The Show Up Fitness Podcast

The BEST Fitness Seminars for Personal Trainers | Barbell Rehab PPSC SUF

May 23, 2024 Chris Hitchko, CEO Show Up Fitness Season 1 Episode 114
The BEST Fitness Seminars for Personal Trainers | Barbell Rehab PPSC SUF
The Show Up Fitness Podcast
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The Show Up Fitness Podcast
The BEST Fitness Seminars for Personal Trainers | Barbell Rehab PPSC SUF
May 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 114
Chris Hitchko, CEO Show Up Fitness

Unlock the full potential of your personal training sessions with our latest podcast, where we dissect the Circuit Component Alternating method and its powerful impact on upper body workouts. We guarantee you'll walk away with tailored strategies that cater to client preferences, ensuring each session you conduct is brimming with personalized flair. Josh and Katie, seasoned trainers with a wealth of experience, join us to explore the journey from a fitness novice to an industry guru, shedding light on the transformative power of hands-on learning and the significance of continuing education in elevating your coaching game.

Embark on a deep exploration with us as we navigate the business side of personal training, emphasizing the creation of multiple revenue streams and the importance of SWOT analysis for personal and professional growth. Our episode also celebrates the expansion of our fitness community through seminars, like those offered by Show Up Fitness, which not only foster skill development but also encourage a vibrant exchange of ideas and experiences. Get ready for a unique blend of education, camaraderie, and inspiration that will enhance your career and enrich your understanding of personal training.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Unlock the full potential of your personal training sessions with our latest podcast, where we dissect the Circuit Component Alternating method and its powerful impact on upper body workouts. We guarantee you'll walk away with tailored strategies that cater to client preferences, ensuring each session you conduct is brimming with personalized flair. Josh and Katie, seasoned trainers with a wealth of experience, join us to explore the journey from a fitness novice to an industry guru, shedding light on the transformative power of hands-on learning and the significance of continuing education in elevating your coaching game.

Embark on a deep exploration with us as we navigate the business side of personal training, emphasizing the creation of multiple revenue streams and the importance of SWOT analysis for personal and professional growth. Our episode also celebrates the expansion of our fitness community through seminars, like those offered by Show Up Fitness, which not only foster skill development but also encourage a vibrant exchange of ideas and experiences. Get ready for a unique blend of education, camaraderie, and inspiration that will enhance your career and enrich your understanding of personal training.

Want to ask us a question? Email email with the subject line PODCAST QUESTION to get your question answered live on the show!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Show Up Fitness Podcast, where great personal trainers are made. We are changing the fitness industry, one qualified trainer at a time, with our in-person and online personal training certification. If you want to become an elite personal trainer, head on over to showupfitnesscom. Also, make sure to check out my book how to Become a Successful Personal Trainer. Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review. Have a great day and keep showing up. Hi there, everybody, and welcome back to the Show Up Fitness Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Today, we're going to be talking about the best personal training seminars, hands-on learning. Before we do that, though, we're going to talk about training a client who wants to focus more on upper body. This is going to be a full body workout, a beginner, so we begin with doing your 10 checkpoints in human movement ankle, knee, hip, lumbar, thoracic, cervical, shoulder, elbow, wrist and some breathing drills, making sure to check off all of those checkpoints, and for the first CCA, we get into a bench press, followed by a pull-up into abs. With the CCA, you do it in a circuit style. So bench press, pull-ups, abs, add some weight, go back into the bench press, pull-ups, abs, abs and weight, and then we're going to go to bench press, pull-up, abs, and for the pull-ups we're probably going to be doing eccentrics. Three to five reps creates a lot of damage For lot of damage. For the second CCA, we would get into a split stance military press like the trainer engagement one with that one. So we're pressing with your right arm, your left arm is out and the trainer is going to be pushing it into horizontal adduction. So the client has to horizontally adduct constant tension there on that other arm and then a goblet squat into some curls. And then the last one. We're going to do some inclined dumbbells, single arm, three stance rows followed by some lateral raises. If you have some time, we'll do a game, some type of pushup plank variation, and that should take you exactly one hour.

Speaker 1:

When we train, hunks for the most part like to focus more on their goals and we're stereotyping here you always need to take into consideration, obviously, injuries and what the client says. I definitely have clients that have come in and say they want to work on their glutes, they want to work more on their back, and you just alter that first core movement pattern to make it specific for what they want. So, for example, if you had a client that come in and said they wanted to work more on their glutes and it was a male. Then you just change out that bench press and make it a hip thrust and then do a pushup or some other sort of core movement pattern that's appropriate for that individual. The great thing about the plug and play with the CCA it allows you to hit all of the main muscle groups. It keeps your client's heart rate up but you're not compromising force production because you're doing an agonist followed by an antagonist, or an upper body followed by a lower body. Someone commented the other day on YouTube and they're like I've never trained like this before. I always train my clients. How I train, I do straight sets. Well, your clients aren't training six times a week for the most part and you need to be able to make that 60 minute session fulfill their goals. And we have found through numerous years 10 plus years of implementing the CCA. It's one of the best programming styles out there for general population and we still even implement this with athletes. You just make it specific to their goals, whether they're in-season or out-of-season.

Speaker 1:

All righty, let's talk about the best seminars in fitness. We're going to go over three today At every one of the Show Fitness seminars that we do. We love gaining insights into hands-on learning workshops that other trainers have gone through the big line in the sand between a level zero trainer and a level one, level zero textbook certified. They gain unsupervised experience. They chase more specializations. They quit within 12 months Level one. They have a degree in kinesiology, an internship. They've learned under physical therapists, chiropractors. They have their show up in a CBT because they've tested in front of an individual, not taking a multiple choice test, and then they seek hands-on learning. Now, the seminar that we were at there was almost 20 people in there. These are the best minds in fitness, because the average victim trainers at home those are the level zeros and they're complaining or they're lost and not focused. As we just had our book club call the book of the month is deep work.

Speaker 1:

We were discussing how important it is to focus on your goals, but what we do today is you see this at the gym, go to one of the big four and what are trainers doing before sessions? Scrolling aimlessly on Instagram. I'm guilty, I do it, we all do it. But if you don't have a plan of attack, if you're constantly going through your swift, your BHAGs, you're just going to be another statistic and that's why so many trainers quit. But when you go to a weekend seminar and you learn from the professionals who've been doing it for 20 plus years, you gain those insights.

Speaker 1:

You are buying hours. They say it takes 10,000 hours to call yourself an expert. If you were a trainer doing 50 hours, 50 sessions per week, that's 200 per month. That means you're going to get roughly 2,400 in a year. It would take you four years of grinding that out. You would also be the number one trainer at Equinox four years in a row because that's roughly what they're doing. But that is not sustainable because you got to remember you get sick, you go on vacation. You're not going to be averaging 200. That's just off that analogy. Cut it in half. It's going to take you about eight years if you're doing 25 sessions. Even a hundred sessions at gyms like Equinox and Lifetime are considered upper echelon. 80 sessions per month is considered full-time. It's 20 per week. So it's going to take you anywhere from eight to 10 years to be considered an expert in this field, while you're getting lost in all the bullshit and smoke and mirrors on social media. So you see how frustrating it can get.

Speaker 1:

So what you do is you buy those hours by going to a weekend seminar. So the first one that we suggest to go is barbell rehab. You're going to be learning from top physical therapists everything about the barbell. Clients are in pain, so you get to ask physical therapists how you would help your clients. It's such an awesome opportunity to be in an environment with elite minds and the really cool thing about these seminars is you're going to be around primarily more physical therapists. To be around primarily more physical therapists. Travis went to this one and he said he was the only trainer in there. Everyone else was either a chiropractor or a physical therapist. How cool is that? You get to be where everyone else wants to be.

Speaker 1:

Trainers aren't respected. That's the number one bitching complaint I hear. This industry isn't respected. No shit. You couldn't even tell me the 17 muscles around the shoulder. When you go to a seminar around like-minded individuals who are striving to be the best but they are professionals because they understand anatomy and programming and movement you are in a blue sea. There's no competition because the number one complaint trainers have I don't have enough money, it's too expensive. I take the weekends off. All right, bitching and complaining to me a year later when you're doing something else. You're going to be in real estate, a bartender, but you're not going to be a trainer because that mindset is victimhood. You have to have that growth mindset. Every quarter you should be spending a minimum of $1,000 on continuing education. That's one seminar every three months. If you're not doing it, I will bet you my belt buckle that you are not where you want to be. You go to one of these seminars. You will learn a boatload of information. Worst case you get one or two gold nuggets. That's the worst case. Best case, you link up with someone or, as Joseph Knowlton, you'll hear his podcast that we did on number 100. No-transcript.

Speaker 1:

The PPSC is a seminar that was developed by Dr John Russin. John used to follow me. He didn't follow me anymore. I think he got a little butthurt because I have bigger calves in them. That's okay, john, I don't have any hard feelings. I understand people run social media or I'm just annoying, I don't care. But his seminar is pretty damn legit.

Speaker 1:

Two days learning from some great. A lot of them are physical therapists or coaches, have been in the game for 15, 20 years. You're going to learn everything about the warmup and help your clients get out of pain. That's a very common problem trainers have is not being able to get your clients out of pain. One of our instructors who teaches the in-person in Los Angeles, megan Megan with an H she was a trainer at Equinox became the number one there, tier three plus or maybe just tier three Don't quote me on that one, I'm not quite sure, but she's either three or three plus. She was one of the top trainers there and the number one question that she got from other trainers how do you program with pain? I usually just don't do anything. So, being the growth mindset that she has, she was able to create a nice little knee catalog to help clients who are in pain to regress and progress appropriately implementing strategies from the Prehab guys the app that we have If you don't have it, you should definitely get that. We get a $50 off coupon code because we've partnered with Prehab, because those guys are hunks and they recognize hunks and that's why we work together. When we get you 50 bucks off their app and the exercise library, it's a game changer because you pull that stuff up and you're able to help your clients get out of pain. And so the PPSC has literally one of these suckers like every weekend. They've done a great job of growing it from zero to probably well over 50 to 60 per year, and it's also international.

Speaker 1:

John did one of the first ones. He beta tested at our gym in Los Angeles and that's where I met Dr Waterbury, and so you look at how the tables turn through this. Or if I would have been a victim and not reached out to John Rustin and offered for him to do a seminar at my gym, we would have never met. If I never would have met John, I never would have met Dr Chad Waterbury, who's on our board and has been an integral part of our success at Show of Fitness, helping us get the certification, helping us link up with top gyms. And who knows what the future is going to be, because we're working even closer and we have some big things on the horizon. We're really excited about these partnerships that we have. But if I didn't have John do his seminar at our gym, this would never be happening right now and I learned a lot through John.

Speaker 1:

We worked out together and John has a great business mind. He does things like work out with John or whoever the instructor is and you have to pay extra, but that's a really great thing to analyze there as a trainer, because we can't get bitter at Starbucks for offering fucking cake pops or Vente or Trente drinks that cost more. That's a business and personal training is a free market. It's a business. You should be making more money off of your clients. It is a missed opportunity If you have a client who comes in and only pays you for one-on-one personal training or if your mainstream of revenue is online and you only have that stream coming from them. There's so many other things that you can offer Nutrition coaching, which we teach with our level two, generating a stream of revenue 15 to 20,000 per year minimally by implementing a strong nutrition strategy.

Speaker 1:

Have a dietitian on your team. Have weekly check-ins, accountability. You cannot give out food plans for your clients unless you're a registered dietitian. Mel, who's our team RD she said a great thing. All registered dietitian. Mel, who's our team RD she said a great thing. All registered dietitians are nutritionists, but all nutritionists are not RDs. So be careful on who you link up with. Go an RD who's open-minded. I prefer RDs with a strength and conditioning background who've worked with teams, because we just mesh a lot better.

Speaker 1:

Do your trial and error, via your interviews, to link up with a qualified dietitian, and so I went off on a tangent right there. But it comes back to John and what he offers. And he doesn't just have his basic one. He's brought on other instructors who are teaching his classes that he doesn't even go to. So what that means is he's generating revenue by not working. That's brilliant. You observe and you learn. You know what I would love to make $1,000, $2,000, $5,000. I don't know. $1,000 by not even doing anything. Create a system that is replicable with great minds and you can build your own empire. Why not at least try? You should have an offering. I love to challenge trainers to have a year commitment $16,500.

Speaker 1:

When we did one of our job fairs at Equinox, I asked the manager. I said what's your biggest package here? Keep it PC. I'm not talking about that. The manager at the time didn't even know they had to go look it up. It was like $16,600 or something. I would start every single assessment at the end when you do your sales pitch with that number.

Speaker 1:

All right, mr and Mrs Jones, how many times a week do you want to work out? And the typical answer is I don't know. Chris, what do you suggest? I'm going to suggest six times per week for a month. It's going to cost this, but we also have a really, really great year plan. Great year plan it's 16,600. That's where you're going to get the biggest bang for your buck, because you're going to get the best shape and you will be training one year from now and it's going to be a game changer. I guarantee it. So let's start there.

Speaker 1:

And then the client is going to push back and say either no or more times than not, and those big gyms are going to surprise you and say, okay, great, put it on my account and you go. Well, oh shit, you serious. Don't say that because you are a great trainer. That's what great trainers should be doing. But these offerings give you the confidence. Having additional things with your clientele is going to give you those streams of revenue which allow for you to be more successful. I'm not basing everything off of financial gains to be success, but one of the biggest problems I see with trainers we're not making enough money and then, when we are making enough, we're training an absurd amount of sessions which is not sustainable. Where are your streams of revenue? You don't have any. You're not implementing a swift analysis which brings us into the best seminar that you should be going to show up fitness. These seminars are not only for aspiring trainers but, as we saw in this last weekend, trainers who've been in the game for years five, 10 years. You will go to these and you will learn new things to implement with your programming and your clients.

Speaker 1:

With the CCA. What I told you in the beginning of today's podcast was the CCA that we took the trainers at Lifetime and show up in is through when we were in Sacramento this past week. The next one's going to be in New Jersey, we're going to be in Dallas, we're going to be in Chicago, new York, boston, north Carolina, vegas. We're really excited with this partnership with Lifetime. They want qualified trainers and that's why they partnered with us. The show up in a CPT is accepted at all 170 Lifetime gyms. You get it at extreme discount as well. It's $199 if you work at Lifetime. If you're an alpha instructor or any group X, it's $199. As of today, may 22nd 2024, the show up in a CPT is $499. Next quarter we're going to bump it up. Next quarter it's out by the end of the year. It's going to be similar to the level zero certification, because the level zeros don't set you up for success.

Speaker 1:

You're chasing more specializations, you're not gaining hands-on learning. You're confused. You take a photo with your fucking cert and you're like yeah, I'm certified. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Or, even worse, as someone said to me the other day, I've been training for 10 years. I know more about most of these trainers out here. That's scary because that's anecdotal. Just because you may be in better shape than a trainer doesn't mean you know how you got in better shape. I got a great idea let's all go to Lance Armstrong and cure testicular cancer. No, you go to the doctor who worked with Lance Armstrong. So that's part of the frustration with this industry.

Speaker 1:

You got bros that are on T. You have bras that are on T. They have all this crazy cocktail they're taking and they're psychopaths because they're in the gym for four, six, eight hours per day eating tilapia and green beans because they're obsessed with it. They're literally psychopaths. There's a great book from a professor at Harvard talking about psychopaths and how it's a spectrum. A lot of doctors are like on that spectrum of being psychotic because they're so neurotic with things that they do, but they're just not on that Ted Bundy side where they're actually killing people. And so trainers are on that spectrum. We're psychopaths. You're listening to this right now.

Speaker 1:

You probably have in with reach some sort of healthy snack, a water bottle. You have a gym bag next to you. You're a fucking weirdo. You work out all the time. You think and breathe this stuff. I do too. But you have to remember the rest of the world, doesn't? They have chips, they have soda. I saw someone the other day at Starbucks get a lemon cake and some crazy cocoa, muffin, cocoa whatever drink they're getting 1250 calories, literally a sugar cocktail. And I was like holy shit, that's crazy. I would never think about getting that, but that's what the average person gets. So when you have a crazy neurotic gym fanatic, get a level zero certification. They're going to give you their anecdotes. Yeah, bro, you want to get jacked, but you got to do arms for two hours on Monday and you got to do abs for an hour. Afterwards, come back to the gym later on and do an hour of fucking calves and, by the way, you want to walk in an incline for another hour and then just get this six pack lunch bad and prepare all your meals. People don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Most of our clients are going to be eating out 5, 10, 15 times per week. That's why we implement the CCA, because it's more effective than straight sets that the average bro is doing for 17 hours in the gym. This is specific to helping general population, and so you're not only going to learn how to program, but you're going to get a lot into the biopsychosocial model of pain and we get a lot into soft tissue manipulations. This last weekend we got into the upper traps. We got into the pec, minor infraspinatus how to get into these areas so we can desensitize them. Help with mobility Then we're going to address mobility deficits.

Speaker 1:

We will get into strengthening exercises we did some great ones from Dr Waterbury this weekend and then we're going to review a swift analysis your strengths, your weaknesses, from the business side. What are things that you can improve, implement, innovate? What are fears right now that you have? What's holding you back from becoming successful? And then what's your trajectory one year from now, five years from now? But also there's another T threats. So we get you to think bigger. We're going to pair you up with other trainers. Trainers have been doing it for a long time, but also newer trainers, so you get to see both sides of that lens. You get to ask questions to fitness professionals who are doing what you want to do.

Speaker 1:

I've owned numerous gyms. I have numerous streams of revenue. I've been in the game for 20 plus years. I have a ton of connections. I give you stories. We give you stories that are going to help you visualize your success. Day two you come back. We got into the Steko method, which is a really cool soft tissue mobilization of the knee. We got in the second part of the CCA. We have lunch. You get to shoot the shit with people and just have a really, really great time. You're learning how to get your clients out of pain, but you're also learning how to program and level up your business and that's why the show fitness seminars are the best out there. Again, I'm a little biased, but if you've not got to one, show up this year 2024. I guarantee you, in two days you will learn more than any level. Zero textbook, certification, money back guarantee. We have payment plans.

Speaker 1:

You literally are just scared about achieving your success. Getting to the top of the mountain is scary. You have those ants, automatic negative thoughts that are holding you back. We're going to push you out of them. We're going to hold you accountable. We're going to get you to think bigger, but it's not going to be like one of these fucking business coaches who's yelling at you telling you to take your shirt off. Oh, the reason you're not successful? Because you're not jacked. Shut up, dude, don't listen to those dipshits. Anyway, we're going to get you to level up your skills, become more confident, network with other people and really focus on what your success looks like, whether if you're doing one-on-one at $50 per hour, one-on-one at $150 per hour, if you're at an Equinox for a lifetime and anytime fitness EOS crunch, or if you're independent or you have a garage gym or you're online. This seminar and our seminar tour is going to change the fitness landscape from here on out, especially with the strength and numbers behind lifetime. We've been to two of their gyms Miami and Sacramento.

Speaker 1:

My BHAG Big, hunky, audacious Goals. Taken from Jim Collins in his great book From Good to Great, analyzing the best companies of the last 50 years. He had BHAG as Big, hairy, audacious Goals. I don't like that. It's kind of creepy. So I changed to Hairy, to Hunky.

Speaker 1:

My BHAG is to get to every single one of the lifetimes, and they have 13 planned for 2025. So that means 283, sorry, 183. I want to get to them all. And our next one, new Jersey. We're going to have my book. Finally, I will have the new volume, which will be a workbook so you can follow along while you're in the seminar, taking notes, writing out the acronyms, knowing the 17 muscles of the shoulder, 20 of the lower body, 14 around the knee, how to get your clients out of pain by regressing and progressing, learning the coolest fun, engaged trainer warmups.

Speaker 1:

Really excited about how the seminars have shaped up from when I first did them over two years ago. We had three people show up and now we're consistently getting between 15 and 20. We're going to cap them out around 40, because that's what the capacity is. We'll always have two instructors there this next one you're going to see, josh and Katie. I will be there. We'll have a happy hour on Saturday night. You get to hang out, you can see the belt buckle, flex a little bit, have fun. Most importantly, build a great community. Let us know what you think about today's podcast. Make sure to leave it a five-star review Put in your story so more trainers can get exposed to being a qualified level one show-up fitness CPT. Have a great day y'all. Remember, keep showing up.

Fitness Seminars and Effective Personal Training
Maximizing Trainer Success Through Seminars
Expanding Fitness Seminars and Community