Dream Power Radio

Dr. G. Rex Kruhly - The Quantum Leap: How Depth Healing Can Change Your Reality

February 18, 2024 Debbie Spector Weisman
Dr. G. Rex Kruhly - The Quantum Leap: How Depth Healing Can Change Your Reality
Dream Power Radio
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Dream Power Radio
Dr. G. Rex Kruhly - The Quantum Leap: How Depth Healing Can Change Your Reality
Feb 18, 2024
Debbie Spector Weisman

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Most of you are aware of quantum physics and how we can use some of it concepts for greater self-awareness and understanding. But did you also realize that harnessing quantum energy techniques can be used for personal healing as well?

     This is a topic we go into detail with on this episode with scientist, mystic and healer Dr. G. Rex Kruhly, who has pioneered a creative way to harness the processes behind quantum physics to change our thought patterns and beliefs. His unique technology enables users to rid themselves of negative thought patterns in all areas of their lives, resulting in transformative changes in both physical and mental well-being. In this lively discussion Dr. G reveals:

·      the science behind what he calls “depth healing’

·      how depth healing works and who can benefit from it

·      why you think the way you do

·      the new way to think about energy

·      the processes that rule your life and how to reprogram them for greater success

·      how to eliminate negative thinking forever

·      success stories that will change your beliefs about your own reality

What would your life be like if you were able to change long held negatively almost instantly? Find out how by listening to this transformative episode of Dream Power Radio.

With over half a century devoted to an eclectic blend of disciplines, Dr. G. Rex Kruhly is a luminary in the realms of Quantum Science, Personal Development, Martial Arts, and Spiritual Mysticism. As the visionary behind Depth Healing Technology, he has pioneered a revolutionary process that employs cutting-edge quantum physics to free individuals from the chains of cognitive dissonance that linger in their subconscious.
     It isn't just about erasing negative thought patterns, traumas, or limiting beliefs. Dr. Kruhly's unique methodology, tapping into the Quantum Unified Field, propels clients to a state of heightened consciousness and vibration. By aligning them with their genuine purpose and essence, he ensures their journey is one of profound transformation, optimum health, and success, regardless of their life's challenges.
     Ever ready to delve deep, Dr. G. Rex Kruhly frequently addresses topics ranging from breaking the cycle of chronic anxiety and navigating the intricacies of business challenges to the marvels of brain reprogramming and holistic cellular detox. His insights on PTSD, reshaping one's self-identity, and healing fractured relationships through the lens of Applied Quantum Physics have garnered acclaim.
     Explore the transformative depths of quantum healing with Dr. Kruhly on episodes such as "Overcoming Financial Blocks: An Expert's Guide to Reprogramming Your Mind," "From Trauma to Triumph: Navigating Post-Traumatic Stress," and "Healing Strained Relationships: A Journey to Emotional Freedom."
     For those eager to dive even deeper, Dr. Kruhly's digital portal beckons. Click through to a treasure trove of content — from enlightening podcasts and articles to instructional videos — all geared towards guiding you to your best self. Venture further by booking private sessions with Dr. Kruhly, ensuring a personalized journey to self-realizati

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And if you want more ways to find joy in your life, check out my website thedreamcoach.net for information about my courses, blogs, books and ways to create a life you love.

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I'd love to know what you think of this episode. Text me here.

Most of you are aware of quantum physics and how we can use some of it concepts for greater self-awareness and understanding. But did you also realize that harnessing quantum energy techniques can be used for personal healing as well?

     This is a topic we go into detail with on this episode with scientist, mystic and healer Dr. G. Rex Kruhly, who has pioneered a creative way to harness the processes behind quantum physics to change our thought patterns and beliefs. His unique technology enables users to rid themselves of negative thought patterns in all areas of their lives, resulting in transformative changes in both physical and mental well-being. In this lively discussion Dr. G reveals:

·      the science behind what he calls “depth healing’

·      how depth healing works and who can benefit from it

·      why you think the way you do

·      the new way to think about energy

·      the processes that rule your life and how to reprogram them for greater success

·      how to eliminate negative thinking forever

·      success stories that will change your beliefs about your own reality

What would your life be like if you were able to change long held negatively almost instantly? Find out how by listening to this transformative episode of Dream Power Radio.

With over half a century devoted to an eclectic blend of disciplines, Dr. G. Rex Kruhly is a luminary in the realms of Quantum Science, Personal Development, Martial Arts, and Spiritual Mysticism. As the visionary behind Depth Healing Technology, he has pioneered a revolutionary process that employs cutting-edge quantum physics to free individuals from the chains of cognitive dissonance that linger in their subconscious.
     It isn't just about erasing negative thought patterns, traumas, or limiting beliefs. Dr. Kruhly's unique methodology, tapping into the Quantum Unified Field, propels clients to a state of heightened consciousness and vibration. By aligning them with their genuine purpose and essence, he ensures their journey is one of profound transformation, optimum health, and success, regardless of their life's challenges.
     Ever ready to delve deep, Dr. G. Rex Kruhly frequently addresses topics ranging from breaking the cycle of chronic anxiety and navigating the intricacies of business challenges to the marvels of brain reprogramming and holistic cellular detox. His insights on PTSD, reshaping one's self-identity, and healing fractured relationships through the lens of Applied Quantum Physics have garnered acclaim.
     Explore the transformative depths of quantum healing with Dr. Kruhly on episodes such as "Overcoming Financial Blocks: An Expert's Guide to Reprogramming Your Mind," "From Trauma to Triumph: Navigating Post-Traumatic Stress," and "Healing Strained Relationships: A Journey to Emotional Freedom."
     For those eager to dive even deeper, Dr. Kruhly's digital portal beckons. Click through to a treasure trove of content — from enlightening podcasts and articles to instructional videos — all geared towards guiding you to your best self. Venture further by booking private sessions with Dr. Kruhly, ensuring a personalized journey to self-realizati

Support the Show.

Don't miss a single episode! By clicking the "Support the Show" link, you can subscribe to my podcast and get sneak previews of upcoming episodes, bonus material and special giveaways designed to uplift your dreaming life.

And if you want more ways to find joy in your life, check out my website thedreamcoach.net for information about my courses, blogs, books and ways to create a life you love.

Announcer (00:00:04) - This is Dream Power Radio. The place where your dreams turn into reality. Here is your host, Debbie Spector Weisman.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:00:13) - Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to Dream Power Radio. I'm your host, Certified Dream-Life Coach Debbie Spector Weisman. This is a place where we talk about dreams, both daytime and nighttime dreams, and how you can use them to make the eternal shift to a life you love and rediscover the truth of who you really are. As many of you regular listeners know, I first became aware of quantum science, quantum energy, and quantum entanglement through my work on the film, "What The Bleep Do We Know!?" Up until then, I'd be living a life, as I like to say, as a total fatalist, certain that I was a victim to life's whims and that there was nothing I could do to change that. Well, that movie turned everything around for me. It made me realize all the possibilities that could be mine if I opened my eyes wide enough to see them.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:01:03) - My guest today, Dr. G. Rex Kruhly, understands how applying quantum physics can transform us from skeptics immersed in negative thinking to becoming one with optimal health, success, and emotional freedom. Dr. G's depth healing techniques help his clients achieve a state of heightened consciousness and vibration, which allows them to see everything life has to offer them. Welcome to Dream Power Radio, Dr. G.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:01:29) - Thank you very much. I'm very honored to be here.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:01:32) - Oh, I'm honored to have you on. I think it's going to be a very interesting conversation. I'm going to start with this, Dr. G.  I think when most people hear the words quantum physics or quantum anything, their eyes glaze over from the thought of those days struggling over science in high school. So could you explain in layman's terms how quantum science can help us live our dream lives?


G. Rex Kruhly (00:01:55) - That's an interesting way to word the question. That's a big topic. So folks, basically speaking, and then like she said layman's terms when you're looking at things. When you look at the world anything it doesn't matter whether it's the political world, the business world, the cities.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:02:17) - What you're looking at is energy. It's not things. The trick, the problem for human beings, is the way our eyes and brain work in this world. We see things and we feel things as things. And when we're experiencing the world like that, everything controls us. Or we can be a victim of things and all. It makes the division. But it's actually an illusion. But when they found quantum physics, they're able to see the fields of energy. So they have the machines now and the technology they can look at. For instance, atoms. When we were little kids, they used to teach us that an atom is like a thing, and then the little electrons are running around it. That's not true. The nucleus itself, and all it is, is looks like gas. It's an energy field. That's the actual reality. So what does that mean? Well, if you understand how consciousness works, because everything is energy and consciousness creates reality, basically if you start to understand that it gives you freedom and possibility to do things differently.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:03:31) - And then the universe runs by two things. It runs by many things. But fundamentally for us, you can think about two things: Perception and resonance. Resonance gives you everything you have and everything you're never going to have. Just  anything that is vibrating at the same frequency. They blend, come together, meet each other, etc., etc., etc.. That includes money, lovers, health, war, you name it. It comes by resonance. What gives you the resonance? What gives you the frequency? Your perception? What gives you your perception? Your subconscious mind? That is where the difficulty comes in. Because subconscious mind first entire six years does not belong to us, and it forms the software that you use for the remainder of your life. By the time the frontal cortex of your brain starts at the age of seven, you have approximately 10 quadrillion bits of information that don't belong to you. All you did was recorded and absorb it at a rate of 40 million bits of information per second.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:04:42) - That's why there's so much. We're designed like that as a survival mechanism. If you're born on the Amazon delta in a tent, you need very different software from a guy or a girl that's born in Manhattan, New York. So that's the way our brain is developed. But the problem is, as you get educated, once it turns on and the brain starts thinking and deciding and choosing, it's doing so relative to its database. Just like when you're on a computer and you want to search information, you go to the Google Cloud. The Google Cloud is the subconscious mind. That's the database. And you punch in your question. That's the frontal cortex. It references through to Google and whatever Google gets; everybody believes that's how they can manipulate you. You would type in a question, and you get an answer, and you trust it. Same thing with your brain and your subconscious mind. So where I come in. I can go in and change the subconscious mind.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:05:50) - When I change it, it changes your perception. It changes your perception from a negative to a positive. Your frequency goes up. When your frequency goes up, what you're attracting, experiencing and everything goes up. The higher the consciousness, the greater the world that and universe that the person is experiencing, the lower the consciousness, the more horrible or difficult or dark the world or universe they're experience. It's all relative. Does that answer your question?


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:06:25) - It does for starters. But then you can change a person's subconscious. How do you do it?


G. Rex Kruhly (00:06:35) - Oh that's a good question. So I have empowerments to do my work because I'm in Thailand. My clients are dotted all over the world. All I have to do is see your face. You tell me what I need to change, and I'll change it from here in real time. How do I do that? The field is continuous and neither time nor distance matters. You could be off to go.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:07:00) - I don't care, I'd still remove your headache or change your love life or whatever. Doesn't make any difference. How do I do that is frequent with two different kinds of frequencies. There is if you look it up, you'll see if you look up destructive interference waves, the destructive interference waves. This is something, say a negative and it has a certain frequency. And the frequency when you if you draw it, it goes like this. It looks like a wave. So a destructive interference wave when this one is going up, this one's going down. They're equal but in exact opposite frequency. When they meet each other, they cancel to zero. There's a constructive interference wave. When they meet, they magnify and grow. So what I do is I can talk to your subconscious mind, the quantum field. And I'm connected with the divine. Everything I do comes through the divine, from the divine. All I am is a channel. Always remember that.  Don't think that I'm some kind of powerful man.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:08:07) - No no no. I'm just a chant, but I'm specially empowered to be the chant. What is an empowerment mean? Our image means that the healer or the person has been qualitatively altered or enhanced to channel the huge frequencies or energies non-destructively to me. So when it when it comes through me to you, it doesn't hurt my nerves, my nervous system, my body. If I'm not properly empowered, like a lot of these fools that that don't know what they're doing, and they start playing around with energies and Kundalini and they're not properly condition, they can die. They can fry their brain right out of their head. They can destroy their nervous system. Like, do you ever want to see what you can, what can happen the wrong way? Just read the book Kundalini by Gopi Krishna. As Gopi Krishna had the Kundalini rise when he was not prepared. And that was it. That was the. Just read that book. Because energy is nothing to play with. So I have these I have these empowerments.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:09:29) - You call me up and you say, I can't make money. I know because that was me for 30 years. I have the PhD, I have the MBA, I have all the plans I got. Nothing works. It never works. It always fails. Why? So they call me up. And all I do is look for cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a 1 to 1 million ratio. That means the frontal cortex, which is extremely weak, has the power one and only processes for 4040 bits of information per second. This one the subconscious, 40 million bits of information per second. So this this entrepreneur. He knows everything. He's got all his Ys, he's done, he's got. It's all there. He's done like a hundred Tony Robbins seminars and the whole nine yards. Nothing ever worked is because when he was three years old, or it might even be in the womb in the third trimester, and his dad or his mom or somebody said something that he recorded, and that's something she says, you can't ever think that you'll never succeed, and he never will, ever, until or unless that dissonance is removed. .


G. Rex Kruhly (00:10:51) - Now you can try brain reprogramming. But it will not remove the dissonance. Brain reprogramming is an overlay. I do that too, but it only overlays about 40%. The dissonance is still in there. So if an environmental trigger, some kind of an event or a site,  opens up that that negative program, it'll shut them down. Period. And that happens to millions and millions of people. So all I do is I go, I can go right in, surgically find exactly when and where and at what age you got that program or that imprint. I disintegrated using destructive interference waves. And then your system tells me which constructive interference wave to replace it with. Your system and your higher self tell me what to do. I'm not involved, so I just talk, ask the questions. You open all your files yourself. I show you how I do it. Very simple. And then when the file is open, the information is exposed. And then I can--as long as I can find it-I can disintegrate it so then their dissonance wave changes.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:12:19) - So does this happen instantaneously?


G. Rex Kruhly (00:12:22) - Yeah. In real time. In real time.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:12:24) - And if somebody comes to you with multiple problems, are you able to clear them all at the same time or is a one at a time?


G. Rex Kruhly (00:12:36) - What I do is this. That's why my session takes two hours. So I the first hour, all I'm doing is gathering all of the information and as much entanglement as I can. And that includes people, places, geophysical locations, everything that is relevant as far as the client knows. And I clear it all at the same time. So that includes a whole bunch of family members or children or all of them receive healing at the same time relative to the question we're asking. That's the key to understanding. So let's say it's a cancer. Cancer is a big message that it's such an important matter. And the person has never been getting the message. So they may develop a cancer to make them listen. That's why the cancer is there. Now, let's say that this is a development that spans over 20 years. I had breast cancer myself from rage. So I had rage for about 20, 30 years. And it all had to do with what I was just telling you, right? I attended all the seminars on wealth and everything, and I have all kinds of degrees and all that stuff, and I never could make a dime because I didn't know about cognitive dissonance till I met Dr. Larry Oberst after I was a licensed doctor in Georgia. He's the one who taught me the basis of what I do now.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:14:08) - So I'm going to cut you short here because we do have to take a break. We're speaking all about depth healing with Dr. Rex Crowley, and we'll be right back.


Announcer (00:14:56) - Welcome back to Dream Power Radio with your host, Debbie Spector Weisman.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:15:02) - Yes. Welcome back to Dream Power Radio. I'm your host, Debbie Spector Weisman, and we're talking all about depth healing with Dr. G. Rex Kruhly. Well, Dr. G, my understanding that one of the components of depth healing came when you were empowered as a Diksha Blesser. So what is Diksha, and would depth healing work without it?


G. Rex Kruhly (00:15:25) - Oh, no. Depth healing will work without it. But  Diksha is the real game changer. What is Diksha? Diksha was given to humanity, the general humanity. For the first time in the history of humanity, I believe 1987.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:15:49) - Diksha has always existed, but it was always reserved for only the most elite people, like the top student of Buddha or Jesus disciples. Diksha is just a term from India for the transfer. What it means is that it's from it's from the divine itself. So if you love Jesus, it'll be Jesus that will give you the teacher through me. If you love Buddha, Krishna, if you love there just a great compassion, like if it's Archangel Michael, whatever it is doesn't matter. It'll channel through me into their brain. This has been studied by functional brain scans at the University of Pennsylvania many years ago now. And at that time the Diksha was much weaker than it is now. What it does is it opens up the frontal cortex like a Roman torch, especially the left prefrontal cortex, and then it starts to disassemble the areas in the brain along the period lobes responsible for things like worry, fear, anger, triggers all of that stuff. It starts to dissolve. Only Diksha will continue working, at least for six months, and it's accumulative.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:17:10) - The more detail you get, the stronger it gets. So it's the divine. And then what? It's what its purpose is, is to awaken you, stop your suffering and your worry, your fear, and awaken you and build your bond with your divine. With the divine. So I'm the living proof of this. Like I said, I lived in a state of rage, literal rage. 20, 30 years and that's all gone. All my triggers, I mean, I have. I used to have a temper if you'd ever saw me.  I'm a martial specialist first and foremost. I've been carrying three samurai lineages now for about 46 years. I used to teach United States military how to destroy a human target with their bare hands for a long time. Then I became a doctor. I have almost no triggers or temper at all. And that's all because of desire. And so I started. I found Diksha in 2013, and then Diksha is like a prayer on steroids.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:18:15) - So every month I do a free service as my service to  God, to the divine or people. It's free, takes about 30-35 minutes, and all I do is give them Diksha and what they do for that, that service. They write out what they want from God informally with ink, and it's written in present tense. So it's like you're thanking God that you have or that you are so that it's in present tense, and then they'll receive the Diksha, and it's because it's a collective picture. It's exponentially more powerful. Then they keep that prayer enfolded carefully, like, thank you on the back of it, and you put it in the safe place and the divine will answer it for you. The only thing I can't tell you is when, when, or how. But the divine will answer that prayer. If it's sincere, they will answer. I am not a real mystic. Title of a mystic is a very high title, but I have mystic connections, so I'm a I'm a combo depth healing platform is a combo of mysticism and the divine and quantum science, cutting edge quantum science.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:19:37) - And I call it applied quantum physics as I make it happen now. Period. End of story.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:19:44) - All right. Good. I want to go back to something that you said earlier. I can understand how the steps healing can deal with mind issues like stress or anxiety or relationship issues, things like that. But you also said that it worked with cancer. So how does it work with a physical illness?


G. Rex Kruhly (00:20:02) - Yeah. Okay. I'll give you a case study of very severe chronic Lyme's spanning over 30 years. This lady's life was just destroyed, and I removed the Lyme disease immediately. So Lyme disease is the same process. It has the signature frequency. So like let's say you have a submarine in the Pacific Ocean somewhere and you want to blow it up. So the ocean is the subconscious mind. And in the subconscious minds are submarine. That submarine or the lives. It's let's say in her case, the Pacific Ocean is her body temple comprised of 50 to 100 trillion cells. And in that body temple, there is a little blip.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:20:49) - It's a certain frequency. That is the Lyme disease. That submarine has a when they use sonar and radar, they find its signature frequency, its signal. And then I just send in, I find out what is what is the frequency that it's vibrating at, and I destructively remove it. Now cancer is different. Cancer is a message, and if you don't get the whole message, you won't be able to stop it. You've got to get the whole message. And that can be easier said than done. But something like Lyme disease, very simple. She got bit by a tick. The same with herpes. Covid. Covid is as easy as pie for me to stop is. Now, they've known this stuff, folks, for way over a hundred years. What I'm saying is not brand new. They just don't want to do it because they lose money, that's all.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:21:57) - Now, if you want to see the validation of what I do in terms of quantum biology, just look up Bruce Lipton. If you want to understand the physics, look up Narsimha Amin, greatest physicist in the world. All I do is I make it happen in real time. That's all. I have the capability to do that. I have the backing of the divine. I channeled the divine directly. That's my power source. And it works. I mean, I have what 98, 99% success rate for over 12 years.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:22:25) - What would you say is the number one issue that you deal with in treating people?


G. Rex Kruhly (00:22:31) - Almost all of my clients are ladies. And the two things that I deal with the most are financial difficulty and loneliness. Being alone and or alone or in a destructive relationship and money is a big problem.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:22:52) - And by finding the frequency that they're at, you're able to change it with frequencies--.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:22:59) - This is something I do like non-stop, say a destructive word. Toxic relationships. 99.9% of the time the lady was sexually abused, raped, or some of them tortured by their own parents or their uncles or their aunts and their brothers, and they have that in their frequency.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:23:22) - So I go in there and I remove it. Once I remove it, that kind of man and that kind of relationship just doesn't happen anymore. See, everything runs in strata. It's what we call morphic fields. Big, large fields, the field when they're when they've been raped or abused and hurt like that, they're vibrating at a, at a low frequency. And so those kind of guys are living in that strata. When you remove that from them and their brain reorganizes their field, reorganizes their here. So they meet this kind of guy. If we take it further, they'll meet this kind of guy. And then the prayer, the Diksha endorses it and takes care of him.

Now, there are some caveats. There are ten programs that run all life. Ten. I handle programs three, four, and five.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:24:33) - Our first program is Past Lives that comes into you at the time of conception, when the sperm enters the egg, and that is dependent on the mindset and consciousness of the of the father mindset, consciousness of the mother. Are they drunk? Are they evolved? What's the geophysical location? Is this on? Is this in a nice, beautiful, romantic spot? Or is it just on the on the ground? And all those things are a resonance, all those resonance frequencies at that moment draw in either good listeners or qualities of past life or bad or both, but is by resonance. The other thing that happens at that moment is the second program. We call it the genetics, but it's not genetics like they think in science. Now genetics actually goes six generations back, certain percentage per like mom and dad, then generation and both sides. And that's where you can get karmic debts and all and curses and all kinds of stuff come in there. I don't have much power there. Program three is conception through the womb, birth, first six hours, is program three. Program four from the end of the first six hours to the end of the first six years. And program five is age seven. When the frontal cortex kicks in to whatever age you are now.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:25:49) - Program six is the global collective program, which is right now about as ugly as it could possibly be. And then the seventh program is the great astrological solar program. Astrology. That's that's very, very powerful. And then the eight program's galactic. Ninth is universal and the 10th is the other realms. Science and people like Nassim Harmeen,  they are not aware of the other realms. They can't see it. But those are the heavens. And that's the divine in the other realms. And the divine comes here to give us a hand from the other realms.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:26:28) - Well, D. G, this has been a fascinating discussion, but I only have time for one last question, which is how can people find out more about you and your work?


G. Rex Kruhly (00:26:38) - Okay, so I have a real great admin named Johnny, and he made me a website. All you gotta do--everything's right there, folks. Just go to depthhealing.org. dot.org. And by the way, because of the way the world is now and with 5G and so forth, it's very important to protect yourself from Wi-Fi.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:27:03) - Wi-Fi is the greatest enemy of health ever. So if you go to products, please take time to look and see the Wi-Fi protection. That Wi-Fi protection actually works. I saw the double-blind experiment results using human tissue samples that was run in Germany, and that's why I bought it for myself. So when you have it on your person, it coats you in a shield of electrons and Wi-Fi cannot penetrate it. The number one thing to have is Wi-Fi protection. It won't interfere with your computer already. It just protects biologic life. Just go to my website. Get Ahold of me directly, and I'll take care of it.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:27:48) - Okay. Well, thank you so much for being on Dream Power Radio today.


G. Rex Kruhly (00:27:53) - Thank you for having me. You have a lovely, lovely evening over there, huh?


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:27:57) - Oh. Thank you. We've been speaking about quantum depth healing with Dr. G. Rex Kruhly. I hope you've enjoyed today's program. If so, please hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any future episodes.


Debbie Spector Weisman (00:28:10) - Until next time, this is Debbie Spector Weisman saying Sweet Dreams, everybody.


Announcer (00:28:15) - You've been listening to Dream Power Radio with your host, Debbie Spector Weisman. For more information on Debbie or to sign up for her newsletter, go to DreamPowerRadio.com. This has been Dream Power Radio.


Physical Illness and Frequency
Quantum Science and Consciousness
Changing Subconscious Programming
Changing Subconscious Mind
Empowerments and Healing
Diksha and Depth Healing
Primary Issues in Treatment
Programs and Other Realms