Mr. Pick Me & The Manhater

1 Phone Call, 1 Rejection, 1 Truly Unhinged Voicemail

May 13, 2024 Professor Chesko
1 Phone Call, 1 Rejection, 1 Truly Unhinged Voicemail
Mr. Pick Me & The Manhater
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Mr. Pick Me & The Manhater
1 Phone Call, 1 Rejection, 1 Truly Unhinged Voicemail
May 13, 2024
Professor Chesko

In this week's episode, Regan and Chesko breakdown a truly unhinged interaction that Sydney Mulvaney (@Sydneytattoos) shared on TikTok about a voicemail her mother received after a single phone call with a man. If anyone was wondering why so many women chose the them this episode.  

Note: Chesko's microphone doesn't normally sound this bad, but we ran into a technical issue this week. Back to normal going forward!

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In this week's episode, Regan and Chesko breakdown a truly unhinged interaction that Sydney Mulvaney (@Sydneytattoos) shared on TikTok about a voicemail her mother received after a single phone call with a man. If anyone was wondering why so many women chose the them this episode.  

Note: Chesko's microphone doesn't normally sound this bad, but we ran into a technical issue this week. Back to normal going forward!

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Hello everyone and welcome to Mr. Pick Me and the Man Hater. I am Regan, aka the Man Hater. And I'm Mr. Pick Me, Chesco. I can never get over our intros. Okay, as you know, uh, we were given these names lovingly by a troll on the internet and we love it. So, um, we're gonna keep these names, despite the fact that I don't hate men and Chesco has been picked. 14 years, 16 years. Thirteen years of Uh oh. Uh oh. No, are we counting marriage or dating plus marriage? I don't know, you said it! I was picked in marriage almost 14 years ago. There you go. Just so everybody knows this is gonna be a spooky episode because it's storming here and you may hear thunder or a tornado. I don't know. Welcome to the Midwest. For me you just might hear a toddler, or not a toddler, she's four now. I can't stop, keep calling her a toddler, yelling and screaming. Just screaming. It's spooky. Oh, we had child screaming spooky thunderstorm. You know what though truly I just watched insidious the other day There's something so creepy about like a child's laughter even more than like a child. Like, oh my god Like we just like you're like no No, that would absolutely, would I rather, if I was in the middle of a forest and I heard a bear, a man, and a child laughing, that I would run from the child laughing. That would be the one. If we're gonna add another layer on it. Maybe that makes me a bad person, because if I'm in the middle of a forest alone and I hear a child laughing, I should probably investigate. Help the child. I should probably be brave to help the child. And we're not talking about like an actual laugh, we're talking about the like, hee hee hee, like the giggle, because that's, that's a demon. For sure. Yeah, it absolutely has to be. Or Ghost Child. Yeah, there In the movie, there's just the ghost child. There's a random ghost child. Like, it has nothing to do with anything. There's just a ghost child with a little page boy cap. And like, in one of the scenes, he's just like up against the wall, which I hate that shit. I hate that shit so bad. When there's like a creepy thing just not moving, and the person doesn't see it. Mm mm. No, but then he just is like doing a little jig and it's like tiptoe by the tuners. That song is all over TikTok. I did not realize it was from Insidious. Um, horrifying. I never want to see a child with a pageboy cab do a jig again. I haven't seen Insidious, but like scary movies don't, they don't scare me. You're so tough. No, it's not that at all. I'm just, I'm so, I feel like I'm weird though. Like there are certain ones, like the scary movies that will scare me are ones That are like, uh, what it turns out it's a real human. That was doing the things and I start thinking about like a real crime. Yeah Yeah, like that where it turns it where it's like framed like it's a scary movie and then it turns out It's actually just a human. It's just a bad, dude Yeah, because that's real life, um, I I like all scary movies except like when it gets like demon y or like too I've never seen The Exorcist, despite my name being the name of the lead character. Um, that stuff I don't like, because I'm like, I don't know that any of that's real, but if it is, I don't really wanna, I don't wanna be involved. A friend of mine got mad at me for not getting scared, because I like scary movies, I will watch them. Uh, and he was like, oh did that like freak you out? And I was like, well, not like, I'm fine now, we're out of the movie. Uh, and he was like, well, are you gonna like, like, if you hear Like, uh, no, he's going to be worried about like a ghost or something. And, and, and I was like, are you, like, are you serious? Right. He knew I was an atheist. Uh, and he was like, well, do you still believe in ghosts though? Right. I was like, I don't, maybe I don't, maybe we have different definitions of, and I, and I guess, and it's not, I'm not like, I don't know, I never, I, I'm, I'm always just kind of like, I'm, I don't know the word, I guess agnostic APS is the word, I just don't care. Listen, ghost, I don't care. If someone says they saw a ghost, I'm not like, liar! Let me tell you all the reasons why you're bad for thinking you saw it. You're going to hell, except not because I don't believe in facts, liar! Well, people get mad at me sometimes just for Admitting that I don't believe in ghosts just for saying, oh, I don't, well, what do you, are you judging me for believing in it? I'm like, no, not at all. Here comes a thunder. By the way, thunder just cracked when you said that. And if, I'm just saying, in all the scary movies I've seen, the dude that's like, I don't believe in this gets it the worst. So, I'm just throwing it out there. I'm okay with that. Okay, well, let's talk about something that, uh, I think both you and I found very scary. Yeah. Which is a, uh, a little vidja that was In the realm of when people were posting about, like, bear or man, Uh, a lady posted a video of an unhinged voicemail, is it her mother got? So it starts off, if you're still wondering why we choose the bear over the man in the woods, Uh, after talking to her on the phone once, this is the voicemail that this guy left her mom. Alright, well, uh, we'll see. We're about to break down this voicemail and, uh, I'm sure this man is going to give us some truly bad advice. Keemstar! You want bad advice? Man, I'll give it out gladly. I got some good advice for ya. No you don't. Good advice for ya. Okay, here we go. Here is I'm sweating. Here, this is posted by a, uh, the, we don't hate the person that posted it. So we can tell her name is Sydney tattoos. So, uh, and, uh, this was, this was a voicemail her mom received. I'm only calling you now, hoping that you'll get this message, which I imagine you will, because even though I'm not very familiar with the block section in the voicemail section, I imagine you and most women are. Because you ladies block men nowadays, like you're changing underwear, like you're pouring a cup of water. What? Okay, you ladies block. Men like you're changing underwear and then like you're pouring a cup of water. What does that mean? I don't I want a day like you you have your cup of water a day and your underwear change a day pouring though What does that mean? I don't know, you know us ladies. We're always pouring out cups. We are the stereotype of women These idiot women they don't even drink water they just pour it out like a good guy even Even as like, I don't, I, this is not the worst part of this voicemail, right? But even, even, even with him, uh, this being so very, whatever, it's still not a good time, I think, to start off a conversation with someone you're trying to woo by, uh, just, just stereotyping all women as doing one thing specifically, immediately just generalizing. You know how you women are. I'm not thinking, hmm, this guy's gonna be a catch. This guy's a keeper. Also, like, if you bring up underwear immediately, like, that's, that's a red flag. Uh, and, what the heck is a block section of a voicemail? What does that mean? I, I think, well, cause I think he sent this voicemail to her. On like Facebook like it was like that similar or he like sent her a voice message Or no, am I completely wrong? I don't know. It says it's a voicemail. Well, I guess you can just block numbers You can block numbers and so that's what it would be. So that's probably what he means You get blocked by a lot of women. So it's probably very familiar with that Yeah, that might be a you problem my guy if you're getting You women are always blocking men. Um, maybe you're getting black. Okay. Yeah, I already know that I know why you block me. You block me just because that's what you fucking do. But you ladies, in general, even if a guy doesn't do anything wrong or doesn't do anything to hurt you, you ladies block men for no fucking reason at all. I know women that have told me they block every man that's in their phone once they start dating a new man, even if the other guy didn't do anything wrong. So that's how classy you ladies are. Wink wink. Sarcasm. This has flavors, or, or, uh Of the you can't say anything anymore. Yes. Oh, you can't talk to women anymore. Yep. Oh you You get blocked for no no Literally none not a single reason you can't make jokes anymore. Everyone's so serious snowflake snowflake cancel culture Uh, it's just so interesting. He's like, I know why you blocked me For no reason. But even if there wasn't a reason, you'd still block me. It's like, I thought you just said there was no reason. So, I feel like there was a reason. If someone's blocked me, I have no idea. No, you don't know, I don't think. No, the only way I would ever know someone blocked me is if I was calling them and harassing them and wondering why they weren't. Right. Why aren't they answering? Why is this, this phone's disconnected? What happened? Or if it, I don't know if it does do something like that. But. I don't know. I feel like if you're somebody that's like, well. Why, why do people keep blocking me for no reason? There's probably a reason. It's very interesting that he's saying, women have told me that they block every guy in their phone as soon as they, I'm like, uh, they might have told you that because they were blocking you and they didn't want to start a confrontation, but I assure you that is not standard procedure for most women to block every man in their phone. I feel like we're betraying, uh, the people that have told him before. It's like, no, no, no, John. This wasn't about you. I just, it's my standard procedure that when I date someone, I just block everybody. It's not you. It's just a thing. It's not personal. Just please don't ever call me again. I don't know how you called me, but different number. But. So just stop calling me on an unknown number. That would be so great, buddy. It's so funny because there have been several times that I've heard men say stuff like that and you're like, dude um, I don't want to tell you this but it seems like Someone said that to you to get away from you You know how women always do this thing? No No, no. Yeah women always run away from you at full speed jump in their car and then call the police God, that's so weird. It's like no, I think that was you It's I think there's something else happening here. Oh, actually, can I say one more thing? Uh. No. Okay, bye. I just remembered. Uh, I think it's crazy how unhinged men get just because they're denied access to women. Like, it's the same when men freak out when girls have headphones in, or don't want to have a conversation with them. Like, every single human being has the right to say, I don't want to talk to you. And so like, Any woman or any gender, any single person can block anybody and has the right to do so. It's so bizarre when men are like, How dare you put up a boundary that you don't want me to cross? How dare you deny me access? It's like, yeah, um, what makes you think you have the right to them? And to the right to their conversation and their time and their energy? Like, that's just life, buddy. It's so bizarre to me. And I've blocked men and women that were saying horrible things in my comment section. 100 percent of the people that have come back on a second account, uh, online to come back and get mad at me and angry for blocking them have been men. I have never, ever had a woman that I've blocked come back and be like, how dare you deny me access? It's always men that are like, because it's the, you took away my ability to harass you. How did now granted I do 99 percent more men than the other one in my commentaries that are harassing him more often than that. But, the fact is, I do think it is, there's, you can hear the anger in his voice, already in this voicemail, and nothing's happened. He's, he's, he's making himself angry over a scenario that he's brought up in this voicemail. You know what I also love? We'll get back on topic at some point. Um, is the narrative that those dudes have online. Like, every single time, if I block a dude, we'll And he comes back around, he'll be like, Oh, see, I'm really getting to you. You can't take the heat. You're really bothering. It's like, no, I just, I just think you're an asshole. Right. It's as simple as that. I don't like you. I don't know you. I just don't, like, I don't let people harass me. I definitely don't let people harass people in my comments. Like, if I see that going on, I'll block someone real quick. But it's like, they'll just come up with these narratives that they're the most important thing to you and like, you're losing sleep over them and you're like, I don't even recognize your name. No. I have no idea who you are. Yeah, I have no idea why I blocked you, but I stand by it. No, yeah, exactly. They'll come back and you'll be like, who? Like, I don't know, okay. Alright, let's get back to this dude. But um, so I imagine your block list, block list, is like as long as a football field. So with that said, I imagine you're probably here this time. Randy, I just wanted to tell you, if you are still in Michigan, I would stay there if I were you. I think you really need to, because I think you've been living in Florida too many years. Because you're fucking psycho, batshit crazy. They're like the rest of the fucking Florida people. And more importantly, the rest of the Florida women. You are horrendous. And of course, if you ever hear this, you're gonna be like, Oh yeah, because I know how stupid people like you think. And that's all you ladies do nowadays. That's all women. Women are amazing. But asshole, jaded, hypocritical, single women like you is. Is that all you do is you focus on a guy's reaction instead of anything you did. Okay, hold on. First of all, uh, apologies to the women of Florida Really? My God, where did that come from? He is like, fuck, women from Florida. Like, oh, sir. Not all women, though. He did throw in not all women, even as he continues to generalize huge swaths of women. I think he quickly realized, like, he's like, I don't want to come off like a woman hater, but just women from Florida. Like, what? I don't, maybe we weren't giving enough context either, but I was thinking. I was not ready for that moment of him just going, yeah, it's so crazy. How quickly these men will go from like, Oh, it's just me. You know, I'm a little upset to like, you better stay. And what was, where is she? You better stay in Michigan. Like the threat. It's like, Hey, you're a little too casual about threatening people. Uh, I, you know, it's like, Um, Way to prove her point. I think we're starting to get a, yeah, a much better glimpse about why so many people have blocked him. And why I told him that that's just what they do. Yeah, I just, like, and she's a hypocrite. It's like, he's just throwing all, like, anything at the wall. Can I ask, so I've only listened to this one time. What do you think his goal is? Is from leaving this voicemail so far like so far. I think he is suffering from Big old man baby syndrome where he has been denied access And he's having a tantrum like I think he cannot stand that. He can't get to this woman I don't even think he probably knows what his He wants a reaction. He wants to impact her like that's why we're here. Like he's, you know, he's insulting her. He's kind of being threatening towards her. He's being judgmental of her, like anything he can do to harm her because she's denied access. I think I don't even think he It's like a child. It's like ah You took away my toy. I will I will hit you to get it back like like it doesn't matter It doesn't matter what he says. It doesn't matter if he has a goal It's just like I want to hurt you in some way. That's my thing. I need to punish I need her to feel bad for what how she will I need her to feel as bad as I felt Yeah, I feel bad. You need to feel bad, man I can't even make a it takes so much for me to make a phone call to anyone For any reason Let alone to threaten them for being from Florida. If someone doesn't like me, I'm like, I'm going to block them. Yeah. I'll block you. The pressure of you not liking me is overwhelming. What a world. I mean, yeah, it's like, nobody likes rejection, but again, it's like. He's getting rejected and he's getting feedback. And instead of thinking about that, he's saying, how dare you, how dare you block me? Here's why you suck. Here's why I'm going to threaten you. Like that is so ominous. That was the first one I heard. Yeah, that is. Um, he's coming for me. Um, no, it's the demon. No, just kidding. Just kidding. Um, If you're out there just kidding, go get Jesco. He doesn't believe in it. Um, get him, get him. Let's, let's just keep listening to this. Uh, so now we have our first kind of veiled threat. Um, and again, just a reminder, he met this woman once, so just, just a reminder for everybody. I don't think he even met her. I think he had one phone call with her. He didn't meet her? I think that's what she said in the beginning, that it was just one, he's had one phone call with her, that's all. Okay, well, let's, let's keep going. It is fucking amazing. I reached out to you again. I was nice to you again. I showed interest in your son and your life again, in what you were doing. I tried. Sorry. Um, I tried once again to just say, listen. I'm single. You're clearly single. Obviously you are. I know you are. And this, what I'm trying to say is you really should look within because you're single because of yourself. Okay. Hold on a second. Oh, there's so many. It's, there's, there's so much. Um, I love when he's saying like, you focus on the reaction and not your actions. Actually, I think blocking you is a reaction to your action, but he kind of uno reversed it. He's like, no, you're blocking me is the action. Like, um. This is such a, you couldn't write a better example of someone. That is doing the whole I I put my good guy tokens in the machine. Where's my sex? Where's my yeah Like I brought up your child Yes, I did X Y Z. Yeah, and you still didn't like me right that must mean there's something wrong with you I still am amazed by people who think being nice is a Wooing someone like just by being a decent and again, if you're being nice to someone to get something from them, you're not being nice or being manipulative, but like the idea of like, just being like, just nice as all of us should be to each other. Is, is a, is some type of chivalry or like, it's like, uh, an, an act above what one would normally do as opposed to should be the standard behavior. Right. Like, um, I don't understand why it's so hard to disconnect there. I think we, we might've talked about this on your podcast a long time ago. But this idea that sometimes the person could be great on paper, you might agree that, yeah, you did everything I like, I just don't like you, I just don't like you, you're a good looking person, you're funny, you said nice things, but there's just no chemistry, I just don't feel it, and it's like, the idea that that is somehow the biggest possible insult, because, well, so, I don't understand. You said I do the right things. I want you, and I can't have you? I did the nice thing? Do you remember when I talked about your son? I did that. Let me check my notes. I, yeah, I did, yeah. I was nice again. This is what the podcast, what the guy on TikTok said to do. I just love that, again, like, meaning, like, like, as if it was one singular action that was nice. And then, again, I did two nice things like Yeah, yeah. What? Did you, were you doing the tallies? Maybe you weren't tallying correctly, and you thought that I had, my, my, my blow up reaction was somehow, that counts as one tally. That's one bad. That's a bad tally. That's one bad. I had, I had three good. I had three good. Well, it's also the fact, like, then he starts to be like, You're single. You need to look within. It's like, hey, um, it doesn't matter. Once you reject someone, nothing else is in play other than the rejection. It doesn't matter what's going on with them. It doesn't matter, because they'll be like, She's got daddy issues. It's like, Who cares? It doesn't matter. She can have any issue she wants. She rejected you. You're not, you're not in play. You're not, you shouldn't be worried about it. It's like, uh, when, uh, Drew is talking about, like the men who talk about gold diggers, she's like, you're not at risk. It's the same thing. It's like, you can like her issues no longer matter to you because she has rejected you. Like, sorry. It's also the wild, I cannot imagine throwing that out as an insult to somebody without. Realizing that it also 100 percent applies to you. Like, you're also an older single guy. Well, it's like, we're both single, so we have to get together. It's like, no. And again, like, I wish I remembered. There's a, I saw something online where somebody was talking about it, that like, men, Can't understand that women are single by choice because so few men are single by choice And I think that's very true. It's like baffling like when women say they're single they're like Oh, so you so you just you're like on the edge of your seat dying to be with a man It's like I mean a huge And so, like, this whole argument is so ridiculous because it's like, well, you're single. It's like, yeah, that doesn't mean I'm desperate. Yeah, there was a, one of my, I can't remember the exact quote, but, uh, one of my commenters said that basically you're not competing with other men. You're competing with my piece, right? You're competing with the, the, the, the joy of just having friendships and having living my life without having to appease another person. And if you, if you can't go above that, add something that I'm not getting in my life, why, why would I get rid of that? And to, you're right, to most men, because you're, you're single, you need man, you're single, you clearly must want a man, like, how could you not, you cry every night because you're alone, I know that has to be true, I've seen it on the TV, it's, it's really fascinating, and then, like, and again, um, this is true for all genders, like, every, like, every gender, every person should only be with someone else if it enhances their life in any way. Right. But in large numbers, we see men having a problem with that statement and not, not on it. Uh, but toxic men be like, Oh, how dare you? Like, you can't say that. It's like, uh, it applies to everyone. That's why you see so many of these, uh, guys that are Terrified to date women that are have careers and that make money because they that the second that that evens out Then you have to be offering an actual Person, uh to them that they want to spend time with because they don't need you for your money They don't need you for job security. I've always said the guys who have a problem with women who you know, don't need a man that have a problem with that type of Verbiage are the ones who don't want to be don't want to put in the effort to be desired They're the dudes that don't want to woo them that don't want to bring anything to the table That's why they were like, ah, you need me. But anyways, let's let's jump back into all right His his friend this really is bad advice because he's calling this woman. He's you know degrading her He's already semi threatened her in my opinion. You need to stay in your state And now he's like so what you putting on his dr. Phil hat and being like you really should look with Well, but you need a real good reason for playing it Like, like you said, semi threatened, but like, if someone left me this voicemail, regardless of gender, I'm, I'm absolutely going to like, be a little scared if I see them in person. If I see them like at the store, I'm like, oh fuck, I'm gonna run away from that because that, that is not a, that's clearly not a level headed individual. So you're right. It doesn't have to be in a explicit I'm gonna get you threats for it to be threatening. Yeah, and I think, honestly, at this point, men are pretty, toxic men, are pretty good at, like, towing the line. All right, let's let it, let's keep going, but, uh, we're jumping back in with him, you know, you should really look within. All right, I don't know how old you are, I imagine you're in your 40s like me. And I'm not like one of these people that says, well, somebody's single, they obviously have to be single because of them. Now I mean, that doesn't mean anything, but you are single because of you. You really need to look with it. You are amazing because it's not like you say, Well, you know, after this amount of time, I, you know, decided to be like this with you because of our interaction. So you were like this from the very beginning. Okay, so I laughed halfway through that because he's like, I'm not saying. Hint, hint, who else is single and 40 in this conversation? Yeah, it was like he, all of a sudden realized, holy shit, I'm talking to myself right now. Well, not everybody, but you, you specifically. What? Like, as if he, he doesn't even know this woman. He's like, you, but you, this is about you. This is your From our single phone call, I have been able to deduce everything wrong with you. I have analyzed you completely. It's like the guys, uh, you know, Kate, She's basically my co host on the other podcast. Um, she's talked, talked about guys. Cause she's worked at a bar that would hit on her. And she'd be like, no. And then immediately be like, well, you're ugly. And she's like, okay, well clearly I wasn't ugly. At first of all, she's like stunning. Like really stupidly attractive. Um, but it's just like, Um, that's what this, this is what that's reminding me of. It's like, you're always like this. It's like, if she was always like this, first of all, what does that even mean in the context of she blocked you? How could she always be blocking you? But it's like your butt hurt and you're making it seem like you, you were shit the whole time. It's like, this dude is in his forties. Yeah, yikes. Okay, let's it's why I mean because it is like I didn't want it Anyway, I didn't even want I didn't want to beat you. That's why i'm leaving a voicemail Yeah It's it's such a weird It's it's pathetic like I hate these I I don't like using that word, but it's it's just like the definition of like Pathetic, right? Because it's like, I want that, I want that, that pizza. Well, it's not for you. Well, I don't want it anyways. It's disgusting. I hate that. Why? There's no world where for somebody to be like, oh, wow. Now I want to give you the pizza. Now you deserve the pizza. I'm so sorry. Well, my kids are screaming at me because they're not getting what they want. I'm not like, Well, they make a good point. Yeah, actually, now that I've thought about it. But here's the thing, Jessica. It's not even that they think it's an effective, like, Manipulation it's because I can't get you. So I'm gonna make I want you to feel like shit I it's like if I can't have you I'm going to say or do whatever I can to degrade you and To lower your self esteem to maybe get with me, but I think it's even I think that would be like a bonus I think the goal is to harm hurt insult because It's literally like, well, you hurt me, so I'm gonna hurt you. Uh, and it's so crazy how often women come across that with, uh, men in the dating world. Like, that, the second that these men who are clearly toxic are met with rejection, their first instinct is, I'm going to destroy you. Like, oh, you blocked me? Let me leave you a ranting voicemail. Tearing you up and also like I hear this and I think it's horrible, but it's not surprising to me That's what's crazy Like how often does react like women are met with this reaction for men? Cuz like in what other world is that does that happen? Like at work, like if somebody doesn't agree with something I did at work there They're gonna be like well listen here you bitch. You're ugly and you know, I would be like, okay Yeah, please. That's a HR Uh, literally anything but therapy. This will make me feel better. This will make my life better. I've told, I've, if I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times. Men believe. Toxic men. If I'm talking about just, just no toxics in there, okay? Toxic men believe they have the right to make women the vessel of their pain. They believe they have the right to throw their emotions on them. They believe they have the right to put trauma on them. Instead of working it out themselves. This guy is upset. He's throwing his anger on this woman because he thinks he has the right to do so. If anything, he feels wronged by her. Because she's taken away access. So, all of this, I guarantee you he feels 100 percent justified and he walks away feeling better. Like, I guarantee you. And this woman probably was absolutely terrified when she got this voicemail. Also, did we ever break up when he just stopped talking and was like, Oh, sorry. He's like in the middle of threatening her. He's like, listen here, don't come to your state. He almost had a moment of introspection where he was like, what am I doing? Oh, no, get out. I feel like he was like in his car. This is what I imagined. He's in his car and like a bird flew by or something. He's like, oh. And then he almost forgot he was being so mean and nasty. He's like, sorry about that. Listen here. Ugh, like dude. Can you imagine in any of the situations where you're going after somebody and then you apologize? I'm sorry. I just got distracted. Where was I? So sorry about that. What was it? Was I talking about your your Oh, yeah. No, men love want you Oh, your, your personality. Yeah. Okay. I was destroying you as a human being. Okay, let's get back to that. Oh, absolutely. Unhinged. Okay, let's keep going. Literally impossible. Literally impossible. You were not consistent. You, you, you were interested, but yet you don't show interest. You blatant you don't, you aren't inconsistent. You're impossible to get on the phone. You wanna do everything by text, you misunderstand shit. You're obviously not trusting. And you act hypocritical you act like a typical white angry hypocritical jaded american woman Won't deliver what she expects to get back. Oh Am I hearing a passport bro Yeah, that's the first thing I thought of are you wanting to get a woman from a different country? Would you say america? I'm, like I already like this dude is one second away from going on one of those russian dating sites Guaranteed. Like, ugh. Ugh. Oh, he's looking into it. He just can't afford it. He can't. This probably isn't. That's why he's like, so I'm stuck right here. That's part of the anger. Yeah, that's part of why he's so mad. He just doesn't have the funds to get a wife. Ugh. I just, every time I hear that, I know exactly where that's leading. Yeah, I am amazed by how many videos there were that is like, well, you know, if you, if you American women, if you Western women don't shape up, We're just going to leave and go somewhere else. Yeah. See ya. Don't threaten me. Don't threaten me. Don't threaten me with a good time. Like honestly, I feel bad for those women. Now if a woman for some reason is like, I, you know, I want to get out of where I am. I'm gonna like, there are plenty of people who need a fresh start and do that. Like, I'm not going to say like, I'm not going to talk to you on that because I mean, damn, if I need, like, there are reasons people do what they do. Like, well, yeah, this is, this is never about the woman. Yeah. I, yeah, it's the exact same when we talk about when, uh, cause they'll also reminisce about. The fifties and sixties housewives. Oh God. That for the, but it's for the exact same reason, right. Women had to put up with guys like that. Mm-Hmm. because they didn't have a choice because they couldn't have a bank account. Mm-Hmm. Right. Because they couldn't have, because getting divorced ended up being a scarlet letter. Yes. And like even the idea of like, like, oh, well other women from other countries are more subservient. It's like, um. No. No. Yeah. They don't want you. I hate to be Do you go to strip clubs and think everybody likes you? It's like, these women Absolutely they do. They do. They're like, I don't know why it doesn't keep They keep blocking me. The strippers keep blocking me. She was flirting with me. Uh, yeah. I think she's I think she's in love with me. She couldn't give me her number though because she's at work. You know, we can't do that at work. She blocks every guy that, you know, she meets. Um, but it's like, it's such a bizarre idea of like, women from other cultures are subservient, like, by, do you, by nature? I don't think so. Like there are other cultures where there is a dynamic, but they don't, I don't think they're happy about it. Like, look at the four B movement. That is a culture where women are expected to be subservient. And they're like, yeah, actually F you. So like, I just, I just think it's so funny when people like women from other countries, get it. We're treated like Kings. It's like, Hey, do you think there's an ulterior motive when you come and visit and you you're dropping money? And like, I don't know. Maybe, maybe there's something else at play. Right, right. Ugh, let's move on. That's gonna, that's gonna get me riled up. Cause that, just like, it's, ugh, Password Bros make me sick. Also, bye. Just go. Go ahead. Go ahead and try. Go ahead and live. It's like, do it. Do it. And, and it's, but it is sad though that there, there are, there's, it's become a, an entire industry. Uh, that exists solely for the sake of appeasing, you know. Guys that have the money to go and leave and abuse other women. Oh, yeah have the the The means to get out. Hey, that's not okay. Yeah to get out of whatever situation they're in. It's really really And I'm sure at some point we're getting into the like human trafficking area. Like how many of these women are, uh, and that gets dark and gross and scary. And, and just like, Ooh, none of these women want to be with these men. Like, period. I don't care what, like, aside from for other reasons, like, yeah, it's just, they're delusional. It's, it's anything, literally anything other than I need to work on myself. Any, it's like, you're a hypocrite. He's like, you're saying you're interested, but you're not showing any interest and you're not calling me. It's like, So how is she saying she's interested then? Cause I'm a man. She smiled at me one time. The way she showed interest was by her being willing to give him a chance to talk on the phone. Give him her number. And that clearly means she's all in. We're getting married. That's the thing is though, these dudes, like, First of all, this is why women don't want to open themselves up to men in general because this is how it can go. But like, if you give these dudes an inch, guys like this, they immediately think they have you, and anything you do after that is denying them the right to do that. to you, which they already believe they have, and that's the crazy part. It's like, he already thinks, no, I should be with you. You are mine. You are denying you from me. Versus like, oh, I'm on the path potentially to getting with you. It's like, oh, I have you, and anything you do to deny me of that is, you're bad. Well, it's like your body and your status of a relationship is detached in their mind. Yes. from you as a person, right, as if they're not all one and the same thing. It's like, no, no, no, no, you can't take that, that from me, that, that property from me. That's mine. No, no, I'm not taking anything from you. I'm, I'm just leaving. I'm walking away. It is a wild, the, because the verbiage and even the language they use very clearly makes it, the, the, the anger, it's, it's like you were stealing my property. Yes. You were denying me the right, the property that is rightfully mine. After one phone call? Yeah. Okay, we can't, we've got to keep going because there's more. Okay. That's all there is to it. You're a typical Karen. Why don't you change your name to Karen? You should change your name to Karen and then after that stay in the Midwest and try to stay there for a few years and get some of that Midwest goodness back because you sure lost it in Florida. Are you another woman that drinks every night? Another typical lush, uh, Florida girl that just drinks every night? And doesn't know her ass from her head? Because you sure come up with some stupid shit, you say. And more importantly, you really come up with a lot of toxic gaslighting, just focusing on the reactions of actions that you cause. So, um, I would put money. I'd put money on the fact that this guy listens to Andrew Tate. I'ma throw it out there. Oh, um, certainly. So now he's, you know, misusing the term of gaslighting. We love, love when toxic men weaponize therapy talk. Love that for us. But he, again, he's saying that Midwest goodness, which is obviously hinting at the good old days. Yeah, Trad wife, Trad. So can I get real quick, just make sure I'm understanding. They met in Florida. It feels like, right? Like he's, he's in Florida, right? Is that what I'm guessing? She was in Florida. Yeah. And then she's, she was there and maybe she told him that we, she can't go on a date because she's going home to Michigan or something like that. Yeah. It feels like this was like, maybe she's not even in Michigan. I hope not. I know. I feel like this is just something that like. Oh, no, uh, yeah, I think i'm not gonna be able to go on a date because I have to fly home. I'm moving to michigan Yeah, forever now. Yeah, I I guess I don't I have but like first of all this man Hates florida women like calling them a lush. What year is it? I hope she does go drinking out every night good for you girl I know. Yeah have friends. I mean men like this hate that women have friends I'm telling you like if they have an active social life, they're like Meanwhile, these dudes are at the bar every evening with their, with the boys. I guess these would be men. They're at the bar every evening with their, uh, fellow, their constituents. But the comparison they make, though, is always, it's not the, uh, a woman going out with her friends. Uh, to, uh, wherever, to dance or to a bar or whatever, is not the same as a guy going up to a bar. It's the same as a guy going to a strip club. Yeah. That's always the comparison. You're right. Because they can. Good point. And it's always very clear that they have never interacted with a woman outside of a club. Conquest or a parent, right? There's never been a platonic interaction with a woman where the goal was not sex. That's so true! Cause, yeah, they do act like a woman going to get a drink is like going to the club. Like, I have got, there's been so many, like, somewhat boring nights. I'm not a big drinker, but I'll, like, go to bars with my friends. But, we're like, we're just, like, relaxing. Like, the, you know, like, we, there's no dancing. It's very chill. But, like, oh, she's a lush. I bet she was on the table. I bet she was swinging her bra over her head. Like, dude, have you hung out with women? Have you been around women? The amount, yeah, the number one complaint. You That I would, uh, the, uh, friends of mine that are women will, will say to me is, Oh, this fucking guy wouldn't leave us alone. Or this guy kept hitting on us. Yes. Or this guy, we just wanted to talk, we just wanted to hang out away from men for a little bit, which I understand that I get, and, and this guy wouldn't, it's not like, I've, I've almost never, you know, there have been situations where obviously they go to the club for, because they are looking for a guy, that's fine, but for most of the reason, and it's like the same reason why so many women go to gay bars. Different reason though. But, well, yeah, back in the day, back in the day, not now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, cisgender heterosexual, heterosexual, uh, women, so that they can dance and have fun without having to worry about the threat of violence, the threat of. Uh being preyed upon and they they don't that that disconnect is still no No, they they're clearly still there just for to meet men there has to be and straight men go to gay clubs to pick up women like that, I mean that I had uh, I don't know if you remember the cubbyhole story where like this guy was like Blocking the bathroom and like got into it and then this girl posted. Yeah That whole thing but like that was one of the main things we discussed was like You How, how regular it is for straight men to hit on and touch like women at gay bars and to prowl. It's like, we can't even go there. We can't even go there. Well, I, I always had, cause I had, I had a lot of gay friends, uh, in college and I would, they would want to go, I would just go, let's go to the bar, have drinks. I always feel weird. Cause, cause women would obviously assuming that I'm the reason I'm there is cause they would assume a gay man would want to dance with me. And I always had to be like, Have this awkward moment. I was like where I'm like, I would, I just want you to know that I, I, well, and it's not like I'm like, I don't care what you think I am, but I don't want you to like, Grind on me thinking that I'm, you know, a friend that is just having fun dancing with you. Yes. When I was a 20 year old, 21 year old man, I guess at the time, I'm enjoying it, right? And I don't, I don't want to, I don't want to mislead somebody. It's like consent. Yeah. Informed consent. Yeah. A weird situation. I mean, well, good for you because I don't think most guys would do that. Um, would have done the whole like, hey, before we get this, before this gets started. Just so you know. This is. I want you to know that this is. Yeah. This is not like a, just a safe gate. This is a safe straight guy. But I would be interested. Yeah. I'm not going to do it, but I want you to know. Yeah. That this is not. Yeah. Oh, what is life? But again, you only, yeah. It's like, uh, there's such like a, uh. Entitlement to a lot of interactions with men like this just happening the other day. I Tangent I so I I don't really interact with men. I don't know very often like If I'm either I interacted like gay men. I interact with men that I'm friends with but I I It's rare. I'm a mom, so I'm not like going out very often. If I am, I'm usually surrounded by women, but, uh, as in my friends, not like, like women for that to me. Uh, but like I was, it had been so long since a guy had said something weird to me. Um, Uh, I was going to my sister's show because she does theater. She's very talented actress. Um, she's the lead. No big deal Uh, and I was at a gas station. My mom real quick. I I need I this is gonna but what show is it? It was I need to my head. What was the show? It was the one where like Wonder of the world. That's the show. Okay, I haven't heard. I haven't seen that. She was so good in it I'm, like her biggest fan. I'm like psycho obsessed with Going to see her like I'll see her as many times. I can I'm like scream laughs. I'm like, I she's so good Anyways, it's fine. It's fine. Okay, so she was but she was the lead and she was super super good very talented Anyways, but on the way to the show Might cut that out cuz that's just a tangent about me and my sister. But um I, we stopped at a gas station to get a, cause I, we needed a coffee cause I was like, had not slept at all the night before cause of my trial. But, um, so I was going in to get a coffee and like, my hair is like it is now, like it was half drying. It was curly but drying. And he's like, went up to pay. And like, again, I was so not used, forgot that like, that's kind of, can be a thing that happens. And then he said, yeah, he, he said literally like, or like, it's looking good or something like that. And I go, I just go, it's wet. And he's like, yeah, I was like, I'm going to be cold later. Cool down. He goes, Yeah, okay. I just like, didn't remember how to act when guys are being weird. But it was just so bizarre. He's like, literally was like, Hmm, you looking? You're looking good. And I was just like, it was a younger guy. But I was just like, so thrown off by it. But it's It's so weird how comfortable men are, like, doing stuff like that. Like at work? While he's working? Yeah. Like saying, mm? Ugh. No. I don't, I don't know. That is very odd. I had a good compliment. Can I go on a tangent real quick? Sure. What is it? Was it about how tall you are? No. I am not gonna mention I'm 6'5 on this podcast. There it is. If I hear how tall you are one more time, No, it was, it was actually, it was this, uh, I went to my campus to drop off some paperwork, uh, and, uh, just walking, uh, to the office. And this, this one older man was like, your hair looks amazing. Youngblood. And I was like, And I was like, I was so excited. And he was like, you need it. You need it. Whatever you're tipping your barber, double it. I will. It was just this random interaction and I walked by and I was like cloud nine the rest of the day. It was, it was just the best thing. I, what random, I get compliments so rarely in a public forum, but it just, it made my day. I was like, I need to go home and film more videos. I need to do something. My hair's amazing. I'm hoping for the best hair day. There's magic happening. You know what? Okay. Here's, I got, this was one of my top compliments ever. This happened recently. I was talking about so there is I have this acting job. I work with like different actors um, and there's a guy who like You know, he's older and he tends he's very nice to me, but he'll say stupid shit Um, like misogynist shit or just like no awareness of appropriateness um So I've gotten into it with him a couple times. Uh, and then there was like a girl that I really admire who was also there. And we were talking and I was like, oh, you know, I'm kind of a people pleaser or whatever. I was talking about that. And they both were like, I don't think you're a people pleaser. She's like, I don't feel that way about you at all. I think you're, you stand up for a lot of things. And then he was like, you say exactly how you feel. And if you don't like something, you let people know. I was like, what did you say about me? I was, I was like, I've never been more flattered in my life. Cause like, I chronically like, like I, I care about everybody's opinions. I, Like growing up was very, very, very intensely a people pleaser and to have, especially a guy that like I regularly push back on to have him be like, Oh yeah, no, you're not a pushover. You're definitely stand up for things that you believe in. I was like, Oh, is the therapy working? But I don't think people realize you can be a people pleaser. To some people, right? It doesn't mean you're, you're a people pleaser. Now, granted, the chronic people pleasing, and I've gone through that at points in my life where it's like, I need every single person ever to like me. Everyone here? Everyone, you, oh, okay. But I think, yeah, it is a matter of being comfortable with There's going to be a certain group, but I just don't care if they like me anymore. Yeah, I'm definitely at that point too, but it just felt so good. Cause I was like, I know, that's great. I think it's gotten to the point where it's more internal than external, which is a big step. For me. So, um, do we have any final thoughts about the voicemail dude? Make sure to block whatever this new number is. Block him again. Well, here, this is a, this is a jumping off because I mentioned I had a video that once again, shockingly got a backlash from only eyes where the advice was, uh, that if she wants to talk on the phone before a date, uh, you tell her no. Uh, for you to, we're only going to talk on our date. That's what the date's for. And, and the whole, and obviously, the majority of people, uh, that watch that video were like, that is obviously a red flag. Right. Why, why are you, uh, What are you trying to hide to the point, but this voicemail is a great example of what they might be trying to hide, right? No, I don't want to talk on the phone beforehand because then you might get a, you might figure who I am, right? You might be able to just be, as opposed to being stuck on a date with me where I might have picked you up, right? I might have driven you somewhere where I might be paying money and you feel like, uh, some, uh, misplaced need to, to at least stay the whole date because of that reason. There's all sorts of reasons why. that are not good, why someone would avoid talking to them. There are, you know, there, and there is a sense, a semblance of a positive, like, no, I want to, I want to get to know you in person so we can actually talk to each other. Sure. But that none of that, Is a good enough reason to be like, hey, I'd rather talk on the phone first. Yeah before we meet Um, but there were there were so many people that were angry that I was defending the idea Well, it's like one you're dealing with the same whether it would be in person or on the phone Whatever urges you to block them is like I want to not have contact with you It is much easier to block someone after a phone call when they don't know where you live They don't know any of these like when they don't know then in person having that same urge that tells you I shouldn't be in contact with that person when you're with them. Like, that's scary. That's a scary urge to have and not be able to distance yourself from that person quickly. And we already know all the things that can happen if you're in person with someone and you reject them. Like, I mean, look up some crimes. Like, literally check the news. There's scary stuff that can happen. Even someone that's seen as quote unquote nice. Of course. And, and that's the thing that's crazy to me is if anything it just shows me you do not care about a woman's safety or security. You don't have empathy for being a woman. Like, if you Will not do a phone call just to ease her insecurities or her fears or her doubts because again It's very real. The threat is very real for women If you are not even willing to do a phone call, you don't deserve to be with her. You clearly prioritize the wrong things And anybody who is like no Um, I don't do that shit. I don't want to be on the phone. It's in person or nothing. It's like It's like You don't care enough about women to be with a woman. That tells me everything. I need to know like You know, I say it a lot. It's not always The conflict that tells you the most about a person. It's their reaction to the conflict. So like, something happened that she blocked him, but what's more telling is this phone call, you know? It's just like, like online, like the bear thing. The bear thing was inter like bear versus man. That was a very interesting conversation, but what was more telling was the reactions. All the men being like, oh, they're so dumb. This is so ridiculous. It's like, That is so telling of your priorities, and that you are, you center yourself, that you are about your own experience, like, like the hiker, like, Ugh, this is bad for male hikers. I think it's bad for women. But like, clearly you have to put your own experience at the center, and like, women don't want to be with somebody who's like that. Cause that's dangerous. There was somebody, uh, that commented on my, uh, The, the bear versus man video, she was like, no, I would choose the man because I would just, I could just shoot the man right away and he can't, and it was, the bear would be a lot harder to shoot. Uh, and I was like, you're just shooting a random man you see in the forest before, like, I was like, that's the issue though. It's like, if you see a bear, you're going to run immediately. Yeah, right. Versus like that whole, you're not just going to shoot a random dude. Well, hopefully not. You're not just going around the street, just say, I see a guy. So that's why that, that, the risk factor is higher because of the, of that, that unknown and why the phone call is important. There was a guy who like, it was, Posted and he's like me standing there armed watching the bear attack the woman because she didn't want my help Or there are people calling him out in the comments and he was like, I'm just saying she should be armed and I'm like One that's not what you're saying but two it's like so the problem She should have a gun? Like, why, why is the problem never men should stop being creeps? Like, why is it, like this dude, leaving the way, so why is the problem never, Oh, I've upset a woman. Let me reflect on my behavior. Let me change how I treat people. Let me, as he told her to do, look within and see why this keeps happening to me. It is never that. It is always, it's the woman's fault. It's society's fault. It's American woman's fault. It's women from Florida! Ha! Because the solution requires actual work on, on the, on the behalf of the person that is doing the harm. And that's, that's exactly where it comes from. And so they, no, no, you should be doing this thing because that is easier for me. That doesn't require me to change anything I'm doing, or it doesn't require me to call up my friends when they do or say inappropriate things. It doesn't require me to talk to a fucking therapist. It doesn't require me to, to acknowledge. That there are systemic issues in our society that are harming people. No, just get a gun. That makes, that'll fix it. That'll take down a bear. I think if anything, like, well, obviously this is an extreme case. I have no doubt that this woman is very aware that this guy is very scary and dangerous and probably thanking God that she didn't see him. But I think we need to be very aware when, um, anybody, but. Toxic men when they are showing lack of empathy because it only leads to worse things like when men see women are scared and their reaction is, well, you're dumb. When men get blocked and their reaction is, well, I'm gonna call you anyways. I'm gonna message you anyways. I know that you see me. Specifically and very explicitly said, I don't want contact with you. I'm going to go ahead and push past that. Anytime a guy is doing that, he is saying, I do not care about your boundaries. My needs are more important than yours. I don't care about your safety. I don't care about how you feel. If anything, I want to harm you. When you see men pushing boundaries, when you see men not showing empathy, that is a red flag and we need to pay attention to it because like, however bad this guy was, she flagged it. And then he immediately proved that he was exactly the man she expected. It would be interesting to have, uh, you mentioned Kate is a bartender. Or she, she used to work at, yeah. She's a, it would be interesting to have her on to talk about what, like, in a, having a job where you are, have to deal with that face to face, like, rejection or getting hit on. What are the methods, I think, that are, that are effective or what are things that she's seen? I think it'd be an interesting discussion to talk about, like, what is, What do you do? Because, you know, it's where you can't just block them on the phone. Obviously, there are, it's obviously situations where every single person, every woman especially, would have things to do. But especially when you have a job where it's so in your face and it's happening so much. What are the methods that you can use? Yeah, I mean, I could definitely ask her. She got harassed more than anything. But, uh, I, you know, It's also weird though, because like, I think what we've proven is there literally is no right way. Because like, every single reaction I know, ignoring, being nice and smiling can go bad. Explaining it can go bad. Like, And that's more, that's more Ben. It was, I just kind of did exactly what I made fun of the guy for doing. What are some, what are some things women can do to stop this? You're fired. Get out. That's not what I was suggesting, obviously. But I, that is kind of more of the same though. What's the solution is to, uh, for men to be better. But yeah, I mean, it is like, you do want to know, like, I mean, there's definitely different tactics that people use, um, with, with like varying success. But at the end of the day, yeah, it's like. If a guy is is toxic, like it really doesn't matter what you do because he's going to be mad about it like It has never been you're doing it the wrong way like you're there's no wrong way to reject someone It's the act of rejecting them enrages them the the denied access because again, it's misogyny It's that they think they have the right to you, right? So yeah, it's just crazy because it's like there is no right way There is It's just that, like, men need to stop thinking they have the right to women. If men stopped thinking they had the right to women and had empathy and saw them as equals, to talk to a stranger like that, you have to think they're lesser than you. You think he's calling up another man? And that's exactly it. When people say, well, it's not a gender. There's just some certain people act that way. It absolutely is. He's not doing that. If a guy doesn't want to be, if a guy's like, I don't want to hang out with you. Yeah, he's not. He might still be upset about it, but it's a different type. He's like, well, It was interesting because, um, so there was, it was in Brisbane. Where's Brisbane? In Australia? Is it? Is it? Brisbane. Brisbane? I think so. I'm going to Google it because I'm going to feel bad if I say that wrong. But I'm pretty sure it's Australia. How do you, how do you say it? Brisbane? I mean, I don't know. Probably that's how Australians say it. Okay, we'll see. Or maybe they don't. Help us, Australia. Comment below. Um, anyways, so there was a radio station in Brisbane that, uh, they, Invited men to like call in and talk about Stuff that was going on in the news. I'm sure it was like kind of like the 4b stuff and one of the women who was answering the calls was absolutely harassed and like talked down to and like degraded and They brought her on the air to talk about it because the the male the the men who were You Like hosts were like, that's crazy that that happened to you. That's totally unacceptable. And another guy was like, I didn't receive any of that. Like I answered the phones as much as she did. And I didn't, I didn't get any of those calls. Right. She says, unlucky me about it happening. And one of the guys is like, no, that's not it. It's that these men called in to be angry at women. And when a man picked up the phone, they did not unleash hell on them. When a woman picked up they felt comfortable and that's why and it's just like like I I mean I've had similar things like i'll talk about the way that like men who are toxic feel comfortable unloading on women And somebody in the comments that was not a man was like, oh I unload on my partner too It's like you can exhibit similar behaviors and they cannot stem from the same thing like Like, you know, maybe the person in the comments has some emotional regulation things going on that they were not regulating their emotions in an appropriate way, and they were causing harm by their own admission. But they weren't doing it because they felt like their partner was a different gender and was worth less than them, and that they had the right to do so. And that's the difference, is like, there can be multiple people exhibiting behaviors, but so many men, it's because of their own misogyny that they think it's acceptable. And they don't feel bad after. Like, I guarantee you this dude didn't feel bad. Oh, not at all. He was, that was, this was great for him. Yeah, he felt vindicated. Talk, and that's the other thing is like, so many of these men are talking to nothing. Men with podcasts talking to nobody. I mean, here we are talking to hopefully somebody, but like, like, it's basically yelling to the void. Or like, you know, guys who are like, Oh, I would never date, you know, uh, Margot Robbie's mid. And you're like, okay, well, why don't you go say that to Margot Robbie? Why don't you, why don't you walk up to you and you tell me you'd reject her. But like, even though it's not real in their own minds, they really got her and they get this boost and this confidence boost. And like, it's the same with incels and their forums where they're all talking shit on women. And it's not real and yet they get the same release and they get the same boost and it's like like guys who swipe What is it left when you don't want someone? I have no idea. They're swiping No for all these women and they're like I guess I rejected all this these women like these women weren't good enough for me. It's like well, they didn't you know accept you like right it doesn't mean you turn these women down, but it's like they get this idea that like In this weird, weird technological age, like, where they somehow feel like they're getting the upper hand on women when really it's just fiction. Like him scre he didn't even, like, he didn't even have contact with her, but I'm sure he walked away from that being like, Got her! Yeah. Well, it's like when, even when you see a description in a profile, like if you have pronouns in your bio, swipe no. If you like something, rather swipe No. Like do not swipe. Yeah. You don't. Yeah. Thank, it's like, thank you for putting that in your bio. Helpful. I would not like that at all if you're gonna be so offended by that. Yeah. Yeah. That is a wonderful preview. I, I really do, I really do think, uh, part of the problem is that men. Who are toxic can get around other men who are toxic and like can live in these imaginary world, you know, everyone's more aggressive behind a phone or on a voicemail or behind a keyboard. Um, it's very easy to be callous and heartless and to not care about somebody's feelings and like to get this boost that's not based on anything other than your own imagination of, oh, I got them. Uh, and it's, it's just kind of scary because I do think it's fostering, like, look at all the language he used, right? There's so much language in there that can be directly linked to, like, The Andrew Tate's of the world, you know, he's talking about American women, like the Midwest woman, which, you know, that's classic misogyny gaslighting. He, I would bet he didn't go to therapy. I bet he picked that up from somebody. There's, there's so many ideas in that. Um, From these guys, who are just like, oh yeah, that's, that's what it is. That's right, it's not you, buddy. It's not your problem, it's not your misogyny, it's not that you don't bring much to the table. It's just women. It's Florida women, you know? Uh, and that's scary. What's this persecution complex also? Like, we are the real victims here. Male hikers! Yeah, male hikers. I should have made the episode not all hikers. But like, but that's, that's really what it comes down to. Like, when they're getting angry, It is, it feels like this. They've clearly been thinking about it and manifesting this idea where, Oh, these poor, these there's this, we're up against so much with these horrible women. That would have the audacity to reject me when I said three nice things about her, right? And that is, that is, woe is me. And if people were to hear this, we know whose side they'd be on. They'd be cheering me on. It's like, and everybody clapped when I walked away. The story's online. Everyone clapped. You're like, that did not happen. Never happened. He walked away feeling that's it. That's it. He got that imaginary clap, uh, you know, standing ovation. When he hung up that phone, he's like, that, she's gonna feel terrible. Yeah. This is great. This is great. It's just very immature. It's very strange how, because like to me, that reads, and it's not like, the danger is very real. It's not like, it's not like a tantrum. Like a child or you're like, okay, you're okay. It's fine. It's it's a full grown man tantruming, but it is so immature. It is so unevolved. It is, it is from someone who has done very little inner work. And that is so frightening. Like that dude said, he's in his forties. And he clearly is not looking, doing the work, looking within evolving. It's very scary to think about like, All of these grown men that are exhibiting childlike behaviors with the anger and the threat of grown men. Well, it's the, it's the emotional setting. Like you talked about the, it's the, and it's because. Where we, another great example of how the patriarchy hurts everyone, right? Hurts men and women. Is that they get around other guys, they're not allowed to show their feelings. They have to be tough. They can't. And so they, they really, when it sounds like a child, the way, same way a child might be dealing with it, it's because they have literally done the same amount of work as a child has at dealing and understanding and interacting. They're literal, World life experience because of a fear of being thought of as less than or less masculine, less manly, has led them to only have these surface level interactions, uh, and where they end up lashing out like it's thinking that this is okay, that thinking that in any facet of our society that this is how you should be allowed to treat another human being who has not done anything, uh, of any notable, uh, I think other than blocking you right because anger is an acceptable emotion, right? Yeah, and you know It's also they don't feel like they have to you know like I'm always interested like with kids because um, like I I have a young daughter and and seeing how kids behave and like a lot of times the boys are a lot more physical and In the way that they play, but it's also like, you see how the girls are held to different standards, especially emotionally. Like, if a girl gets aggressive, like physically, like the way that parents respond is way different than the way that parents respond when the boys are getting physical. Uh, and, and what's expected of them is so different. Like there's a much more push for the girls to be nice, to use their words, to express themselves. And I think we see that carrying on into adulthood. It's like these men have not had to. They've, they've been using the women in their life to process their emotions. Uh, they're not forced to do it in their work. Their friends aren't expecting it from them. If they've been single for long enough, they aren't in relationships. So they're not using those skills there. And it's like, they're finally reaching the point where women are saying like, Hey, no, that's not acceptable. You need to be able to have emotionally intelligent conversations. You need to be able to express yourself. And, um, I think it's a choice for men now. It's like, do you want to, even for your own sake, be happy, let alone with a partner? Or do you want to stay the way you are? Do you want to just double down and hate women because you can't process your own emotions? And this could be like a much longer conversation about this. But it also, like, it's one of the reasons why Like, so one of the reasons my son was able to get diagnosed with autism. Was because he cried a lot like and it was a it's not like yeah So it was a but it was the immediate that there must be something quote unquote wrong with there's nothing right. I want to be very clear Very normal here. I am NOT saying that. Yeah, but but because of the fact that he was the crying kids It was a boy There must be something that, and so we were able to get access to things, but, and it's one of the reasons, another show, and it harms, if a, if a young girl was crying, oh, she's just, it's not a big deal. Yeah, right, right. And, and so she's not even someone that actually needed help. This is a much more complicated conversation than I'm pushing into. But, uh, it is interesting how even this, uh, it's harming men, but also benefiting them. Yeah, right. It's not expected of them. It is a double edged sword for sure. I mean, obviously I'm not a man, so I haven't experienced it, but you know, on the one hand. You aren't, it's not expected from you. The bar is low for emotion, I would say for emotional intelligence, but also it's not particularly, uh, encouraged, you know, if you are upset, you know, it's not, especially with younger men, like to cry, to share their emotions. Um, I don't think, I think a lot of times it's more from other men than it is from women, but I mean, it is, it is definitely societally. Kind of frowned upon so it but it does set the standard of like, oh, you don't have to do that Don't worry about that. Don't don't worry about emotions But again, like this is a skill. Um, like being emotionally intelligent is a skill that you can work on, uh, being able to express yourself, going to therapy. Like, I always get annoyed when people are like, women are more empathetic or women are better with their feelings. Women are better listeners. It's like, no, they're not. No, they're not. We're all born like. Not naturally. It's a skill that was developed. Not naturally. Yes. It is a skill because they've, we have to be, I like not to get on a soapbox, not get on a soapbox. Except exactly to get on the soapbox because we have a podcast but I have to be in tune With men's emotions. I have to be in tune with their body language I don't want to i'm gay like I this should not even be like I shouldn't have to wear But when I go out and about like I am highly I'm in tune with their body. I'm in tune with their words. I'm in tune with when their, their words and their body language don't match. I'm in tune with my surroundings. Like, women in general are on alert all the time. And, Are very skilled at conversations because they have to get out of conversations, you know, they have to they're in tune with other people's emotions because they're told they are responsible for other people's emotions like I didn't just naturally come out and be like, oh I need to make everybody happy. That was something that was through Um the way that I was raised like I was raised to do that And I think most women are and so like none of that is natural and like most women are unlearning that like no Most women are like actively having to undo that and so for men to You know some men to say like well, that's it's just nature. It's like no it was fostered it's been fostered all the way and like That's also the good news right is that it's not inherently that men can't do these things. They absolutely can. You're a great example. I have so many, many men in my life who I love and adore, who are great listeners, are incredibly empathetic. And they've done that by doing the work. You just have to do the work. Like it's available to everyone, but you just have to commit. And it's not just about getting with a girl. If you do it to get with a woman, it's not going to work out. You know, it's about you. It's for you. It's for the betterment of yourself. And then maybe the rest falls in place, but at the very least, You are a fully formed human being who can deal with their emotions and process themselves, which, yeah, like, I can't, I cannot imagine not being able to process my own emotions. Like, that is a horrifying thought. That comes full circle back to this entire point of the episode about, like, the idea that he cannot understand why she would not be desperate for a relationship. Why is he desperate for one? Because he doesn't want to put that work in. Instead, he can just use a woman to be that emotional, uh, support system for him that can interpret things for him, that can do, that can just have done all the work for it. It's a cheat code. Right? And so, of course, I'd rather just Be in a relationship because then she's already done all that stuff. Then she can fix me quote unquote, right? He can't regulate his emotions so extremely that as opposed to do like as opposed to like thinking about it The only way he's processing his emotion is screaming into the void of a voicemail That's where he's at. Why wouldn't you love this? Why wouldn't you want to fix this? Come on, I could do this to your face. You'll never be bored. Yeah, you can just deal with this all the time. You'll never be bored. You can be my mom. You can be my therapist. You can be my chef. Come on, Jesus. Okay, well that's all I have to say about that. Yeah, I think we're good. I think we've covered this. All right. Well, thank you everybody for listening as you know We have different socials. We have a youtube page. We have our instagram. We have both of our separate tic tacs We're getting a patreon i'm working on it. I'm working on it. I'm working on it Yeah, but I was thinking I was thinking we should do a giveaway. We should do like a uh, If people to get more fight because those those reviews apparently are really helpful to like buy some reviews We should like just pick a random Person that's given us a five star review and like send a t shirt or a mug or something. Okay. We could do that. I'd love that. Let's do that. I'm that was just off the cut. Let's do it. We're going to do a giveaway. If you want to win one of our either t shirts or tapes, tears, mugs, you mean this, that one right there, which works great on audio. Be sure to leave us a five star review. Let's do that. Let's do a, let's do two weeks from now. We'll do two episodes from now. I'm not going to give a date. I'm, I'm in tatters. I've absolutely shattered that I tried to show off a mug on podcast. I'm always the one that does that. I know. I, I'm red. I am embarrassed. Okay. Well, on that note, I'm going to go cry. Leave a five star review. You too can get this invisible mug. I love you all. I'm going to keep on saying it. Stop it. You have, you can't, I, I said it back too because then I felt like. You have to. I'm also committed to this relationship. Yes. So thank you everybody for listening. We'll be doing a giveaway and we will see you next week. Bye. Bye.