's like, if a bear wants to kill you, it's either that he's scared or he's hungry usually. Right. If a man wants to kill you, God only knows you didn't wink back at him. You didn't give him attention. Like there's so many things and like a bear's behavior. Being in the woods does not change the bear's behavior. A man's behavior, being in the woods, AKA isolated, AKA no one else is around, drastically changes the way he behaves with a woman. So like. It's far more terrifying. Yeah. That's a scary movie right there. I know. To me, why this is so. so foul is again, like you're hearing women say, we're the, some of it is we're fucking terrified. That's what women are saying. We are terrified of men. We can't trust men. We can't trust like upon, like upon seeing a man, we do not know his intentions. And nine times out of 10, if not, you know, 10 out of 10 women have a negative viewpoint because of their own experiences. It's not coming from nowhere. And so upon hearing this women are terrified this fucking attitude of like Okay, let me just tell you why you're dumb. Let me just say these these stats you're pulling up Like these fucking stats are stupid. It's like one in six women being attacked by a man in their life Um, that's a crazy stat. Yeah, that's absolutely. And I, and that number feels smaller than it actually is. Yeah. Like that it's actually higher. And then you have like, what is it? One in four being essayed at some point, which I think is also a low statistic. So like the fact that he's like, your stats are dumb. It's like, this stat is crazy. What you just said is nuts. How do you not like, feel like, feel the weight of that? Like, I, I. It's like, instead of appreciating women are more scared of men than bears, he literally wants to mansplain statistics to women. It's like, you know what? A bear wouldn't bearsplain. Right. It's like, you know, he's, he's, the whole mansplaining thing. Do you women not know? That there's actually a lot of guys that won't just attack you randomly. Yeah. They fucking know that. That doesn't mean that they're, they're still not the, the threat. The fact that these numbers exist means that there are enough that it's possible anytime, and we don't have badges on us that say safe guy or person. It's not going to hurt you. I've been, you know, cause, and also. It's the idea that there are good guys or nice guys, right? That are capable of still doing horrific things, right? And we're aware and we've seen it enough times, right? Of people that in a moment of rage or in a moment, and that rage can come from literally, like you said, from not getting a phone number from being quote unquote, disrespected in a situation where it can come out unexpected. Oh, I've never done this before. He's never liked that before. It does happen. And so, and, and just writing off then all the fear and the anger and the, the, the reality, because of the fact that the majority of, of guys you walk by aren't attacking you is so detached from empathy, which goes back to what we were talking about, about what it's like not knowing. Of these million guys that you're walking by every day, what would, which one would be the one if they were alone with me, that wouldn't just walk by me? And that's, that's, I can't, I can't fully understand that. Like, especially as, as, as a six foot five. Sorry, the bear of a man. As the bear of a man that I am, right, I don't have, I can, I have to listen. The only empathy I can have, real empathy I can have is by listening to people that have to live in their bodies in a world with people like me, right. They have to walk by me at nighttime. Right. And just writing it off as dumb. ignores the reality of of the world that we're in right ignores the real feelings the valid feelings that people have Additionally like that was a video by a man made for a man. He's pretending to talk to women Oh, absolutely, but this dude is is Saying and I think that's also what's so gross about it. You know It's like this dude is clearly talking to other men like listen Listen to me talk down to women about how stupid they are and then the the boys are gonna be of course, um Yeah, women had a lot to say about that and he did like an apology that was kind of mocking It was it was awful. Um, let's jump ahead because there's lots of reactions to this and as there are lots of men on the internet Uh, so this next one It was from a male hiker, a hiking enthusiast. And let's just say he didn't like that he took, he almost took it as a personal attack on male hikers. I'm going to tell you what he said, and then I want you to reserve judgment as to his like intent because then I'm going to read the comments. So this is what he says as a male hiker I didn't realize that we had such a poor reputation when it comes to women. I really don't think it's deserve I mean, is there are women getting mauled by a bunch of male hikers somewhere? Um, I mean, is there an epidemic of women being attacked in the woods? Cuz like I have a GPS I could help you if you're lost. I've got Sun protection and he holds up You know, a little can of sunscreen. If you're hungry, I've got almonds. If you've got blistered or you're injured, I've got moleskin. If you're cold, I've got hand warmers or stuff like that, you know, but you'd rather run into a bear than me. Um, I mean, all right, that's fine, I guess. Okay. So that's how he came off. Like very much. You asked me to hold off. I'm waiting because I have like, yeah, because you know, very much trying to come off like, I'm just this nice guy. Of course, there's a little bit of things in there, right? Where you're he's like, definitely. I mean, I didn't know people were getting mauled by a bunch of male hikers, like hint, hint, right? Okay. But here's the comments. Someone said, it's the nice guy energy for me. You would think it was me, but it wasn't. Um, and he goes, it's sad that a guy being nice must be hiding something sinister. And you see the worst of people. Another comment, there aren't shelters across America filled with women getting away from bears, uh, bars. He said, nor are they trying to get away from random guys hiking in the woods. We don't deserve your prejudice. Yeah. Uh, heavy eye roll from Chesca. You can't see it, but it's happening. It's the, it's the, uh, uh, the martyr. They, they want to be martyr to the, uh, the victim. And like, Oh, the prejudice against male hikers. Everybody knows that when it comes to prejudice in the society, It's the male hikers that get it the worst. Um, they're the true victims in this whole situation. This guy was white also, just, just so we know. Shocking! Okay, and then he's, another person goes, Yeah, definitely taking the bear over this guy. And he says, and if the bear attacks you, I'll still try to patch you up and help you. Or would you prefer another bear over me at that point as well? Like, you want two bears? Do you want the bear to patch your wounds? Honestly, I might take the bear with a bandaid. Um, and then someone else says, something's telling me this is not the guy to trust in the woods. And he said, says the person who picked bears over any man based on fear and prejudice. So that's kind of a tonal shift from, Oh, I'm just a guy with moleskin and almonds. Yeah, I'm such a, I'm such a good person. Well, it's, it's the obvious, uh, I hate when people do it. The, the, I, I had no idea that people were feeling this way. Let me make this about me. Cause this is, this is really important that you all know that me personally, I'm a good guy. If you see me in the woods. I give you homage. Yeah, but that's the thing is like he's trying to give that off, but he's still adding these subtle little things. Like I didn't know they were getting mauled by a munchie millet hiker's like, again, hint, hint, you're dumb. Is there an epidemic of women being attacked in the woods, which like. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. There is. Um, but also just like the idea of like, we're talking about women being afraid of men and instead he's like, here's how men help you in the woods. I feel like he thought the, the, the gotcha to the, um, the bear, I'd still help you even if the bear, I think, I feel like he felt like, look at how wonderful I am in that I, if I walked upon you, you're bleeding body on the forest, I'd give you almonds, even though you were mean to me in this hypothetical situation with the hypothetical bear still help you from this hype of the, I look at how wonderful I am. Oh, it's so, but then he. In the comments section, like he immediately shows his true colors, which is he's not some do gooder. Like, golly shucks. I didn't know it was a problem for women. I've got my almonds. Like that's what he's coming off as. But the second he gets in the comment section, he's like prejudice. This is prejudice. Dude. That's what you can always, you always see that because there are situations. I'm sure you've been there. I've been there where I genuinely am like, Oh, I'll give you a great example. All right. Uh, recently. There, I made a joke about, uh, Sarah J or about the, uh, the, what's Sarah J. Mass Moss. My, I dunno, the, the book of, uh, there's like a, there's like a, a fairy porn book or a fairy smut book. Uh, that's, uh, that's very popular. Uh, it's kind of like, like a 50 shades of gray, but in a fairy kingdom is how someone described it with me. Wow. Um, anyway, so I made a joke. I knew nothing about, I haven't read the book. I've done no research about it. Um, and then, uh, I, one of, one of my followers tagged me in a video of, of a creator explaining why this author is very problematic. And so I was like, Oh, I genuinely had no idea. And I took down the video. I was like, it's, it's this, there's no point. Point, right. And I, and I engaged in the common went back and forth as I thanked her for letting me know about this because I literally, there was a situation where I just was completely ignorant. I'd heard of this book because I met on book talk and I'll see people occasionally talk about this particular thing and it wasn't, and once I was informed about this thing that I really was, Oh, I, for me, I didn't know. Uh, instead of just being all defensive, I was like, Oh yeah, that's problematic. Then that I'm. Uh, and essentially advertising for this problematic author, uh, on my page. When, when that, now that I know this new information, I adjust, that's what you do. It's okay. Cause, cause you get so many guys like, well, you can't make a mistake. You're I'm so afraid I'm going to offend somebody or do something. It's people make mistakes all the time. That's such bullshit. It's only when you, when you hear it and you're like, Fuck you. Like when your response is like, I'm a good person though. I'm a good person. Tell me I'm good. Right. That's, that's where it's like, even if that's what you're feeling on the inside, right? You have to be aware. Yeah. Just understand that it's okay to be called out and educated or called in. I don't remember that. However you want to call it and, and, and to change your, your ways, right? That's okay. To hear other viewpoints and to learn and grow. It's almost like that's what we all should be doing. Uh, almost. We can't know everything. Yeah. But yeah, but you know, it's like, again, like all of these examples just prove the point that they're going against, which is this guy is trying to showcase himself. I'm just a naive guy. I'm just a hiker boy. I'm a hiker boy with almonds and moleskin and band aids and hand warmers, you know. But then immediately is aggressive, is immediately aggressive in the comments, is firing back at anybody who has a critique of him, uh, who doesn't like him, or who, it's not even just the comments that are against him, it's like anything that he perceives to be against men even, like the shelters comment, there aren't shelters across America filled with women getting away from bears, anybody He makes it about himself, nor are they trying to get away from random guys hiking, and it's like, well actually they might be, first of all. Um, but secondly, it's like, he is proving that he put forth an energy and an image that is not the truth. That was not his intention. He, it's not that he was some guy who was like, I didn't know about this. I'm just nice. He's a guy who is pissed off and thinks that the content is prejudicial. Prejudicial? Prejudicial. Prejudiciary. Prejudicious. But that point being like, it's a rough one. He's not being honest. He was not honest in his true intention and his true feelings when he made that. And that's what we're fucking talking about is a bear. A bear is not going to do that. And that's all it comes down to. If a bear wants to eat you, you're going to know if a bear's calm, you're going to know, they're not going to be like, Oh, Oh, I'm just a bear. I'm just a bear out on the trail. Just looking for a little place to put my paws and then attack you. They're like, I'm going to attack you. Here's my answer. It's like the second, when you make a statement or whether it's problematic, whether it's honest or whatever, and you learn new information, um, the, the, the way that you take it in. Right. It is, is more important than even the initial problematic thing you said, the way you understand, the way you hear it, because you can now no longer claim you were ignorant to how people were actually feeling. Now that claim is out the window. However, you felt originally, whether or not it was honest is now gone because now you have actual women in your comment section. Telling you exactly why this is how, why they would respond that way or why they feel this way. And now when you have that ignorance is now gone, now we're seeing the real you now we're seeing the true you, even if that, even if we want to give all the benefit of the doubt and say that it really was recorded in good faith. Now out of ignorance, even though we know it wasn't right. But even if that was true, then, then all of us that there, that, that benefit of the doubt goes away the second we see reality come out in the comment section. But you know, Chesco, I don't think we talk enough about the plight of the white male hiker. We really do. We need to spend more time talking about that. We need to do a full episode. I mean, God, they're, they've got it rough out there. They're just trying to hike and eat almonds. Do you know how much almonds cost? Do you know the risk of dehydration on the trail? They're fighting for their lives out there. Can I do a complete aside story real quick that has nothing to do with what we're talking about? A thousand percent. Always. Um, that's, oh, by the way, I told, I told, uh, Dr, Dr. Roxanne Naya, uh, last week. I love Naya. I know. I told her, I was like, without Regan here, hopefully we can stay on track because normally I'll just go off and Regan will be like, let's go back to what we're talking about. If I'm the one who's taking us back, on course we have a problem, just for the record. But that's, that's the beauty of our podcast, I think, is that we go all over the place. Yeah. Rarely are we focused. No. But anyway, so, so, I thought this is my my ignorance of health. Okay. I thought, you know, trail mix is what you associate with health. Oh, no. In my mind. This is a couple years back. This was like during COVID. And I was like, you know, I was gaining some weight during COVID. And so I bought trail mix thinking, oh, I'm going to get a healthy snack to eat during COVID so that I'm not like just eating chips and other bad food for me and I'm eating it. I'm like, I don't, and then my meals are healthy and I'm just snacking on trail mix and I'm just gaining more and more weight and I'm like, what is happening? I'm eating healthy. And what is going on? Because I forgot the trail mixers for when you're walking trails. And I realized that what I was eating, this small little pack of each one of them was like a thousand calories. It's insane. Especially if there's like M& Ms in there. There was. So I gained about 15 pounds of trail mix calories for, uh, it was bad. I was, I could not believe the, you have no idea, you know, those giant Costco bags of like M& M trail mix that they have. Yeah. I was going through those like one a week, uh, and like, just like eating probably 10, 000 calories of extra trail mix. I had that same experience with, um, protein bars and I remember I was training and I remember I would. Just destroy them like six a day And I remember talking to my trainer at the time because uh I don't know what the hell I was doing with the trainer But and I remember bragging to her and I was like her name was ashley. She was great. I was like ashley Um, i've been eating so healthy. I've been eating like just bars and blah blah blah and mind you these are like chocolate covered Like of course i've had them. Oh, yeah is sweet like hurt your teeth sweet, you know, and she was like And I was like, Oh yeah, I don't even eat food. I just eat. She's like, that's really bad for you. She's like, why are you not making meals and eating? I was like, cause it's healthy. Cause I'm eating candy bars. Oh, she's like, you're an idiot. I hired a trader last year thinking it was like, if I'm paying for it. I, I'm clearly going to show up and use the, it was at like a train gym, perfect. I was like, I paid for a year of training. They allow you to use them later if you miss your, if you don't use them weekly. So I have one month left. I paused my, my, uh, my membership because I paid 10 bucks a month deposit right now. I have one month yet left to use. Uh, I think it's something like. I had two per week for both. So about 80 it's going to be, I'm trying right now to get in good enough shape that I can unpause my membership and just go every day and then cancel my membership and never make that mistake again, because it was so dumb. I spent so much money. I believe not do it. There's so much money. But I have paid them, dude. I, so my mom paid for me. I love orange theory, but it's super expensive, but it kicks your butt. I mean, I loved it for a while. The best shape I've ever been in orange, but it's because I have an addictive personality. It's how I was like addicted to working out. Anyways, that's not great. But so my mom is. me with like a month or two of training, which is super, super nice. Um, and I got in there and like, I have something wrong with me mentally, aside from all the things you already know. But like, I don't recognize like, Oh, it's been years. You can't know is hard. As when you used to train a lot. So I get on there and I'm like, I got this. And I crank the tread and now I'm running. And like, I literally look at the screen and I am red. I am in the red immediately, which is like your heart. That's you're supposed to be in the orange. It's like blue, green, orange is like, you're pushing it in a good way. Red is like, okay, calm down. And I was red the whole class. I kept waiting for like one of the people at the front desk to come and be like, ma'am, um, I think you're, I think you're dying. I think you should calm down. And I was so sore. I like couldn't walk. That was exactly why I went to my first training session with the, uh, when I actually did go for the two weeks before I stopped going. Uh, and so this is one of the reasons why he was like, I was like, why haven't, you know, I really have not been working out. I've been post COVID, you know, not doing, uh, what I used to. So, I mean, let's do like a real beginner's pace. And so halfway through the session, I'm literally dry heaving into a garbage can. So he was like, why don't, why don't we, yeah, why don't we, why don't we end her a little early today? I was like, I think that's a great idea. You know it's bad when the trainer is ending this. And I came back the next time and I was like, do you have like, Less than begin. Like what, what would you, if I was like a child's class, if I came in here and you like, couldn't help but be disgusted by every choice I've ever made, how would you work out with me then? And we found, we found in a nice little routine to do, but I, I was so embarrassed by it, but I just, that's one of the reasons why gyms are so. Terrible. I mean, I don't know how people go to, I actually liked Ornstein area. I went there for a while, the schedule of it was hard for me to fit in. That was the only issue, but I would go like, there's so many B and maybe it's like the Los Angeles thing. I go to the gym and there's like models everywhere now looking like, and there are, there are people that look like me, right. That are using some of the machines, but like where the trainer took me to was like, with all the fans, like the goddess section. Yeah, with all the, I don't know if it was supposed to be motivating, but it just made me feel terrible about every choice I've ever made. Why am I here? Yeah, I, it's, The thing that annoys me the most is my therapist and my psychiatrist, cause I have both, um, tell me like, working out is good for your mental health. And then, you know, even my like, uh, doctor was like, it's good for PMTD, you know, all the things that are wrong with me. And I'm like, okay, okay. I've been working out. My mental health is substantially better. I'm like, Oh God, dang it. I don't want, I want that. You know, you want it to be wrong. Well, that's what this is. It's the things we know are true. We don't want to be true. Like I don't, I've, I've eaten this past month ever since I had my surgery, I've eaten the healthiest I've ever eaten. I'm eating, you know, five to 10 servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Good for you. Like really, really, like a lot of real, just. Good stuff. I've been raised part of it. Cause I was, I don't ever want to experience that week. And it was so terrible and diet is a good way. And I feel better than I have ever felt. And I'm like, you, are you, I could have been doing this the whole time. Why didn't anyone tell me bad food tastes so good. So Reagan and I. Not surprising any long time listeners had a lot more to say about the man versus bear, uh, discussion so much so that we decided to split this episode into two. So if you are a brand new listener, be sure to subscribe so that you get notified about our next episode. And for everybody else, you know, if you enjoy our show, the best way to support us is simply to leave a five star review so that we do better in the rankings for the little algorithms for podcasts and just to tell people about us. If you know someone that listens to podcasts, be sure to share it. Until then, this is Mr. Pickme signing off. I, I love you. Is that? I'm so bad at ending shows.