PartnerOps Partner

Drop the CRM

Aaron Howerton

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This week - we explore the challenges faced by Partner Ops professionals and their reliance on CRM systems that aren't designed for their needs. Maybe it's time to drop the CRM? 

  • CRMs are't designed for Partnerships out of the box.
  • Heavy customizations create highly sensitive and unique environments. 
  • Integrations continually add dead weight to CRM infrastructure and icnrease complexity in management 
  • In a perfect world, the CRM is a source of truth, but in reality it's often never realized. 
  • PartnerOps faces an often uphill battle trying to bring everyone and everything together on the data front. 

Currently available technology opens a door for new approaches to how we manage Partnerships and Data that is no longer dependent on the CRM or even being IN the CRM for the Partnership org. 

  • Centralize partner data through a streamlined data layer.
  • Integrate via synchronization to avoid direct CRM engagement.
  • Provide a layer for access/visibility that enhances the Partner Manager and potentially Partner experience. 
  • Create actual truth through data normalization. 
  • Send data wherever you need it to be, for whatever audience you need. 

Join me as I question why Partnership teams continue to work with inadequate technology platforms and suggest an alternative that just might improve things for everyone.

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As always, to discuss this or anything else Partner Tech, reach out for a discussion

Aaron Howerton

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