Dream Power Radio
Dream Power Radio
Peter Canova - Can Ancient Wisdom Transform Our Understanding of Consciousness and Reality?
What is everything we believe to be fact isn’t true? What if what we believe to be our history was manipulated into the opposite of what actually happened? How would our lives be different? Might we be able to alleviate some—or even all—of the things that plague us?
These are some of the ideas I take on with philosopher, historian and author Peter Canova, who takes us on a journey through ideas and concepts that were corrupted over time to lead us to where we are today. Some of Peter’s eye-opening insights include:
· how an ancient sect that saw humanity as connected to source was discredited
· why women were marginalized and robbed of their leadership roles
· how we can still create our own reality
· the way dreams and consciousness can change the way we see ourselves
· how we can shape our perception of reality
· what the scientists have gotten all wrong
· how we can access deeper sources of information
· the role emotion plays in helping us visualize our intentions
· are we real or just a projection of what we believe to be real
Peter’s observations on life can help you unlock your potential and transform your life. Check out what he has to say on this amazing episode of Dream Power Radio.
Peter Canova has thirty-five years of voluminous research behind him in quantum physics, and both mainstream and alternative religious/spiritual traditions with a particular interest in early Christianity. He is a leading expert on Gnostic and other ancient wisdom traditions.
Peter is an author, public speaker and TV show host dealing with such topics as the source of consciousness, parallels between Gnostic mysticism and quantum physics, the Sacred Feminine, Mary Magdalene and the lost women of the Bible, and the secret teachings of Jesus. His skills helped him break down these often complex spiritual and scientific themes into simple and entertaining fiction. Both his non-fictional and fictional writings are a combination of this research and information channeled in his own meditations.
Coming from a successful business background, Peter experienced vivid psychic phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing, psychic healing, and he displayed abilities as an accurate medical intuitive. Spurred by these experiences, he spent much of his life seeking to understand the forces that affect humanity at an unseen level.
Peter shares what he has learned through public speaking as well as non-fictional and fictional writings. His First Souls Trilogy, a series of spiritual thrillers have on an incredible total of 25 national and international literary awards including Nautilus, Writer’s Digest and most recently the Indie Excellence Award for best book series. His newest non-fiction work is Quantum Spirituality.
Website: https://www.petercanova.com/
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Announcer 00:00:04 This is Dream Power Radio, the place where your dreams turn into reality. Here is your host, Debbie Spector. Weisman.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:00:13 Hello, hello, hello and welcome to Dream Power Radio. I'm your host, Certified Dream-Life Coach Debbie Spector Weisman. This is the show where we talk about dreams, both daytime and nighttime dreams, and how you can use them to make the internal shift to a life you love and rediscover the truth of who you really are. A program such as Dream Power Radio would have been pretty much unthinkable before my lifetime. Ideas such as those promoted on this show -things like the power of dreams, the role of mindset, and the rewriting of your stories to create what I like to call your dream life -were for many years considered at best woo woo or more likely thought by many to be simply crazy. But in the past several generations, a revolution of sorts has occurred. More and more people have begun to accept the idea that we have the ability to choose how we live our lives, and that when we open ourselves up to our awareness, we can see the countless possibilities in front of us that we might otherwise not notice.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:01:19 The funny thing is, though, these ideas aren't new. They're concepts and beliefs that go back thousands and thousands of years. This is something my special guest, philosopher, historian, and author Peter Canova, knows all too well. In his multiple award-winning series for Soul Trilogy and the award-winning book Quantum Spirituality. Peter notes how this ancient wisdom explains humanity's purpose, and also offers practical tools for us to create our own realities now. Welcome to Dream Power Radio, Peter.
Peter Canova 00:01:54 Thank you. Good to be with you.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:01:56 Oh, it is my pleasure. Well, Peter, you've written about the ancient sect called the Gnostics and the historical ideas that they represent. Who were they, and what are some of those main beliefs that they sought to teach?
Peter Canova 00:02:10 Well, the Gnostics were really both a pagan and Christian sect. They originally started off as what I would call Judeo Christian pagans. They and I say that because pretty much Gnostic ideas carried over into Christianity, and they were very much related to Kabbalistic Judaism at an earlier stage.
Peter Canova 00:02:32 So Gnostics went through kind of an evolution. They started off, as you would call, more pagan Gnosticism, but they became amongst the first Christians because when Jesus of Nazareth started his ministry, they saw that he was teaching a Gnostic message. And so they became amongst the first Christians. Unfortunately, later on they were expunged by the Roman Catholic Church as it became a little bit more hierarchical and dogmatic. And the reason for that really gets into what I would call their core belief. There were two streams of Christianity very early on. The Gnostic Christianity represented the inner mystical Church. The Orthodox Catholic Church was the outer church that developed into the Church of Hierarchy and dogma and so forth, but for several centuries they coexisted. And the main difference between them was that in the Judeo-Christian conception, which we still have today, we are separate creations from the supreme Source God, the deity. Give it any name you want. It's all the same thing where separate sources, separate creations of God. Kind of like the way Geppetto created Pinocchio, right? I mean, Geppetto was the creator of Pinocchio, was the creation, and there was definitely a distinction between the two of them and all.
Peter Canova 00:03:44 By the way, we did something with Original Sin, and we ticked God off, and now we're forever trying to get back into his good graces. And it's a pretty lowly conception of human beings as these sinners forever trying to catch up in the game of life. While the Gnostics said, no, no, it's not that way at all. We are not creations. God created nothing. God projected us. God emanated us, which means that we are actually part and parcel. We are of the same consciousness as that which projected us, albeit in a much more limited state, a limited frequency or a limited vibration. But that thread going all the way back to the source is inherent in each of us. And though the reason for the limitation is basically the price we pay for individuality, if we didn't have a limited conception of ourselves and thought of ourselves as ourselves, and we had that higher awareness that no, wait a minute, we're really one with the source. Well, we would kind of poof be back in the source, and we wouldn't really be thinking of ourselves very much as individuals.
Peter Canova 00:04:42 So, you know, we are those spirits that became souls. And the difference is spirits really kind of stayed within the harmony and the orbit of God's will, whereas souls kind of went off to explore the universe on their own and create their own story. And, you know, that's been both good and bad. But anyway, that's really the viewpoint that the Gnostics have which distinguish them from mainstream Christianity or Judaism.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:05:07 And would you also say that one of the other distinctions is that they were more about the concept of love, when the orthodoxy was more about fear?
Peter Canova 00:05:18 Well, I do I do think that there's some truth to that, because obviously, being having a conception that we are connected to the source, there's a more intimate connection there. There's more potential and possibility for humanity. And the Gnostic conception of God was good. Evil arises when we stray far enough from the source and forget really where we were from, that we fall into egoistic types of behavior which are sometimes not loving and sometimes really not very beneficial to humanity as a whole.
Peter Canova 00:05:58 And the way I liken it to people to understand is if you can picture a beautiful, pure stream up in the mountains or a lake in the mountains, and this lake kind of flows down the mountain in a waterfall at the top. It's pure. As it flows down the side of that mountain, it gathers more impurities. And so when you get down the bottom, it gets kind of muddy. But it all comes from the same source, right? But the source remains pure at the highest levels. It gets a little bit more corrupted down at the lower levels. And that's kind of how we operate. We are certainly connected to this source, but we're sort of connected in a diluted and kind of corrupted form, which, you know, we can perfect, we can reverse engineer and work our way, back up to that lake. But that's where it takes a little bit of effort on our part.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:06:47 Well, as a practical sense, what does it mean to be connected to the source? I mean, how do we live our lives so that that connection is meaningful?
Peter Canova 00:06:57 .
Peter Canova 00:06:58 There's the trick. Well, I think the first thing is you have to work at it. It's a spirit. You're developing your spiritual self or going on your spiritual path is just like any other form of work. You have to apply yourself and you have to have motivation. That's the problem with most people. Most people just don't have the motivation because they've kind of given up already, you know, God or the source or whatever is something abstract. And then, of course, you've had the rise of scientific materialism, which has been just a destructive as orthodox Christianity in its own sense, because scientific materialism says, oh, you know, God, there's no such thing as God. It's all what we make of it. And it's all here and now and that's it. There's nothing beyond this. And that, to me, is a very destructive way of thinking, because it deviates us from a path of discovery which otherwise could be really beneficial to us. So if you're asking for the practical ways that that happens, well, I think that it varies for every person.
Peter Canova 00:07:56 I mean, I was very fortunate in the sense that I had kind of a spontaneous awakening and started experiencing all kinds of spiritual phenomena, and I don't know why. I don't know why that was my path. Other people have to hit rock bottom. It could be they're alcoholics. They're on drugs. Their lives are just gone down the drain, and they get to the point where they just can't take it anymore, and they either are going to check out or they're going to say, there's got to be a better way than this. Now, some people will turn to things like evangelical Christianity, born again Christianity. Other people will embark on a more spiritual path. I don't knock anybody that turns to evangelical Christianity because it's certainly better than being a drug addict. Although I do think that it has its limitations because when you go that route, the message is, okay, we've got everything here in our little box, and don't stray from our box and we will provide you with answers.
Peter Canova 00:08:52 Whereas spirituality is an open-ended process. If you look at it as a journey or a path, religious, the religions will have you stop at their waystation and say, we've got the answers here, but you got to stay in our box. Whereas spirituality will be an open-ended thing. You go in the front door, and you take what you can, and you go out the back door onto the way station. So in other words, it's open ended because you don't get all the truth from any one source. Truth is a process of growing, and sometimes what you think is the truth is superseded by higher knowledge or higher truth. And that's a spiritual path. You keep yourself open to the fact that there's always something new to learn.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:09:31 And one of the things about the orthodoxy of religion is that it does keep certain things as what they say truths and other things they sort of discount. And one of the ways that they've done this is in the role of women. Gnostics held women in high esteem. But women were actually in many ways written out of the Bible. So why do you think that happened?
Peter Canova 00:09:56 Yeah, well, there's that that most definitely did happen in the early leaders of the Christian movement, which is undoubtedly early Christianity was not called Christianity. If you went back to the very earliest roots of Christianity and you spoke to so-called Christians, they wouldn't know what you were talking about. They were followers of the way. Now, the way sounds like a spiritual path. It sounds like yoga. It sounds Eastern. It's because it was a spiritual path. And that's what Jesus was teaching. He was teaching a path to spiritual awareness. And it was only taught in an oral tradition to certain people. The reason why the church divided into two streams was because the belief back then was that these sacred traditions could not be taught to the masses because they would not understand them, and they would become corrupted and bastardized. As it turns out, that's kind of what happened anyway.
Peter Canova 00:10:45 But we know very clearly from the Bible itself and from the writings of the early Church Fathers that there was an inner mystical teaching, and then there was an outer teaching of the parables for the masses and so forth. So women were very much in the leadership roles, and I suspect it's because generally speaking, women are more intuitive than men are. I mean, that's not always the case, but to a large extent, it is that women approach things more from the heart and from intuition than from the head and from logic. And we had Mary Magdalene and at least seven other six other female disciples who were very prominent but kind of written out of history. And one of the reasons that happened is that when the church was being persecuted by the Roman Empire, they were thinking, well, there's a lot of competing religions in the Roman Empire. And if we can get adopted as the state religion, then things will be a lot better for us. So essentially, they were competing amongst several other religions at the time to be adopted as the state religion of role.
Peter Canova 00:11:41 While the problem there was, with so many females in leadership roles and the society that back then being so patriarchal amongst the Greeks, amongst the Romans, even amongst the Hebrews themselves, they were all very solidly patriarchal societies. Having so many women at the helm of your movement was an embarrassment. So they started slowly moving the women out and kind of expunging them from history. And we even have physical evidence of this because I don't have a picture of it that I can show you. But in Ephesus, which was a magnificent Greco-Roman city that I actually visited, which is now, you know, part of Turkey. It became Turkey later on, but originally all of Asia minor was Greek and then Greco-Roman. In the city of Ephesus. There was a cave above the city that they discovered, and it had a picture of Saint Paul and Saint Philia, who was also called Thecla, and they were side by side. Now Thecla was sitting higher than Paul, which in those days would have indicated that she was more venerated than Paul was.
Peter Canova 00:12:41 And Paul's image was left untouched. Thecla's eyes were chipped out, and also, they were holding their fingers up. Hopefully you can see this. This is a symbol, an ancient Christian symbol that bishops use. It was the sign of the bishop. And it's interestingly enough. You can actually see this sign in certain Buddhist representations. Okay, so there was a universal representation for this. While Thecla was holding this up along with Paul, and her eyes were chipped out and her fingers were chipped out here. And so you can see that over time, this is an actual physical reflection of how they were starting to push women out of the major roles of the church.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:13:21 And was your decision to make one of the central characters in your trilogy a female Pope, sort of a way to amend this historical tragedy?
Peter Canova 00:13:32 She was. Yes, she was a figure. I don't want to give away too much of the storyline here, but she was a figure returned from biblical times to get the message across that she wasn't able to do in her age.
Peter Canova 00:13:46 And it's a very touching story. Pope Annalisa won, I think, ten awards and the trilogy itself, which traces the lives over these different, figures over different epochs of history, one like 25 international, national and international awards. It's a very moving story about how these souls struggled throughout different points of history to find their way back home and to lead humanity back to the home from which we came, from the conscious origins of which we came from. And yes, so it certainly was. Using a female was certainly part of trying to restore the feminine spiritual legacy, which I think is happening anyway. I think that the I intuition working from the heart and things like that, I think is something that is a social phenomenon. I see it happening all over the place. I remember years ago, like 15 or 20 years ago, I used to go to these things like Conscious Life Expo and everything, and I go there, and they'd be like 300 women and me, okay. And now if you go to these things, it's about 50/50.
Peter Canova 00:14:46 And I think that intuition is being more accepted. I think it's making inroads via the whole idea of consciousness and how consciousness operates, even in scientific circles, because we have two things we're operating against here: Orthodox religion and orthodox science, which are both equally harmful. The science has its own orthodoxy, which is ironic because science cut down religion, but now it has an orthodoxy of its own. But that's being undermined. The whole idea that we were just a bunch of random cells that became, from inorganic to organic and then gradually merged in more complexity and formed a human being. It doesn't hold up. It has no scientific basis to it. It's never been proved, and it makes no sense. The thing that makes much more sense is that life was a top down, rather than bottom-up process, where consciousness projected what we see as reality now, and it just answers so many more questions, even eliminates so many scientific paradoxes. When you when you adopt that viewpoint that there's a growing movement in scientific circles.
Peter Canova 00:15:50 Now. now, panpsychism amongst them, which recognizes that degrees of consciousness are present in everything. And I carry that even further in my book Quantum Spirituality, where I'm saying that conscious energy expresses itself in the form of light and subatomic particles which carry intelligent direction, the same way that DNA carries the direction that forms our body, that the consciousness embodied in light has its own form of like DNA or information. And this is another theory coming up now, information theory that that the information embodied the light is literally, literally the DNA of reality, the DNA of the universe.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:16:32 That is fascinating. And we're going to get into that a bit more. But we do have to take a short break. We are speaking about consciousness and ancient wisdom with author Peter Canova, and we'll be right back.
Announcer 00:17:14 Welcome back to Dream Power Radio with your host, Debbie Spector Weisman.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:17:22 Yes, welcome back to Dream Power Radio. I'm your host, Debbie Spector Weisman, and we're talking about consciousness and wisdom with Peter Canova. Well, Peter, you were just talking about the role of consciousness and energy, and you're actually saying that that created life as opposed to life happening from other directions. Can you elaborate on it a bit more?
Peter Canova 00:17:46 Yeah. Essentially, if you understand that the source that created everything is intelligent. It would have to be in order to create anything and that intelligence expresses itself energetically, expresses itself through energy. And what do we experience as energy in this world? Well, primarily photons of light and other subatomic particles. Because without light there would be no reality. I mean, the fact that you and I can see and observe each other and think that we're in a three-dimensional world is all about photons of light bouncing off of things and reflecting back into the cones and rods of our eyes, which register as impressions in the back of our brain.
Peter Canova 00:18:28 So in reality, we don't really know what's out there. There may be no objective reality out there. What we what we experience as reality all happens as a matter of consciousness expressed in the dark recesses of our brains that could simply be reading electromagnetic codes. Now you can accept that or not accept that. But one thing that we have to accept that even science accepts is that in order for us to experience reality, there has to be light. The stars that you see up in the sky at night, what you're looking at is not the way they are now. You're looking at them the way they were billions of years ago, because that's how long it takes the light to, to reach our eyes. So we have to have light in order to see, experience and have the sense of reality. I think almost everybody, even scientists, can agree to that much. I'm carrying it a step further. And what I'm saying is that within light and subatomic particles, that we have instructions, we have information, and information is another rising branch of science, information theory and scientists more and more are starting to talk about reality as systems of information, as algorithms, essentially of information which form the basis of everything we know the multiplicity of everything we know, the sky, the dogs, the cats, the earth, and everything else are different forms of algorithmic information that that create these things.
Peter Canova 00:19:55 And our minds are essentially receptacles of seeing these and experiencing what we consider reality. So that's my view of reality. I also think that it's becoming more widely accepted in scientific circles, maybe amongst a minority right now, but I think it's going to be at one point in time. I think it's going to be a majority because science has never been able to really cope with what they call the hard problem. Now, if you talk to scientists about consciousness, that's what they term consciousness, the hard problem, and they call it the hard problem because they don't understand it. They can't figure it out. In fact, scientists don't even know what energy is. They can manipulate it, but they have no idea where it comes from, and they have no idea what it is. So these ideas that we have about the role of energy, about the role of information and how they mix in with reality, really seem to explain existence in a lot more precise and understandable manner than groping around, trying to say, well, somehow inorganic matter became organic.
Peter Canova 00:20:59 How did that happen? They can't tell you because it didn't happen. I mean, it's all a smoke and mirror thing for scientific materialism not to deal with the hard problem of God or consciousness.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:21:12 And that makes a good story, as opposed to trying to really delve into the whole idea of consciousness and really what it means and how we work with it. Another area where this comes into play is the whole idea of dreamwork, which deals with our unconscious mind when we're sleeping, and that whole idea of dreams having anything to say to us was also an idea that was repressed for hundreds of years. But we do now have scientific and anecdotal evidence about how dreams can shape our reality. So how do you see the role of our dreams?
Peter Canova 00:21:53 Well, I think the nexus here is dreams and consciousness. Dreams are just a form of consciousness. Now, in order for us to think of ourselves as material beings in the material world, we operate under an altered form of consciousness. Because at higher levels of consciousness, as we know, we know that's not true.
Peter Canova 00:22:13 We know we live in a matrix. We know we live in an illusion. And in fact, we can get into this. It's a whole other topic. I don't know if we have time, but there's scientific evidence out there that we do live in a holographic matrix. So in a sense we are like, okay, there was a Star Trek, Star Trek The Next Generation, one of the Star Trek series. They had something called the holodeck on board, where the crew members would go down and they would program an experience. It could be ancient Greece, it could be the Middle Ages, whatever. And it was so real and vivid that they could actually kind of project themselves into it and interrelate with the characters and everything else. Now we're kind of like that. We just forgot that we're the programmers, and we think we're part of the program. And at a certain level of consciousness, we are certainly projecting ourselves into like a dream of reality. And the way this works is if the best way to think of this is if you think of the source consciousness like a power grid, and the source consciousness is the power source.
Peter Canova 00:23:10 And in order to be useful in our households and our businesses and everything else, it has to go through a series of transformers and relay stations in order to be stepped down and energy limited down, stepped down in order to become actually useful. And on a practical basis. Well, we're kind of the same way in terms of consciousness. You look at the source as the powerhouse of energy, where like those relay stations that that operate in a limited basis. So we are part of the stream that projects reality, even though at a much more diluted level. So that New Age thing and I'm not big on a lot of New Agey kind of things, I think they get a little bit out there, but that the whole idea about manifesting has some basis to it, because we most certainly are part of the conscious stream of energy that projects itself down into what we call reality. And that whole idea of projecting consciousness down from a higher level is sort of where dreams come from.
Peter Canova 00:24:07 Because I think, I think when we dream, we push our conscious mind aside and our unconscious starts to become our conscious at that point. Okay, the higher self. And we often talk about talking to entities or contacting entities. Well, to a large extent, we're contacting our own selves at a higher level of beings because we're creatures. We're creatures of multiple existence where we live in a multiverse, in a multiplicity. And a lot of ways we're getting answers from ourselves. So in dreams, I think, it's your own self talking to you to a large extent only when you're sleeping and the conscious mind is lulled, you can start to hear the messages from your subconscious and your unconscious, which during your waking time, you wouldn't even be aware of.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:24:51 Oh yeah, there's something I preach all the time that we have the ability to solve our own problems. We know the answers, that we just have to be aware enough to realize that we have those answers within us.
Peter Canova 00:25:05 I agree with that. In fact, I think all of life is not so much a matter of learning, as much a matter of remembering what we already know.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:25:11 It's certainly to be said another way that you talk about accessing the power of the unconscious mind is through meditation, and meditation can be done in very different ways, different methods. Is there a way that you find meditation the best way to use to gain access to our unconscious mind?
Peter Canova 00:25:34 Well, interestingly enough, you get to a point where I don't even think you have to meditate. I mean, a lot of the insights I had that were incorporated in my books, which later proved out to be validated by geopolitical circumstances. They did an article on Pope Annalisa on how many political and social events that actually predicted over the course of time. I got all those in my waking conscious because at some point I found out the information was bleeding through, and I didn't have to meditate anymore. However, I did start off by meditating, and I do encourage people to meditate because the whole purpose of meditation is to try and steal your conscious mind so that you can get higher sources of information for what you would call your subconscious or your unconscious, or whatever you want to call it, wherever it comes from.
Peter Canova 00:26:21 And meditation certainly is a tried-and-true technique, which I encourage everybody to engage in. And there again, you can't really pin meditation down to one way or another because there is no one way. But I would say, generally speaking, in the book Quantum Spirituality, I go over about a dozen different factors that can help people in their meditative practice things like visualization, imagination, expectation, gratitude. there's about a dozen things in there that if you practice, it will really accelerate a kind of turbocharger meditation. But how you do this, it can be it can vary from individual to individual. So for instance, some people, like in eastern traditions, meditation is often passive. You just sort of steal yourself and sometimes things will come to you. I engage more in what I would call active meditation, where I set an intent before I go into the meditation for something that I want to understand or achieve or accomplish. And I try to visualize circumstances almost like run my head through a movie, like whatever I'm looking for has already been accomplished.
Peter Canova 00:27:32 And that's a big thing. Don't pray. Prayer doesn't work when you when you when you try and implore God and say, oh gee, if I if if I, if you do this for me, I'll be like this. I'll be good. That doesn't work. You can't. You don't petition God or petition the source you visualize. The end result of what you want is if it's already been accomplished and you try and you work yourself into the emotional state of feeling what it would be like to have your goal accomplished and you lead the process, you don't follow the process or beg the process. The more you lead the process, and you instill in your mind that that which I, you know, I'm seeking, I've already really achieved at some level, it's just waiting to fulfill itself at this level. It's been fulfilled at a higher level. Now I'm waiting to fulfill itself at this level. That works okay. And the more emotion you put into an emotion is very key. The more emotion and desire you put into it, the closer you become to achieving it.
Peter Canova 00:28:25 But you can do the Easter meditation and the more passive way, or you can try active meditation. It depends on each person.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:28:35 Yes. And it's wonderful that we have the ability to choose the one that will work best for us, because we all are different, like you say. Peter, how can people find out more about you and your work?
Peter Canova 00:28:48 Yeah, I'm the best thing to do is go to my website Peter canova.com. That's Peter Canova. Com. that's a there's portals there that go to quantum spirituality to go to the trilogy. And they go to my own podcast called Quantum Spirituality. you can find articles and videos that are very educational on there. It's really a wealth of information and I encourage everybody to go there. Even if you don't buy anything, you'll certainly learn something. So check it out.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:29:17 Well, Peter, thank you so much for being on Dream Power Radio today.
Peter Canova 00:29:21 Good to be with you.
Debbie Spector Weisman 00:29:22 We've been speaking about ancient wisdom and consciousness with Peter Canova. I hope you've enjoyed today's program. If so, please hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any future episodes. Until next time, this is Debbie Spector Weisman saying sweet dreams, everybody.
Announcer 00:29:38 You've been listening to Dream Power Radio with your host, Debbie Spector Weisman. For more information on Debbie or to sign up for her newsletter, go to DreamPowerRadio.com. This has been Dream Power Radio.