Redraw Your Path

A Beginner’s Guide to Redrawing Your Path | Ep. 013

March 27, 2024 Lynn Debilzen Episode 13
A Beginner’s Guide to Redrawing Your Path | Ep. 013
Redraw Your Path
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Redraw Your Path
A Beginner’s Guide to Redrawing Your Path | Ep. 013
Mar 27, 2024 Episode 13
Lynn Debilzen

A Beginner’s Guide to Redrawing Your Path | Ep. 013

It can be scary! To know you need and want to do something else, but feeling like you’re stuck in the choices you’ve made, or your situation.

But, you’re not!

YES, there are many factors. But there are also MANY ways we can redraw our paths and take our happiness into our own hands.

4 Steps to Redrawing Your Path:

➡️ Understand when your body is telling you that something must change.

This might be: constant upset stomach, headaches, rumination, panic attacks, a feeling you just can’t put your finger on.

Every time I’ve redrawn my path, my body has been the first to know.

➡️ Listen for what you’re being called towards. 
➡️ Tune in to the feelings in your body.

To do this: meditate, journal, practice breathwork or yoga, build your mental fitness.

Change your scenery.

Create space for yourself. That might be getting out of the country, spending a day at a coffee shop being intentional, or something big like leaving your current job, or going on a 10-day silent retreat. What will help you create the space to listen?

Consulted with friends.

Left my job.

Took time for silence. Napped a lot. Unraveled my identity from my professional title.

Took more space and silence.

Worked with a coach.

And started a journal practice.

➡️ Embrace your new future.

To do this: Visualize yourself on your new paths. Start taking small risks and building your confidence. Those bigger risks will seem more attainable.

Work on your mindset. Start identifying and rewriting your limiting beliefs.

Talk to other people and start to open your mind to what’s possible.

You can actually take any interest, hobby, or passion and make it into a career. Look to others for inspiration, and work on your mental fitness and mindset.

But, don’t feel confident yet? Take risks…

For me, it was improv. Improv helped me to build confidence and to play, just have fun. It helped me to really imagine something else for my life.

➡️ Make a plan to get to your new path.

Vision boards don’t happen by accident! I’ve made the mistake of thinking that putting it together was enough. It’s not!

To do this: Identify the first step, even if it’s a baby step. That will help you build your confidence. And, write down what you need to do to make it happen.

Then, it’s time to get serious: quarterly planning! Think 3 months at a time.

PRIORITIZE. Be realistic but concrete.

Seriously? When I first started quarterly planning, one of my goals was “Have some effing fun.” And I identified the ways I would have fun that quarter. I moved from there to setting business goals for myself, and last year I even set a goal to find a partner and fall in love. Honestly.

I did not do ALL of the things in my goal planning, but by sticking with it, I learned what was realistic and have gotten better every quarter. I’m now on my fourth cycle of quarterly planning (shoutout Ally Bubb and Best Ever), and I’ve built a more consistent business, I’ve prioritized fun, I changed my mindset and built really critical self-care routines, AND I found love!

Redrawing your path will not JUST HAPPEN MIRACULOUSLY. You must be intentional, be willing to take risks, have faith, and be willing to learn through the journey. You’ve got this!

Connect with Lynn:

Show Notes Transcript

A Beginner’s Guide to Redrawing Your Path | Ep. 013

It can be scary! To know you need and want to do something else, but feeling like you’re stuck in the choices you’ve made, or your situation.

But, you’re not!

YES, there are many factors. But there are also MANY ways we can redraw our paths and take our happiness into our own hands.

4 Steps to Redrawing Your Path:

➡️ Understand when your body is telling you that something must change.

This might be: constant upset stomach, headaches, rumination, panic attacks, a feeling you just can’t put your finger on.

Every time I’ve redrawn my path, my body has been the first to know.

➡️ Listen for what you’re being called towards. 
➡️ Tune in to the feelings in your body.

To do this: meditate, journal, practice breathwork or yoga, build your mental fitness.

Change your scenery.

Create space for yourself. That might be getting out of the country, spending a day at a coffee shop being intentional, or something big like leaving your current job, or going on a 10-day silent retreat. What will help you create the space to listen?

Consulted with friends.

Left my job.

Took time for silence. Napped a lot. Unraveled my identity from my professional title.

Took more space and silence.

Worked with a coach.

And started a journal practice.

➡️ Embrace your new future.

To do this: Visualize yourself on your new paths. Start taking small risks and building your confidence. Those bigger risks will seem more attainable.

Work on your mindset. Start identifying and rewriting your limiting beliefs.

Talk to other people and start to open your mind to what’s possible.

You can actually take any interest, hobby, or passion and make it into a career. Look to others for inspiration, and work on your mental fitness and mindset.

But, don’t feel confident yet? Take risks…

For me, it was improv. Improv helped me to build confidence and to play, just have fun. It helped me to really imagine something else for my life.

➡️ Make a plan to get to your new path.

Vision boards don’t happen by accident! I’ve made the mistake of thinking that putting it together was enough. It’s not!

To do this: Identify the first step, even if it’s a baby step. That will help you build your confidence. And, write down what you need to do to make it happen.

Then, it’s time to get serious: quarterly planning! Think 3 months at a time.

PRIORITIZE. Be realistic but concrete.

Seriously? When I first started quarterly planning, one of my goals was “Have some effing fun.” And I identified the ways I would have fun that quarter. I moved from there to setting business goals for myself, and last year I even set a goal to find a partner and fall in love. Honestly.

I did not do ALL of the things in my goal planning, but by sticking with it, I learned what was realistic and have gotten better every quarter. I’m now on my fourth cycle of quarterly planning (shoutout Ally Bubb and Best Ever), and I’ve built a more consistent business, I’ve prioritized fun, I changed my mindset and built really critical self-care routines, AND I found love!

Redrawing your path will not JUST HAPPEN MIRACULOUSLY. You must be intentional, be willing to take risks, have faith, and be willing to learn through the journey. You’ve got this!

Connect with Lynn:


Hey friends, welcome to Redraw Your Path, a podcast where I share stories of people who have made big changes in their lives and forged their own unique paths. Guests talk about their moments of messiness, fear, and reframing on their way to where they are now. I'm Lynn Debilzen, and my goal is to inspire you about the shape your life could take. So let's get inspired. Hey. Yeah. Lynn here. today we're going to do something a little bit different again, which I am really, really excited about. I know I get excited about everything. I need to get some more adjectives. But I'm really thrilled about this. so today I'm going to cover a beginner's guide to redrawing your path. When you know that you're not on the right path. It can be really scary. To make a decision to do something else. And. To get on that right path. I've set up a beginner's guide to thinking about and helping you. Make those moves. So it can be scary to know that you want and need to do something else, but feeling like your stuck in the choices you've made, or in your situation, whether good or bad, whatever those choices were, they're your choices. but that stuckness doesn't ever feel good. I want you to know you're not stuck. Barring extreme conditions. You are not stuck in your current situation and you have options. There are many factors, obviously. but there are also many different ways that we can redraw our paths and take happiness into our own hands. So. With this guide to redrawing your path, I hope to give you some tips and tools to getting there. I've created four steps to redrawing your path the first step is understand when your body is telling you that something must change. So what that might look like you might have constant upset stomach. You might have headaches you might have rumination. panic attacks. if there is a feeling that you just can't put your finger on. Your body might be telling you that something needs to change. every time I've redrawn my path, my body was the first to know. Way ahead of my brain. We had of that powerful mind that I have, my body was always the first to know. Um, so in college I was having daily headaches and going through a bottle of ibuprofen every few days. My body was the first to know. 10 years ago. I was living in Boston. I was commuting two and a half hours a day. And the panic attacks that I was having, those were my hints that something needed to change. And then, I didn't listen and eventually I had my first fibromyalgia flare up and that was my answer. Right? Like my body knew something needed to change. So. That first step in the beginner's guide to read you're on your path is understand when your body is telling you that something needs to change. Number two step number two is listen for what you're being called towards. So really like tune into those feelings in your body and to do this. Some things I suggest are meditation, journaling, practicing breathwork, or yoga can be incredibly powerful. Building your mental fitness. Really, really, really powerful. Really tuning into that inner Sage within you, we all have an inner sage. being able to tune into that through strong mental fitness is going to help you to listen for what you're being called towards another tip. Change your scenery. Get out, travel, go to a cafe. Really create space for yourself. So that might be getting out of the country that might be spending the day at a coffee shop, really being intentional. spending time with your journal. Or space might look like. Leaving your current job and something big like that. Sometimes we don't know, or we don't have the space to listen to what were called towards. If something else is taking up so much space in our lives. Maybe you're going on a silent retreat, right? Some people go. really intensely, you're going to eat, pray, love it. Right. And go on a 10 day silent retreat. So, how are you going to create the space to listen to yourself and listen for what you're being called towards? for me, it was traveling again. Traveling has always helped me to get in touch with what I need. so after the pandemic, I took a trip to Costa Rica in early 2022. And after a few years of no international travel for me, which was really hard. it really just helped me get in touch with what I needed and with my core self again. And I thought I was going to be able to carry that energy back over. When I went back to work after like just an eight day trip, right. And after a few weeks, it was really clear that I was being called towards something else. Towards what? I didn't know. But I knew I needed to create the space for myself to be able to figure what that figure out what that was. So I, you know, like I talked with everybody, I knew, I tried to figure like, figure out how to do that. And, I got some advice from a really, really wise friend. And she said, are you sure you can't leave your job? and that just like encourage me. Oh, okay. Let me just figure out. Maybe I could. And, I was incredibly privileged and just did some calculations and I was like, you know, It wouldn't be the end of the world. and I decided what was most important for me at that time was to create that space. I absolutely needed that space. and I took time for silence and I napped a lot. And I unraveled. My identity from my professional title that I held before. And it was one of the hardest periods. Of my life was also one of the best periods of my life, but it was incredibly challenging, but I needed to take more space. And create more silence in my life to be able to listen to what I was being called towards. so during the time I worked with a coach and that was incredibly powerful, and I started a journal practice. and that was actually from working with a different coach to that journal practice that I do. To this day. and I'm not talking about you know, my fourth grade diary of like today I did this and I really have a crush on so-and-so. the journal practice that I started was really around gratitude and manifestation. And imagining. What it would feel like when I've figured all this out and what it would feel like when I have that clarity and what I, what it would feel like when I have that dream life. so journaling has helped me really get in touch with what I was being called towards. So that was step two. Listen to what you're being called towards step three. embrace your new future. So to do this, and this goes along with the journaling. Visualize yourself on your new path. Start taking small risks and building your confidence. And then those bigger risks are going to seem more attainable. so you might have this dream life and you're like, I could never do that because it is so far from what I'm doing now. Start with something really, really, really small. And then I encourage you to talk to other people and that will help you start to imagine what's possible. That's what did it for me, honestly, like I just talked to more and more and more and more people. And it really helped me understand, oh, like life could look like this and I had never thought that that would be a potential path for me. one of the things I'll share that I've learned is you can actually take any interest or hobby or passion and make it into a career. And what you should do is look to others for inspiration and then work on your mental fitness. And your mindset and then. In order to feel confident. Take risks. If you are not feeling confident. You just have to like take a tiny risk. For me, it was improv. I took an improv class and that really helped me to build confidence and to play and to just have fun. And it helped me too. Imagine something else for my life. What that was, I didn't know. But, by building that muscle of risk-taking. It helped me build the confidence and to really. Embrace my new future. So that's number three, embrace your new future, and really start to visualize yourself, start to build that muscle of risk-taking and confidence. Step number four in your beginner's guide to redrawing your path. Make a plan to get to your new path. Vision boards do not happen by accident. I have made the mistake of thinking that putting it together was enough. I've made vision boards in the past. I put it together. But it wasn't happening right. That is not enough to just put it together and. Like bingo. I had that realization. This past year. So in order to make that plan to get to your new path, All you need to do is identify your first step. Even if it's the baby step. So that's going to help you build your confidence. And write down what you need to do to make it happen. And then I invite you to get serious about it. Quarterly planning, monthly planning, weekly planning. Whatever that looks like for you. Start to chunk it out and work towards it. This has been revelatory for me. Many of you listening might not be like. That surprise that oh, actually quarterly planning about life. Not about work really helps you meet your goals, but, Hmm. Surprise, surprise. It does. So. Once you have that vision. Or once you've identified that first step. Just prioritize, right? for me as chronic overachiever. I tend to want to take everything on at once. So you have to prioritize, I'm saying this as much for myself as I am for you. because I need to hear it over and over, but prioritize and be realistic, but really concrete. when I first started quarterly planning and one of my goals was have some effing fun, honestly, like this was my quarterly goal was just go have some fun, fun. I knew. I wanted to create more joy in my life and more fun. And so what I did for that quarter was identified ways that. I was going to have fun. In that quarter. And then I moved from there to setting some business goals, even if I didn't have clarity quite yet on my business. but I set some business goals for myself and then last year I even set a goal. I realized wait, like the part in my left that's missing is I've always, really wanted a partner. And so we set a goal there and I ended up falling in love. I put myself out there. Honestly and fell in love. And like that could have been because of the quarterly plan. It could have been luck. But I like to believe that, because I was intentional and my current partner. Was intentional. That we ended up finding each other. And I think that's a really, really beautiful thing. so one of the things to know about quarterly planning, I did not end up doing everything. That I put in my quarterly plan every quarter. sometimes they carried it over as sometimes I decided, you know what? This is an important to me anymore. But by sticking with this process, I learned what was realistic. And I've gotten better every single quarter. So I'm now on my fourth cycle of quarterly planning. I do want to shout out. Ally Bubb from my first episode and the Best Ever Program, because that is what has helped me. To learn this process and to be accountable to it. but because of quarterly planning, I've built a more consistent. Business I've prioritized find I changed my mindset. And I built really, really critical self care routines. And I found love, like these are all ever evolving. Right. But like, I don't know that they all would have happened. Had I just created my vision board and let it sit. One thing to know, beginner's guide to redrawing your path. Redrawing your path is not just going to happen, miraculously. When I moved back to the us. In 2011. My goal was I'm going to move abroad as soon as possible. Again, And I set that goal and I let it sit there and sit there and sit there. And there were other factor if I had a ton of student loans, there were a lot of factors, but. I let that goal sit there and it wasn't until I had a wake up call last year on a coaching call that I was like, wait a minute. This has been my goal the entire time. And I have taken zero steps towards it. So. Redrawing your path is not just going to happen miraculously. You really need to be intentional. You need to take risks. You need to have faith. And you need to be willing to learn through the journey. So those are the four steps in the beginner's guide to redrawing your path. One. Understand when your body is telling you that something must change. Two. Listen for what you're being called towards create space. Three. Embrace your new future. And four, make a plan to get to your new path. I hope this is helpful. I'm really excited to hear what you think. Let me know if it's helpful and let me know if you make any changes. Thanks. Y'all. Hey, thanks for listening to Redraw Your Path with me Lynn Debilzen, If you liked the episode, please share and subscribe. That helps more listeners find me. And don't be shy, reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn. I would love to know what resonated with you. Can't wait to share more inspiring stories with you. See you next week.