Let's Chat with Will & Tony

SEG 4 of 4 - Values & Traditions - Embracing the Quirks of Daily Wonders and the Soothing Essence of Water: A Journey Through Life's Simple Riches

Let's Chat with Will & Tony

Have you ever chuckled at the whimsy of expressions like "holy cow" or scratched your head at the sight of Braille on drive-thru ATMs? Well, jump into our latest banter where Will and I unravel these everyday oddities with a dash of humor. But it's not all giggles—we take a turn towards the heart, sharing tales of joy found in life's unassuming corners. From makeshift backyard campouts to tranquil strolls among nature's tapestry, we reveal how the richest memories often come with the humblest price tags. It's about the warmth of companionship, the sparks of creativity in our bonds, and the unforgettable imprints they leave.

Meanwhile, the conversation flows like a river to the subject of our innate bond with water, a muse of poets and a balm for the weary soul. We ponder its soothing embrace, the harmonies it sings, and the tranquil refuge it offers—a dance of reflection and sound that may just echo our earliest memories from the womb. As you tune in, let us take you on a sensory journey through the power of water and its ability to wash over us with serenity. No need for snorkels or flippers; just let Will and Tony guide you through this deep dive into the essence of what makes life truly extraordinary.

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Speaker 1:

Common Sense Advice for Life. Let's chat Now. Here's Will Kesley and Tony Pack. Yee-haw, there we are. That's my new word yee-haw, yee-haw, yee-haw for life. Have you ever wondered why cowboys say yee-haw? No, okay, I haven't either.

Speaker 2:

I just figured you had some wisdom on this one, Tony. Where were we on?

Speaker 1:

I got no wisdom. I got nothing. I got nothing on that. Have you ever wondered why certain things like we say like ah PU, what does P?

Speaker 2:

and U have anything to do with something stinking, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and we say things like holy cow yeah, holy cow, that's great.

Speaker 2:

Maybe that has connotation to, I don't know, india or something India is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because they're holy to the cows.

Speaker 2:

Cows are holy.

Speaker 1:

But why would you use that Like? I'm so shocked? Holy cow, I don't know, Because you saw a holy cow in these. Oh, that's a holy cow. Yeah, I don't get it. You know that's those kind of questions Like here's Well, I do everyone's while you look them up.

Speaker 2:

What I'm saying is I don't know of the ones you're asking.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, hey, welcome back to the show. So let's chat with Will and Tony. We're talking about some paradigms, paradigm shifts, but speaking of the shifts in life, yeah, as I got off on this topic, have you ever wondered why there's Braille marks on the ATM drive-up window?

Speaker 2:

Why there's what Braille marks. Oh Braille.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's required by law. An ATM at a drive-up window has to have Braille marks on it. Oh yeah, and you're asking the question. Wait a second.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yes, People are like well, because the blind guy's going to drive up to the ATM window and he's going to need to use the Braille marks.

Speaker 2:

Well, maybe they're the passenger and they pull them up to the window and use the Braille marks.

Speaker 1:

They're in the wrong side of the car.

Speaker 2:

They're in the backseat being driven, okay, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm just saying.

Speaker 2:

I'm doing my best.

Speaker 1:

Why the law says, like the Walmart that's open 24 hours a day. On the door it says these doors must remain open during business. It's like why do we have that law that requires them to tell people the door must remain open? They're open 24 hours a day. Okay, sorry, I've digressed and it's You've digressed. I don't even know what we're talking about. Yeah, we say things like PU and Holy Cow and it doesn't make any sense to me.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, hey, I didn't want to catch up Cultural norms have not been evaluated.

Speaker 1:

So we got this call. Caller said, hey, will Tony? This is really great, Tony, you got to go to Mexico and stuff like that. But you know, not all of us are that rich. And I thought, ah, she just hit on a point that I think we need to address. Going to Mexico isn't the issue like well rich, so I can do these.

Speaker 2:

That's not the issue. That's not the point at all.

Speaker 1:

You just have to choose that as one to go to right.

Speaker 2:

So it was interesting. While I was in Mexico, I witnessed a number of couples that were having not the best of times and they were in high levels of conflict in Mexico. So one of the things I think about you know, some of my favorite times with my wife or with my spouse was doing things that cost nothing, like throwing on the backpack and going out to the woods or, you know, walking down the park, spending half a day walking through the park.

Speaker 1:

One of my funnest dates is setting up my tent in the backyard and going camping with my wife in the backyard.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see that Something you can do. You're still right there. Put the kids to bed. Put the kids to bed and you go camp right, we go camp backyard.

Speaker 2:

So the point is, you know we talk about money. One of these days we got to do a whole show on money because money is one of those crazy topics that people get wrong I think all over the world is. But when you talk about money, you know once you get past the basic needs like where you have it Food, water, shelter, food, water, shelter you have enough money to pay for those things. Money is almost irrelevant to your happiness. I mean whether you're talking about dating or talking about vacations. Whether you're talking about, I mean, some of my wife's most precious vacations in our entire life were ones that cost us almost nothing.

Speaker 1:

Whether you're staying in the Taj Mahal or in a tent in your backyard, it doesn't change the 50 minutes you have to sit and look at each other in the eyes and talk. Yeah, it's the same conversation, and that's exactly. It's the same hug.

Speaker 2:

It could have been. We could have been anywhere. Yeah, we could have had all those same conversations and all that same connection. We could have been anywhere. You know, fortunately it was fun in Mexico and don't get me wrong, it was fun to see another culture and see some of those things. That's great.

Speaker 1:

What made it fun is your commitment to each other.

Speaker 2:

It could have been a horrible vacation if we were down there fighting the whole time and down there, not connected and on our phones and just taking our you know whatever baggage we had there and taking it down there it would have been. It could have been a nightmare. It didn't matter about the place or the money you spend or anything. It's about the connection and about getting out there and having some fun with your spouse, being creative, being fun with each other and enjoying each other.

Speaker 1:

And let loose a little bit. Absolutely. I know, like you were saying that you wanted to go into golfing but it was super expensive. And here's your wife, who is a blue personality, who are concerned about you know, we don't waste money. And you're like, hey, I don't, you know. And yet she's saying, tony, go play, yeah, go play. She cut through that and said, look, just go play, go enjoy, you enjoy your time. I have to give you kudos, and her kudos as well, for doing that, because it's out of your social norm, but it's what we committed to each other, it's what you'll enjoy.

Speaker 1:

Let each other have that chance. We don't have to hold onto those things so tight that we rob from each other the things that make us happy as we kind of close up the show. It's good A couple of minutes. I got to ask this the other day. It's like well, give me a couple of things in life that can make me just simple, things Like you get all your philosophizing stuff and it makes my head hurt.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I said that we're gonna make it simple Cut down to the chase.

Speaker 1:

That's good. Maybe you ought to get less stressed and it wouldn't hurt so much. Get down to the chase, they said. Well, what's the one thing?

Speaker 2:

One thing.

Speaker 1:

One thing, okay, and I pounded it for a minute right and I kind of thought of my own life, you know, after I got cancer and I tried to die and I've tried a couple of times since I got to where I no longer wake up and dread the day, meaning this when I wake up in the morning, I honestly in my heart, my wife and I have this thing we put our finger up and it doesn't mean like, you're number one.

Speaker 1:

It means that One more day I literally wake up with gratitude that I got one more day to do something special.

Speaker 2:

It's funny. In your statement you said the word that I was thinking when you asked the question. First thing that popped in my mind was gratitude. Yeah, if you can find a way to be grateful for something in your life each day, you'll end up loving life. Life becomes much more pleasurable the more you can look and say thank you for this day, thank you for the air I breathe, thank you for this life I'm living. It changes a lot of things about you, doesn't it? Thank you for my spouse, thank you for my kids, thank you for the car I have to drive, thank you for the bike I ride, thank you for the shoes I have. Right, yeah, again, financial wellbeing aside, there's just being here, on standing on two feet.

Speaker 2:

You can be grateful, right? Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Here's my three things. I gave them All right. You ready for this? Yeah, I'm here, I'm ready. I said number one. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing I want out of your mouth when you see somebody is to say the word good morning, hmm good morning. Right, Like we say, I'm grateful one more day Wake up and say good morning. Don't wake up like how was your day? I didn't sleep very well. I got so much to do today.

Speaker 2:

You're my bad Curtis, I'm gonna look at my phone.

Speaker 1:

I don't want you to even touch your phone. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning you see somebody. Even if there's nobody around you, you're gonna say out loud good morning. Hmm, okay, just practice it. Number two I want you to then go celebrate something. It could be anything. Just celebrate today for something. Yeah, that has that roots and gratitude right and the last thing I'm gonna leave you with and this is gonna be a weird one go touch water, Go touch water, Touch water.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's easy one for me. You're like what do you mean by Jump in the shower?

Speaker 1:

Jump in the shower, go wash your hands, put some on your face, go dip your toes in the tub. Just go touch water. You went to Mexico. I guarantee you you went and touched water. Oh yeah, I was water every day multiple times. Yeah, yeah, there is something very special that goes on and we don't know what it is about. Just touching water, huh, something about the touch.

Speaker 2:

It's the sound of water too.

Speaker 1:

I think it might have something to do with the womb. We're born in this water, in this environment. We're used to just get into some water and see what it does Emotionally for you as you commit this going. I'm just gonna touch some water Interesting. We're out of time.

Speaker 2:

All right, I love it. Let's go make us run.

Speaker 1:

All right, good to see you, tony. Good to see you, and we will be back soon. Yeah, go check out our podcast. It's up on all the famous podcast place. It's called let's Chat with Will and Tony podcast. That's right.

Speaker 2:

You love to hear your thoughts. See you to find All right.

Speaker 1:

See y'all, bye-bye, Bye-bye.